2015-06-22 release
This version is primarily a maintenance release, with some improvements to the skeletal system and a new term for the newly discovered nervous system lymph vasculature
- circulatory/neuro
- Added new class for lymph vessel of dura mater; see http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature14432
- made ganglion a cell cluster organ rather than cell cluster. 702
- xrefs and lexical properties
- replaced multiple MESH tree numbers with IDs. 698. Thanks dhimmel
- Migrated mouse anatomy tracker from sourceforge to github and rerouted tickets
- Added multiple github tickets URLs to relevant terms
- Changed FBbt xref for proctodeum. Fixes 685. Thanks mmc64 dosumis ANiknejad
- fixed formatting of def xrefs; previously in the obo these were not correctly separated leading to problems with the OWL axiom annotations
- FEED xrefs
- skeletal and body parts
- nose job:
- turbinal improvements based on PMID:25312359
- what was called “olfactory appartus” is now simply “nose”
- pelvic region part of pelvis. Fixes 706
- Linked bony and skeletal element projections. Fixes 107
- procoracoid def. Fixes 104
- lunate->intermedium. fixes 113
- scaphoid->radiale. fixes 112
- added has_quality to spine appendage. 700
- added spine as syn from projection. 700
- nose job:
- Integument
- hairy stuff. taxon constraint for wool, issue 703
- improvements to hair and feathers
- NT: outer root sheath companion layer
- Constraints and axiomatization
- Added multiple axioms following the DisjointUnionOver pattern aka JEPD mereological sums.
- disjoint_union_over; feathers; fixing over-zealous constraint; there are some structures like tendons that are both part of the skeletal system (not skeleton) and muscle system
- TCs for lung. Issue 701
Ontology Diff Report
Original Ontology
- IRI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon.owl
- VersionIRI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/releases/2015-05-25/uberon.owl
New Ontology
- IRI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon.owl
- VersionIRI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/releases/2015-06-22/uberon.owl
Report for classes
Class objects lost from source: 0
Class objects new in target: 5
New Class : outer root sheath companion layer
- outer root sheath companion layer database cross reference BTO:0003970
- outer root sheath companion layer definition the innermost layer of the outer root sheath. { database cross reference=03 }
- outer root sheath companion layer SubClassOf structure with developmental contribution from neural crest
- outer root sheath companion layer label outer root sheath companion layer
- outer root sheath companion layer SubClassOf integumentary system layer
- outer root sheath companion layer has obo namespace uberon
- outer root sheath companion layer SubClassOf ectoderm-derived structure
- outer root sheath companion layer SubClassOf part of some hair outer root sheath
- outer root sheath companion layer id UBERON:0035609
- outer root sheath companion layer structure notes It contains cells that are morphologically and biochemically different from the inner root sheath and outer root sheath. The cells of the companion layer are more flattened than the other cells of the outer root sheath and do not contain glycogen. In addition, a novel human type II cytokeratin, K6hf, is specifically expressed in the companion layer of the hair follicle
New Class : dura mater lymph vessel
- dura mater lymph vessel has related synonym dural lymph vasculature
- dura mater lymph vessel EquivalentTo lymphatic vessel and located in some dura mater
- dura mater lymph vessel SubClassOf part of some meningeal cluster
- dura mater lymph vessel id UBERON:0035608
- dura mater lymph vessel has obo namespace uberon
- dura mater lymph vessel label dura mater lymph vessel
- dura mater lymph vessel SubClassOf ectoderm-derived structure
- dura mater lymph vessel definition Any lymph vessel that is located in the dura mater of the brain . { database cross reference=http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature14432 }
- dura mater lymph vessel SubClassOf located in some dura mater
- dura mater lymph vessel has exact synonym dural lymph vessel
- dura mater lymph vessel SubClassOf lymphatic vessel
New Class : nasal turbinal
- nasal turbinal SubClassOf endochondral element
- nasal turbinal SubClassOf part of some ethmoid region
- nasal turbinal SubClassOf mesoderm-derived structure
- nasal turbinal taxon notes unossified in dinosaurs[http://palaeos.com/vertebrates/bones/braincase/ethmoid.html]
- nasal turbinal has exact synonym nasal turbinal
- nasal turbinal id UBERON:0035612
- nasal turbinal label nasal turbinal
- nasal turbinal SubClassOf located in some nasal cavity
- nasal turbinal has exact synonym nasal turbinal element
- nasal turbinal definition A skeletal element of the ethmoid region with complex morphology that are lined with mucuous membranes involved in either olfaction or air conditioning. { database cross reference=http://palaeos.com/vertebrates/bones/braincase/ethmoid.html , database cross reference=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nasal_concha , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- nasal turbinal has obo namespace uberon
- nasal turbinal has exact synonym turbinal { database cross reference=palaeos.com/vertebrates/bones/braincase/ethmoid.html }
- nasal turbinal has exact synonym nasal turbinate
- nasal turbinal has related synonym conchae nasales { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nasal_concha , has synonym type=latin term }
- nasal turbinal has related synonym concha { database cross reference=EMAPA:25093 }
- nasal turbinal editor note consult http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25312359 to add missing structures, e.g. ectoturbinals
- nasal turbinal has exact synonym turbinate
- nasal turbinal has related synonym nasal concha
New Class : hair canal
- hair canal SubClassOf anatomical conduit
- hair canal has obo namespace uberon
- hair canal SubClassOf conduit for some hair shaft
- hair canal SubClassOf ectoderm-derived structure
- hair canal SubClassOf part of some zone of skin
- hair canal EquivalentTo anatomical conduit and connects some skin epidermis and connects some hair inner root sheath and conduit for some hair shaft
- hair canal label hair canal
- hair canal id UBERON:0035610
- hair canal definition Tubular connection between the epidermal surface and the most distal part of the inner root sheath. Contains the hair shaft. { database cross reference=http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2008.12.005 }
- hair canal SubClassOf connects some hair inner root sheath
- hair canal SubClassOf connects some skin epidermis
New Class : hair peg
- hair peg SubClassOf part of some dermis
- hair peg label hair peg
- hair peg definition Column of keratinocytes growing into the dermis during embryonic hair follicle development. The concave proximal end starts to encase the dermal condensate, the future dermal papilla. { database cross reference=http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2008.12.005 }
- hair peg id UBERON:0035611
- hair peg SubClassOf developing anatomical structure
- hair peg has obo namespace uberon
Changed Class objects: 2302
Changes for: iliac spine
- Deleted
- - iliac spine SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: digit 3 digitopodial skeleton
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: digit 4 digitopodial skeleton
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: digit 5 digitopodial skeleton
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: digit 2 digitopodial skeleton
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: digit 1 digitopodial skeleton
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: anatomical conduit space
- Deleted
- - anatomical conduit space definition An anatomical space which is the lumen of some anatomical conduit and connects two or more spaces together[FMA,modified]. { database cross reference=FMA:9338 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + anatomical conduit space definition An anatomical space which is the lumen of some anatomical conduit and connects two or more spaces together[FMA,modified]. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=FMA:9338 }
Changes for: pericalcarine cortex
- Deleted
- - pericalcarine cortex definition Component of the parietal lobe. The rostral boundary of the pericalcarine cortex was the first appearance of the calcarine sulcus whereas the caudal boundary was the most posterior coronal slice where the calcarine sulcus was visualized. The medial and lateral boundaries were the medial portion of the temporal and occipital cortices and the inferomedial end of the calcarine sulcus respectively (Christine Fennema-Notestine). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1059 }
- Added
- + pericalcarine cortex definition Component of the parietal lobe. The rostral boundary of the pericalcarine cortex was the first appearance of the calcarine sulcus whereas the caudal boundary was the most posterior coronal slice where the calcarine sulcus was visualized. The medial and lateral boundaries were the medial portion of the temporal and occipital cortices and the inferomedial end of the calcarine sulcus respectively (Christine Fennema-Notestine). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1059 }
Changes for: buttock
- Deleted
- - buttock database cross reference MESH:A01.378.610.100
- - buttock definition A zone of soft tissue located on the posterior of the lateral side of the pelvic region corresponding to the gluteal muscles. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buttocks , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + buttock database cross reference MESH:D002081
- + buttock definition A zone of soft tissue located on the posterior of the lateral side of the pelvic region corresponding to the gluteal muscles. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buttocks , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: female pubococcygeus muscle
- Deleted
- - female pubococcygeus muscle definition Pubovaginalis in the female is the equivalent of levator prostatae in the male. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + female pubococcygeus muscle definition Pubovaginalis in the female is the equivalent of levator prostatae in the male. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: serrated projection of ctenactinium
- Deleted
Changes for: medial orbital frontal cortex
- Deleted
- - medial orbital frontal cortex has exact synonym medial orbitofrontal cortex { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + medial orbital frontal cortex has exact synonym medial orbitofrontal cortex { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: parietal serous membrane
- Deleted
- - parietal serous membrane definition Serous membrane layer that lines to a body cavity. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + parietal serous membrane definition Serous membrane layer that lines to a body cavity. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: visceral serous membrane
- Deleted
- - visceral serous membrane definition Serous membrane layer that is adjacent to and lines an organ. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + visceral serous membrane definition Serous membrane layer that is adjacent to and lines an organ. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: male mammary gland duct
- Deleted
- - male mammary gland duct definition A mammary gland duct that is part of a male organism. This structure typically regresses. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + male mammary gland duct definition A mammary gland duct that is part of a male organism. This structure typically regresses. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: jaw region
- Deleted
- - jaw region definition A subdivision of the head that corresponds to the jaw skeleton, containing both soft tissue, skeleton and teeth (when present). The jaw region is divided into upper and lower regions. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + jaw region definition A subdivision of the head that corresponds to the jaw skeleton, containing both soft tissue, skeleton and teeth (when present). The jaw region is divided into upper and lower regions. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: maxillary tooth
- Deleted
- - maxillary tooth curator notes this ontology also contains a class for ‘tooth of upper jaw’. This is not equivalent to ‘maxillary tooth’ in a multi-species context, because many vertebrates have other tooth-bearing bones in the upper jaw[UBERON:cjm]
- Added
- + maxillary tooth curator notes this ontology also contains a class for ‘tooth of upper jaw’. This is not equivalent to ‘maxillary tooth’ in a multi-species context, because many vertebrates have other tooth-bearing bones in the upper jaw[http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165]
Changes for: lenticular process of incus bone
- Deleted
Changes for: palatine prong
- Deleted
- - palatine prong SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: anterior process of the palatoquadrate
- Deleted
Changes for: peripheral plate of carapace
- Deleted
- - peripheral plate of carapace has related synonym marginal plate of carapace { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + peripheral plate of carapace has related synonym marginal plate of carapace { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: pleural plate of carapace
- Deleted
- - pleural plate of carapace has related synonym lateral plate of carapace { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + pleural plate of carapace has related synonym lateral plate of carapace { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: pontocerebellar tract
- Deleted
- - pontocerebellar tract has exact synonym pontine crossing tract { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + pontocerebellar tract has exact synonym pontine crossing tract { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: hindlimb intermedium
- Deleted
- - hindlimb intermedium definition A proximal tarsal bone that articulates with the fibula. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + hindlimb intermedium definition A proximal tarsal bone that articulates with the fibula. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: trunk vertebra
- Deleted
- - trunk vertebra has related synonym presacral vertebra { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + trunk vertebra has related synonym presacral vertebra { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: primary olfactory cortex
- Deleted
- - primary olfactory cortex definition The term primary olfactory areas in the primate, refers to a group of structures defined by connectivity, namely, structures that receive axons from the olfactory bulb. They include the anterior olfactory nucleus, the anterior perforated substance, the rostral part of the medial amygdaloid nucleus (anterior cortical nucleus of amygdala), and structures in the anterior part of the parahippocampal gyrus, namely, the prepyriform area, most of the periamygdaloid area, and the rostral part of the entorhinal area (Price-90). Note that some authors have regarded the olfactory bulb itself as the primary olfactory area and the areas to which it projects as secondary (Anthoney-94). In the mouse (Dong-2004) and the rat (Swanson-2004), olfactory areas include the olfactory bulb, accessory olfactory bulb, anterior olfactory nucleus, tenia tecta, prepyriform area, postpiriform transition area, piriform amygdaloid area, nucleus of lateral olfactory tract, and cortical amygdaloid area. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_2706 }
- Added
- + primary olfactory cortex definition The term primary olfactory areas in the primate, refers to a group of structures defined by connectivity, namely, structures that receive axons from the olfactory bulb. They include the anterior olfactory nucleus, the anterior perforated substance, the rostral part of the medial amygdaloid nucleus (anterior cortical nucleus of amygdala), and structures in the anterior part of the parahippocampal gyrus, namely, the prepyriform area, most of the periamygdaloid area, and the rostral part of the entorhinal area (Price-90). Note that some authors have regarded the olfactory bulb itself as the primary olfactory area and the areas to which it projects as secondary (Anthoney-94). In the mouse (Dong-2004) and the rat (Swanson-2004), olfactory areas include the olfactory bulb, accessory olfactory bulb, anterior olfactory nucleus, tenia tecta, prepyriform area, postpiriform transition area, piriform amygdaloid area, nucleus of lateral olfactory tract, and cortical amygdaloid area. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_2706 }
Changes for: digestive system element
- Deleted
- - digestive system element definition Any of the organs or elements that are part of the digestive system. Examples: tongue, esophagus, spleen, crop, lunge feeding organ, tooth elements. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + digestive system element definition Any of the organs or elements that are part of the digestive system. Examples: tongue, esophagus, spleen, crop, lunge feeding organ, tooth elements. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: basihyal lingual process
- Deleted
- - basihyal lingual process SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: surangular bone
- Deleted
- - surangular bone has related synonym supra-angular bone { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/164 }
- - surangular bone has related synonym supra-angular { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/164 }
- - surangular bone has related synonym supraangular bone { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/164 }
- - surangular bone has related synonym supraangular { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/164 }
- - surangular bone has related synonym suprangular bone { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/164 }
- - surangular bone has related synonym suprangular { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suprangular , database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/164 }
- Added
- + surangular bone has related synonym supra-angular bone { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/164 }
- + surangular bone has related synonym supra-angular { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/164 }
- + surangular bone has related synonym supraangular bone { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/164 }
- + surangular bone has related synonym supraangular { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/164 }
- + surangular bone has related synonym suprangular bone { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/164 }
- + surangular bone has related synonym suprangular { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suprangular , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/164 }
Changes for: patagialis muscle
- Deleted
- - patagialis muscle definition A muscle of the patagium that attaches to the clavicle and the metacarpal { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + patagialis muscle definition A muscle of the patagium that attaches to the clavicle and the metacarpal { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: interclavicle
- Deleted
- - interclavicle has exact synonym interclavicle bone { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + interclavicle has exact synonym interclavicle bone { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: primary superior olive
- Deleted
- - primary superior olive definition Part of the superior olivary complex of nuclei in the caudal pontine tegmentum, situated within the trapezoid body in humans. (Brodal, Neurological Anatomy, 3rd edition, 1981, pg 617). In many species, it comprises a medial superior olivary nucleus and a lateral superior olivary nucleus. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_900 }
- Added
- + primary superior olive definition Part of the superior olivary complex of nuclei in the caudal pontine tegmentum, situated within the trapezoid body in humans. (Brodal, Neurological Anatomy, 3rd edition, 1981, pg 617). In many species, it comprises a medial superior olivary nucleus and a lateral superior olivary nucleus. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_900 }
Changes for: rostral anterior cingulate cortex
- Deleted
- - rostral anterior cingulate cortex definition Component of the cingulate cortex. The rostral boundary was the first appearance of the cingulate sulcus (inferior to the superior frontal sulcus) whereas the caudal boundary was the first appearance of the genu of the corpus callosum. The medial boundary was the medial aspect of the cortex. The supero-lateral boundary was the superior frontal gyrus whereas the infero-lateral boundary was defined as the medial division of the orbitofrontal gyrus (Christine Fennema-Notestine). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_975 }
- Added
- + rostral anterior cingulate cortex definition Component of the cingulate cortex. The rostral boundary was the first appearance of the cingulate sulcus (inferior to the superior frontal sulcus) whereas the caudal boundary was the first appearance of the genu of the corpus callosum. The medial boundary was the medial aspect of the cortex. The supero-lateral boundary was the superior frontal gyrus whereas the infero-lateral boundary was defined as the medial division of the orbitofrontal gyrus (Christine Fennema-Notestine). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_975 }
Changes for: colic flexure
- Deleted
- - colic flexure definition A sharp bend between consecutive segments of the colon. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + colic flexure definition A sharp bend between consecutive segments of the colon. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: tear film
- Deleted
- - tear film definition An aqueous substance that covers the anterior surface of the eyeball, keeping the cornea wet. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + tear film SubClassOf bodily fluid
- + tear film SubClassOf protects some ocular surface region
- + tear film definition An aqueous substance that covers the anterior surface of the eyeball, keeping the cornea wet. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: inferior palpebral branch of infra-orbital nerve
- Deleted
- - inferior palpebral branch of infra-orbital nerve definition A nerve that innervates a lower eyelid and is a branch of the infra-orbital branch of the maxillary nerve. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + inferior palpebral branch of infra-orbital nerve definition A nerve that innervates a lower eyelid and is a branch of the infra-orbital branch of the maxillary nerve. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: palpebral branch of infra-orbital nerve
- Deleted
- - palpebral branch of infra-orbital nerve definition A nerve that innervates an eyelid and is a branch of the infra-orbital branch of the maxillary nerve. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + palpebral branch of infra-orbital nerve definition A nerve that innervates an eyelid and is a branch of the infra-orbital branch of the maxillary nerve. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: lower eyelid nerve
- Deleted
- - lower eyelid nerve definition A nerve that innervates a lower eyelid. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + lower eyelid nerve definition A nerve that innervates a lower eyelid. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: upper eyelid nerve
- Deleted
- - upper eyelid nerve definition A nerve that innervates an upper eyelid. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + upper eyelid nerve definition A nerve that innervates an upper eyelid. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: ventral thalamic fasciculus
- Deleted
- - ventral thalamic fasciculus definition The thalamic fasciculus is a component of the subthalamus. It is sometimes considered synonymous with ‘field H1 of Forel’. Nerve fibres forming a composite bundle containing cerebellothalamic (crossed) and pallidothalamic (uncrossed) fibres that is insinuated between the thalamus and zona incerta. The thalamic fasciculus consists of the joint fibers of the ansa lenticularis and the lenticular fasciculus, coming from different portions of the medial globus pallidus, before they jointly enter the ventral lateral nucleus of the thalamus. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thalamic_fasciculus,Wikipedia:Thalamic_fasciculus }
- Added
- + ventral thalamic fasciculus definition The thalamic fasciculus is a component of the subthalamus. It is sometimes considered synonymous with ‘field H1 of Forel’. Nerve fibres forming a composite bundle containing cerebellothalamic (crossed) and pallidothalamic (uncrossed) fibres that is insinuated between the thalamus and zona incerta. The thalamic fasciculus consists of the joint fibers of the ansa lenticularis and the lenticular fasciculus, coming from different portions of the medial globus pallidus, before they jointly enter the ventral lateral nucleus of the thalamus. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thalamic_fasciculus }
Changes for: caudal anterior cingulate cortex
- Deleted
- - caudal anterior cingulate cortex definition Component of the cingulate cortex. The rostral boundary was the first appearance of the genu of the corpus callosum whereas the caudal boundary was established as the first appearance of the mammillary bodies. The medial boundary was the medial aspect of the cortex. The supero-lateral boundary was the superior frontal gyrus whereas the infero-lateral boundary was the corpus callosum (Christine Fennema-Notestine). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_967 }
- Added
- + caudal anterior cingulate cortex definition Component of the cingulate cortex. The rostral boundary was the first appearance of the genu of the corpus callosum whereas the caudal boundary was established as the first appearance of the mammillary bodies. The medial boundary was the medial aspect of the cortex. The supero-lateral boundary was the superior frontal gyrus whereas the infero-lateral boundary was the corpus callosum (Christine Fennema-Notestine). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_967 }
Changes for: medial subnucleus of solitary tract
- Deleted
- - medial subnucleus of solitary tract has exact synonym solitary nucleus, medial subnucleus { database cross reference=HBA:9661 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + medial subnucleus of solitary tract has exact synonym solitary nucleus, medial subnucleus { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=HBA:9661 }
Changes for: nucleus of spinal cord
- Deleted
- - nucleus of spinal cord definition A neural nucleus that is part of the spinal cord. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + nucleus of spinal cord definition A neural nucleus that is part of the spinal cord. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: dorsal commissural nucleus of spinal cord
- Deleted
- - dorsal commissural nucleus of spinal cord definition A continuous column of gray matter along the midline in the dorsal gray commissure that sends fibers to the hypogastric nerve. { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/758335 }
- Added
- + dorsal commissural nucleus of spinal cord definition A continuous column of gray matter along the midline in the dorsal gray commissure that sends fibers to the hypogastric nerve. { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/758335 }
Changes for: feather shaft
- Added
- + feather shaft definition The combination of the rachis and the calamus. { database cross reference=[https://en.wikivet.net/Feather_-Anatomy%26Physiology](https://en.wikivet.net/Feather-Anatomy%26_Physiology) }
Changes for: feather muscle
- Added
- + feather muscle EquivalentTo skin muscle and attaches to some feather follicle
Changes for: manual digit 5 plus metapodial segment
- Deleted
- - manual digit 5 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 }
- - manual digit 5 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym manual digit V plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 5 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 }
- + manual digit 5 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym manual digit V plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 4 plus metapodial segment
- Deleted
- - manual digit 4 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 }
- - manual digit 4 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym manual digit IV plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 4 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 }
- + manual digit 4 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym manual digit IV plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 3 plus metapodial segment
- Deleted
- - manual digit 3 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 }
- - manual digit 3 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym manual digit III plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 3 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 }
- + manual digit 3 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym manual digit III plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 2 plus metapodial segment
- Deleted
- - manual digit 2 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 }
- - manual digit 2 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym manual digit II plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 2 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 }
- + manual digit 2 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym manual digit II plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 5 plus metapodial segment
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 5 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 }
- - pedal digit 5 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym pedal digit V plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 5 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 }
- + pedal digit 5 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym pedal digit V plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 4 plus metapodial segment
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 4 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 }
- - pedal digit 4 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym pedal digit IV plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 4 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 }
- + pedal digit 4 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym pedal digit IV plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 1 plus metapodial segment
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 1 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 }
- - pedal digit 1 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym pedal digit I plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 1 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 }
- + pedal digit 1 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym pedal digit I plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 3 plus metapodial segment
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 3 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 }
- - pedal digit 3 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym pedal digit III plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 3 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 }
- + pedal digit 3 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym pedal digit III plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 2 plus metapodial segment
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 2 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 }
- - pedal digit 2 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym pedal digit II plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 2 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 }
- + pedal digit 2 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym pedal digit II plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit plus metapodial segment
- Deleted
- - pedal digit plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 }
- Added
- + pedal digit plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 }
Changes for: manual digit 1 plus metapodial segment
- Deleted
- - manual digit 1 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 }
- - manual digit 1 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym manual digit I plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 1 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 }
- + manual digit 1 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym manual digit I plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: inner epidermal layer of feather follicle
- Added
Changes for: outer epidermal layer of feather follicle
- Added
- + outer epidermal layer of feather follicle EquivalentTo epidermis of feather follicle and bounding layer of some feather follicle
- + outer epidermal layer of feather follicle SubClassOf bounding layer of some feather follicle
Changes for: non-neurogenic ectodermal placode
- Deleted
- - non-neurogenic ectodermal placode definition Ectodermal placode that does not develop into a component of the nervous system. { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11523831 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + non-neurogenic ectodermal placode definition Ectodermal placode that does not develop into a component of the nervous system. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11523831 }
Changes for: superficial fascia
- Deleted
- - superficial fascia database cross reference MESH:A10.165.887
- Added
- + superficial fascia database cross reference MESH:D040521
Changes for: atrioventricular region
- Deleted
- - atrioventricular region definition An anatomical junction that divides and overlaps with and atrium and a ventricle in the heart. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + atrioventricular region definition An anatomical junction that divides and overlaps with and atrium and a ventricle in the heart. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: collection of collagen fibrils
- Deleted
- - collection of collagen fibrils database cross reference MESH:D12.776.860.300.250.300
- Added
- + collection of collagen fibrils database cross reference MESH:D024022
Changes for: midcarpal joint
- Deleted
- - midcarpal joint definition An intercarpal that connects a proximal and distal carpal bone { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midcarpal_joint , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + midcarpal joint definition An intercarpal that connects a proximal and distal carpal bone { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midcarpal_joint , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: palatoquadrate arch
- Deleted
- - palatoquadrate arch definition The dorsal portion of the first pharyngeal arch, comprising the upper jaw[ZFIN,VHOG]. { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/153 , database cross reference=VHOG:0000511 }
- Added
- + palatoquadrate arch contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + palatoquadrate arch contributor https://github.com/mellybelly
- + palatoquadrate arch definition The dorsal portion of the first pharyngeal arch, comprising the upper jaw[ZFIN,VHOG]. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/153 , database cross reference=VHOG:0000511 }
Changes for: vertebra pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- - vertebra pre-cartilage condensation definition The pre-cartilaginous form of a vertebral element, a skeletal element that forms around the notochord and is part of the vertebral column. { database cross reference=http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0051070 , database cross reference=GO_REF:0000034 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm , database cross reference=VSAO:0000184 }
- Added
- + vertebra pre-cartilage condensation definition The pre-cartilaginous form of a vertebral element, a skeletal element that forms around the notochord and is part of the vertebral column. { database cross reference=http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0051070 , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=GO_REF:0000034 , database cross reference=VSAO:0000184 }
Changes for: vertebra cartilage element
- Deleted
- - vertebra cartilage element definition The cartilaginous form of a vertebral element, a skeletal element that forms around the notochord and is part of the vertebral column. { database cross reference=http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0051070 , database cross reference=GO_REF:0000034 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm , database cross reference=VSAO:0000184 }
- Added
- + vertebra cartilage element definition The cartilaginous form of a vertebral element, a skeletal element that forms around the notochord and is part of the vertebral column. { database cross reference=http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0051070 , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=GO_REF:0000034 , database cross reference=VSAO:0000184 }
Changes for: gubernacular bulb, intra-abdominal part
- Deleted
- - gubernacular bulb, intra-abdominal part definition The portion of the gubernacular bulb that is located within the abdomen. { database cross reference=ISBN-10:0123971756 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + gubernacular bulb, intra-abdominal part definition The portion of the gubernacular bulb that is located within the abdomen. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=ISBN-10:0123971756 }
Changes for: gubernacular bulb, extra-abdominal part
- Deleted
- - gubernacular bulb, extra-abdominal part definition The portion of the gubernacular bulb that is located external to the abdomen. { database cross reference=ISBN-10:0123971756 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + gubernacular bulb, extra-abdominal part definition The portion of the gubernacular bulb that is located external to the abdomen. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=ISBN-10:0123971756 }
Changes for: thoracic vertebra 8
- Deleted
- - thoracic vertebra 8 definition The eighth thoracic vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/T8_Vertebra , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + thoracic vertebra 8 definition The eighth thoracic vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/T8_Vertebra , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: distal mesopodial endochondral element
- Deleted
- - distal mesopodial endochondral element definition An endochondral element in the distal portion of the mesopodial skeleton, between the central mesopodial skeleton and the metapodial skeleton { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + distal mesopodial endochondral element definition An endochondral element in the distal portion of the mesopodial skeleton, between the central mesopodial skeleton and the metapodial skeleton { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: coracoclavicular ligament
- Deleted
- - coracoclavicular ligament definition Any ligament that connects the coracoid process with the clavicle { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + coracoclavicular ligament definition Any ligament that connects the coracoid process with the clavicle { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: medial olfactory stria
- Deleted
- - medial olfactory stria definition The medial olfactory stria turns medialward behind the parolfactory area and ends in the subcallosal gyrus; in some cases a small intermediate stria is seen running backward to the anterior perforated substance. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medial_olfactory_stria,Wikipedia:Medial_olfactory_stria }
- Added
- + medial olfactory stria definition The medial olfactory stria turns medialward behind the parolfactory area and ends in the subcallosal gyrus; in some cases a small intermediate stria is seen running backward to the anterior perforated substance. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medial_olfactory_stria }
Changes for: caudal vertebra endochondral element
- Deleted
- - caudal vertebra endochondral element definition Any vertebra endochondral element that is part of the caudal region of the vertebral column (tail or coccyx). { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + caudal vertebra endochondral element definition Any vertebra endochondral element that is part of the caudal region of the vertebral column (tail or coccyx). { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: anterior perforated substance
- Deleted
- - anterior perforated substance definition Regional part of telencephalon lying on the basal surface and bounded by the olfactory trigone rostrally, the diagonal band medially and caudally and the prepiriform cortex laterally. It is characterized by many perforations caused by small blood vessels entering the gray matter (Meyer et al., J. Comp. Neurol 284: 405, 1989). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1096 }
- Added
- + anterior perforated substance definition Regional part of telencephalon lying on the basal surface and bounded by the olfactory trigone rostrally, the diagonal band medially and caudally and the prepiriform cortex laterally. It is characterized by many perforations caused by small blood vessels entering the gray matter (Meyer et al., J. Comp. Neurol 284: 405, 1989). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1096 }
Changes for: mammary lobe
- Deleted
- - mammary lobe definition A cluster of mammary gland lobules. In humans this is a distinct lobe and located in the breast region. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + mammary lobe definition A cluster of mammary gland lobules. In humans this is a distinct lobe and located in the breast region. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: anterior ramus of cleithrum
- Deleted
- - anterior ramus of cleithrum SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: transverse process of lumbar vertebra
- Deleted
- - transverse process of lumbar vertebra definition A transverse process that is part of a lumbar vertebra { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + transverse process of lumbar vertebra definition A transverse process that is part of a lumbar vertebra { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: lumbar rib
- Deleted
- - lumbar rib definition A rib that is attached to a lumbar vertebra. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + lumbar rib definition A rib that is attached to a lumbar vertebra. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: cervical rib
- Deleted
- - cervical rib definition A rib that is attached to a cervical vertebra. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + cervical rib definition A rib that is attached to a cervical vertebra. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: transverse process of cervical vertebra
- Deleted
- - transverse process of cervical vertebra definition A transverse process that is part of a cervical vertebra { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + transverse process of cervical vertebra definition A transverse process that is part of a cervical vertebra { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: glabella skin
- Deleted
- - glabella skin definition The zone of skin that overlaps with the glabella region. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glabella , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + glabella skin definition The zone of skin that overlaps with the glabella region. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glabella , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: glabella region
- Deleted
- - glabella region definition A region of the forehead corresponding to the space between the eyebrows and above the nose. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glabella , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + glabella region definition A region of the forehead corresponding to the space between the eyebrows and above the nose. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glabella , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: buccal vestibule
- Deleted
- - buccal vestibule definition The buccal vestibule is the space external to teeth and gums and internal to lips and cheeks. The proportion of its walls formed by the lips varies according to species depending upon their feeding action. The horse like most herbivores has a relatively small opening. PPP The buccal vestibule opens to the outside rostrally via a U shaped slit the oral fissure. PPP When the mouth is closed the buccal vestibule and the mouth cavity proper connect via spaces between and behind the teeth. These allow free communication between the two sides of the vestibule. PPP Several salivary ducts open into the dorso caudal part of the vestibule: PPP Parotid gland - opens into the cheek on the small parotid papilla, opposite to the caudal part of upper 4 th premolar teeth PPP Zygomatic gland - the main duct opens in the caudal part of the upper 1 st molar tooth on a small papilla near the vestibular fornix PPP Submucous glands - minimal in number, confined to the lower lip and adjacent part of the cheek. Secretion occurs through about 10 openings located near the fornix of the vestibule. { database cross reference=MURDOCH:240 }
- Added
- + buccal vestibule definition The buccal vestibule is the space external to teeth and gums and internal to lips and cheeks. The proportion of its walls formed by the lips varies according to species depending upon their feeding action. The horse like most herbivores has a relatively small opening. PPP The buccal vestibule opens to the outside rostrally via a U shaped slit the oral fissure. PPP When the mouth is closed the buccal vestibule and the mouth cavity proper connect via spaces between and behind the teeth. These allow free communication between the two sides of the vestibule. PPP Several salivary ducts open into the dorso caudal part of the vestibule: PPP Parotid gland - opens into the cheek on the small parotid papilla, opposite to the caudal part of upper 4 th premolar teeth PPP Zygomatic gland - the main duct opens in the caudal part of the upper 1 st molar tooth on a small papilla near the vestibular fornix PPP Submucous glands - minimal in number, confined to the lower lip and adjacent part of the cheek. Secretion occurs through about 10 openings located near the fornix of the vestibule. { database cross reference=MURDOCH:240 }
Changes for: morphological feature
- Deleted
- - morphological feature definition A part of an organism or organ that is continuous with its surroundings and distinguished from its surroundings based on morphology. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + morphological feature definition A part of an organism or organ that is continuous with its surroundings and distinguished from its surroundings based on morphology. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: areolar sweat gland
- Deleted
- - areolar sweat gland definition Any sweat gland that is part of an areola { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - areolar sweat gland has exact synonym areolar aprocine sweat gland { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + areolar sweat gland definition Any sweat gland that is part of an areola { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + areolar sweat gland has exact synonym areolar aprocine sweat gland { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: hindbrain commissure
- Deleted
- - hindbrain commissure definition Any commissure within the hindbrain. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm , database cross reference=ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090417-11 }
- Added
- + hindbrain commissure definition Any commissure within the hindbrain. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090417-11 }
Changes for: periovarian fat pad
- Deleted
- - periovarian fat pad definition The encapsulated adipose tissue associated with the ovaries. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + periovarian fat pad definition The encapsulated adipose tissue associated with the ovaries. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: monotreme bill
- Deleted
- - monotreme bill definition An elongated snout found in monotremes. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + monotreme bill definition An elongated snout found in monotremes. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: tail fat pad
- Deleted
- - tail fat pad definition Encapsulated adipose tissue that is part of a tail. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + tail fat pad definition Encapsulated adipose tissue that is part of a tail. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: rugal fold of scrotum
- Deleted
- - rugal fold of scrotum definition A folded ridge of skin that is part of a scrotum superficial to the dartos muscle { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + rugal fold of scrotum definition A folded ridge of skin that is part of a scrotum superficial to the dartos muscle { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: ilial ridge
- Deleted
- - ilial ridge SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: Nobelian rod
- Added
- + Nobelian rod SubClassOf pelvic region element
Changes for: developing neuroepithelium
- Deleted
- - developing neuroepithelium has exact synonym embryonic neuroepithelium { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + developing neuroepithelium has exact synonym embryonic neuroepithelium { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: colorectum
- Deleted
- - colorectum definition The subdivision of the digestive tract that consists of the colon and the rectum. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + colorectum definition The subdivision of the digestive tract that consists of the colon and the rectum. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: rectum smooth muscle tissue
- Deleted
- - rectum smooth muscle tissue definition Any portion of smooth muscle tissue that is part of the rectum { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + rectum smooth muscle tissue definition Any portion of smooth muscle tissue that is part of the rectum { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: muscle layer of rectum
- Deleted
- - muscle layer of rectum definition A muscle layer that is part of the rectum { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + muscle layer of rectum definition A muscle layer that is part of the rectum { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: head taste bud
- Deleted
- - head taste bud definition A taste bud that is located on the skin of the head. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + head taste bud definition A taste bud that is located on the skin of the head. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: esophageal taste bud
- Deleted
- - esophageal taste bud definition A taste bud that is located in the esophagus. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + esophageal taste bud definition A taste bud that is located in the esophagus. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: parafoveal part of retina
- Deleted
- - parafoveal part of retina definition The intermediate belt surrounding the fovea centralis { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + parafoveal part of retina definition The intermediate belt surrounding the fovea centralis { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: fin taste bud
- Deleted
- - fin taste bud definition A taste bud that is located on a fin. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + fin taste bud definition A taste bud that is located on a fin. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: perifoveal part of retina
- Deleted
- - perifoveal part of retina definition The outermost region surrounding the fovea centralis { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + perifoveal part of retina definition The outermost region surrounding the fovea centralis { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: mouth roof taste bud
- Deleted
- - mouth roof taste bud definition A taste bud that is located on the roof of the mouth. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + mouth roof taste bud definition A taste bud that is located on the roof of the mouth. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: pharyngeal taste bud
- Deleted
- - pharyngeal taste bud definition A taste bud that is located in the pharynx. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + pharyngeal taste bud definition A taste bud that is located in the pharynx. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: autonomic nerve
- Deleted
- - autonomic nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.050.050
- - autonomic nerve definition The splanchnic nerves are paired nerves that contribute to the innervation of the viscera, carrying fibers of the autonomic nervous system as well as sensory fibers from the organs. All carry sympathetic fibers except for the pelvic splanchnic nerves, which carry parasympathetic fibers. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Splanchnic_nerves,Wikipedia:Splanchnic_nerves }
- Added
- + autonomic nerve database cross reference MESH:D017776
- + autonomic nerve definition The splanchnic nerves are paired nerves that contribute to the innervation of the viscera, carrying fibers of the autonomic nervous system as well as sensory fibers from the organs. All carry sympathetic fibers except for the pelvic splanchnic nerves, which carry parasympathetic fibers. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Splanchnic_nerves }
Changes for: foveola of retina
- Deleted
- - foveola of retina definition A region of the fovea centralis that lies in the center of the fovea and contains only cone cells, and a cone-shaped zone of Müller cells { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + foveola of retina definition A region of the fovea centralis that lies in the center of the fovea and contains only cone cells, and a cone-shaped zone of Müller cells { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: trunk taste bud
- Deleted
- - trunk taste bud definition A taste bud that is located on the skin of the trunk. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + trunk taste bud definition A taste bud that is located on the skin of the trunk. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: opisthosome
- Deleted
- - opisthosome definition Organ at the distal end of a tubeworm. Helps anchor the tubeworm { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + opisthosome definition Organ at the distal end of a tubeworm. Helps anchor the tubeworm { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: trophosome
- Deleted
- - trophosome definition An organ of dark green-brown spongy tissue in a tubeworm which is a host to symbiotic microbes { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + trophosome definition An organ of dark green-brown spongy tissue in a tubeworm which is a host to symbiotic microbes { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: cranial neuron projection bundle
- Deleted
- - cranial neuron projection bundle definition Any of the cranial nerves, or their central nervous system analogs (the optic tract, the epiphyseal tract). These analogs are not true nerves, and are instead evaginated sensory afferents emanating from the brain { database cross reference=ISBN10:0471888893 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - cranial neuron projection bundle has related synonym cranial nerve fiber bundle { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - cranial neuron projection bundle has related synonym cranial nerve fiber tract { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - cranial neuron projection bundle has related synonym cranial nerve or tract { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - cranial neuron projection bundle has related synonym neuron projection bundle from brain { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + cranial neuron projection bundle definition Any of the cranial nerves, or their central nervous system analogs (the optic tract, the epiphyseal tract). These analogs are not true nerves, and are instead evaginated sensory afferents emanating from the brain { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=ISBN10:0471888893 }
- + cranial neuron projection bundle has related synonym cranial nerve fiber bundle { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + cranial neuron projection bundle has related synonym cranial nerve fiber tract { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + cranial neuron projection bundle has related synonym cranial nerve or tract { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + cranial neuron projection bundle has related synonym neuron projection bundle from brain { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: integumental taste bud
- Deleted
- - integumental taste bud definition A taste bud that is located external to the digestive tube, on the head or body, as found in species such as goldfish. { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11921337 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + integumental taste bud definition A taste bud that is located external to the digestive tube, on the head or body, as found in species such as goldfish. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11921337 }
Changes for: lip taste bud
- Deleted
- - lip taste bud definition A taste bud that is located on a lip. { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11921337 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + lip taste bud definition A taste bud that is located on a lip. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11921337 }
Changes for: barbel taste bud
- Deleted
- - barbel taste bud definition A taste bud that is located on a barbel. { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11921337 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + barbel taste bud definition A taste bud that is located on a barbel. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11921337 }
Changes for: medial forebrain bundle
- Deleted
- - medial forebrain bundle database cross reference MESH:A08.612.492
- Added
- + medial forebrain bundle database cross reference MESH:D008474
Changes for: mammary gland
- Deleted
- - mammary gland database cross reference MESH:A10.336.482
- - mammary gland definition A specialized accessory gland of the skin of mammals that secretes milk. The gland is typically only developed in females, and regresses in males. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mammary_gland , database cross reference=BTO:0000817 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + mammary gland database cross reference MESH:D008321
- + mammary gland definition A specialized accessory gland of the skin of mammals that secretes milk. The gland is typically only developed in females, and regresses in males. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mammary_gland , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=BTO:0000817 }
Changes for: corpus spongiosum of penis
- Added
- + corpus spongiosum of penis SubClassOf periurethral tissue
Changes for: colostrum
- Deleted
- - colostrum database cross reference MESH:A12.200.194
- Added
- + colostrum database cross reference MESH:D003126
Changes for: milk
- Deleted
- - milk definition Secretion produced by the mammary gland during lactation. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + milk definition Secretion produced by the mammary gland during lactation. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: epithelium of trachea
- Deleted
- - epithelium of trachea SubClassOf simple columnar epithelium
- - epithelium of trachea definition the epithelial lining of the trachea which contains numerous ciliated cells { database cross reference=MP:0002285,ISBN:0-397-51047-0,MGI:cwg }
- Added
- + epithelium of trachea definition the epithelial lining of the trachea which contains numerous ciliated cells { database cross reference=ISBN:0-397-51047-0 , database cross reference=MGI:cwg , database cross reference=MP:0002285 }
Changes for: habenula
- Deleted
- - habenula definition A segment of the epithalamus that has as its parts the habenular nuclei and the habenular commissure[FMA,modified]. { database cross reference=FMA:62032 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + habenula definition A segment of the epithalamus that has as its parts the habenular nuclei and the habenular commissure[FMA,modified]. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=FMA:62032 }
Changes for: pineal body
- Deleted
- - pineal body database cross reference MESH:A06.407.635
- Added
- + pineal body database cross reference MESH:D010870
Changes for: optic tract
- Deleted
- - optic tract database cross reference MESH:A08.612.220.860
- Added
- + optic tract database cross reference MESH:D014795
Changes for: habenular commissure
- Deleted
- - habenular commissure definition A brain commissure that is situated in front of the pineal gland and connects the habenular nucleus on one side of the diencephalon with that on the other side. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habenular_commissure , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + habenular commissure definition A brain commissure that is situated in front of the pineal gland and connects the habenular nucleus on one side of the diencephalon with that on the other side. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habenular_commissure , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: lateral hypothalamic nucleus
- Deleted
- - lateral hypothalamic nucleus definition The lateral hypothalamus or lateral hypothalamic area is a part of the hypothalamus. It is concerned with hunger. Damage to this area can cause reduced food intake. Stimulating the lateral hypothalamus causes a desire to eat, while stimulating the ventromedial hypothalamus causes a desire to stop eating. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lateral_hypothalamus,Wikipedia:Lateral_hypothalamus }
- Added
- + lateral hypothalamic nucleus definition The lateral hypothalamus or lateral hypothalamic area is a part of the hypothalamus. It is concerned with hunger. Damage to this area can cause reduced food intake. Stimulating the lateral hypothalamus causes a desire to eat, while stimulating the ventromedial hypothalamus causes a desire to stop eating. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lateral_hypothalamus }
Changes for: lateral geniculate body
- Deleted
- - lateral geniculate body definition the group of neurons that serve as the primary processor of visual information received from the retina via the optic tract and send processed information to the visual cortex of the occipital lobe { database cross reference=MP:0004165,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + lateral geniculate body definition the group of neurons that serve as the primary processor of visual information received from the retina via the optic tract and send processed information to the visual cortex of the occipital lobe { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0004165 }
Changes for: Verson’s gland
- Deleted
- - Verson’s gland definition A gland found in the larvae of lepidoptera. Each gland is made of three cells: the secretory cell, the reservoir cell and the canal cell. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + Verson’s gland definition A gland found in the larvae of lepidoptera. Each gland is made of three cells: the secretory cell, the reservoir cell and the canal cell. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: white pulp of spleen
- Deleted
- - white pulp of spleen definition the parenchymatous tissue of the spleen that surrounds splenic blood vessels, consists of compact masses of lymphatic cells and is where foreign material removed from the blood is used to initiate an immune reaction that results in the production of antibodies { database cross reference=MP:0002357,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + white pulp of spleen definition the parenchymatous tissue of the spleen that surrounds splenic blood vessels, consists of compact masses of lymphatic cells and is where foreign material removed from the blood is used to initiate an immune reaction that results in the production of antibodies { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0002357 }
Changes for: terminal bronchiole epithelium
- Deleted
- - terminal bronchiole epithelium definition An epithelium that lines a terminal bronchiole. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + terminal bronchiole epithelium definition An epithelium that lines a terminal bronchiole. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: epithelium of nasopharynx
- Deleted
- - epithelium of nasopharynx SubClassOf simple columnar epithelium
Changes for: primary subdivision of skull
- Deleted
- - primary subdivision of skull definition The skull can be divided into two: the neurocranium and the facial skeleton { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + primary subdivision of skull definition The skull can be divided into two: the neurocranium and the facial skeleton { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: gular region
- Deleted
- - gular region definition Surface structure that extends from the chin covering pharynx and larynx. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + gular region definition Surface structure that extends from the chin covering pharynx and larynx. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: pretectal region
- Deleted
- - pretectal region external definition Region of brain lying between the midbrain tectum and the thalamus (Sefton and Dreher, in Paxinos, G The rat central nervous system, 1995, pg 859), Situated at the level of poterior commissure and just rostral to the superior colliculus (Brodal, Neurological Anatomy, 3rd ed, 1981, pg 542) { source=NIFSTD:nlx_59721 }
- Added
- + pretectal region contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + pretectal region external definition Region of brain lying between the midbrain tectum and the thalamus (Sefton and Dreher, in Paxinos, G The rat central nervous system, 1995, pg 859), Situated at the level of poterior commissure and just rostral to the superior colliculus (Brodal, Neurological Anatomy, 3rd ed, 1981, pg 542) { source=NIFSTD:nlx_59721 }
Changes for: medial habenular nucleus
- Deleted
- - medial habenular nucleus definition The habenular nuclei comprise a small group of nuclei that are part of the epithalamus of the diencephalon, situated at the posterior end of the thalamus, on its upper surface. The habenular nuclei are typically divided into: lateral habenular nucleus medial habenular nucleus The pineal gland is attached to the brain in this region. Nerve impulses from the habenular nuclei are transmitted to the septal nuclei via the stria medullaris, which is found on the medial surface of the thalamus. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habenular_nuclei,Wikipedia:Habenular_nuclei }
- Added
- + medial habenular nucleus definition The habenular nuclei comprise a small group of nuclei that are part of the epithalamus of the diencephalon, situated at the posterior end of the thalamus, on its upper surface. The habenular nuclei are typically divided into: lateral habenular nucleus medial habenular nucleus The pineal gland is attached to the brain in this region. Nerve impulses from the habenular nuclei are transmitted to the septal nuclei via the stria medullaris, which is found on the medial surface of the thalamus. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habenular_nuclei }
Changes for: septomaxilla bone
- Deleted
- - septomaxilla bone definition Paired, intramembranous bones located within the nasal capsules and embedded in the nasal cartilages; it is pierced by the ductus nasolacrimalis. { database cross reference=AAO:0000556 }
- Added
- + septomaxilla bone contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + septomaxilla bone contributor https://github.com/mellybelly
- + septomaxilla bone definition Paired, intramembranous bones located within the nasal capsules and embedded in the nasal cartilages; it is pierced by the ductus nasolacrimalis. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/97 , database cross reference=AAO:0000556 }
Changes for: venule
- Deleted
- - venule definition One of the minute vessels that collect deoxygenated blood from the capillary plexuses returns it to the veins { database cross reference=MP:0004125,MESH:A07.231.432.952 }
- Added
- + venule definition One of the minute vessels that collect deoxygenated blood from the capillary plexuses returns it to the veins { database cross reference=MESH:A07.231.432.952 , database cross reference=MP:0004125 }
Changes for: nasal suture
- Deleted
- - nasal suture definition A suture joining a nasal bone to another bone. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + nasal suture definition A suture joining a nasal bone to another bone. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: serum
- Deleted
- - serum definition Liquid derived from blood plasma that has clotting factors removed. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serum_(blood) , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + serum definition Liquid derived from blood plasma that has clotting factors removed. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serum_(blood) , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: epithelium of esophagus
- Deleted
- - epithelium of esophagus definition the epithelial layer that lines the luminal space of the esophagus { database cross reference=MP:0000468,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + epithelium of esophagus definition the epithelial layer that lines the luminal space of the esophagus { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0000468 }
Changes for: bile
- Deleted
- - bile database cross reference MESH:A12.200.087
- Added
- + bile database cross reference MESH:D001646
Changes for: gastric juice
- Deleted
- - gastric juice database cross reference MESH:A12.200.307
- Added
- + gastric juice database cross reference MESH:D005750
Changes for: blood plasma
- Deleted
- - blood plasma database cross reference MESH:A12.207.152.693
- - blood plasma definition The liquid component of blood, in which erythrocytes are suspended. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + blood plasma database cross reference MESH:D010949
- + blood plasma definition The liquid component of blood, in which erythrocytes are suspended. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: semen
- Deleted
- - semen database cross reference MESH:A12.200.732
- - semen definition Organism substance that is composed of sperm cells suspended in seminal fluid. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + semen database cross reference MESH:D012661
- + semen definition Organism substance that is composed of sperm cells suspended in seminal fluid. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: elastic cartilage tissue
- Deleted
- - elastic cartilage tissue has related synonym reticular cartilage { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - elastic cartilage tissue has related synonym yellow cartilage { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + elastic cartilage tissue has related synonym reticular cartilage { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + elastic cartilage tissue has related synonym yellow cartilage { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: olfactory epithelium
- Deleted
Changes for: sternocostal joint
- Deleted
- - sternocostal joint database cross reference MESH:A02.835.583.790
- Added
- + sternocostal joint database cross reference MESH:D013248
Changes for: iliopsoas
Changes for: middle cervical ganglion
- Deleted
- - middle cervical ganglion definition the small ganglion located at the level of the cricoid cartilage of the laryngeal wall { database cross reference=MP:0001016,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + middle cervical ganglion definition the small ganglion located at the level of the cricoid cartilage of the laryngeal wall { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0001016 }
Changes for: fibrocartilage
- Deleted
- - fibrocartilage has exact synonym fibrocartilage tissue { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - fibrocartilage has exact synonym stratified cartilage tissue { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + fibrocartilage has exact synonym fibrocartilage tissue { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + fibrocartilage has exact synonym stratified cartilage tissue { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: hyaline cartilage tissue
- Deleted
- - hyaline cartilage tissue has related synonym chondroid cartilage { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + hyaline cartilage tissue has related synonym chondroid cartilage { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: feces
- Deleted
- - feces database cross reference MESH:A12.459
- Added
- + feces database cross reference MESH:D005243
Changes for: corneal endothelium
- Deleted
- - corneal endothelium database cross reference MESH:A09.371.060.067.318
- Added
- + corneal endothelium database cross reference MESH:D004728
Changes for: endothelium
- Deleted
- - endothelium database cross reference MESH:A10.272.491
- Added
- + endothelium database cross reference MESH:D004727
Changes for: superior cervical ganglion
- Deleted
- - superior cervical ganglion database cross reference MESH:A08.340.315.350.850
- Added
- + superior cervical ganglion database cross reference MESH:D017783
Changes for: humeroradial joint
- Deleted
- - humeroradial joint definition A hinge joint between the head of the radius and the capitulum of the humerus. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humeroradial_joint , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + humeroradial joint definition A hinge joint between the head of the radius and the capitulum of the humerus. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humeroradial_joint , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: arteriole
- Deleted
- - arteriole database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.060
- Added
- + arteriole database cross reference MESH:D001160
Changes for: crypt of Lieberkuhn
- Deleted
- - crypt of Lieberkuhn definition the tubular intestinal glands found in the mucosal membranes { database cross reference=MP:0000490,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + crypt of Lieberkuhn definition the tubular intestinal glands found in the mucosal membranes { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0000490 }
Changes for: capillary
- Deleted
- - capillary definition Any of the smallest blood vessels connecting arterioles with venules. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capillary , database cross reference=ISBN10:0073040584 }
- Added
- + capillary definition Any of the smallest blood vessels connecting arterioles with venules. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capillary , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/137 , database cross reference=ISBN10:0073040584 }
Changes for: blood vessel
- Deleted
- - blood vessel database cross reference MESH:A07.231
- Added
- + blood vessel database cross reference MESH:D001808
Changes for: stifle joint
- Deleted
- - stifle joint database cross reference MESH:A13.473.683
- Added
- + stifle joint database cross reference MESH:D013264
Changes for: intercarpal joint
- Deleted
- - intercarpal joint definition A skeletal joint that connects two carpal bones. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + intercarpal joint definition A skeletal joint that connects two carpal bones. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: axial skeletal system
- Added
- + axial skeletal system SubClassOf has part some axial skeleton plus cranial skeleton
- + axial skeletal system SubClassOf has part some skeletal joint
Changes for: post-cranial axial skeletal system
- Deleted
- - post-cranial axial skeletal system definition Subdivision of the skeletal system which consists of the post-cranial axial skeleton plus associated joints. { database cross reference=https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- Added
- + post-cranial axial skeletal system contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + post-cranial axial skeletal system definition Subdivision of the skeletal system which consists of the post-cranial axial skeleton plus associated joints. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/44 , database cross reference=https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: layer of muscle tissue
- Deleted
- - layer of muscle tissue definition Any organ component layer that consists of muscle tissue. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + layer of muscle tissue definition Any organ component layer that consists of muscle tissue. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: submucosa of digestive tract
- Deleted
- - submucosa of digestive tract definition Any portion of submucosa that lines the digestive tract. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + submucosa of digestive tract definition Any portion of submucosa that lines the digestive tract. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: meningeal vein
- Deleted
- - meningeal vein definition One of the veins draining a meninix. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + meningeal vein definition One of the veins draining a meninix. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: skeletal musculature
- Deleted
- - skeletal musculature editor note Added for consistency with MA EMAPA and EHDAA2. See https://sourceforge.net/p/obo/mouse-anatomy-requests/90/
- Added
- + skeletal musculature editor note Added for consistency with MA EMAPA and EHDAA2. See https://github.com/obophenotype/mouse-anatomy-ontology/issues/104
- + skeletal musculature in subset grouping class
Changes for: jejunal artery
- Deleted
- - jejunal artery definition A branch of the superior mesenteric artery that supplies the jejunum. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jejunal_veins , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + jejunal artery definition A branch of the superior mesenteric artery that supplies the jejunum. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jejunal_veins , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: organ system subdivision
- Deleted
- - organ system subdivision definition A subdivision of an anatomical system. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + organ system subdivision definition A subdivision of an anatomical system. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: laryngeal prominence
- Deleted
- - laryngeal prominence definition A zone of thyroid cartilage formed by fusion of the two plate-like laminae of the cartilages. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thyroid_cartilage , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + laryngeal prominence definition A zone of thyroid cartilage formed by fusion of the two plate-like laminae of the cartilages. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thyroid_cartilage , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: vocal organ
- Deleted
- - vocal organ definition Any organ that is the primary organ of vocalization behavior. Examples: The laryngeal vocal cord (humans), the syrinx (birds). { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + vocal organ definition Any organ that is the primary organ of vocalization behavior. Examples: The laryngeal vocal cord (humans), the syrinx (birds). { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: ypsiloid cartilage
- Added
- + ypsiloid cartilage SubClassOf pelvic region element
Changes for: pubo-ischium
- Added
- + pubo-ischium SubClassOf pelvic region element
Changes for: ilial protuberance
- Deleted
- - ilial protuberance SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: inferior frontal gyrus
- Deleted
- - inferior frontal gyrus definition Component of the frontal lobe, lateral aspect. The rostral boundary is the first appearance of the inferior frontal sulcus whereas the caudal boundary is the precentral gyrus. The medial and lateral boundaries are the lateral bank of the inferior frontal sulcus and the medial bank of the lateral orbital sulcus and/or the circular insular sulcus respectively (Christein Fennema-Notestine). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_873 }
- Added
- + inferior frontal gyrus definition Component of the frontal lobe, lateral aspect. The rostral boundary is the first appearance of the inferior frontal sulcus whereas the caudal boundary is the precentral gyrus. The medial and lateral boundaries are the lateral bank of the inferior frontal sulcus and the medial bank of the lateral orbital sulcus and/or the circular insular sulcus respectively (Christein Fennema-Notestine). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_873 }
Changes for: pulmonary part of lymphatic system
- Deleted
- - pulmonary part of lymphatic system definition An organ system subdivision that is the part of the lymphoid system that includes the pulmonary lymphatic vessels. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + pulmonary part of lymphatic system definition An organ system subdivision that is the part of the lymphoid system that includes the pulmonary lymphatic vessels. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: skin bony tubercle
- Deleted
- - skin bony tubercle SubClassOf bony projection
Changes for: thymic artery
- Deleted
- - thymic artery definition A vein that supplies blood to the thymus. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + thymic artery definition A vein that supplies blood to the thymus. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: panniculus carnosus muscle
- Deleted
- - panniculus carnosus muscle structure notes fine, flat muscles within the hypodermis. Their origin is in the deep fascia of bone and they insert into superficial skin. Function notes: They act to raise hair, quills, feathers, etc. It is also used in ‘twitch’ reflexes to shake off insects, etc.[Palaeos]
- Added
- + panniculus carnosus muscle function notes They act to raise hair, quills, feathers, etc. It is also used in ‘twitch’ reflexes to shake off insects, etc.[Palaeos]
- + panniculus carnosus muscle structure notes fine, flat muscles within the hypodermis. Their origin is in the deep fascia of bone and they insert into superficial skin.
Changes for: prime adult stage
- Added
Changes for: cervical thymic artery
- Deleted
- - cervical thymic artery definition An artery that supplies a cervical thymus. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + cervical thymic artery definition An artery that supplies a cervical thymus. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: axillary sweat gland
- Deleted
- - axillary sweat gland has exact synonym axillary apocrine sweat gland { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - axillary sweat gland has exact synonym sweat gland of axilla { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + axillary sweat gland has exact synonym axillary apocrine sweat gland { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + axillary sweat gland has exact synonym sweat gland of axilla { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: nucleus of Bischoff
- Deleted
- - nucleus of Bischoff definition A midline nucleus of the dorsal motor column found in animals with a prominent tail, including alligator, some birds, kangaroo, rat, shrew, great anteater. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + nucleus of Bischoff definition A midline nucleus of the dorsal motor column found in animals with a prominent tail, including alligator, some birds, kangaroo, rat, shrew, great anteater. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: lacrimal gland
- Deleted
- - lacrimal gland definition The lacrimal glands are paired almond-shaped glands, located in or near the orbital region, that secrete the aqueous layer of the tear film.[WP]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lacrimal_gland , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + lacrimal gland definition The lacrimal glands are paired almond-shaped glands, located in or near the orbital region, that secrete the aqueous layer of the tear film.[WP]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lacrimal_gland , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: tarsal gland
- Deleted
- - tarsal gland database cross reference MESH:A09.371.337.614
- Added
- + tarsal gland database cross reference MESH:D008537
Changes for: lumbosacral nerve plexus
- Deleted
- - lumbosacral nerve plexus database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.720.450
- Added
- + lumbosacral nerve plexus database cross reference MESH:D008160
Changes for: brachial nerve plexus
- Deleted
- - brachial nerve plexus database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.720.050
- Added
- + brachial nerve plexus database cross reference MESH:D001917
Changes for: conjunctiva
- Deleted
- - conjunctiva definition the mucous membrane that lines the inner surface of the eyelids and the front of the eyeball { database cross reference=MP:0001310,MESH:A09.371.060.200,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + conjunctiva definition the mucous membrane that lines the inner surface of the eyelids and the front of the eyeball { database cross reference=MESH:A09.371.060.200 , database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0001310 }
Changes for: sympathetic ganglion
- Deleted
- - sympathetic ganglion definition A ganglion of the sympathetic nervous system. Examples: paravertebral and the prevertebral ganglia, which include the sympathetic chain ganglia, the superior, middle, and inferior cervical ganglia, and the aorticorenal, celiac, and stellate ganglia { database cross reference=MP:0001008 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + sympathetic ganglion definition A ganglion of the sympathetic nervous system. Examples: paravertebral and the prevertebral ganglia, which include the sympathetic chain ganglia, the superior, middle, and inferior cervical ganglia, and the aorticorenal, celiac, and stellate ganglia { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=MP:0001008 }
Changes for: posterior segment of eyeball
- Deleted
- - posterior segment of eyeball definition any of the parts of the eye that lie in back of, or dorsal to, the lens (but not inclusive) { database cross reference=MP:0005195,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + posterior segment of eyeball definition any of the parts of the eye that lie in back of, or dorsal to, the lens (but not inclusive) { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0005195 }
Changes for: epithelium of lens
- Deleted
- - epithelium of lens definition A layer of epithelial cells that is part of the eye. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + epithelium of lens definition A layer of epithelial cells that is part of the eye. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: capsule of lens
- Deleted
- - capsule of lens definition the elastic, clear, membrane-like structure, that is outer most layer of the lens { database cross reference=MP:0003236,MGI:smb,PMID:15483628 }
- Added
- + capsule of lens definition the elastic, clear, membrane-like structure, that is outer most layer of the lens { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15483628 , database cross reference=MGI:smb , database cross reference=MP:0003236 }
Changes for: autonomic ganglion
- Deleted
- - autonomic ganglion database cross reference MESH:A08.340.315
- Added
- + autonomic ganglion database cross reference MESH:D005725
Changes for: sensory ganglion
- Deleted
- - sensory ganglion database cross reference MESH:A08.340.390
- Added
- + sensory ganglion database cross reference MESH:D017950
Changes for: anterior segment of eyeball
- Deleted
- - anterior segment of eyeball database cross reference MESH:A09.371.060
- - anterior segment of eyeball definition any of the parts of the eye that lie in front of, or ventral to, the lens (inclusive) { database cross reference=MP:0005193,ISBN:0-683-40008-8,MESH:A09.371.060 }
- Added
- + anterior segment of eyeball database cross reference MESH:D000869
- + anterior segment of eyeball definition any of the parts of the eye that lie in front of, or ventral to, the lens (inclusive) { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MESH:A09.371.060 , database cross reference=MP:0005193 }
Changes for: isla magna of Calleja
- Deleted
- - isla magna of Calleja definition Regional part of telencephalon; the most prominent of the islands of Calleja located medially in the nucleus accumbens (adapted from Braininfo.org). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_55138 }
- Added
- + isla magna of Calleja definition Regional part of telencephalon; the most prominent of the islands of Calleja located medially in the nucleus accumbens (adapted from Braininfo.org). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_55138 }
Changes for: circuit part of central nervous system
- Deleted
- - circuit part of central nervous system definition A collection of neuronal components interacting in a functional circuit. A neural circuit is bounded by the nervous sytem regions in which its participating neuronal components are contained (BB). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_2513 }
- Added
- + circuit part of central nervous system definition A collection of neuronal components interacting in a functional circuit. A neural circuit is bounded by the nervous sytem regions in which its participating neuronal components are contained (BB). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_2513 }
Changes for: broad ligament of uterus
- Deleted
- - broad ligament of uterus database cross reference MESH:A02.513.170
- Added
- + broad ligament of uterus database cross reference MESH:D001956
Changes for: perianal skin
- Deleted
- - perianal skin definition A zone of skin that is part of the area surrounding the anus. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + perianal skin definition A zone of skin that is part of the area surrounding the anus. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: cauda equina
- Deleted
- - cauda equina database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.720.725.150
- Added
- + cauda equina database cross reference MESH:D002420
Changes for: gubernacular bulb
- Deleted
- - gubernacular bulb definition The caudal, swollen portion of the gubernaculum. { database cross reference=ISBN-10:0123971756 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + gubernacular bulb definition The caudal, swollen portion of the gubernaculum. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=ISBN-10:0123971756 }
Changes for: telencephalon
- Deleted
- - telencephalon database cross reference MESH:A08.186.211.730.885
- Added
- + telencephalon database cross reference MESH:D013687
Changes for: medulla oblongata
- Deleted
- - medulla oblongata database cross reference MESH:A08.
- Added
- + medulla oblongata database cross reference MESH:D008526
Changes for: metencephalon
- Deleted
- - metencephalon database cross reference MESH:A08.
- - metencephalon definition Rostral segment of the hindbrain that has as its parts the pons (where present) and the cerebellum[WP,modified]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metencephalon , database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/300 }
- Added
- + metencephalon contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + metencephalon database cross reference MESH:D020540
- + metencephalon definition Rostral segment of the hindbrain that has as its parts the pons (where present) and the cerebellum[WP,modified]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metencephalon , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/300 }
Changes for: forebrain
- Deleted
- - forebrain database cross reference MESH:A08.186.211.730
- Added
- + forebrain database cross reference MESH:D016548
Changes for: midbrain
- Deleted
- - midbrain database cross reference MESH:A08.
- Added
- + midbrain database cross reference MESH:D008636
Changes for: procoracoid cartilage
- Deleted
- - procoracoid cartilage SubClassOf part of some pectoral girdle skeleton
- Added
- + procoracoid cartilage EquivalentTo procoracoid element and composed primarily of some cartilage tissue
- + procoracoid cartilage SubClassOf composed primarily of some cartilage tissue
Changes for: procoracoid element
- Added
- + procoracoid element contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + procoracoid element contributor https://github.com/mellybelly
- + procoracoid element definition Endochondral element of pectoral girdle, positioned posterior to the clavicle and anterior to the coracoid. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/104 }
Changes for: procoracoid bone
- Deleted
- - procoracoid bone SubClassOf part of some pectoral girdle skeleton
- Added
- + procoracoid bone EquivalentTo procoracoid element and composed primarily of some bone tissue
- + procoracoid bone SubClassOf composed primarily of some bone tissue
- + procoracoid bone contributor https://github.com/alex-dececchi
- + procoracoid bone definition . { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/119 }
Changes for: dorsal plus ventral thalamus
- Deleted
- - dorsal plus ventral thalamus definition Subcortical brain region consisting of paired gray matter bodies in the dorsal diencephalon and forming part of the lateral wall of the third ventricle of the brain. The thalamus represents the major portion of the diencephalon and is commonly divided into cellular aggregates known as nuclear groups.(MeSH). The dorsal topographic division of the interbrain. The macrodissected adult human thalamus was clearly illustrated by Vesalius in 1543 and the term as defined here was introduced by His in 1893. It includes the traditional epithalamus, dorsal thalamus, and ventral thalamus of Herrick (1910, pp. 494, 498). Also see Kuhlenbeck (1927, Ch. 9) and Jones (1985, p. 87). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_954 }
- Added
- + dorsal plus ventral thalamus definition Subcortical brain region consisting of paired gray matter bodies in the dorsal diencephalon and forming part of the lateral wall of the third ventricle of the brain. The thalamus represents the major portion of the diencephalon and is commonly divided into cellular aggregates known as nuclear groups.(MeSH). The dorsal topographic division of the interbrain. The macrodissected adult human thalamus was clearly illustrated by Vesalius in 1543 and the term as defined here was introduced by His in 1893. It includes the traditional epithalamus, dorsal thalamus, and ventral thalamus of Herrick (1910, pp. 494, 498). Also see Kuhlenbeck (1927, Ch. 9) and Jones (1985, p. 87). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_954 }
Changes for: epithalamus
- Deleted
- - epithalamus definition Most dorsal part of the thalamus, comprising the pineal gland and habenular nuclei in most vertebrates. In a few vertebrates, it also includes the parietal eye. (Butler and Hodos, Comparative Vertebrate Neuroanatomy, 2nd ed, 2005, pg. 345-346. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1710 }
- Added
- + epithalamus definition Most dorsal part of the thalamus, comprising the pineal gland and habenular nuclei in most vertebrates. In a few vertebrates, it also includes the parietal eye. (Butler and Hodos, Comparative Vertebrate Neuroanatomy, 2nd ed, 2005, pg. 345-346. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1710 }
Changes for: phrenic nerve
- Deleted
- - phrenic nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.720.150.700
- Added
- + phrenic nerve database cross reference MESH:D010791
Changes for: scent gland
- Deleted
- - scent gland database cross reference MESH:A13.820
- Added
- + scent gland database cross reference MESH:D012543
Changes for: choroid plexus
- Deleted
- - choroid plexus database cross reference MESH:A08.
- Added
- + choroid plexus database cross reference MESH:D002831
Changes for: internal capsule of telencephalon
- Deleted
- - internal capsule of telencephalon database cross reference MESH:A08.186.211.730.885.435
- Added
- + internal capsule of telencephalon database cross reference MESH:D020772
Changes for: frontal cortex
- Deleted
- - frontal cortex definition Anterior portion of the neocortex, lying anterior to the central sulcus in humans. It is bounded by the parietal cortex posteriorly and the temporal cortex laterally[NIFSTD,modified]. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_anat_20090601 }
- Added
- + frontal cortex definition Anterior portion of the neocortex, lying anterior to the central sulcus in humans. It is bounded by the parietal cortex posteriorly and the temporal cortex laterally[NIFSTD,modified]. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_anat_20090601 }
Changes for: scala vestibuli
- Deleted
- - scala vestibuli definition the division of the spiral canal of the cochlea lying on the apical side of the spiral lamina and vestibular membrane { database cross reference=MP:0003168,MGI:anna }
- Added
- + scala vestibuli definition the division of the spiral canal of the cochlea lying on the apical side of the spiral lamina and vestibular membrane { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0003168 }
Changes for: endolymphatic duct
- Deleted
- - endolymphatic duct database cross reference MESH:A09.246.631.909.957.360
- - endolymphatic duct definition the small membranous canal, connecting with both saccule and utricle of the membranous labyrinth, passing through the aqueduct of vestibule, and terminating in the endolymphatic sac { database cross reference=MP:0006011,MGI:anna,MGI:smb }
- Added
- + endolymphatic duct database cross reference MESH:D004711
- + endolymphatic duct definition the small membranous canal, connecting with both saccule and utricle of the membranous labyrinth, passing through the aqueduct of vestibule, and terminating in the endolymphatic sac { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MGI:smb , database cross reference=MP:0006011 }
Changes for: visceral fascia
- Deleted
- - visceral fascia definition Fascia that suspends a visceral organ. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + visceral fascia definition Fascia that suspends a visceral organ. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: mesethmoid bone
- Deleted
- - mesethmoid bone definition An ossified mesethmoid element { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + mesethmoid bone definition An ossified mesethmoid element { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: sebum
- Deleted
- - sebum database cross reference MESH:A12.200.702
- Added
- + sebum database cross reference MESH:D012629
- + sebum function notes waterproofs skin
Changes for: scala tympani
- Deleted
- - scala tympani database cross reference MESH:A09.246.631.246.848
- - scala tympani definition the division of the spiral canal of the cochlea lying on the basal side of the spiral lamina { database cross reference=MP:0003167,MGI:anna }
- Added
- + scala tympani database cross reference MESH:D012533
- + scala tympani definition the division of the spiral canal of the cochlea lying on the basal side of the spiral lamina { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0003167 }
Changes for: lacrimal drainage system
- Deleted
- - lacrimal drainage system definition A collection of channels that connects the conjunctival sac with the nasal cavity, encompassing the lacrimal ducts, the lacrimal sac and the naso-lacrimal duct. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + lacrimal drainage system definition A collection of channels that connects the conjunctival sac with the nasal cavity, encompassing the lacrimal ducts, the lacrimal sac and the naso-lacrimal duct. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: posterior semicircular duct
- Deleted
- - posterior semicircular duct definition The semicircular canals are three half-circular, interconnected tubes located inside each ear. The three canals are the horizontal semicircular canal (also known as the lateral semicircular canal), superior semicircular canal (also known as the anterior semicircular canal), and the posterior semicircular canal. The canals are aligned approximately orthogonally to one another. The horizontal canal is aligned roughly horizontally in the head. The superior and anterior canals are aligned roughly at a 45 degree angle to a vertical plane drawn from the nose to the back of the skull. Thus, the horizontal canal detects horizontal head movements (such as when doing a pirouette), while the superior and posterior canals detect vertical head movements. Each canal is filled with a fluid called endolymph and contains a motion sensor with little hairs whose ends are embedded in a gelatinous structure called the cupula. As the skull twists in any direction, the endolymph is thrown into different sections of the canals. The cilia detect when the endolymph rushes past, and a signal is then sent to the brain. The semicircular canals are a component of the Labyrinth. Among species of mammals, the size of the semicircular canals is correlated with their type of locomotion. Specifically, species that are agile and have fast, jerky locomotion have larger canals relative to their body size than those that move more cautiously. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semicircular_canal,Wikipedia:Semicircular_canal }
- Added
- + posterior semicircular duct definition The semicircular canals are three half-circular, interconnected tubes located inside each ear. The three canals are the horizontal semicircular canal (also known as the lateral semicircular canal), superior semicircular canal (also known as the anterior semicircular canal), and the posterior semicircular canal. The canals are aligned approximately orthogonally to one another. The horizontal canal is aligned roughly horizontally in the head. The superior and anterior canals are aligned roughly at a 45 degree angle to a vertical plane drawn from the nose to the back of the skull. Thus, the horizontal canal detects horizontal head movements (such as when doing a pirouette), while the superior and posterior canals detect vertical head movements. Each canal is filled with a fluid called endolymph and contains a motion sensor with little hairs whose ends are embedded in a gelatinous structure called the cupula. As the skull twists in any direction, the endolymph is thrown into different sections of the canals. The cilia detect when the endolymph rushes past, and a signal is then sent to the brain. The semicircular canals are a component of the Labyrinth. Among species of mammals, the size of the semicircular canals is correlated with their type of locomotion. Specifically, species that are agile and have fast, jerky locomotion have larger canals relative to their body size than those that move more cautiously. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semicircular_canal }
Changes for: saccule of membranous labyrinth
- Deleted
- - saccule of membranous labyrinth definition the smaller of the two otolith organs in the vestibule { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saccule , database cross reference=MP:0006089,ISBN:0-8036-0655-99,MGI:smb,PMID:15363417 }
- Added
- + saccule of membranous labyrinth definition the smaller of the two otolith organs in the vestibule { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saccule , database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15363417 , database cross reference=ISBN:0-8036-0655-99 , database cross reference=MGI:smb , database cross reference=MP:0006089 }
Changes for: nail of pedal digit 4
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: utricle of membranous labyrinth
- Deleted
- - utricle of membranous labyrinth definition the larger of the two otolith organs in the vestibule { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utricle_(ear) , database cross reference=MP:0006090,ISBN:0-8036-0655-99,MGI:smb,PMID:15363417 }
- Added
- + utricle of membranous labyrinth definition the larger of the two otolith organs in the vestibule { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utricle_(ear) , database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15363417 , database cross reference=ISBN:0-8036-0655-99 , database cross reference=MGI:smb , database cross reference=MP:0006090 }
Changes for: nail of pedal digit 5
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: cochlear duct of membranous labyrinth
- Deleted
- - cochlear duct of membranous labyrinth database cross reference MESH:A09.246.631.246.292
- Added
- + cochlear duct of membranous labyrinth database cross reference MESH:D003053
Changes for: nail of pedal digit 3
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: semicircular canal
- Deleted
- - semicircular canal database cross reference MESH:A09.246.631.663
- Added
- + semicircular canal database cross reference MESH:D012665
Changes for: internal ear
- Deleted
- - internal ear database cross reference MESH:A09.246.631
- Added
- + internal ear database cross reference MESH:D007758
Changes for: cochlea
- Deleted
- - cochlea database cross reference MESH:A09.246.631.246
- - cochlea definition the spiral-shaped bony canal in the inner ear containing the hair cells that transduce sound. Its core component is the Organ of Corti, the sensory organ of hearing, which is distributed along the partition separating fluid chambers in the coiled tapered tube of the cochlea. [WP,modified]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cochlea , database cross reference=MP:0000031,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + cochlea database cross reference MESH:D003051
- + cochlea definition the spiral-shaped bony canal in the inner ear containing the hair cells that transduce sound. Its core component is the Organ of Corti, the sensory organ of hearing, which is distributed along the partition separating fluid chambers in the coiled tapered tube of the cochlea. [WP,modified]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cochlea , database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0000031 }
Changes for: posterior semicircular canal
- Deleted
- - posterior semicircular canal definition The posterior semicircular canal is a part of the vestibular system and detects rotations of the head in the sagittal plane. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posterior_semicircular_canal,Wikipedia:Posterior_semicircular_canal }
- Added
- + posterior semicircular canal definition The posterior semicircular canal is a part of the vestibular system and detects rotations of the head in the sagittal plane. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posterior_semicircular_canal }
Changes for: minor salivary gland
- Deleted
- - minor salivary gland database cross reference MESH:A10.336.779.650
- Added
- + minor salivary gland database cross reference MESH:D012470
Changes for: sublingual gland
- Deleted
- - sublingual gland database cross reference MESH:A10.336.779.687
- - sublingual gland definition the small mucin-producing salivary glands in the floor of the mouth beneath the tongue, anterior to the submandibular gland { database cross reference=MP:0004035,MGI:hdene }
- Added
- + sublingual gland database cross reference MESH:D013361
- + sublingual gland definition the small mucin-producing salivary glands in the floor of the mouth beneath the tongue, anterior to the submandibular gland { database cross reference=MGI:hdene , database cross reference=MP:0004035 }
Changes for: parotid gland
- Deleted
- - parotid gland database cross reference MESH:A10.336.779.464
- Added
- + parotid gland database cross reference MESH:D010306
Changes for: lip
- Deleted
- - lip database cross reference MESH:A01.456.505.631.515
- Added
- + lip database cross reference MESH:D008046
Changes for: saliva
- Deleted
- - saliva database cross reference MESH:A12.200.666
- Added
- + saliva database cross reference MESH:D012463
Changes for: sublingual duct
- Deleted
- - sublingual duct definition A duct of a sublingual gland. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + sublingual duct definition A duct of a sublingual gland. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: duct of salivary gland
- Deleted
- - duct of salivary gland database cross reference MESH:A10.336.779.640
- - duct of salivary gland definition The duct of a salivary gland. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + duct of salivary gland database cross reference MESH:D018987
- + duct of salivary gland definition The duct of a salivary gland. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: carpometacarpal joint of digit 1
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: nasal cartilage
- Deleted
- - nasal cartilage SubClassOf cartilage of respiratory system
- - nasal cartilage SubClassOf respiratory system connective tissue
- Added
- + nasal cartilage SubClassOf cartilage element
Changes for: sebaceous gland
- Deleted
- - sebaceous gland database cross reference MESH:A10.336.827
- Added
- + sebaceous gland database cross reference MESH:D012627
Changes for: sweat gland
- Deleted
- - sweat gland database cross reference MESH:A10.336.899
- - sweat gland definition any of the coil glands of the skin that secrete sweat { database cross reference=MP:0000674,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + sweat gland database cross reference MESH:D013545
- + sweat gland definition any of the coil glands of the skin that secrete sweat { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0000674 }
Changes for: caudal-sacral region of vertebral column
- Deleted
- - caudal-sacral region of vertebral column has related synonym cloacal vertebrae series { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + caudal-sacral region of vertebral column has related synonym cloacal vertebrae series { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: secretion of lacrimal gland
- Deleted
- - secretion of lacrimal gland database cross reference MESH:A12.200.882
- - secretion of lacrimal gland definition Aqueous substance secreted by the lacrimal gland. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tear , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + secretion of lacrimal gland database cross reference MESH:D013666
- + secretion of lacrimal gland definition Aqueous substance secreted by the lacrimal gland. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tear , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: paranasal sinus
- Deleted
- - paranasal sinus database cross reference MESH:A04.531.621
- - paranasal sinus definition the paired air-filled cavities surrounded by the bones of the face that are lined by mucous membranes and are continuous with the nasal cavity { database cross reference=MP:0002240,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + paranasal sinus database cross reference MESH:D010256
- + paranasal sinus definition the paired air-filled cavities surrounded by the bones of the face that are lined by mucous membranes and are continuous with the nasal cavity { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0002240 }
Changes for: mucosa of larynx
- Deleted
- - mucosa of larynx database cross reference MESH:A04.329.597
- Added
- + mucosa of larynx database cross reference MESH:D007820
Changes for: nail of manual digit 4
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: nail of manual digit 5
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: nail of pedal digit 1
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: nail of pedal digit 2
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: nail of manual digit 1
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: nail of manual digit 2
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: nail of manual digit 3
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: paraganglion (generic)
- Deleted
- - paraganglion (generic) definition A cluster of neuroendocrine cells derived from neural crest. Paraganglia may be chromaffin or nonchromaffin { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paraganglion , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + paraganglion (generic) definition A cluster of neuroendocrine cells derived from neural crest. Paraganglia may be chromaffin or nonchromaffin { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paraganglion , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: chemoreceptor
- Deleted
- - chemoreceptor definition A sensory receptor that detects chemical stimulus within the body. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + chemoreceptor definition A sensory receptor that detects chemical stimulus within the body. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: disk of temporomandibular joint
- Deleted
- - disk of temporomandibular joint database cross reference MESH:A02.835.583.861.900
- Added
- + disk of temporomandibular joint database cross reference MESH:D019224
Changes for: capsule of temporomandibular joint
- Added
- + capsule of temporomandibular joint database cross reference MFMO:0000046
Changes for: nerve to stylopharyngeus from glossopharyngeal nerve
- Deleted
- - nerve to stylopharyngeus from glossopharyngeal nerve definition The stylopharyngeal branch of glossopharyngeal nerve is distributed to the Stylopharyngeus. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stylopharyngeal_branch_of_glossopharyngeal_nerve,Wikipedia:Stylopharyngeal_branch_of_glossopharyngeal_nerve }
- Added
- + nerve to stylopharyngeus from glossopharyngeal nerve definition The stylopharyngeal branch of glossopharyngeal nerve is distributed to the Stylopharyngeus. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stylopharyngeal_branch_of_glossopharyngeal_nerve }
Changes for: optic disc
- Deleted
- - optic disc database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.120.680.660
- Added
- + optic disc database cross reference MESH:D009898
Changes for: cranial nerve
- Deleted
- - cranial nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.120
- Added
- + cranial nerve database cross reference MESH:D003391
Changes for: fovea centralis
- Deleted
- - fovea centralis database cross reference MESH:A09.371.729.522.436
- - fovea centralis definition A depression in the inner retinal surface within the macula lutea, the photoreceptor layer of which is entirely cones and which is specialized for maximum visual acuity { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fovea , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + fovea centralis database cross reference MESH:D005584
- + fovea centralis definition A depression in the inner retinal surface within the macula lutea, the photoreceptor layer of which is entirely cones and which is specialized for maximum visual acuity { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fovea , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: spinal nerve
- Deleted
- - spinal nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.720
- - spinal nerve definition the any of the paired peripheral nerves formed by the union of the dorsal and ventral spinal roots from each spinal cord segment[MP,modified] { database cross reference=MP:0001077,MESH:A08.800.800.720 }
- Added
- + spinal nerve database cross reference MESH:D013127
- + spinal nerve definition the any of the paired peripheral nerves formed by the union of the dorsal and ventral spinal roots from each spinal cord segment[MP,modified] { database cross reference=MESH:A08.800.800.720 , database cross reference=MP:0001077 }
Changes for: deep part of temporalis
- Deleted
- - deep part of temporalis definition The deep temporalis muscle is a separable part of the temporalis muscle that that attaches to the bony wall of the braincase and is deep to the superficial temporalis. { database cross reference=MFMO:0000086 }
- Added
- + deep part of temporalis definition The deep temporalis muscle is a separable part of the temporalis muscle that that attaches to the bony wall of the braincase and is deep to the superficial temporalis. { database cross reference=MFMO:0000086 }
Changes for: aqueous humor of eyeball
- Deleted
- - aqueous humor of eyeball database cross reference MESH:A09.371.060.067.070
- Added
- + aqueous humor of eyeball database cross reference MESH:D001082
Changes for: carbon dioxide in respiratory system
- Deleted
- - carbon dioxide in respiratory system definition Any portion of gas located in a part of the respiratory system that is composed primarily of carbon dioxide. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + carbon dioxide in respiratory system definition Any portion of gas located in a part of the respiratory system that is composed primarily of carbon dioxide. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: gas in respiratory system
- Deleted
- - gas in respiratory system definition Any portion of gas located in a part of the respiratory system. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + gas in respiratory system definition Any portion of gas located in a part of the respiratory system. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: gas excreted from digestive tract
- Deleted
- - gas excreted from digestive tract definition Any excreted gas that is produced by the digestive tract. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + gas excreted from digestive tract definition Any excreted gas that is produced by the digestive tract. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: excreted gas
- Deleted
- - excreted gas definition Any gaseous product of an excretory process. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + excreted gas definition Any gaseous product of an excretory process. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: processus ventralis of thoracic vertebra
- Deleted
Changes for: processus ventrolateralis of thoracic vertebra
- Deleted
Changes for: saccus vasculosus
- Added
Changes for: proximal convoluted tubule brush border
- Deleted
- - proximal convoluted tubule brush border definition A brush border layer that is part of a proximal tubule in the kidney. { database cross reference=Function , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + proximal convoluted tubule brush border definition A brush border layer that is part of a proximal tubule in the kidney. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=Function }
Changes for: short microvillus layer
- Deleted
- - short microvillus layer definition A layer of microvilli covering lymphocytes. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + short microvillus layer definition A layer of microvilli covering lymphocytes. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: striated border microvillus layer
- Deleted
- - striated border microvillus layer definition A microvillus layer that is striated and found in the intestine. { database cross reference=http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/striated+border , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + striated border microvillus layer definition A microvillus layer that is striated and found in the intestine. { database cross reference=http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/striated+border , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: layer of microvilli
- Deleted
- - layer of microvilli database cross reference MESH:A11.284.180.565
- Added
- + layer of microvilli database cross reference MESH:D008871
Changes for: pars plicata of ciliary body
- Deleted
- - pars plicata of ciliary body definition Corrugated anterior region of ciliary body where ciliary processes arise { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + pars plicata of ciliary body definition Corrugated anterior region of ciliary body where ciliary processes arise { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: pars plana of ciliary body
- Deleted
- - pars plana of ciliary body definition Flattened posterior region of ciliary body { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + pars plana of ciliary body definition Flattened posterior region of ciliary body { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: spina externa
- Deleted
- - spina externa SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: perforant path
- Deleted
- - perforant path database cross reference MESH:A08.612.600
- Added
- + perforant path database cross reference MESH:D019580
Changes for: layer of smooth muscle tissue
- Deleted
- - layer of smooth muscle tissue definition Any organ component layer that consists of smooth muscle tissue. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + layer of smooth muscle tissue definition Any organ component layer that consists of smooth muscle tissue. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: epithelium of biliary system
- Deleted
- - epithelium of biliary system definition The epithelial layer covering the biliary system. This includes the epithelium of the gallbladder (when present) as well as the intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile ducts. { database cross reference=BTO:0001513 , database cross reference=MGI:cs , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - epithelium of biliary system has exact synonym biliary system epithelium { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - epithelium of biliary system has related synonym biliary tract epithelium { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + epithelium of biliary system definition The epithelial layer covering the biliary system. This includes the epithelium of the gallbladder (when present) as well as the intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile ducts. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=BTO:0001513 , database cross reference=MGI:cs }
- + epithelium of biliary system has exact synonym biliary system epithelium { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + epithelium of biliary system has related synonym biliary tract epithelium { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: articular process
- Deleted
- - articular process SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: superficial epigastric artery
- Deleted
- - superficial epigastric artery definition An artery that arises from the femoral artery and supplies the abdominal wall. It distributes branches to the superficial subinguinal lymph glands, the superficial fascia, and the integument; it anastomoses with branches of the inferior epigastric, and with its fellow of the opposite side. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superficial_epigastric_artery , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + superficial epigastric artery definition An artery that arises from the femoral artery and supplies the abdominal wall. It distributes branches to the superficial subinguinal lymph glands, the superficial fascia, and the integument; it anastomoses with branches of the inferior epigastric, and with its fellow of the opposite side. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superficial_epigastric_artery , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: sagittal sulcus
- Deleted
- - sagittal sulcus definition A sulcus that lies within the longitudinal fissure. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sagittal_sulcus , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + sagittal sulcus definition A sulcus that lies within the longitudinal fissure. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sagittal_sulcus , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: embryonic lymph heart
- Deleted
- - embryonic lymph heart definition A lymph heart that is part of an embryo { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + embryonic lymph heart definition A lymph heart that is part of an embryo { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: copulatory lymph heart
- Deleted
- - copulatory lymph heart definition A lymph heart that assists in the return of lymph from the penis to the venous system { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + copulatory lymph heart definition A lymph heart that assists in the return of lymph from the penis to the venous system { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: pineal parenchyma
- Deleted
- - pineal parenchyma definition Parenchymal tissue that forms the pineal gland. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + pineal parenchyma definition Parenchymal tissue that forms the pineal gland. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: left atrium endocardium
- Deleted
- - left atrium endocardium definition Endocardium that is part of the left atrium. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + left atrium endocardium definition Endocardium that is part of the left atrium. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: cervical sympathetic nerve trunk
- Deleted
- - cervical sympathetic nerve trunk definition The cervical ganglia are paravertebral ganglia of the sympathetic nervous system. These emerging postganglionic nerves synapse with preganglionic nerves from the thoracic spinal cord. They consist of three paravertebral ganglia: superior cervical ganglion middle cervical ganglion inferior cervical ganglion. The inferior ganglion may be fused with the first thoracic ganglion to form a single structure, the stellate ganglion. Nerves emerging from cervical sympathetic ganglia contribute to the cardiac plexus, among other things. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cervical_ganglia,Wikipedia:Cervical_ganglia }
- Added
- + cervical sympathetic nerve trunk definition The cervical ganglia are paravertebral ganglia of the sympathetic nervous system. These emerging postganglionic nerves synapse with preganglionic nerves from the thoracic spinal cord. They consist of three paravertebral ganglia: superior cervical ganglion middle cervical ganglion inferior cervical ganglion. The inferior ganglion may be fused with the first thoracic ganglion to form a single structure, the stellate ganglion. Nerves emerging from cervical sympathetic ganglia contribute to the cardiac plexus, among other things. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cervical_ganglia }
Changes for: external soft tissue zone
- Deleted
- - external soft tissue zone definition A region or zone on the surface of an organism that encompasses skin and any adnexa, down through muscles and bounded by underlying skeletal support structures. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + external soft tissue zone definition A region or zone on the surface of an organism that encompasses skin and any adnexa, down through muscles and bounded by underlying skeletal support structures. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: arcuate artery of foot
- Deleted
- - arcuate artery of foot definition The arcuate artery of the foot (metatarsal artery) arises a little anterior to the lateral tarsal artery; it passes lateralward, over the bases of the metatarsal bones, beneath the tendons of the Extensor digitorum brevis, its direction being influenced by its point of origin; and its anastomoses with the lateral tarsal and lateral plantar arteries. This vessel gives off the second, third, and fourth dorsal metatarsal arteries. It is not present in all individuals. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arcuate_artery_of_the_foot,Wikipedia:Arcuate_artery_of_the_foot }
- Added
- + arcuate artery of foot definition The arcuate artery of the foot (metatarsal artery) arises a little anterior to the lateral tarsal artery; it passes lateralward, over the bases of the metatarsal bones, beneath the tendons of the Extensor digitorum brevis, its direction being influenced by its point of origin; and its anastomoses with the lateral tarsal and lateral plantar arteries. This vessel gives off the second, third, and fourth dorsal metatarsal arteries. It is not present in all individuals. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arcuate_artery_of_the_foot }
Changes for: infant stage
- Added
Changes for: anatomical collection
- Deleted
- - anatomical collection definition A collection of anatomical structures that are alike in terms of their morphology or developmental origin. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + anatomical collection definition A collection of anatomical structures that are alike in terms of their morphology or developmental origin. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: anatomical row
- Deleted
- - anatomical row definition An anatomical collection that is arranged in a line. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + anatomical row definition An anatomical collection that is arranged in a line. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: juvenile stage
- Added
Changes for: cloacal epithelium
- Deleted
- - cloacal epithelium definition An epithelium that is part of a cloaca. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + cloacal epithelium definition An epithelium that is part of a cloaca. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: mental nerve
- Deleted
- - mental nerve definition Mental nerve is a general somatic afferent (sensory) nerve which provides sensation to the anterior aspects of the chin and lower lip as well as the buccal gingivae of the mandibular anterior teeth and the premolars. It is a branch of the posterior trunk of the inferior alveolar nerve, which is itself a branch of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (CN V). The nerve emerges at the mental foramen in the mandibula, and divides beneath the Depressor anguli oris muscle into three branches: one descends to the skin of the chin. two ascend to the skin and mucous membrane of the lower lip. These branches communicate freely with the facial nerve. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_nerve,Wikipedia:Mental_nerve }
- Added
- + mental nerve definition Mental nerve is a general somatic afferent (sensory) nerve which provides sensation to the anterior aspects of the chin and lower lip as well as the buccal gingivae of the mandibular anterior teeth and the premolars. It is a branch of the posterior trunk of the inferior alveolar nerve, which is itself a branch of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (CN V). The nerve emerges at the mental foramen in the mandibula, and divides beneath the Depressor anguli oris muscle into three branches: one descends to the skin of the chin. two ascend to the skin and mucous membrane of the lower lip. These branches communicate freely with the facial nerve. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_nerve }
Changes for: podotheca
- Deleted
- - podotheca definition A horny sheath covering the lower leg of some birds. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + podotheca definition A horny sheath covering the lower leg of some birds. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: nerve ending
- Deleted
- - nerve ending database cross reference MESH:A08.800.550
- Added
- + nerve ending database cross reference MESH:D009411
Changes for: lacrimal apparatus
- Deleted
- - lacrimal apparatus database cross reference MESH:A09.371.463
- Added
- + lacrimal apparatus database cross reference MESH:D007765
Changes for: distal part of styloid process of temporal bone
- Added
- + distal part of styloid process of temporal bone database cross reference MFMO:0000053
- + distal part of styloid process of temporal bone has related synonym stylohyal bone { database cross reference=MFMO:0000053 }
Changes for: middle ear
- Deleted
- - middle ear database cross reference MESH:A09.246.397
- Added
- + middle ear database cross reference MESH:D004432
Changes for: pinna
- Deleted
- - pinna definition The part of the ear that projects from the head, connecting to the external acoustic meatus. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinna_(anatomy) , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + pinna definition The part of the ear that projects from the head, connecting to the external acoustic meatus. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinna_(anatomy) , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: vagus nerve
- Deleted
- - vagus nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.050.050.925
- Added
- + vagus nerve database cross reference MESH:D014630
Changes for: infundibular organ
- Deleted
- - infundibular organ definition . { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
Changes for: arytenoid cartilage
- Deleted
- - arytenoid cartilage definition the paired triangular laryngeal cartilages located postlaterally at the level of the thyroid cartilage { database cross reference=MP:0002257,ISBN:0-397-51047-0,MGI:cwg }
- Added
- + arytenoid cartilage definition the paired triangular laryngeal cartilages located postlaterally at the level of the thyroid cartilage { database cross reference=ISBN:0-397-51047-0 , database cross reference=MGI:cwg , database cross reference=MP:0002257 }
Changes for: lymphoid tissue
- Deleted
- - lymphoid tissue database cross reference MESH:A10.549
- Added
- + lymphoid tissue database cross reference MESH:D008221
Changes for: sclera
- Deleted
- - sclera database cross reference MESH:A09.371.784
- Added
- + sclera database cross reference MESH:D012590
Changes for: corneal epithelium
- Deleted
- - corneal epithelium database cross reference MESH:A09.371.060.217.325
- - corneal epithelium definition the smooth stratified squamous epithelium that covers the outer surface of the cornea { database cross reference=MP:0006000,MESH:A09.371.060.217.325,MGI:smb }
- Added
- + corneal epithelium database cross reference MESH:D019573
- + corneal epithelium definition the smooth stratified squamous epithelium that covers the outer surface of the cornea { database cross reference=MESH:A09.371.060.217.325 , database cross reference=MGI:smb , database cross reference=MP:0006000 }
Changes for: ciliary body
- Deleted
- - ciliary body database cross reference MESH:A09.371.894.280
- - ciliary body definition the thickened portion of the vascular tunic, which lies between the choroid and the iris, composed of ciliary muscle and ciliary processes { database cross reference=MP:0005099,ISBN:0-683-40008-8,Wikipedia:Ciliary_body }
- Added
- + ciliary body database cross reference MESH:D002924
- + ciliary body definition the thickened portion of the vascular tunic, which lies between the choroid and the iris, composed of ciliary muscle and ciliary processes { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ciliary_body , database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0005099 }
Changes for: skeletal muscle of trunk
- Deleted
- - skeletal muscle of trunk definition A skeletal muscle organ that is part of the trunk region. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + skeletal muscle of trunk definition A skeletal muscle organ that is part of the trunk region. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: pupil
- Deleted
- - pupil database cross reference MESH:A09.371.894.513.780
- - pupil definition the central circular aperture of the iris through which light rays enter the eye { database cross reference=MP:0001317,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + pupil database cross reference MESH:D011680
- + pupil definition the central circular aperture of the iris through which light rays enter the eye { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0001317 }
Changes for: lacrimal canaliculus
- Deleted
- - lacrimal canaliculus definition The part of the lacrimal duct that connects the lacrimal punctum to the lacrimal sac. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + lacrimal canaliculus definition The part of the lacrimal duct that connects the lacrimal punctum to the lacrimal sac. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: optic choroid
- Deleted
- - optic choroid database cross reference MESH:A09.371.894.223
- Added
- + optic choroid database cross reference MESH:D002829
Changes for: substantia propria of cornea
- Deleted
- - substantia propria of cornea database cross reference MESH:A09.371.060.217.228
- - substantia propria of cornea definition the lamellated connective tissue of the cornea between the Bowman and Descemet membranes { database cross reference=MP:0005300,ISBN:0-683-40008-8,MESH:A09.371.060.217.228 }
- Added
- + substantia propria of cornea database cross reference MESH:D003319
- + substantia propria of cornea definition the lamellated connective tissue of the cornea between the Bowman and Descemet membranes { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MESH:A09.371.060.217.228 , database cross reference=MP:0005300 }
Changes for: maxillary sinus
- Deleted
- - maxillary sinus database cross reference MESH:A04.531.621.578
- Added
- + maxillary sinus database cross reference MESH:D008443
Changes for: turbinate bone
- Deleted
- - nasal concha SubClassOf located in some nasal cavity
- - nasal concha SubClassOf mesoderm-derived structure
- - nasal concha SubClassOf part of some ethmoid region
- - nasal concha database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.781.324.948
- - nasal concha definition the small curved bones that extends horizontally along the lateral wall of the nasal passage { database cross reference=MP:0002244,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- - nasal concha has exact synonym nasal turbinate
- - nasal concha has exact synonym turbinal { database cross reference=palaeos.com/vertebrates/bones/braincase/ethmoid.html }
- - nasal concha has exact synonym turbinate
- - nasal concha has related synonym conchae nasales { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nasal_concha , has synonym type=latin term }
- - nasal concha label nasal concha
- Added
- + turbinate bone EquivalentTo nasal turbinal and composed primarily of some bone tissue
- + turbinate bone SubClassOf composed primarily of some bone tissue
- + turbinate bone SubClassOf endochondral bone
- + turbinate bone SubClassOf nasal turbinal
- + turbinate bone SubClassOf neurocranium bone
- + turbinate bone database cross reference MESH:D014420
- + turbinate bone definition the small curved bones that extends horizontally along the lateral wall of the nasal passage { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0002244 }
- + turbinate bone has exact synonym ossified nasal turbinal
- + turbinate bone has exact synonym ossified nasal turbinate
- + turbinate bone has exact synonym ossified turbinate
- + turbinate bone has exact synonym turbinal bone
- + turbinate bone label turbinate bone
Changes for: frontal sinus
- Deleted
- - frontal sinus database cross reference MESH:A04.531.621.387
- Added
- + frontal sinus database cross reference MESH:D005626
Changes for: iris
- Deleted
- - iris database cross reference MESH:A09.371.894.513
- - iris definition the adjustable membrane, composed of the stroma and pigmented epithelium, located just in front of the crystalline lens within the eye { database cross reference=MP:0001322,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + iris database cross reference MESH:D007498
- + iris definition the adjustable membrane, composed of the stroma and pigmented epithelium, located just in front of the crystalline lens within the eye { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0001322 }
Changes for: posterior chamber of eyeball
- Deleted
- - posterior chamber of eyeball definition the ring-like space, filled with aqueous humor, between the iris/pupil anteriorly and the lens and ciliary body posteriorly { database cross reference=MP:0005299,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + posterior chamber of eyeball definition the ring-like space, filled with aqueous humor, between the iris/pupil anteriorly and the lens and ciliary body posteriorly { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0005299 }
Changes for: uvea
- Deleted
- - uvea database cross reference MESH:A09.371.894
- Added
- + uvea database cross reference MESH:D014602
Changes for: anterior chamber of eyeball
- Deleted
- - anterior chamber of eyeball database cross reference MESH:A09.371.060.067
- - anterior chamber of eyeball definition the space in the eye, filled with aqueous humor, and bounded anteriorly by the cornea and a small portion of the sclera and posteriorly by a small portion of the ciliary body, the iris, and part of the crystalline lens { database cross reference=MP:0005205,MESH:A09.371.060.067 }
- Added
- + anterior chamber of eyeball database cross reference MESH:D000867
- + anterior chamber of eyeball definition the space in the eye, filled with aqueous humor, and bounded anteriorly by the cornea and a small portion of the sclera and posteriorly by a small portion of the ciliary body, the iris, and part of the crystalline lens { database cross reference=MESH:A09.371.060.067 , database cross reference=MP:0005205 }
Changes for: prepuce
- Deleted
- - prepuce definition A retractable double-layered fold of skin and mucous membrane that covers the glans penis or clitoris. Glands may also be present. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + prepuce definition A retractable double-layered fold of skin and mucous membrane that covers the glans penis or clitoris. Glands may also be present. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve
- Deleted
- - mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve definition Elongated nucleus located in the midbrain tegmentum that receives proprioceptive input from both teh extraocular and the masticatory muscles. Contrary to the general rule, the cell bodies that give rise to these sensory fibers are located within the mesencephalic nucleus rather than in a peripheral ganglion. Some of the sensory fibers in the mesencephalic root give off collaterals to the trigeminal motor nucleus, thereby providing the anatomic basis for the monosynaptic jaw reflex. (Heimer, L. The Human Brain and Spinal Cord, 2nd ed. 1996, page 248). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1010 }
- - mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve development notes develops from NC in some species[UBERONREF:0000002] Not of NC origin[doi:10.1002/dvdy.1197]. { source=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11747082 }
- Added
- + mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve definition Elongated nucleus located in the midbrain tegmentum that receives proprioceptive input from both teh extraocular and the masticatory muscles. Contrary to the general rule, the cell bodies that give rise to these sensory fibers are located within the mesencephalic nucleus rather than in a peripheral ganglion. Some of the sensory fibers in the mesencephalic root give off collaterals to the trigeminal motor nucleus, thereby providing the anatomic basis for the monosynaptic jaw reflex. (Heimer, L. The Human Brain and Spinal Cord, 2nd ed. 1996, page 248). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1010 }
- + mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve development notes develops from NC in some species[https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/The-neural-crest] Not of NC origin[doi:10.1002/dvdy.1197]. { source=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11747082 }
Changes for: facial modiolus
Changes for: eyelid
- Deleted
- - eyelid database cross reference MESH:A01.456.505.420.504
- - eyelid definition A fold of skin that covers and protects part of the eyeball. Examples: upper eyelid, lower eyelid, nictitating membrane { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + eyelid SubClassOf protects some ocular surface region
- + eyelid database cross reference MESH:D005143
- + eyelid definition A fold of skin that covers and protects part of the eyeball. Examples: upper eyelid, lower eyelid, nictitating membrane { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: lower jaw region
- Deleted
- - lower jaw region database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.781.324.502.632
- Added
- + lower jaw region database cross reference MESH:D008334
Changes for: cranial ganglion
- Deleted
- - cranial ganglion definition the groups of nerve cell bodies associated with the twelve cranial nerves { database cross reference=MP:0001081,ISBN:0-683-40008-8,MGI:csmith,PMID:9362461 }
- Added
- + cranial ganglion definition the groups of nerve cell bodies associated with the twelve cranial nerves { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9362461 , database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0001081 }
Changes for: spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve
- Deleted
- - spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.
- - spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve definition Nucleus extending from the upper spinal cord through the pontine tegmentum that receives sensory inputs from the trigeminal nerve. It is continuous caudally with the dorsal gray matter of the spinal cord. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_12995 }
- Added
- + spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve database cross reference MESH:D014279
- + spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve definition Nucleus extending from the upper spinal cord through the pontine tegmentum that receives sensory inputs from the trigeminal nerve. It is continuous caudally with the dorsal gray matter of the spinal cord. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_12995 }
Changes for: secondary palate
- Deleted
- - secondary palate database cross reference MESH:A14.521.658
- Added
- + secondary palate database cross reference MESH:D010159
Changes for: upper jaw region
- Deleted
- - upper jaw region definition Subdivision of head that consists of the upper jaw skeletal elements plus associated soft tissue (skin, lips, muscle)[cjm]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upper_jaw , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + upper jaw region definition Subdivision of head that consists of the upper jaw skeletal elements plus associated soft tissue (skin, lips, muscle)[cjm]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upper_jaw , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: jaw skeleton
- Deleted
- - jaw skeleton database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.781.324.502
- Added
- + jaw skeleton database cross reference MESH:D007568
Changes for: nasal cavity
- Deleted
- - nasal cavity database cross reference MESH:A04.531.449
- Added
- + nasal cavity database cross reference MESH:D009296
Changes for: eyelash
- Deleted
- - eyelash database cross reference MESH:A01.456.505.420.504.421
- Added
- + eyelash database cross reference MESH:D005140
Changes for: geniculate ganglion
- Deleted
- - geniculate ganglion database cross reference MESH:A08.340.390.380
- - geniculate ganglion definition the group of sensory neuron cell bodies associated with the facial nerve (seventh cranial nerve) { database cross reference=MP:0001082,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + geniculate ganglion database cross reference MESH:D005830
- + geniculate ganglion definition the group of sensory neuron cell bodies associated with the facial nerve (seventh cranial nerve) { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0001082 }
Changes for: nail
- Deleted
- - nail database cross reference MESH:A17.600
- - nail definition A horn-like keratin structure covering the dorsal aspect of the terminal phalanges of fingers and toes[WP]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nail_(anatomy) }
- - nail has exact synonym nail/claw { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + nail contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + nail contributor https://github.com/mellybelly
- + nail database cross reference MESH:D009262
- + nail definition A horn-like keratin structure covering the dorsal aspect of the terminal phalanges of fingers and toes[WP]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nail_(anatomy) , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/120 }
- + nail has exact synonym nail/claw { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: neurocranium
- Added
- + neurocranium SubClassOf protects some brain
Changes for: larynx
- Deleted
- - larynx database cross reference MESH:A04.329
- - larynx definition A continuation of the pharynx that is involved in breathing, sound production, and protecting the trachea against food aspiration. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larynx , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + larynx database cross reference MESH:D007830
- + larynx definition A continuation of the pharynx that is involved in breathing, sound production, and protecting the trachea against food aspiration. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larynx , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: submandibular gland
- Deleted
- - submandibular gland database cross reference MESH:A10.336.779.812
- Added
- + submandibular gland database cross reference MESH:D013363
Changes for: thyroid cartilage
- Deleted
- - thyroid cartilage definition the largest of the laryngeal cartilages { database cross reference=MP:0002260,ISBN:0-397-51047-0,MGI:cwg }
- Added
- + thyroid cartilage definition the largest of the laryngeal cartilages { database cross reference=ISBN:0-397-51047-0 , database cross reference=MGI:cwg , database cross reference=MP:0002260 }
Changes for: soft palate
- Deleted
- - soft palate database cross reference MESH:A14.549.617.780
- Added
- + soft palate database cross reference MESH:D010160
Changes for: pharyngeal tonsil
- Deleted
- - pharyngeal tonsil definition the lymph tissue in the roof and posterior wall of the nasopharynx { database cross reference=MP:0002384,MGI:cwg }
- Added
- + pharyngeal tonsil definition the lymph tissue in the roof and posterior wall of the nasopharynx { database cross reference=MGI:cwg , database cross reference=MP:0002384 }
Changes for: tonsillar ring
- Deleted
- - tonsillar ring definition the circular lymphoid tissue formed by the lingual, pharyngeal, and facial tonsils { database cross reference=MP:0002379,MGI:cwg }
- Added
- + tonsillar ring definition the circular lymphoid tissue formed by the lingual, pharyngeal, and facial tonsils { database cross reference=MGI:cwg , database cross reference=MP:0002379 }
Changes for: palatine uvula
- Deleted
- - palatine uvula database cross reference MESH:A14.549.617.780.729
- Added
- + palatine uvula database cross reference MESH:D014609
Changes for: cochlear nucleus
- Deleted
- - cochlear nucleus database cross reference MESH:A08.
- - cochlear nucleus definition Any of the nuclei of the cochlear nuclear complex. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + cochlear nucleus database cross reference MESH:D017626
- + cochlear nucleus definition Any of the nuclei of the cochlear nuclear complex. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: oropharynx
- Deleted
- - oropharynx definition the portion of the pharynx that lies between the soft palate and the upper edge of the epiglottis { database cross reference=MP:0002252,MGI:cwg }
- Added
- + oropharynx definition the portion of the pharynx that lies between the soft palate and the upper edge of the epiglottis { database cross reference=MGI:cwg , database cross reference=MP:0002252 }
Changes for: nasopharynx
- Deleted
- - nasopharynx definition the section of the pharynx that lies above the soft palate { database cross reference=MP:0002251,MGI:cwg }
- Added
- + nasopharynx definition the section of the pharynx that lies above the soft palate { database cross reference=MGI:cwg , database cross reference=MP:0002251 }
Changes for: sphenoidal sinus
- Deleted
- - sphenoidal sinus database cross reference MESH:A04.531.621.827
- Added
- + sphenoidal sinus database cross reference MESH:D013101
Changes for: tongue
- Deleted
- - tongue database cross reference MESH:A14.549.885
- Added
- + tongue database cross reference MESH:D014059
Changes for: agranular insular cortex
- Deleted
- - agranular insular cortex definition Agranular region of the insular cortex { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + agranular insular cortex definition Agranular region of the insular cortex { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: granular insular cortex
- Deleted
- - granular insular cortex definition Granular region of the insular cortex { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + granular insular cortex definition Granular region of the insular cortex { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: alveolar ridge of premaxilla
- Deleted
- - alveolar ridge of premaxilla definition The thickened ridge of bone that contains the tooth sockets on the premaxilla. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + alveolar ridge of premaxilla definition The thickened ridge of bone that contains the tooth sockets on the premaxilla. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: cerebellar vein
- Deleted
- - cerebellar vein definition A vein that drains the cerebellum. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + cerebellar vein definition A vein that drains the cerebellum. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: cerebral vein
- Deleted
- - cerebral vein database cross reference MESH:A07.231.908.155
- Added
- + cerebral vein database cross reference MESH:D002550
Changes for: stratum lucidum of uncal CA3
- Deleted
- - stratum lucidum of uncal CA3 label stratum lucidum of uncal CA3
- Added
- + stratum lucidum of uncal CA3 label stratum lucidum of uncal CA3
Changes for: air in respiratory system
- Deleted
- - air in respiratory system definition Any portion of gas located in a part of the respiratory system that is composed primarily of air. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + air in respiratory system definition Any portion of gas located in a part of the respiratory system that is composed primarily of air. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: ethmoid bone
- Deleted
- - ethmoid bone database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.781.292
- Added
- + ethmoid bone database cross reference MESH:D005004
Changes for: bodily gas
- Deleted
- - bodily gas definition Any substance in the body or expelled from the body that is in a gaseous state. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + bodily gas definition Any substance in the body or expelled from the body that is in a gaseous state. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: temporal bone
- Deleted
- - temporal bone database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.781.885
- - temporal bone definition the large, irregular bone located at the base and side of the skull; consists of three parts at birth: squamous, tympanic, and petrous { database cross reference=MP:0005272,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + temporal bone database cross reference MESH:D013701
- + temporal bone definition the large, irregular bone located at the base and side of the skull; consists of three parts at birth: squamous, tympanic, and petrous { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0005272 }
Changes for: sphenoid bone
- Deleted
- - sphenoid bone database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.781.802
- Added
- + sphenoid bone database cross reference MESH:D013100
Changes for: trigeminal ganglion
- Deleted
- - trigeminal ganglion database cross reference MESH:A08.340.390.850
- - trigeminal ganglion definition The cranial ganglion that is associated with and extends fibers into the trigeminal nerve. { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK53171 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/693 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - trigeminal ganglion has exact synonym ganglion of trigeminal complex { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + trigeminal ganglion contributor https://github.com/ANiknejad
- + trigeminal ganglion contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + trigeminal ganglion contributor https://github.com/mellybelly
- + trigeminal ganglion database cross reference MESH:D012668
- + trigeminal ganglion definition The cranial ganglion that is associated with and extends fibers into the trigeminal nerve. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK53171 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/693 }
- + trigeminal ganglion has exact synonym ganglion of trigeminal complex { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: occipital bone
- Deleted
- - occipital bone database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.781.572
- - occipital bone definition the bone at the lower, posterior part of the skull { database cross reference=MP:0005269,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + occipital bone database cross reference MESH:D009777
- + occipital bone definition the bone at the lower, posterior part of the skull { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0005269 }
Changes for: central retinal vein
- Deleted
- - central retinal vein database cross reference MESH:A07.231.611.773
- Added
- + central retinal vein database cross reference MESH:D012169
Changes for: malleus bone
- Deleted
- - malleus bone database cross reference MESH:A09.246.397.247.524
- Added
- + malleus bone database cross reference MESH:D008307
Changes for: incus bone
- Deleted
- - incus bone database cross reference MESH:A09.246.397.247.362
- Added
- + incus bone database cross reference MESH:D007188
Changes for: lacrimal bone
- Deleted
- - lacrimal bone definition the irregularly thin plate that forms part of the medial wall of the orbit behind the frontal process of the maxilla { database cross reference=MP:0005271,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + lacrimal bone definition the irregularly thin plate that forms part of the medial wall of the orbit behind the frontal process of the maxilla { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0005271 }
Changes for: nasal bone
- Deleted
- - nasal bone database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.781.324.665
- Added
- + nasal bone database cross reference MESH:D009295
Changes for: jugal bone
- Deleted
- - jugal bone definition the quadrilateral bone that forms the prominence of the cheek { database cross reference=MP:0005270,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- - jugal bone has exact synonym zygomatic bone { database cross reference=MA:0001497 , has synonym type=preferred term when talking about an instance of this class in Homo sapiens }
- Added
- + jugal bone definition the quadrilateral bone that forms the prominence of the cheek { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0005270 }
- + jugal bone has exact synonym zygomatic bone { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/121 , database cross reference=MA:0001497 , has synonym type=preferred term when talking about an instance of this class in Homo sapiens }
Changes for: mandible
- Deleted
- - mandible database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.781.324.502.632
- Added
- + mandible database cross reference MESH:D008334
Changes for: hyoid bone
- Deleted
- - hyoid bone database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.409
- Added
- + hyoid bone database cross reference MESH:D006928
Changes for: auditory ossicle bone
- Deleted
- - auditory ossicle bone definition One of 3 small bones contained within the middle ear space and serve to transmit sounds from the air to the fluid-filled labyrinth. The absence of the auditory ossicles would constitute a moderate-to-severe hearing loss. The term ‘ossicles’ literally means ‘tiny bones’ and commonly refers to the auditory ossicles, though the term may refer to any small bone throughout the body. [WP,unvetted]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auditory_ossicle }
- Added
- + auditory ossicle bone contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + auditory ossicle bone definition One of 3 small bones contained within the middle ear space and serve to transmit sounds from the air to the fluid-filled labyrinth. The absence of the auditory ossicles would constitute a moderate-to-severe hearing loss. The term ‘ossicles’ literally means ‘tiny bones’ and commonly refers to the auditory ossicles, though the term may refer to any small bone throughout the body. [WP,unvetted]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auditory_ossicle , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/91 }
Changes for: stapes bone
- Deleted
- - stapes bone database cross reference MESH:A09.246.397.247.806
- Added
- + stapes bone database cross reference MESH:D013199
Changes for: petrous part of temporal bone
- Deleted
- - petrous part of temporal bone database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.781.885.681
- Added
- + petrous part of temporal bone database cross reference MESH:D010579
Changes for: external ear
- Deleted
- - external ear database cross reference MESH:A09.246.272
- Added
- + external ear database cross reference MESH:D004431
Changes for: basioccipital bone
- Added
- + basioccipital bone database cross reference MFMO:0000045
Changes for: orbit of skull
- Deleted
- - orbit of skull database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.781.324.690
- - orbit of skull definition Subdivision of skeleton that is an anterolateral part of the cranium and structurally supports the eye. Includes bones formed and located in sclerotic layer of eyeball. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orbit_(anatomy) , database cross reference=TAO:0001410 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + orbit of skull database cross reference MESH:D009915
- + orbit of skull definition Subdivision of skeleton that is an anterolateral part of the cranium and structurally supports the eye. Includes bones formed and located in sclerotic layer of eyeball. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orbit_(anatomy) , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=TAO:0001410 }
Changes for: squamous part of temporal bone
- Deleted
- - squamous part of temporal bone definition A bone which is fused with the temporal bone in many mammals and forms part of the cheek region articulating with quadrate and pterygoid in other vertebrates. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squama_temporalis , database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squamosal_bone , database cross reference=MP:0004423 }
- - squamous part of temporal bone has exact synonym squamosal bone { database cross reference=MA:0001473 }
- - squamous part of temporal bone has exact synonym squamous bone
- Added
- + squamous part of temporal bone contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + squamous part of temporal bone contributor https://github.com/mellybelly
- + squamous part of temporal bone definition A bone which is fused with the temporal bone in many mammals and forms part of the cheek region articulating with quadrate and pterygoid in other vertebrates. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squama_temporalis , database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squamosal_bone , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/122 , database cross reference=MP:0004423 }
- + squamous part of temporal bone has exact synonym squamosal bone { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/122 , database cross reference=MA:0001473 }
- + squamous part of temporal bone has exact synonym squamous bone { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/122 }
Changes for: ear
- Deleted
- - ear database cross reference MESH:A01.456.313
- Added
- + ear database cross reference MESH:D004423
Changes for: stratum lucidum of rostral CA3
- Deleted
- - stratum lucidum of rostral CA3 label stratum lucidum of rostral CA3
- Added
- + stratum lucidum of rostral CA3 label stratum lucidum of rostral CA3
Changes for: stratum lucidum of caudal CA3
- Deleted
- - stratum lucidum of caudal CA3 label stratum lucidum of caudal CA3
- Added
- + stratum lucidum of caudal CA3 label stratum lucidum of caudal CA3
Changes for: ligament of hip joint
- Added
- + ligament of hip joint SubClassOf pelvic region element
Changes for: ethmoid foramen
- Deleted
- - ethmoid foramen definition An bone foramen in the ethmoid bone. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + ethmoid foramen definition An bone foramen in the ethmoid bone. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: articulation
- Deleted
- - articulation definition Anatomical cluster that connects two or more adjacent skeletal elements or hardened body parts. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + articulation definition Anatomical cluster that connects two or more adjacent skeletal elements or hardened body parts. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: neuron projection bundle connecting eye with brain
- Deleted
- - neuron projection bundle connecting eye with brain definition A neuron projection bundle that connects the retina or its analog in the eye with the brain. This includes the vertebrate optic nerve (not truly a nerve) as well as analogous structures such as the Bolwig nerve in Drosophila { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + neuron projection bundle connecting eye with brain definition A neuron projection bundle that connects the retina or its analog in the eye with the brain. This includes the vertebrate optic nerve (not truly a nerve) as well as analogous structures such as the Bolwig nerve in Drosophila { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: crus of penis or clitoris
- Deleted
- - crus of penis or clitoris definition the continuation of each corpus cavernosum of the penis or clitoris, diverging posteriorly to be attached to the pubic arch. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + crus of penis or clitoris definition the continuation of each corpus cavernosum of the penis or clitoris, diverging posteriorly to be attached to the pubic arch. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: forelimb feather
- Deleted
- - forelimb feather definition A feather that is part of a forelimb. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + forelimb feather definition A feather that is part of a forelimb. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: wing feather
- Deleted
- - wing feather definition A feather that is part of a forelimb wing. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + wing feather definition A feather that is part of a forelimb wing. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: tail feather
- Deleted
- - tail feather definition A feather that is part of a tail. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + tail feather definition A feather that is part of a tail. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: breast feather
- Deleted
- - breast feather definition A feather that is part of a the upper ventral region of an animal’s torso. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + breast feather definition A feather that is part of a the upper ventral region of an animal’s torso. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: dorsal feather
- Deleted
- - dorsal feather definition A feather that is part of a the dorsal region of an animal’s torso. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + dorsal feather definition A feather that is part of a the dorsal region of an animal’s torso. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: breast feather tract
- Deleted
- - breast feather tract definition A feather tract that is part of a the upper ventral region of an animal’s torso. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + breast feather tract definition A feather tract that is part of a the upper ventral region of an animal’s torso. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: nucleus of the bulbocavernosus
- Deleted
- - nucleus of the bulbocavernosus has related synonym nucleus of the bulbospongiosus { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + nucleus of the bulbocavernosus has related synonym nucleus of the bulbospongiosus { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: lumen of intestine
- Deleted
- - lumen of intestine definition The anatomical space within the intestine. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + lumen of intestine definition The anatomical space within the intestine. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: vestibular nuclear complex
- Deleted
- - vestibular nuclear complex database cross reference MESH:A08.
- Added
- + vestibular nuclear complex database cross reference MESH:D014726
Changes for: organ component layer
- Deleted
- - organ component layer definition A part of a wall of an organ that forms a layer. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + organ component layer definition A part of a wall of an organ that forms a layer. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: cuneocerebellar tract
- Deleted
- - cuneocerebellar tract definition White matter tract that originates from the cuneate and external cuneate nuclei. It relays ascending spinal fibers in the dorsal funiculus and conveys information from forelimbs to the cerebellum. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1238 }
- Added
- + cuneocerebellar tract definition White matter tract that originates from the cuneate and external cuneate nuclei. It relays ascending spinal fibers in the dorsal funiculus and conveys information from forelimbs to the cerebellum. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1238 }
Changes for: ventral anterior nucleus of thalamus
- Deleted
- - ventral anterior nucleus of thalamus definition The ventral anterior nucleus is a nucleus of the thalamus. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ventral_anterior_nucleus,Wikipedia:Ventral_anterior_nucleus }
- Added
- + ventral anterior nucleus of thalamus definition The ventral anterior nucleus is a nucleus of the thalamus. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ventral_anterior_nucleus }
Changes for: anterior nucleus of hypothalamus
- Deleted
- - anterior nucleus of hypothalamus definition a loose heterogeneous collection of cells in the anterior hypothalamus, continuous rostrally with the medial and lateral preoptic areas and caudally with the tuber cinereum { database cross reference=MP:0008848,MESH:A08.186.211.730.317.357.342.063 }
- Added
- + anterior nucleus of hypothalamus definition a loose heterogeneous collection of cells in the anterior hypothalamus, continuous rostrally with the medial and lateral preoptic areas and caudally with the tuber cinereum { database cross reference=MESH:A08.186.211.730.317.357.342.063 , database cross reference=MP:0008848 }
Changes for: motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve
- Deleted
- - motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve definition Nucleus located in the pontine tegmentum containing cells that give rise to motor innervation of the jaw through the trigeminal nerve. It receives both crossed and uncrossed fibers from the cerebral cortex (Heimer, L. The Human Brain and Spinal Cord, 2nd ed., 1996, pg 248). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1222 }
- Added
- + motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve definition Nucleus located in the pontine tegmentum containing cells that give rise to motor innervation of the jaw through the trigeminal nerve. It receives both crossed and uncrossed fibers from the cerebral cortex (Heimer, L. The Human Brain and Spinal Cord, 2nd ed., 1996, pg 248). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1222 }
Changes for: superior frontal gyrus
- Deleted
- - superior frontal gyrus definition Component of the frontal lobe, lateral aspect. The rostral boundary is the first appearance of the superior frontal sulcus whereas the caudal boundary is the midpoint of the paracentral sulcus on the “inflated” surface. The medial and lateral boundaries are the medial aspect of the frontal lobe and the superior frontal sulcus respectively (Christine Fennema-Notestine). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1303 }
- Added
- + superior frontal gyrus definition Component of the frontal lobe, lateral aspect. The rostral boundary is the first appearance of the superior frontal sulcus whereas the caudal boundary is the midpoint of the paracentral sulcus on the “inflated” surface. The medial and lateral boundaries are the medial aspect of the frontal lobe and the superior frontal sulcus respectively (Christine Fennema-Notestine). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1303 }
Changes for: medial tarsal artery
- Deleted
- - medial tarsal artery definition The medial tarsal arteries are two or three small branches which ramify on the medial border of the foot and join the medial malleolar net-work. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medial_tarsal_arteries,Wikipedia:Medial_tarsal_arteries }
- Added
- + medial tarsal artery definition The medial tarsal arteries are two or three small branches which ramify on the medial border of the foot and join the medial malleolar net-work. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medial_tarsal_arteries }
Changes for: upper respiratory tract
- Deleted
- - upper respiratory tract definition The segment of the respiratory tract that starts proximally with the olfactory apparatus and ends distally with the cricoid cartilage, before continuing to the trachea. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + upper respiratory tract definition The segment of the respiratory tract that starts proximally with the nose and ends distally with the cricoid cartilage, before continuing to the trachea. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: lower respiratory tract
- Deleted
- - lower respiratory tract definition The segment of the respiratory tract that starts proximally with the trachea and includes all distal structures including the lungs[WP,modified] { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lower_respiratory_tract , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + lower respiratory tract definition The segment of the respiratory tract that starts proximally with the trachea and includes all distal structures including the lungs[WP,modified] { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lower_respiratory_tract , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: popliteal vein
- Deleted
- - popliteal vein database cross reference MESH:A07.231.908.641
- Added
- + popliteal vein database cross reference MESH:D011152
Changes for: popliteal lymph node
- Deleted
- - popliteal lymph node definition the lymph nodes which drain the legs; contained in the popliteal fossa { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Popliteal_lymph_node , database cross reference=MP:0002352,MGI:cwg }
- Added
- + popliteal lymph node definition the lymph nodes which drain the legs; contained in the popliteal fossa { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Popliteal_lymph_node , database cross reference=MGI:cwg , database cross reference=MP:0002352 }
Changes for: inguinal lymph node
- Deleted
- - inguinal lymph node definition the lymph nodes located in the groin area { database cross reference=MP:0002353,MGI:cwg }
- Added
- + inguinal lymph node definition the lymph nodes located in the groin area { database cross reference=MGI:cwg , database cross reference=MP:0002353 }
Changes for: lower part of vagina
- Deleted
- - lower part of vagina definition The lower third of the vagina. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + lower part of vagina definition The lower third of the vagina. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: extrinsic muscle of tongue
- Added
Changes for: facial muscle
- Deleted
- - facial muscle database cross reference MESH:A02.633.567.400
- Added
- + facial muscle database cross reference MESH:D005152
Changes for: olfactory nerve
- Deleted
- - olfactory nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.120.640
- Added
- + olfactory nerve database cross reference MESH:D009832
Changes for: digastric muscle group
- Deleted
- - digastric muscle group definition A group of muscles (or in some classifications, muscle bellies) that are located under the jaw and attach to the base of the cranium and typically attaches to the hyoid apparatus via a common tendon. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + digastric muscle group definition A group of muscles (or in some classifications, muscle bellies) that are located under the jaw and attach to the base of the cranium and typically attaches to the hyoid apparatus via a common tendon. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: constrictor muscle of pharynx
- Deleted
- - constrictor muscle of pharynx definition Pharyngeal constrictor refers to one of the muscles that serves to constrict the pharynx. They include: Superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle Middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle Inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pharyngeal_constrictor,Wikipedia:Pharyngeal_constrictor }
- Added
- + constrictor muscle of pharynx definition Pharyngeal constrictor refers to one of the muscles that serves to constrict the pharynx. They include: Superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle Middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle Inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pharyngeal_constrictor }
Changes for: cheek
- Deleted
- - cheek database cross reference MESH:A01.456.505.173
- - cheek definition A fleshy subdivision of one side of the face bounded by an eye, ear and the nose. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheek , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + cheek database cross reference MESH:D002610
- + cheek definition A fleshy subdivision of one side of the face bounded by an eye, ear and the nose. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheek , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: muscle of larynx
- Deleted
- - muscle of larynx database cross reference MESH:A02.633.567.500
- Added
- + muscle of larynx database cross reference MESH:D007821
Changes for: masseter muscle
- Deleted
- - masseter muscle database cross reference MESH:A02.633.567.600.500
- Added
Changes for: temporalis muscle
- Deleted
- - temporalis muscle database cross reference MESH:A02.633.567.600.850
- Added
- + temporalis muscle database cross reference MESH:D013703
Changes for: stapedius muscle
- Deleted
- - stapedius muscle database cross reference MESH:A02.633.567.950
- Added
- + stapedius muscle database cross reference MESH:D013198
Changes for: azygos vein
- Deleted
- - azygos vein database cross reference MESH:A07.231.908.106
- Added
- + azygos vein database cross reference MESH:D001401
Changes for: auricular muscle
- Deleted
- - auricular muscle definition A muscle that is part of the pinna and is attached to the auricular cartilage { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + auricular muscle definition A muscle that is part of the pinna and is attached to the auricular cartilage { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: thymic vein
- Deleted
- - thymic vein definition A vein that drains blood from the thymus. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + thymic vein definition A vein that drains blood from the thymus. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: subclavian vein
- Deleted
- - subclavian vein database cross reference MESH:A07.231.908.877
- Added
- + subclavian vein database cross reference MESH:D013350
Changes for: anterior vena cava
- Deleted
- - anterior vena cava database cross reference MESH:A07.231.908.949.815
- - anterior vena cava definition A vein that carries deoxygenated blood from the upper half of the body into the right atrium of the heart. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superior_vena_cava , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - anterior vena cava has exact synonym superior caval vein { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + anterior vena cava database cross reference MESH:D014683
- + anterior vena cava definition A vein that carries deoxygenated blood from the upper half of the body into the right atrium of the heart. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superior_vena_cava , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + anterior vena cava has exact synonym superior caval vein { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: left subclavian artery
- Deleted
- - left subclavian artery definition The subclavian artery that supplies the left pectoral appendage { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + left subclavian artery definition The subclavian artery that supplies the left pectoral appendage { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: buccinator muscle
- Added
- + buccinator muscle database cross reference MFMO:0000002
Changes for: hindlimb zeugopod
- Deleted
- - hindlimb zeugopod database cross reference MESH:A01.378.610.500
- Added
- + hindlimb zeugopod database cross reference MESH:D007866
Changes for: forelimb stylopod
- Deleted
- - forelimb stylopod database cross reference MESH:A01.378.800.075
- - forelimb stylopod definition The part of the forelimb between pectoral region and the elbow, corresponding to the humerus. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + forelimb stylopod database cross reference MESH:D001132
- + forelimb stylopod definition The part of the forelimb between pectoral region and the elbow, corresponding to the humerus. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: nerve of thoracic segment
- Deleted
- - nerve of thoracic segment database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.720.800
- Added
- + nerve of thoracic segment database cross reference MESH:D013900
Changes for: mouth mucosa
- Deleted
- - mouth mucosa database cross reference MESH:A10.615.550.599
- Added
- + mouth mucosa database cross reference MESH:D009061
Changes for: intercostal nerve
- Deleted
- - intercostal nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.720.800.350
- Added
- + intercostal nerve database cross reference MESH:D007367
Changes for: cervical plexus
- Deleted
- - cervical plexus database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.720.150
- Added
- + cervical plexus database cross reference MESH:D002572
Changes for: thoracic nerve
- Deleted
- - thoracic nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.720.800
- Added
- + thoracic nerve database cross reference MESH:D013900
Changes for: vestibular nerve
- Deleted
- - vestibular nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.120.910.900
- Added
- + vestibular nerve database cross reference MESH:D014725
Changes for: musculocutaneous nerve
- Deleted
- - musculocutaneous nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.720.050.540
- Added
- + musculocutaneous nerve database cross reference MESH:D009138
Changes for: umbilical cord blood
- Deleted
- - umbilical cord blood database cross reference MESH:A12.207.152.200
- Added
- + umbilical cord blood database cross reference MESH:D005312
Changes for: middle cranial fossa
- Deleted
- - middle cranial fossa database cross reference MESH:A01.456.830.165
- Added
- + middle cranial fossa database cross reference MESH:D035301
Changes for: lingual nerve
- Deleted
- - lingual nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.120.760.500.450
- - lingual nerve definition The lingual nerve is a branch of the mandibular nerve (CN V3), itself a branch of the trigeminal nerve, which supplies sensory innervation to the tongue. It also carries fibers from the facial nerve, which return taste information from the anterior two thirds of the tongue. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lingual_nerve,Wikipedia:Lingual_nerve }
- Added
- + lingual nerve database cross reference MESH:D008036
- + lingual nerve definition The lingual nerve is a branch of the mandibular nerve (CN V3), itself a branch of the trigeminal nerve, which supplies sensory innervation to the tongue. It also carries fibers from the facial nerve, which return taste information from the anterior two thirds of the tongue. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lingual_nerve }
Changes for: anterior cranial fossa
- Deleted
- - anterior cranial fossa database cross reference MESH:A01.456.830.150
- Added
- + anterior cranial fossa database cross reference MESH:D035262
Changes for: spinal nerve root
- Deleted
- - spinal nerve root database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.720.725
- Added
- + spinal nerve root database cross reference MESH:D013126
Changes for: tensor tympani
- Deleted
- - tensor tympani database cross reference MESH:A02.633.567.975
- Added
- + tensor tympani database cross reference MESH:D013719
Changes for: bronchus basement membrane
- Deleted
- - bronchus basement membrane external ontology notes MA classifies as type of connective tissue: https://sourceforge.net/p/obo/mouse-anatomy-requests/94/ { external ontology=MA }
- - bronchus basement membrane has exact synonym bronchial basement membrane { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + bronchus basement membrane external ontology notes MA classifies as type of connective tissue: https://github.com/obophenotype/mouse-anatomy-ontology/issues/108 { external ontology=MA }
- + bronchus basement membrane has exact synonym bronchial basement membrane { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: maxillary artery
- Deleted
- - maxillary artery database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.523
- Added
- + maxillary artery database cross reference MESH:D008438
Changes for: sublingual artery
- Deleted
- - sublingual artery definition A branch of the lingual artery that supplies the sublingual gland. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + sublingual artery definition A branch of the lingual artery that supplies the sublingual gland. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: ophthalmic artery
- Deleted
- - ophthalmic artery database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.622
- Added
- + ophthalmic artery database cross reference MESH:D009880
Changes for: right coronary artery
- Deleted
- - right coronary artery definition Coronary artery which runs along the right side of the heart and predominantly supplies the mycocardium of the right side of the heart[Wikipedia,modified] { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_coronary_artery , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + right coronary artery definition Coronary artery which runs along the right side of the heart and predominantly supplies the mycocardium of the right side of the heart[Wikipedia,modified] { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_coronary_artery , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: anterior cerebral artery
- Deleted
- - anterior cerebral artery database cross reference MESH:A07.
- Added
- + anterior cerebral artery database cross reference MESH:D020771
Changes for: middle cerebral artery
- Deleted
- - middle cerebral artery database cross reference MESH:A07.
- Added
- + middle cerebral artery database cross reference MESH:D020768
Changes for: left coronary artery
- Deleted
- - left coronary artery definition Coronary artery which runs along the left side of the heart and predominantly supplies the mycocardium of the left side of the heart[Wikipedia,modified] { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left_coronary_artery , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + left coronary artery definition Coronary artery which runs along the left side of the heart and predominantly supplies the mycocardium of the left side of the heart[Wikipedia,modified] { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left_coronary_artery , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: central retinal artery
- Deleted
- - central retinal artery database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.765
- Added
- + central retinal artery database cross reference MESH:D012161
Changes for: coronary artery
- Deleted
- - coronary artery definition An artery that supplies the myocardium. { database cross reference=Coronary anatomy , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + coronary artery definition An artery that supplies the myocardium. { database cross reference=Coronary anatomy , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: intercostal space
- Deleted
- - intercostal space definition A space in the rib cage between two successive ribs. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + intercostal space definition A space in the rib cage between two successive ribs. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: posterior cerebral artery
- Deleted
- - posterior cerebral artery database cross reference MESH:A07.
- Added
- + posterior cerebral artery database cross reference MESH:D020769
Changes for: basilar artery
- Deleted
- - basilar artery database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.106
- Added
- + basilar artery database cross reference MESH:D001488
Changes for: vein
- Deleted
- - vein database cross reference MESH:A07.231.908
- Added
- + vein database cross reference MESH:D014680
Changes for: artery
- Deleted
- - artery database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114
- Added
- + artery database cross reference MESH:D001158
Changes for: echolocation organ
- Deleted
- - echolocation organ definition Any organ that plays a role in the process of echolocation. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + echolocation organ definition Any organ that plays a role in the process of echolocation. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: temporal artery
- Deleted
- - temporal artery database cross reference MESH:A07.
- Added
- + temporal artery database cross reference MESH:D013699
Changes for: glossopharyngeal nerve
- Deleted
- - glossopharyngeal nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.120.290
- Added
- + glossopharyngeal nerve database cross reference MESH:D005930
Changes for: vestibulocochlear nerve
- Deleted
- - vestibulocochlear nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.120.910
- Added
- + vestibulocochlear nerve database cross reference MESH:D000159
Changes for: future diaphragm
- Deleted
- - future diaphragm definition A structure that will develop into a diaphragm. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + future diaphragm definition A structure that will develop into a diaphragm. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: trigeminal nerve
- Deleted
- - trigeminal nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.120.760
- Added
- + trigeminal nerve database cross reference MESH:D014276
Changes for: trochlear nerve
- Deleted
- - trochlear nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.120.800
- Added
- + trochlear nerve database cross reference MESH:D014321
Changes for: facial nerve
- Deleted
- - facial nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.120.250
- Added
- + facial nerve database cross reference MESH:D005154
Changes for: abducens nerve
- Deleted
- - abducens nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.120.030
- Added
- + abducens nerve database cross reference MESH:D000010
Changes for: celiac artery
- Deleted
- - celiac artery database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.207
- Added
- + celiac artery database cross reference MESH:D002445
Changes for: oculomotor nerve
- Deleted
- - oculomotor nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.120.600
- Added
- + oculomotor nerve database cross reference MESH:D009802
Changes for: trunk paraxial mesoderm
- Deleted
- - trunk paraxial mesoderm has related synonym trunk paraxial mesenchyme
- Added
- + trunk paraxial mesoderm has related synonym trunk paraxial mesenchyme { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/30 }
Changes for: head paraxial mesoderm
- Deleted
- - head paraxial mesoderm has exact synonym head paraxial mesenchyme { database cross reference=EHDAA2:0000736 }
- Added
- + head paraxial mesoderm has exact synonym head paraxial mesenchyme { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/30 , database cross reference=EHDAA2:0000736 }
Changes for: chromaffin system
- Deleted
- - chromaffin system database cross reference MESH:A06.224
- - chromaffin system definition Organ system subdivision that consists primarily of chromaffin cells and their supporting structures. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + chromaffin system database cross reference MESH:D002838
- + chromaffin system definition Organ system subdivision that consists primarily of chromaffin cells and their supporting structures. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: hypoglossal nerve
- Deleted
- - hypoglossal nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.120.330
- Added
- + hypoglossal nerve database cross reference MESH:D007002
Changes for: cardiovascular system endothelium
- Deleted
- - cardiovascular system endothelium database cross reference MESH:A07.231.330
- Added
- + cardiovascular system endothelium database cross reference MESH:D004730
Changes for: aorta endothelium
- Deleted
- - aorta endothelium definition the thin layer of flat cells that line the aorta and form a barrier between circulating blood in the lumen and the rest of the vessel wall { database cross reference=MP:0009864,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + aorta endothelium definition the thin layer of flat cells that line the aorta and form a barrier between circulating blood in the lumen and the rest of the vessel wall { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0009864 }
Changes for: vasculature of retina
- Deleted
- - vasculature of retina database cross reference MESH:A07.231.611
- Added
- + vasculature of retina database cross reference MESH:D012171
Changes for: orbital cavity
- Deleted
- - orbital cavity definition Anatomical cavity bounded by the orbital region of the cranium and forming the location of some or all of the eye. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + orbital cavity definition Anatomical cavity bounded by the orbital region of the cranium and forming the location of some or all of the eye. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: paraaortic lymph node
- Deleted
- - paraaortic lymph node definition The paraaortic lymph nodes (also known as para-aortic, periaortic, and peri-aortic) are a group of lymph nodes that lie in front of the lumbar vertebral bodies near the aorta. These lymph nodes receive drainage from the lower gastrointestinal tract and the pelvic organs. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paraaortic_lymph_node,Wikipedia:Paraaortic_lymph_node }
- Added
- + paraaortic lymph node definition The paraaortic lymph nodes (also known as para-aortic, periaortic, and peri-aortic) are a group of lymph nodes that lie in front of the lumbar vertebral bodies near the aorta. These lymph nodes receive drainage from the lower gastrointestinal tract and the pelvic organs. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paraaortic_lymph_node }
Changes for: superficial cervical lymph node
- Deleted
- - superficial cervical lymph node definition A group of nodes lying along the external jugular vein; they drain the skin and superficial structures over the region of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and anterior cervical regions. Efferent vessels drain to the deep cervical lymph nodes. Lymph nodes can be further subdivided into anterior and lateral groupings. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superficial_cervical_lymph_nodes , database cross reference=CL:tm , database cross reference=ref:Stedmans }
- Added
- + superficial cervical lymph node contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + superficial cervical lymph node contributor https://github.com/tmeehan
- + superficial cervical lymph node definition A group of nodes lying along the external jugular vein; they drain the skin and superficial structures over the region of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and anterior cervical regions. Efferent vessels drain to the deep cervical lymph nodes. Lymph nodes can be further subdivided into anterior and lateral groupings. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superficial_cervical_lymph_nodes , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/5 , database cross reference=CL:tm , database cross reference=ref:Stedmans }
Changes for: vestibulocochlear nerve root
- Deleted
- - vestibulocochlear nerve root definition Either of the two roots that come of the vestibulocochlear nerve { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + vestibulocochlear nerve root definition Either of the two roots that come of the vestibulocochlear nerve { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: marginal zone of embryo
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: perinatal stage
- Deleted
- - perinatal stage definition The period spanning the range immediately before and after birth { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + perinatal stage definition The period spanning the range immediately before and after birth { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: chordamesoderm
- Deleted
- - chordamesoderm has exact synonym dorsal mesoderm { database cross reference=UBERONREF:0000002 }
- Added
Changes for: diagonal band of Broca
- Deleted
- - diagonal band of Broca database cross reference MESH:A08.186.211.730.885.380
- Added
- + diagonal band of Broca database cross reference MESH:D020667
Changes for: nephron tubule epithelium
- Deleted
- - nephron tubule epithelium definition the cellular avascular layer of the renal tubule luminar surfaces { database cross reference=MP:0009640,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + nephron tubule epithelium definition the cellular avascular layer of the renal tubule luminar surfaces { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0009640 }
Changes for: accessory XI nerve spinal component
- Deleted
- - accessory XI nerve spinal component definition The spinal root of accessory nerve (or part) is firm in texture, and its fibers arise from the motor cells in the lateral part of the anterior column of the gray substance of the medulla spinalis as low as the fifth cervical nerve. Passing through the lateral funiculus of the medulla spinalis, they emerge on its surface and unite to form a single trunk, which ascends between the ligamentum denticulatum and the posterior roots of the spinal nerves; enters the skull through the foramen magnum, and is then directed to the jugular foramen, through which it passes, lying in the same sheath of dura mater as the vagus, but separated from it by a fold of the arachnoid. In the jugular foramen, it receives one or two filaments from the cranial part of the nerve, or else joins it for a short distance and then separates from it again. As its exit from the jugular foramen, it runs backward in front of the internal jugular vein in 66.6 per cent. of cases, and behind in it 33.3 per cent. The nerve then descends obliquely behind the Digastricus and Stylohyoideus to the upper part of the Sternocleidomastoideus; it pierces this muscle, and courses obliquely across the posterior triangle of the neck, to end in the deep surface of the Trapezius. As it traverses the Sternocleidomastoideus it gives several filaments to the muscle, and joins with branches from the second cervical nerve. In the posterior triangle it unites with the second and third cervical nerves, while beneath the Trapezius it forms a plexus with the third and fourth cervical nerves, and from this plexus fibers are distributed to the muscle. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinal_root_of_accessory_nerve,Wikipedia:Spinal_root_of_accessory_nerve }
- Added
- + accessory XI nerve spinal component definition The spinal root of accessory nerve (or part) is firm in texture, and its fibers arise from the motor cells in the lateral part of the anterior column of the gray substance of the medulla spinalis as low as the fifth cervical nerve. Passing through the lateral funiculus of the medulla spinalis, they emerge on its surface and unite to form a single trunk, which ascends between the ligamentum denticulatum and the posterior roots of the spinal nerves; enters the skull through the foramen magnum, and is then directed to the jugular foramen, through which it passes, lying in the same sheath of dura mater as the vagus, but separated from it by a fold of the arachnoid. In the jugular foramen, it receives one or two filaments from the cranial part of the nerve, or else joins it for a short distance and then separates from it again. As its exit from the jugular foramen, it runs backward in front of the internal jugular vein in 66.6 per cent. of cases, and behind in it 33.3 per cent. The nerve then descends obliquely behind the Digastricus and Stylohyoideus to the upper part of the Sternocleidomastoideus; it pierces this muscle, and courses obliquely across the posterior triangle of the neck, to end in the deep surface of the Trapezius. As it traverses the Sternocleidomastoideus it gives several filaments to the muscle, and joins with branches from the second cervical nerve. In the posterior triangle it unites with the second and third cervical nerves, while beneath the Trapezius it forms a plexus with the third and fourth cervical nerves, and from this plexus fibers are distributed to the muscle. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinal_root_of_accessory_nerve }
Changes for: feather barbicel
- Deleted
- - feather barbicel definition A minute hook that projects off of a feather barbule, holding barbules together { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + feather barbicel definition A minute hook that projects off of a feather barbule, holding barbules together { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: nose tip
- Deleted
- - nose tip definition Outermost point on an external nose or snout { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- Added
- + nose tip contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + nose tip definition Outermost point on an external nose or snout { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/109 }
Changes for: dermatological-muscosal system
- Deleted
- - dermatological-muscosal system SubClassOf has part some integumental system
- - dermatological-muscosal system definition Anatomical system that consists of the integumental system plus all mucosae and submucosae. { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/53 }
- Added
- + dermatological-muscosal system SubClassOf has part some hypodermis
- + dermatological-muscosal system SubClassOf has part some skin of body
- + dermatological-muscosal system contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + dermatological-muscosal system contributor https://github.com/mcourtot
- + dermatological-muscosal system definition Anatomical system that consists of the integumental system plus all mucosae and submucosae. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/53 }
Changes for: vinculum of tendon
- Deleted
- - vinculum of tendon definition A tendinous band that connects the phalanges and the flexor muscles of the autopods. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincula_tendina , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + vinculum of tendon definition A tendinous band that connects the phalanges and the flexor muscles of the autopods. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincula_tendina , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: kidney epithelium
- Deleted
- - kidney epithelium definition the cellular avascular layer of the kidney luminar surfaces { database cross reference=MP:0004967,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + kidney epithelium definition the cellular avascular layer of the kidney luminar surfaces { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0004967 }
Changes for: seminiferous tubule epithelium
- Deleted
- - seminiferous tubule epithelium database cross reference MESH:A05.360.444.849.700.700
- - seminiferous tubule epithelium definition the stratified epithelial lining of the seminiferous tubules, consisting of the developing spermatozoa and the supporting Sertoli cells, which are tall, columnar type cells that line the tubule { database cross reference=MP:0011750,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + seminiferous tubule epithelium database cross reference MESH:D012670
- + seminiferous tubule epithelium definition the stratified epithelial lining of the seminiferous tubules, consisting of the developing spermatozoa and the supporting Sertoli cells, which are tall, columnar type cells that line the tubule { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0011750 }
Changes for: bile duct epithelium
- Deleted
- - bile duct epithelium definition Any epithelium that lines one of the bile ducts. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + bile duct epithelium definition Any epithelium that lines one of the bile ducts. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: gut mesentery
- Deleted
- - gut mesentery has related synonym peritoneal cavity mesentary { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - gut mesentery has related synonym peritoneal mesentary { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + gut mesentery has related synonym peritoneal cavity mesentary { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + gut mesentery has related synonym peritoneal mesentary { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + gut mesentery see also https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/509
Changes for: deep parotid lymph node
- Deleted
- - deep parotid lymph node definition The deep parotid lymph nodes are lymph nodes found below the parotid gland. The afferents of the subparotid glands drain the nasal part of the pharynx and the posterior parts of the nasal cavities. Their efferents pass to the superior deep cervical glands. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_parotid_lymph_nodes,Wikipedia:Deep_parotid_lymph_nodes }
- Added
- + deep parotid lymph node definition The deep parotid lymph nodes are lymph nodes found below the parotid gland. The afferents of the subparotid glands drain the nasal part of the pharynx and the posterior parts of the nasal cavities. Their efferents pass to the superior deep cervical glands. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_parotid_lymph_nodes }
Changes for: ingested food
- Deleted
- - ingested food definition A substance that is consumed by the organism for food. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + ingested food definition A substance that is consumed by the organism for food. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: pedal digitopodium region
- Deleted
- - pedal digitopodium region definition A digitopodium region that is part of a pes[Obol]. This includes the toes and metatarsal region, but excludes the tarsals region. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + pedal digitopodium region definition A digitopodium region that is part of a pes[Obol]. This includes the toes and metatarsal region, but excludes the tarsals region. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: manual digitopodium region
- Deleted
- - manual digitopodium region definition A digitopodium region that is part of a manus[Obol]. This includes the fingers and metacarpal region, but excludes the carpal region. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + manual digitopodium region definition A digitopodium region that is part of a manus[Obol]. This includes the fingers and metacarpal region, but excludes the carpal region. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: hepatic duct smooth muscle
- Deleted
- - hepatic duct smooth muscle definition Smooth muscle tissue in all or part of a hepatic duct. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + hepatic duct smooth muscle definition Smooth muscle tissue in all or part of a hepatic duct. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: digitopodium region
- Deleted
- - digitopodium region definition A segment of the autopod consisting of both acropodial region and metapodial region, but excluding the mesopodial/basopodial region. { database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:ni }
- Added
- + digitopodium region definition A segment of the autopod consisting of both acropodial region and metapodial region, but excluding the mesopodial/basopodial region. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/131 , database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:ni }
Changes for: pedal digit 8
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: posterior inferior cerebellar artery
- Deleted
- - posterior inferior cerebellar artery definition The posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA), the largest branch of the vertebral, is one of the three main arterial blood supplies for the cerebellum. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posterior_inferior_cerebellar_artery,Wikipedia:Posterior_inferior_cerebellar_artery }
- Added
- + posterior inferior cerebellar artery definition The posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA), the largest branch of the vertebral, is one of the three main arterial blood supplies for the cerebellum. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posterior_inferior_cerebellar_artery }
Changes for: centrale
- Deleted
- - centrale definition Endochondral bone located between the proximal and distal rows of carpals or tarsals and thus representing the central carpals or tarsals[PHENOSCAPE]. { database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:AMAO }
- Added
- + centrale contributor https://github.com/alex-dececchi
- + centrale contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + centrale definition Endochondral bone located between the proximal and distal rows of carpals or tarsals and thus representing the central carpals or tarsals[PHENOSCAPE]. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/124 , database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:AMAO }
Changes for: pedal digit 7
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: posterior nucleus of hypothalamus
- Deleted
- - posterior nucleus of hypothalamus definition The posterior nucleus of the hypothalamus is one of the many nuclei that make up the hypothalamic region of the brain. Its function is thermoregulation (heating) of the body. Damage or destruction of this nucleus causes hypothermia. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posterior_nucleus_of_hypothalamus,Wikipedia:Posterior_nucleus_of_hypothalamus }
- Added
- + posterior nucleus of hypothalamus definition The posterior nucleus of the hypothalamus is one of the many nuclei that make up the hypothalamic region of the brain. Its function is thermoregulation (heating) of the body. Damage or destruction of this nucleus causes hypothermia. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posterior_nucleus_of_hypothalamus }
Changes for: corticospinal tract
- Deleted
- - corticospinal tract database cross reference MESH:A08.186.854.633
- Added
- + corticospinal tract database cross reference MESH:D011712
Changes for: precentral gyrus
- Deleted
- - precentral gyrus definition Component of the frontal lobe. The appearance and disappearance of the central sulcus is the rostral and caudal boundaries of the precentral gyrus respectively. The medial boundary is specific frontal gyri (superior, middle and inferior) whereas the lateral boundary is the medial bank of the central sulcus (Christine Fennema-Notestine). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1455 }
- Added
- + precentral gyrus definition Component of the frontal lobe. The appearance and disappearance of the central sulcus is the rostral and caudal boundaries of the precentral gyrus respectively. The medial boundary is specific frontal gyri (superior, middle and inferior) whereas the lateral boundary is the medial bank of the central sulcus (Christine Fennema-Notestine). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1455 }
Changes for: respiratory tract epithelium
- Deleted
- - respiratory tract epithelium definition the pseudostratified ciliated epithelium that lines much of the conducting portion of the airway, including part of the nasal cavity and larynx, the trachea, and bronchi { database cross reference=MP:0010942,ISBN:0-683-40008-8,MGI:anna }
- Added
- + respiratory tract epithelium SubClassOf pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
- + respiratory tract epithelium definition the pseudostratified ciliated epithelium that lines much of the conducting portion of the airway, including part of the nasal cavity and larynx, the trachea, and bronchi { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0010942 }
Changes for: intergluteal cleft
- Deleted
- - intergluteal cleft definition The gluteal sulcus (also known as the gluteal fold or horizontal gluteal crease) is an area of the body of humans and great apes, described by a horizontal crease formed by the inferior aspect of the buttocks and the posterior upper leg. It is one of the major defining features of the buttocks. Children with developmental dysplasia of the hips are born with uneven gluteal folds and can be diagnosed with physical examination and sonogram. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gluteal_sulcus,Wikipedia:Gluteal_sulcus }
- Added
- + intergluteal cleft definition The gluteal sulcus (also known as the gluteal fold or horizontal gluteal crease) is an area of the body of humans and great apes, described by a horizontal crease formed by the inferior aspect of the buttocks and the posterior upper leg. It is one of the major defining features of the buttocks. Children with developmental dysplasia of the hips are born with uneven gluteal folds and can be diagnosed with physical examination and sonogram. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gluteal_sulcus }
Changes for: hindlimb feather
- Deleted
- - hindlimb feather definition A feather that is part of a hindlimb. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + hindlimb feather definition A feather that is part of a hindlimb. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: crural feather
- Deleted
- - crural feather definition A feather that is part of a hindlimb zeugopod. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + crural feather definition A feather that is part of a hindlimb zeugopod. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: temporal pole
- Deleted
- - temporal pole definition Anterior component of the temporal lobe (rostral boundary) extends caudally to the entorhinal cortex. The medial and lateral boundaries are the medial aspect of the temporal lobe and the superior or inferior temporal sulci, respectively (Christine Fennema-Notestine). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1055 }
- Added
- + temporal pole definition Anterior component of the temporal lobe (rostral boundary) extends caudally to the entorhinal cortex. The medial and lateral boundaries are the medial aspect of the temporal lobe and the superior or inferior temporal sulci, respectively (Christine Fennema-Notestine). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1055 }
Changes for: metacromion
- Deleted
- - metacromion SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: olivary pretectal nucleus
- Deleted
- - olivary pretectal nucleus definition Small distinct nucleus in the pretectum of mammals involved in the pupillary light reflect. In rats, it is an olive shaped (anterior) nucleus lying ventral to the brachium of the superior colliculus (Paxinos, The rat nervous system, 2nd ed, 1995, pg. 862). Physiologically, it is identified by neurons sensitive to luminance changes. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1037 }
- Added
- + olivary pretectal nucleus definition Small distinct nucleus in the pretectum of mammals involved in the pupillary light reflect. In rats, it is an olive shaped (anterior) nucleus lying ventral to the brachium of the superior colliculus (Paxinos, The rat nervous system, 2nd ed, 1995, pg. 862). Physiologically, it is identified by neurons sensitive to luminance changes. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1037 }
Changes for: pars endotympanica
- Deleted
- - pars endotympanica definition This is present in the cat and forms the large medial part of the Bulla tympanica. It is not to be regarded as a part of the pars tympanica, which ossifies directly from connective tissue, whereas the Pars endotympanica is preformed in cartilage. The Septum bullae in the cat is formed by the Pars tympanica as well as by the Pars endotympanica(NOMINA ANATOMICA VETERINARIA (2005)). { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + pars endotympanica definition This is present in the cat and forms the large medial part of the Bulla tympanica. It is not to be regarded as a part of the pars tympanica, which ossifies directly from connective tissue, whereas the Pars endotympanica is preformed in cartilage. The Septum bullae in the cat is formed by the Pars tympanica as well as by the Pars endotympanica(NOMINA ANATOMICA VETERINARIA (2005)). { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: pupal case
- Deleted
- - pupal case definition Any acellular shell or covering that surrounds the pupal form of an insect { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + pupal case definition Any acellular shell or covering that surrounds the pupal form of an insect { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: maxillary recess
- Deleted
- - maxillary recess definition A hollow space in the skull of carnivores, which do not exhibit a maxillary sinus. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + maxillary recess definition A hollow space in the skull of carnivores, which do not exhibit a maxillary sinus. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: neck of bone element
- Deleted
- - neck of bone element definition the neck region of a bone organ. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + neck of bone element definition the neck region of a bone organ. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: interstitial nucleus of Cajal
- Deleted
- - interstitial nucleus of Cajal definition The largest and most prominent of the cell groups of the medial longitudinal fasciculus { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + interstitial nucleus of Cajal definition The largest and most prominent of the cell groups of the medial longitudinal fasciculus { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: cranial placode
- Deleted
- - cranial placode definition Ectodermal placode that develops in the head into a part of the sensory nervous system. With a few exceptions (lens, adenohypophyseal), cranial placodes are neurogenic. { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK53175/ , database cross reference=https://github.com/seger/aao/issues/4 , database cross reference=https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3561940&group_id=76834&atid=1127722 }
- Added
- + cranial placode definition Ectodermal placode that develops in the head into a part of the sensory nervous system. With a few exceptions (lens, adenohypophyseal), cranial placodes are neurogenic. { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK53175/ , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/135 , database cross reference=https://github.com/seger/aao/issues/4 , database cross reference=https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=https://sourceforge.net/p/obo/xenopus-anatomy-xao-term-requests/11/ }
Changes for: upper lateral secondary incisor tooth
- Added
Changes for: lateral line system
- Deleted
- - lateral line system definition A line of sensory organs and associated structures along the sides of fish and amphibia that detect vibrations and pressure changes. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lateral_line_system , database cross reference=ISBN:0471209627 , database cross reference=ISBN:0815318960 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + lateral line system definition A line of sensory organs and associated structures along the sides of fish and amphibia that detect vibrations and pressure changes. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lateral_line_system , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=ISBN:0471209627 , database cross reference=ISBN:0815318960 }
Changes for: digit
- Added
Changes for: gill
- Deleted
- - gill database cross reference MESH:A13.421
- Added
- + gill database cross reference MESH:D005880
Changes for: male membranous urethra
- Deleted
- - male membranous urethra definition the shortest, least dilatable, and, with the exception of the external orifice, the narrowest part of the male urethral canal located in the deep perineal pouch and lined by pseudostratified columnar epithelium; it extends downward and forward, with a slight anterior concavity, between the apex of the prostate and the bulb of the urethra, perforating the urogenital diaphragm below and behind the pubic symphysis; the membranous portion of the urethra is completely surrounded by the fibers of the sphincter urethrae membranaceae; on either side near its termination are the bulbourethral glands { database cross reference=MP:0011778,MGI:anna }
- Added
- + male membranous urethra definition the shortest, least dilatable, and, with the exception of the external orifice, the narrowest part of the male urethral canal located in the deep perineal pouch and lined by pseudostratified columnar epithelium; it extends downward and forward, with a slight anterior concavity, between the apex of the prostate and the bulb of the urethra, perforating the urogenital diaphragm below and behind the pubic symphysis; the membranous portion of the urethra is completely surrounded by the fibers of the sphincter urethrae membranaceae; on either side near its termination are the bulbourethral glands { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0011778 }
Changes for: anterior cervical lymph node
- Deleted
- - anterior cervical lymph node definition The anterior cervical lymph nodes are a group of nodes found on the anterior part of the neck. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anterior_cervical_lymph_nodes,Wikipedia:Anterior_cervical_lymph_nodes }
- Added
- + anterior cervical lymph node contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + anterior cervical lymph node contributor https://github.com/tmeehan
- + anterior cervical lymph node definition The anterior cervical lymph nodes are a group of nodes found on the anterior part of the neck. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anterior_cervical_lymph_nodes , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/5 }
Changes for: lateral cervical lymph node
- Deleted
- - lateral cervical lymph node definition A cervical lymph nodes are found in proximity to an internal or external jugular vein. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_lateral_cervical_lymph_nodes , database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superficial_lateral_cervical_lymph_nodes }
- Added
- + lateral cervical lymph node contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + lateral cervical lymph node contributor https://github.com/tmeehan
- + lateral cervical lymph node definition A cervical lymph nodes are found in proximity to an internal or external jugular vein. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superficial_lateral_cervical_lymph_nodes , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/5 }
Changes for: gland
- Deleted
- - gland definition an organ that functions as a secretory or excretory organ { database cross reference=MP:0002163,MGI:csmith }
- - gland has exact synonym glandular organ { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + gland definition an organ that functions as a secretory or excretory organ { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0002163 }
- + gland has exact synonym glandular organ { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: post-anal tail bud
- Deleted
- - post-anal tail bud editor note See notes from UBERONREF:0000002
- Added
- + post-anal tail bud editor note See notes from https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/The-neural-crest
Changes for: palmar branch of median nerve
- Deleted
- - palmar branch of median nerve definition The palmar branch of the median nerve is a branch of the median nerve which arises at the lower part of the forearm. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palmar_branch_of_the_median_nerve,Wikipedia:Palmar_branch_of_the_median_nerve }
- Added
- + palmar branch of median nerve definition The palmar branch of the median nerve is a branch of the median nerve which arises at the lower part of the forearm. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palmar_branch_of_the_median_nerve }
Changes for: elastic tissue
- Deleted
- - elastic tissue database cross reference MESH:A10.165.400
- Added
- + elastic tissue database cross reference MESH:D004547
Changes for: tunica intima
- Deleted
- - tunica intima database cross reference MESH:A07.231.330.800
- Added
- + tunica intima database cross reference MESH:D017539
Changes for: tunica media
- Deleted
- - tunica media database cross reference MESH:A02.633.570.491.800
- Added
- + tunica media database cross reference MESH:D017540
Changes for: otolithic part of statoconial membrane
- Deleted
- - otolithic part of statoconial membrane database cross reference MESH:A09.246.631.909.625.125.680
- Added
- + otolithic part of statoconial membrane database cross reference MESH:D010037
Changes for: basicranium
- Deleted
- - basicranium database cross reference MESH:A01.456.830
- Added
- + basicranium database cross reference MESH:D019291
Changes for: otolith organ
- Deleted
- - otolith organ database cross reference MESH:A09.246.631.909.625
- - otolith organ definition the crystalline particles composed of calcium carbonate and a protein which adhere to the gelatinous membrane of the maculae of the utricle and saccule (otolithic membrane) { database cross reference=MP:0002894,ISBN:0-683-40008-8,MGI:llw2 }
- Added
- + otolith organ database cross reference MESH:D012444
- + otolith organ definition the crystalline particles composed of calcium carbonate and a protein which adhere to the gelatinous membrane of the maculae of the utricle and saccule (otolithic membrane) { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MGI:llw2 , database cross reference=MP:0002894 }
Changes for: periosteum
- Deleted
- - periosteum database cross reference MESH:A10.165.265.746
- - periosteum definition the thick fibrous membrane that closely invests the entire surface of a bone except the articular cartilage at synovial joints { database cross reference=MP:0010971,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + periosteum database cross reference MESH:D010521
- + periosteum definition the thick fibrous membrane that closely invests the entire surface of a bone except the articular cartilage at synovial joints { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0010971 }
Changes for: epiphyseal plate
- Deleted
- - epiphyseal plate database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.251.352
- Added
- + epiphyseal plate database cross reference MESH:D006132
Changes for: endochondral bone
- Deleted
- - endochondral bone definition Replacement bone that forms within cartilage. { database cross reference=http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0051070 , database cross reference=GO:0001958 , database cross reference=GO_REF:0000034 , database cross reference=VSAO:0000145 }
- Added
- + endochondral bone contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + endochondral bone contributor https://github.com/mellybelly
- + endochondral bone contributor https://github.com/wdahdul
- + endochondral bone definition Replacement bone that forms within cartilage. { database cross reference=http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0051070 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/54 , database cross reference=GO:0001958 , database cross reference=GO_REF:0000034 , database cross reference=VSAO:0000145 }
Changes for: glabella region of bone
- Deleted
- - glabella region of bone definition A zone of the frontal bone that connects the supraorbital rirdges. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glabella , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + glabella region of bone definition A zone of the frontal bone that connects the supraorbital rirdges. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glabella , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: corpus luteum
- Deleted
- - corpus luteum database cross reference MESH:A05.360.319.114.630.278
- Added
- + corpus luteum database cross reference MESH:D003338
Changes for: trabecula carnea
- Deleted
- - trabecula carnea definition the supporting bundles of muscular fibers lining the walls of the ventricles of the heart { database cross reference=MP:0004067,MGI:monikat }
- Added
- + trabecula carnea definition the supporting bundles of muscular fibers lining the walls of the ventricles of the heart { database cross reference=MGI:monikat , database cross reference=MP:0004067 }
Changes for: calcaneus
- Deleted
- - calcaneus definition The postaxial bone of the proximal tarsals series[Phenoscape]. { database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:mah }
- Added
- + calcaneus contributor https://github.com/alex-dececchi
- + calcaneus contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + calcaneus contributor https://github.com/mellybelly
- + calcaneus definition The postaxial bone of the proximal tarsals series[Phenoscape]. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/72 , database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:mah }
- + calcaneus editor note endochondral pattern not implemented
Changes for: navicular bone of pes
- Deleted
- - navicular bone of pes definition the oval-shaped tarsal bone found between the talus and the 3 cuneiform bones { database cross reference=MP:0009727,MGI:llw2 }
- Added
- + navicular bone of pes definition the oval-shaped tarsal bone found between the talus and the 3 cuneiform bones { database cross reference=MGI:llw2 , database cross reference=MP:0009727 }
Changes for: face
- Deleted
- - face database cross reference MESH:A01.456.505
- - face definition A subdivision of the head that has as parts the layers deep to the surface of the anterior surface, including the mouth, eyes, and olfactory apparatus (when present). In vertebrates, this includes the facial skeleton and structures superficial to the facial skeleton (cheeks, mouth, eyeballs, skin of face, etc). { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- Added
- + face database cross reference MESH:D005145
- + face definition A subdivision of the head that has as parts the layers deep to the surface of the anterior surface, including the mouth, eyes, and nose (when present). In vertebrates, this includes the facial skeleton and structures superficial to the facial skeleton (cheeks, mouth, eyeballs, skin of face, etc). { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: cuboid bone
- Deleted
- - cuboid bone has related synonym os tarsale IV et V { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm , has synonym type=latin term }
- Added
- + cuboid bone has related synonym os tarsale IV et V { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , has synonym type=latin term }
Changes for: skeleton of pes
- Deleted
- - skeleton of pes definition Subdivision of skeleton that is the collection of all skeletal elements in a pes, which is the distal section of the posterior hindlimb skeleton consisting of the mesopodium, the metapodium and the acropodium (e.g. including the ankle, sole, and toes)[Phenoscape]. { database cross reference=https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:MAH }
- Added
- + skeleton of pes contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + skeleton of pes contributor https://github.com/mellybelly
- + skeleton of pes definition Subdivision of skeleton that is the collection of all skeletal elements in a pes, which is the distal section of the posterior hindlimb skeleton consisting of the mesopodium, the metapodium and the acropodium (e.g. including the ankle, sole, and toes)[Phenoscape]. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/75 , database cross reference=https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:MAH }
Changes for: skeleton of manus
- Deleted
- - skeleton of manus definition Subdivision of skeleton that is the collection of all skeletal elements in a manus, which is the distal section of the anterior forelimb skeleton consisting of the mesopodium, the metapodium and the acropodium (e.g. including the wrist, palm, and fingers)[Phenoscape]. { database cross reference=https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:MAH }
- Added
- + skeleton of manus contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + skeleton of manus contributor https://github.com/mellybelly
- + skeleton of manus definition Subdivision of skeleton that is the collection of all skeletal elements in a manus, which is the distal section of the anterior forelimb skeleton consisting of the mesopodium, the metapodium and the acropodium (e.g. including the wrist, palm, and fingers)[Phenoscape]. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/74 , database cross reference=https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:MAH }
Changes for: distal phalanx of digit 2
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: distal phalanx of digit 3
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: distal phalanx of digit 4
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: distal phalanx of digit 5
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: middle phalanx of digit 2
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: middle phalanx of digit 3
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: tarsal bone
- Deleted
- - tarsal bone has exact synonym bone of tarsal skeleton { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + tarsal bone has exact synonym bone of tarsal skeleton { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: distal phalanx of digit 1
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: skeletal system
- Deleted
- - skeletal system EquivalentTo anatomical system and has part some skeleton and has part some articular system
- - skeletal system SubClassOf anatomical system
- Added
- + skeletal system EquivalentTo organ system subdivision and has part some skeleton and has part some articular system
- + skeletal system SubClassOf organ system subdivision
Changes for: subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue
- Deleted
- - subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue definition Subcutaneous adipose tissue that is located in the abdominal region. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/259 , database cross reference=CALOHA:paula , database cross reference=MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue contributor https://github.com/cindyJax
- + subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue contributor https://github.com/paulacalipho
- + subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue definition Subcutaneous adipose tissue that is located in the abdominal region. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/259 , database cross reference=CALOHA:paula , database cross reference=MGI:csmith }
Changes for: visceral abdominal adipose tissue
- Deleted
- - visceral abdominal adipose tissue definition Subcutaneous adipose tissue that is located in the peritoneal cavity. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/259 , database cross reference=CALOHA:paula , database cross reference=MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + visceral abdominal adipose tissue contributor https://github.com/cindyJax
- + visceral abdominal adipose tissue contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + visceral abdominal adipose tissue contributor https://github.com/paulacalipho
- + visceral abdominal adipose tissue definition Subcutaneous adipose tissue that is located in the peritoneal cavity. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/259 , database cross reference=CALOHA:paula , database cross reference=MGI:csmith }
Changes for: compact bone tissue
- Deleted
- - compact bone tissue definition the outer layers of solid, hard bone that covers spongy bone; consists of parallel osteons containing mineral deposits and interstitial lamellae { database cross reference=MP:0003797,ISBN:0-683-40008-8,MGI:hdene }
- Added
- + compact bone tissue definition the outer layers of solid, hard bone that covers spongy bone; consists of parallel osteons containing mineral deposits and interstitial lamellae { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MGI:hdene , database cross reference=MP:0003797 }
Changes for: pretectal nucleus
Changes for: epiphysis
- Deleted
- - epiphysis database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.251
- - epiphysis definition The head of a long bone that articulates with a neighboring skeletal element and is separated from the shaft by the epiphyseal plate until bone growth stops. At that time, the plate disappears and the head and shaft are united[MESH,modified]. { database cross reference=MESH:A02.835.232.251 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + epiphysis database cross reference MESH:D004838
- + epiphysis definition The head of a long bone that articulates with a neighboring skeletal element and is separated from the shaft by the epiphyseal plate until bone growth stops. At that time, the plate disappears and the head and shaft are united[MESH,modified]. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=MESH:A02.835.232.251 }
Changes for: pectoral girdle region
- Deleted
- - pectoral girdle region definition An organism subdivision that includes the pectoral girdle skeleton. Note that this includes both the skeletal elements and associated tissues (integument, muscle, etc). Examples: There are only two instances in an organism, right and left pectoral girdle regions. { database cross reference=https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=FMA:23217 , database cross reference=UBERONREF:0000003 }
- Added
- + pectoral girdle region SubClassOf in lateral side of some multicellular organism
- + pectoral girdle region SubClassOf lateral structure
- + pectoral girdle region definition An organism subdivision that includes the pectoral girdle skeleton and associated soft tissue. Note that this includes both the skeletal elements and associated tissues (integument, muscle, etc). Examples: There are only two instances in an organism, right and left pectoral girdle regions. { database cross reference=https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=FMA:23217 , database cross reference=UBERONREF:0000003 }
Changes for: intermedium
- Deleted
- - lunate definition The lunate bone (semilunar bone) is a carpal bone (wrist bone) in the human hand that may be distinguished by its deep concavity and crescentic outline. It is situated in the center of the proximal row of the carpus (wrist) region between the fore arm and hand (manus). In standard medical posture, the lunate carpal bone is situated between the lateral Scaphoid bone and medial Triquetral bone. The lunate carpal bone straddles distally the bordering ulna and radius bones and proximally to distal carpus (wrist) Trapezium bone and Trapezoid bone[WP]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunate_bone }
- - lunate has exact synonym os lunatum { database cross reference=VSAO:0005040 }
- - lunate label lunate
- Added
- + intermedium SubClassOf connected to some radiale
- + intermedium SubClassOf connected to some ulnare
- + intermedium contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + intermedium contributor https://github.com/mellybelly
- + intermedium definition Endochondral carpal bone articulating with the ulnare and the radiale. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/113 , database cross reference=UBERON:mah }
- + intermedium has exact synonym lunate { database cross reference=MA:0002556 , database cross reference=NCBITaxon:40674 , has synonym type=taxonomic disambiguation }
- + intermedium has exact synonym os lunatum { database cross reference=VSAO:0005040 , has synonym type=latin term }
- + intermedium label intermedium
Changes for: pisiform
- Deleted
- - pisiform definition A laterally positioned sesamoid bone found in close proximity with and occasionally fused to the ulnare. { database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:ad }
- Added
- + pisiform contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + pisiform contributor https://github.com/mellybelly
- + pisiform definition A laterally positioned sesamoid bone found in close proximity with and occasionally fused to the ulnare. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/116 , database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:ad }
Changes for: radiale
- Deleted
- - scaphoid definition the bone of the hand located at the radial side of the carpus and which articulates with the radius, trapezium, trapezoideum, capitate, and lunate bones { database cross reference=MP:0010775,MGI:llw2 }
- - scaphoid has related synonym navicular of manus
- - scaphoid has related synonym os naviculare manus { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scaphoid_bone }
- - scaphoid has related synonym os scaphoideum { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scaphoid_bone }
- - scaphoid has related synonym radial carpal bone
- - scaphoid has related synonym radiale { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scaphoid , database cross reference=AAO:0000790 }
- - scaphoid has related synonym scaphoideum { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scaphoid_bone }
- - scaphoid label scaphoid
- Added
- + radiale contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + radiale contributor https://github.com/mellybelly
- + radiale definition Endochondral proximal carpal bone articulating with the radius. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/112 , database cross reference=UBERON:mah }
- + radiale external definition the bone of the hand located at the radial side of the carpus and which articulates with the radius, trapezium, trapezoideum, capitate, and lunate bones { source=MP:0010775,MGI:llw2 }
- + radiale has exact synonym navicular of manus
- + radiale has exact synonym os naviculare manus { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scaphoid_bone }
- + radiale has exact synonym os scaphoideum { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scaphoid_bone }
- + radiale has exact synonym radial carpal bone
- + radiale has exact synonym scaphoid { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scaphoid , database cross reference=MA:0002555 , database cross reference=NCBITaxon:40674 }
- + radiale has exact synonym scaphoideum { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scaphoid_bone }
- + radiale label radiale
Changes for: elbow joint
- Deleted
- - elbow joint database cross reference MESH:A02.835.583.290
- Added
- + elbow joint database cross reference MESH:D004551
Changes for: radial nerve
- Deleted
- - radial nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.720.050.700
- Added
- + radial nerve database cross reference MESH:D011826
Changes for: vasa vasorum
- Deleted
- - vasa vasorum database cross reference MESH:A07.231.836
- Added
- + vasa vasorum database cross reference MESH:D014651
Changes for: brachiocephalic vein
- Deleted
- - brachiocephalic vein database cross reference MESH:A07.231.908.130
- Added
- + brachiocephalic vein database cross reference MESH:D016121
Changes for: ulnar nerve
- Deleted
- - ulnar nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.720.050.850
- Added
- + ulnar nerve database cross reference MESH:D014459
Changes for: pectoral muscle
- Deleted
- - pectoral muscle database cross reference MESH:A02.633.567.775
- Added
- + pectoral muscle database cross reference MESH:D010369
Changes for: muscle of pelvic girdle
- Added
- + muscle of pelvic girdle SubClassOf muscle of pelvis
Changes for: recurrent laryngeal nerve
- Deleted
- - recurrent laryngeal nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.050.050.925.450.700
- Added
- + recurrent laryngeal nerve database cross reference MESH:D012009
Changes for: splanchnic nerve
- Deleted
- - splanchnic nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.050.050.800
- Added
- + splanchnic nerve database cross reference MESH:D013153
Changes for: neural tissue
- Deleted
- - neural tissue database cross reference MESH:A08.561
- Added
- + neural tissue database cross reference MESH:D009417
Changes for: splenic vein
- Deleted
- - splenic vein database cross reference MESH:A07.231.908.670.730
- Added
- + splenic vein database cross reference MESH:D013162
Changes for: cavernous sinus
- Deleted
- - cavernous sinus database cross reference MESH:A07.231.908.224.334
- Added
- + cavernous sinus database cross reference MESH:D002426
Changes for: articular capsule
- Deleted
- - articular capsule database cross reference MESH:A02.835.583.443
- Added
- + articular capsule database cross reference MESH:D017746
Changes for: knee joint
- Deleted
- - knee joint database cross reference MESH:A02.835.583.475
- Added
- + knee joint database cross reference MESH:D007719
Changes for: temporomandibular joint
- Deleted
- - temporomandibular joint database cross reference MESH:A02.835.583.861
- Added
- + temporomandibular joint database cross reference MESH:D013704
Changes for: ankle joint
- Deleted
- - ankle joint database cross reference MESH:A02.835.583.378.062
- Added
- + ankle joint database cross reference MESH:D000843
Changes for: hip joint
- Deleted
- - hip joint database cross reference MESH:A02.835.583.411
- - hip joint definition A synovial joint that connects the femur to the acetbulum of the innominate bone. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + hip joint database cross reference MESH:D006621
- + hip joint definition A synovial joint that connects the femur to the acetbulum of the innominate bone. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: pes joint
- Deleted
- - pes joint database cross reference MESH:A02.835.583.378
- Added
- + pes joint database cross reference MESH:D033023
Changes for: laryngeal vocal fold
- Deleted
- - laryngeal vocal fold SubClassOf part of some larynx
- - laryngeal vocal fold database cross reference MESH:A04.329.364.737
- - laryngeal vocal fold has related synonym Stimmband { database cross reference=BTO:0005084 }
- - laryngeal vocal fold has related synonym Stimmlippe { database cross reference=BTO:0005084 }
- Added
- + laryngeal vocal fold database cross reference MESH:D014827
- + laryngeal vocal fold editor note we follow FMA in modeling this is mucous membrane plus ligament
Changes for: carotid sinus
- Deleted
- - carotid sinus database cross reference MESH:A07.
- - carotid sinus definition In human anatomy, the carotid sinus is a localized dilation of the internal carotid artery at its origin, the common carotid artery bifurcation. A synonym for the carotid sinus is the carotid bulb. [WP,unvetted]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carotid_sinus }
- Added
- + carotid sinus database cross reference MESH:D002346
- + carotid sinus definition A localized dilation of the internal carotid artery at its origin, the common carotid artery bifurcation. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carotid_sinus }
- + carotid sinus has related synonym carotid bulb { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carotid_sinus }
Changes for: sinus of Valsalva
- Deleted
- - sinus of Valsalva database cross reference MESH:A07.
- Added
- + sinus of Valsalva database cross reference MESH:D012850
Changes for: inguinal canal
- Deleted
- - inguinal canal definition the passage in the lower abdominal wall through which the spermatic cord in the male or the round ligament in the female, nerves and vessels pass from the pelvic cavity to the scrotum or labia majora, respectively { database cross reference=MP:0003673,ISBN:0-683-40008-8,MESH:A01.047.412 }
- Added
- + inguinal canal definition the passage in the lower abdominal wall through which the spermatic cord in the male or the round ligament in the female, nerves and vessels pass from the pelvic cavity to the scrotum or labia majora, respectively { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MESH:A01.047.412 , database cross reference=MP:0003673 }
Changes for: calcaneal tendon
- Deleted
- - calcaneal tendon database cross reference MESH:A02.880.176
- Added
- + calcaneal tendon database cross reference MESH:D000125
- + calcaneal tendon function notes bipedalism, running
- + calcaneal tendon taxon notes reduced in non-human primates
Changes for: intrahepatic bile duct
- Deleted
- - intrahepatic bile duct database cross reference MESH:A03.159.183.158
- Added
- + intrahepatic bile duct database cross reference MESH:D001653
Changes for: extrahepatic bile duct
- Deleted
- - extrahepatic bile duct database cross reference MESH:A03.159.183.079
- Added
- + extrahepatic bile duct database cross reference MESH:D017734
Changes for: circle of Willis
- Deleted
- - circle of Willis database cross reference MESH:A07.
- Added
- + circle of Willis database cross reference MESH:D002941
Changes for: glenohumeral joint
- Deleted
- - glenohumeral joint database cross reference MESH:A02.835.583.748
- Added
- + glenohumeral joint database cross reference MESH:D012785
Changes for: deltoid
- Deleted
- - deltoid definition A muscle of shoulder which attaches to the scapula, clavicle and humerus.[FMA,generalized] { database cross reference=FMA:32521 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + deltoid definition A muscle of shoulder which attaches to the scapula, clavicle and humerus.[FMA,generalized] { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=FMA:32521 }
Changes for: skin of prepuce of penis
- Deleted
- - skin of prepuce of penis definition the loose fold of skin that covers the penis { database cross reference=MP:0003553,NCBI:matt }
- Added
- + skin of prepuce of penis definition the loose fold of skin that covers the penis { database cross reference=MP:0003553 , database cross reference=NCBI:matt }
Changes for: lymphatic vessel
- Deleted
Changes for: middle phalanx of digit 5
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: middle phalanx of digit 4
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: sesamoid bone
- Deleted
- - sesamoid bone database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.730
- Added
- + sesamoid bone database cross reference MESH:D012716
Changes for: prepyriform area
- Deleted
- - prepyriform area definition Prepyriform area (or prepiriform cortex) is a portion of the rhinencephalon consisting of paleocortex. Some sources state that it is part of the primary olfactory cortex. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prepyriform_area,Wikipedia:Prepyriform_area }
- Added
- + prepyriform area definition Prepyriform area (or prepiriform cortex) is a portion of the rhinencephalon consisting of paleocortex. Some sources state that it is part of the primary olfactory cortex. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prepyriform_area }
Changes for: paracentral sulcus
- Deleted
- - paracentral sulcus definition The paracentral sulcus is a sulcus of the brain. It forms the paracentral lobule’s anterior border. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paracentral_sulcus,Wikipedia:Paracentral_sulcus }
- Added
- + paracentral sulcus definition The paracentral sulcus is a sulcus of the brain. It forms the paracentral lobule’s anterior border. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paracentral_sulcus }
Changes for: shoulder
- Deleted
- - shoulder database cross reference MESH:A01.378.800.750
- - shoulder definition A subdivision of the pectoral complex consisting of the structures in the region of the shoulder joint (which connects the humerus, scapula and clavicle). { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + shoulder database cross reference MESH:D012782
- + shoulder definition A subdivision of the pectoral complex consisting of the structures in the region of the shoulder joint (which connects the humerus, scapula and clavicle). { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: hip
- Deleted
- - hip database cross reference MESH:A01.378.610.400
- Added
- + hip database cross reference MESH:D006615
Changes for: knee
- Deleted
- - knee database cross reference MESH:A01.378.610.450
- Added
- + knee database cross reference MESH:D007717
Changes for: manual digit 1
- Deleted
- - manual digit 1 database cross reference MESH:A01.378.800.667.430.705
- - manual digit 1 has exact synonym manual digit I { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
Changes for: arm
- Deleted
- - arm database cross reference MESH:A01.378.800.075
- Added
- + arm database cross reference MESH:D001132
Changes for: elbow
- Deleted
- - elbow database cross reference MESH:A01.378.800.420
- Added
- + elbow database cross reference MESH:D004550
Changes for: sternoclavicular joint
- Deleted
- - sternoclavicular joint database cross reference MESH:A02.835.583.781
- Added
- + sternoclavicular joint database cross reference MESH:D013247
Changes for: manual digit 4
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: manual digit 5
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: manual digit 3
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: manual digit 2
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: manual digit 1 phalanx
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: pedal digit 5
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: manual digit 2 phalanx
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: manual digit 3 phalanx
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: manual digit 4 phalanx
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: manual digit 5 phalanx
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: lateral malleolus of fibula
- Deleted
- - lateral malleolus of fibula definition Malleolus is the name for the bony prominence on each side of the ankle. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malleolus,Wikipedia:Malleolus }
- Added
- + lateral malleolus of fibula definition Malleolus is the name for the bony prominence on each side of the ankle. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malleolus }
Changes for: pedal digit 2
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: pedal digit 1
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 1 database cross reference MESH:A01.378.610.250.300.792.380
- - pedal digit 1 has exact synonym pedal digit I { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
Changes for: pedal digit 4
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: pedal digit 3
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: hemisphere of embryo
- Deleted
- - hemisphere of embryo definition One of two hemispheres of the embryo at the zygote or blastula stage[WP,modified] { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polarity_in_embryogenesis , database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/153 }
- Added
- + hemisphere of embryo contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + hemisphere of embryo contributor https://github.com/mellybelly
- + hemisphere of embryo definition One of two hemispheres of the embryo at the zygote or blastula stage[WP,modified] { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polarity_in_embryogenesis , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/153 }
Changes for: perianal sebaceous gland
- Deleted
- - perianal sebaceous gland database cross reference MESH:A13.734
- Added
- + perianal sebaceous gland database cross reference MESH:D010481
Changes for: trachea cartilage
- Deleted
- - trachea cartilage definition the ring-shaped cartilaginous structures that support the trachea { database cross reference=MP:0003120,J:97123,MGI:smb , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + trachea cartilage definition the ring-shaped cartilaginous structures that support the trachea { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=J:97123 , database cross reference=MGI:smb , database cross reference=MP:0003120 }
Changes for: abdominal ganglion
- Added
- + abdominal ganglion SubClassOf abdominal segment element
Changes for: chromaffin paraganglion
- Deleted
- - chromaffin paraganglion database cross reference MESH:A06.224.736
- Added
- + chromaffin paraganglion database cross reference MESH:D010233
Changes for: endometrium glandular epithelium
- Deleted
- - endometrium glandular epithelium SubClassOf glandular epithelium
- Added
Changes for: blood vessel elastic tissue
- Deleted
- - blood vessel elastic tissue definition Elastic tissue layer that lines a blood vessel layer. { database cross reference=https://sourceforge.net/p/obo/mammalian-phenotype-requests/2026/ , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + blood vessel elastic tissue definition Elastic tissue layer that lines a blood vessel layer. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=https://sourceforge.net/p/obo/mammalian-phenotype-requests/2026/ }
Changes for: fascia lata
- Deleted
- - fascia lata database cross reference MESH:A02.340.424
- Added
- + fascia lata database cross reference MESH:D005206
Changes for: synovial bursa
- Deleted
- - synovial bursa database cross reference MESH:A02.835.583.156
- Added
- + synovial bursa database cross reference MESH:D002061
Changes for: brachiocephalic artery
- Deleted
- - brachiocephalic artery database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.145
- - brachiocephalic artery definition the short first aortic arch branch and divides into the right subclavian artery and the right common carotid artery { database cross reference=MP:0010663,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + brachiocephalic artery database cross reference MESH:D016122
- + brachiocephalic artery definition the short first aortic arch branch and divides into the right subclavian artery and the right common carotid artery { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0010663 }
Changes for: sublaminar layers S1 or S2 or S3 or S4
- Deleted
- - sublaminar layers S1 or S2 or S3 or S4 definition One of sublaminar layers S1, S2, S3, or S4. { database cross reference=GOC:plr }
- Added
- + sublaminar layers S1 or S2 or S3 or S4 contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + sublaminar layers S1 or S2 or S3 or S4 contributor https://github.com/tmeehan
- + sublaminar layers S1 or S2 or S3 or S4 definition One of sublaminar layers S1, S2, S3, or S4. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/31 , database cross reference=GOC:plr }
Changes for: sublaminar layers S3 or S4 or S5
- Deleted
- - sublaminar layers S3 or S4 or S5 definition One of sublaminar layers S3, S4, or S5. { database cross reference=GOC:plr }
- Added
- + sublaminar layers S3 or S4 or S5 contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + sublaminar layers S3 or S4 or S5 contributor https://github.com/tmeehan
- + sublaminar layers S3 or S4 or S5 definition One of sublaminar layers S3, S4, or S5. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/31 , database cross reference=GOC:plr }
Changes for: border of sublaminar layers S3 and S4
- Deleted
- - border of sublaminar layers S3 and S4 definition The region extending out from the boundary between sublaminar layers S3 and S4. { database cross reference=https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=GOC:plr }
- Added
- + border of sublaminar layers S3 and S4 contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + border of sublaminar layers S3 and S4 contributor https://github.com/tmeehan
- + border of sublaminar layers S3 and S4 definition The region extending out from the boundary between sublaminar layers S3 and S4. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/31 , database cross reference=https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=GOC:plr }
Changes for: border of sublaminar layers S1 and S2
- Deleted
- - border of sublaminar layers S1 and S2 definition The region extending out from the boundary between layers S1 and S2. { database cross reference=https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=GOC:plr }
- Added
- + border of sublaminar layers S1 and S2 contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + border of sublaminar layers S1 and S2 contributor https://github.com/tmeehan
- + border of sublaminar layers S1 and S2 definition The region extending out from the boundary between layers S1 and S2. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/31 , database cross reference=https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=GOC:plr }
Changes for: skin mucous gland
- Deleted
- - skin mucous gland definition A mucous gland that is part of the skin. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + skin mucous gland definition A mucous gland that is part of the skin. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: sublaminar layers S1 or S2 or S3
- Deleted
- - sublaminar layers S1 or S2 or S3 definition One of sublaminar layers S1, S2, or S3. { database cross reference=GOC:plr }
- Added
- + sublaminar layers S1 or S2 or S3 contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + sublaminar layers S1 or S2 or S3 contributor https://github.com/tmeehan
- + sublaminar layers S1 or S2 or S3 definition One of sublaminar layers S1, S2, or S3. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/31 , database cross reference=GOC:plr }
Changes for: sublaminar layers S1 or S2 or S5
- Deleted
- - sublaminar layers S1 or S2 or S5 definition One of sublaminar layers S1, S2, or S5. { database cross reference=GOC:plr }
- Added
- + sublaminar layers S1 or S2 or S5 contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + sublaminar layers S1 or S2 or S5 contributor https://github.com/tmeehan
- + sublaminar layers S1 or S2 or S5 definition One of sublaminar layers S1, S2, or S5. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/31 , database cross reference=GOC:plr }
Changes for: sublaminar layers S1 or S3 or S4
- Deleted
- - sublaminar layers S1 or S3 or S4 definition One of sublaminar layers S1, S3, or S4. { database cross reference=GOC:plr }
- Added
- + sublaminar layers S1 or S3 or S4 contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + sublaminar layers S1 or S3 or S4 contributor https://github.com/tmeehan
- + sublaminar layers S1 or S3 or S4 definition One of sublaminar layers S1, S3, or S4. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/31 , database cross reference=GOC:plr }
Changes for: thymus trabecula
- Deleted
- - thymus trabecula definition the thymic connective tissue which extends into the parenchyma { database cross reference=MP:0002370,ISBN:0-397-51047-0,MGI:cwg }
- Added
- + thymus trabecula definition the thymic connective tissue which extends into the parenchyma { database cross reference=ISBN:0-397-51047-0 , database cross reference=MGI:cwg , database cross reference=MP:0002370 }
Changes for: sublaminar layers S2 or S3 or S4
- Deleted
- - sublaminar layers S2 or S3 or S4 definition One of sublaminar layers S2, S3, or S4. { database cross reference=GOC:plr }
- Added
- + sublaminar layers S2 or S3 or S4 contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + sublaminar layers S2 or S3 or S4 contributor https://github.com/tmeehan
- + sublaminar layers S2 or S3 or S4 definition One of sublaminar layers S2, S3, or S4. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/31 , database cross reference=GOC:plr }
Changes for: prostate gland secretion
- Deleted
- - prostate gland secretion definition A bodily secretion that is produced by the prostate gland. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + prostate gland secretion definition A bodily secretion that is produced by the prostate gland. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: sublaminar layers S3 or S4
- Deleted
- - sublaminar layers S3 or S4 definition One of sublaminar layers S3 or S4. { database cross reference=GOC:plr }
- Added
- + sublaminar layers S3 or S4 contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + sublaminar layers S3 or S4 contributor https://github.com/tmeehan
- + sublaminar layers S3 or S4 definition One of sublaminar layers S3 or S4. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/31 , database cross reference=GOC:plr }
Changes for: blood vessel layer
- Deleted
- - blood vessel layer definition Any of the tissue layers that comprise a blood vessel. Examples: tunica media, tunica adventitia. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + blood vessel layer definition Any of the tissue layers that comprise a blood vessel. Examples: tunica media, tunica adventitia. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: mouth floor
- Deleted
- - mouth floor database cross reference MESH:A14.549.441
- Added
- + mouth floor database cross reference MESH:D009060
Changes for: vertebral artery
- Deleted
- - vertebral artery database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.955
- - vertebral artery definition the first branch of the left and right subclavian arteries that merge to form the single midline basilar artery; branches of the vertebral arteries supply the musculature of the neck { database cross reference=MP:0011513,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + vertebral artery database cross reference MESH:D014711
- + vertebral artery definition the first branch of the left and right subclavian arteries that merge to form the single midline basilar artery; branches of the vertebral arteries supply the musculature of the neck { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0011513 }
Changes for: right subclavian artery
- Deleted
- - right subclavian artery definition The subclavian artery that supplies the right pectoral appendage { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + right subclavian artery definition The subclavian artery that supplies the right pectoral appendage { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: entire pharyngeal arch endoderm
- Deleted
- - entire pharyngeal arch endoderm SubClassOf foregut epithelium
- Added
- + entire pharyngeal arch endoderm SubClassOf endoderm of foregut
Changes for: smegma
- Deleted
- - smegma database cross reference MESH:A12.200.769
- Added
- + smegma database cross reference MESH:D012902
Changes for: anterior cruciate ligament of knee joint
- Deleted
- - anterior cruciate ligament of knee joint database cross reference MESH:A02.513.514.100
- Added
- + anterior cruciate ligament of knee joint database cross reference MESH:D016118
Changes for: internal carotid artery
- Deleted
- - internal carotid artery database cross reference MESH:A07.
- Added
- + internal carotid artery database cross reference MESH:D002343
Changes for: subclavian artery
- Deleted
- - subclavian artery database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.839
- Added
- + subclavian artery database cross reference MESH:D013348
Changes for: ligamentum flavum
- Deleted
- - ligamentum flavum database cross reference MESH:A02.513.514.287
- Added
- + ligamentum flavum database cross reference MESH:D017843
Changes for: common carotid artery plus branches
- Deleted
- - common carotid artery plus branches database cross reference MESH:A07.
- Added
- + common carotid artery plus branches database cross reference MESH:D017536
Changes for: cuspid
- Deleted
- - cuspid definition A tooth that is typically long and pointed and bearing a single cusp. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + cuspid definition A tooth that is typically long and pointed and bearing a single cusp. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: patellar ligament
- Deleted
- - patellar ligament database cross reference MESH:A02.513.514.475
- Added
- + patellar ligament database cross reference MESH:D017847
Changes for: interosseous muscle of manus
- Deleted
- - interosseous muscle of manus definition Any of the interosseous muscles of the manus (hand). This includes the dorsal and plantar interossei { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + interosseous muscle of manus definition Any of the interosseous muscles of the manus (hand). This includes the dorsal and plantar interossei { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: metacarpal bone of digit 5
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: metacarpal bone of digit 4
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: metacarpal bone of digit 3
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: arch of aorta
- Deleted
- - arch of aorta definition the convex portion of the aorta between the ascending and descending parts of the aorta; branches from it include the brachiocephalic trunk, the left common carotid artery, and the left subclavian artery; the brachiocephalic trunk further splits to form the right subclavian artery and the right common carotid artery { database cross reference=MP:0004113,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + arch of aorta definition the convex portion of the aorta between the ascending and descending parts of the aorta; branches from it include the brachiocephalic trunk, the left common carotid artery, and the left subclavian artery; the brachiocephalic trunk further splits to form the right subclavian artery and the right common carotid artery { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0004113 }
Changes for: metacarpal bone of digit 2
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: tunicate siphon
- Deleted
- - tunicate siphon definition tubular appendage for drawing or ejecting fluids { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + tunicate siphon definition tubular appendage for drawing or ejecting fluids { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: endocardium of left ventricle
- Deleted
- - endocardium of left ventricle definition Any endocardium that is part of the left ventricle of the heart. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + endocardium of left ventricle definition Any endocardium that is part of the left ventricle of the heart. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: endocardium of right ventricle
- Deleted
- - endocardium of right ventricle definition Any endocardium that is part of the right ventricle of the heart. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + endocardium of right ventricle definition Any endocardium that is part of the right ventricle of the heart. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: metacarpal bone of digit 1
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: pedal digit 3 phalanx
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: pedal digit 1 phalanx
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: pedal digit 2 phalanx
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: thoracic aorta
- Deleted
- - thoracic aorta database cross reference MESH:A07.
- - thoracic aorta definition the part of the aorta that extends from the origin at the heart to the diaphragm, and from which arises numerous branches that supply oxygenated blood to the chest cage and the organs within the chest { database cross reference=MP:0010468,http://www.medterms.com }
- Added
- + thoracic aorta database cross reference MESH:D001013
- + thoracic aorta definition the part of the aorta that extends from the origin at the heart to the diaphragm, and from which arises numerous branches that supply oxygenated blood to the chest cage and the organs within the chest { database cross reference=http://www.medterms.com , database cross reference=MP:0010468 }
Changes for: abdominal aorta
- Deleted
- - abdominal aorta database cross reference MESH:A07.
- Added
- + abdominal aorta database cross reference MESH:D001012
Changes for: metatarsal bone of digit 4
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: kidney pelvis urothelium
- Deleted
- - kidney pelvis urothelium definition the epithelial lining of the luminal space of the kidney pelvis { database cross reference=MP:0011336,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + kidney pelvis urothelium definition the epithelial lining of the luminal space of the kidney pelvis { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0011336 }
Changes for: metatarsal bone of digit 5
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: respiratory system mucosa
- Deleted
- - respiratory system mucosa database cross reference MESH:A04.760
- - respiratory system mucosa definition the mucous membrane lining the respiratory tract { database cross reference=MP:0002277,MESH:A04.760,MGI:cwg }
- Added
- + respiratory system mucosa database cross reference MESH:D020545
- + respiratory system mucosa definition the mucous membrane lining the respiratory tract { database cross reference=MESH:A04.760 , database cross reference=MGI:cwg , database cross reference=MP:0002277 }
Changes for: metatarsal bone of digit 1
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: metatarsal bone of digit 2
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: metatarsal bone of digit 3
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: skeletal tissue
- Deleted
- - skeletal tissue definition A specialized form of connective tissue in which the extracellular matrix is firm, providing the tissue with resilience, and/or mineralized and that functions in mechanical and structural support.[VSAO] { database cross reference=http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0051070 , database cross reference=GO_REF:0000034 , database cross reference=PSPUB:0000170 , database cross reference=VSAO:0000015 }
- Added
- + skeletal tissue definition A specialized form of connective tissue in which the extracellular matrix is firm, providing the tissue with resilience, and/or mineralized and that functions in mechanical and structural support.[VSAO] { database cross reference=http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0051070 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/134 , database cross reference=GO_REF:0000034 , database cross reference=PSPUB:0000170 , database cross reference=VSAO:0000015 }
Changes for: dermal skeletal element
- Deleted
- - dermal skeletal element definition dermis-derived entity that is made of skeletal tissue. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + dermal skeletal element definition dermis-derived entity that is made of skeletal tissue. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: scapulocoracoid
- Deleted
- - scapulocoracoid definition Skeletal element that consists of the scapula and the coracoid[VSAO, modified]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scapulocoracoid , database cross reference=VSAO:0005002 }
- Added
- + scapulocoracoid contributor https://github.com/alex-dececchi
- + scapulocoracoid contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + scapulocoracoid contributor https://github.com/mellybelly
- + scapulocoracoid definition Skeletal element that consists of the scapula and the coracoid[VSAO, modified]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scapulocoracoid , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/125 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/66 , database cross reference=VSAO:0005002 }
Changes for: regional part of brain
- Deleted
- - regional part of brain definition Anatomical divisons of the brain according to one or more criteria, e.g. cytoarchitectural, gross anatomy. Parts may be contiguous in 3D or not, e.g., basal ganglia. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1167 }
- Added
- + regional part of brain definition Anatomical divisons of the brain according to one or more criteria, e.g. cytoarchitectural, gross anatomy. Parts may be contiguous in 3D or not, e.g., basal ganglia. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1167 }
Changes for: salt gland
- Deleted
- - salt gland database cross reference MESH:A13.811
- Added
- + salt gland database cross reference MESH:D012491
Changes for: vertebral centrum element
- Deleted
- - vertebral centrum element definition Skeletal element that functionally replaces the notochord[VSAP,modified]. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=VSAO:0000183 , database cross reference=VSAO:curator }
- Added
- + vertebral centrum element contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + vertebral centrum element definition Skeletal element that functionally replaces the notochord[VSAP,modified]. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/80 , database cross reference=VSAO:0000183 , database cross reference=VSAO:curator }
Changes for: diaphysis
- Deleted
- - diaphysis database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.169
- Added
- + diaphysis database cross reference MESH:D018483
Changes for: foramen magnum
- Deleted
- - foramen magnum database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.781.572.434
- Added
- + foramen magnum database cross reference MESH:D005539
Changes for: tooth socket
- Deleted
- - tooth socket database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.781.324.502.125.800
- Added
- + tooth socket database cross reference MESH:D020390
Changes for: sella turcica
- Deleted
- - sella turcica database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.781.802.662
- Added
- + sella turcica database cross reference MESH:D012658
Changes for: rotator cuff
- Deleted
- - rotator cuff database cross reference MESH:A02.633.567.912
- Added
- + rotator cuff database cross reference MESH:D017006
Changes for: instar larval stage
Changes for: palatal muscle
- Deleted
- - palatal muscle database cross reference MESH:A02.633.567.750
- Added
- + palatal muscle database cross reference MESH:D010156
Changes for: cranial suture
- Deleted
- - cranial suture database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.781.200
- Added
- + cranial suture database cross reference MESH:D003393
Changes for: masticatory muscle
- Deleted
- - masticatory muscle database cross reference MESH:A02.633.567.600
- Added
- + masticatory muscle database cross reference MESH:D008410
Changes for: posterior cruciate ligament of knee joint
- Deleted
- - posterior cruciate ligament of knee joint database cross reference MESH:A02.513.514.600
- Added
Changes for: pubic symphysis
- Deleted
- - pubic symphysis database cross reference MESH:A02.835.583.656
- Added
- + pubic symphysis database cross reference MESH:D011631
Changes for: articular/anguloarticular
- Deleted
- Added
- + articular/anguloarticular contributor https://github.com/alex-dececchi
- + articular/anguloarticular contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + articular/anguloarticular definition . { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Articular , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/98 }
Changes for: subtalar joint
- Deleted
- - subtalar joint database cross reference MESH:A02.835.583.378.831.780
- Added
- + subtalar joint database cross reference MESH:D013380
Changes for: metatarsophalangeal joint
- Deleted
- - metatarsophalangeal joint database cross reference MESH:A02.835.583.378.531
- Added
- + metatarsophalangeal joint database cross reference MESH:D008683
Changes for: atlanto-axial joint
- Deleted
- - atlanto-axial joint database cross reference MESH:A02.835.583.097
- Added
- + atlanto-axial joint database cross reference MESH:D001268
Changes for: acromioclavicular joint
- Deleted
- - acromioclavicular joint database cross reference MESH:A02.835.583.032
- - acromioclavicular joint definition Any joint connecting the acromonion of the scapula and clavicle. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acromioclavicular_joint , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + acromioclavicular joint database cross reference MESH:D000173
- + acromioclavicular joint definition Any joint connecting the acromonion of the scapula and clavicle. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acromioclavicular_joint , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: epidural space
- Deleted
- - epidural space database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.834.803.350
- Added
- + epidural space database cross reference MESH:D004824
Changes for: fused sacrum
- Deleted
- - fused sacrum database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.834.717
- Added
- + fused sacrum database cross reference MESH:D012447
Changes for: emboliform nucleus
- Deleted
- - emboliform nucleus definition the small wedge shaped nucleus interposed between the dentate and fastigial nuclei; it receives axons from Purkinje cells of the intermediate area of the cerebral hemispheres and most of its efferent connections travel via the superior cerebellar peduncle { database cross reference=MP:0009981,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + emboliform nucleus definition the small wedge shaped nucleus interposed between the dentate and fastigial nuclei; it receives axons from Purkinje cells of the intermediate area of the cerebral hemispheres and most of its efferent connections travel via the superior cerebellar peduncle { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0009981 }
Changes for: neuropil
- Deleted
- - neuropil database cross reference MESH:A08.637.500
- Added
- + neuropil database cross reference MESH:D019581
Changes for: incisor region of dentition
- Deleted
- - incisor region of dentition definition The subdivision of the dentition that consists entire of incisor teeth. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + incisor region of dentition definition The subdivision of the dentition that consists entire of incisor teeth. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: jugular vein
- Deleted
- - jugular vein database cross reference MESH:A07.231.908.498
- Added
- + jugular vein database cross reference MESH:D007601
Changes for: cardiac muscle tissue of ventricle
- Deleted
- - cardiac muscle tissue of ventricle has exact synonym ventricular cardiac muscle tissue { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - cardiac muscle tissue of ventricle has exact synonym ventricular heart muscle { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - cardiac muscle tissue of ventricle has related synonym ventricular muscle { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + cardiac muscle tissue of ventricle has exact synonym ventricular cardiac muscle tissue { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + cardiac muscle tissue of ventricle has exact synonym ventricular heart muscle { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + cardiac muscle tissue of ventricle has related synonym ventricular muscle { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: septum pellucidum
- Deleted
- - septum pellucidum database cross reference MESH:A08.
- Added
- + septum pellucidum database cross reference MESH:D012688
Changes for: cerebellar vermis
- Deleted
- - cerebellar vermis definition A subregion of the cerebellar cortex, consisting of the most medial zone of the cerebellar cortex, stradding the midline. May be continuous with the lateral cerebellar hemispheres in some areas of the cerebellum, e.g., dorsally, or separated by deeper fissures in others (e.g., ventrally) { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1106 }
- Added
- + cerebellar vermis definition A subregion of the cerebellar cortex, consisting of the most medial zone of the cerebellar cortex, stradding the midline. May be continuous with the lateral cerebellar hemispheres in some areas of the cerebellum, e.g., dorsally, or separated by deeper fissures in others (e.g., ventrally) { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1106 }
Changes for: piriform cortex
- Deleted
- - piriform cortex definition the subdivision of the laminated olfactory cortex with only three main layers that receive monosynaptic input from the olfactory bulb via the lateral olfactory tract; it is located bilaterally in the ventrolateral forebrain and is commonly divided into anterior and posterior regions { database cross reference=MP:0010009,PMID:17714095 }
- Added
- + piriform cortex definition the subdivision of the laminated olfactory cortex with only three main layers that receive monosynaptic input from the olfactory bulb via the lateral olfactory tract; it is located bilaterally in the ventrolateral forebrain and is commonly divided into anterior and posterior regions { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17714095 , database cross reference=MP:0010009 }
Changes for: cochlear nerve
- Deleted
- - cochlear nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.120.910.120
- Added
- + cochlear nerve database cross reference MESH:D003056
Changes for: amphibian larval stage
Changes for: nematode larval stage
Changes for: inferior phrenic artery
- Deleted
- - inferior phrenic artery definition The inferior phrenic arteries are two small vessels, which supply the diaphragm but present much variety in their origin. They may arise separately from the front of the aorta, immediately above the celiac artery, or by a common trunk, which may spring either from the aorta or from the celiac artery. Sometimes one is derived from the aorta, and the other from one of the renal arteries; they rarely arise as separate vessels from the aorta. They diverge from one another across the crura of the diaphragm, and then run obliquely upward and lateralward upon its under surface. The left phrenic passes behind the esophagus, and runs forward on the left side of the esophageal hiatus. The right phrenic passes behind the inferior vena cava, and along the right side of the foramen which transmits that vein. Near the back part of the central tendon each vessel divides into a medial and a lateral branch. The medial branch curves forward, and anastomoses with its fellow of the opposite side, and with the musculophrenic and pericardiacophrenic arteries. The lateral branch passes toward the side of the thorax, and anastomoses with the lower intercostal arteries, and with the musculophrenic. The lateral branch of the right phrenic gives off a few vessels to the inferior vena cava; and the left one, some branches to the esophagus. Each vessel gives off superior suprarenal branches to the suprarenal gland of its own side. The spleen and the liver also receive a few twigs from the left and right vessels respectively. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inferior_phrenic_arteries,Wikipedia:Inferior_phrenic_arteries }
- Added
- + inferior phrenic artery definition The inferior phrenic arteries are two small vessels, which supply the diaphragm but present much variety in their origin. They may arise separately from the front of the aorta, immediately above the celiac artery, or by a common trunk, which may spring either from the aorta or from the celiac artery. Sometimes one is derived from the aorta, and the other from one of the renal arteries; they rarely arise as separate vessels from the aorta. They diverge from one another across the crura of the diaphragm, and then run obliquely upward and lateralward upon its under surface. The left phrenic passes behind the esophagus, and runs forward on the left side of the esophageal hiatus. The right phrenic passes behind the inferior vena cava, and along the right side of the foramen which transmits that vein. Near the back part of the central tendon each vessel divides into a medial and a lateral branch. The medial branch curves forward, and anastomoses with its fellow of the opposite side, and with the musculophrenic and pericardiacophrenic arteries. The lateral branch passes toward the side of the thorax, and anastomoses with the lower intercostal arteries, and with the musculophrenic. The lateral branch of the right phrenic gives off a few vessels to the inferior vena cava; and the left one, some branches to the esophagus. Each vessel gives off superior suprarenal branches to the suprarenal gland of its own side. The spleen and the liver also receive a few twigs from the left and right vessels respectively. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inferior_phrenic_arteries }
Changes for: internal urethral orifice
- Deleted
- - internal urethral orifice definition the usually crescent-shaped opening of the urinary bladder into the urethra, placed at the anteroinferior angle (apex) of the urinary bladder trigone { database cross reference=MP:0011782,MGI:anna }
- Added
- + internal urethral orifice definition the usually crescent-shaped opening of the urinary bladder into the urethra, placed at the anteroinferior angle (apex) of the urinary bladder trigone { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0011782 }
Changes for: cardiac muscle tissue of left auricle
- Added
Changes for: bulbus cordis
- Deleted
- - bulbus cordis definition a transient fetal dilation of the distal (or cranial) heart tube located where the arterial trunk joins the ventral roots of the aortic arches { database cross reference=MP:0010568,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + bulbus cordis definition a transient fetal dilation of the distal (or cranial) heart tube located where the arterial trunk joins the ventral roots of the aortic arches { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0010568 }
Changes for: lamina VI of gray matter of spinal cord
- Deleted
- - lamina VI of gray matter of spinal cord definition Spinal lamina VI is a lamina of the spinal cord. It is also known as the base of the posterior horn. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinal_lamina_VI,Wikipedia:Spinal_lamina_VI }
- Added
- + lamina VI of gray matter of spinal cord definition Spinal lamina VI is a lamina of the spinal cord. It is also known as the base of the posterior horn. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinal_lamina_VI }
Changes for: lamina V of gray matter of spinal cord
- Deleted
- - lamina V of gray matter of spinal cord definition Spinal lamina V is a lamina of the spinal cord. It is also known as the neck of the posterior horn. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinal_lamina_V,Wikipedia:Spinal_lamina_V }
- Added
- + lamina V of gray matter of spinal cord definition Spinal lamina V is a lamina of the spinal cord. It is also known as the neck of the posterior horn. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinal_lamina_V }
Changes for: chiasmatic cistern
- Deleted
- - chiasmatic cistern definition the region of the subarachnoid space that is located below and anterior to the optic chiasm { database cross reference=MP:0009028,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + chiasmatic cistern definition the region of the subarachnoid space that is located below and anterior to the optic chiasm { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0009028 }
Changes for: cavity of left ventricle
- Deleted
- - cavity of left ventricle definition luminal space of the right atrium of the heart. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + cavity of left ventricle definition luminal space of the right atrium of the heart. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: brachial artery
- Deleted
- - brachial artery database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.139
- Added
- + brachial artery database cross reference MESH:D001916
Changes for: cavity of left atrium
- Deleted
- - cavity of left atrium definition luminal space of the left atrium of the heart. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + cavity of left atrium definition luminal space of the left atrium of the heart. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: axillary artery
- Deleted
- - axillary artery database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.085
- - axillary artery definition Artery that supplies the axilla { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + axillary artery database cross reference MESH:D001366
- + axillary artery definition Artery that supplies the axilla { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: gastrocnemius
- Deleted
- - gastrocnemius definition The most superficial muscle of the triceps surae group, in the posterior portion of the lower hindleg. { database cross reference=ISBN10:0073040584 , database cross reference=MP:0013188 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + gastrocnemius definition The most superficial muscle of the triceps surae group, in the posterior portion of the lower hindleg. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=ISBN10:0073040584 , database cross reference=MP:0013188 }
Changes for: soleus muscle
- Deleted
- - soleus muscle definition A deep muscle of the triceps surae group, in the superficial posterior compartment of the leg. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soleus_muscle , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + soleus muscle definition A deep muscle of the triceps surae group, in the superficial posterior compartment of the leg. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soleus_muscle , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: cavity of right atrium
- Deleted
- - cavity of right atrium definition luminal space of the right atrium of the heart. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + cavity of right atrium definition luminal space of the right atrium of the heart. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: cortex of cerebral lobe
- Deleted
- - cortex of cerebral lobe definition Grey matter neocortex region of a lobe of the cerebral hemisphere. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + cortex of cerebral lobe definition Grey matter neocortex region of a lobe of the cerebral hemisphere. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: parietal cortex
- Deleted
- - parietal cortex definition Gray matter of the parietal region of the neocortex, located in the parietal lobe of gyrencephalic animals. It is continuous anteriorly with the frontal cortex, posteriorly with the occipital cortex and medially with the insular cortex and with the temporal cortex on the posterior/inferior border. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_79282 }
- Added
- + parietal cortex definition Gray matter of the parietal region of the neocortex, located in the parietal lobe of gyrencephalic animals. It is continuous anteriorly with the frontal cortex, posteriorly with the occipital cortex and medially with the insular cortex and with the temporal cortex on the posterior/inferior border. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_79282 }
Changes for: processus pterygoideus of maxilla
- Deleted
Changes for: inferior epigastric artery
- Deleted
- - inferior epigastric artery definition The artery that arises from the external iliac artery and anastomoses with the superior epigastric artery. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inferior_epigastric_artery , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + inferior epigastric artery definition The artery that arises from the external iliac artery and anastomoses with the superior epigastric artery. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inferior_epigastric_artery , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: coccyx
- Deleted
- - coccyx database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.834.229
- - coccyx has exact synonym fused caudal vertebrae { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - coccyx has exact synonym fused caudal vertebral column { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + coccyx database cross reference MESH:D003050
- + coccyx has exact synonym fused caudal vertebrae { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + coccyx has exact synonym fused caudal vertebral column { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: external acoustic meatus
- Deleted
- - external acoustic meatus database cross reference MESH:A09.246.272.396
- Added
- + external acoustic meatus database cross reference MESH:D004424
Changes for: anal region
Changes for: brown adipose tissue
- Deleted
- - brown adipose tissue database cross reference MESH:A10.165.114.322
- Added
- + brown adipose tissue database cross reference MESH:D002001
Changes for: vaginal hymen
- Deleted
- - vaginal hymen database cross reference MESH:A05.360.319.779.479
- Added
- + vaginal hymen database cross reference MESH:D006924
Changes for: seminiferous tubule of testis
- Deleted
- - seminiferous tubule of testis database cross reference MESH:A05.360.444.849.700
- - seminiferous tubule of testis definition the tubules in the testes where spermatogenesis occurs { database cross reference=MP:0002216,ISBN:0-683-40008-8,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + seminiferous tubule of testis database cross reference MESH:D012671
- + seminiferous tubule of testis definition the tubules in the testes where spermatogenesis occurs { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0002216 }
Changes for: retroarticular process
- Deleted
- - retroarticular process SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: gluteus maximus
- Added
- + gluteus maximus SubClassOf axial muscle
- + gluteus maximus SubClassOf iliofemoralis muscle
Changes for: cavity of right ventricle
- Deleted
- - cavity of right ventricle definition Luminal space of the right ventricle of the heart. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + cavity of right ventricle definition Luminal space of the right ventricle of the heart. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: femoral vein
- Deleted
- - femoral vein database cross reference MESH:A07.231.908.314
- Added
- + femoral vein database cross reference MESH:D005268
Changes for: sacro-iliac joint
- Deleted
- - sacro-iliac joint database cross reference MESH:A02.835.583.707
- Added
- + sacro-iliac joint database cross reference MESH:D012446
Changes for: parietal peritoneum
- Deleted
- - parietal peritoneum definition The outer layer of peritoneum that is attached to the abdominal and pelvic walls. { database cross reference=Types , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + parietal peritoneum definition The outer layer of peritoneum that is attached to the abdominal and pelvic walls. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=Types }
Changes for: umbilical artery
- Deleted
- - umbilical artery database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.929
- Added
Changes for: ovarian follicle
- Deleted
- - ovarian follicle database cross reference MESH:A05.360.319.114.630.535
- Added
- + ovarian follicle database cross reference MESH:D006080
Changes for: cumulus oophorus
- Deleted
- - cumulus oophorus definition A cluster of cells that project into the cavity of the mature ovarian follicle. It is released with the embedded oocyte during ovulation. In order for fertilization to occur this layer must be penetrated by the spermatocyte. [WP,modified]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cumulus_oophorus }
- Added
- + cumulus oophorus definition A cluster of cells that project into the cavity of the mature ovarian follicle. It is released with the embedded oocyte during ovulation. In order for fertilization to occur this layer must be penetrated by the spermatocyte. [WP,modified]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cumulus_oophorus }
Changes for: epididymis
- Deleted
- - epididymis definition the elongated structure connected to the posterior surface of the testis that transports, stores, and matures spermatozoa between testis and vas deferens { database cross reference=MP:0002631,MGI:pvb }
- Added
- + epididymis definition the elongated structure connected to the posterior surface of the testis that transports, stores, and matures spermatozoa between testis and vas deferens { database cross reference=MGI:pvb , database cross reference=MP:0002631 }
Changes for: scrotum
- Deleted
- - scrotum database cross reference MESH:A05.360.444.661
- - scrotum definition the external sac of skin that encloses the testes. It is an extension of the abdomen, and in placentals is located between the penis and anus. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrotum , database cross reference=MP:0002669,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + scrotum database cross reference MESH:D012611
- + scrotum definition the external sac of skin that encloses the testes. It is an extension of the abdomen, and in placentals is located between the penis and anus. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrotum , database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0002669 }
Changes for: spongiose part of urethra
- Deleted
- - spongiose part of urethra definition the longest part of the male urethra contained in the corpus spongiosum and extending from the end of the membranous portion to the external urethral orifice; commencing below the inferior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm it passes forward and upward to the front of the symphysis pubis; and then, in the flaccid condition of the penis, it bends downward and forward; while narrow and of uniform size in the body of the penis, it is dilated behind, within the bulb, and again anteriorly within the glans penis, where it forms the fossa navicularis urethrae; the spongy urethra is lined by pseudostratified columnar epithelium proximally, and by stratified squamous epithelium distally { database cross reference=MP:0011779,MGI:anna }
- Added
- + spongiose part of urethra definition the longest part of the male urethra contained in the corpus spongiosum and extending from the end of the membranous portion to the external urethral orifice; commencing below the inferior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm it passes forward and upward to the front of the symphysis pubis; and then, in the flaccid condition of the penis, it bends downward and forward; while narrow and of uniform size in the body of the penis, it is dilated behind, within the bulb, and again anteriorly within the glans penis, where it forms the fossa navicularis urethrae; the spongy urethra is lined by pseudostratified columnar epithelium proximally, and by stratified squamous epithelium distally { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0011779 }
Changes for: tibia endochondral element
- Deleted
- - tibia endochondral element definition A tibia bone or its cartilage or pre-cartilage precursor. { database cross reference=UBERON:endochondral }
- Added
- + tibia endochondral element contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + tibia endochondral element contributor https://github.com/mellybelly
- + tibia endochondral element definition The major preaxial endochondral element in the posterior zeugopod[Phenoscape]. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/71 , database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:mah }
Changes for: ulna endochondral element
- Deleted
- - ulna endochondral element definition A ulna bone or its cartilage or pre-cartilage precursor. { database cross reference=UBERON:endochondral }
- Added
- + ulna endochondral element comment The corresponding element in the posterior fin/limb is the fibula.
- + ulna endochondral element contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + ulna endochondral element contributor https://github.com/mellybelly
- + ulna endochondral element definition Major postaxial endrochondral skeletal element in the anterior zeugopod. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/70 , database cross reference=UBERON:mah }
Changes for: radius endochondral element
- Deleted
- - radius endochondral element definition A radius bone or its cartilage or pre-cartilage precursor. { database cross reference=UBERON:endochondral }
- Added
- + radius endochondral element contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + radius endochondral element contributor https://github.com/mellybelly
- + radius endochondral element definition The major preaxial endrochondral skeletal element in the anterior zeugopod. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/70 , database cross reference=UBERON:mah }
Changes for: male urethra
- Deleted
- - male urethra definition A urethra that is part of a male reproductive system. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + male urethra definition A urethra that is part of a male reproductive system. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: thoracic vertebra endochondral element
- Deleted
- - thoracic vertebra endochondral element definition A vertebral endochondral element in the thoracic region of the vertebral column. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + thoracic vertebra endochondral element definition A vertebral endochondral element in the thoracic region of the vertebral column. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: prepuce of penis
- Deleted
- - prepuce of penis definition A retractable double-layered fold of skin and mucous membrane that covers the glans penis and protects the urinary meatus when the penis is not erect. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreskin , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + prepuce of penis definition A retractable double-layered fold of skin and mucous membrane that covers the glans penis and protects the urinary meatus when the penis is not erect. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreskin , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: cervical vertebra endochondral element
- Deleted
- - cervical vertebra endochondral element definition A vertebral endochondral element in the cervical region of the vertebral column. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + cervical vertebra endochondral element definition A vertebral endochondral element in the cervical region of the vertebral column. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: prostatic urethra
- Deleted
- - prostatic urethra definition the widest and most dilatable part of the male urethra canal which runs almost vertically through the prostate from its base to its apex, lying nearer its anterior than its posterior surface; this portion of the urethral canal is spindle-shaped, being wider in the middle than at either extremity, and narrowest below, where it joins the membranous portion; it is lined by transitional epithelium and contains in its posterior wall, or floor, the orifices of the prostatic utricle, ejaculatory ducts, and prostatic ducts, collectively known as the seminal colliculus (aka verumontanum) { database cross reference=MP:0011777,MGI:anna }
- Added
- + prostatic urethra definition the widest and most dilatable part of the male urethra canal which runs almost vertically through the prostate from its base to its apex, lying nearer its anterior than its posterior surface; this portion of the urethral canal is spindle-shaped, being wider in the middle than at either extremity, and narrowest below, where it joins the membranous portion; it is lined by transitional epithelium and contains in its posterior wall, or floor, the orifices of the prostatic utricle, ejaculatory ducts, and prostatic ducts, collectively known as the seminal colliculus (aka verumontanum) { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0011777 }
Changes for: female urethra
- Deleted
- - female urethra definition A urethra that is part of a female reproductive system. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + female urethra definition A urethra that is part of a female reproductive system. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: lobe of prostate
- Added
Changes for: sacral vertebra endochondral element
- Deleted
- - sacral vertebra endochondral element definition A vertebra endochondral element that is part of the sacral region of the vertebral column. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + sacral vertebra endochondral element definition A vertebra endochondral element that is part of the sacral region of the vertebral column. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: fibula endochondral element
- Deleted
- - fibula endochondral element definition A fibula bone or its cartilage or pre-cartilage precursor. { database cross reference=UBERON:endochondral }
- Added
- + fibula endochondral element contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + fibula endochondral element contributor https://github.com/mellybelly
- + fibula endochondral element definition The major postaxial endochondral element in the posterior zeugopod[Phenoscape]. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/73 , database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:mah }
Changes for: common fibular nerve
- Deleted
- - common fibular nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.720.450.760.640
- Added
- + common fibular nerve database cross reference MESH:D010543
Changes for: tibial nerve
- Deleted
- - tibial nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.720.450.760.820
- Added
- + tibial nerve database cross reference MESH:D013979
Changes for: sciatic nerve
- Deleted
- - sciatic nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.720.450.760
- Added
- + sciatic nerve database cross reference MESH:D012584
Changes for: pedal digit 1 metatarsal endochondral element
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 1 metatarsal endochondral element has exact synonym pedal digit I metatarsal endochondral element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 1 metatarsal endochondral element has exact synonym pedal digit I metatarsal endochondral element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 4 phalanx endochondral element
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 4 phalanx endochondral element has exact synonym pedal digit IV phalanx endochondral element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 4 phalanx endochondral element has exact synonym pedal digit IV phalanx endochondral element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 5 phalanx endochondral element
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 5 phalanx endochondral element has exact synonym pedal digit V phalanx endochondral element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 5 phalanx endochondral element has exact synonym pedal digit V phalanx endochondral element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 2 metatarsal endochondral element
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 2 metatarsal endochondral element has exact synonym pedal digit II metatarsal endochondral element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 2 metatarsal endochondral element has exact synonym pedal digit II metatarsal endochondral element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 3 metatarsal endochondral element
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 3 metatarsal endochondral element has exact synonym pedal digit III metatarsal endochondral element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 3 metatarsal endochondral element has exact synonym pedal digit III metatarsal endochondral element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 2 phalanx endochondral element
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 2 phalanx endochondral element has exact synonym pedal digit II phalanx endochondral element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 2 phalanx endochondral element has exact synonym pedal digit II phalanx endochondral element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 3 phalanx endochondral element
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 3 phalanx endochondral element has exact synonym pedal digit III phalanx endochondral element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 3 phalanx endochondral element has exact synonym pedal digit III phalanx endochondral element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 1 phalanx endochondral element
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 1 phalanx endochondral element has exact synonym pedal digit I phalanx endochondral element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 1 phalanx endochondral element has exact synonym pedal digit I phalanx endochondral element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 1 phalanx endochondral element
- Deleted
- - manual digit 1 phalanx endochondral element has exact synonym manual digit I phalanx endochondral element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 1 phalanx endochondral element has exact synonym manual digit I phalanx endochondral element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 2 phalanx endochondral element
- Deleted
- - manual digit 2 phalanx endochondral element has exact synonym manual digit II phalanx endochondral element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 2 phalanx endochondral element has exact synonym manual digit II phalanx endochondral element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 3 phalanx endochondral element
- Deleted
- - manual digit 3 phalanx endochondral element has exact synonym manual digit III phalanx endochondral element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 3 phalanx endochondral element has exact synonym manual digit III phalanx endochondral element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 4 phalanx endochondral element
- Deleted
- - manual digit 4 phalanx endochondral element has exact synonym manual digit IV phalanx endochondral element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 4 phalanx endochondral element has exact synonym manual digit IV phalanx endochondral element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 5 phalanx endochondral element
- Deleted
- - manual digit 5 phalanx endochondral element has exact synonym manual digit V phalanx endochondral element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 5 phalanx endochondral element has exact synonym manual digit V phalanx endochondral element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: border of sublaminar layers S2 and S3
- Deleted
- - border of sublaminar layers S2 and S3 definition The intersection of sublaminar layers S2 and S3. { database cross reference=GOC:tfm }
- Added
- + border of sublaminar layers S2 and S3 contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + border of sublaminar layers S2 and S3 contributor https://github.com/tmeehan
- + border of sublaminar layers S2 and S3 definition The intersection of sublaminar layers S2 and S3. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/31 , database cross reference=GOC:tfm }
Changes for: border of sublaminar layers S4 and S5
- Deleted
- - border of sublaminar layers S4 and S5 definition The intersection of sublaminar layers S4 and S5. { database cross reference=GOC:tfm }
- Added
- + border of sublaminar layers S4 and S5 contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + border of sublaminar layers S4 and S5 contributor https://github.com/tmeehan
- + border of sublaminar layers S4 and S5 definition The intersection of sublaminar layers S4 and S5. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/31 , database cross reference=GOC:tfm }
Changes for: ischial endochondral element
- Added
- + ischial endochondral element SubClassOf pelvic region element
Changes for: iliac endochondral element
- Added
- + iliac endochondral element SubClassOf pelvic region element
Changes for: pubic endochondral element
- Added
- + pubic endochondral element SubClassOf pelvic region element
Changes for: ulnar artery
- Deleted
- - ulnar artery database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.920
- Added
- + ulnar artery database cross reference MESH:D017535
Changes for: radial artery
- Deleted
- - radial artery database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.740
- Added
- + radial artery database cross reference MESH:D017534
Changes for: manual digit 3 metacarpus endochondral element
- Deleted
- - manual digit 3 metacarpus endochondral element has exact synonym manual digit III metacarpus endochondral element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 3 metacarpus endochondral element has exact synonym manual digit III metacarpus endochondral element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 4 metacarpus endochondral element
- Deleted
- - manual digit 4 metacarpus endochondral element has exact synonym manual digit IV metacarpus endochondral element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 4 metacarpus endochondral element has exact synonym manual digit IV metacarpus endochondral element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 5 metacarpus endochondral element
- Deleted
- - manual digit 5 metacarpus endochondral element has exact synonym manual digit V metacarpus endochondral element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 5 metacarpus endochondral element has exact synonym manual digit V metacarpus endochondral element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 5 metatarsal endochondral element
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 5 metatarsal endochondral element has exact synonym pedal digit V metatarsal endochondral element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 5 metatarsal endochondral element has exact synonym pedal digit V metatarsal endochondral element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 1 metacarpus endochondral element
- Deleted
- - manual digit 1 metacarpus endochondral element has exact synonym manual digit I metacarpus endochondral element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 1 metacarpus endochondral element has exact synonym manual digit I metacarpus endochondral element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 2 metacarpus endochondral element
- Deleted
- - manual digit 2 metacarpus endochondral element has exact synonym manual digit II metacarpus endochondral element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 2 metacarpus endochondral element has exact synonym manual digit II metacarpus endochondral element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 4 metatarsal endochondral element
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 4 metatarsal endochondral element has exact synonym pedal digit IV metatarsal endochondral element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 4 metatarsal endochondral element has exact synonym pedal digit IV metatarsal endochondral element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: tarsal skeleton
- Deleted
- - tarsal skeleton definition Subdivision of skeleton that consists of endochondral elements distal to the zeugopodial skeletal elements which constitute the proximal region of the posterior autopod skeleton[PHENOSCAPE:ad]. { database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:ad , database cross reference=VSAO:0005024 }
- Added
- + tarsal skeleton contributor https://github.com/alex-dececchi
- + tarsal skeleton contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + tarsal skeleton contributor https://github.com/mellybelly
- + tarsal skeleton definition Subdivision of skeleton that consists of endochondral elements distal to the zeugopodial skeletal elements which constitute the proximal region of the posterior autopod skeleton[PHENOSCAPE:ad]. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/94 , database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:ad , database cross reference=VSAO:0005024 }
Changes for: nephrogenic zone
- Deleted
- - nephrogenic zone definition outer portion of the renal cortex. Site of formation of medullary and cortical elements. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + nephrogenic zone definition outer portion of the renal cortex. Site of formation of medullary and cortical elements. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: Hatschek’s nephridium
- Deleted
- - Hatschek’s nephridium definition An unpaired kidney whose duct opens into the anterior pharynx. It can be seen as a deep ciliated fossa on the dorsal midline of the buccal cavity (mouth). Among other things, it secrets mucus which entraps food particles from the water[WP]. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + Hatschek’s nephridium definition An unpaired kidney whose duct opens into the anterior pharynx. It can be seen as a deep ciliated fossa on the dorsal midline of the buccal cavity (mouth). Among other things, it secrets mucus which entraps food particles from the water[WP]. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: placental membrane
- Added
- + placental membrane SubClassOf adjacent to some embryo
- + placental membrane SubClassOf membranous layer
- + placental membrane SubClassOf part of some extraembryonic tissue
Changes for: retina blood vessel
- Deleted
- - retina blood vessel database cross reference MESH:A07.231.611
- Added
- + retina blood vessel database cross reference MESH:D012171
Changes for: ischial spine
- Deleted
- - ischial spine SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: interlobar artery
- Deleted
- - interlobar artery definition An artery that supplies a renal lobe. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interlobar_arteries , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + interlobar artery definition An artery that supplies a renal lobe. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interlobar_arteries , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: carpal skeleton
- Deleted
- - carpal skeleton definition Subdivision of skeleton that consists of the endochondral elements distal to the anterior limb/fin zeugopodial skeletal elements which constitute the proximal region of the anterior autopod skeleton[PHENOSCAPE:ad]. { database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:ad }
- Added
- + carpal skeleton contributor https://github.com/alex-dececchi
- + carpal skeleton contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + carpal skeleton definition Subdivision of skeleton that consists of the endochondral elements distal to the anterior limb/fin zeugopodial skeletal elements which constitute the proximal region of the anterior autopod skeleton[PHENOSCAPE:ad]. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/93 , database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:ad }
Changes for: periurethral tissue
- Deleted
- - periurethral tissue SubClassOf mesoderm-derived structure
- - periurethral tissue SubClassOf part of some urethra
- - periurethral tissue definition Tissue around the urethra. { database cross reference=BTO:0005081 }
- Added
- + periurethral tissue EquivalentTo tissue and surrounds some urethra
- + periurethral tissue SubClassOf part of some lower urinary tract
- + periurethral tissue SubClassOf surrounds some urethra
- + periurethral tissue definition Any portion of tissue that surrounds a urethra. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
Changes for: lunate sulcus
- Deleted
- - lunate sulcus definition The lunate sulcus is a structure in the occipital lobe. It is not present in all individuals. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunate_sulcus,Wikipedia:Lunate_sulcus }
- Added
- + lunate sulcus definition The lunate sulcus is a structure in the occipital lobe. It is not present in all individuals. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunate_sulcus }
Changes for: transverse occipital sulcus
- Deleted
- - transverse occipital sulcus definition The transverse occipital sulcus is a structure in the occipital lobe. The transverse occipital sulcus is continuous with the posterior end of the occipital ramus of the intraparietal sulcus, and runs across the upper part of the lobe, a short distance behind the parietoC6ccipital fissure. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transverse_occipital_sulcus,Wikipedia:Transverse_occipital_sulcus }
- Added
- + transverse occipital sulcus definition The transverse occipital sulcus is a structure in the occipital lobe. The transverse occipital sulcus is continuous with the posterior end of the occipital ramus of the intraparietal sulcus, and runs across the upper part of the lobe, a short distance behind the parietoC6ccipital fissure. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transverse_occipital_sulcus }
Changes for: dentate gyrus polymorphic layer
- Deleted
- - dentate gyrus polymorphic layer definition A cellular layer of the dentate gyrus enclosed by the granule cell layer. A number of cell types are located in the polymorphic layer but the most prominent is the mossy cell. { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2492885/ , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + dentate gyrus polymorphic layer definition A cellular layer of the dentate gyrus enclosed by the granule cell layer. A number of cell types are located in the polymorphic layer but the most prominent is the mossy cell. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2492885/ }
Changes for: trigeminal nucleus
- Deleted
- - trigeminal nucleus database cross reference MESH:A08.
- - trigeminal nucleus external ontology notes massive inconsistencies between GO, MA, wikipedia. Part of pons in MA, but this leads to inconsistencies with ABA. { external ontology=GO , url=https://sourceforge.net/p/obo/mouse-anatomy-requests/44/ }
- Added
- + trigeminal nucleus database cross reference MESH:D014278
- + trigeminal nucleus external ontology notes massive inconsistencies between GO, MA, wikipedia. Part of pons in MA, but this leads to inconsistencies with ABA. { external ontology=GO , url=https://github.com/obophenotype/mouse-anatomy-ontology/issues/58 }
Changes for: trapezoid body
- Deleted
- - trapezoid body definition Bundles of axons traversing the pontine tegmentum oriented in the mediolateral direction. These fibers are related to the auditory pathway. Nuclei are embedded within these fibers. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_707 }
- Added
- + trapezoid body definition Bundles of axons traversing the pontine tegmentum oriented in the mediolateral direction. These fibers are related to the auditory pathway. Nuclei are embedded within these fibers. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_707 }
Changes for: spinothalamic tract of medulla
- Deleted
- - spinothalamic tract of medulla database cross reference MESH:A08.186.854.761
- Added
- + spinothalamic tract of medulla database cross reference MESH:D013133
Changes for: lingual gyrus
- Deleted
- - lingual gyrus definition Component of the occipital lobe. The rostral boundary of the lingual gyrus was the posterior extent of the parahippocampal gyrus whereas the caudal boundary was the most posterior coronal slice where the gyrus could be visualized. The medial and lateral boundaries were the medial portion of the temporal and occipital cortices and the medial bank of the collateral sulcus respectively (Christine Fennema-Notestine). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_740 }
- Added
- + lingual gyrus definition Component of the occipital lobe. The rostral boundary of the lingual gyrus was the posterior extent of the parahippocampal gyrus whereas the caudal boundary was the most posterior coronal slice where the gyrus could be visualized. The medial and lateral boundaries were the medial portion of the temporal and occipital cortices and the medial bank of the collateral sulcus respectively (Christine Fennema-Notestine). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_740 }
Changes for: cingulate gyrus
- Deleted
- - cingulate gyrus definition One of the convolutions on the medial surface of the cerebral hemisphere. It surrounds the rostral part of the brain and interhemispheric commissure and forms part of the limbic system. (MSH) One of three essential structures comprising the limbic lobe, the other two being the hippocampus and parahippocampal gyrus. (CSP) { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_798 }
- Added
- + cingulate gyrus definition One of the convolutions on the medial surface of the cerebral hemisphere. It surrounds the rostral part of the brain and interhemispheric commissure and forms part of the limbic system. (MSH) One of three essential structures comprising the limbic lobe, the other two being the hippocampus and parahippocampal gyrus. (CSP) { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_798 }
Changes for: basitrabecular process
- Deleted
- - basitrabecular process SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: caudal pontine reticular nucleus
- Deleted
- - caudal pontine reticular nucleus definition The caudal pontine reticular nucleus is composed of gigantocellular neurons. In rabbits and cats it is exclusively giant cells, however in humans there are normally sized cells as well. The pontis caudalis is rostral to the gigantocellular nucleus and is located in the caudal pons, as the name would indicate. The pontis caudalis has been known to mediate head movement, in concert with the nucleus gigantocellularis and the superior colliculus. The neurons in the dorsal half of this nuclei fire rhythmically during mastication, and in an anesthetized animal it is possible to induce mastication via electrical stimulation of the PC or adjacent areas of the gigantocellular nucleus. The pontis caudalis is also thought to play a role in the grinding of teeth during sleep. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caudal_pontine_reticular_nucleus,Wikipedia:Caudal_pontine_reticular_nucleus }
- Added
- + caudal pontine reticular nucleus definition The caudal pontine reticular nucleus is composed of gigantocellular neurons. In rabbits and cats it is exclusively giant cells, however in humans there are normally sized cells as well. The pontis caudalis is rostral to the gigantocellular nucleus and is located in the caudal pons, as the name would indicate. The pontis caudalis has been known to mediate head movement, in concert with the nucleus gigantocellularis and the superior colliculus. The neurons in the dorsal half of this nuclei fire rhythmically during mastication, and in an anesthetized animal it is possible to induce mastication via electrical stimulation of the PC or adjacent areas of the gigantocellular nucleus. The pontis caudalis is also thought to play a role in the grinding of teeth during sleep. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caudal_pontine_reticular_nucleus }
Changes for: parahippocampal gyrus
- Deleted
- - parahippocampal gyrus definition Component of the temporal lobe on the mesial surface, posterior to the entorhinal cortex. The rostral and caudal boundaries are the posterior end of the netorhinal cortex and the caudal portion of the hippocampus, respectively. The medial boudnary is designated as the medial aspect off the temporal lobe and the lateral boundary is the collateral sulcus (Christine Fennema-Notestine). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_807 }
- Added
- + parahippocampal gyrus definition Component of the temporal lobe on the mesial surface, posterior to the entorhinal cortex. The rostral and caudal boundaries are the posterior end of the netorhinal cortex and the caudal portion of the hippocampus, respectively. The medial boudnary is designated as the medial aspect off the temporal lobe and the lateral boundary is the collateral sulcus (Christine Fennema-Notestine). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_807 }
Changes for: lateral dorsal nucleus
- Deleted
- - lateral dorsal nucleus definition The lateral dorsal nucleus is a nucleus of the thalamus. It acts in concert with the anterior nuclei of thalamus. It receives significant input from several subdivisions of visual cortex, and has a primary output to parietal cortex on the dorsolateral cortical convexity, giving it access to limbic forebrain nuclei important for emotion and behavior functions. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lateral_dorsal_nucleus_of_thalamus,Wikipedia:Lateral_dorsal_nucleus_of_thalamus }
- - lateral dorsal nucleus has exact synonym dorsal thalamus, lateral group { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + lateral dorsal nucleus definition The lateral dorsal nucleus is a nucleus of the thalamus. It acts in concert with the anterior nuclei of thalamus. It receives significant input from several subdivisions of visual cortex, and has a primary output to parietal cortex on the dorsolateral cortical convexity, giving it access to limbic forebrain nuclei important for emotion and behavior functions. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lateral_dorsal_nucleus_of_thalamus }
- + lateral dorsal nucleus has exact synonym dorsal thalamus, lateral group { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: lateral posterior nucleus of thalamus
- Deleted
- - lateral posterior nucleus of thalamus definition The lateral posterior nucleus is a nucleus of the thalamus. It acts in concert with the pulvinar. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lateral_posterior_nucleus_of_thalamus,Wikipedia:Lateral_posterior_nucleus_of_thalamus }
- Added
- + lateral posterior nucleus of thalamus definition The lateral posterior nucleus is a nucleus of the thalamus. It acts in concert with the pulvinar. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lateral_posterior_nucleus_of_thalamus }
Changes for: medial superior olivary nucleus
- Deleted
- - medial superior olivary nucleus definition One of two subnuclei of the superior olive located within the caudal pontine tegmentum. Appears as a parasagittal row of transversely oriented bipolar neurons in transverse sections of human, with elongated somata in humans and other primates and large caliber dendrites. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1682 }
- Added
- + medial superior olivary nucleus definition One of two subnuclei of the superior olive located within the caudal pontine tegmentum. Appears as a parasagittal row of transversely oriented bipolar neurons in transverse sections of human, with elongated somata in humans and other primates and large caliber dendrites. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1682 }
Changes for: anterior nuclear group
- Deleted
- - anterior nuclear group definition Mostly gray regional part of anterior thalamic region, consisting of the anterior medial, anterior dorsal and anterior lateral thalamic nuclei in primates. In rodents, it consists of anterior medial and anterior ventral divisions, with several subdivisions of each, according to Paxinos (MM: 2006-10-26) { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1692 }
- Added
- + anterior nuclear group definition Mostly gray regional part of anterior thalamic region, consisting of the anterior medial, anterior dorsal and anterior lateral thalamic nuclei in primates. In rodents, it consists of anterior medial and anterior ventral divisions, with several subdivisions of each, according to Paxinos (MM: 2006-10-26) { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1692 }
Changes for: middle temporal gyrus
- Deleted
- - middle temporal gyrus definition Component of the temporal lobe, lateral aspect. The rostral boundary is the rostral extent of the superior temporal sulcus whereas the caudal boundary is the temporo-occipital incisure on the cortical surface. The superior temporal sulcus is the medial boundary and the inferior temporal sulcus is the lateral boundary (Christine Fennema-Notestine). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1653 }
- Added
- + middle temporal gyrus definition Component of the temporal lobe, lateral aspect. The rostral boundary is the rostral extent of the superior temporal sulcus whereas the caudal boundary is the temporo-occipital incisure on the cortical surface. The superior temporal sulcus is the medial boundary and the inferior temporal sulcus is the lateral boundary (Christine Fennema-Notestine). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1653 }
Changes for: ventral nuclear group
- Deleted
- - ventral nuclear group has exact synonym dorsal thalamus, ventral group { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + ventral nuclear group has exact synonym dorsal thalamus, ventral group { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: lateral superior olivary nucleus
- Deleted
- - lateral superior olivary nucleus definition One of two recognized nuclei comprising the superior olive. The lateral superior olivary nucleus is much less prominent in humans than in many rodents and carnivores. In the latter species, it is frequently described as S- or V-shaped. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1675 }
- Added
- + lateral superior olivary nucleus definition One of two recognized nuclei comprising the superior olive. The lateral superior olivary nucleus is much less prominent in humans than in many rodents and carnivores. In the latter species, it is frequently described as S- or V-shaped. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1675 }
Changes for: ventral pallidum
- Deleted
- - ventral pallidum has exact synonym globus pallidus ventral part { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + ventral pallidum has exact synonym globus pallidus ventral part { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: superior temporal gyrus
- Deleted
- - superior temporal gyrus definition Component of the temporal lobe, lateral aspect. The rostral boundary is the rostral extent of the ssuperior temporal sulcus. The caudal boundary is the cauday portion of the superior temporal gyrus (posterior to becoming continuous with the supramarginal gyrus). The medial boundary is the lateral fissure (and when present the supramarginal gyrus), and the lateral boundary is the superior temporal suclus (Christine Fennema-Notestine). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1648 }
- Added
- + superior temporal gyrus definition Component of the temporal lobe, lateral aspect. The rostral boundary is the rostral extent of the ssuperior temporal sulcus. The caudal boundary is the cauday portion of the superior temporal gyrus (posterior to becoming continuous with the supramarginal gyrus). The medial boundary is the lateral fissure (and when present the supramarginal gyrus), and the lateral boundary is the superior temporal suclus (Christine Fennema-Notestine). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1648 }
Changes for: inferior temporal gyrus
- Deleted
- - inferior temporal gyrus definition Component of the temporal lobe, lateral aspect. The rostral boundary is the rostral extent of the inferior temporal sulcus whereas the caudal boundary is designated as the temporo-occipital incisure on the cortical surface. The occipitotemporal sulcus is the medial boundary and the inferior temporal sulcus is the lateral boundary (Christine Fennema-Notestine). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1577 }
- Added
- + inferior temporal gyrus definition Component of the temporal lobe, lateral aspect. The rostral boundary is the rostral extent of the inferior temporal sulcus whereas the caudal boundary is designated as the temporo-occipital incisure on the cortical surface. The occipitotemporal sulcus is the medial boundary and the inferior temporal sulcus is the lateral boundary (Christine Fennema-Notestine). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1577 }
Changes for: superior phrenic artery
- Deleted
- - superior phrenic artery definition A phrenic artery that arises from the lower part of the thoracic aorta and is distributed to the posterior part of the upper surface of the diaphragm, and anastomoses with the musculophrenic and pericardiacophrenic arteries. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superior_phrenic_artery , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + superior phrenic artery definition A phrenic artery that arises from the lower part of the thoracic aorta and is distributed to the posterior part of the upper surface of the diaphragm, and anastomoses with the musculophrenic and pericardiacophrenic arteries. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superior_phrenic_artery , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: myometrium
- Deleted
- - myometrium database cross reference MESH:A02.633.570.500
- - myometrium definition the smooth muscle coat of the uterus, which forms the main mass of the organ and surrounds and supports the endometrium { database cross reference=MP:0008256,MESH:A02.633.570.500,MGI:brs }
- Added
- + myometrium database cross reference MESH:D009215
- + myometrium definition the smooth muscle coat of the uterus, which forms the main mass of the organ and surrounds and supports the endometrium { database cross reference=MESH:A02.633.570.500 , database cross reference=MGI:brs , database cross reference=MP:0008256 }
Changes for: endometrium
- Deleted
- - endometrium database cross reference MESH:A05.360.319.679.490
- - endometrium definition the glandular mucous membrane lining of the uterine cavity that is hormonally responsive during the estrous/menstrual cycle and during pregnancy { database cross reference=MP:0004896,MESH:A05.360.319.679.490,MGI:smb }
- Added
- + endometrium database cross reference MESH:D004717
- + endometrium definition the glandular mucous membrane lining of the uterine cavity that is hormonally responsive during the estrous/menstrual cycle and during pregnancy { database cross reference=MESH:A05.360.319.679.490 , database cross reference=MGI:smb , database cross reference=MP:0004896 }
Changes for: glans penis
- Deleted
- - glans penis definition the conic expansion of the corpus spongiosum that forms the head of the penis { database cross reference=MP:0009102,MGI:anna }
- Added
- + glans penis definition the conic expansion of the corpus spongiosum that forms the head of the penis { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0009102 }
Changes for: thick ascending limb of loop of Henle
- Deleted
- - thick ascending limb of loop of Henle definition the distal sub-portion of the ascending loop of Henle which is lined by simple cuboidal epithelium and enters the renal cortex to empty a hypotonic filtrate into the distal convoluted tubule { database cross reference=MP:0011344,MGI:anna }
- Added
- + thick ascending limb of loop of Henle definition the distal sub-portion of the ascending loop of Henle which is lined by simple cuboidal epithelium and enters the renal cortex to empty a hypotonic filtrate into the distal convoluted tubule { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0011344 }
Changes for: nephron
- Deleted
- - nephron database cross reference MESH:A05.810.453.736
- Added
- + nephron database cross reference MESH:D009399
Changes for: proximal convoluted tubule
- Deleted
- - proximal convoluted tubule has related synonym renal proximal convoluted tubule { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + proximal convoluted tubule has related synonym renal proximal convoluted tubule { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: descending limb of loop of Henle
- Deleted
- - descending limb of loop of Henle definition the portion of the renal tubule that constitutes the proximal part of the loop of Henle, has low permeability to ions and urea, and is highly permeable to water; it consists of an initial short thick segment lined by low simple cuboidal epithelium and a long thin segment lined by simple squamous epithelium; however, this distinction is not as important physiologically as in the ascending limb, so often the two are treated as one structure { database cross reference=MP:0011341,MGI:anna }
- Added
- + descending limb of loop of Henle definition the portion of the renal tubule that constitutes the proximal part of the loop of Henle, has low permeability to ions and urea, and is highly permeable to water; it consists of an initial short thick segment lined by low simple cuboidal epithelium and a long thin segment lined by simple squamous epithelium; however, this distinction is not as important physiologically as in the ascending limb, so often the two are treated as one structure { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0011341 }
Changes for: loop of Henle
- Deleted
- - loop of Henle database cross reference MESH:A05.810.453.736.560.610
- - loop of Henle definition the section of the renal tubule in the kidney medulla with a hairpin bend; consists of a descending limb and an ascending limb, and is situated between the proximal convoluted tubule to the distal convoluted tubule; it functions to reabsorb water and ions from the urine { database cross reference=MP:0004755,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + loop of Henle database cross reference MESH:D008138
- + loop of Henle definition the section of the renal tubule in the kidney medulla with a hairpin bend; consists of a descending limb and an ascending limb, and is situated between the proximal convoluted tubule to the distal convoluted tubule; it functions to reabsorb water and ions from the urine { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0004755 }
Changes for: bile canaliculus
- Deleted
- - bile canaliculus database cross reference MESH:A03.
- Added
- + bile canaliculus database cross reference MESH:D001648
Changes for: intralobular bile duct
- Deleted
- - intralobular bile duct definition the tubules located between the bile canaliculi and interlobular bile ducts near the outer edge of a classic liver lobule { database cross reference=MP:0009499,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + intralobular bile duct definition the tubules located between the bile canaliculi and interlobular bile ducts near the outer edge of a classic liver lobule { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0009499 }
Changes for: strand of wool
- Deleted
- - strand of wool database cross reference MESH:A13.970
- - strand of wool definition A strand of pelage hair
- Added
- + strand of wool database cross reference MESH:D014935
- + strand of wool definition A strand of pelage hair that is crimped and grows in clusters { database cross reference=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wool }
Changes for: portal triad
- Deleted
- - portal triad definition A multi-organ-part structure that consists of three vessels of the portal lobule including the bile duct, a terminal branch of the hepatic artery and portal vein, and may also include a lymphatic vessel { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0008993 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + portal triad definition A multi-organ-part structure that consists of three vessels of the portal lobule including the bile duct, a terminal branch of the hepatic artery and portal vein, and may also include a lymphatic vessel { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0008993 }
Changes for: pubis
- Deleted
- - pubis definition A paired endochondral bone making up the anteroventral region of the tripartite pelvic girdle forming part of the ventral edge of the acetabulum. The origin site of many proximal hindlimb muscles. [PHENOSCAPE:ad]. { database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:ad }
- Added
- + pubis contributor https://github.com/alex-dececchi
- + pubis contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + pubis definition A paired endochondral bone making up the anteroventral region of the tripartite pelvic girdle forming part of the ventral edge of the acetabulum. The origin site of many proximal hindlimb muscles. [PHENOSCAPE:ad]. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/68 , database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:ad }
Changes for: ilium
- Deleted
- - ilium SubClassOf bone of hip region
- - ilium definition Paired endochondral bone that is the dorsal-most of the pelvic bones, offering attachment areas for gluteal muscles on its main surface [PHENOSCAPE:ad]. { database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:ad }
- Added
- + ilium contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + ilium contributor https://github.com/mellybelly
- + ilium definition Paired endochondral bone that is the dorsal-most of the pelvic bones, offering attachment areas for gluteal muscles on its main surface [PHENOSCAPE:ad]. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/105 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/60 , database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:ad }
Changes for: pelvic girdle region
- Deleted
- - pelvic girdle region SubClassOf in lateral side of some appendicular skeleton
- - pelvic girdle region curator notes this class describes the subdivision of the limb/fin, NOT the skeleton within. See also: skeleton of pectoral girdle (UBERON:0007831). See also comments on obo-anatomy mail list
- - pelvic girdle region definition Subdivision of pelvic complex which links the free portion of the paired limb/fin to the trunk[FMA,modified]. Examples: There are only two instances, right and left pelvic girdle regions. { database cross reference=http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/dvdy.22617/full , database cross reference=https://groups.google.com/d/topic/obo-anatomy/h4R4xKmINrw/discussion , database cross reference=FMA:16581 }
- Added
- + pelvic girdle region SubClassOf in lateral side of some pelvis
- + pelvic girdle region SubClassOf part of some pelvis
- + pelvic girdle region curator notes this class describes the subdivision of the limb/fin, NOT the skeleton within. See also: skeleton of pectoral girdle (UBERON:0007831). See also comments on obo-anatomy mail list. Note that even though the class includes soft tissue it is more restrictive than ‘pelvis’ which also includes structures in cavities etc. TODO this needs to be better documented
- + pelvic girdle region definition The organism subdivision that includes the pelvic girdle skeleton and associated soft tissue. Note that this includes both the skeletal elements and associated tissues (integument, muscle, etc). Examples: There are only two instances in an organism, right and left pectoral girdle regions. { database cross reference=http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/dvdy.22617/full , database cross reference=https://groups.google.com/d/topic/obo-anatomy/h4R4xKmINrw/discussion , database cross reference=https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=FMA:16581 , database cross reference=FMA:23217 , database cross reference=UBERONREF:0000003 }
Changes for: femoral nerve
- Deleted
- - femoral nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.720.450.250
- Added
- + femoral nerve database cross reference MESH:D005267
Changes for: pancreas
- Deleted
- - pancreas database cross reference MESH:A03.734
- Added
- + pancreas database cross reference MESH:D010179
Changes for: phonic lip
- Deleted
- - phonic lip function notes When the lips snap together during click production, vibrations in the dorsal bursae are likely produced ISBM10:0120885522. Large and cornified in sperm whales
- Added
- + phonic lip function notes When the lips snap together during click production, vibrations in the dorsal bursae are likely produced[ISBN10:0120885522]
- + phonic lip taxon notes Large and cornified in sperm whales
Changes for: mucosa of urinary bladder
- Deleted
- - mucosa of urinary bladder definition the mucous membrane lining the urinary bladder { database cross reference=MP:0011766,MGI:anna }
- Added
- + mucosa of urinary bladder definition the mucous membrane lining the urinary bladder { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0011766 }
Changes for: baleen feeding system
Changes for: air sac
- Deleted
- - air sac database cross reference MESH:A13.048
- Added
- + air sac database cross reference MESH:D000400
Changes for: red pulp of spleen
- Deleted
- - red pulp of spleen definition the parenchymatous tissue network of the spleen that consists of loose plates or cords (sinuses) infiltrated with red blood cells where most of the blood filtration occurs and degenerate erythrocytes are removed from the circulation { database cross reference=MP:0002356,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + red pulp of spleen definition the parenchymatous tissue network of the spleen that consists of loose plates or cords (sinuses) infiltrated with red blood cells where most of the blood filtration occurs and degenerate erythrocytes are removed from the circulation { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0002356 }
Changes for: marginal zone of spleen
- Deleted
- - marginal zone of spleen definition the zone between the red and white pulp of the spleen containing numerous macrophages and lymphocytes, and a rich plexus of sinusoids supplied by white pulp arterioles carrying blood-borne antigens { database cross reference=MP:0002362,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + marginal zone of spleen definition the zone between the red and white pulp of the spleen containing numerous macrophages and lymphocytes, and a rich plexus of sinusoids supplied by white pulp arterioles carrying blood-borne antigens { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0002362 }
Changes for: wall of urinary bladder
- Deleted
- - wall of urinary bladder definition An anatomical wall that lines the insider of a urinary bladder. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + wall of urinary bladder definition An anatomical wall that lines the insider of a urinary bladder. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: trigone of urinary bladder
- Deleted
- - trigone of urinary bladder definition the smooth triangular region of the wall of the urinary bladder formed by the two ureteral orifices and the internal urethral orifice; it is an area in which the muscle fibers are closely adherent to the mucosa { database cross reference=MP:0011768,MGI:anna }
- Added
- + trigone of urinary bladder definition the smooth triangular region of the wall of the urinary bladder formed by the two ureteral orifices and the internal urethral orifice; it is an area in which the muscle fibers are closely adherent to the mucosa { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0011768 }
Changes for: spleen lymphoid follicle
- Deleted
- - spleen lymphoid follicle definition The area of the white pulp where the affinity maturation of B cells and the generation of memory B cells and plasma cells occur { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/6 , database cross reference=CL:tm , database cross reference=MP:0008470 }
- Added
- + spleen lymphoid follicle contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + spleen lymphoid follicle contributor https://github.com/tmeehan
- + spleen lymphoid follicle definition The area of the white pulp where the affinity maturation of B cells and the generation of memory B cells and plasma cells occur { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/6 , database cross reference=CL:tm , database cross reference=MP:0008470 }
Changes for: nucleus of solitary tract
- Deleted
- - nucleus of solitary tract database cross reference MESH:A08.
- Added
- + nucleus of solitary tract database cross reference MESH:D017552
Changes for: crypt of Lieberkuhn of small intestine
- Deleted
- - crypt of Lieberkuhn of small intestine definition the tubular intestinal glands found in the mucosal membranes of the small intestine { database cross reference=MP:0004841,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + crypt of Lieberkuhn of small intestine definition the tubular intestinal glands found in the mucosal membranes of the small intestine { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0004841 }
Changes for: lunge feeding vibrissa
- Added
- + lunge feeding vibrissa SubClassOf ectoderm-derived structure
- + lunge feeding vibrissa SubClassOf endoderm-derived structure
Changes for: internal anal sphincter
- Deleted
- - internal anal sphincter definition the smooth muscle ring, formed by an increase of the circular muscle fibers of the rectum, situated at the upper end of the anal canal, internal to the outer voluntary external anal sphincter { database cross reference=MP:0009055,MGI:anna }
- Added
- + internal anal sphincter definition the smooth muscle ring, formed by an increase of the circular muscle fibers of the rectum, situated at the upper end of the anal canal, internal to the outer voluntary external anal sphincter { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0009055 }
Changes for: anterior process of vomer
- Deleted
- - anterior process of vomer SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: paraaortic body
- Deleted
- - paraaortic body database cross reference MESH:A06.224.636
- Added
- + paraaortic body database cross reference MESH:D010220
Changes for: renal straight tubule
- Deleted
- - renal straight tubule definition Any region of a nephron tubule that is straight. Examples: distal convoluted tubule, proximal convoluted tuble. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + renal straight tubule definition Any region of a nephron tubule that is straight. Examples: distal convoluted tubule, proximal convoluted tuble. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: adrenal cortex
- Deleted
- - adrenal cortex database cross reference MESH:A06.407.071.140
- - adrenal cortex definition the thick outer layer of the adrenal gland that produces and secretes steroid hormones such as corticosterone, estrone and aldosterone { database cross reference=MP:0008288,ISBN:0-683-40008-8,MGI:llw2 }
- Added
- + adrenal cortex database cross reference MESH:D000302
- + adrenal cortex definition the thick outer layer of the adrenal gland that produces and secretes steroid hormones such as corticosterone, estrone and aldosterone { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MGI:llw2 , database cross reference=MP:0008288 }
Changes for: adrenal medulla
- Deleted
- - adrenal medulla database cross reference MESH:A06.224.161
- - adrenal medulla definition the inner portion of the adrenal gland that consists mainly of chromaffin cells which produce, store and secrete neurotransmitters such as epinephrine and norepinephrine { database cross reference=MP:0008289,MESH:A06.407.071.265,MGI:llw2 }
- Added
- + adrenal medulla database cross reference MESH:D019439
- + adrenal medulla definition the inner portion of the adrenal gland that consists mainly of chromaffin cells which produce, store and secrete neurotransmitters such as epinephrine and norepinephrine { database cross reference=MESH:A06.407.071.265 , database cross reference=MGI:llw2 , database cross reference=MP:0008289 }
Changes for: glomerular capsule
- Deleted
- - glomerular capsule definition A cup-like sac at the expanded beginning of a tubular component of a nephron that contains the glomerulus { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bowman%27s_capsule , database cross reference=MP:0002828,MGI:pvb }
- Added
- + glomerular capsule definition A cup-like sac at the expanded beginning of a tubular component of a nephron that contains the glomerulus { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bowman%27s_capsule , database cross reference=MGI:pvb , database cross reference=MP:0002828 }
Changes for: nephron tubule
- Deleted
- - nephron tubule database cross reference MESH:A05.810.453.736.560
- Added
- + nephron tubule database cross reference MESH:D007684
Changes for: collecting duct of renal tubule
- Deleted
- - collecting duct of renal tubule database cross reference MESH:A05.810.453.736.560.510
- Added
- + collecting duct of renal tubule database cross reference MESH:D007685
Changes for: renal corpuscle
- Deleted
- - renal corpuscle definition the structure containing the glomerular capsule and the glomerulus that serves as the initial blood-filtering component of a nephron { database cross reference=MP:0002827,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + renal corpuscle definition the structure containing the glomerular capsule and the glomerulus that serves as the initial blood-filtering component of a nephron { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0002827 }
Changes for: renal papilla
- Deleted
- - renal papilla database cross reference MESH:A05.810.453.466
- Added
- + renal papilla database cross reference MESH:D007679
Changes for: renal pelvis
- Deleted
- - renal pelvis database cross reference MESH:A05.810.453.537
- Added
- + renal pelvis database cross reference MESH:D007682
Changes for: cortex of kidney
- Deleted
- - cortex of kidney database cross reference MESH:A05.810.453.324
- Added
- + cortex of kidney database cross reference MESH:D007672
Changes for: gastroepiploic artery
- Deleted
- - gastroepiploic artery database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.379
- Added
- + gastroepiploic artery database cross reference MESH:D024405
Changes for: jejunal vein
- Deleted
- - jejunal vein definition A tributary of the superior mesenteric vein that drains the jejunum. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jejunal_veins , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + jejunal vein definition A tributary of the superior mesenteric vein that drains the jejunum. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jejunal_veins , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: typhlosole
- Deleted
- - typhlosole SubClassOf part of some intestinal epithelium
- Added
- + typhlosole SubClassOf part of some digestive tract epithelium
Changes for: Peyer’s patch
- Deleted
- - Peyer’s patch definition the protruding lymphoid tissue located on the mucosa of the intestine that is composed of densely packed B cell follicles { database cross reference=MP:0000696,MESH:A10.549.600,PMID:15841100,UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + Peyer’s patch definition the protruding lymphoid tissue located on the mucosa of the intestine that is composed of densely packed B cell follicles { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15841100 , database cross reference=MESH:A10.549.600 , database cross reference=MP:0000696 }
Changes for: intestinal villus
- Deleted
- - intestinal villus definition the tiny hair-like projections that protrude from the inside of the small intestine that contain blood vessels that capture digested nutrients that are absorbed through the intestinal wall; the villi increase the absorptive surface area of the small intestine by approximately 30-fold { database cross reference=MP:0008108,MGI:csmith,MGI:rbabiuk }
- Added
- + intestinal villus definition the tiny hair-like projections that protrude from the inside of the small intestine that contain blood vessels that capture digested nutrients that are absorbed through the intestinal wall; the villi increase the absorptive surface area of the small intestine by approximately 30-fold { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MGI:rbabiuk , database cross reference=MP:0008108 }
Changes for: muscularis mucosae of stomach
- Deleted
- - muscularis mucosae of stomach definition the thin layer of smooth muscle in the mucosal layer of the stomach that functions to agitate the surface area stomach mucosa by moving the villi back and forth { database cross reference=MP:0010806,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + muscularis mucosae of stomach definition the thin layer of smooth muscle in the mucosal layer of the stomach that functions to agitate the surface area stomach mucosa by moving the villi back and forth { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0010806 }
Changes for: serosa of stomach
- Deleted
- - serosa of stomach definition the outermost layer of the stomach wall, consisting of layers of connective tissue continuous with the peritoneum { database cross reference=MP:0010793,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + serosa of stomach definition the outermost layer of the stomach wall, consisting of layers of connective tissue continuous with the peritoneum { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0010793 }
Changes for: submucosa of stomach
- Deleted
- - submucosa of stomach definition the fibrous connective tissue layer beneath the stomach mucosa { database cross reference=MP:0010794,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + submucosa of stomach definition the fibrous connective tissue layer beneath the stomach mucosa { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0010794 }
Changes for: scolex
- Deleted
- - scolex definition The anterior organ of a tapeworm used for attachment to the host intestine. { database cross reference=Scolex , database cross reference=BTO:0002305 , database cross reference=Dictionary_of_Tropical_Medicine:http://tropmed.org/dictionary/ }
- Added
- + scolex definition The anterior organ of a tapeworm used for attachment to the host intestine. { database cross reference=Scolex , database cross reference=http://tropmed.org/dictionary/ , database cross reference=BTO:0002305 }
Changes for: statoacoustic epithelium
- Deleted
- - stato-acoustic epithelium editor note required by CL
- - stato-acoustic epithelium label stato-acoustic epithelium
- Added
- + statoacoustic epithelium has exact synonym stato-acoustic epithelium { database cross reference=FMA:64804 }
- + statoacoustic epithelium label statoacoustic epithelium
Changes for: eyelid nerve
- Deleted
- - eyelid nerve definition A nerve that innervates an eyelid. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + eyelid nerve definition A nerve that innervates an eyelid. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: nerve of trunk region
- Deleted
- - nerve of trunk region definition A nerve that is part of the trunk region of the body (not to be confused with a nerve trunk). { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + nerve of trunk region definition A nerve that is part of the trunk region of the body (not to be confused with a nerve trunk). { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: post-embryonic organism
Changes for: neurogenic placode
- Deleted
- - neurogenic placode definition Cranial ectodermal placode with potential to develop into a component of the nervous system, such as nerves or ganglia. { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11523831 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + neurogenic placode definition Cranial ectodermal placode with potential to develop into a component of the nervous system, such as nerves or ganglia. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11523831 }
Changes for: vomeronasal system
- Deleted
- - vomeronasal system definition A vertebrate nasal chemosensory system that is responsible for detecting intraspecific pheromonal cues as well as environmental odorants { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + vomeronasal system definition A vertebrate nasal chemosensory system that is responsible for detecting intraspecific pheromonal cues as well as environmental odorants { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: lateral gland of orbital region
- Deleted
- - lateral gland of orbital region definition A gland that is located in or around the ocular region, nearer the outer canthi. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + lateral gland of orbital region definition A gland that is located in or around the ocular region, nearer the outer canthi. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: gland of ocular region
- Deleted
- - gland of ocular region definition A gland that is typically found in or near the orbital region, in or around either the medial or lateral canthi, and is typically associated with secretions onto the eyeball or associated ducts. Includes the Harderian, nictitans and lacrimal glands. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/614 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + gland of ocular region contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + gland of ocular region definition A gland that is typically found in or near the orbital region, in or around either the medial or lateral canthi, and is typically associated with secretions onto the eyeball or associated ducts. Includes the Harderian, nictitans and lacrimal glands. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/614 }
Changes for: bony part of hard palate
- Deleted
- - bony part of hard palate has exact synonym hard palate skeleton { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + bony part of hard palate has exact synonym hard palate skeleton { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: metapterygial axis
- Deleted
- - metapterygial axis definition proximodistal trajectory through a metapterygium[Wagner] { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + metapterygial axis definition proximodistal trajectory through a metapterygium[Wagner] { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/128 }
Changes for: vomeronasal nerve
- Deleted
- - vomeronasal nerve definition Nerve carrying fibers from the vomeronasal organ epithelium to the accessory olfactory bulb. { database cross reference=AAO:DSM , database cross reference=ISBN10:0471888893 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + vomeronasal nerve definition Nerve carrying fibers from the vomeronasal organ epithelium to the accessory olfactory bulb. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=AAO:DSM , database cross reference=ISBN10:0471888893 }
Changes for: lateral line placode
- Deleted
- - lateral line placode definition An ectodermal placode that will develop into the components of the lateral line system { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + lateral line placode definition An ectodermal placode that will develop into the components of the lateral line system { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: right atrium endocardium
- Deleted
- - right atrium endocardium definition Endocardium that is part of the right atrium. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + right atrium endocardium definition Endocardium that is part of the right atrium. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: myocoele
- Deleted
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:16415
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:16418
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:16421
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:16424
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:16427
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:16430
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:16433
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:16436
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:16439
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:16443
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:16447
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:16451
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:16455
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:16459
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:16463
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:16467
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:16602
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:16606
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:16610
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:16614
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:16618
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:16622
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:16626
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:16630
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:16634
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:16638
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:16863
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:16867
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:16871
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:16875
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:16879
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:17051
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:17055
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:17059
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:17063
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:17219
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:17223
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:17227
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:17231
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:17235
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:17239
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:17401
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:17405
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:17409
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:17686
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:17690
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:17694
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:17698
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:18032
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:18036
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:18040
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:18352
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:18356
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:18360
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:18364
- - myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:18368
- Added
- + myocoele database cross reference EMAPA:31134
Changes for: ammocoete
- Deleted
- - ammocoete definition lamprey at larval stage { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + ammocoete definition lamprey at larval stage { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: vestibulocochlear ganglion
- Deleted
- - vestibulocochlear ganglion definition the group of neuron cell bodies associated with the eighth cranial nerve during embryogenesis; splits in later development to form the cochlear and vestibular ganglia { database cross reference=MP:0003703,MGI:smb }
- Added
- + vestibulocochlear ganglion definition the group of neuron cell bodies associated with the eighth cranial nerve during embryogenesis; splits in later development to form the cochlear and vestibular ganglia { database cross reference=MGI:smb , database cross reference=MP:0003703 }
Changes for: vestibular ganglion
- Added
- + vestibular ganglion SubClassOf ganglion of peripheral nervous system
- + vestibular ganglion SubClassOf vestibular organ
Changes for: macula lutea proper
- Deleted
- - macula lutea proper definition The part of the macula lutea that excludes the fovea. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + macula lutea proper definition The part of the macula lutea that excludes the fovea. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: stratum zonale of thalamus
- Deleted
- - stratum zonale of thalamus definition The thalamus consists chiefly of gray substance, but its upper surface is covered by a layer of white substance, named the stratum zonale. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stratum_zonale_of_thalamus,Wikipedia:Stratum_zonale_of_thalamus }
- Added
- + stratum zonale of thalamus definition The thalamus consists chiefly of gray substance, but its upper surface is covered by a layer of white substance, named the stratum zonale. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stratum_zonale_of_thalamus }
Changes for: brain blood vessel
- Added
- + brain blood vessel SubClassOf part of some vasculature of brain
Changes for: shoulder bone
- Deleted
- - shoulder bone definition A bone that is connected via a shoulder joint (i.e. glenohumeral or acromioclavicular joints). The shoulder bones are the clavicle, scapula and humerus - but note that these are only considered to be shoulder bones when a true shoulder is present, as in most tetrapods. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + shoulder bone definition A bone that is connected via a shoulder joint (i.e. glenohumeral or acromioclavicular joints). The shoulder bones are the clavicle, scapula and humerus - but note that these are only considered to be shoulder bones when a true shoulder is present, as in most tetrapods. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: caudal part of spinal trigeminal nucleus
- Deleted
- - caudal part of spinal trigeminal nucleus database cross reference MESH:A08.
- Added
- + caudal part of spinal trigeminal nucleus database cross reference MESH:D014275
Changes for: meningeal artery
- Deleted
- - meningeal artery database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.545
- Added
- + meningeal artery database cross reference MESH:D008576
Changes for: thoracic cavity artery
- Deleted
- - thoracic cavity artery database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.891
- Added
- + thoracic cavity artery database cross reference MESH:D013895
Changes for: ventral nucleus of trapezoid body
- Deleted
- - ventral nucleus of trapezoid body has exact synonym ventral trapezoid nucleus { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + ventral nucleus of trapezoid body has exact synonym ventral trapezoid nucleus { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: small intestine Peyer’s patch
- Deleted
- - small intestine Peyer’s patch definition nodular lymphoid structures on the serosal surface of the small intestine. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + small intestine Peyer’s patch definition nodular lymphoid structures on the serosal surface of the small intestine. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: vestibular aqueduct
- Deleted
- - vestibular aqueduct database cross reference MESH:A09.246.631.909.957
- Added
- + vestibular aqueduct database cross reference MESH:D014723
Changes for: metatarsus skeleton
- Deleted
- - metatarsus skeleton database cross reference MESH:A01.378.610.250.300.480
- Added
- + metatarsus skeleton database cross reference MESH:D008684
Changes for: reticular formation
- Deleted
- - reticular formation database cross reference MESH:A08.
- Added
- + reticular formation database cross reference MESH:D012154
Changes for: pedal digit 1 metatarsal pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 1 metatarsal pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym pedal digit I metatarsal pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 1 metatarsal pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym pedal digit I metatarsal pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 2 metatarsal pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 2 metatarsal pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym pedal digit II metatarsal pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 2 metatarsal pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym pedal digit II metatarsal pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: spiral sulcus
- Deleted
- - spiral sulcus definition A concavity in the floor of the cochlear duct, formed by either the overhanging vestibular lip (inner spiral sulcus) or the spiral prominence and the spiral organ (outer spiral sulcus). { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + spiral sulcus definition A concavity in the floor of the cochlear duct, formed by either the overhanging vestibular lip (inner spiral sulcus) or the spiral prominence and the spiral organ (outer spiral sulcus). { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: pedal digit 3 metatarsal pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 3 metatarsal pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym pedal digit III metatarsal pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 3 metatarsal pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym pedal digit III metatarsal pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: cerumen gland
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: hyponychium
- Added
- + hyponychium SubClassOf protects some nail bed
Changes for: stria vascularis of cochlear duct
- Deleted
- - stria vascularis of cochlear duct database cross reference MESH:A09.246.631.246.292.876
- Added
- + stria vascularis of cochlear duct database cross reference MESH:D013316
Changes for: third ventricle
- Deleted
- - third ventricle database cross reference MESH:A08.
- Added
- + third ventricle database cross reference MESH:D020542
Changes for: telencephalic ventricle
- Deleted
- - telencephalic ventricle database cross reference MESH:A08.
- Added
- + telencephalic ventricle database cross reference MESH:D020547
Changes for: scala media
- Deleted
- - scala media definition the division of the spiral canal of the cochlea that contains the organ of Corti (the neuroepithelial receptor organ for hearing) { database cross reference=MP:0003169,MGI:anna,PMID:1680563 }
- Added
- + scala media definition the division of the spiral canal of the cochlea that contains the organ of Corti (the neuroepithelial receptor organ for hearing) { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1680563 , database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0003169 }
Changes for: biliary system
- Deleted
- - biliary system database cross reference MESH:A03.159
- Added
- + biliary system database cross reference MESH:D001659
Changes for: cerumen
- Deleted
- - cerumen database cross reference MESH:A12.200.147
- Added
- + cerumen database cross reference MESH:D002571
Changes for: manual digit 5 metacarpus pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- - manual digit 5 metacarpus pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym manual digit V metacarpus pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 5 metacarpus pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym manual digit V metacarpus pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: alveolus of lung
- Deleted
- - alveolus of lung database cross reference MESH:A04.411.715
- Added
- + alveolus of lung database cross reference MESH:D011650
Changes for: brainstem
- Deleted
- - brainstem database cross reference MESH:A08.186.211.132
- Added
- + brainstem database cross reference MESH:D001933
Changes for: manual digit 1 metacarpus pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- - manual digit 1 metacarpus pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym manual digit I metacarpus pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 1 metacarpus pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym manual digit I metacarpus pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 2 metacarpus pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- - manual digit 2 metacarpus pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym manual digit II metacarpus pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 2 metacarpus pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym manual digit II metacarpus pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 3 metacarpus pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- - manual digit 3 metacarpus pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym manual digit III metacarpus pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 3 metacarpus pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym manual digit III metacarpus pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 4 metacarpus pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- - manual digit 4 metacarpus pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym manual digit IV metacarpus pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 4 metacarpus pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym manual digit IV metacarpus pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 1 mesenchyme
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: pedal digit 5 metatarsal cartilage element
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 5 metatarsal cartilage element has exact synonym pedal digit V metatarsal cartilage element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 5 metatarsal cartilage element has exact synonym pedal digit V metatarsal cartilage element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 1 mesenchyme
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: pedal digit 4 metatarsal cartilage element
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 4 metatarsal cartilage element has exact synonym pedal digit IV metatarsal cartilage element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 4 metatarsal cartilage element has exact synonym pedal digit IV metatarsal cartilage element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: supraorbital gland
- Added
- + supraorbital gland SubClassOf cranial salt gland
Changes for: sebaceous gland of eyelid
- Deleted
- - sebaceous gland of eyelid definition Any of the sebaceous glands that are in the eyelid. Examples: gland of Zeis (services eyelashes), gland of Meibom (tarsal gland - unconnected to eyelids). { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + sebaceous gland of eyelid definition Any of the sebaceous glands that are in the eyelid. Examples: gland of Zeis (services eyelashes), gland of Meibom (tarsal gland - unconnected to eyelids). { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: pedal digit 2 metatarsal cartilage element
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 2 metatarsal cartilage element has exact synonym pedal digit II metatarsal cartilage element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 2 metatarsal cartilage element has exact synonym pedal digit II metatarsal cartilage element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 3 metatarsal cartilage element
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 3 metatarsal cartilage element has exact synonym pedal digit III metatarsal cartilage element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 3 metatarsal cartilage element has exact synonym pedal digit III metatarsal cartilage element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 1 metatarsal cartilage element
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 1 metatarsal cartilage element has exact synonym pedal digit I metatarsal cartilage element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 1 metatarsal cartilage element has exact synonym pedal digit I metatarsal cartilage element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 5 metatarsal pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 5 metatarsal pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym pedal digit V metatarsal pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 5 metatarsal pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym pedal digit V metatarsal pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 4 metatarsal pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 4 metatarsal pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym pedal digit IV metatarsal pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 4 metatarsal pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym pedal digit IV metatarsal pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: diaphragm
- Deleted
- - diaphragm database cross reference MESH:A02.633.567.900.300
- Added
- + diaphragm database cross reference MESH:D003964
Changes for: costal cartilage
- Deleted
- - costal cartilage definition the nonvascular, resilient, flexible hyaline connective tissue that connects the end of a true rib to the sternum or the end of a false rib with the with the lower border of the costal cartilage above it { database cross reference=MP:0006432,ISBN:0-8036-0655-9,MGI:smb }
- Added
- + costal cartilage comment Editor note: we currently model this as part of the rib, is this correct?
- + costal cartilage definition the nonvascular, resilient, flexible hyaline connective tissue that connects the end of a true rib to the sternum or the end of a false rib with the with the lower border of the costal cartilage above it { database cross reference=ISBN:0-8036-0655-9 , database cross reference=MGI:smb , database cross reference=MP:0006432 }
Changes for: head of rib
- Deleted
- - head of rib definition The head of the rib is the end of a rib closest to the vertebral column, with which it articulates with. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Head_of_rib , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + head of rib definition The head of the rib is the end of a rib closest to the vertebral column, with which it articulates with. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Head_of_rib , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: pedal digit 1 phalanx pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 1 phalanx pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym pedal digit I phalanx pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 1 phalanx pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym pedal digit I phalanx pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 2 phalanx pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 2 phalanx pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym pedal digit II phalanx pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 2 phalanx pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym pedal digit II phalanx pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 3 phalanx pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 3 phalanx pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym pedal digit III phalanx pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 3 phalanx pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym pedal digit III phalanx pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 4 phalanx pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 4 phalanx pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym pedal digit IV phalanx pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 4 phalanx pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym pedal digit IV phalanx pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 5 phalanx pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 5 phalanx pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym pedal digit V phalanx pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 5 phalanx pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym pedal digit V phalanx pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: clavicle bone
- Deleted
- - clavicle bone database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.087.227
- - clavicle bone definition A paired dermal or endochondral bone that is part of the pectoral girdle. The clavicle may be in contact with the interclavicle or coracoid and forms an attachment site for pectoral musculature. [PHENOSCAPE:ad]. { database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:ad }
- Added
- + clavicle bone contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + clavicle bone contributor https://github.com/mellybelly
- + clavicle bone database cross reference MESH:D002968
- + clavicle bone database cross reference MFMO:0000047
- + clavicle bone definition A paired dermal or endochondral bone that is part of the pectoral girdle. The clavicle may be in contact with the interclavicle or coracoid and forms an attachment site for pectoral musculature. [PHENOSCAPE:ad]. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/103 , database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:ad }
Changes for: uterine horn
- Deleted
- - uterine horn definition either one of the pair of tubular extensions from the uterine body where the uterus and the uterine tubes meet; uterine horns are anterior Mullerian duct-derived structures { database cross reference=MP:0009085,MGI:anna }
- Added
- + uterine horn definition either one of the pair of tubular extensions from the uterine body where the uterus and the uterine tubes meet; uterine horns are anterior Mullerian duct-derived structures { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0009085 }
Changes for: manual digit 5 phalanx pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- - manual digit 5 phalanx pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym manual digit V phalanx pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 5 phalanx pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym manual digit V phalanx pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 4 phalanx pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- - manual digit 4 phalanx pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym manual digit IV phalanx pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 4 phalanx pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym manual digit IV phalanx pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 3 phalanx pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- - manual digit 3 phalanx pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym manual digit III phalanx pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 3 phalanx pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym manual digit III phalanx pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 2 phalanx pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- - manual digit 2 phalanx pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym manual digit II phalanx pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 2 phalanx pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym manual digit II phalanx pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: intercostal muscle
- Deleted
- - intercostal muscle database cross reference MESH:A02.633.567.900.500
- - intercostal muscle definition the respiratory muscles that arise from the lower border of one rib and insert into the upper border of the adjoining rib { database cross reference=MP:0002280,MESH:A02.633.567.900.500,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + intercostal muscle database cross reference MESH:D007366
- + intercostal muscle definition the respiratory muscles that arise from the lower border of one rib and insert into the upper border of the adjoining rib { database cross reference=MESH:A02.633.567.900.500 , database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0002280 }
Changes for: nucleus pulposus
- Deleted
- - nucleus pulposus definition the jelly-like substance in the middle of the spinal disc which is a remnant of the notochord { database cross reference=MP:0006392,MGI:llw2 }
- Added
- + nucleus pulposus definition the jelly-like substance in the middle of the spinal disc which is a remnant of the notochord { database cross reference=MGI:llw2 , database cross reference=MP:0006392 }
Changes for: spinal cord
- Deleted
- - spinal cord database cross reference MESH:A08.186.854
- Added
- + spinal cord database cross reference MESH:D013116
Changes for: manual digit 1 metacarpus cartilage element
- Deleted
- - manual digit 1 metacarpus cartilage element has exact synonym manual digit I metacarpus cartilage element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 1 metacarpus cartilage element has exact synonym manual digit I metacarpus cartilage element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 2 metacarpus cartilage element
- Deleted
- - manual digit 2 metacarpus cartilage element has exact synonym manual digit II metacarpus cartilage element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 2 metacarpus cartilage element has exact synonym manual digit II metacarpus cartilage element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 5 metacarpus cartilage element
- Deleted
- - manual digit 5 metacarpus cartilage element has exact synonym manual digit V metacarpus cartilage element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 5 metacarpus cartilage element has exact synonym manual digit V metacarpus cartilage element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 1 phalanx pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- - manual digit 1 phalanx pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym manual digit I phalanx pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 1 phalanx pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym manual digit I phalanx pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: lobe of thyroid gland
- Deleted
- - lobe of thyroid gland definition A lobe of tissue that is part of a thyroid gland. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + lobe of thyroid gland definition A lobe of tissue that is part of a thyroid gland. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: manual digit 3 metacarpus cartilage element
- Deleted
- - manual digit 3 metacarpus cartilage element has exact synonym manual digit III metacarpus cartilage element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 3 metacarpus cartilage element has exact synonym manual digit III metacarpus cartilage element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 4 metacarpus cartilage element
- Deleted
- - manual digit 4 metacarpus cartilage element has exact synonym manual digit IV metacarpus cartilage element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 4 metacarpus cartilage element has exact synonym manual digit IV metacarpus cartilage element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: splenius
- Deleted
- - splenius definition A superficial postvertebral muscle innervated by the posterior ramus of the cervical spinal nerve with origins in the upper thoracic and lower cervical spinous processes whose actions are to extend and ipsilaterally rotate the head and neck. Examples: splenius capitis, splenius cervicis { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Splenius , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + splenius definition A superficial postvertebral muscle innervated by the posterior ramus of the cervical spinal nerve with origins in the upper thoracic and lower cervical spinous processes whose actions are to extend and ipsilaterally rotate the head and neck. Examples: splenius capitis, splenius cervicis { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Splenius , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: popliteal artery
- Deleted
- - popliteal artery database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.681
- Added
- + popliteal artery database cross reference MESH:D011150
Changes for: vertebral foramen
- Deleted
- - vertebral foramen definition A foramen within a vertebral element through which the spinal cord runs. It is formed by the anterior segment, and the posterior part, the vertebral arch. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vertebral_foramen , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + vertebral foramen definition A foramen within a vertebral element through which the spinal cord runs. It is formed by the anterior segment, and the posterior part, the vertebral arch. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vertebral_foramen , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: olfactory tract
- Deleted
- - olfactory tract definition White matter tract that contains projections from the olfactory bulb to other parts of the brain { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olfactory_tract , database cross reference=ISBN10:0471888893 , database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1663 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + olfactory tract definition White matter tract that contains projections from the olfactory bulb to other parts of the brain { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olfactory_tract , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=ISBN10:0471888893 , database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1663 }
Changes for: vertebral column
- Deleted
- - vertebral column database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.834
- Added
- + vertebral column SubClassOf protects some spinal cord
- + vertebral column database cross reference MESH:D013131
Changes for: parathyroid gland
- Deleted
- - parathyroid gland database cross reference MESH:A06.407.560
- - parathyroid gland definition The parathyroid gland is an endocrine gland for secretion of parathyroid hormone, usually found as a pair, embedded in the connective tissue capsule on the posterior surface of the thyroid gland. Parathyroid regulates calcium and phosphorous metabolism. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parathyroid_gland , database cross reference=MP:0000678,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + parathyroid gland database cross reference MESH:D010280
- + parathyroid gland definition The parathyroid gland is an endocrine gland for secretion of parathyroid hormone, usually found as a pair, embedded in the connective tissue capsule on the posterior surface of the thyroid gland. Parathyroid regulates calcium and phosphorous metabolism. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parathyroid_gland , database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0000678 }
Changes for: smooth muscle tissue
- Deleted
- - smooth muscle tissue database cross reference MESH:A02.633.570
- Added
- + smooth muscle tissue database cross reference MESH:D009130
Changes for: skeletal muscle tissue
- Added
Changes for: olfactory organ
- Deleted
- - main olfactory organ label main olfactory organ
- Added
- + olfactory organ database cross reference FBbt:00005158
- + olfactory organ definition An organ that houses olfactory neurons and is responsible for the sense of smell. Examples include the vertebrate nose and the Drosophila dorsal organ. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- + olfactory organ editor note An olfactory organ overlaps with the olfactory system, because some parts of the nose (e.g. nasal skeleton) are parts of the skeletal system, which is spatially disjoint
- + olfactory organ has exact synonym olfactory sense organ
- + olfactory organ has exact synonym olfactory sensory organ { database cross reference=FBbt:00005158 }
- + olfactory organ has narrow synonym main olfactory organ
- + olfactory organ has narrow synonym primary olfactory organ
- + olfactory organ label olfactory organ
Changes for: anterior limb of parapophysis 4
- Deleted
Changes for: meibum
Changes for: renal vein
- Deleted
- - renal vein database cross reference MESH:A07.231.908.752
- Added
- + renal vein database cross reference MESH:D012082
Changes for: exocrine gland of integumental system
- Deleted
- - exocrine gland of integumental system definition An exocrine gland that is part of a integumental system. { database cross reference=GOC:dos , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - exocrine gland of integumental system has exact synonym integumental exocrine gland { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - exocrine gland of integumental system has exact synonym integumental system exocrine gland { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + exocrine gland of integumental system definition An exocrine gland that is part of a integumental system. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=GOC:dos }
- + exocrine gland of integumental system has exact synonym integumental exocrine gland { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + exocrine gland of integumental system has exact synonym integumental system exocrine gland { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: suprarenal vein
- Deleted
- - suprarenal vein definition A vein that drains the adrenal gland. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + suprarenal vein definition A vein that drains the adrenal gland. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: median nerve
- Deleted
- - median nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.720.050.500
- Added
- + median nerve database cross reference MESH:D008475
Changes for: root of olfactory nerve
- Deleted
- - root of olfactory nerve definition The initial segment of an olfactory nerve, leaving the central nervous system. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + root of olfactory nerve definition The initial segment of an olfactory nerve, leaving the central nervous system. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: hepatic vein
- Deleted
- - hepatic vein database cross reference MESH:A07.231.908.380
- Added
- + hepatic vein database cross reference MESH:D006503
Changes for: testicular vein
- Deleted
- - testicular vein definition A vein that carries deoxygenated blood from a single male gonad. It is the male equivalent of the ovarian vein, and is the venous counterpart of the testicular artery. It is a paired vein, with one supplying each testis. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Testicular_vein , database cross reference=https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3220553&group_id=76834&atid=1205376 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + testicular vein definition A vein that carries deoxygenated blood from a single male gonad. It is the male equivalent of the ovarian vein, and is the venous counterpart of the testicular artery. It is a paired vein, with one supplying each testis. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Testicular_vein , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3220553&group_id=76834&atid=1205376 }
Changes for: manubrium of sternum
- Deleted
- - manubrium of sternum database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.904.766.442
- Added
- + manubrium of sternum database cross reference MESH:D008371
Changes for: osteon
- Deleted
- - osteon database cross reference MESH:A10.165.265.507
- Added
- + osteon database cross reference MESH:D006253
Changes for: nose epithelium
- Deleted
- - nose epithelium SubClassOf respiratory system epithelium
Changes for: epithelium of external nose
- Deleted
- - epithelium of external nose definition Epithelial layer that is part of the external part of the nose. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + epithelium of external nose definition Epithelial layer that is part of the external part of the nose. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: musculoskeletal system
- Deleted
- - musculoskeletal system database cross reference MESH:A02
- - musculoskeletal system definition Anatomical system that consists of the muscular and skeletal systems. { database cross reference=VSAO:0000031 , database cross reference=VSAO:curator }
- Added
- + musculoskeletal system SubClassOf has part some skeletal system
- + musculoskeletal system contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + musculoskeletal system database cross reference MESH:D009141
- + musculoskeletal system definition Anatomical system that consists of the muscular and skeletal systems. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/77 , database cross reference=VSAO:0000031 , database cross reference=VSAO:curator }
Changes for: colon
- Deleted
- - colon definition Last portion of the large intestine before it becomes the rectum. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colon_(anatomy) , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm , database cross reference=ZFIN:curator }
- Added
- + colon definition Last portion of the large intestine before it becomes the rectum. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colon_(anatomy) , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=ZFIN:curator }
Changes for: cystic duct
- Deleted
- - cystic duct definition the tubular structure that conducts gall bladder contents from the gall bladder to the common bile duct { database cross reference=MP:0009493,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + cystic duct definition the tubular structure that conducts gall bladder contents from the gall bladder to the common bile duct { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0009493 }
Changes for: subfornical organ
- Deleted
- - subfornical organ SubClassOf septal nuclear complex
- Added
- + subfornical organ SubClassOf part of some septal nuclear complex
Changes for: nerve root
- Deleted
- - nerve root definition A continuation of the neuron projection bundle component of a nerve inside, crossing or immediately outside the central nervous system. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - nerve root has exact synonym initial segment of nerve { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + nerve root definition A continuation of the neuron projection bundle component of a nerve inside, crossing or immediately outside the central nervous system. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + nerve root has exact synonym initial segment of nerve { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: pyloric antrum
- Deleted
- - pyloric antrum definition the area at the bottom of the stomach on the caudal side of the pyloric canal that contains gastrin-producing G cells, which stimulate acid production, and the luminal pH-sensitive population of somatostatin-producing D cells { database cross reference=MP:0010790,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + pyloric antrum definition the area at the bottom of the stomach on the caudal side of the pyloric canal that contains gastrin-producing G cells, which stimulate acid production, and the luminal pH-sensitive population of somatostatin-producing D cells { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0010790 }
Changes for: pylorus
- Deleted
- - pylorus definition the stomach tissue region surrounding and controlling the distal outlet of the stomach, which opens into the duodenum { database cross reference=MP:0010785,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + pylorus definition the stomach tissue region surrounding and controlling the distal outlet of the stomach, which opens into the duodenum { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0010785 }
Changes for: wall of stomach
- Deleted
- - wall of stomach definition the layered structure that makes up the stomach, typiclly consists of a serous coat, a muscular coat, a mucous membrane, and other tissue layers in between { database cross reference=MP:0010783,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + wall of stomach definition the layered structure that makes up the stomach, typiclly consists of a serous coat, a muscular coat, a mucous membrane, and other tissue layers in between { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0010783 }
Changes for: macula of utricle of membranous labyrinth
- Deleted
- - macula of utricle of membranous labyrinth definition the neuroepithelial sensory receptor in the inferolateral wall of the utricle; hair cells of the neuroepithelium support the statoconial membrane and have terminal arborizations of vestibular nerve fibers around their bodies; normally sensitive to linear acceleration in the longitudinal axis of the body and to gravitational influences { database cross reference=MP:0004333,MGI:anna }
- Added
- + macula of utricle of membranous labyrinth definition the neuroepithelial sensory receptor in the inferolateral wall of the utricle; hair cells of the neuroepithelium support the statoconial membrane and have terminal arborizations of vestibular nerve fibers around their bodies; normally sensitive to linear acceleration in the longitudinal axis of the body and to gravitational influences { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0004333 }
Changes for: macula of saccule of membranous labyrinth
- Deleted
- - macula of saccule of membranous labyrinth definition the oval neuroepithelial sensory receptor in the anterior wall of the saccule; hair cells of the neuroepithelium support the statoconial membrane and have terminal arborizations of vestibular nerve fibers around their bodies { database cross reference=MP:0004330,MGI:anna }
- Added
- + macula of saccule of membranous labyrinth definition the oval neuroepithelial sensory receptor in the anterior wall of the saccule; hair cells of the neuroepithelium support the statoconial membrane and have terminal arborizations of vestibular nerve fibers around their bodies { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0004330 }
Changes for: rib
- Deleted
- - rib database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.904.567
- Added
- + rib database cross reference MESH:D012272
Changes for: hepatic acinus
- Deleted
- - hepatic acinus definition The functional unit of the liver, consisting of a mass of hepatocytes from adjacent liver lobules aligned around the hepatic arterioles and portal venules just as they anastomose into sinusoids. { database cross reference=http://www.vivo.colostate.edu/hbooks/pathphys/digestion/liver/histo_acinus.html , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + hepatic acinus definition The functional unit of the liver, consisting of a mass of hepatocytes from adjacent liver lobules aligned around the hepatic arterioles and portal venules just as they anastomose into sinusoids. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=http://www.vivo.colostate.edu/hbooks/pathphys/digestion/liver/histo_acinus.html }
Changes for: lobe of lacrimal gland
- Deleted
- - lobe of lacrimal gland definition An anatomical lobe that is part of a lacrimal gland { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + lobe of lacrimal gland definition An anatomical lobe that is part of a lacrimal gland { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: common bile duct
- Deleted
- - common bile duct database cross reference MESH:A03.
- - common bile duct definition the part of the biliary tree formed by the union of the cystic duct and the common hepatic duct { database cross reference=MP:0009495,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + common bile duct database cross reference MESH:D003135
- + common bile duct definition the part of the biliary tree formed by the union of the cystic duct and the common hepatic duct { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0009495 }
Changes for: perichondrium
- Deleted
- - perichondrium definition Fibrous connective tissue that surrounds cartilage. { database cross reference=http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0051070 , database cross reference=GO_REF:0000034 , database cross reference=PSPUB:0000170 , database cross reference=VSAO:0000036 }
- Added
- + perichondrium contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + perichondrium contributor https://github.com/wdahdul
- + perichondrium definition Fibrous connective tissue that surrounds cartilage. { database cross reference=http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0051070 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/26 , database cross reference=GO_REF:0000034 , database cross reference=PSPUB:0000170 , database cross reference=VSAO:0000036 }
Changes for: common hepatic duct
- Deleted
- - common hepatic duct database cross reference MESH:A03.
- Added
- + common hepatic duct database cross reference MESH:D006500
Changes for: endolymphatic sac
- Deleted
- - endolymphatic sac database cross reference MESH:A09.246.631.909.957.360.701
- Added
- + endolymphatic sac database cross reference MESH:D004712
Changes for: visceral peritoneum
- Deleted
- - visceral peritoneum definition The inner layer of peritoneum that is wrapped around organs located inside the intraperitoneal space. { database cross reference=Types , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + visceral peritoneum definition The inner layer of peritoneum that is wrapped around organs located inside the intraperitoneal space. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=Types }
Changes for: basilar membrane of cochlea
- Deleted
- - basilar membrane of cochlea database cross reference MESH:A09.246.631.246.125
- Added
- + basilar membrane of cochlea database cross reference MESH:D001489
Changes for: peritoneal cavity
- Deleted
- - peritoneal cavity definition Anatomical cavity bounded by visceral and parietal peritoneum { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peritoneal_cavity , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + peritoneal cavity definition Anatomical cavity bounded by visceral and parietal peritoneum { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peritoneal_cavity , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: meningeal dura mater
- Added
- + meningeal dura mater SubClassOf protects some central nervous system
Changes for: testicular artery
- Deleted
- - testicular artery definition One of a pair of arteries that is a branch of the abdominal aorta that supplies blood to a male gonad. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Testicular_artery , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + testicular artery definition One of a pair of arteries that is a branch of the abdominal aorta that supplies blood to a male gonad. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Testicular_artery , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: superior mesenteric artery
- Deleted
- - superior mesenteric artery database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.565.755
- Added
- + superior mesenteric artery database cross reference MESH:D017538
Changes for: renal artery
- Deleted
- - renal artery database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.745
- Added
- + renal artery database cross reference MESH:D012077
Changes for: inferior mesenteric artery
- Deleted
- - inferior mesenteric artery database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.565.510
- Added
- + inferior mesenteric artery database cross reference MESH:D017537
Changes for: male paramesonephric duct
- Deleted
- - male paramesonephric duct definition A epithelial tube that develops from a Mullerian duct in a male. Later degenerates. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + male paramesonephric duct definition A epithelial tube that develops from a Mullerian duct in a male. Later degenerates. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: prosomere
- Deleted
- - prosomere definition A neuromere that is part of the presumptive forebrain { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + prosomere definition A neuromere that is part of the presumptive forebrain { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: midbrain neuromere
- Deleted
- - midbrain neuromere definition A neuromere that is part of the presumptive midbrain { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + midbrain neuromere definition A neuromere that is part of the presumptive midbrain { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: spinal neuromere
- Deleted
- - spinal neuromere definition A neuromere that is part of the presumptive spinal cord { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + spinal neuromere definition A neuromere that is part of the presumptive spinal cord { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: lateral palpebral artery
- Deleted
- - lateral palpebral artery definition The lateral palpebral arteries are small arteries which supply the eyelid. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lateral_palpebral_arteries,Wikipedia:Lateral_palpebral_arteries }
- Added
- + lateral palpebral artery definition The lateral palpebral arteries are small arteries which supply the eyelid. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lateral_palpebral_arteries }
Changes for: embryonic urethral groove
- Deleted
- - embryonic urethral groove definition The precursor of the urethra { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + embryonic urethral groove definition The precursor of the urethra { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: splenic artery
- Deleted
- - splenic artery database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.814
- - splenic artery definition An artery that supplies the spleen. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + splenic artery database cross reference MESH:D013157
- + splenic artery definition An artery that supplies the spleen. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + splenic artery see also https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/268
Changes for: hepatic artery
- Deleted
- - hepatic artery database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.407
- Added
- + hepatic artery database cross reference MESH:D006499
Changes for: left gastric artery
- Deleted
- - left gastric artery definition An artery that arises from the celiac artery and supplies the stomach. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + left gastric artery definition An artery that arises from the celiac artery and supplies the stomach. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: microcirculatory vessel
- Deleted
- - microcirculatory vessel definition A vessel of the microcirculature, lying between the arterioles and venules; includes capillaries (blood and lymphatic), metarterioles and arteriovenous anastomoses. { database cross reference=MESH:A07.231.432 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm , database cross reference=ZFA:0005251 }
- Added
- + microcirculatory vessel definition A vessel of the microcirculature, lying between the arterioles and venules; includes capillaries (blood and lymphatic), metarterioles and arteriovenous anastomoses. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=MESH:A07.231.432 , database cross reference=ZFA:0005251 }
Changes for: musculature of pelvic complex
- Deleted
- - musculature of pelvic complex comment Editor note: currently defined by location rather than attachment
- Added
- + musculature of pelvic complex editor note currently defined by location rather than attachment
Changes for: musculature of pectoral complex
- Deleted
- - musculature of pectoral complex comment Editor note: currently defined by location rather than attachment
- Added
- + musculature of pectoral complex editor note currently defined by location rather than attachment
Changes for: strand of guard hair
- Added
Changes for: nuchal line attachment site
- Deleted
- - nuchal line attachment site definition Any of the four curved lines on the external surface of the occipital bone that serves as an attachment site for a muscle. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuchal_lines , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + nuchal line attachment site definition Any of the four curved lines on the external surface of the occipital bone that serves as an attachment site for a muscle. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuchal_lines , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: pulmonary alveolar duct
- Deleted
- - pulmonary alveolar duct definition the respiratory conducting tubes distal to the respiratory bronchiole that lead to the alveolar sacs and the alveoli { database cross reference=MP:0002271,ISBN:0-683-40008-8,MGI:cwg }
- Added
- + pulmonary alveolar duct definition the respiratory conducting tubes distal to the respiratory bronchiole that lead to the alveolar sacs and the alveoli { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MGI:cwg , database cross reference=MP:0002271 }
Changes for: terminal bronchiole
- Deleted
- - terminal bronchiole definition the last conducting structure of non-respiratory bronchioles; after this point, the airways have alveoli in their walls { database cross reference=MP:0002268,ISBN:0-397-51047-0,MGI:cwg }
- Added
- + terminal bronchiole definition the last conducting structure of non-respiratory bronchioles; after this point, the airways have alveoli in their walls { database cross reference=ISBN:0-397-51047-0 , database cross reference=MGI:cwg , database cross reference=MP:0002268 }
Changes for: bronchiole
- Deleted
- - bronchiole definition the conducting airway of the lungs found terminal to the bronchi; these structures contain neither cartilage nor mucous-secreting glands; the epithelium of the bronchioles becomes thinner with each branching { database cross reference=MP:0002267,ISBN:0-397-51047-0,MGI:cwg }
- Added
- + bronchiole definition the conducting airway of the lungs found terminal to the bronchi; these structures contain neither cartilage nor mucous-secreting glands; the epithelium of the bronchioles becomes thinner with each branching { database cross reference=ISBN:0-397-51047-0 , database cross reference=MGI:cwg , database cross reference=MP:0002267 }
Changes for: bronchus
- Deleted
- - bronchus database cross reference MESH:A04.411.125
- - bronchus definition the upper conducting airways of the lung; these airways arise from the terminus of the trachea { database cross reference=MP:0002264,ISBN:0-397-51047-0,MESH:A04.411.125,MGI:cwg }
- Added
- + bronchus database cross reference MESH:D001980
- + bronchus definition the upper conducting airways of the lung; these airways arise from the terminus of the trachea { database cross reference=ISBN:0-397-51047-0 , database cross reference=MESH:A04.411.125 , database cross reference=MGI:cwg , database cross reference=MP:0002264 }
Changes for: internal naris
- Deleted
- - internal naris definition A naris that is located inside the nasal cavity and connects to the pharynx. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + internal naris definition A naris that is located inside the nasal cavity and connects to the pharynx. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: lateral reticular nucleus
- Deleted
- - lateral reticular nucleus definition A nucleus of the lateral medullary nuclear complex. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + lateral reticular nucleus definition A nucleus of the lateral medullary nuclear complex. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: fastigial nucleus
- Deleted
- - fastigial nucleus definition the most medial of the cerebellar nuclei; it receives its afferent input from Purkinje cells of the flocculonodular lobe and the vermis, and most of its efferent connections travel via the inferior cerebellar peduncle to the vestibular nuclei and to the medullary reticular formation { database cross reference=MP:0009983,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + fastigial nucleus definition the most medial of the cerebellar nuclei; it receives its afferent input from Purkinje cells of the flocculonodular lobe and the vermis, and most of its efferent connections travel via the inferior cerebellar peduncle to the vestibular nuclei and to the medullary reticular formation { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0009983 }
Changes for: flat bone
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: middle cerebellar peduncle
- Deleted
- - middle cerebellar peduncle definition Regional part of medullary white matter (according to Neuronames) primarily found at the level of the pons, consisting of a very large bundle of fibers originating in the pontine nuclei projecting to the cerebellum (MM). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1529 }
- Added
- + middle cerebellar peduncle definition Regional part of medullary white matter (according to Neuronames) primarily found at the level of the pons, consisting of a very large bundle of fibers originating in the pontine nuclei projecting to the cerebellum (MM). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1529 }
Changes for: spleen B cell corona
- Deleted
- - spleen B cell corona definition The area of the (spleen) secondary B follicle that surrounds the germinal center and harbors the small recirculating B lymphocytes { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/6 , database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17495967 , database cross reference=CL:tm }
- Added
- + spleen B cell corona contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + spleen B cell corona contributor https://github.com/tmeehan
- + spleen B cell corona definition The area of the (spleen) secondary B follicle that surrounds the germinal center and harbors the small recirculating B lymphocytes { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17495967 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/6 , database cross reference=CL:tm }
Changes for: lymph node follicular corona
- Deleted
- - lymph node follicular corona definition A part of the secondary follicle in which naive B cells reside along with some helper T cells, macrophages and follicular dendritic cells; these are displaced by the expanding germinal centre and form a ‘mantle’ around it { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/7 , database cross reference=MP:MP }
- Added
- + lymph node follicular corona contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + lymph node follicular corona contributor https://github.com/tmeehan
- + lymph node follicular corona definition A part of the secondary follicle in which naive B cells reside along with some helper T cells, macrophages and follicular dendritic cells; these are displaced by the expanding germinal centre and form a ‘mantle’ around it { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/7 , database cross reference=MP:MP }
Changes for: endocardium
- Deleted
- - endocardium database cross reference MESH:A07.541.207
- Added
- + endocardium database cross reference MESH:D004699
Changes for: inferior cerebellar peduncle
- Deleted
- - inferior cerebellar peduncle definition Regional part of medullary white matter (according to Neuronames) primarily found at the level of the open medulla, consisting of a large bundle of fibers projecting to and projecting from the cerebellum. The icp is continuous with the dorsal spinocerebellar tract and also contains a large number of fibers originating in the inferior olivary complex (MM). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1691 }
- Added
- + inferior cerebellar peduncle definition Regional part of medullary white matter (according to Neuronames) primarily found at the level of the open medulla, consisting of a large bundle of fibers projecting to and projecting from the cerebellum. The icp is continuous with the dorsal spinocerebellar tract and also contains a large number of fibers originating in the inferior olivary complex (MM). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1691 }
Changes for: area postrema
- Deleted
- - area postrema database cross reference MESH:A08.
- - area postrema definition A small, rounded eminence on each side of the FOURTH VENTRICLE, which receives nerve fibers from the SOLITARY NUCLEUS , SPINAL CORD, and adjacent areas of the MEDULLA. The area postrema lies outside the BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER and its functions include acting as an emetic chemoreceptor. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Area_postrema , database cross reference=MESH:A08. }
- Added
- + area postrema database cross reference MESH:D031608
- + area postrema definition A small, rounded eminence on each side of the fourth ventricle, which receives nerve fibers from the solitary nucleus , spinal cord, and adjacent areas of the medulla. The area postrema lies outside the blood-brain barrier and its functions include acting as an emetic chemoreceptor. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Area_postrema , database cross reference=MESH:A08. }
Changes for: vibrissa follicle
- Deleted
- - vibrissa follicle definition one of the tubular invaginations of the epidermis enclosing the hair roots and from which grow the vibrissae located on the muzzle and face of many species { database cross reference=MP:0010234,MGI:llw2 }
- Added
- + vibrissa follicle database cross reference BTO:0003489
- + vibrissa follicle definition one of the tubular invaginations of the epidermis enclosing the hair roots and from which grow the vibrissae located on the muzzle and face of many species { database cross reference=MGI:llw2 , database cross reference=MP:0010234 }
- + vibrissa follicle has exact synonym vibrissal follicle { database cross reference=BTO:0003489 }
Changes for: cerebellar nuclear complex
- Deleted
- - cerebellar nuclear complex database cross reference MESH:A08.
- Added
- + cerebellar nuclear complex database cross reference MESH:D002529
Changes for: anterior lobe of cerebellum
- Deleted
- - anterior lobe of cerebellum definition the region of the cerebellum that is anterior to the primary fissure { database cross reference=MP:0009960,ISBN:0838580343 }
- Added
- + anterior lobe of cerebellum definition the region of the cerebellum that is anterior to the primary fissure { database cross reference=ISBN:0838580343 , database cross reference=MP:0009960 }
Changes for: vas deferens
- Deleted
- - vas deferens database cross reference MESH:A05.360.444.930
- - vas deferens definition A secretory duct that transports sperm from the testis. In mammals this is a continuation of the epididymis and ends in the prostatic urethra where it terminates to form ejaculatory duct { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vas_deferens , database cross reference=MP:0002769,ISBN:0-683-40008-8,MGI:pvb , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + vas deferens database cross reference MESH:D014649
- + vas deferens definition A secretory duct that transports sperm from the testis. In mammals this is a continuation of the epididymis and ends in the prostatic urethra where it terminates to form ejaculatory duct { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vas_deferens , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MGI:pvb , database cross reference=MP:0002769 }
Changes for: dentate nucleus
- Deleted
- - dentate nucleus definition the largest and most lateral of the deep cerebellum nuclei; it receives axons of Purkinje cells in the lateral cerebellar hemisphere (neocerebellum) and receives its afferents from the premotor cortex and the supplementary motor cortex through the pontocerebellar system, and its efferents project through the superior cerebellar peduncle and is a major source of its fibers { database cross reference=MP:0009980,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + dentate nucleus definition the largest and most lateral of the deep cerebellum nuclei; it receives axons of Purkinje cells in the lateral cerebellar hemisphere (neocerebellum) and receives its afferents from the premotor cortex and the supplementary motor cortex through the pontocerebellar system, and its efferents project through the superior cerebellar peduncle and is a major source of its fibers { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0009980 }
Changes for: atrioventricular valve
- Deleted
- - atrioventricular valve definition A cardial valve in the atrioventricular region that separates the atrium from the ventricle and prevent backflow from the ventricles into the atria during systole. { database cross reference=Atrioventricular valves , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + atrioventricular valve definition A cardial valve in the atrioventricular region that separates the atrium from the ventricle and prevent backflow from the ventricles into the atria during systole. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=Atrioventricular valves }
Changes for: tricuspid valve
- Deleted
- - tricuspid valve database cross reference MESH:A07.541.510.893
- - tricuspid valve definition An atrioventricular valve that is part of the outflow part of the right atrium. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + tricuspid valve database cross reference MESH:D014261
- + tricuspid valve definition An atrioventricular valve that is part of the outflow part of the right atrium. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: mitral valve
- Deleted
- - mitral valve database cross reference MESH:A07.541.510.507
- - mitral valve definition An atrioventricular valve that is part of the outflow part of the left atrium. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + mitral valve database cross reference MESH:D008943
- + mitral valve definition An atrioventricular valve that is part of the outflow part of the left atrium. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: respiratory system
- Deleted
- - respiratory system database cross reference MESH:A04
- - respiratory system definition Functional system which consists of structures involved in respiration. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Respiratory_system , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + respiratory system database cross reference MESH:D012137
- + respiratory system definition Functional system which consists of structures involved in respiration. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Respiratory_system , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: skin epidermis
- Deleted
- - skin epidermis database cross reference MESH:A10.272.497
- - skin epidermis definition The outer epithelial layer of the skin that is superficial to the dermis. { database cross reference=ISBN10:0073040584 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + skin epidermis database cross reference MESH:D004817
- + skin epidermis definition The outer epithelial layer of the skin that is superficial to the dermis. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=ISBN10:0073040584 }
Changes for: aortic valve
- Deleted
- - aortic valve database cross reference MESH:A07.541.510.110
- Added
- + aortic valve database cross reference MESH:D001021
Changes for: renal system
- Deleted
- - renal system database cross reference MESH:A05.810
- Added
- + renal system database cross reference MESH:D014551
Changes for: digestive system
- Deleted
- - digestive system database cross reference MESH:A03
- Added
- + digestive system database cross reference MESH:D004064
Changes for: cartilaginous vertebral centrum
- Deleted
- - cartilaginous vertebral centrum definition Cartilaginous form of a vertebral centrum, a skeletal element that functionally replaces the notochord[VSAP,modified]. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm , database cross reference=VSAO:0000183 , database cross reference=VSAO:curator }
- Added
- + cartilaginous vertebral centrum definition Cartilaginous form of a vertebral centrum, a skeletal element that functionally replaces the notochord[VSAP,modified]. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=VSAO:0000183 , database cross reference=VSAO:curator }
Changes for: pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus
- Deleted
- - pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus definition The pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) (or pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus, PPTN) is located in the brainstem, caudal to the substantia nigra and adjacent to the superior cerebellar peduncle. It is composed by a wide variety of neurochemical cell types, including cholinergic, glutamatergic and GABAergic cells. In the classical sense, the PPN is considered to be one of the main components of the reticular activating system. [WP,unvetted]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedunculopontine_tegmental_nucleus , database cross reference=https://sourceforge.net/p/obo/mouse-anatomy-requests/81/ }
- Added
- + pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus definition The pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) (or pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus, PPTN) is located in the brainstem, caudal to the substantia nigra and adjacent to the superior cerebellar peduncle. It is composed by a wide variety of neurochemical cell types, including cholinergic, glutamatergic and GABAergic cells. In the classical sense, the PPN is considered to be one of the main components of the reticular activating system. [WP,unvetted]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedunculopontine_tegmental_nucleus , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/mouse-anatomy-ontology/issues/95 }
Changes for: hemolymph
- Deleted
- - hemolymph database cross reference MESH:A13.453
- Added
- + hemolymph database cross reference MESH:D006458
Changes for: locus ceruleus
- Deleted
- - locus ceruleus database cross reference MESH:A08.
- Added
- + locus ceruleus database cross reference MESH:D008125
Changes for: adipose tissue
- Deleted
- - adipose tissue database cross reference MESH:A10.165.114
- - adipose tissue definition Portion of connective tissue composed of adipocytes enmeshed in areolar tissue { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adipose_tissue , database cross reference=MP:0000003,MESH:A10.165.114,MGI:cwg , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + adipose tissue database cross reference MESH:D000273
- + adipose tissue definition Portion of connective tissue composed of adipocytes enmeshed in areolar tissue { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adipose_tissue , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=MESH:A10.165.114 , database cross reference=MGI:cwg , database cross reference=MP:0000003 }
Changes for: nervous system
- Deleted
- - nervous system database cross reference MESH:A08
- Added
- + nervous system database cross reference MESH:D009420
Changes for: pulmonary valve
- Deleted
- - pulmonary valve database cross reference MESH:A07.541.510.738
- Added
- + pulmonary valve database cross reference MESH:D011664
Changes for: reticulotegmental nucleus
- Deleted
- - reticulotegmental nucleus definition The tegmental pontine reticular nucleus (or pontine reticular nucleus of the tegmentum) is an area within the floor of the midbrain. This area is known to affect the cerebellum with its axonal projections. These efferent connections have been proven to project not only ipsilaterally, but also to decussate and project to the contralateral side of the vermis. It has also been shown that the projections from the tegmenti pontis to the cerebellar lobes are only crossed fibers. The n.r. tegmenti pontis also receives afferent axons from the cerebellum. This nucleus is known for its large amount of multipolar cells and its particularly reticular structure. The n.r. tegmenti pontis is topographically related to pontine nuclei (non-reticular), being just dorsal to them. The nucleus reticularis has been known to mediate eye movements, otherwise known as so-called saccadic movement. This makes sense concerning their connections as it would require a nucleus which receives and projects to the cerebellum to mediate that kind of complex circuitry. Also, behaviorally this makes sense as no one thinks about saccadic movements when scanning a room and the saccadic movements are not directly controlled by the cortex. The nuclei of the cerebellum are the most traditionally studied mostly because it is easy to see which nuclei degrade when the cerebellum is amputated. The neurons of the lateral reticular formation are very important for reflexes and the mediation of posture. It has been shown in cats that electrical stimulation of the reticular formation can make a standing cat lie down. Conversely if the cat is stimulated in an alternate spot it can make a lying cat stand. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tegmental_pontine_reticular_nucleus,Wikipedia:Tegmental_pontine_reticular_nucleus }
- Added
- + reticulotegmental nucleus definition The tegmental pontine reticular nucleus (or pontine reticular nucleus of the tegmentum) is an area within the floor of the midbrain. This area is known to affect the cerebellum with its axonal projections. These efferent connections have been proven to project not only ipsilaterally, but also to decussate and project to the contralateral side of the vermis. It has also been shown that the projections from the tegmenti pontis to the cerebellar lobes are only crossed fibers. The n.r. tegmenti pontis also receives afferent axons from the cerebellum. This nucleus is known for its large amount of multipolar cells and its particularly reticular structure. The n.r. tegmenti pontis is topographically related to pontine nuclei (non-reticular), being just dorsal to them. The nucleus reticularis has been known to mediate eye movements, otherwise known as so-called saccadic movement. This makes sense concerning their connections as it would require a nucleus which receives and projects to the cerebellum to mediate that kind of complex circuitry. Also, behaviorally this makes sense as no one thinks about saccadic movements when scanning a room and the saccadic movements are not directly controlled by the cortex. The nuclei of the cerebellum are the most traditionally studied mostly because it is easy to see which nuclei degrade when the cerebellum is amputated. The neurons of the lateral reticular formation are very important for reflexes and the mediation of posture. It has been shown in cats that electrical stimulation of the reticular formation can make a standing cat lie down. Conversely if the cat is stimulated in an alternate spot it can make a lying cat stand. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tegmental_pontine_reticular_nucleus }
Changes for: central nervous system
- Deleted
- - central nervous system database cross reference MESH:A08.186
- Added
- + central nervous system database cross reference MESH:D002490
Changes for: kidney
- Deleted
- - kidney database cross reference MESH:A05.810.453
- Added
- + kidney database cross reference MESH:D007668
Changes for: jejunum
- Deleted
- - jejunum definition the portion of the small intestine that extends from the duodenum to the ileum { database cross reference=MP:0004002,MGI:monikat }
- Added
- + jejunum definition the portion of the small intestine that extends from the duodenum to the ileum { database cross reference=MGI:monikat , database cross reference=MP:0004002 }
Changes for: ileum
- Deleted
- - ileum definition the portion of the small intestine that extends from the jejunum to the colon { database cross reference=MP:0002581,ISBN:0-683-40008-8,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + ileum definition the portion of the small intestine that extends from the jejunum to the colon { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0002581 }
Changes for: gall bladder
- Deleted
- - gall bladder database cross reference MESH:A03.159.439
- Added
- + gall bladder database cross reference MESH:D005704
Changes for: basis pontis
- Deleted
- - basis pontis definition The basis pontis is the anterior portion of the pons. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basilar_part_of_pons,Wikipedia:Basilar_part_of_pons }
- Added
- + basis pontis definition The basis pontis is the anterior portion of the pons. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basilar_part_of_pons }
Changes for: thymus lobule
- Deleted
- - thymus lobule definition A lobule that is part of a thymus. Divided into an outer cortex and inner medulla and separated from each other by connective tissue septa, but with the medullary tissue continuous from lobule to lobule.[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/Thymic_Lobule , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + thymus lobule definition A lobule that is part of a thymus. Divided into an outer cortex and inner medulla and separated from each other by connective tissue septa, but with the medullary tissue continuous from lobule to lobule.[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/Thymic_Lobule , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: cortex of thymus
- Deleted
- - cortex of thymus definition the outer part of a thymus lobule that surrounds the medulla and is composed of closely packed lymphocytes { database cross reference=MP:0002371,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + cortex of thymus definition the outer part of a thymus lobule that surrounds the medulla and is composed of closely packed lymphocytes { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0002371 }
Changes for: cerebellar cortex
- Deleted
- - cerebellar cortex database cross reference MESH:A08.
- Added
- + cerebellar cortex database cross reference MESH:D002525
Changes for: superior olivary complex
- Deleted
Changes for: distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit 3
- Deleted
- - distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit 3 has exact synonym distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit III { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit 3 has exact synonym distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit III { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit 2
- Deleted
- - distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit 2 has exact synonym distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit II { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit 2 has exact synonym distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit II { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit 1
- Deleted
- - distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit 1 has exact synonym distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit I { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit 1 has exact synonym distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit I { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit 5
- Deleted
- - distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit 5 has exact synonym distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit V { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit 5 has exact synonym distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit V { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit 4
- Deleted
- - distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit 4 has exact synonym distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit IV { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit 4 has exact synonym distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit IV { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: nail plate
- Deleted
- - nail plate definition The nail plate is the hard and translucent portion of the nail, composed of keratin. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nail_plate , database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/20 , database cross reference=https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3307500&group_id=36855&atid=440764 }
- Added
- + nail plate contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + nail plate contributor https://github.com/rfoulger
- + nail plate definition The nail plate is the hard and translucent portion of the nail, composed of keratin. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nail_plate , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/20 , database cross reference=https://sourceforge.net/p/geneontology/ontology-requests/8479/ }
Changes for: saliva-secreting gland
- Deleted
- - saliva-secreting gland database cross reference MESH:A10.336.779
- Added
- + saliva-secreting gland database cross reference MESH:D012469
Changes for: pole of lens
- Deleted
- - pole of lens definition A central point or region on the anterior or posterior surface of the lens { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + pole of lens definition A central point or region on the anterior or posterior surface of the lens { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: hindgut
- Deleted
- - hindgut definition The caudalmost subdivision of a digestive tract. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - hindgut editor note Note we define this generically to include invertebrates (partly for consistency with GO), but the class may be split in future (vertebrates have some contribution from NC - UBERONREF:0000002). We may explicitly make this a developmental class
- Added
- + hindgut definition The caudalmost subdivision of a digestive tract. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + hindgut editor note Note we define this generically to include invertebrates (partly for consistency with GO), but the class may be split in future (vertebrates have some contribution from NC - https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/The-neural-crest). We may explicitly make this a developmental class
Changes for: chin
- Deleted
- - chin database cross reference MESH:A01.456.505.259
- Added
- + chin database cross reference MESH:D002680
Changes for: distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of pedal digit 2
- Deleted
- - distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of pedal digit 2 has exact synonym distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of pedal digit II { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of pedal digit 2 has exact synonym distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of pedal digit II { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of pedal digit 1
- Deleted
- - distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of pedal digit 1 has exact synonym distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of pedal digit I { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of pedal digit 1 has exact synonym distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of pedal digit I { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of pedal digit 4
- Deleted
- - distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of pedal digit 4 has exact synonym distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of pedal digit IV { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of pedal digit 4 has exact synonym distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of pedal digit IV { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of pedal digit 3
- Deleted
- - distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of pedal digit 3 has exact synonym distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of pedal digit III { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of pedal digit 3 has exact synonym distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of pedal digit III { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of pedal digit 5
- Deleted
- - distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of pedal digit 5 has exact synonym distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of pedal digit V { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of pedal digit 5 has exact synonym distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of pedal digit V { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: spleen
- Deleted
- - spleen definition the organ that functions to filter blood and to store red corpuscles and platelets { database cross reference=MP:0000689,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + spleen definition the organ that functions to filter blood and to store red corpuscles and platelets { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0000689 }
Changes for: liver
- Deleted
- - liver database cross reference MESH:A03.620
- Added
- + liver database cross reference MESH:D008099
Changes for: pair of nares
- Deleted
- - pair of nares SubClassOf anatomical collection
- Added
- + pair of nares EquivalentTo anatomical collection and ObjectMinCardinality( has member naris ) and ObjectMaxCardinality( has member naris )
Changes for: skin of anterior chest
- Deleted
- - skin of anterior chest definition Zone of skin that is part of the anterior region of the chest { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + skin of anterior chest definition Zone of skin that is part of the anterior region of the chest { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: Malpighian tubule
- Deleted
- - Malpighian tubule database cross reference MESH:A13.574
- Added
- + Malpighian tubule database cross reference MESH:D008317
Changes for: hindlimb
- Deleted
- - hindlimb database cross reference MESH:A13.473
- Added
- + hindlimb database cross reference MESH:D006614
Changes for: forelimb
- Deleted
- - forelimb database cross reference MESH:A13.395
- Added
- + forelimb database cross reference MESH:D005552
Changes for: corpus allatum
- Deleted
- - corpus allatum database cross reference MESH:A08.713.100
- Added
- + corpus allatum database cross reference MESH:D003335
Changes for: mushroom body
- Deleted
- - mushroom body database cross reference MESH:A13.641
- Added
- + mushroom body database cross reference MESH:D024521
Changes for: chorioretinal region
- Deleted
- - chorioretinal region definition The part of the eye that consists of both the retina and the optic choroid { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm , database cross reference=UBERON:drseb }
- Added
- + chorioretinal region definition The part of the eye that consists of both the retina and the optic choroid { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=UBERON:drseb }
Changes for: rectum
- Deleted
- - rectum definition the terminal portion of the intestinal tube, terminating with the anus { database cross reference=MP:0000492,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + rectum definition the terminal portion of the intestinal tube, terminating with the anus { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0000492 }
Changes for: skin epithelium
- Deleted
- - skin epithelium definition Any region of epithelium that is part of a skin region. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + skin epithelium definition Any region of epithelium that is part of a skin region. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: neuromuscular junction
- Deleted
- - neuromuscular junction database cross reference MESH:A08.800.550.550.550
- Added
- + neuromuscular junction database cross reference MESH:D009469
Changes for: nervous system commissure
- Deleted
- - nervous system commissure definition Axon tract that crosses the midline of the central nervous system[NIF, modified]. In the context of Drosophila refers to a broad band of axons connecting equivalent neuropils each side of the brain[FBbt]. { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/300 , database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/325 , database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_anat_20090513 }
- Added
- + nervous system commissure contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + nervous system commissure contributor https://github.com/mellybelly
- + nervous system commissure definition Axon tract that crosses the midline of the central nervous system[NIF, modified]. In the context of Drosophila refers to a broad band of axons connecting equivalent neuropils each side of the brain[FBbt]. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/300 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/325 , database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_anat_20090513 }
Changes for: nerve
- Deleted
- - nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800
- - nerve definition An enclosed, cable-like bundle of axons in the peripheral nervous system originating in a nerve root in the central nervous system (or a condensed nervous structure) connecting with peripheral structures. { database cross reference=FBbt:00005105 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - nerve has exact synonym peripheral nerve { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + nerve database cross reference MESH:D010525
- + nerve definition An enclosed, cable-like bundle of axons in the peripheral nervous system originating in a nerve root in the central nervous system (or a condensed nervous structure) connecting with peripheral structures. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=FBbt:00005105 }
- + nerve has exact synonym peripheral nerve { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: pedal digit 7 digitopodial skeleton
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 7 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym pedal digit VII digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 7 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym pedal digit VII digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 8 digitopodial skeleton
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 8 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym pedal digit VIII digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 8 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym pedal digit VIII digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: strand of hair
- Deleted
- - strand of hair database cross reference MESH:A17.360
- Added
- + strand of hair database cross reference MESH:D006197
Changes for: dento-alveolar joint
- Deleted
- - dento-alveolar joint definition A joint that binds the teeth to the alveolar ridge. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gomphosis , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + dento-alveolar joint definition A joint that binds the teeth to the alveolar ridge. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gomphosis , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: sheath of Schwann
- Deleted
- - sheath of Schwann database cross reference MESH:A08.561.600
- Added
- + sheath of Schwann database cross reference MESH:D009441
Changes for: megalopa stage
- Deleted
- - megalopa stage definition The crustacean post-larval stage of a crab { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + megalopa stage definition The crustacean post-larval stage of a crab { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: epicardium of ventricle
- Deleted
- - epicardium of ventricle definition An epicardial layer that lines a cardiac ventricle { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + epicardium of ventricle definition An epicardial layer that lines a cardiac ventricle { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: sweat
- Deleted
- - sweat database cross reference MESH:A12.200.849
- Added
- + sweat database cross reference MESH:D013542
Changes for: urine
- Deleted
- - urine database cross reference MESH:A12.207.927
- Added
- + urine database cross reference MESH:D014556
Changes for: brain marginal zone
- Deleted
- - brain marginal zone definition The part of the future brain that is derived from the mantle layer of the neural tube { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + brain marginal zone definition The part of the future brain that is derived from the mantle layer of the neural tube { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: epidermis suprabasal layer
- Deleted
- - epidermis suprabasal layer definition Any layer of the epidermis that is superior to the stratum basale { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm,MP:0001233,PMID:10469309 }
- Added
- + epidermis suprabasal layer definition Any layer of the epidermis that is superior to the stratum basale { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10469309 , database cross reference=MP:0001233 }
Changes for: vertebral bone 1
- Deleted
- - vertebral bone 1 definition The first vertebral bone in the vertebral column. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + vertebral bone 1 definition The first vertebral bone in the vertebral column. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: calcareous tooth
- Deleted
- - calcareous tooth definition Skeletal element within the mouth (or in some species, upper part of the digestive tract) that is composed of dentine and is used in procuring or masticating food. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tooth_(animal) , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - calcareous tooth has exact synonym dental element { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + calcareous tooth definition Skeletal element within the mouth (or in some species, upper part of the digestive tract) that is composed of dentine and is used in procuring or masticating food. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tooth_(animal) , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + calcareous tooth has exact synonym dental element { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: synovial fluid
- Deleted
- - synovial fluid database cross reference MESH:A02.835.583.443.800.800
- Added
- + synovial fluid database cross reference MESH:D013582
Changes for: caudal vertebra
- Deleted
- - caudal vertebra definition Any vertebral bone that is part of the caudal region of the vertebral column (tail or coccyx). { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + caudal vertebra definition Any vertebral bone that is part of the caudal region of the vertebral column (tail or coccyx). { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: sacral vertebra
- Deleted
- - sacral vertebra definition A vertebra bone that is part of the sacral region of the vertebral column. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + sacral vertebra definition A vertebra bone that is part of the sacral region of the vertebral column. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: vertebral bone 2
- Deleted
- - vertebral bone 2 database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.834.151.383
- - vertebral bone 2 definition The second vertebral bone in the vertebral column. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + vertebral bone 2 database cross reference MESH:D001368
- + vertebral bone 2 definition The second vertebral bone in the vertebral column. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: axillary lymph node
- Deleted
- - axillary lymph node definition the lymph nodes located around the axillary vein that receive lymphatic drainage from the upper or forelimb, scapular region and pectoral region { database cross reference=MP:0002340,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + axillary lymph node definition the lymph nodes located around the axillary vein that receive lymphatic drainage from the upper or forelimb, scapular region and pectoral region { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0002340 }
Changes for: flocculus
- Deleted
- - flocculus definition the small lobe of the cerebellum at the posterior border of the middle cerebellar peduncle anterior to the biventer lobule that receives input from the inferior and medial vestibular nuclei and sends fibers back to the vestibular nuclei, and processes and integrates these signals to allow for the constant maintenance of balance { database cross reference=MP:0010006,ISBN:0838580343,MGI:csmith,Wikipedia:Flocculus_(cerebellar) , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + flocculus definition the small lobe of the cerebellum at the posterior border of the middle cerebellar peduncle anterior to the biventer lobule that receives input from the inferior and medial vestibular nuclei and sends fibers back to the vestibular nuclei, and processes and integrates these signals to allow for the constant maintenance of balance { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flocculus_(cerebellar) , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=ISBN:0838580343 , database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0010006 }
Changes for: ventral pancreatic duct
- Deleted
- - ventral pancreatic duct database cross reference MESH:A03.734.667
- Added
- + ventral pancreatic duct database cross reference MESH:D010183
Changes for: vertebral arch joint
- Deleted
- - vertebral arch joint database cross reference MESH:A02.835.583.979
- Added
- + vertebral arch joint database cross reference MESH:D021801
Changes for: skeletal muscle organ
- Deleted
- - skeletal muscle organ database cross reference MESH:A02.633.567
- Added
- + skeletal muscle organ database cross reference MESH:D018482
Changes for: posterior vena cava
- Deleted
- - posterior vena cava database cross reference MESH:A07.231.908.949.648
- - posterior vena cava definition A vein that carries deoxygenated blood from the lower half of the body into the right atrium of the heart. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inferior_vena_cava , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - posterior vena cava has exact synonym inferior caval vein { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + posterior vena cava database cross reference MESH:D014682
- + posterior vena cava definition A vein that carries deoxygenated blood from the lower half of the body into the right atrium of the heart. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inferior_vena_cava , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + posterior vena cava has exact synonym inferior caval vein { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: external carotid artery
- Deleted
- - external carotid artery database cross reference MESH:A07.
- Added
- + external carotid artery database cross reference MESH:D002342
Changes for: pedicle of vertebra
- Deleted
- - pedicle of vertebra definition the two short, thick processes, which project backward, one on either side, from the upper part of the body to the laminae { database cross reference=MP:0004604,ISBN:0-683-40008-8,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + pedicle of vertebra definition the two short, thick processes, which project backward, one on either side, from the upper part of the body to the laminae { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0004604 }
Changes for: neural spine
- Deleted
- - neural spine definition A extension of a neural arches dorsal to the neural canal[TAO,modified]. { database cross reference=TAO:0001336 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + neural spine definition A extension of a neural arches dorsal to the neural canal[TAO,modified]. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=TAO:0001336 }
Changes for: bony vertebral centrum
- Deleted
- - bony vertebral centrum definition Ossified form of a vertebral centrum, a skeletal element that functionally replaces the notochord[VSAP,modified]. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm , database cross reference=VSAO:0000183 , database cross reference=VSAO:curator }
- Added
- + bony vertebral centrum definition Ossified form of a vertebral centrum, a skeletal element that functionally replaces the notochord[VSAP,modified]. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=VSAO:0000183 , database cross reference=VSAO:curator }
Changes for: blood-testis barrier
- Deleted
- - blood-testis barrier definition A barrier between the blood or haemolymphatic fluid and the testes. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + blood-testis barrier definition A barrier between the blood or haemolymphatic fluid and the testes. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: echinoderm pyloric cecum
- Deleted
- - echinoderm pyloric cecum definition The pyloric ceca (or digestive glands) and the cardiac stomach produce digestive enzymes in starfishes. Digested material is absorbed through the pyloric ceca for transport to the rest of the body. Each pyloric cecum extends the length of each arm. { database cross reference=BTO:0002120 }
- Added
- + echinoderm pyloric cecum contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + echinoderm pyloric cecum definition The pyloric ceca (or digestive glands) and the cardiac stomach produce digestive enzymes in starfishes. Digested material is absorbed through the pyloric ceca for transport to the rest of the body. Each pyloric cecum extends the length of each arm. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/118 , database cross reference=BTO:0002120 }
Changes for: cerebellopontine angle
- Deleted
- - cerebellopontine angle database cross reference MESH:A08.
- Added
- + cerebellopontine angle database cross reference MESH:D002530
Changes for: feather rachis
- Deleted
- - feather rachis definition A central shaft of feather, with two vanes either side. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + feather rachis definition The long solid, tubular extension of the calamus above the skin. The rachis contains pith, which is composed of air-filled keratinised epithelial cells surrounded by a solid keratinised outer cortex. { database cross reference=[https://en.wikivet.net/Feather_-Anatomy%26Physiology](https://en.wikivet.net/Feather-Anatomy%26_Physiology) }
Changes for: feather vane
- Deleted
- - feather vane SubClassOf anatomical cluster
- - feather vane definition Collection of feather barbs that branch from rachis { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + feather vane SubClassOf ectoderm-derived structure
- + feather vane SubClassOf has part some feather barb
- + feather vane SubClassOf organ part
- + feather vane definition The portion of the feather that extends to either side of the rachis and is composed of the barbs and their associated structures { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=[https://en.wikivet.net/Feather_-Anatomy%26Physiology](https://en.wikivet.net/Feather-Anatomy%26_Physiology) }
- + feather vane has broad synonym vane
- + feather vane has exact synonym vexillum { database cross reference=[https://en.wikivet.net/Feather_-Anatomy%26Physiology](https://en.wikivet.net/Feather-Anatomy%26_Physiology) }
Changes for: feather calamus
- Deleted
- - feather calamus SubClassOf part of some feather
- - feather calamus definition The hollow basal portion of a feather below the vane[BTO]. At the base of the feather, the rachis expands to form the hollow tubular calamus (or quill) which inserts into a follicle in the skin. The basal part of the calamus is without vanes. This part is embedded within the skin follicle and has an opening at the base (proximal umbilicus) and a small opening on the side (distal umbilicus)[WP]. { database cross reference=BTO:0001608 }
- Added
- + feather calamus SubClassOf part of some feather shaft
- + feather calamus definition The short, hollow, tubular, unpigmented end of the mature feather inserted into the feather follicle and thus present below the skin level. { database cross reference=[https://en.wikivet.net/Feather_-Anatomy%26Physiology](https://en.wikivet.net/Feather-Anatomy%26_Physiology) }
Changes for: down feather
- Added
- + down feather has narrow synonym body down feather
- + down feather has narrow synonym natal down feather
- + down feather has narrow synonym powder down feather
Changes for: cerebral cortex marginal layer
- Deleted
- - cerebral cortex marginal layer definition developing superficial cortical layer located just under the pia matter, develops from the marginal layer of the neural tube and becomes cortical layer I { database cross reference=MP:0000792 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - cerebral cortex marginal layer has exact synonym cortical marginal layer { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - cerebral cortex marginal layer has exact synonym future cortical layer I { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + cerebral cortex marginal layer definition developing superficial cortical layer located just under the pia matter, develops from the marginal layer of the neural tube and becomes cortical layer I { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=MP:0000792 }
- + cerebral cortex marginal layer has exact synonym cortical marginal layer { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + cerebral cortex marginal layer has exact synonym future cortical layer I { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: periodontal ligament
- Deleted
- - periodontal ligament definition The fibrous connective tissue that surrounds the root of a tooth, separating it from and attaching it to the alveolar bone. It extends from the base of the gingival mucosa to the fundus of the bony socket, and its main function is to hold the tooth in its socket[BTO]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Periodontal_fiber , database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/21 , database cross reference=BTO:0001020 }
- - periodontal ligament external definition The fibrous connective tissue that surrounds the root of a tooth, separating it from and attaching it to the alveolar bone. It extends from the base of the gingival mucosa to the fundus of the bony socket, and its main function is to hold the tooth in its socket[BTO]. It consist of cells, extracellular compartment of fibers. The cells are fibroblast, epithelial, undifferentiated mesenchymal cells, bone and cementum cells. The extracellular compartment consists of collagen fibers bundles embedded in ground substance. The PDL substance has been estimated to be 70% water and is thought to have a significant effect on the tooth’s ability to withstand stress loads[WP][BTO:0001020, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Periodontal_fiber, http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/21]. { source=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Periodontal_fiber }
- Added
- + periodontal ligament contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + periodontal ligament contributor https://github.com/tmeehan
- + periodontal ligament definition The fibrous connective tissue that surrounds the root of a tooth, separating it from and attaching it to the alveolar bone. It extends from the base of the gingival mucosa to the fundus of the bony socket, and its main function is to hold the tooth in its socket[BTO]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Periodontal_fiber , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/21 , database cross reference=BTO:0001020 }
- + periodontal ligament external definition The fibrous connective tissue that surrounds the root of a tooth, separating it from and attaching it to the alveolar bone. It extends from the base of the gingival mucosa to the fundus of the bony socket, and its main function is to hold the tooth in its socket[BTO]. It consist of cells, extracellular compartment of fibers. The cells are fibroblast, epithelial, undifferentiated mesenchymal cells, bone and cementum cells. The extracellular compartment consists of collagen fibers bundles embedded in ground substance. The PDL substance has been estimated to be 70% water and is thought to have a significant effect on the tooth’s ability to withstand stress loads[WP][BTO:0001020, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Periodontal_fiber, https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/21]. { source=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Periodontal_fiber }
Changes for: styliform cartilage
- Added
Changes for: lymph node primary follicle
- Deleted
- - lymph node primary follicle definition An unstimulated network of follicular dendritic cells and small resting B cells in the lymph node cortex. { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/6 , database cross reference=MP:0002345 }
- Added
- + lymph node primary follicle contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + lymph node primary follicle contributor https://github.com/tmeehan
- + lymph node primary follicle definition An unstimulated network of follicular dendritic cells and small resting B cells in the lymph node cortex. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/6 , database cross reference=MP:0002345 }
Changes for: lymphocyte domain
Changes for: ascending process of the parasphenoid
- Deleted
Changes for: enteric nerve
- Deleted
- - enteric nerve definition the neurons that innervate the esophagus, stomach, small and large bowel { database cross reference=MP:0001046,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + enteric nerve definition the neurons that innervate the esophagus, stomach, small and large bowel { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0001046 }
Changes for: basal process of palatoquadrate
- Deleted
Changes for: anterior limb of ceratobranchial 5 bone
- Deleted
Changes for: ascending process of palatoquadrate
- Deleted
Changes for: ascending limb of ceratobranchial 5 bone
- Deleted
Changes for: antorbital process
- Deleted
- - antorbital process SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: anterolateral process of frontoparietal
- Deleted
Changes for: forehead
- Deleted
- - forehead database cross reference MESH:A01.456.505.580
- Added
- + forehead database cross reference MESH:D005546
Changes for: anterior ramus of pterygoid
- Deleted
- - anterior ramus of pterygoid SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: anterior process of pars palatina of maxilla
- Deleted
Changes for: angulosplenial coronoid process
- Deleted
Changes for: alary process of premaxilla
- Deleted
- - alary process of premaxilla SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: subiculum
- Deleted
- - subiculum definition Part of the hippocampal formation that is bounded by the entorhinal cortex and area CA1. It is characterized on the CA1 border by an abrupt widening of the pyramidal cell layer. A molecular layer is present that is continuous with that of CA1, although the stratum radiatum is no longer present. The stratum oriens is also not present. adapted from Paxinos, G. The rat central nervous system, 2nd ed, Academic Press, San Diego, 1995, pg. 468) { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1305 }
- Added
- + subiculum definition Part of the hippocampal formation that is bounded by the entorhinal cortex and area CA1. It is characterized on the CA1 border by an abrupt widening of the pyramidal cell layer. A molecular layer is present that is continuous with that of CA1, although the stratum radiatum is no longer present. The stratum oriens is also not present. adapted from Paxinos, G. The rat central nervous system, 2nd ed, Academic Press, San Diego, 1995, pg. 468) { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1305 }
Changes for: hemolymphoid system
- Deleted
- - hemolymphoid system definition Anatomical cluster consisting of the hematopoietic system and the lymphoid system, or its analogs. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + hemolymphoid system definition Anatomical cluster consisting of the hematopoietic system and the lymphoid system, or its analogs. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: orbitosphenoid
- Deleted
- - orbitosphenoid definition the bone that is situated in the orbit on either side of the presphenoid; it generally forms a part of the sphenoid in the adult, and may be independent in the young { database cross reference=MP:0004457,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + orbitosphenoid definition the bone that is situated in the orbit on either side of the presphenoid; it generally forms a part of the sphenoid in the adult, and may be independent in the young { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0004457 }
Changes for: stylopod
- Deleted
- - stylopod definition The proximal free limb segment. Includes as parts the stylopod skeleton. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + stylopod definition The proximal free limb segment. Includes as parts the stylopod skeleton. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: zeugopod
- Deleted
- - zeugopod definition The middle free limb segment, between the autopod and stylopod segments. Includes as parts the zeugopodial skeleton. Examples: There are two types of zeugopod: forelimb zeugopod (aka forearm), hindlimb zeugopod (aka crus). { database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:curators }
- Added
- + zeugopod contributor https://github.com/alex-dececchi
- + zeugopod contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + zeugopod contributor https://github.com/mellybelly
- + zeugopod definition The middle free limb segment, between the autopod and stylopod segments. Includes as parts the zeugopodial skeleton. Examples: There are two types of zeugopod: forelimb zeugopod (aka forearm), hindlimb zeugopod (aka crus). { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/101 , database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:curators }
Changes for: zygosphene
- Deleted
- - zygosphene SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: internal surface of cranial base
- Deleted
- - internal surface of cranial base definition internal (endosteal) surface of the base of skull { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + internal surface of cranial base definition internal (endosteal) surface of the base of skull { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: coronal suture
- Deleted
- - coronal suture definition the dense, fibrous connective tissue joint between the tetrapod parietal bones and the frontal bone { database cross reference=MP:0003840,ISBN:0-8036-0655-99,MGI:smb }
- Added
- + coronal suture definition the dense, fibrous connective tissue joint between the tetrapod parietal bones and the frontal bone { database cross reference=ISBN:0-8036-0655-99 , database cross reference=MGI:smb , database cross reference=MP:0003840 }
Changes for: tooth cavity
- Deleted
- - tooth cavity definition the central hollow space of a tooth { database cross reference=MP:0002819,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + tooth cavity definition the central hollow space of a tooth { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0002819 }
Changes for: glottis
- Deleted
- - glottis database cross reference MESH:A04.329.364
- - glottis definition the vocal apparatus of the larynx, which includes the vocal cords and the opening between them { database cross reference=MP:0002255,ISBN:0-397-51047-0,MGI:cwg }
- Added
- + glottis database cross reference MESH:D005931
- + glottis definition the vocal apparatus of the larynx, which includes the vocal cords and the opening between them { database cross reference=ISBN:0-397-51047-0 , database cross reference=MGI:cwg , database cross reference=MP:0002255 }
Changes for: trabecular bone tissue
- Deleted
- - trabecular bone tissue definition bone tissue that has a lattice-like or spongy structure; it is highly vascular and contains intercommunicating spaces filled with bone marrow { database cross reference=MP:0000130,ISBN:0-683-40008-8,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + trabecular bone tissue definition bone tissue that has a lattice-like or spongy structure; it is highly vascular and contains intercommunicating spaces filled with bone marrow { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0000130 }
Changes for: bone marrow cavity
- Deleted
- - bone marrow cavity definition the medullary cavities of the bones where bone marrow is stored { database cross reference=MP:0000065,ISBN:0-683-40008-8,PMID:10709991 }
- Added
- + bone marrow cavity definition the medullary cavities of the bones where bone marrow is stored { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10709991 , database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0000065 }
Changes for: bone tissue
- Deleted
- - bone tissue database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232
- Added
- + bone tissue database cross reference MESH:D001842
Changes for: pharyngeal arch mesenchyme from head mesenchyme
- Deleted
- - pharyngeal arch mesenchyme from head mesenchyme comment Partially implements UBERONREF:0000002 NC meeting scheme
- Added
- + pharyngeal arch mesenchyme from head mesenchyme comment Partially implements https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/The-neural-crest NC meeting scheme
Changes for: papillary muscle of heart
- Deleted
- - papillary muscle of heart database cross reference MESH:A02.633.580.680
- - papillary muscle of heart definition one of the group of myocardial bundles which terminate in the chordae tendineae that attach to the cusps of the atrioventricular valves; each ventricle has an anterior and a posterior papillary muscle; the right ventricle sometimes has a septal papillary muscle { database cross reference=MP:0004058,MGI:anna }
- Added
- + papillary muscle of heart database cross reference MESH:D010210
- + papillary muscle of heart definition one of the group of myocardial bundles which terminate in the chordae tendineae that attach to the cusps of the atrioventricular valves; each ventricle has an anterior and a posterior papillary muscle; the right ventricle sometimes has a septal papillary muscle { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0004058 }
Changes for: long bone
- Deleted
- - long bone definition Long bone is a limb bone that is subcylindrical and has a shaft with periosteum separating the ends of the bones. Long bones are present only in the limbs[VSAO:wd]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_bone , database cross reference=VSAO:wd }
- Added
- + long bone contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + long bone contributor https://github.com/wdahdul
- + long bone definition Long bone is a limb bone that is subcylindrical and has a shaft with periosteum separating the ends of the bones. Long bones are present only in the limbs[VSAO:wd]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_bone , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/32 , database cross reference=VSAO:wd }
Changes for: acromion
- Deleted
- - acromion SubClassOf skeletal element projection
- - acromion database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.087.783.261
- Added
- + acromion database cross reference MESH:D000174
Changes for: deltopectoral crest
- Deleted
- - deltopectoral crest definition a rough elevation at the middle of the lateral side of the shaft of the humerus to which the deltoid muscle attaches { database cross reference=MP:0004353,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + deltopectoral crest definition a rough elevation at the middle of the lateral side of the shaft of the humerus to which the deltoid muscle attaches { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0004353 }
Changes for: frontal suture
- Deleted
- - frontal suture definition A suture that connects the two frontal bones of the skull. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + frontal suture definition A suture that connects the two frontal bones of the skull. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: lambdoid suture
- Deleted
- - lambdoid suture definition the dense, fibrous connective tissue joint between the parietal bones and the occipital bone { database cross reference=MP:0003841,ISBN:0-8036-0655-99,MGI:smb }
- Added
- + lambdoid suture definition the dense, fibrous connective tissue joint between the parietal bones and the occipital bone { database cross reference=ISBN:0-8036-0655-99 , database cross reference=MGI:smb , database cross reference=MP:0003841 }
Changes for: sagittal suture
- Deleted
- - sagittal suture definition the dense, fibrous connective tissue joint between the tetrapod parietal bones { database cross reference=MP:0003843,ISBN:0-8036-0655-99,MGI:smb }
- Added
- + sagittal suture definition the dense, fibrous connective tissue joint between the tetrapod parietal bones { database cross reference=ISBN:0-8036-0655-99 , database cross reference=MGI:smb , database cross reference=MP:0003843 }
Changes for: uterine artery
- Deleted
- - uterine artery definition the branch of the internal iliac artery that supplies the uterus and the upper part of the vagina { database cross reference=MP:0003995,MGI:monikat }
- Added
- + uterine artery definition the branch of the internal iliac artery that supplies the uterus and the upper part of the vagina { database cross reference=MGI:monikat , database cross reference=MP:0003995 }
Changes for: pharyngeal arch mesenchyme from neural crest
- Deleted
- - pharyngeal arch mesenchyme from neural crest comment Partially implements UBERONREF:0000002 NC meeting scheme
- Added
- + pharyngeal arch mesenchyme from neural crest comment Partially implements https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/The-neural-crest NC meeting scheme
Changes for: arch of centrum of vertebra
- Deleted
- - arch of centrum of vertebra definition An arch-shaped structure of the vertebra that extends dorsally (neural arch) or ventrally (hemal arch) from the vertebral centrum { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + arch of centrum of vertebra definition An arch-shaped structure of the vertebra that extends dorsally (neural arch) or ventrally (hemal arch) from the vertebral centrum { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
- Deleted
- - non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium has exact synonym stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium has exact synonym stratified squamous nonkeratinizing epithelium { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium has exact synonym stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium has exact synonym stratified squamous nonkeratinizing epithelium { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: ascending process of clavicle
- Deleted
- - ascending process of clavicle SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: external occipital protuberance
Changes for: cervical fascia
- Deleted
- - cervical fascia definition Any fascia tissue that is part of the neck region. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cervical_fascia , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + cervical fascia definition Any fascia tissue that is part of the neck region. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cervical_fascia , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: pubic peduncle
- Deleted
- - pubic peduncle SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: pleural cavity
- Deleted
- - pleural cavity external ontology notes the EHDAA2 class is not quite equivalent. See http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/86 { external ontology=EHDAA2 }
- Added
- + pleural cavity external ontology notes the EHDAA2 class is not quite equivalent. See https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/86 { external ontology=EHDAA2 }
Changes for: puboischiotibialis muscle
- Deleted
- - puboischiotibialis muscle definition A muscle that originates from the puboischaidic plate and inserts on the tibia. Acts to adduct the hindlimb. Is anterior to cloacal gland in males. Modified from De luliis and Pulera. { database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:ad , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + puboischiotibialis muscle definition A muscle that originates from the puboischaidic plate and inserts on the tibia. Acts to adduct the hindlimb. Is anterior to cloacal gland in males. Modified from De luliis and Pulera. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:ad }
Changes for: parietal serous pericardium
- Deleted
- - parietal serous pericardium definition Parietal serous membrane which is part of the serous membrane. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + parietal serous pericardium definition Parietal serous membrane which is part of the serous membrane. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: pericardium
- Deleted
- - pericardium database cross reference MESH:A07.541.795
- - pericardium definition The combination of pericardial sac (a double-walled sac containing the heart and the roots of the great vessels) plus fibrous pericardium. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pericardium , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + pericardium database cross reference MESH:D010496
- + pericardium definition The combination of pericardial sac (a double-walled sac containing the heart and the roots of the great vessels) plus fibrous pericardium. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pericardium , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: internal intercostal muscle
- Deleted
- - internal intercostal muscle definition An intercostal muscle that aids in forced expiration (quiet expiration is a passive process). { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intercostal_muscle , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + internal intercostal muscle definition An intercostal muscle that aids in forced expiration (quiet expiration is a passive process). { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intercostal_muscle , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: immune system
- Deleted
- - immune system database cross reference MESH:A15.382
- Added
- + immune system SubClassOf protects some multicellular organism
- + immune system database cross reference MESH:D007107
Changes for: vertebra
- Deleted
- - vertebra definition The ossified form of a vertebral element, a skeletal element that forms around the notochord and is part of the vertebral column. { database cross reference=http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0051070 , database cross reference=GO_REF:0000034 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm , database cross reference=VSAO:0000184 }
- Added
- + vertebra definition The ossified form of a vertebral element, a skeletal element that forms around the notochord and is part of the vertebral column. { database cross reference=http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0051070 , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=GO_REF:0000034 , database cross reference=VSAO:0000184 }
Changes for: cervical vertebra
- Deleted
- - cervical vertebra database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.834.151
- Added
- + cervical vertebra database cross reference MESH:D002574
Changes for: autonomic nervous system
- Deleted
- - autonomic nervous system database cross reference MESH:A08.800.050
- Added
- + autonomic nervous system database cross reference MESH:D001341
Changes for: clitoris
- Deleted
- - clitoris database cross reference MESH:A05.360.319.887.436
- - clitoris definition the small, erectile body located at the anterior end of the vulva { database cross reference=MP:0003127,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + clitoris database cross reference MESH:D002987
- + clitoris definition the small, erectile body located at the anterior end of the vulva { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0003127 }
Changes for: integumental system
- Deleted
- - integumental system database cross reference MESH:A17
- - integumental system definition Connected anatomical system that forms a barrier between an animal and its environment. In vertebrates, the integumental system consists of the epidermis, dermis plus associated glands and adnexa such as hair and scales. In invertebrates, the integumental system may include cuticle. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=CARO:0002001 }
- Added
- + integumental system contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + integumental system contributor https://github.com/tfhayamizu
- + integumental system database cross reference MESH:D034582
- + integumental system definition Connected anatomical system that forms a barrier between an animal and its environment. In vertebrates, the integumental system consists of the epidermis, dermis plus associated glands and adnexa such as hair and scales. In invertebrates, the integumental system may include cuticle. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/29 , database cross reference=CARO:0002001 }
Changes for: tail
- Deleted
- - tail database cross reference MESH:A13.895
- Added
- + tail database cross reference MESH:D013623
Changes for: lumbar vertebra
- Deleted
- - lumbar vertebra database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.834.519
- Added
- + lumbar vertebra database cross reference MESH:D008159
Changes for: puboischiadic bar
- Added
- + puboischiadic bar SubClassOf pelvic region element
Changes for: cartilage tissue
- Deleted
- - cartilage tissue database cross reference MESH:A02.165
- - cartilage tissue definition Skeletal tissue that is avascular, rich in glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and typically includes chondrocytes within isolated lacunae. Cartilage tissue is deposited by chondroblasts. { database cross reference=http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0051070 , database cross reference=http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=2257941&aid=3396584&group_id=76834 , database cross reference=GO_REF:0000034 , database cross reference=PSPUB:0000170 , database cross reference=VSAO:0000040 }
- Added
- + cartilage tissue contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + cartilage tissue contributor https://github.com/mellybelly
- + cartilage tissue database cross reference MESH:D002356
- + cartilage tissue definition Skeletal tissue that is avascular, rich in glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and typically includes chondrocytes within isolated lacunae. Cartilage tissue is deposited by chondroblasts. { database cross reference=http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0051070 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/37 , database cross reference=https://sourceforge.net/p/obo/vertebrate-skeletal-anatomy-vsao-term-requests/5 , database cross reference=GO_REF:0000034 , database cross reference=PSPUB:0000170 , database cross reference=VSAO:0000040 }
Changes for: fourth ventricle
- Deleted
- - fourth ventricle database cross reference MESH:A08.
- Added
- + fourth ventricle database cross reference MESH:D020546
Changes for: hepatobiliary system
- Deleted
- - hepatobiliary system definition The part of the digestive system that contains the liver and the biliary system { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + hepatobiliary system definition The part of the digestive system that contains the liver and the biliary system { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: CA1 stratum oriens
- Deleted
- - CA1 stratum oriens definition Part of stratum oriens lying in area CA1, superficial to the alveus of CA1 and deep to the pyramidal cell layer of CA1. It is continuous with the stratum oriens of CA2 and bounded by the subiculum { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_4116 }
- Added
- + CA1 stratum oriens definition Part of stratum oriens lying in area CA1, superficial to the alveus of CA1 and deep to the pyramidal cell layer of CA1. It is continuous with the stratum oriens of CA2 and bounded by the subiculum { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_4116 }
Changes for: CA1 stratum radiatum
- Deleted
- - CA1 stratum radiatum definition Part of stratum radiatum lying in area CA1, superficial to the CA1 pyramidal cell layer and deep to the CA1 stratum lucidum-moleculare, continuous with the stratum radiatum of CA2 and bounded by the subiculum. It contains the Schaffer collateral projection from CA3. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_4119 }
- Added
- + CA1 stratum radiatum definition Part of stratum radiatum lying in area CA1, superficial to the CA1 pyramidal cell layer and deep to the CA1 stratum lucidum-moleculare, continuous with the stratum radiatum of CA2 and bounded by the subiculum. It contains the Schaffer collateral projection from CA3. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_4119 }
Changes for: CA2 stratum radiatum
- Deleted
- - CA2 stratum radiatum definition Part of stratum radiatum in area CA2, lying superficial to the pyramidal cell layer and deep to CA2 stratum lacunosum-moleculare, continuous with the stratum radiatum of CA1 and CA3. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_4120 }
- Added
- + CA2 stratum radiatum definition Part of stratum radiatum in area CA2, lying superficial to the pyramidal cell layer and deep to CA2 stratum lacunosum-moleculare, continuous with the stratum radiatum of CA1 and CA3. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_4120 }
Changes for: CA3 stratum radiatum
- Deleted
- - CA3 stratum radiatum definition Part of stratum radiatum in area CA3, lying superficial to the stratum lucidum and deep to CA3 stratum lacunosum-moleculare. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_4121 }
- Added
- + CA3 stratum radiatum definition Part of stratum radiatum in area CA3, lying superficial to the stratum lucidum and deep to CA3 stratum lacunosum-moleculare. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_4121 }
Changes for: distal sesamoid impar ligament
- Deleted
- - distal sesamoid impar ligament definition A short wide fibrous structure that attaches proximally to the navicular (distal sesamoid) and distally to the palmar margin of the flexor surface of the distal phalanx { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + distal sesamoid impar ligament definition A short wide fibrous structure that attaches proximally to the navicular (distal sesamoid) and distally to the palmar margin of the flexor surface of the distal phalanx { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: distal interphalangeal joint of pedal digit 3
- Deleted
- - distal interphalangeal joint of pedal digit 3 has exact synonym distal interphalangeal joint of pedal digit III { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + distal interphalangeal joint of pedal digit 3 has exact synonym distal interphalangeal joint of pedal digit III { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: distal interphalangeal joint of manual digit 3
- Deleted
- - distal interphalangeal joint of manual digit 3 has exact synonym distal interphalangeal joint of manual digit III { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + distal interphalangeal joint of manual digit 3 has exact synonym distal interphalangeal joint of manual digit III { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: proximal phalanx of digit 5
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: distal interphalangeal joint of digit 3
- Deleted
- - distal interphalangeal joint of digit 3 has exact synonym distal interphalangeal joint of digit III { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + distal interphalangeal joint of digit 3 has exact synonym distal interphalangeal joint of digit III { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: proximal phalanx of digit 3
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: proximal phalanx of digit 4
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: pituitary stalk
- Deleted
- - pituitary stalk definition the apical portion of the tubular structure extending from the hypothalamus to the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland { database cross reference=MP:0009463,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + pituitary stalk definition the apical portion of the tubular structure extending from the hypothalamus to the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0009463 }
Changes for: pars intermedia of adenohypophysis
- Deleted
- - pars intermedia of adenohypophysis definition the thin boundary between the adenohypophysis and neurohypophysis of the pituitary that produces melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH); this area is small or absent in mammalian adults { database cross reference=MP:0008130,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + pars intermedia of adenohypophysis definition the thin boundary between the adenohypophysis and neurohypophysis of the pituitary that produces melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH); this area is small or absent in mammalian adults { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0008130 }
Changes for: obsolete pars anterior
Changes for: myenteric nerve plexus
- Deleted
- - myenteric nerve plexus database cross reference MESH:A08.800.050.050.500
- Added
- + myenteric nerve plexus database cross reference MESH:D009197
Changes for: proximal phalanx of digit 2
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: proximal phalanx of digit 1
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: lens fiber
- Deleted
- - lens fiber definition A region of the lens consisting of packed elongated enucleate cells packed with crystallin { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + lens fiber definition A region of the lens consisting of packed elongated enucleate cells packed with crystallin { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: ulnare
- Deleted
- - ulnare definition The postaxial bone of the proximal carpal region. Found in close approximation to the ulna, often in articulation[PHENOSCAPE:ad]. { database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:ad }
- Added
- + ulnare contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + ulnare contributor https://github.com/mellybelly
- + ulnare definition The postaxial bone of the proximal carpal region. Found in close approximation to the ulna, often in articulation[PHENOSCAPE:ad]. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/114 , database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:ad }
Changes for: cervicothoracic ganglion
- Deleted
- - cervicothoracic ganglion database cross reference MESH:A08.340.315.350.800
- - cervicothoracic ganglion definition the group of neurons formed by the fusion of the inferior cervical and first thoracic ganglia { database cross reference=MP:0001017,ISBN:0-683-40008-8,MESH:A08.340.315.350.800 }
- Added
- + cervicothoracic ganglion database cross reference MESH:D013233
- + cervicothoracic ganglion definition the group of neurons formed by the fusion of the inferior cervical and first thoracic ganglia { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MESH:A08.340.315.350.800 , database cross reference=MP:0001017 }
Changes for: white matter of the cerebellar cortex
- Deleted
- - white matter of the cerebellar cortex definition White matter that lies deep to the granular cell layer of the cerebellar cortex. It contains afferents to the cerebellar cortex and axons that run between the cerebellar cortex and the deep cerebellar nuclei. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_anat_20081249 }
- Added
- + white matter of the cerebellar cortex definition White matter that lies deep to the granular cell layer of the cerebellar cortex. It contains afferents to the cerebellar cortex and axons that run between the cerebellar cortex and the deep cerebellar nuclei. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_anat_20081249 }
Changes for: ethmoid sinus
- Deleted
- - ethmoid sinus database cross reference MESH:A04.531.621.267
- - ethmoid sinus definition the evaginations of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity into the ethmoidal bony labyrinth, forming multiple small paranasal sinuses { database cross reference=MP:0002245,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + ethmoid sinus database cross reference MESH:D005005
- + ethmoid sinus definition the evaginations of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity into the ethmoidal bony labyrinth, forming multiple small paranasal sinuses { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0002245 }
Changes for: decidua
- Deleted
- - decidua database cross reference MESH:A05.360.319.679.490.373
- - decidua has related synonym extraembryonic part of placenta { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - decidua has related synonym extraembryonic placenta { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - decidua has related synonym maternal part of placenta { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + decidua database cross reference MESH:D003656
- + decidua has related synonym extraembryonic part of placenta { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + decidua has related synonym extraembryonic placenta { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + decidua has related synonym maternal part of placenta { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: anterior abdominal wall muscle
- Deleted
- - anterior abdominal wall muscle definition Any skeletal muscle organ that is part of a anterior abdominal wall. Examples: the obliques, pyramidalis and transversus abdominus { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + anterior abdominal wall muscle definition Any skeletal muscle organ that is part of a anterior abdominal wall. Examples: the obliques, pyramidalis and transversus abdominus { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: intestine secretion
- Deleted
- - intestine secretion database cross reference MESH:A12.200.390
- Added
- + intestine secretion database cross reference MESH:D007419
Changes for: lymphoid system
- Deleted
- - lymphoid system external ontology notes We follow FMA and MA in distinguishing between lymphatic system and lymphoid system, with lymhoid tissue part of the non-lymphatic component, although these terms are often used interchangeably. We assume the ZFA term lymphatic tissue actually corresponds to the broader class (e.g. ZFA lymph node in the ZFA lymphatic system). See tracker for more comments. { source=https://sourceforge.net/p/obo/mouse-anatomy-requests/37 }
- Added
- + lymphoid system external ontology notes We follow FMA and MA in distinguishing between lymphatic system and lymphoid system, with lymhoid tissue part of the non-lymphatic component, although these terms are often used interchangeably. We assume the ZFA term lymphatic tissue actually corresponds to the broader class (e.g. ZFA lymph node in the ZFA lymphatic system). See tracker for more comments. { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/mouse-anatomy-ontology/issues/51 }
- + lymphoid system has related synonym lymphatic drainage system { database cross reference=https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: lamina of omasum
- Deleted
- - lamina of omasum definition A muscular sheet of the omasum wall consisting of two lateral layers and an intermediate layer of smooth muscle covered with non-glandular stratified squamous epithelium { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7978351 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + lamina of omasum definition A muscular sheet of the omasum wall consisting of two lateral layers and an intermediate layer of smooth muscle covered with non-glandular stratified squamous epithelium { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7978351 }
Changes for: celiac lymph node
- Deleted
- - celiac lymph node definition the visceral glands that are associated with the branches of the celiac artery, including the gastric, hepatic, and pancreaticolienal (splenic) lymph nodes { database cross reference=MP:0009626,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + celiac lymph node definition the visceral glands that are associated with the branches of the celiac artery, including the gastric, hepatic, and pancreaticolienal (splenic) lymph nodes { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0009626 }
Changes for: round window of inner ear
- Deleted
- - round window of inner ear database cross reference MESH:A09.246.631.246.814
- - round window of inner ear definition the opening on the medial wall of the middle ear leading into the cochlea, closed in life by the secondary tympanic membrane; serves to regulate fluid pressure in the inner ear { database cross reference=MP:0004480,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + round window of inner ear database cross reference MESH:D012405
- + round window of inner ear definition the opening on the medial wall of the middle ear leading into the cochlea, closed in life by the secondary tympanic membrane; serves to regulate fluid pressure in the inner ear { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0004480 }
Changes for: oval window
- Deleted
- - oval window database cross reference MESH:A09.246.631.909.551
- - oval window definition the oval opening on the medial wall of the tympanic cavity leading into the vestibule, close to the foot of the stapes { database cross reference=MP:0004479,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + oval window database cross reference MESH:D010046
- + oval window definition the oval opening on the medial wall of the tympanic cavity leading into the vestibule, close to the foot of the stapes { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0004479 }
Changes for: zygomatic arch
- Deleted
- - zygomatic arch database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.781.324.995
- - zygomatic arch definition the bony arch in vertebrates that extends along the side or front of the skull beneath the eye socket and is formed by the temporal process of the zygomatic bone and the zygomatic process of the temporal bone { database cross reference=MP:0004469,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + zygomatic arch database cross reference MESH:D015050
- + zygomatic arch definition the bony arch in vertebrates that extends along the side or front of the skull beneath the eye socket and is formed by the temporal process of the zygomatic bone and the zygomatic process of the temporal bone { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0004469 }
Changes for: sinus of von Szily
- Deleted
- - sinus of von Szily definition A circular gap in the iris near the pupil between the layers of the optic cup (von Szily, 1902) { database cross reference=http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF00413234 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + sinus of von Szily definition A circular gap in the iris near the pupil between the layers of the optic cup (von Szily, 1902) { database cross reference=http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF00413234 , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: prevertebral muscle of neck
- Deleted
- - prevertebral muscle of neck definition A prevertebral muscle that is part of a neck. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + prevertebral muscle of neck definition A prevertebral muscle that is part of a neck. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: nasal concha of ethmoid bone
- Deleted
- Added
- + nasal concha of ethmoid bone SubClassOf facial bone
Changes for: ventral body wall
- Deleted
- - ventral body wall definition The ventral part of the body wall { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + ventral body wall definition The ventral part of the body wall { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: axilla
- Deleted
- - axilla database cross reference MESH:A01.378.800.090
- Added
- + axilla database cross reference MESH:D001365
Changes for: meningeal branch of spinal nerve
- Deleted
- - meningeal branch of spinal nerve definition Branch of spinal nerve that innervates the structures of the vertebral column. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinal_nerve , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + meningeal branch of spinal nerve definition Branch of spinal nerve that innervates the structures of the vertebral column. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinal_nerve , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: communicating branch of spinal nerve
- Deleted
- - communicating branch of spinal nerve definition Rami communicans (plural rami communicantes) is the term used for a nerve which connects two other nerves. When used without further definition, it almost always refers to a communicating branch between a spinal nerve and the sympathetic trunk. More specifically, it usually refers to one of the following: Gray ramus communicans White ramus communicans { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rami_communicans,Wikipedia:Rami_communicans }
- Added
- + communicating branch of spinal nerve definition Rami communicans (plural rami communicantes) is the term used for a nerve which connects two other nerves. When used without further definition, it almost always refers to a communicating branch between a spinal nerve and the sympathetic trunk. More specifically, it usually refers to one of the following: Gray ramus communicans White ramus communicans { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rami_communicans }
Changes for: dorsal body wall
- Deleted
- - dorsal body wall definition The dorsal part of the body wall { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + dorsal body wall definition The dorsal part of the body wall { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: prevertebral ganglion
- Deleted
- - prevertebral ganglion definition the sympathetic ganglia located in front of the vertebral column and are associated with the major branches of the abdominal aorta; these include the celiac, aorticorenal, superior and inferior mesenteric ganglia { database cross reference=MP:0008316,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + prevertebral ganglion definition the sympathetic ganglia located in front of the vertebral column and are associated with the major branches of the abdominal aorta; these include the celiac, aorticorenal, superior and inferior mesenteric ganglia { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0008316 }
Changes for: styloid process of temporal bone
- Deleted
Changes for: peripheral lymph node
- Deleted
- - peripheral lymph node definition The lymph nodes located outside the thoracic and abdominal cavities, such as the submandibular, prescapular, axillary, inguinal and popliteal lymph nodes { database cross reference=MP:0008463 }
- Added
- + peripheral lymph node contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + peripheral lymph node contributor https://github.com/tmeehan
- + peripheral lymph node definition The lymph nodes located outside the thoracic and abdominal cavities, such as the submandibular, prescapular, axillary, inguinal and popliteal lymph nodes { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/4 , database cross reference=MP:0008463 }
Changes for: caudal vertebra pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- - caudal vertebra pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym coccygeal vertebra pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + caudal vertebra pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym coccygeal vertebra pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: caudal vertebra cartilage element
- Deleted
- - caudal vertebra cartilage element has exact synonym coccygeal vertebra cartilage element { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + caudal vertebra cartilage element has exact synonym coccygeal vertebra cartilage element { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: cervical vertebra 1 arcus anterior
- Deleted
Changes for: subdivision of oviduct
- Deleted
- - subdivision of oviduct definition A section through the tube or network of tubes that connects the ovaries to the outside of the body. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + subdivision of oviduct definition A section through the tube or network of tubes that connects the ovaries to the outside of the body. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: Hassall’s corpuscle
- Deleted
- - Hassall’s corpuscle has exact synonym capsule of Hassal’s corpuscle { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + Hassall’s corpuscle has exact synonym capsule of Hassal’s corpuscle { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: anterior buccal gland
- Deleted
- - anterior buccal gland definition the racemose, mucous or serous glands in the submucous tissue of the cheeks { database cross reference=MP:0009519,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + anterior buccal gland definition the racemose, mucous or serous glands in the submucous tissue of the cheeks { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0009519 }
Changes for: blood-air barrier
- Deleted
- - blood-air barrier database cross reference MESH:A04.411.715.025
- Added
- + blood-air barrier database cross reference MESH:D015824
Changes for: Brodmann (1909) area 20
- Deleted
- - Brodmann (1909) area 20 definition Brodmann area 20, or BA20, is part of the temporal cortex in the human brain. The region encompasses most of the ventral temporal cortex, a region believed to play a part in high-level visual processing and recognition memory. This area is also known as inferior temporal area 20, and it refers to a subdivision of the cytoarchitecturally defined temporal region of cerebral cortex. In the human it corresponds approximately to the inferior temporal gyrus. Cytoarchitecturally it is bounded medially by the ectorhinal area 36 (H), laterally by the middle temporal area 21, rostrally by the temporopolar area 38 (H) and caudally by the occipitotemporal area 37 (H) (Brodmann-1909). { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brodmann_area_20,Wikipedia:Brodmann_area_20 }
- Added
- + Brodmann (1909) area 20 definition Brodmann area 20, or BA20, is part of the temporal cortex in the human brain. The region encompasses most of the ventral temporal cortex, a region believed to play a part in high-level visual processing and recognition memory. This area is also known as inferior temporal area 20, and it refers to a subdivision of the cytoarchitecturally defined temporal region of cerebral cortex. In the human it corresponds approximately to the inferior temporal gyrus. Cytoarchitecturally it is bounded medially by the ectorhinal area 36 (H), laterally by the middle temporal area 21, rostrally by the temporopolar area 38 (H) and caudally by the occipitotemporal area 37 (H) (Brodmann-1909). { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brodmann_area_20 }
Changes for: Brodmann (1909) area 19
- Deleted
- - Brodmann (1909) area 19 definition Brodmann area 19, or BA19, is part of the occipital lobe cortex in the human brain. Along with area 18, it comprises the extrastriate (or peristriate) cortex. In normally-sighted humans, extrastriate cortex is a visual association area, with feature-extracting, shape recognition, attentional, and multimodal integrating functions. This area is also known as peristriate area 19, and it refers to a subdivision of the cytoarchitecturally defined occipital region of cerebral cortex. In the human it is located in parts of the lingual gyrus, the cuneus, the lateral occipital gyrus (H) and the superior occipital gyrus (H) of the occipital lobe where it is bounded approximately by the parieto-occipital sulcus. Cytoarchitecturally it is bounded on one side by the parastriate area 18 which it surrounds. Rostrally it is bounded by the angular area 39 (H) and the occipitotemporal area 37 (H) (Brodmann-1909). { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brodmann_area_19,Wikipedia:Brodmann_area_19 }
- Added
- + Brodmann (1909) area 19 definition Brodmann area 19, or BA19, is part of the occipital lobe cortex in the human brain. Along with area 18, it comprises the extrastriate (or peristriate) cortex. In normally-sighted humans, extrastriate cortex is a visual association area, with feature-extracting, shape recognition, attentional, and multimodal integrating functions. This area is also known as peristriate area 19, and it refers to a subdivision of the cytoarchitecturally defined occipital region of cerebral cortex. In the human it is located in parts of the lingual gyrus, the cuneus, the lateral occipital gyrus (H) and the superior occipital gyrus (H) of the occipital lobe where it is bounded approximately by the parieto-occipital sulcus. Cytoarchitecturally it is bounded on one side by the parastriate area 18 which it surrounds. Rostrally it is bounded by the angular area 39 (H) and the occipitotemporal area 37 (H) (Brodmann-1909). { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brodmann_area_19 }
Changes for: Brodmann (1909) area 25
- Deleted
- - Brodmann (1909) area 25 definition Brodmann area 25 (BA25) is an area in the cerebral cortex of the brain and delineated based on its cytoarchitectonic characteristics. It is also called the subgenual area or area subgenualis. It is the 25th ‘Brodmann area’ defined by Korbinian Brodmann (thus its name). BA25 is located in the cingulate region as a narrow band in the caudal portion of the subcallosal area adjacent to the paraterminal gyrus. The posterior parolfactory sulcus separates the paraterminal gyrus from BA25. Rostrally it is bound by the prefrontal area 11 of Brodmann. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brodmann_area_25,Wikipedia:Brodmann_area_25 }
- Added
- + Brodmann (1909) area 25 definition Brodmann area 25 (BA25) is an area in the cerebral cortex of the brain and delineated based on its cytoarchitectonic characteristics. It is also called the subgenual area or area subgenualis. It is the 25th ‘Brodmann area’ defined by Korbinian Brodmann (thus its name). BA25 is located in the cingulate region as a narrow band in the caudal portion of the subcallosal area adjacent to the paraterminal gyrus. The posterior parolfactory sulcus separates the paraterminal gyrus from BA25. Rostrally it is bound by the prefrontal area 11 of Brodmann. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brodmann_area_25 }
Changes for: bone marrow
- Deleted
- - bone marrow database cross reference MESH:A15.382.216
- - bone marrow definition the soft tissue that fills the cavities of bones { database cross reference=MP:0002397,MGI:cwg }
- Added
- + bone marrow database cross reference MESH:D001853
- + bone marrow definition the soft tissue that fills the cavities of bones { database cross reference=MGI:cwg , database cross reference=MP:0002397 }
Changes for: tonsil
- Deleted
- - tonsil definition either of the two small almond-shaped masses of lymph tissue found on either side of the oropharynx { database cross reference=MP:0002380,MGI:cwg }
- Added
- + tonsil definition either of the two small almond-shaped masses of lymph tissue found on either side of the oropharynx { database cross reference=MGI:cwg , database cross reference=MP:0002380 }
Changes for: cricoid cartilage
- Deleted
- - cricoid cartilage definition A cartilaginous ring that provides support for the arytenoid cartilages and forms the caudal part of the larynx. { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/257 , database cross reference=AAO:LAP , database cross reference=FEED:rd }
- Added
- + cricoid cartilage contributor https://github.com/RDruzinsky
- + cricoid cartilage contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + cricoid cartilage definition A cartilaginous ring that provides support for the arytenoid cartilages and forms the caudal part of the larynx. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/257 , database cross reference=AAO:LAP , database cross reference=FEED:rd }
Changes for: cranial muscle
- Deleted
- - cranial muscle definition Any muscle that is part of the head region. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + cranial muscle definition Any muscle that is part of the head region. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: muscle of neck
- Deleted
- - muscle of neck database cross reference MESH:A02.633.567.650
- - muscle of neck definition Any muscle that is part of the cervical (neck) region. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + muscle of neck database cross reference MESH:D009334
- + muscle of neck definition Any muscle that is part of the cervical (neck) region. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: muscle of abdomen
- Deleted
- - muscle of abdomen database cross reference MESH:A02.633.567.050
- Added
- + muscle of abdomen database cross reference MESH:D000009
Changes for: rete testis
- Deleted
- - rete testis database cross reference MESH:A05.360.444.849.600
- Added
- + rete testis database cross reference MESH:D012152
Changes for: Bruch’s membrane
- Deleted
- - Bruch’s membrane database cross reference MESH:A09.371.894.223.250
- - Bruch’s membrane definition A transparent, nearly structureless innermost layer of the choroid in contact with the pigmented layer of the retina. { database cross reference=MP:0005239 }
- Added
- + Bruch’s membrane contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + Bruch’s membrane contributor https://github.com/gkoutos
- + Bruch’s membrane database cross reference MESH:D016570
- + Bruch’s membrane definition A transparent, nearly structureless innermost layer of the choroid in contact with the pigmented layer of the retina. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/14 , database cross reference=MP:0005239 }
- + Bruch’s membrane see also https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/14
Changes for: Brodmann (1909) area 10
- Deleted
- - Brodmann (1909) area 10 definition Brodmann area 10, or BA10, is part of the frontal cortex in the human brain. BA10 encompasses the most anterior part of the frontal cortex, known as the frontopolar region. This area is believed to play a part in strategic processes involved in memory retrieval and executive function. This area is also called frontopolar area 10, and it refers to a subdivision of the cytoarchitecturally defined frontal region of cerebral cortex. It occupies the most rostral portions of the superior frontal gyrus and the middle frontal gyrus. In humans, on the medial aspect of the hemisphere it is bounded ventrally by the superior rostral sulcus (H). It does not extend as far as the cingulate sulcus. Cytoarchitecturally it is bounded dorsally by the granular frontal area 9, caudally by the middle frontal area 46, and ventrally by the orbital area 47 and by the rostral area 12 or, in an early version of Brodmann’s cortical map (Brodmann-1909), the prefrontal Brodmann area 11-1909. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brodmann_area_10,Wikipedia:Brodmann_area_10 }
- Added
- + Brodmann (1909) area 10 definition Brodmann area 10, or BA10, is part of the frontal cortex in the human brain. BA10 encompasses the most anterior part of the frontal cortex, known as the frontopolar region. This area is believed to play a part in strategic processes involved in memory retrieval and executive function. This area is also called frontopolar area 10, and it refers to a subdivision of the cytoarchitecturally defined frontal region of cerebral cortex. It occupies the most rostral portions of the superior frontal gyrus and the middle frontal gyrus. In humans, on the medial aspect of the hemisphere it is bounded ventrally by the superior rostral sulcus (H). It does not extend as far as the cingulate sulcus. Cytoarchitecturally it is bounded dorsally by the granular frontal area 9, caudally by the middle frontal area 46, and ventrally by the orbital area 47 and by the rostral area 12 or, in an early version of Brodmann’s cortical map (Brodmann-1909), the prefrontal Brodmann area 11-1909. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brodmann_area_10 }
Changes for: Brodmann (1909) area 14
- Deleted
- - Brodmann (1909) area 14 definition Brodmann Area 14 is one of Brodmann’s subdivisions of the cerebral cortex in the brain. It was defined by Brodmann in the guenon monkey. No equivalent structure exists in humans. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brodmann_area_14,Wikipedia:Brodmann_area_14 }
- Added
- + Brodmann (1909) area 14 definition Brodmann Area 14 is one of Brodmann’s subdivisions of the cerebral cortex in the brain. It was defined by Brodmann in the guenon monkey. No equivalent structure exists in humans. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brodmann_area_14 }
Changes for: rectus abdominis muscle
- Deleted
- - rectus abdominis muscle database cross reference MESH:A02.633.567.050.800
- Added
- + rectus abdominis muscle database cross reference MESH:D017568
Changes for: forelimb zeugopod
- Deleted
- - forelimb zeugopod database cross reference MESH:A01.378.800.585
- Added
- + forelimb zeugopod database cross reference MESH:D005542
Changes for: pes
- Deleted
- - pes database cross reference MESH:A01.378.610.250
- Added
- + pes database cross reference MESH:D005528
Changes for: ocular fundus
- Deleted
- - ocular fundus database cross reference MESH:A09.371.729.313
- Added
- + ocular fundus database cross reference MESH:D005654
Changes for: connective tissue
- Deleted
- - connective tissue database cross reference MESH:A10.165
- - connective tissue definition Tissue with cells that deposit non-polarized extracellular matrix including connective tissue fibers and ground substance. { database cross reference=http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0051070 , database cross reference=GO_REF:0000034 , database cross reference=PSPUB:0000170 , database cross reference=VSAO:0000017 }
- Added
- + connective tissue contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + connective tissue contributor https://github.com/wdahdul
- + connective tissue database cross reference MESH:D003238
- + connective tissue definition Tissue with cells that deposit non-polarized extracellular matrix including connective tissue fibers and ground substance. { database cross reference=http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0051070 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/23 , database cross reference=GO_REF:0000034 , database cross reference=PSPUB:0000170 , database cross reference=VSAO:0000017 }
Changes for: muscle tissue
- Deleted
- - muscle tissue database cross reference MESH:A02.633
- Added
- + muscle tissue database cross reference MESH:D009132
Changes for: manual digit
- Deleted
- - manual digit database cross reference MESH:A01.378.800.667.430
- Added
- + manual digit database cross reference MESH:D005385
Changes for: digestive tract epithelium
- Deleted
- - digestive tract epithelium definition An epithelium that lines the lumen of the digestive tract. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + digestive tract epithelium definition An epithelium that lines the lumen of the digestive tract. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: conducting system of heart
- Deleted
- - conducting system of heart database cross reference MESH:A07.541.409
- Added
- + conducting system of heart database cross reference MESH:D006329
Changes for: Brodmann (1909) area 4
Changes for: pelvis
- Deleted
- - pelvis definition lower segment of the trunk, inferioposterior to the abdomen proper, in the transition area between the trunk and the lower limbs. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pelvis , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + pelvis definition lower segment of the trunk, inferioposterior to the abdomen proper, in the transition area between the trunk and the lower limbs. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pelvis , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: perineum
- Deleted
- - perineum database cross reference MESH:A01.719
- Added
- + perineum database cross reference MESH:D010502
Changes for: serous pericardium
- Deleted
- - serous pericardium definition Serous membrane which is divided into parietal and visceral pericardium. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serous_pericardium , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + serous pericardium SubClassOf has part some visceral serous pericardium
- + serous pericardium definition Serous membrane which is divided into parietal and visceral pericardium. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serous_pericardium , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: sinoatrial node
- Deleted
- - sinoatrial node database cross reference MESH:A07.541.409.819
- Added
- + sinoatrial node database cross reference MESH:D012849
Changes for: dorsal iliac process
- Deleted
- - dorsal iliac process SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: atrioventricular node
- Deleted
- - atrioventricular node database cross reference MESH:A07.541.409.147
- Added
- + atrioventricular node database cross reference MESH:D001283
Changes for: atrioventricular bundle
- Deleted
- - atrioventricular bundle database cross reference MESH:A07.541.409.273
- Added
- + atrioventricular bundle database cross reference MESH:D002036
Changes for: purkinje fiber
- Deleted
- - purkinje fiber database cross reference MESH:A07.541.409.683
- Added
- + purkinje fiber database cross reference MESH:D011690
Changes for: granulation tissue
- Deleted
- - granulation tissue database cross reference MESH:A10.165.450
- Added
- + granulation tissue SubClassOf has developmental contribution from some blood clot
- + granulation tissue database cross reference MESH:D006097
Changes for: meninx
- Deleted
- - meninx database cross reference MESH:A08.186.566
- Added
- + meninx database cross reference MESH:D008578
Changes for: pia mater
- Deleted
- - pia mater database cross reference MESH:A08.186.566.731
- Added
- + pia mater database cross reference MESH:D010841
Changes for: fibular crest
- Deleted
- - fibular crest SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: pectoral flipper tubercle
- Deleted
- - pectoral flipper tubercle definition A bump or swelling adorining the head and leading edge of a pectoral flipper, associated with the multiple joints and terminal phalanges as found in the multiple phalanges of the humpback whale { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + pectoral flipper tubercle definition A bump or swelling adorining the head and leading edge of a pectoral flipper, associated with the multiple joints and terminal phalanges as found in the multiple phalanges of the humpback whale { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: endocrine gland
- Deleted
- - endocrine gland database cross reference MESH:A06.407
- Added
- + endocrine gland database cross reference MESH:D004702
Changes for: adrenal gland
- Deleted
- - adrenal gland database cross reference MESH:A06.407.071
- Added
- + adrenal gland database cross reference MESH:D000311
Changes for: bulbo-urethral gland
- Deleted
- - bulbo-urethral gland database cross reference MESH:A05.360.444.123
- Added
- + bulbo-urethral gland database cross reference MESH:D002030
Changes for: prostate gland
- Deleted
- - prostate gland database cross reference MESH:A05.360.444.575
- Added
- + prostate gland database cross reference MESH:D011467
Changes for: iliac peduncle
- Deleted
- - iliac peduncle SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: iliac peduncle of the pubis
- Deleted
- - iliac peduncle of the pubis SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: exocrine gland
- Deleted
- - exocrine gland database cross reference MESH:A10.336
- Added
- + exocrine gland database cross reference MESH:D005088
Changes for: arachnoid mater
- Deleted
- - arachnoid mater database cross reference MESH:A08.186.566.166
- Added
- + arachnoid mater database cross reference MESH:D001099
Changes for: dura mater
- Deleted
- - dura mater database cross reference MESH:A08.186.566.395
- Added
- + dura mater database cross reference MESH:D004388
Changes for: bursa of Fabricius
- Deleted
- - bursa of Fabricius database cross reference MESH:A13.163
- Added
- + bursa of Fabricius database cross reference MESH:D002060
Changes for: nictitating membrane
- Deleted
- - nictitating membrane database cross reference MESH:A13.660
- Added
- + nictitating membrane database cross reference MESH:D009541
Changes for: arthropod fat body
- Deleted
- - arthropod fat body database cross reference MESH:A13.365
- Added
- + arthropod fat body database cross reference MESH:D005216
Changes for: chitinous tooth
- Deleted
- - chitinous tooth definition tooth-like structure composed of chitin. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + chitinous tooth definition tooth-like structure composed of chitin. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: prepubic element
- Added
- + prepubic element SubClassOf pelvic region element
Changes for: ectocondylar tubercle
- Deleted
- - ectocondylar tubercle SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: internal trochanter
- Deleted
- - internal trochanter SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: vomer
- Deleted
- - vomer definition the triangular flat bone of the nasal septum { database cross reference=MP:0000098,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + vomer definition the triangular flat bone of the nasal septum { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0000098 }
Changes for: cnemial crest
- Deleted
- - cnemial crest SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: talus
- Deleted
- - talus definition A proximal tarsal bone resulting from fusion of intermedium and fibulare. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talus_bone , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + talus definition A proximal tarsal bone resulting from fusion of intermedium and fibulare. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talus_bone , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: manus
- Deleted
- - manus database cross reference MESH:A01.378.800.667
- Added
- + manus database cross reference MESH:D006225
Changes for: maxilla
- Deleted
- - maxilla database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.781.324.502.645
- Added
- + maxilla database cross reference MESH:D008437
Changes for: nasolacrimal duct
- Deleted
- - nasolacrimal duct database cross reference MESH:A09.371.463.640
- - nasolacrimal duct definition the paired channels leading from the lacrimal sacs to the inferior meatus of the nose, through which tears are conducted through the nasal cavity { database cross reference=MP:0008969,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + nasolacrimal duct database cross reference MESH:D009301
- + nasolacrimal duct definition the paired channels leading from the lacrimal sacs to the inferior meatus of the nose, through which tears are conducted through the nasal cavity { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0008969 }
Changes for: bile duct
- Deleted
- - bile duct database cross reference MESH:A03.159.183
- - bile duct definition Any of the ducts that form the biliary tree, carrying bile from the liver to the small intestine. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bile_duct , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + bile duct database cross reference MESH:D001652
- + bile duct definition Any of the ducts that form the biliary tree, carrying bile from the liver to the small intestine. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bile_duct , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: hematopoietic system
- Deleted
- - hematopoietic system database cross reference MESH:A15.378
- Added
- + hematopoietic system database cross reference MESH:D006413
Changes for: Brodmann (1909) area 43
- Deleted
- - Brodmann (1909) area 43 definition Brodmann area 43 is a subdivision of the cerebral cortex of the guenon defined on the basis of cytoarchitecture. It was described (but not labeled) on the map of cortical areas in Brodmann-1909, and it was regarded as cytoarchitecturally homologous to area 30 of Mauss in 1908 in the guenon and subcentral area 43 of the human (Brodmann-1909). The Vogts found no distinctive architectonic area of the corresponding location in the guenon (Vogts-1919). { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brodmann_area_43,Wikipedia:Brodmann_area_43 }
- Added
- + Brodmann (1909) area 43 definition Brodmann area 43 is a subdivision of the cerebral cortex of the guenon defined on the basis of cytoarchitecture. It was described (but not labeled) on the map of cortical areas in Brodmann-1909, and it was regarded as cytoarchitecturally homologous to area 30 of Mauss in 1908 in the guenon and subcentral area 43 of the human (Brodmann-1909). The Vogts found no distinctive architectonic area of the corresponding location in the guenon (Vogts-1919). { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brodmann_area_43 }
Changes for: bicipital crest
- Deleted
- - bicipital crest SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: ventral humeral ridge
- Deleted
- - ventral humeral ridge SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: ectepicondylar flange
- Deleted
- - ectepicondylar flange SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: preacetabular process
- Deleted
- - preacetabular process SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: calcaneal tuber
- Deleted
- - calcaneal tuber SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: distal interphalangeal joint of digit 5
- Deleted
- - distal interphalangeal joint of digit 5 has exact synonym distal interphalangeal joint of digit V { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + distal interphalangeal joint of digit 5 has exact synonym distal interphalangeal joint of digit V { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: lateral tuber of ulna
- Deleted
- - lateral tuber of ulna SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: postbranchial lamina
- Deleted
- - postbranchial lamina SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: distal interphalangeal joint of digit 4
- Deleted
- - distal interphalangeal joint of digit 4 has exact synonym distal interphalangeal joint of digit IV { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + distal interphalangeal joint of digit 4 has exact synonym distal interphalangeal joint of digit IV { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: layer of neocortex
- Deleted
- - layer of neocortex definition One of the layers of the neocortex. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + layer of neocortex definition One of the layers of the neocortex. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: myocardium of atrium
- Deleted
- - myocardium of atrium definition the atrial part of middle layer of the heart, comprised of involuntary muscle { database cross reference=MP:0010493,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + myocardium of atrium definition the atrial part of middle layer of the heart, comprised of involuntary muscle { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0010493 }
Changes for: juxtaglomerular apparatus
- Deleted
- - juxtaglomerular apparatus database cross reference MESH:A05.810.453.736.520.520
- Added
- + juxtaglomerular apparatus database cross reference MESH:D007606
Changes for: layer of dentate gyrus
- Deleted
- - layer of dentate gyrus definition One of the three layers of the dentate gyrus of the hippocampal formation. { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2492885/ , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + layer of dentate gyrus definition One of the three layers of the dentate gyrus of the hippocampal formation. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2492885/ }
Changes for: adductor crest
- Deleted
- - adductor crest SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: nasal mucus
- Added
- + nasal mucus function notes protects the olfactory epithelium and allows odors to dissolve so that they can be detected by olfactory receptor neurons
Changes for: adductor blade
- Deleted
- - adductor blade SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: supraglenoid buttress
- Deleted
- - supraglenoid buttress SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: ascending process of the astragalus
- Deleted
Changes for: distal interphalangeal joint of manual digit 4
- Deleted
- - distal interphalangeal joint of manual digit 4 has exact synonym distal interphalangeal joint of manual digit IV { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + distal interphalangeal joint of manual digit 4 has exact synonym distal interphalangeal joint of manual digit IV { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: distal interphalangeal joint of manural digit 5
- Deleted
- - distal interphalangeal joint of manural digit 5 has exact synonym distal interphalangeal joint of manural digit V { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + distal interphalangeal joint of manural digit 5 has exact synonym distal interphalangeal joint of manural digit V { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: distal interphalangeal joint of pedal digit 2
- Deleted
- - distal interphalangeal joint of pedal digit 2 has exact synonym distal interphalangeal joint of pedal digit II { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + distal interphalangeal joint of pedal digit 2 has exact synonym distal interphalangeal joint of pedal digit II { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: distal interphalangeal joint of pedal digit 4
- Deleted
- - distal interphalangeal joint of pedal digit 4 has exact synonym distal interphalangeal joint of pedal digit IV { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + distal interphalangeal joint of pedal digit 4 has exact synonym distal interphalangeal joint of pedal digit IV { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: distal interphalangeal joint of pedal digit 5
- Deleted
- - distal interphalangeal joint of pedal digit 5 has exact synonym distal interphalangeal joint of pedal digit V { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + distal interphalangeal joint of pedal digit 5 has exact synonym distal interphalangeal joint of pedal digit V { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: distal interphalangeal joint of digit 2
- Deleted
- - distal interphalangeal joint of digit 2 has exact synonym distal interphalangeal joint of digit II { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + distal interphalangeal joint of digit 2 has exact synonym distal interphalangeal joint of digit II { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: distal interphalangeal joint of manual digit 2
- Deleted
- - distal interphalangeal joint of manual digit 2 has exact synonym distal interphalangeal joint of manual digit II { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + distal interphalangeal joint of manual digit 2 has exact synonym distal interphalangeal joint of manual digit II { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: postpubis
- Deleted
- - postpubis SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: umbilical cord
- Deleted
- - umbilical cord definition The connecting cord from the developing embryo to the placenta. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umbilical_cord,MP:0001725,ISBN:0-683-40008-8,PMID:9144284 }
- Added
- + umbilical cord definition The connecting cord from the developing embryo to the placenta. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umbilical_cord , database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9144284 , database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0001725 }
Changes for: corpus callosum
- Deleted
- - corpus callosum definition White matter structure containing massive numbers of commissural fibers connecting cortical areas in the two cerebral hemispheres.it is subdivided into a genu, a rostrum, a body, and a splenium. (MM) { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1087 }
- Added
- + corpus callosum definition White matter structure containing massive numbers of commissural fibers connecting cortical areas in the two cerebral hemispheres.it is subdivided into a genu, a rostrum, a body, and a splenium. (MM) { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1087 }
Changes for: submandibular duct
- Deleted
- - submandibular duct definition the duct of the submadibular gland that opens at the sublingual papilla near the frenulum of the tongue { database cross reference=MP:0009525,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + submandibular duct definition the duct of the submadibular gland that opens at the sublingual papilla near the frenulum of the tongue { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0009525 }
Changes for: pulmonary trunk
- Deleted
- - pulmonary trunk definition An arterial trunk which is continuous with the heart and branches into the pulmonary arteries. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + pulmonary trunk definition An arterial trunk which is continuous with the heart and branches into the pulmonary arteries. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: thoracic vertebra
- Deleted
- - thoracic vertebra database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.834.892
- Added
- + thoracic vertebra database cross reference MESH:D013904
Changes for: epicardium
- Deleted
- - epicardium definition a serous membrane that forms the innermost layer of the pericardium and the outer surface of the heart. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + epicardium definition a serous membrane that forms the innermost layer of the pericardium and the outer surface of the heart. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: myocardium
- Deleted
- - myocardium database cross reference MESH:A02.633.580
- - myocardium definition the middle layer of the heart, comprised mainly of striated cardiac muscle fibers { database cross reference=MP:0005329,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + myocardium database cross reference MESH:D009206
- + myocardium definition the middle layer of the heart, comprised mainly of striated cardiac muscle fibers { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0005329 }
Changes for: extraglomerular mesangium
- Deleted
- - extraglomerular mesangium definition the tissue comprised of mesangial cells that fill the triangular space between the macula densa and the afferent and efferent arterioles of the juxtaglomerular apparatus { database cross reference=MP:0011340,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + extraglomerular mesangium definition the tissue comprised of mesangial cells that fill the triangular space between the macula densa and the afferent and efferent arterioles of the juxtaglomerular apparatus { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0011340 }
Changes for: notochord
- Deleted
- - notochord definition A flexible rod-shaped body found in embryos of all chordates. It is composed of cells derived from the mesoderm and defines the primitive axis of the embryo. In some chordates, it persists throughout life as the main axial support of the body, while in most vertebrates it becomes the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc. The notochord is found ventral to the neural tube. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Notochord , database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/25 , database cross reference=http://tolweb.org/Chordata/2499 , database cross reference=ISBN:0815318960 }
- Added
- + notochord contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + notochord contributor https://github.com/wdahdul
- + notochord definition A flexible rod-shaped body found in embryos of all chordates. It is composed of cells derived from the mesoderm and defines the primitive axis of the embryo. In some chordates, it persists throughout life as the main axial support of the body, while in most vertebrates it becomes the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc. The notochord is found ventral to the neural tube. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Notochord , database cross reference=http://tolweb.org/Chordata/2499 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/25 , database cross reference=ISBN:0815318960 }
Changes for: somite
- Deleted
- - somite editor note currently classified as an epithelial vesicle, consistent with EHDAA2 and UBERONREF:0000002. Consider making ‘somitic mesoderm’ a separate term and correlate with regionalization processes. Consider moving ZFA term to ‘trunk somite’ as it is part of the trunk
- - somite has related synonym epithelial somite { database cross reference=UBERONREF:0000002 }
- Added
- + somite editor note currently classified as an epithelial vesicle, consistent with EHDAA2 and https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/The-neural-crest. Consider making ‘somitic mesoderm’ a separate term and correlate with regionalization processes. Consider moving ZFA term to ‘trunk somite’ as it is part of the trunk
- + somite has related synonym epithelial somite { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/The-neural-crest }
Changes for: striated duct of salivary gland
- Deleted
- - striated duct of salivary gland definition gland duct which connects an intercalated duct to an interlobular duct in a salivary gland. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Striated_duct , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + striated duct of salivary gland definition gland duct which connects an intercalated duct to an interlobular duct in a salivary gland. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Striated_duct , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: costal plate of carapace
- Deleted
- - costal plate of carapace has related synonym lateral plate of carapace { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + costal plate of carapace has related synonym lateral plate of carapace { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: hypothenar eminence
- Deleted
- - hypothenar eminence definition Hypothenar refers to a group of three muscles of the palm that control the motion of the little finger. The three muscles are: Abductor digiti minimi Flexor digiti minimi Opponens digiti minimi { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothenar_eminence,Wikipedia:Hypothenar_eminence }
- Added
- + hypothenar eminence definition Hypothenar refers to a group of three muscles of the palm that control the motion of the little finger. The three muscles are: Abductor digiti minimi Flexor digiti minimi Opponens digiti minimi { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothenar_eminence }
Changes for: pair of dorsal aortae
- Deleted
- - pair of dorsal aortae definition the paired arterial structures of the embryo that supplies each developing somite via efferent segmental arteries; the dorsal aortae articulate with the umbilical arteries, which return mixed blood to the villi of the chorion for reoxygenation { database cross reference=MP:0004787,ISBN:0-914294-08-3 }
- Added
- + pair of dorsal aortae definition the paired arterial structures of the embryo that supplies each developing somite via efferent segmental arteries; the dorsal aortae articulate with the umbilical arteries, which return mixed blood to the villi of the chorion for reoxygenation { database cross reference=ISBN:0-914294-08-3 , database cross reference=MP:0004787 }
Changes for: proximal mesopodial endochondral element
- Deleted
- - proximal mesopodial endochondral element definition A mesopodial endochondral element that is in the most proximal part of the mesopodial skeleton, connected to the zeugopodial skeleton. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + proximal mesopodial endochondral element definition A mesopodial endochondral element that is in the most proximal part of the mesopodial skeleton, connected to the zeugopodial skeleton. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: distal limb integumentary appendage
- Deleted
- - distal limb integumentary appendage database cross reference MESH:A13.491
- Added
- + distal limb integumentary appendage database cross reference MESH:D006724
Changes for: skeletal muscle tissue of trunk
- Deleted
- - skeletal muscle tissue of trunk definition A portion of skeletal muscle tissue in the trunk. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + skeletal muscle tissue of trunk definition A portion of skeletal muscle tissue in the trunk. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: stroma
- Deleted
- - stroma definition Connective, non-functional supportive framework of a biological cell, tissue, or organ. Contrast with parenchyma. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + stroma definition Connective, non-functional supportive framework of a biological cell, tissue, or organ. Contrast with parenchyma. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: intraembryonic coelom
- Deleted
- - intraembryonic coelom definition the part of the coelom in the embryo between the somatopleuric and splanchnopleuric mesoderm; the principal body cavities of the trunk (thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic) arise from this embryonic part of the coelom { database cross reference=MP:0012187,MGI:anna }
- Added
- + intraembryonic coelom definition the part of the coelom in the embryo between the somatopleuric and splanchnopleuric mesoderm; the principal body cavities of the trunk (thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic) arise from this embryonic part of the coelom { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0012187 }
Changes for: male urethral gland
- Deleted
- - male urethral gland definition any of the numerous small mucous-secreting glands located in the wall of the penile urethra { database cross reference=MP:0011794,MGI:anna }
- Added
- + male urethral gland definition any of the numerous small mucous-secreting glands located in the wall of the penile urethra { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0011794 }
Changes for: extraembryonic coelom
- Deleted
- - extraembryonic coelom definition the fluid-filled spaces formed within the mass of extraembryonic mesoderm that later fuse to become a large extraembryonic cavity { database cross reference=MP:0011200,ISBN-10:1405118660,ISBN:0-12-402035-6 }
- Added
- + extraembryonic coelom definition the fluid-filled spaces formed within the mass of extraembryonic mesoderm that later fuse to become a large extraembryonic cavity { database cross reference=ISBN-10:1405118660 , database cross reference=ISBN:0-12-402035-6 , database cross reference=MP:0011200 }
- + extraembryonic coelom see also https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/477
Changes for: fallopian tube
- Deleted
- - fallopian tube database cross reference MESH:A05.360.319.114.373
- - fallopian tube definition Initial section of the oviduct through which the ova pass from the ovary to the uterus { database cross reference=MP:0003574,MGI:smb , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - fallopian tube has exact synonym mammalian oviduct { database cross reference=http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3293337&group_id=36855&atid=440764 }
- - fallopian tube taxon notes Homology
- Added
- + fallopian tube database cross reference MESH:D005187
- + fallopian tube definition Initial section of the oviduct through which the ova pass from the ovary to the uterus { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=MGI:smb , database cross reference=MP:0003574 }
- + fallopian tube has exact synonym mammalian oviduct { database cross reference=https://sourceforge.net/p/geneontology/ontology-requests/8397/ }
- + fallopian tube taxon notes Homologous to appendix testis { source=Homology }
Changes for: hippocampal field
- Deleted
- - hippocampal field definition a part or parts of the hippocampus that have a particular function { database cross reference=MP:0008262,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + hippocampal field definition a part or parts of the hippocampus that have a particular function { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0008262 }
Changes for: skin mucus
- Deleted
- - skin mucus definition A mucous secretion that is produced by glands in the epidermis. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + skin mucus definition A mucous secretion that is produced by glands in the epidermis. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: parietomastoid suture
- Deleted
- - parietomastoid suture definition unites the mastoid process of the temporal with the region of the mastoid angle of the parietal[WP:Squamosal_suture]. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + parietomastoid suture definition unites the mastoid process of the temporal with the region of the mastoid angle of the parietal[WP:Squamosal_suture]. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: inner lining mucosa of the abomasum
- Deleted
- - inner lining mucosa of the abomasum has related synonym muscoa of abomasum { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - inner lining mucosa of the abomasum has related synonym muscoa of fourth stomach { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + inner lining mucosa of the abomasum has related synonym muscoa of abomasum { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + inner lining mucosa of the abomasum has related synonym muscoa of fourth stomach { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: pedal digit 4 phalanx
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: pedal digit 5 phalanx
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: eyebrow
- Deleted
- - eyebrow database cross reference MESH:A01.456.505.420.338
- Added
- + eyebrow database cross reference MESH:D005138
Changes for: post-anal tail tip
- Deleted
- - post-anal tail tip definition The distal end of the tail { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + post-anal tail tip definition The distal end of the tail { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: coat of hair
- Added
- + coat of hair has narrow synonym lanugo
- + coat of hair has narrow synonym velli
Changes for: mesenchyme of interdigital region between pedal digits 4 and 5
- Deleted
- - mesenchyme of interdigital region between pedal digits 4 and 5 has exact synonym mesenchyme of interdigital region between pedal digits IV and V { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + mesenchyme of interdigital region between pedal digits 4 and 5 has exact synonym mesenchyme of interdigital region between pedal digits IV and V { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: mesenchyme of interdigital region between pedal digits 3 and 4
- Deleted
- - mesenchyme of interdigital region between pedal digits 3 and 4 has exact synonym mesenchyme of interdigital region between pedal digits III and IV { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + mesenchyme of interdigital region between pedal digits 3 and 4 has exact synonym mesenchyme of interdigital region between pedal digits III and IV { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: mesenchyme of interdigital region between digits 4 and 5
- Deleted
- - mesenchyme of interdigital region between digits 4 and 5 has exact synonym mesenchyme of interdigital region between digits IV and V { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + mesenchyme of interdigital region between digits 4 and 5 has exact synonym mesenchyme of interdigital region between digits IV and V { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: mesenchyme of interdigital region between digits 3 and 4
- Deleted
- - mesenchyme of interdigital region between digits 3 and 4 has exact synonym mesenchyme of interdigital region between digits III and IV { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + mesenchyme of interdigital region between digits 3 and 4 has exact synonym mesenchyme of interdigital region between digits III and IV { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: mesenchyme of interdigital region between digits 2 and 3
- Deleted
- - mesenchyme of interdigital region between digits 2 and 3 has exact synonym mesenchyme of interdigital region between digits II and III { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + mesenchyme of interdigital region between digits 2 and 3 has exact synonym mesenchyme of interdigital region between digits II and III { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: mesenchyme of interdigital region between digits 1 and 2
- Deleted
- - mesenchyme of interdigital region between digits 1 and 2 has exact synonym mesenchyme of interdigital region between digits I and II { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + mesenchyme of interdigital region between digits 1 and 2 has exact synonym mesenchyme of interdigital region between digits I and II { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: neuroendocrine gland
- Deleted
- - neuroendocrine gland definition any of the organized aggregations of cells that function as secretory or excretory organs and that release hormones in response to neural stimuli { database cross reference=MP:0000631,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + neuroendocrine gland definition any of the organized aggregations of cells that function as secretory or excretory organs and that release hormones in response to neural stimuli { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0000631 }
Changes for: sensory circumventricular organ
- Deleted
- - sensory circumventricular organ definition A circumventricular organ that is capable of monitoring the levels of substances to the cerebrospinal fluid. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + sensory circumventricular organ definition A circumventricular organ that is capable of monitoring the levels of substances to the cerebrospinal fluid. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: secretory circumventricular organ
- Deleted
- - secretory circumventricular organ definition A circumventricular organ that is capable of secreting substances into the cerebrospinal fluid. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + secretory circumventricular organ definition A circumventricular organ that is capable of secreting substances into the cerebrospinal fluid. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: mesenchyme of interdigital region between manual digits 1 and 2
- Deleted
- - mesenchyme of interdigital region between manual digits 1 and 2 has exact synonym mesenchyme of interdigital region between manual digits I and II { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + mesenchyme of interdigital region between manual digits 1 and 2 has exact synonym mesenchyme of interdigital region between manual digits I and II { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: mesenchyme of interdigital region between manual digits 3 and 4
- Deleted
- - mesenchyme of interdigital region between manual digits 3 and 4 has exact synonym mesenchyme of interdigital region between manual digits III and IV { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + mesenchyme of interdigital region between manual digits 3 and 4 has exact synonym mesenchyme of interdigital region between manual digits III and IV { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: mesenchyme of interdigital region between manual digits 2 and 3
- Deleted
- - mesenchyme of interdigital region between manual digits 2 and 3 has exact synonym mesenchyme of interdigital region between manual digits II and III { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + mesenchyme of interdigital region between manual digits 2 and 3 has exact synonym mesenchyme of interdigital region between manual digits II and III { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: mesenchyme of interdigital region between manual digits 4 and 5
- Deleted
- - mesenchyme of interdigital region between manual digits 4 and 5 has exact synonym mesenchyme of interdigital region between manual digits IV and V { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + mesenchyme of interdigital region between manual digits 4 and 5 has exact synonym mesenchyme of interdigital region between manual digits IV and V { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: paraurethral gland
- Deleted
- - paraurethral gland definition the numerous mucous-secreting glands found in several female mammalian species (including rodents and humans) on the anterior wall of the vagina, around the lower end of the urethra, and possessing a common paraurethral duct which opens (on each side) near the external urethral orifice; they are homologous with the prostate gland in males, have highly variable anatomy, and are believed to be the source of the female ejaculate, a lubricating fluid with a similar consistency to male prostatic fluid that is expelled through the urethra during sexual stimulation; like the male prostate, these glands are susceptible to infection (skenitis), cyst development, and cancer { database cross reference=MP:0011793,MGI:anna }
- Added
- + paraurethral gland definition the numerous mucous-secreting glands found in several female mammalian species (including rodents and humans) on the anterior wall of the vagina, around the lower end of the urethra, and possessing a common paraurethral duct which opens (on each side) near the external urethral orifice; they are homologous with the prostate gland in males, have highly variable anatomy, and are believed to be the source of the female ejaculate, a lubricating fluid with a similar consistency to male prostatic fluid that is expelled through the urethra during sexual stimulation; like the male prostate, these glands are susceptible to infection (skenitis), cyst development, and cancer { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0011793 }
Changes for: seminal vesicle fluid
- Deleted
- - seminal vesicle fluid definition A bodily secretion that is produced by a seminal vesicle. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + seminal vesicle fluid definition A bodily secretion that is produced by a seminal vesicle. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: mesenchyme of interdigital region between pedal digits 1 and 2
- Deleted
- - mesenchyme of interdigital region between pedal digits 1 and 2 has exact synonym mesenchyme of interdigital region between pedal digits I and II { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + mesenchyme of interdigital region between pedal digits 1 and 2 has exact synonym mesenchyme of interdigital region between pedal digits I and II { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: mesenchyme of interdigital region between pedal digits 2 and 3
- Deleted
- - mesenchyme of interdigital region between pedal digits 2 and 3 has exact synonym mesenchyme of interdigital region between pedal digits II and III { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + mesenchyme of interdigital region between pedal digits 2 and 3 has exact synonym mesenchyme of interdigital region between pedal digits II and III { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: psoas muscle
- Deleted
- - psoas muscle database cross reference MESH:A02.633.567.825
- Added
- + psoas muscle database cross reference MESH:D016658
Changes for: abomasum
- Deleted
- - abomasum database cross reference MESH:A13.869.106
- Added
- + abomasum database cross reference MESH:D000018
Changes for: proventriculus
- Deleted
- - proventriculus database cross reference MESH:A13.853.710
- Added
- + proventriculus database cross reference MESH:D011531
Changes for: cartilage of pharyngotympanic tube
- Deleted
- - cartilage of pharyngotympanic tube definition A triangular plate of elastic fibrocartilage that forms the cartilage component of the pharyngotympanic tube. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cartilage_of_pharyngotympanic_tube , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + cartilage of pharyngotympanic tube definition A triangular plate of elastic fibrocartilage that forms the cartilage component of the pharyngotympanic tube. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cartilage_of_pharyngotympanic_tube , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: sputum
- Deleted
- - sputum database cross reference MESH:A12.200.808
- Added
- + sputum database cross reference MESH:D013183
Changes for: saphenous vein
- Deleted
- - saphenous vein database cross reference MESH:A07.231.908.819
- Added
- + saphenous vein database cross reference MESH:D012501
Changes for: ischial cartilage
- Added
- + ischial cartilage SubClassOf pelvic region element
Changes for: proximale tubular epithelium
- Deleted
- - proximale tubular epithelium definition The cells lining the proximal tubule are cuboidal epithelial cells with deep basal membrane invaginations that provide a large basal surface area. The long microvilli (the brush border) lining the tubule lumen, maximize luminal surface area and make these cells ideally suited for both reabsorptive and secretory functions. { database cross reference=Renal_Physiology:Section_7,_Chapter_3 }
- Added
- + proximale tubular epithelium definition The cells lining the proximal tubule are cuboidal epithelial cells with deep basal membrane invaginations that provide a large basal surface area. The long microvilli (the brush border) lining the tubule lumen, maximize luminal surface area and make these cells ideally suited for both reabsorptive and secretory functions. { database cross reference=Renal_Physiology:Section_7 , database cross reference=_Chapter_3 }
Changes for: ruminant stomach
- Deleted
- - ruminant stomach database cross reference MESH:A13.869
- Added
- + ruminant stomach database cross reference MESH:D013279
Changes for: rumen
- Deleted
- - rumen database cross reference MESH:A13.869.804
- Added
- + rumen database cross reference MESH:D012417
Changes for: reticulorumen
- Deleted
- - reticulorumen definition The first chamber in the alimentary canal of a ruminant stomach, composed of the rumen and reticulum. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reticulorumen , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + reticulorumen definition The first chamber in the alimentary canal of a ruminant stomach, composed of the rumen and reticulum. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reticulorumen , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: omasum
- Deleted
- - omasum database cross reference MESH:A13.869.524
- Added
- + omasum database cross reference MESH:D009851
Changes for: ruminant reticulum
- Deleted
- - ruminant reticulum database cross reference MESH:A13.869.697
- Added
- + ruminant reticulum database cross reference MESH:D012159
Changes for: superior surface of tongue
- Deleted
- - superior surface of tongue definition The upper (superior) side of the tongue. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + superior surface of tongue definition The upper (superior) side of the tongue. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: inferior surface of tongue
- Deleted
- - inferior surface of tongue definition The lower (inferior) side of the tongue. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + inferior surface of tongue definition The lower (inferior) side of the tongue. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: intertarsal joint
- Deleted
- - intertarsal joint database cross reference MESH:A02.835.583.378.831
- Added
- + intertarsal joint database cross reference MESH:D013640
Changes for: bulbo-ventricular groove
Changes for: rhombic lip
- Deleted
- - rhombic lip definition the posterior section of the developing metencephalon recognized transiently within the vertebrate embryo; the rhombic lip extends posteriorly from the roof of the fourth ventricle to dorsal neuroepithelial cell and can be divided into eight structural units based on rhombomeres 1-8 (r1-r8), recognized at early stages of hindbrain development; producing granule cells and five brainstem nuclei, the rhombic lip plays an important role in developing a complex cerebellar neural system { database cross reference=MP:0012525,MGI:anna }
- Added
- + rhombic lip definition the posterior section of the developing metencephalon recognized transiently within the vertebrate embryo; the rhombic lip extends posteriorly from the roof of the fourth ventricle to dorsal neuroepithelial cell and can be divided into eight structural units based on rhombomeres 1-8 (r1-r8), recognized at early stages of hindbrain development; producing granule cells and five brainstem nuclei, the rhombic lip plays an important role in developing a complex cerebellar neural system { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0012525 }
Changes for: spleen germinal center
- Deleted
- - spleen germinal center definition A germinal center that is part of the spleen. The spleen germinal center is located in a secondary B follicle in the white pulp of the spleen. { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/6 , database cross reference=CL:tm }
- Added
- + spleen germinal center contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + spleen germinal center contributor https://github.com/tmeehan
- + spleen germinal center definition A germinal center that is part of the spleen. The spleen germinal center is located in a secondary B follicle in the white pulp of the spleen. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/6 , database cross reference=CL:tm }
Changes for: iliac pre-cartilage condensation
- Added
- + iliac pre-cartilage condensation SubClassOf trunk mesenchyme
Changes for: renal medulla collecting duct
- Deleted
- - renal medulla collecting duct definition The portion of the collecting duct that resides in the renal medulla { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + renal medulla collecting duct definition The portion of the collecting duct that resides in the renal medulla { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: ischial pre-cartilage condensation
- Added
- + ischial pre-cartilage condensation SubClassOf trunk mesenchyme
Changes for: parenchyma of central nervous system
- Deleted
- - parenchyma of central nervous system definition A parenchyma that is part of a central nervous system [Automatically generated definition]. { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- Added
- + parenchyma of central nervous system contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + parenchyma of central nervous system contributor https://github.com/tmeehan
- + parenchyma of central nervous system definition The functional tissue of the central nervous system consisting of neurons and glial cells. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/8 , database cross reference=CL:tm }
Changes for: pubic pre-cartilage condensation
- Added
- + pubic pre-cartilage condensation SubClassOf trunk mesenchyme
Changes for: otic pit
- Deleted
- - otic pit definition the pair of depressions of thickened otic placode epithelium, that further develops into the otic vesicles { database cross reference=MP:0011172,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + otic pit definition the pair of depressions of thickened otic placode epithelium, that further develops into the otic vesicles { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0011172 }
Changes for: granulosa cell layer
- Deleted
- - granulosa cell layer definition A layer of the ovarian follicle that consists of granulosa cells. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + granulosa cell layer definition A layer of the ovarian follicle that consists of granulosa cells. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: hepatic duct
- Deleted
- - hepatic duct definition Any portion of the ducts that carry bile from the liver to the common bile duct. This may include both intrahapetic components (parts of left and right hepatic ducts) and extrahapetic components (common hepatic duct, plus hilar portion). { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + hepatic duct definition Any portion of the ducts that carry bile from the liver to the common bile duct. This may include both intrahapetic components (parts of left and right hepatic ducts) and extrahapetic components (common hepatic duct, plus hilar portion). { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: tooth enamel organ
- Deleted
- - tooth enamel organ comment revised.Development notes: NOT develeops_from NC[UBERONREF:0000002]. Alternate definitioon: A cellular aggregation seen in histologic sections of a developing tooth. It lies above a condensation of ectomesenchymal cells called the odontogenic papilla. Historically, enamel organ has been the term to describe this structure, but it was attempted unsuccessfully in recent years to change the name to dental organ in order to better represent its multiple functions apart from enamel formation
- Added
- + tooth enamel organ comment revised.Development notes: NOT develeops_from NC[https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/The-neural-crest]. Alternate definitioon: A cellular aggregation seen in histologic sections of a developing tooth. It lies above a condensation of ectomesenchymal cells called the odontogenic papilla. Historically, enamel organ has been the term to describe this structure, but it was attempted unsuccessfully in recent years to change the name to dental organ in order to better represent its multiple functions apart from enamel formation
Changes for: renal interlobular vein
- Deleted
- - renal interlobular vein definition Any of the veins that parallel the interlobular arteries, receiving blood from the peritubular capillary plexus and empty into the arcuate veins { database cross reference=MP:0011326,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + renal interlobular vein definition Any of the veins that parallel the interlobular arteries, receiving blood from the peritubular capillary plexus and empty into the arcuate veins { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0011326 }
Changes for: late embryonic stage
- Added
Changes for: neonate stage
Changes for: late adult stage
Changes for: lateral vestibular nucleus
- Deleted
- - lateral vestibular nucleus database cross reference MESH:A08.
- - lateral vestibular nucleus definition One of the nuclei comprising the vestibular nuclear complex. In some mammals, e.g., primates, it is further subdivided into subnuclei. It therefore differs in appearance and topology in different mammals. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_144002 }
- Added
- + lateral vestibular nucleus database cross reference MESH:D003689
- + lateral vestibular nucleus definition One of the nuclei comprising the vestibular nuclear complex. In some mammals, e.g., primates, it is further subdivided into subnuclei. It therefore differs in appearance and topology in different mammals. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_144002 }
Changes for: pectoral appendage musculature
- Deleted
- - pectoral appendage musculature comment Editor note: currently defined by location rather than attachment
- Added
- + pectoral appendage musculature editor note currently defined by location rather than attachment
Changes for: pelvic appendage musculature
- Deleted
- - pelvic appendage musculature comment Editor note: currently defined by location rather than attachment
- Added
- + pelvic appendage musculature editor note currently defined by location rather than attachment
Changes for: appendage musculature
- Deleted
- - appendage musculature comment Editor note: currently defined by location rather than attachment
- Added
- + appendage musculature editor note currently defined by location rather than attachment
Changes for: dorsal artery of clitoris
- Deleted
- - dorsal artery of clitoris definition The dorsal artery of clitoris is a branch of the internal pudendal artery. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorsal_artery_of_clitoris,Wikipedia:Dorsal_artery_of_clitoris }
- Added
- + dorsal artery of clitoris definition The dorsal artery of clitoris is a branch of the internal pudendal artery. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorsal_artery_of_clitoris }
Changes for: dorsal accessory inferior olivary nucleus
- Deleted
- - dorsal accessory inferior olivary nucleus definition The inferior olivary nucleus that is the smallest, and appears on transverse section as a curved lamina behind the primary olivary nucleus { database cross reference=Olivary nuclei , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + dorsal accessory inferior olivary nucleus definition The inferior olivary nucleus that is the smallest, and appears on transverse section as a curved lamina behind the primary olivary nucleus { database cross reference=Olivary nuclei , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: nucleus of superior olivary complex
- Deleted
- - nucleus of superior olivary complex definition Any of the nuclei that comprise the superior olivary complex (superior olive). This includes both the primary nuclei such as the lateral and medial nuclei, as well as periolivary nuclei. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + nucleus of superior olivary complex definition Any of the nuclei that comprise the superior olivary complex (superior olive). This includes both the primary nuclei such as the lateral and medial nuclei, as well as periolivary nuclei. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: nuclear complex of neuraxis
- Deleted
- - nuclear complex of neuraxis definition Gray matter of the central nervous system which is a collection of clustered nuclei. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + nuclear complex of neuraxis definition Gray matter of the central nervous system which is a collection of clustered nuclei. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: lingual tonsil
- Deleted
- - lingual tonsil definition the lymph tissue on the floor of the oropharyngeal passage, near the root of the tongue { database cross reference=MP:0002385,MGI:cwg }
- Added
- + lingual tonsil definition the lymph tissue on the floor of the oropharyngeal passage, near the root of the tongue { database cross reference=MGI:cwg , database cross reference=MP:0002385 }
Changes for: Brodmann (1909) area 36
- Deleted
- - Brodmann (1909) area 36 definition Ectorhinal area 36 is a subdivision of the cytoarchitecturally defined temporal region of cerebral cortex. With its medial boundary corresponding approximately to the rhinal sulcus it is located primarily in the fusiform gyrus. Cytoarchitecturally it is bounded laterally and caudally by the inferior temporal area 20, medially by the perirhinal area 35 and rostrally by the temporopolar area 38 (H) (Brodmann-1909). Together with Brodmann area 35, it comprises the perirhinal cortex. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brodmann_area_36,Wikipedia:Brodmann_area_36 }
- Added
- + Brodmann (1909) area 36 definition Ectorhinal area 36 is a subdivision of the cytoarchitecturally defined temporal region of cerebral cortex. With its medial boundary corresponding approximately to the rhinal sulcus it is located primarily in the fusiform gyrus. Cytoarchitecturally it is bounded laterally and caudally by the inferior temporal area 20, medially by the perirhinal area 35 and rostrally by the temporopolar area 38 (H) (Brodmann-1909). Together with Brodmann area 35, it comprises the perirhinal cortex. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brodmann_area_36 }
Changes for: Brodmann (1909) area 35
- Deleted
- - Brodmann (1909) area 35 definition Brodmann area 35, together with Brodmann area 36, is most frequently referred to as perirhinal cortex. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brodmann_area_35,Wikipedia:Brodmann_area_35 }
- Added
- + Brodmann (1909) area 35 definition Brodmann area 35, together with Brodmann area 36, is most frequently referred to as perirhinal cortex. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brodmann_area_35 }
Changes for: odontoid process of cervical vertebra 2
- Deleted
- - odontoid process of cervical vertebra 2 SubClassOf skeletal element projection
- - odontoid process of cervical vertebra 2 database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.834.151.383.668
- Added
- + odontoid process of cervical vertebra 2 database cross reference MESH:D009809
Changes for: beak
- Deleted
- - beak database cross reference MESH:A13.114
- Added
- + beak database cross reference MESH:D001502
Changes for: hair follicle placode
- Deleted
- - hair follicle placode definition An hair follicle placode is a thickening of the ectoderm that will give rise to the hair follicle bud[GO]. { database cross reference=GO:0060789 }
- Added
- + hair follicle placode definition A bud-like thickening in the epidermis consisting of elongated keratinocytes, which at the distal end are in touch with numerous aggregated specialized dermal fibroblasts, the dermal condensate. { database cross reference=http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2008.12.005 }
- + hair follicle placode external definition An hair follicle placode is a thickening of the ectoderm that will give rise to the hair follicle bud[GO]. { source=GO:0060789 }
- + hair follicle placode has exact synonym hair placode { database cross reference=http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2008.12.005 }
- + hair follicle placode has related synonym hair germ { database cross reference=http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2008.12.005 }
Changes for: metanephric ureteric bud
- Deleted
- - metanephric ureteric bud definition The portion of the ureteric bud tube that contributes to the morphogenesis of the metanephros[GO]. { database cross reference=https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=36855&atid=440764 , database cross reference=GO:0035502 }
- Added
- + metanephric ureteric bud definition The portion of the ureteric bud tube that contributes to the morphogenesis of the metanephros[GO]. { database cross reference=GO:0035502 }
Changes for: eggshell
- Deleted
- - eggshell database cross reference MESH:A13.316
- Added
- + eggshell database cross reference MESH:D004528
Changes for: hemispheric lobule VIII
- Deleted
- - hemispheric lobule VIII definition The biventer lobule (or biventral lobule) is triangular in shape; its apex points backward, and is joined by the gray band to the pyramid. The lateral border is separated from the inferior semilunar lobule by the postpyramidal fissure. The base is directed forward, and is on a line with the anterior border of the tonsil, and is separated from the flocculus by the postnodular fissure. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biventer_lobule,Wikipedia:Biventer_lobule }
- Added
- + hemispheric lobule VIII definition The biventer lobule (or biventral lobule) is triangular in shape; its apex points backward, and is joined by the gray band to the pyramid. The lateral border is separated from the inferior semilunar lobule by the postpyramidal fissure. The base is directed forward, and is on a line with the anterior border of the tonsil, and is separated from the flocculus by the postnodular fissure. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biventer_lobule }
Changes for: gizzard
- Deleted
- - gizzard database cross reference MESH:A13.853.363
- Added
- + gizzard database cross reference MESH:D005895
Changes for: primary nerve cord
- Deleted
- - primary nerve cord comment Usage notes: some species have multiple longitudinal nerve cords; this class refers to the most prominent one, which is dorsal in chordates and ventral in others.
- - primary nerve cord has exact synonym true nerve cord { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + primary nerve cord curator notes some species have multiple longitudinal nerve cords; this class refers to the most prominent one, which is dorsal in chordates and ventral in others.
- + primary nerve cord has exact synonym true nerve cord { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + primary nerve cord see also https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/691
Changes for: primary dorsal nerve cord
- Deleted
- - primary dorsal nerve cord definition A nerve cord in the dorsal mid-line that is the most prominent nerve cord. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorsal_nerve_cord , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - primary dorsal nerve cord has exact synonym true dorsal nerve cord { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + primary dorsal nerve cord definition A nerve cord in the dorsal mid-line that is the most prominent nerve cord. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorsal_nerve_cord , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + primary dorsal nerve cord has exact synonym true dorsal nerve cord { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: median dorsal digital artery for digit 1
- Deleted
- - median dorsal digital artery for digit 1 has exact synonym median dorsal digital artery for digit I { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + median dorsal digital artery for digit 1 has exact synonym median dorsal digital artery for digit I { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: lateral dorsal digital artery for digit 5
- Deleted
- - lateral dorsal digital artery for digit 5 has exact synonym lateral dorsal digital artery for digit V { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + lateral dorsal digital artery for digit 5 has exact synonym lateral dorsal digital artery for digit V { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: germinal neuroepithelium
- Deleted
- - germinal neuroepithelium has exact synonym germinal neuroepithelial layer { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + germinal neuroepithelium has exact synonym germinal neuroepithelial layer { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: feather barbule
- Deleted
- - feather barbule definition Projection from feather bard. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + feather barbule definition Projection from feather bard. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: feather barb
- Deleted
- - feather barb definition One of a series of branches fused to the rachis (stem) of a feather. The barbs themselves also have branches called barbules, which have hooks that lock the barbs together[WP]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barb_(feather) }
- Added
- + feather barb definition One of a series of branches fused to the rachis (stem) of a feather. The barbs themselves also have branches called barbules, which have hooks that lock the barbs together[WP]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barb_(feather) , database cross reference=[https://en.wikivet.net/Feather_-Anatomy%26Physiology](https://en.wikivet.net/Feather-Anatomy%26_Physiology) }
Changes for: baroreceptor
- Deleted
- - baroreceptor database cross reference MESH:A08.800.050.800.900.700
- Added
Changes for: vena cava
- Deleted
- - vena cava database cross reference MESH:A07.231.908.949
- - vena cava definition Any of the veins that carries deoxygenated blood from a part of the body into the right atrium of the heart. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venae_cavae , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + vena cava database cross reference MESH:D014684
- + vena cava definition Any of the veins that carries deoxygenated blood from a part of the body into the right atrium of the heart. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venae_cavae , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: ocular region
- Deleted
- - ocular region definition The subdivision of the face that includes the eye (eyeball plus adnexa such as eyelids) and the orbit of the skull and associated parts of the face such as the eyebrows, if present { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - ocular region has exact synonym eye region { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - ocular region has exact synonym orbital part of face { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + ocular region definition The subdivision of the face that includes the eye (eyeball plus adnexa such as eyelids) and the orbit of the skull and associated parts of the face such as the eyebrows, if present { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + ocular region has exact synonym eye region { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + ocular region has exact synonym orbital part of face { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: mucosa of nasal septum
- Deleted
- - mucosa of nasal septum SubClassOf respiratory system mucosa
- Added
- + mucosa of nasal septum SubClassOf mucosa
Changes for: brain ventricle
- Deleted
- - brain ventricle database cross reference MESH:A08.186.211.276
- - brain ventricle definition one of the system of communicating cavities in the brain that are continuous with the central canal of the spinal cord, that like it are derived from the medullary canal of the embryo, that are lined with an epithelial ependyma, and that contain a serous fluid { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/300 }
- Added
- + brain ventricle contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + brain ventricle database cross reference MESH:D002552
- + brain ventricle definition one of the system of communicating cavities in the brain that are continuous with the central canal of the spinal cord, that like it are derived from the medullary canal of the embryo, that are lined with an epithelial ependyma, and that contain a serous fluid { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/300 }
Changes for: cerebellum vermis lobule IX
- Deleted
- - cerebellum vermis lobule IX definition The uvula (uvular lobe) forms a considerable portion of the inferior vermis; it is separated on either side from the tonsil by the sulcus valleculC&, at the bottom of which it is connected to the tonsil by a ridge of gray matter, indented on its surface by shallow furrows, and hence called the furrowed band. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uvula_of_cerebellum,Wikipedia:Uvula_of_cerebellum }
- Added
- + cerebellum vermis lobule IX definition The uvula (uvular lobe) forms a considerable portion of the inferior vermis; it is separated on either side from the tonsil by the sulcus valleculC&, at the bottom of which it is connected to the tonsil by a ridge of gray matter, indented on its surface by shallow furrows, and hence called the furrowed band. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uvula_of_cerebellum }
Changes for: biliary ductule
- Deleted
- - biliary ductule has related synonym terminal cholangiole { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + biliary ductule has related synonym terminal cholangiole { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: alveolar ridge
- Deleted
- - alveolar ridge database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.781.324.502.125
- Added
- + alveolar ridge database cross reference MESH:D000539
Changes for: muscle of auditory ossicle
- Deleted
- - muscle of auditory ossicle definition A muscle of the tympanic cavity that attaches to an auditory ossicle. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + muscle of auditory ossicle definition A muscle of the tympanic cavity that attaches to an auditory ossicle. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: anatomical conduit
- Deleted
- - anatomical conduit definition Any tube, opening or passage that connects two distinct anatomical spaces. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + anatomical conduit definition Any tube, opening or passage that connects two distinct anatomical spaces. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: genitourinary system
- Deleted
- - genitourinary system database cross reference MESH:A05
- Added
- + genitourinary system database cross reference MESH:D014566
Changes for: myocardial layer
- Deleted
- - myocardial layer definition Any of the layers of the myocardium. Example: compact layer, trabecular layer. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + myocardial layer definition Any of the layers of the myocardium. Example: compact layer, trabecular layer. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: chorionic villus
- Deleted
- - chorionic villus has related synonym embryonic part of placenta { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - chorionic villus has related synonym embryonic placenta { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - chorionic villus has related synonym fetal part of placenta { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - chorionic villus has related synonym fetal placenta { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + chorionic villus has related synonym embryonic part of placenta { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + chorionic villus has related synonym embryonic placenta { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + chorionic villus has related synonym fetal part of placenta { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + chorionic villus has related synonym fetal placenta { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: vernix caseosa
- Deleted
- - vernix caseosa database cross reference MESH:A12.200.946
- Added
- + vernix caseosa database cross reference MESH:D014708
Changes for: venom
- Deleted
- - venom database cross reference MESH:A12.200.935
- Added
- + venom database cross reference MESH:D014688
Changes for: skin nerve field
- Deleted
- - skin nerve field definition A zone of skin that is mainly innervated by a single sensory nerve. A nerve field innervated by exactly one dorsal root is called a dermatome. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + skin nerve field definition A zone of skin that is mainly innervated by a single sensory nerve. A nerve field innervated by exactly one dorsal root is called a dermatome. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: trunk ganglion
- Added
- + trunk ganglion SubClassOf trunk region element
Changes for: embryonic post-anal tail
- Deleted
- - embryonic post-anal tail definition An embryonic structure that will either develop into a post-anal tail or recede into a vestigial remnant of the tail. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + embryonic post-anal tail definition An embryonic structure that will either develop into a post-anal tail or recede into a vestigial remnant of the tail. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: mitral valve leaflet
- Deleted
- - mitral valve leaflet definition A valve leafleft that is part of a mitral valve. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + mitral valve leaflet definition A valve leafleft that is part of a mitral valve. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: superior epigastric artery
- Deleted
- - superior epigastric artery definition An artery that arises from the internal thoracic arteryand anastomoses with the inferior epigastric artery at the umbilicus and supplies the anterior part of the abdominal wall and some of the diaphragm. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superior_epigastric_artery , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + superior epigastric artery definition An artery that arises from the internal thoracic arteryand anastomoses with the inferior epigastric artery at the umbilicus and supplies the anterior part of the abdominal wall and some of the diaphragm. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superior_epigastric_artery , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: superior thyroid vein
- Deleted
- - superior thyroid vein definition The superior thyroid vein begins in the substance and on the surface of the thyroid gland, by tributaries corresponding with the branches of the superior thyroid artery, and ends in the upper part of the internal jugular vein. It receives the superior laryngeal and cricothyroid veins. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superior_thyroid_vein,Wikipedia:Superior_thyroid_vein }
- Added
- + superior thyroid vein definition The superior thyroid vein begins in the substance and on the surface of the thyroid gland, by tributaries corresponding with the branches of the superior thyroid artery, and ends in the upper part of the internal jugular vein. It receives the superior laryngeal and cricothyroid veins. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superior_thyroid_vein }
Changes for: inferior thyroid vein
- Deleted
- - inferior thyroid vein definition The inferior thyroid veins two, frequently three or four, in number, arise in the venous plexus on the thyroid gland, communicating with the middle and superior thyroid veins. They form a plexus in front of the trachea, behind the Sternothyreoidei. From this plexus, a left vein descends and joins the left innominate trunk, and a right vein passes obliquely downward and to the right across the innominate artery to open into the right innominate vein, just at its junction with the superior vena cava; sometimes the right and left veins open by a common trunk in the latter situation. These veins receive esophageal tracheal, and inferior laryngeal veins, and are provided with valves at their terminations in the innominate veins. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inferior_thyroid_veins,Wikipedia:Inferior_thyroid_veins }
- Added
- + inferior thyroid vein definition The inferior thyroid veins two, frequently three or four, in number, arise in the venous plexus on the thyroid gland, communicating with the middle and superior thyroid veins. They form a plexus in front of the trachea, behind the Sternothyreoidei. From this plexus, a left vein descends and joins the left innominate trunk, and a right vein passes obliquely downward and to the right across the innominate artery to open into the right innominate vein, just at its junction with the superior vena cava; sometimes the right and left veins open by a common trunk in the latter situation. These veins receive esophageal tracheal, and inferior laryngeal veins, and are provided with valves at their terminations in the innominate veins. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inferior_thyroid_veins }
Changes for: basisphenoid bone
- Deleted
- - basisphenoid bone definition part of the base of the cranium between the basioccipital and the presphenoid, which usually ossifies separately in the embryo or in the young, and becomes a part of the sphenoid in the adult; in many animals it persists as a separate bone between the basioccipital bone and the presphenoidal bone { database cross reference=MP:0000106,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + basisphenoid bone definition part of the base of the cranium between the basioccipital and the presphenoid, which usually ossifies separately in the embryo or in the young, and becomes a part of the sphenoid in the adult; in many animals it persists as a separate bone between the basioccipital bone and the presphenoidal bone { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0000106 }
Changes for: proximal radio-ulnar joint
- Deleted
- - proximal radio-ulnar joint definition The proximal radioulnar articulation (superior radioulnar joint) is a trochoid or pivot joint between the circumference of the head of the radius and the ring formed by the radial notch of the ulna and the annular ligament. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proximal_radioulnar_articulation,Wikipedia:Proximal_radioulnar_articulation }
- Added
- + proximal radio-ulnar joint definition The proximal radioulnar articulation (superior radioulnar joint) is a trochoid or pivot joint between the circumference of the head of the radius and the ring formed by the radial notch of the ulna and the annular ligament. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proximal_radioulnar_articulation }
Changes for: distal radio-ulnar joint
- Deleted
- - distal radio-ulnar joint definition The Distal Radioulnar Articulation (inferior radioulnar joint) is a pivot-joint formed between the head of the ulna and the ulnar notch on the distal radius. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distal_radioulnar_articulation,Wikipedia:Distal_radioulnar_articulation }
- Added
- + distal radio-ulnar joint definition The Distal Radioulnar Articulation (inferior radioulnar joint) is a pivot-joint formed between the head of the ulna and the ulnar notch on the distal radius. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distal_radioulnar_articulation }
Changes for: angle of scapula
- Deleted
- - angle of scapula comment See: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/58
- Added
Changes for: lateral border of scapula
- Deleted
- - lateral border of scapula definition The lateral border (or axillary border, or margin) is the thickest of the three borders of the scapula. It begins above at the lower margin of the glenoid cavity, and inclines obliquely downward and backward to the inferior angle. Immediately below the glenoid cavity is a rough impression, the infraglenoid tuberosity, about 2.5 cm. in length, which gives origin to the long head of the Triceps brachii; in front of this is a longitudinal groove, which extends as far as the lower third of this border, and affords origin to part of the Subscapularis. The inferior third is thin and sharp, and serves for the attachment of a few fibers of the Teres major behind, and of the Subscapularis in front. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lateral_border_of_the_scapula,Wikipedia:Lateral_border_of_the_scapula }
- Added
- + lateral border of scapula definition The lateral border (or axillary border, or margin) is the thickest of the three borders of the scapula. It begins above at the lower margin of the glenoid cavity, and inclines obliquely downward and backward to the inferior angle. Immediately below the glenoid cavity is a rough impression, the infraglenoid tuberosity, about 2.5 cm. in length, which gives origin to the long head of the Triceps brachii; in front of this is a longitudinal groove, which extends as far as the lower third of this border, and affords origin to part of the Subscapularis. The inferior third is thin and sharp, and serves for the attachment of a few fibers of the Teres major behind, and of the Subscapularis in front. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lateral_border_of_the_scapula }
Changes for: Brodmann (1909) area 52
- Deleted
- - Brodmann (1909) area 52 definition Parainsular area 52 (H) is a subdivision of the cytoarchitecturally defined temporal region of cerebral cortex. It is located in the bank of the lateral sulcus on the dorsal surface of the temporal lobe. Its medial boundary corresponds approximately to the junction between the temporal lobe and the insula. Cytoarchitecturally it is bounded laterally by the anterior transverse temporal area 42 (H) (Brodmann-1909). { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brodmann_area_52,Wikipedia:Brodmann_area_52 }
- Added
- + Brodmann (1909) area 52 definition Parainsular area 52 (H) is a subdivision of the cytoarchitecturally defined temporal region of cerebral cortex. It is located in the bank of the lateral sulcus on the dorsal surface of the temporal lobe. Its medial boundary corresponds approximately to the junction between the temporal lobe and the insula. Cytoarchitecturally it is bounded laterally by the anterior transverse temporal area 42 (H) (Brodmann-1909). { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brodmann_area_52 }
Changes for: Brodmann (1909) area 44
- Deleted
- - Brodmann (1909) area 44 definition Brodmann area 44, or BA44, is part of the frontal cortex in the human brain. Situated just anterior to premotor cortex and on the lateral surface, inferior to BA9. This area is also known as pars opercularis (of the inferior frontal gyrus), and it refers to a subdivision of the cytoarchitecturally defined frontal region of cerebral cortex. In the human it corresponds approximately to the opercular part of inferior frontal gyrus (H). Thus, it is bounded caudally by the inferior precentral sulcus (H) and rostrally by the anterior ascending limb of lateral sulcus (H). It surrounds the diagonal sulcus (H). In the depth of the lateral sulcus it borders on the insula. Cytoarchitectonically it is bounded caudally and dorsally by the agranular frontal area 6, dorsally by the granular frontal area 9 and rostrally by the triangular area 45 (Brodmann-1909). { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brodmann_area_44,Wikipedia:Brodmann_area_44 }
- Added
- + Brodmann (1909) area 44 definition Brodmann area 44, or BA44, is part of the frontal cortex in the human brain. Situated just anterior to premotor cortex and on the lateral surface, inferior to BA9. This area is also known as pars opercularis (of the inferior frontal gyrus), and it refers to a subdivision of the cytoarchitecturally defined frontal region of cerebral cortex. In the human it corresponds approximately to the opercular part of inferior frontal gyrus (H). Thus, it is bounded caudally by the inferior precentral sulcus (H) and rostrally by the anterior ascending limb of lateral sulcus (H). It surrounds the diagonal sulcus (H). In the depth of the lateral sulcus it borders on the insula. Cytoarchitectonically it is bounded caudally and dorsally by the agranular frontal area 6, dorsally by the granular frontal area 9 and rostrally by the triangular area 45 (Brodmann-1909). { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brodmann_area_44 }
Changes for: Brodmann (1909) area 38
- Deleted
- - Brodmann (1909) area 38 definition Brodmann area 38, also BA38 or temporopolar area 38 (H), is part of the temporal cortex in the human brain. BA 38 is at the anterior end of the temporal lobe, known as the temporal pole. BA38 is a subdivision of the cytoarchitecturally defined temporal region of cerebral cortex. It is located primarily in the most rostral portions of the superior temporal gyrus and the middle temporal gyrus. Cytoarchitecturally it is bounded caudally by the inferior temporal area 20, the middle temporal area 21, the superior temporal area 22 and the ectorhinal area 36 (Brodmann-1909). Cytoarchitectonic and chemoarchitectonic studies find that it contains at least seven subareas, one of which, TG, is unique to humans. ‘The functional significance of this area TG is not known, but it may bind complex, highly processed perceptual inputs to visceral emotional responses.’ This area is among the earliest affected by Alzheimer’s disease and the earliest involved at the start of temporal lobe seizures. [ { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brodmann_area_38,Wikipedia:Brodmann_area_38 }
- Added
- + Brodmann (1909) area 38 definition Brodmann area 38, also BA38 or temporopolar area 38 (H), is part of the temporal cortex in the human brain. BA 38 is at the anterior end of the temporal lobe, known as the temporal pole. BA38 is a subdivision of the cytoarchitecturally defined temporal region of cerebral cortex. It is located primarily in the most rostral portions of the superior temporal gyrus and the middle temporal gyrus. Cytoarchitecturally it is bounded caudally by the inferior temporal area 20, the middle temporal area 21, the superior temporal area 22 and the ectorhinal area 36 (Brodmann-1909). Cytoarchitectonic and chemoarchitectonic studies find that it contains at least seven subareas, one of which, TG, is unique to humans. ‘The functional significance of this area TG is not known, but it may bind complex, highly processed perceptual inputs to visceral emotional responses.’ This area is among the earliest affected by Alzheimer’s disease and the earliest involved at the start of temporal lobe seizures. [ { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brodmann_area_38 }
Changes for: interosseous muscle of pes
- Deleted
- - interosseous muscle of pes definition Any of the interosseous muscles of the pes (foot). Includes the plantar and dorsal interossei. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + interosseous muscle of pes definition Any of the interosseous muscles of the pes (foot). Includes the plantar and dorsal interossei. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: os penis
- Deleted
- - os penis definition the unique bone located in the glans penis of most mammals except humans; it is used for copulation and varies in size and shape by species { database cross reference=MP:0009103,MGI:anna }
- Added
- + os penis definition the unique bone located in the glans penis of most mammals except humans; it is used for copulation and varies in size and shape by species { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0009103 }
Changes for: Harderian gland
- Deleted
- - Harderian gland database cross reference MESH:A13.445
- Added
- + Harderian gland database cross reference MESH:D006243
Changes for: mammary gland cord
- Deleted
- - mammary gland cord definition The solid cord of epithelial cells that emerges from the mammary bud and grows down from the primary mammary mesenchyme and into a second stromal compartment, the fat pad precursor, beneath the dermis. { database cross reference=MP:0013725 }
- Added
- + mammary gland cord definition The solid cord of epithelial cells that emerges from the mammary bud and grows down from the primary mammary mesenchyme and into a second stromal compartment, the fat pad precursor, beneath the dermis. { database cross reference=MP:0013725 }
Changes for: aorta smooth muscle tissue
- Deleted
- - aorta smooth muscle tissue definition the nonstriated, involuntary muscle tissue located in the wall of the aorta { database cross reference=MP:0009865,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + aorta smooth muscle tissue definition the nonstriated, involuntary muscle tissue located in the wall of the aorta { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0009865 }
Changes for: anterior dorsomedial process of autopalatine
- Deleted
Changes for: cardiac vein
- Deleted
- - cardiac vein definition Vein of heart that drains the myocardium { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + cardiac vein definition Vein of heart that drains the myocardium { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: cerebellar layer
- Deleted
- - cerebellar layer definition A cortical cell layer of the cerebellum. Examples: the granular (inner+outer) layer, molecular layer, Purkinje cell layer, and the ventricular layer of the embryo. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm , database cross reference=ncithesaurus:Cortical_Cell_Layer_of_the_Cerebellum }
- Added
- + cerebellar layer definition A cortical cell layer of the cerebellum. Examples: the granular (inner+outer) layer, molecular layer, Purkinje cell layer, and the ventricular layer of the embryo. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=ncithesaurus:Cortical_Cell_Layer_of_the_Cerebellum }
Changes for: proximal tubule
- Deleted
- - proximal tubule database cross reference MESH:A05.810.453.736.560.570
- Added
- + proximal tubule database cross reference MESH:D007687
Changes for: distal tubule
- Deleted
- - distal tubule database cross reference MESH:A05.810.453.736.560.540
- Added
- + distal tubule database cross reference MESH:D007686
Changes for: blood vessel smooth muscle
- Deleted
- - blood vessel smooth muscle database cross reference MESH:A02.633.570.491
- Added
- + blood vessel smooth muscle database cross reference MESH:D009131
Changes for: bone of dorsum
- Deleted
- - bone of dorsum curator notes this class may be obsoleted. See: https://sourceforge.net/p/obo/mouse-anatomy-requests/79/
- Added
- + bone of dorsum curator notes this class may be obsoleted. See: https://github.com/obophenotype/mouse-anatomy-ontology/issues/93
Changes for: glomerular capillary
- Deleted
- - glomerular capillary definition the small branching blood vessels in the kidney glomerulus that receives blood from the kidney afferent arterioles; these capillaries are under high pressure for filtering within the glomerulus { database cross reference=MP:0011320,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + glomerular capillary definition the small branching blood vessels in the kidney glomerulus that receives blood from the kidney afferent arterioles; these capillaries are under high pressure for filtering within the glomerulus { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0011320 }
Changes for: kidney pelvis smooth muscle
- Deleted
- - kidney pelvis smooth muscle definition the smooth muscle tissue surrounding the urothelium of the kidney pelvis { database cross reference=MP:0011335,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + kidney pelvis smooth muscle definition the smooth muscle tissue surrounding the urothelium of the kidney pelvis { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0011335 }
Changes for: cardiac septum
- Deleted
- - cardiac septum database cross reference MESH:A07.541.459
- Added
- + cardiac septum database cross reference MESH:D006346
Changes for: zygomaticus minor muscle
- Deleted
- - zygomaticus minor muscle definition Facial muscle attached to the modiolus, corner (angle) of the mouth, and zygomatic bone. This muscle is ventral to the zygomaticus minor and dorsal to the platysma muscle. In many mammals this muscle also has an attachment to the cartilage of the external ear, in which case it is called the auriculolabialis inferior. See Diogo 2008; Diogo et al., 2009; Burrows et al.., 2011., also DuBrul, 1980. { database cross reference=MFMO:0000138 }
- Added
- + zygomaticus minor muscle definition Facial muscle attached to the modiolus, corner (angle) of the mouth, and zygomatic bone. This muscle is ventral to the zygomaticus minor and dorsal to the platysma muscle. In many mammals this muscle also has an attachment to the cartilage of the external ear, in which case it is called the auriculolabialis inferior. See Diogo 2008; Diogo et al., 2009; Burrows et al.., 2011., also DuBrul, 1980. { database cross reference=MFMO:0000138 }
Changes for: appendicular skeleton
- Deleted
- - appendicular skeleton has exact synonym entire appendicular skeleton { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/59 }
- Added
- + appendicular skeleton has exact synonym entire appendicular skeleton { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/59 }
Changes for: mesentery
- Deleted
- - mesentery definition Anatomical organ component composed of a double layer of serous membrane that suspends a viscus from the body wall or connects adjacent viscera and in doing so conveys blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves to and from the viscera. Examples: greater omentum, broad ligament of uterus, sigmoid mesocolon. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesentery , database cross reference=Mesentery .28general.29 , database cross reference=FMA:7144 }
- Added
- + mesentery contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + mesentery definition Anatomical organ component composed of a double layer of serous membrane that suspends a viscus from the body wall or connects adjacent viscera and in doing so conveys blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves to and from the viscera. Examples: greater omentum, broad ligament of uterus, sigmoid mesocolon. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesentery , database cross reference=Mesentery .28general.29 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/85 , database cross reference=FMA:7144 }
Changes for: skin of body
- Deleted
- - skin of body database cross reference MESH:A17.815
- Added
- + skin of body database cross reference MESH:D012867
Changes for: hair follicle
- Deleted
- - hair follicle SubClassOf organ part
- - hair follicle database cross reference MESH:A10.272.497.500
- Added
- + hair follicle SubClassOf organ subunit
- + hair follicle comment Development notes:Formation largely takes place during fetal and perinatal skin development. However, after skin wounding de novo hair follicle formation may also occur in adult mouse and rabbit skin[doi:10.1016/j.cub.2008.12.005].
- + hair follicle database cross reference MESH:D018859
Changes for: viscus
- Deleted
- - viscus database cross reference MESH:A01.960
- Added
- + viscus database cross reference MESH:D014781
Changes for: hair shaft
- Deleted
- - hair shaft definition The non-growing portion of a hair which protrudes from the skin, i.e., from the follicle[BTO]. the cuticle, and/or cortex and/or medulla of a hair[MP]. { database cross reference=BTO:0004672 , database cross reference=MP:0003809 }
- Added
- + hair shaft definition The main part of the hair which is composed of trichocytes and is divided into the cortex and medulla. { database cross reference=http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2008.12.005 }
- + hair shaft editor note TODO - check definition of trichocyte in CL
Changes for: lateral ethmoid palatine process
- Deleted
Changes for: basipterygoid process of parasphenoid
- Deleted
Changes for: atrioventricular canal
- Deleted
- - atrioventricular canal definition The part of the heart connecting the atrium to the cardiac ventricle[ZFA]. In the developing heart, the constriction between the atrium and ventricle constitutes the atrial canal, and indicates the site of the future atrioventricular valves[WP]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atrioventricular_canal , database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/38 , database cross reference=ZFA:0001315 }
- Added
- + atrioventricular canal contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + atrioventricular canal contributor https://github.com/mellybelly
- + atrioventricular canal contributor https://github.com/rfoulger
- + atrioventricular canal definition The part of the heart connecting the atrium to the cardiac ventricle[ZFA]. In the developing heart, the constriction between the atrium and ventricle constitutes the atrial canal, and indicates the site of the future atrioventricular valves[WP]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atrioventricular_canal , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/38 , database cross reference=ZFA:0001315 }
Changes for: interatrial septum
- Deleted
- - interatrial septum definition A cardiac septum that divides the left and right atria of the heart. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + interatrial septum definition A cardiac septum that divides the left and right atria of the heart. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: heart left ventricle
- Deleted
- - heart left ventricle definition A cardiac ventricle that is in the left side of the heart. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + heart left ventricle definition A cardiac ventricle that is in the left side of the heart. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: cardiac ventricle
- Deleted
- - cardiac ventricle database cross reference MESH:A07.541.560
- - cardiac ventricle definition Cardiac chamber through which blood leaves the heart. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ventricle_(heart) , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + cardiac ventricle database cross reference MESH:D006352
- + cardiac ventricle definition Cardiac chamber through which blood leaves the heart. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ventricle_(heart) , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: cardiac atrium
- Deleted
- - cardiac atrium database cross reference MESH:A07.541.358
- - cardiac atrium definition Cardiac chamber in which blood enters the heart. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart_atrium , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + cardiac atrium database cross reference MESH:D006325
- + cardiac atrium definition Cardiac chamber in which blood enters the heart. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart_atrium , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: heart right ventricle
- Deleted
- - heart right ventricle definition A cardiac ventricle that is in the right side of the heart. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + heart right ventricle definition A cardiac ventricle that is in the right side of the heart. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: superficial parotid lymph node
- Deleted
- - superficial parotid lymph node definition A parotid lymph node that is located superficially. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + superficial parotid lymph node definition A parotid lymph node that is located superficially. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: superficial lymph node
- Deleted
- - superficial lymph node definition A lymph node that is located close to the surface. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + superficial lymph node definition A lymph node that is located close to the surface. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: deep lymph node
- Deleted
- - deep lymph node definition A lymph node that is located deeper within the organism, further from the surface. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + deep lymph node definition A lymph node that is located deeper within the organism, further from the surface. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: cardiac mesoderm
- Deleted
- - cardiac mesoderm has related synonym cardiogenic region { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + cardiac mesoderm has related synonym cardiogenic region { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: cranial midline area
- Deleted
- - cranial midline area definition The middle part of the head, located approximately equidistant from the left and the right sides of the head. { database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
- Added
- + cranial midline area contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + cranial midline area contributor https://github.com/seger
- + cranial midline area definition The middle part of the head, located approximately equidistant from the left and the right sides of the head. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/34 , database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
Changes for: chin ventral margin
- Deleted
- - chin ventral margin definition Subdivision of the head consisting of the area along the lower edge of the chin. { database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
- Added
- + chin ventral margin contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + chin ventral margin contributor https://github.com/seger
- + chin ventral margin definition Subdivision of the head consisting of the area along the lower edge of the chin. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/34 , database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
Changes for: collection of hairs on vertex
- Deleted
- - collection of hairs on vertex definition A collection of hairs that grows on the vertex (top of head). { database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
- Added
- + collection of hairs on vertex contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + collection of hairs on vertex contributor https://github.com/seger
- + collection of hairs on vertex definition A collection of hairs that grows on the vertex (top of head). { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/34 , database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
Changes for: midline crest
- Deleted
- - midline crest definition A ridge or peak located along the middle part of the head, located approximately equidistant from the left and the right sides of the head. { database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
- Added
- + midline crest contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + midline crest contributor https://github.com/seger
- + midline crest definition A ridge or peak located along the middle part of the head, located approximately equidistant from the left and the right sides of the head. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/34 , database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
Changes for: left part of face
- Deleted
- - left part of face definition Subdivision of the head consisting of the left half of the face, vertically divided. { database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
- Added
- + left part of face contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + left part of face contributor https://github.com/seger
- + left part of face definition Subdivision of the head consisting of the left half of the face, vertically divided. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/34 , database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
Changes for: forehead protuberance
- Deleted
- - forehead protuberance definition A bulge, knob, or swelling that protrudes from the forehead. { database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
- Added
- + forehead protuberance contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + forehead protuberance contributor https://github.com/seger
- + forehead protuberance definition A bulge, knob, or swelling that protrudes from the forehead. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/34 , database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
Changes for: collection of hair on forehead
- Deleted
- - collection of hair on forehead definition A collection of hairs that grows on the forehead. { database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
- Added
- + collection of hair on forehead contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + collection of hair on forehead contributor https://github.com/seger
- + collection of hair on forehead definition A collection of hairs that grows on the forehead. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/34 , database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
Changes for: external ear margin
- Deleted
- - external ear margin definition Anatomical junction consisting of the area along the edge of the external ear. { database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
- Added
- + external ear margin contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + external ear margin contributor https://github.com/seger
- + external ear margin definition Anatomical junction consisting of the area along the edge of the external ear. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/34 , database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
Changes for: collection of hair on external ear
- Deleted
- - collection of hair on external ear definition A collection of hairs that grows on the external ear. { database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
- Added
- + collection of hair on external ear contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + collection of hair on external ear contributor https://github.com/seger
- + collection of hair on external ear definition A collection of hairs that grows on the external ear. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/34 , database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
Changes for: nasal muscle
- Deleted
- - nasal muscle SubClassOf respiratory system muscle
- - nasal muscle definition Any muscle organ that is part of an olfactory apparatus. { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- Added
- + nasal muscle definition Any muscle organ that is part of an nose. { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
Changes for: piriformis muscle
- Added
- + piriformis muscle SubClassOf axial muscle
Changes for: nose anterior margin
- Deleted
- - nose anterior margin definition Subdivision of the head consisting of the area along the front edge of the external nose. { database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
- Added
- + nose anterior margin contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + nose anterior margin contributor https://github.com/seger
- + nose anterior margin definition Subdivision of the head consisting of the area along the front edge of the external nose. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/34 , database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
Changes for: nose vertex
- Deleted
- - nose vertex definition The extreme point of curvature of the external nose. { database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
- Added
- + nose vertex contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + nose vertex contributor https://github.com/seger
- + nose vertex definition The extreme point of curvature of the external nose. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/34 , database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
Changes for: right part of face
- Deleted
- - right part of face definition Subdivision of the head consisting of the right half of the face, vertically divided. { database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
- Added
- + right part of face contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + right part of face contributor https://github.com/seger
- + right part of face definition Subdivision of the head consisting of the right half of the face, vertically divided. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/34 , database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
Changes for: tip of snout
- Deleted
- - tip of snout definition Subdivision of the head consisting of the pointed or rounded end or extremity of the snout. { database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
- Added
- + tip of snout contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + tip of snout contributor https://github.com/seger
- + tip of snout definition Subdivision of the head consisting of the pointed or rounded end or extremity of the snout. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/34 , database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
Changes for: skin of snout
- Deleted
- - skin of snout definition A zone of skin that is part of the snout. { database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
- Added
- + skin of snout contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + skin of snout contributor https://github.com/seger
- + skin of snout definition A zone of skin that is part of the snout. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/34 , database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
Changes for: cluster of hairs
- Deleted
- - cluster of hairs definition A small collection or tuft of hairs. { database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
- Added
- + cluster of hairs contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + cluster of hairs contributor https://github.com/seger
- + cluster of hairs definition A small collection or tuft of hairs. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/34 , database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
Changes for: tip of external ear
- Deleted
- - tip of external ear definition Subdivision of the head consisting of the pointed or rounded end or extremity of the external ear. { database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
- Added
- + tip of external ear contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + tip of external ear contributor https://github.com/seger
- + tip of external ear definition Subdivision of the head consisting of the pointed or rounded end or extremity of the external ear. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/34 , database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
Changes for: top of head
- Deleted
- - top of head definition The top of the head. { database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
- Added
- + top of head contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + top of head contributor https://github.com/seger
- + top of head definition The top of the head. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/34 , database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
Changes for: collection of hair on snout
- Deleted
- - collection of hair on snout definition A collection of hairs that grows on the snout. { database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
- Added
- + collection of hair on snout contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + collection of hair on snout contributor https://github.com/seger
- + collection of hair on snout definition A collection of hairs that grows on the snout. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/34 , database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
Changes for: skin of face
- Deleted
- - skin of face definition A zone of skin that is part of the face. { database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
- Added
- + skin of face contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + skin of face contributor https://github.com/seger
- + skin of face definition A zone of skin that is part of the face. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/34 , database cross reference=UBERON:EJS }
Changes for: internal iliac lymph node
- Deleted
- - internal iliac lymph node definition The internal iliac lymph nodes (or hypogastric) surround the internal iliac artery and its branches (the hypogastric vessels), and receive the lymphatics corresponding to the distribution of the branches of it, i. e. , they receive lymphatics from all the pelvic viscera, from the deeper parts of the perineum, including the membranous and cavernous portions of the urethra, and from the buttock and back of the thigh. It does not receive lymph from the ovary, testis, or superior half of the rectum; the gonads drain to the paraaortic lymph nodes, while the superior half of the rectum drains to the pararectal lymph nodes. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internal_iliac_lymph_nodes,Wikipedia:Internal_iliac_lymph_nodes }
- Added
- + internal iliac lymph node definition The internal iliac lymph nodes (or hypogastric) surround the internal iliac artery and its branches (the hypogastric vessels), and receive the lymphatics corresponding to the distribution of the branches of it, i. e. , they receive lymphatics from all the pelvic viscera, from the deeper parts of the perineum, including the membranous and cavernous portions of the urethra, and from the buttock and back of the thigh. It does not receive lymph from the ovary, testis, or superior half of the rectum; the gonads drain to the paraaortic lymph nodes, while the superior half of the rectum drains to the pararectal lymph nodes. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internal_iliac_lymph_nodes }
Changes for: strand of vibrissa hair
- Deleted
- - strand of vibrissa hair database cross reference MESH:A13.950
- Added
- + strand of vibrissa hair database cross reference MESH:D014738
Changes for: perihilar interstitium
- Deleted
- - perihilar interstitium definition the part of the renal interstitium surrounding the pelvis { database cross reference=MP:0011337,MGI:anna }
- Added
- + perihilar interstitium definition the part of the renal interstitium surrounding the pelvis { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0011337 }
Changes for: epigastric vein
- Deleted
- - epigastric vein definition A vein that drains the anterior abdominal wall. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + epigastric vein definition A vein that drains the anterior abdominal wall. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: vasa hyaloidea propria
- Deleted
- - vasa hyaloidea propria definition The vasa hyaloidea propria and tunica vasculosa lentis are small branches of the hyaloid artery which fill the primary vitreous { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + vasa hyaloidea propria definition The vasa hyaloidea propria and tunica vasculosa lentis are small branches of the hyaloid artery which fill the primary vitreous { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: heel
- Deleted
- - heel database cross reference MESH:A01.378.610.250.510
- - heel definition The part of the foot that is the projection of the calcaneus. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heel , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + heel database cross reference MESH:D006365
- + heel definition The part of the foot that is the projection of the calcaneus. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heel , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: epigastric artery
- Deleted
- - epigastric artery database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.330
- Added
- + epigastric artery database cross reference MESH:D019074
Changes for: anterior lingual gland
- Deleted
- - anterior lingual gland definition the small glands located near the apex of the tongue on either side of the frenulum { database cross reference=MP:0009518,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + anterior lingual gland definition the small glands located near the apex of the tongue on either side of the frenulum { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0009518 }
Changes for: nasal capsule
- Deleted
- - nasal capsule has related synonym cartilaginous nasal capsule
- Added
- + nasal capsule has exact synonym cartilaginous nasal capsule
- + nasal capsule has narrow synonym tripartite nasal capsule { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25312359 }
- + nasal capsule taxon notes by the process of folding of the cartilaginous nasal capsule during fetal development, outpouchings of the main nasal chamber become enlarged (primary pneumatization) (Witmer, 1999; Macrini, 2014). The resulting paranasal recesses may or may not expand farther into the bodies of facial and basicranial bones (secondary pneumatization). Histori- cally, the result of these processes, paranasal recesses and sinuses, respectively, have not always been distin- guished (see further discussion in Rossie, 2006). Yet, in either case the nasal fossa becomes subdivided into a central nasal chamber and more peripheral paranasal chambers (Smith et al., 2014; Curtis and Van Valken- burgh, 2014)[PMID:25312359]
Changes for: nucleus lateralis valvulae
- Deleted
- - nucleus lateralis valvulae definition Hindbrain nucleus in the tegmental region of rhombomere 1. The cells of the nucleus are granular and lie at the ventral border of the cerebellum and brain stem. { database cross reference=ZFA:0000551 , database cross reference=ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100601-20 , database cross reference=ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280 }
- Added
- + nucleus lateralis valvulae definition Hindbrain nucleus in the tegmental region of rhombomere 1. The cells of the nucleus are granular and lie at the ventral border of the cerebellum and brain stem. { database cross reference=ZFA:0000551 , database cross reference=ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100601-20 , database cross reference=ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280 }
Changes for: ocular refractive media
- Deleted
- - ocular refractive media definition Body substance in a liquid or semi-solid state in the eyeball which serves to refract light. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + ocular refractive media definition Body substance in a liquid or semi-solid state in the eyeball which serves to refract light. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: chamber of eyeball
- Deleted
- - chamber of eyeball definition A segment of the eyeball that is filled with refractive media { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + chamber of eyeball definition A segment of the eyeball that is filled with refractive media { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: bodily fluid
- Deleted
- - bodily fluid database cross reference MESH:A12.207
- Added
- + bodily fluid database cross reference MESH:D001826
Changes for: truncus arteriosus
- Deleted
- - truncus arteriosus database cross reference MESH:A07.541.278.930
- Added
- + truncus arteriosus database cross reference MESH:D014338
Changes for: femoral artery
- Deleted
- - femoral artery database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.351
- Added
- + femoral artery database cross reference MESH:D005263
Changes for: stratum granulosum of epidermis
- Deleted
- - stratum granulosum of epidermis definition the layer of flattened cells containing basophilic granules of keratohyalin and lying just above the stratum spinosum (spiny layer) of the epidermis { database cross reference=MP:0001239,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + stratum granulosum of epidermis definition the layer of flattened cells containing basophilic granules of keratohyalin and lying just above the stratum spinosum (spiny layer) of the epidermis { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0001239 }
Changes for: umbilical vein
- Deleted
- - umbilical vein database cross reference MESH:A07.231.908.670.874
- Added
- + umbilical vein database cross reference MESH:D014471
Changes for: dermis
- Deleted
- - dermis database cross reference MESH:A17.815.180
- Added
- + dermis database cross reference MESH:D020405
Changes for: zona glomerulosa of adrenal gland
- Deleted
- - zona glomerulosa of adrenal gland database cross reference MESH:A06.407.071.140.960
- - zona glomerulosa of adrenal gland definition the narrow subcapsular outer zone of the adrenal cortex where aldosterone is produced { database cross reference=MP:0008293,MESH:A06.407.071.140.960,MGI:llw2 }
- Added
- + zona glomerulosa of adrenal gland database cross reference MESH:D015384
- + zona glomerulosa of adrenal gland definition the narrow subcapsular outer zone of the adrenal cortex where aldosterone is produced { database cross reference=MESH:A06.407.071.140.960 , database cross reference=MGI:llw2 , database cross reference=MP:0008293 }
Changes for: embryonic structure
- Deleted
- - embryonic structure database cross reference MESH:A16
- Added
- + embryonic structure database cross reference MESH:D004628
Changes for: submandibular ganglion
- Deleted
- - submandibular ganglion definition the ganglion associated with the lingual nerve that provides postsynaptic fibers to the submandibular and sublingual glands { database cross reference=MP:0001035,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + submandibular ganglion SubClassOf digestive system element
- + submandibular ganglion definition the ganglion associated with the lingual nerve that provides postsynaptic fibers to the submandibular and sublingual glands { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0001035 }
Changes for: zona fasciculata of adrenal gland
- Deleted
- - zona fasciculata of adrenal gland database cross reference MESH:A06.407.071.140.950
- - zona fasciculata of adrenal gland definition the wide middle zone of the adrenal cortex that produces cortisol (hydrocortisone) { database cross reference=MP:0008294,MESH:A06.407.071.140.950 }
- Added
- + zona fasciculata of adrenal gland database cross reference MESH:D015383
- + zona fasciculata of adrenal gland definition the wide middle zone of the adrenal cortex that produces cortisol (hydrocortisone) { database cross reference=MESH:A06.407.071.140.950 , database cross reference=MP:0008294 }
Changes for: zona reticularis of adrenal gland
- Deleted
- - zona reticularis of adrenal gland database cross reference MESH:A06.407.071.140.970
- - zona reticularis of adrenal gland definition the inner zone of the adrenal cortex that produces the enzymes that convert pregnenolone, a 21-carbon steroid, to 19-carbon steroids { database cross reference=MP:0008295,MESH:A06.407.071.140.970 }
- Added
- + zona reticularis of adrenal gland database cross reference MESH:D015385
- + zona reticularis of adrenal gland definition the inner zone of the adrenal cortex that produces the enzymes that convert pregnenolone, a 21-carbon steroid, to 19-carbon steroids { database cross reference=MESH:A06.407.071.140.970 , database cross reference=MP:0008295 }
Changes for: bronchial artery
- Deleted
- - bronchial artery database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.158
- Added
- + bronchial artery database cross reference MESH:D001981
Changes for: lymphatic vessel endothelium
- Deleted
- - lymphatic vessel endothelium database cross reference MESH:A10.272.491.332
- Added
- + lymphatic vessel endothelium database cross reference MESH:D004729
Changes for: thyroid gland
- Deleted
- - thyroid gland database cross reference MESH:A06.407.900
- Added
- + thyroid gland database cross reference MESH:D013961
Changes for: lung
- Deleted
- - lung database cross reference MESH:A04.411
- - lung definition Respiration organ that develops as an oupocketing of the esophagus. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + lung database cross reference MESH:D008168
- + lung definition Respiration organ that develops as an oupocketing of the esophagus. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + lung see also https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/701
Changes for: nipple
- Deleted
- - nipple database cross reference MESH:A01.236.500
- Added
- + nipple database cross reference MESH:D009558
Changes for: epithelium of bronchus
- Deleted
- - epithelium of bronchus SubClassOf simple columnar epithelium
Changes for: arrector muscle of hair
- Deleted
- - arrector muscle of hair definition tiny muscle fiber attached to each hair follicle, which contract to make the hairs stand on end, causing goose bumps. They exist in most mammals including humans. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arrector_pili_muscle }
- Added
- + arrector muscle of hair definition A tiny smooth muscle that connects the hair follicle with the dermis. { database cross reference=http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2008.12.005 }
- + arrector muscle of hair function notes When contracted the arrector pili causes the raising of the hair
Changes for: cerebellum
- Deleted
- - cerebellum database cross reference MESH:A08.
- Added
- + cerebellum database cross reference MESH:D002531
Changes for: stratum spinosum of epidermis
- Deleted
- - stratum spinosum of epidermis definition the layer of polyhedral cells in the epidermis found between the stratum granulosum and stratum basale; shrinkage and adhesion of these cells gives a spiny or prickly appearance { database cross reference=MP:0001236,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + stratum spinosum of epidermis definition the layer of polyhedral cells in the epidermis found between the stratum granulosum and stratum basale; shrinkage and adhesion of these cells gives a spiny or prickly appearance { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0001236 }
Changes for: stratum basale of epidermis
- Deleted
- - stratum basale of epidermis definition the deepest layer of the epidermis, which is composed of dividing stem cells and anchoring cells { database cross reference=MP:0001231,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- - stratum basale of epidermis function notes replaced damaged cells on outside of body
- Added
- + stratum basale of epidermis definition the deepest layer of the epidermis, which is composed of dividing stem cells and anchoring cells { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0001231 }
- + stratum basale of epidermis function notes replaces damaged cells on outside of body
Changes for: skeleton
- Deleted
- - skeleton database cross reference MESH:A02.835
- Added
- + skeleton database cross reference MESH:D012863
Changes for: hindbrain
- Deleted
- - hindbrain database cross reference MESH:A08.
- Added
- + hindbrain database cross reference MESH:D012249
Changes for: stratum corneum of epidermis
- Deleted
- - stratum corneum of epidermis definition the outer layer of the epidermis, consisting of several layers of flat keratinized non-nucleated cells { database cross reference=MP:0001240,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + stratum corneum of epidermis definition the outer layer of the epidermis, consisting of several layers of flat keratinized non-nucleated cells { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0001240 }
Changes for: gray matter
- Deleted
- - gray matter definition A nervous system structure composed primarily of nerve cell bodies (somas). May also include dendrites and the initial unmyelinated portion of axons. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gray_matter , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + gray matter definition A nervous system structure composed primarily of nerve cell bodies (somas). May also include dendrites and the initial unmyelinated portion of axons. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gray_matter , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: synovial membrane of synovial joint
- Deleted
- - synovial membrane of synovial joint database cross reference MESH:A02.835.583.443.800
- Added
- + synovial membrane of synovial joint database cross reference MESH:D013583
Changes for: accessory XI nerve
- Deleted
- - accessory XI nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.120.060
- - accessory XI nerve definition A cranial nerve that originates from neurons in the medulla and in the cervical spinal cord. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_812 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + accessory XI nerve database cross reference MESH:D000055
- + accessory XI nerve definition A cranial nerve that originates from neurons in the medulla and in the cervical spinal cord. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_812 }
Changes for: portal vein
- Deleted
- - portal vein database cross reference MESH:A07.231.908.670.567
- Added
- + portal vein database cross reference MESH:D011169
Changes for: pulmonary vein
- Deleted
- - pulmonary vein database cross reference MESH:A07.231.908.713
- Added
- + pulmonary vein database cross reference MESH:D011667
Changes for: kidney capsule
- Deleted
- - kidney capsule SubClassOf part of some kidney
- - kidney capsule definition the tough fibrous layer surrounding the kidney which is covered in a thick layer of perirenal adipose tissue that functions to provide some protection from trauma and damage { database cross reference=MP:0011383,MGI:anna }
- Added
- + kidney capsule EquivalentTo fibrous connective tissue and bounding layer of some kidney
- + kidney capsule SubClassOf bounding layer of some kidney
- + kidney capsule SubClassOf fibrous connective tissue
- + kidney capsule definition the tough fibrous layer surrounding the kidney which is covered in a thick layer of perirenal adipose tissue that functions to provide some protection from trauma and damage { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0011383 }
Changes for: pulmonary artery
- Deleted
- - pulmonary artery database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.715
- - pulmonary artery definition An artery that carries deoxygenated blood from heart to the lungs. They are the only arteries (other than umbilical arteries in the fetus) that carry deoxygenated blood.. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulmonary_artery , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + pulmonary artery database cross reference MESH:D011651
- + pulmonary artery definition An artery that carries deoxygenated blood from heart to the lungs. They are the only arteries (other than umbilical arteries in the fetus) that carry deoxygenated blood.. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulmonary_artery , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: celiac nerve plexus
- Deleted
- - celiac nerve plexus database cross reference MESH:A08.800.050.050.150
- Added
- + celiac nerve plexus database cross reference MESH:D002447
Changes for: medulla of lymph node
- Deleted
- - medulla of lymph node definition The mdeullary portion of the lymph node, which contains large blood vessels, sinuses and medullary cords that contain antibody-secreting plasma cells. { database cross reference=Medulla , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + medulla of lymph node definition The mdeullary portion of the lymph node, which contains large blood vessels, sinuses and medullary cords that contain antibody-secreting plasma cells. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=Medulla }
Changes for: enteric nervous system
- Deleted
- - enteric nervous system database cross reference MESH:A08.800.050.150
- Added
- + enteric nervous system database cross reference MESH:D017615
Changes for: epithelium of mammary gland
- Deleted
- - epithelium of mammary gland definition the epithelial layer of the luminal surfaces of the mammary gland { database cross reference=MP:0009504,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + epithelium of mammary gland definition the epithelial layer of the luminal surfaces of the mammary gland { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0009504 }
Changes for: epithelium of forearm
- Deleted
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym antebrachial region epithelial tissue { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym antebrachial region epithelium { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym arm middle limb segment epithelial tissue { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym arm middle limb segment epithelium { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym arm zeugopod epithelial tissue { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym arm zeugopod epithelium { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym brachial region middle limb segment epithelial tissue { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym brachial region middle limb segment epithelium { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym brachial region zeugopod epithelial tissue { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym brachial region zeugopod epithelium { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelial tissue of antebrachial region { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelial tissue of arm middle limb segment { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelial tissue of arm zeugopod { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelial tissue of brachial region middle limb segment { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelial tissue of brachial region zeugopod { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelial tissue of intermediate segment of free upper limb { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelial tissue of lower arm { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelial tissue of lower segment of arm { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelial tissue of middle limb segment of arm { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelial tissue of middle limb segment of brachial region { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelial tissue of middle limb segment of proximal segment of free upper limb { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelial tissue of proximal segment of free upper limb middle limb segment { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelial tissue of proximal segment of free upper limb zeugopod { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelial tissue of zeugopod of arm { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelial tissue of zeugopod of brachial region { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelial tissue of zeugopod of proximal segment of free upper limb { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelium of antebrachial region { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelium of arm middle limb segment { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelium of arm zeugopod { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelium of brachial region middle limb segment { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelium of brachial region zeugopod { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelium of intermediate segment of free upper limb { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelium of lower arm { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelium of lower segment of arm { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelium of middle limb segment of arm { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelium of middle limb segment of brachial region { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelium of middle limb segment of proximal segment of free upper limb { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelium of proximal segment of free upper limb middle limb segment { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelium of proximal segment of free upper limb zeugopod { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelium of zeugopod of arm { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelium of zeugopod of brachial region { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym epithelium of zeugopod of proximal segment of free upper limb { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym intermediate segment of free upper limb epithelial tissue { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym intermediate segment of free upper limb epithelium { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym lower arm epithelial tissue { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym lower arm epithelium { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym lower segment of arm epithelial tissue { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym lower segment of arm epithelium { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym middle limb segment of arm epithelial tissue { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym middle limb segment of arm epithelium { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym middle limb segment of brachial region epithelial tissue { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym middle limb segment of brachial region epithelium { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym middle limb segment of proximal segment of free upper limb epithelial tissue { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym middle limb segment of proximal segment of free upper limb epithelium { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym proximal segment of free upper limb middle limb segment epithelial tissue { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym proximal segment of free upper limb middle limb segment epithelium { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym proximal segment of free upper limb zeugopod epithelial tissue { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym proximal segment of free upper limb zeugopod epithelium { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym zeugopod of arm epithelial tissue { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym zeugopod of arm epithelium { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym zeugopod of brachial region epithelial tissue { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym zeugopod of brachial region epithelium { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym zeugopod of proximal segment of free upper limb epithelial tissue { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- - epithelium of forearm has exact synonym zeugopod of proximal segment of free upper limb epithelium { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- Added
- + epithelium of forearm has exact synonym forearm epithelium
Changes for: skeleton of lower jaw
- Deleted
- - skeleton of lower jaw external ontology notes Inclusion of the FMA class ‘lower jaw’ is debatable - this mostly corresponds to the lower jaw skeleton (with ‘maxillary part of mouth’ corresponding to the upper jaw region); however, the FMA class also includes gingiva. See also: https://sourceforge.net/p/obo/mouse-anatomy-requests/88/ { external ontology=FMA }
- Added
- + skeleton of lower jaw external ontology notes Inclusion of the FMA class ‘lower jaw’ is debatable - this mostly corresponds to the lower jaw skeleton (with ‘maxillary part of mouth’ corresponding to the upper jaw region); however, the FMA class also includes gingiva. See also: https://github.com/obophenotype/mouse-anatomy-ontology/issues/102 { external ontology=FMA }
Changes for: skeleton of upper jaw
- Deleted
- - skeleton of upper jaw external ontology notes EMAPA/MA placement unclear. See https://sourceforge.net/p/obo/mouse-anatomy-requests/88/ { external ontology=EMAPA }
- Added
- + skeleton of upper jaw external ontology notes EMAPA/MA placement unclear. See https://github.com/obophenotype/mouse-anatomy-ontology/issues/102 { external ontology=EMAPA }
Changes for: tooth of lower jaw
- Deleted
- - tooth of lower jaw definition A calcareous tooth that is part of the lower jaw region. In mammals, the lower jaw teeth are attached to the mandible (dentary). { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + tooth of lower jaw definition A calcareous tooth that is part of the lower jaw region. In mammals, the lower jaw teeth are attached to the mandible (dentary). { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: tooth of upper jaw
- Deleted
- - tooth of upper jaw definition A calcareous tooth that is part of the upper jaw region. In mammals, the upper jaw teeth are attached to the maxilla. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + tooth of upper jaw definition A calcareous tooth that is part of the upper jaw region. In mammals, the upper jaw teeth are attached to the maxilla. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: hard palate
- Deleted
- - hard palate database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.781.324.502.660
- Added
- + hard palate database cross reference MESH:D021362
Changes for: pharyngeal gill precursor
- Deleted
- - pharyngeal gill precursor definition A primordium or bud that develops into a gill. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + pharyngeal gill precursor definition A primordium or bud that develops into a gill. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: fin
- Deleted
- - fin database cross reference MESH:A13.077
- Added
- + fin database cross reference MESH:D058500
Changes for: distal phalanx
- Deleted
- - distal phalanx definition Distal-most phalanx within a digit. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + distal phalanx contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + distal phalanx contributor https://github.com/mellybelly
- + distal phalanx definition Distal-most phalanx within a digit. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/120 }
Changes for: middle phalanx
- Deleted
- - middle phalanx definition A phalanx located between proximal and distal phalanges. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + middle phalanx definition A phalanx located between proximal and distal phalanges. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: proximal phalanx
- Deleted
- - proximal phalanx definition Proximal-most phalanx within a digit. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + proximal phalanx definition Proximal-most phalanx within a digit. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: proximal phalanx of manual digit 3
- Deleted
- - proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 has exact synonym proximal phalanx of manual digit III { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 has exact synonym proximal phalanx of manual digit III { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: proximal phalanx of manual digit 2
- Deleted
- - proximal phalanx of manual digit 2 has exact synonym proximal phalanx of manual digit II { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + proximal phalanx of manual digit 2 has exact synonym proximal phalanx of manual digit II { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: middle phalanx of pedal digit 2
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: middle phalanx of pedal digit 3
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: middle phalanx of pedal digit 4
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: middle phalanx of pedal digit 5
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: middle phalanx of manual digit 2
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: middle phalanx of manual digit 3
- Deleted
- - middle phalanx of manual digit 3 has exact synonym middle phalanx of manual digit III { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + middle phalanx of manual digit 3 has exact synonym middle phalanx of manual digit III { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: middle phalanx of manual digit 4
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: middle phalanx of manual digit 5
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: distal phalanx of pedal digit 5
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: distal phalanx of pedal digit 4
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: distal phalanx of pedal digit 3
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: distal phalanx of pedal digit 1
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: distal phalanx of pedal digit 2
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: distal phalanx of manual digit 4
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: distal phalanx of manual digit 5
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: distal phalanx of manual digit 2
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: distal phalanx of manual digit 3
- Deleted
- - distal phalanx of manual digit 3 has exact synonym distal phalanx of manual digit III { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + distal phalanx of manual digit 3 has exact synonym distal phalanx of manual digit III { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: gubernaculum (male or female)
- Deleted
- - gubernaculum (male or female) has exact synonym gubernaculum { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
Changes for: transduate
- Deleted
- - transduate database cross reference MESH:A12.383
- Added
- + transduate database cross reference MESH:D005122
Changes for: secondary tooth
- Deleted
- - secondary tooth definition A tooth that forms after a primary tooth { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + secondary tooth definition A tooth that forms after a primary tooth { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3
- Deleted
- - proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 has exact synonym proximal phalanx of pedal digit III { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 has exact synonym proximal phalanx of pedal digit III { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: proximal phalanx of pedal digit 2
- Deleted
- - proximal phalanx of pedal digit 2 has exact synonym proximal phalanx of pedal digit II { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + proximal phalanx of pedal digit 2 has exact synonym proximal phalanx of pedal digit II { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: proximal phalanx of pedal digit 1
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: proximal phalanx of manual digit 5
- Deleted
- - proximal phalanx of manual digit 5 has exact synonym proximal phalanx of manual digit V { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + proximal phalanx of manual digit 5 has exact synonym proximal phalanx of manual digit V { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: metatarsophalangeal joint of pedal digit 5
- Deleted
- - metatarsophalangeal joint of pedal digit 5 has exact synonym metatarsophalangeal joint of pedal digit V { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + metatarsophalangeal joint of pedal digit 5 has exact synonym metatarsophalangeal joint of pedal digit V { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: proximal phalanx of manual digit 1
- Deleted
- - proximal phalanx of manual digit 1 has exact synonym proximal phalanx of manual digit I { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + proximal phalanx of manual digit 1 has exact synonym proximal phalanx of manual digit I { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: distal phalanx of manual digit 1
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: proximal phalanx of pedal digit 5
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: proximal phalanx of pedal digit 4
- Deleted
- - proximal phalanx of pedal digit 4 has exact synonym proximal phalanx of pedal digit IV { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + proximal phalanx of pedal digit 4 has exact synonym proximal phalanx of pedal digit IV { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: proximal phalanx of manual digit 4
- Deleted
- - proximal phalanx of manual digit 4 has exact synonym proximal phalanx of manual digit IV { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + proximal phalanx of manual digit 4 has exact synonym proximal phalanx of manual digit IV { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: gyrus
- Added
Changes for: vitelline blood vessel
- Deleted
- - vitelline blood vessel definition blood vessel that is connected to the yolk sac. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + vitelline blood vessel definition blood vessel that is connected to the yolk sac. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: ascitic fluid
- Deleted
- - ascitic fluid database cross reference MESH:A12.207.119
- Added
- + ascitic fluid database cross reference MESH:D001202
Changes for: Descemet’s membrane
- Deleted
- - Descemet’s membrane database cross reference MESH:A09.371.060.217.271
- - Descemet’s membrane definition transparent homogeneous acellular layer found between the substantia propria and the endothelial layer of the cornea[MP]. The strong, resistant, thin, noncellular fourth layer of the cornea, located between the endothelium (from which it is secreted) and the stroma. (Cline et al., Dictionary of Visual Science, 4th ed). { database cross reference=MP:0004285 }
- Added
- + Descemet’s membrane contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + Descemet’s membrane contributor https://github.com/gkoutos
- + Descemet’s membrane database cross reference MESH:D003886
- + Descemet’s membrane definition transparent homogeneous acellular layer found between the substantia propria and the endothelial layer of the cornea[MP]. The strong, resistant, thin, noncellular fourth layer of the cornea, located between the endothelium (from which it is secreted) and the stroma. (Cline et al., Dictionary of Visual Science, 4th ed). { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/15 , database cross reference=MP:0004285 }
- + Descemet’s membrane see also https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/15
Changes for: vascular system
- Deleted
- - vascular system definition Anatomical system that consists of all blood and lymph vessels. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + vascular system definition Anatomical system that consists of all blood and lymph vessels. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: pallium
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: pharyngeal arch 1
- Deleted
- - pharyngeal arch 1 definition The first of the series of pharyngeal arches that develop into jaw bones or their homologs, and their associated nerves and arteries { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + pharyngeal arch 1 definition The first of the series of pharyngeal arches that develop into jaw bones or their homologs, and their associated nerves and arteries { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: tetrapod frontal bone
- Deleted
- - tetrapod frontal bone database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.781.375
- - tetrapod frontal bone definition the bone forming the forehead and roof of the eye orbit { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frontal_bone , database cross reference=MP:0000107,ISBN:0-683-40008-8,PMID:7914451 }
- Added
- + tetrapod frontal bone database cross reference MESH:D005624
- + tetrapod frontal bone definition the bone forming the forehead and roof of the eye orbit { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frontal_bone , database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7914451 , database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0000107 }
Changes for: exudate
- Deleted
- - exudate database cross reference MESH:A12.383
- Added
- + exudate database cross reference MESH:D005122
Changes for: interphalangeal joint of pes
- Deleted
- - interphalangeal joint of pes database cross reference MESH:A02.835.583.378.900
- Added
- + interphalangeal joint of pes database cross reference MESH:D014033
Changes for: vitelline vasculature
- Deleted
- - vitelline vasculature definition vascular network that is connected to the yolk sac. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + vitelline vasculature definition vascular network that is connected to the yolk sac. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: interphalangeal joint of pedal digit 3
- Deleted
- - interphalangeal joint of pedal digit 3 has exact synonym interphalangeal joint of pedal digit III { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + interphalangeal joint of pedal digit 3 has exact synonym interphalangeal joint of pedal digit III { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: interphalangeal joint of pedal digit 2
- Deleted
- - interphalangeal joint of pedal digit 2 has exact synonym interphalangeal joint of pedal digit II { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + interphalangeal joint of pedal digit 2 has exact synonym interphalangeal joint of pedal digit II { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: interphalangeal joint of pedal digit 1
- Deleted
- - interphalangeal joint of pedal digit 1 has exact synonym interphalangeal joint of pedal digit I { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + interphalangeal joint of pedal digit 1 has exact synonym interphalangeal joint of pedal digit I { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: interphalangeal joint of manual digit 1
- Deleted
- - interphalangeal joint of manual digit 1 has exact synonym interphalangeal joint of manual digit I { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + interphalangeal joint of manual digit 1 has exact synonym interphalangeal joint of manual digit I { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: distal epiphysis
- Deleted
- - distal epiphysis definition An epiphysis that is on the distal side of the bone. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + distal epiphysis definition An epiphysis that is on the distal side of the bone. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: induseum griseum
- Deleted
- - induseum griseum definition Thin layer of cortex lying on the dorsal surface of the corpus callosum. It has been debated whether it is more related to the hippocampus or the olfactory bulb (Shipley et al., Olfactory System In Paxinos The Rat Nervous System, 2nd ed) { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_49940 }
- Added
- + induseum griseum definition Thin layer of cortex lying on the dorsal surface of the corpus callosum. It has been debated whether it is more related to the hippocampus or the olfactory bulb (Shipley et al., Olfactory System In Paxinos The Rat Nervous System, 2nd ed) { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_49940 }
Changes for: interphalangeal joint of manual digit 2
- Deleted
- - interphalangeal joint of manual digit 2 has exact synonym interphalangeal joint of manual digit II { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + interphalangeal joint of manual digit 2 has exact synonym interphalangeal joint of manual digit II { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: interphalangeal joint of pedal digit 4
- Deleted
- - interphalangeal joint of pedal digit 4 has exact synonym interphalangeal joint of pedal digit IV { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + interphalangeal joint of pedal digit 4 has exact synonym interphalangeal joint of pedal digit IV { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: interphalangeal joint of pedal digit 5
- Deleted
- - interphalangeal joint of pedal digit 5 has exact synonym interphalangeal joint of pedal digit V { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + interphalangeal joint of pedal digit 5 has exact synonym interphalangeal joint of pedal digit V { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: interphalangeal joint of manual digit 4
- Deleted
- - interphalangeal joint of manual digit 4 has exact synonym interphalangeal joint of manual digit IV { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + interphalangeal joint of manual digit 4 has exact synonym interphalangeal joint of manual digit IV { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: interphalangeal joint of manual digit 3
- Deleted
- - interphalangeal joint of manual digit 3 has exact synonym interphalangeal joint of manual digit III { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + interphalangeal joint of manual digit 3 has exact synonym interphalangeal joint of manual digit III { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: life cycle
Changes for: interphalangeal joint of manual digit 5
- Deleted
- - interphalangeal joint of manual digit 5 has exact synonym interphalangeal joint of manual digit V { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + interphalangeal joint of manual digit 5 has exact synonym interphalangeal joint of manual digit V { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: proximal epiphysis
- Deleted
- - proximal epiphysis definition An epiphysis that is on the proximal side of the bone. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + proximal epiphysis definition An epiphysis that is on the proximal side of the bone. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: metacarpophalangeal joint of manual digit 1
- Deleted
- - metacarpophalangeal joint of manual digit 1 has exact synonym metacarpophalangeal joint of manual digit I { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + metacarpophalangeal joint of manual digit 1 has exact synonym metacarpophalangeal joint of manual digit I { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: upper respiratory conduit
- Deleted
- - upper respiratory conduit definition Any anatomical conduit which is part of the upper respiratory tract { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + upper respiratory conduit definition Any anatomical conduit which is part of the upper respiratory tract { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: respiratory segment of nasal mucosa
- Deleted
- - respiratory segment of nasal mucosa definition The portion of the nasal mucosa that is part of the respiratory system. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + respiratory segment of nasal mucosa definition The portion of the nasal mucosa that is part of the respiratory system. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: metacarpophalangeal joint of manual digit 2
- Deleted
- - metacarpophalangeal joint of manual digit 2 has exact synonym metacarpophalangeal joint of manual digit II { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + metacarpophalangeal joint of manual digit 2 has exact synonym metacarpophalangeal joint of manual digit II { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: blastopore
- Added
Changes for: metacarpophalangeal joint of manual digit 5
- Deleted
- - metacarpophalangeal joint of manual digit 5 has exact synonym metacarpophalangeal joint of manual digit V { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + metacarpophalangeal joint of manual digit 5 has exact synonym metacarpophalangeal joint of manual digit V { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: metacarpophalangeal joint of manual digit 4
- Deleted
- - metacarpophalangeal joint of manual digit 4 has exact synonym metacarpophalangeal joint of manual digit IV { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + metacarpophalangeal joint of manual digit 4 has exact synonym metacarpophalangeal joint of manual digit IV { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: metacarpophalangeal joint of manual digit 3
- Deleted
- - metacarpophalangeal joint of manual digit 3 has exact synonym metacarpophalangeal joint of manual digit III { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + metacarpophalangeal joint of manual digit 3 has exact synonym metacarpophalangeal joint of manual digit III { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: digit 6 plus metapodial segment
- Deleted
- - digit 6 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 }
- - digit 6 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym digit VI plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + digit 6 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 }
- + digit 6 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym digit VI plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: digit 7 plus metapodial segment
- Deleted
- - digit 7 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 }
- - digit 7 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym digit VII plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + digit 7 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 }
- + digit 7 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym digit VII plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: digit 8 plus metapodial segment
- Deleted
- - digit 8 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 }
- - digit 8 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym digit VIII plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + digit 8 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 }
- + digit 8 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym digit VIII plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: organogenesis stage
Changes for: sexually immature stage
Changes for: post-juvenile adult stage
- Added
Changes for: lung connective tissue
- Deleted
- - lung connective tissue definition the connective tissue located between the respiratory (airway and alveolar) epithelium, the capillary endothelium and pleural mesothelium; it contains basement membrane composed of collagen, elastin, proteoglycans, and fibronectin; it functions in the mechanical behavior of the lung, and forms a barrier to regulate the flow of plasma constituents from the capillaries to the airway and alveolar spaces { database cross reference=MP:0002276,ISBN:0-683-40008-8,MGI:anna,PMID:14635660 }
- Added
- + lung connective tissue definition the connective tissue located between the respiratory (airway and alveolar) epithelium, the capillary endothelium and pleural mesothelium; it contains basement membrane composed of collagen, elastin, proteoglycans, and fibronectin; it functions in the mechanical behavior of the lung, and forms a barrier to regulate the flow of plasma constituents from the capillaries to the airway and alveolar spaces { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14635660 , database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0002276 }
Changes for: neurula stage
Changes for: metatarsophalangeal joint of pedal digit 3
- Deleted
- - metatarsophalangeal joint of pedal digit 3 has exact synonym metatarsophalangeal joint of pedal digit III { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + metatarsophalangeal joint of pedal digit 3 has exact synonym metatarsophalangeal joint of pedal digit III { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: metatarsophalangeal joint of pedal digit 4
- Deleted
- - metatarsophalangeal joint of pedal digit 4 has exact synonym metatarsophalangeal joint of pedal digit IV { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + metatarsophalangeal joint of pedal digit 4 has exact synonym metatarsophalangeal joint of pedal digit IV { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: metatarsophalangeal joint of pedal digit 2
- Deleted
- - metatarsophalangeal joint of pedal digit 2 has exact synonym metatarsophalangeal joint of pedal digit II { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + metatarsophalangeal joint of pedal digit 2 has exact synonym metatarsophalangeal joint of pedal digit II { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: facial nucleus
- Deleted
- - facial nucleus definition the group of motor neurons residing in the pons that innervate the muscles of facial expression { database cross reference=MP:0000909,ISBN:0838580343 }
- Added
- + facial nucleus definition the group of motor neurons residing in the pons that innervate the muscles of facial expression { database cross reference=ISBN:0838580343 , database cross reference=MP:0000909 }
Changes for: digit 6
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: metatarsophalangeal joint of pedal digit 1
- Deleted
- - metatarsophalangeal joint of pedal digit 1 has exact synonym metatarsophalangeal joint of pedal digit I { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + metatarsophalangeal joint of pedal digit 1 has exact synonym metatarsophalangeal joint of pedal digit I { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: digit 8
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: digit 7
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: theca cell layer
- Deleted
- - theca cell layer definition A layer of the ovarian follicle that consists of theca cells. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + theca cell layer definition A layer of the ovarian follicle that consists of theca cells. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: membranous layer
- Deleted
- - membranous layer database cross reference MESH:A10.615
- Added
- + membranous layer database cross reference MESH:D008566
Changes for: dorsal paramedian reticular nucleus
- Deleted
- - dorsal paramedian reticular nucleus definition Small nucleus in the brainstem of human, located adjacent and medial to the nucleus prepositus in the dorsal medulla, described in several atlases of human brain stem. In transverse sections, it is oval with its long axis aligned with the dorsal border of the brainstem. It begins at about the same A-P level as the nucleus prepositus, just rostral to the hypoglossal nucleus. It includes calretinin immunoreactive large cells with oval or polygonal cell bodies. Cells are not immunoreactive for either calbindin or parvalbumin, but a few fibers immunoreactive to each protein are found within its central region. Cells in PMD are also immunoreactive to nNOS, and immunoreactivity to a neurofilament protein shows many labeled cells and fibers. According to Baizer et al., no equivalent structure was observed in the cat, rat, mouse or monkey atlas although they did not look at the brains of the great apes. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_143549 }
- Added
- + dorsal paramedian reticular nucleus definition Small nucleus in the brainstem of human, located adjacent and medial to the nucleus prepositus in the dorsal medulla, described in several atlases of human brain stem. In transverse sections, it is oval with its long axis aligned with the dorsal border of the brainstem. It begins at about the same A-P level as the nucleus prepositus, just rostral to the hypoglossal nucleus. It includes calretinin immunoreactive large cells with oval or polygonal cell bodies. Cells are not immunoreactive for either calbindin or parvalbumin, but a few fibers immunoreactive to each protein are found within its central region. Cells in PMD are also immunoreactive to nNOS, and immunoreactivity to a neurofilament protein shows many labeled cells and fibers. According to Baizer et al., no equivalent structure was observed in the cat, rat, mouse or monkey atlas although they did not look at the brains of the great apes. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_143549 }
Changes for: proximal-distal subdivision of colon
- Deleted
- - proximal-distal subdivision of colon definition A section dividing a colon along a proximal-distal axis. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + proximal-distal subdivision of colon definition A section dividing a colon along a proximal-distal axis. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: mouth
- Deleted
- - mouth database cross reference MESH:A01.456.505.631
- - mouth has related synonym trophic apparatus { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + mouth database cross reference MESH:D009055
- + mouth has related synonym trophic apparatus { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + mouth see also https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/661
Changes for: primitive urogenital sinus
- Deleted
- - primitive urogenital sinus definition the ventral part of the cloaca remaining after septation of the rectum, which further develops into part of the bladder, part of the prostatic part of the male urethra and the urethra and vestibule in females { database cross reference=MP:0010116,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + primitive urogenital sinus definition the ventral part of the cloaca remaining after septation of the rectum, which further develops into part of the bladder, part of the prostatic part of the male urethra and the urethra and vestibule in females { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0010116 }
Changes for: cloaca
- Deleted
- - cloaca database cross reference MESH:A13.223
- Added
- + cloaca database cross reference MESH:D002988
Changes for: pair of lungs
- Deleted
- - pair of lungs definition The pair of anatomical structures comprised of a left lung and right lung. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + pair of lungs definition The pair of anatomical structures comprised of a left lung and right lung. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: amniotic fluid
- Deleted
- - amniotic fluid database cross reference MESH:A12.098
- Added
- + amniotic fluid database cross reference MESH:D000653
Changes for: excreta
- Deleted
- - excreta definition A portion of organism substance that is the product of an excretion process that will be eliminated from the body. An excretion process is elimination by an organism of the waste products that arise as a result of metabolic activity { database cross reference=GO:0007588 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + excreta definition A portion of organism substance that is the product of an excretion process that will be eliminated from the body. An excretion process is elimination by an organism of the waste products that arise as a result of metabolic activity { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=GO:0007588 }
Changes for: haemolymphatic fluid
- Deleted
- - haemolymphatic fluid definition Circulating fluid that is part of the hemolymphoid system. Blood, lymph, interstitial fluid or its analogs. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + haemolymphatic fluid definition Circulating fluid that is part of the hemolymphoid system. Blood, lymph, interstitial fluid or its analogs. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: blood
- Deleted
- - blood database cross reference MESH:A12.207.152
- - blood definition A fluid that is composed of blood plasma and erythrocytes. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood , database cross reference=FMA:9670 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + blood contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + blood contributor https://github.com/tmeehan
- + blood database cross reference MESH:D001769
- + blood definition A fluid that is composed of blood plasma and erythrocytes. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/9 , database cross reference=FMA:9670 }
Changes for: prostate gland dorsolateral lobe
- Deleted
- - prostate gland dorsolateral lobe definition the rodent prostate lobe that lies in the triangular area between urethra and seminal vesicle { database cross reference=MP:0009381,PMID:12645922,PMID:3308446 }
- Added
- + prostate gland dorsolateral lobe definition the rodent prostate lobe that lies in the triangular area between urethra and seminal vesicle { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12645922 , database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3308446 , database cross reference=MP:0009381 }
Changes for: epithelium of terminal part of digestive tract
- Deleted
- - epithelium of terminal part of digestive tract definition Epithelium lining the distalmost portion of the digestive tract. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + epithelium of terminal part of digestive tract definition Epithelium lining the distalmost portion of the digestive tract. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: muscle of terminal part of digestive tract
- Deleted
- - muscle of terminal part of digestive tract definition Any muscle structure of the distalmost portion of the digestive tract. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + muscle of terminal part of digestive tract definition Any muscle structure of the distalmost portion of the digestive tract. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: roof plate of midbrain
- Deleted
- - roof plate of midbrain definition the mesencephalic roof plate, including the caudal and rostral part of the midbrain roof { database cross reference=MP:0006103,MGI:anna,MGI:smb }
- Added
- + roof plate of midbrain definition the mesencephalic roof plate, including the caudal and rostral part of the midbrain roof { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MGI:smb , database cross reference=MP:0006103 }
Changes for: digit 6 digitopodial skeleton
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: gland of integumental system
- Deleted
- - gland of integumental system has exact synonym integumental gland { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - gland of integumental system has exact synonym integumental system gland { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - gland of integumental system has exact synonym integumentary gland { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + gland of integumental system has exact synonym integumental gland { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + gland of integumental system has exact synonym integumental system gland { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + gland of integumental system has exact synonym integumentary gland { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: digit 8 digitopodial skeleton
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: digit 7 digitopodial skeleton
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: duct of epididymis
- Deleted
- - duct of epididymis definition Any duct branching of of the main epididymis duct. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + duct of epididymis definition Any duct branching of of the main epididymis duct. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: neural tube derived brain
Changes for: prostomium
- Deleted
- - prostomium definition The first body segment in annelids worms. It is in front of (but does not include) the mouth, being usually a small shelf- or lip-like extension over the dorsal side of the mouth. It sometimes bears antennae and eyes. By feeding, it often functions like a kind of overlip. The shape and composition of prostomium are important for annelid systematics. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostomium }
- - prostomium function notes It sometimes bears antennae and eyes. It often functions like a kind of overlip when the animal is feeding. The shape and composition of prostomium are important for annelid systematics.
- Added
- + prostomium definition The first body segment in annelids worms. It is in front of (but does not include) the mouth, being usually a small shelf- or lip-like extension over the dorsal side of the mouth. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostomium }
- + prostomium function notes It sometimes bears antennae and eyes. It often functions like a kind of overlip when the animal is feeding..
Changes for: skeletal ligament
- Deleted
- - skeletal ligament editor note logical definition deliberately made strict to avoid classifying MA:spiral ligament as both nonskeletal and skeletal. see https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=76834&atid=1205376
- Added
- + skeletal ligament editor note logical definition deliberately made strict to avoid classifying MA:spiral ligament as both nonskeletal and skeletal. see https://github.com/obophenotype/mouse-anatomy-ontology/issues/71
Changes for: cranial suspensory ligament
- Deleted
- - cranial suspensory ligament definition Connects the cranial tip of the future gonad to the dorsocranial abdominal cavity. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + cranial suspensory ligament definition Connects the cranial tip of the future gonad to the dorsocranial abdominal cavity. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: suspensory ligament
- Deleted
- - suspensory ligament definition A ligament that supports a body part, especially an organ. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + suspensory ligament definition A ligament that supports a body part, especially an organ. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: digit 1 plus metapodial segment
- Deleted
- - digit 1 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 }
- - digit 1 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym digit I plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + digit 1 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 }
- + digit 1 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym digit I plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: digit 2 plus metapodial segment
- Deleted
- - digit 2 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 }
- - digit 2 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym digit II plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + digit 2 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 }
- + digit 2 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym digit II plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: smooth muscle of eye
- Deleted
- - smooth muscle of eye definition any of the striated muscles that move the eye and include: superior rectus, inferior rectus, medial rectus, lateral rectus, superior oblique, inferior oblique, retractor bulbi { database cross reference=MP:0005247,MGI:cwg }
- Added
- + smooth muscle of eye definition any of the striated muscles that move the eye and include: superior rectus, inferior rectus, medial rectus, lateral rectus, superior oblique, inferior oblique, retractor bulbi { database cross reference=MGI:cwg , database cross reference=MP:0005247 }
Changes for: cardiac muscle tissue of interventricular septum
- Deleted
- - cardiac muscle tissue of interventricular septum has related synonym interventricular septum muscle { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + cardiac muscle tissue of interventricular septum has related synonym interventricular septum muscle { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: posterior cranial fossa
- Deleted
- - posterior cranial fossa database cross reference MESH:A01.456.830.200
- Added
- + posterior cranial fossa database cross reference MESH:D003388
Changes for: third trochanter
- Deleted
- - third trochanter definition The upper part of the gluteal tuberosity is often elongated into a roughened crest, on which a more or less well-marked, rounded tubercle, the third trochanter, is occasionally developed. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_trochanter,Wikipedia:Third_trochanter }
- Added
- + third trochanter definition The upper part of the gluteal tuberosity is often elongated into a roughened crest, on which a more or less well-marked, rounded tubercle, the third trochanter, is occasionally developed. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_trochanter }
Changes for: digit 3 plus metapodial segment
- Deleted
- - digit 3 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 }
- - digit 3 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym digit III plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + digit 3 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 }
- + digit 3 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym digit III plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: digit 5 plus metapodial segment
- Deleted
- - digit 5 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 }
- - digit 5 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym digit V plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + digit 5 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 }
- + digit 5 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym digit V plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: digit 4 plus metapodial segment
- Deleted
- - digit 4 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 }
- - digit 4 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym digit IV plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + digit 4 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 }
- + digit 4 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym digit IV plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: epaxial musculature
- Deleted
- - epaxial musculature definition Musculature that is derived from the epaxial myotome region, ventral to the horizontal septum of the vertebrae. Epaxial muscles include other (dorsal) muscles associated with the vertebrae, ribs, and base of the skull. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epaxial_and_hypaxial_muscles , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + epaxial musculature definition Musculature that is derived from the epaxial myotome region, ventral to the horizontal septum of the vertebrae. Epaxial muscles include other (dorsal) muscles associated with the vertebrae, ribs, and base of the skull. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epaxial_and_hypaxial_muscles , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: hypaxial musculature
Changes for: cerebral artery
- Deleted
- - cerebral artery database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.228
- Added
- + cerebral artery database cross reference MESH:D002536
Changes for: proximal epiphysis of proximal phalanx of manual digit 1
- Deleted
- - proximal epiphysis of proximal phalanx of manual digit 1 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of proximal phalanx of manual digit I { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + proximal epiphysis of proximal phalanx of manual digit 1 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of proximal phalanx of manual digit I { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: proximal epiphysis of proximal phalanx of manual digit 3
- Deleted
- - proximal epiphysis of proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of proximal phalanx of manual digit III { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + proximal epiphysis of proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of proximal phalanx of manual digit III { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: proximal epiphysis of proximal phalanx of manual digit 4
- Deleted
- - proximal epiphysis of proximal phalanx of manual digit 4 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of proximal phalanx of manual digit IV { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + proximal epiphysis of proximal phalanx of manual digit 4 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of proximal phalanx of manual digit IV { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: proximal epiphysis of proximal phalanx of manual digit 5
- Deleted
- - proximal epiphysis of proximal phalanx of manual digit 5 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of proximal phalanx of manual digit V { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + proximal epiphysis of proximal phalanx of manual digit 5 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of proximal phalanx of manual digit V { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: proximal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit 1
- Deleted
- - proximal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit 1 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit I { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + proximal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit 1 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit I { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: proximal epiphysis of proximal phalanx of manual digit 2
- Deleted
- - proximal epiphysis of proximal phalanx of manual digit 2 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of proximal phalanx of manual digit II { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + proximal epiphysis of proximal phalanx of manual digit 2 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of proximal phalanx of manual digit II { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: proximal epiphysis of middle phalanx of manual digit 5
- Deleted
- - proximal epiphysis of middle phalanx of manual digit 5 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of middle phalanx of manual digit V { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + proximal epiphysis of middle phalanx of manual digit 5 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of middle phalanx of manual digit V { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: proximal epiphysis of middle phalanx of manual digit 4
- Deleted
- - proximal epiphysis of middle phalanx of manual digit 4 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of middle phalanx of manual digit IV { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + proximal epiphysis of middle phalanx of manual digit 4 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of middle phalanx of manual digit IV { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: proximal epiphysis of middle phalanx of manual digit 2
- Deleted
- - proximal epiphysis of middle phalanx of manual digit 2 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of middle phalanx of manual digit II { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + proximal epiphysis of middle phalanx of manual digit 2 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of middle phalanx of manual digit II { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: proximal epiphysis of middle phalanx of manual digit 3
- Deleted
- - proximal epiphysis of middle phalanx of manual digit 3 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of middle phalanx of manual digit III { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + proximal epiphysis of middle phalanx of manual digit 3 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of middle phalanx of manual digit III { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: proximal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit 4
- Deleted
- - proximal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit 4 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit IV { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + proximal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit 4 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit IV { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: proximal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit 5
- Deleted
- - proximal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit 5 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit V { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + proximal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit 5 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit V { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: proximal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit 2
- Deleted
- - proximal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit 2 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit II { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + proximal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit 2 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit II { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: proximal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit 3
- Deleted
- - proximal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit 3 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit III { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + proximal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit 3 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit III { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: proximal epiphysis of phalanx of manual digit 4
- Deleted
- - proximal epiphysis of phalanx of manual digit 4 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of phalanx of manual digit IV { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + proximal epiphysis of phalanx of manual digit 4 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of phalanx of manual digit IV { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: proximal epiphysis of phalanx of manual digit 5
- Deleted
- - proximal epiphysis of phalanx of manual digit 5 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of phalanx of manual digit V { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + proximal epiphysis of phalanx of manual digit 5 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of phalanx of manual digit V { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: proximal epiphysis of phalanx of manual digit 3
- Deleted
- - proximal epiphysis of phalanx of manual digit 3 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of phalanx of manual digit III { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + proximal epiphysis of phalanx of manual digit 3 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of phalanx of manual digit III { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: proximal epiphysis of phalanx of manual digit 2
- Deleted
- - proximal epiphysis of phalanx of manual digit 2 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of phalanx of manual digit II { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + proximal epiphysis of phalanx of manual digit 2 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of phalanx of manual digit II { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: proximal epiphysis of phalanx of manual digit 1
- Deleted
- - proximal epiphysis of phalanx of manual digit 1 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of phalanx of manual digit I { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + proximal epiphysis of phalanx of manual digit 1 has exact synonym proximal epiphysis of phalanx of manual digit I { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: late embryo
- Deleted
- - late embryo database cross reference MESH:A16.378
- Added
- + late embryo database cross reference MESH:D005333
Changes for: musculature of lower limb
- Deleted
- - musculature of lower limb comment Editor note: currently defined by location rather than attachment
- Added
- + musculature of lower limb editor note currently defined by location rather than attachment
Changes for: musculature of upper limb
- Deleted
- - musculature of upper limb comment Editor note: currently defined by location rather than attachment
- Added
- + musculature of upper limb editor note currently defined by location rather than attachment
Changes for: pancreatic juice
- Deleted
- - pancreatic juice database cross reference MESH:A12.200.567
- Added
- + pancreatic juice database cross reference MESH:D010189
Changes for: gut wall
- Deleted
- - gut wall definition The wall of the digestive tract. This encompasses all parts of the digestive tract with the exception of the lumen (cavity). { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + gut wall definition The wall of the digestive tract. This encompasses all parts of the digestive tract with the exception of the lumen (cavity). { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: musculature of limb
- Deleted
- - musculature of limb comment Editor note: currently defined by location rather than attachment
- Added
- + musculature of limb editor note currently defined by location rather than attachment
Changes for: musculature of manus
- Deleted
- - musculature of manus comment Editor note: currently defined by location rather than attachment
- Added
- + musculature of manus editor note currently defined by location rather than attachment
Changes for: musculature of perineum
- Deleted
- - musculature of perineum comment Editor note: currently defined by location rather than attachment
- Added
- + musculature of perineum editor note currently defined by location rather than attachment
Changes for: musculature of pes
- Deleted
- - musculature of pes comment Editor note: currently defined by location rather than attachment
- Added
- + musculature of pes editor note currently defined by location rather than attachment
Changes for: extensor muscle
- Deleted
- - extensor muscle definition A muscle that, upon contraction, tends to straighten a joint or limb. The antagonist of a flexor muscle[BTO]. Any of the muscles that increase the angle between members of a limb, as by straightening the elbow or knee or bending the wrist or spine backward. The movement is usually directed backward, with the notable exception of the knee joint. In humans, certain muscles of the hand and foot are named for this function. In the hand these include the extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor carpi radialis longus, and extensor carpi ulnaris, which run from the humerus (bone of the upper arm) along the back of the forearm to the metacarpal bones at the back of the hand[Britannica] { database cross reference=http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/198909/extensor-muscle }
- Added
- + extensor muscle contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + extensor muscle definition A muscle that, upon contraction, tends to straighten a joint or limb. The antagonist of a flexor muscle[BTO]. Any of the muscles that increase the angle between members of a limb, as by straightening the elbow or knee or bending the wrist or spine backward. The movement is usually directed backward, with the notable exception of the knee joint. In humans, certain muscles of the hand and foot are named for this function. In the hand these include the extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor carpi radialis longus, and extensor carpi ulnaris, which run from the humerus (bone of the upper arm) along the back of the forearm to the metacarpal bones at the back of the hand[Britannica] { database cross reference=http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/198909/extensor-muscle , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/57 }
Changes for: breast
- Deleted
- - breast database cross reference MESH:A01.236
- Added
- + breast database cross reference MESH:D001940
Changes for: subarachnoid space
- Deleted
- - subarachnoid space database cross reference MESH:A08.186.566.166.686
- - subarachnoid space definition The space between the arachnoid and pia mater. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subarachnoid_space , database cross reference=http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=1109502&aid=3535256&group_id=76834 , database cross reference=GOC:add }
- Added
- + subarachnoid space database cross reference MESH:D013346
- + subarachnoid space definition The space between the arachnoid and pia mater. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subarachnoid_space , database cross reference=https://sourceforge.net/p/obo/mammalian-phenotype-requests/1168/ , database cross reference=GOC:add }
Changes for: cervical mucus
- Deleted
- - cervical mucus database cross reference MESH:A12.200.503.339
- Added
- + cervical mucus database cross reference MESH:D002582
Changes for: musculature of pelvic girdle
- Added
- + musculature of pelvic girdle SubClassOf musculature of trunk
Changes for: musculature of trunk
- Deleted
- - musculature of trunk comment Editor note: currently defined by location rather than attachment
- Added
- + musculature of trunk editor note currently defined by location rather than attachment
Changes for: musculature of larynx
- Deleted
- - musculature of larynx comment Editor note: currently defined by location rather than attachment
- - musculature of larynx database cross reference MESH:A02.633.567.500
- - musculature of larynx definition The collection of muscles that are part of the larynx. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + musculature of larynx database cross reference MESH:D007821
- + musculature of larynx definition The collection of muscles that are part of the larynx. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + musculature of larynx editor note currently defined by location rather than attachment
Changes for: musculature of shoulder
- Deleted
- - musculature of shoulder definition The collection of muscles that form attachments to the shoulder skeleton. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + musculature of shoulder definition The collection of muscles that form attachments to the shoulder skeleton. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: musculature of hip
- Deleted
- - musculature of hip definition The collection of muscles that form attachments to the hip skeleton. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + musculature of hip definition The collection of muscles that form attachments to the hip skeleton. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: amnion
- Deleted
- - amnion definition the thin innermost layer of the extraembryonic membranes that contains the amniotic fluid; the membrane forms a closed sac in which the embryo and later, the fetus, is suspended and protected { database cross reference=MP:0005029,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + amnion definition the thin innermost layer of the extraembryonic membranes that contains the amniotic fluid; the membrane forms a closed sac in which the embryo and later, the fetus, is suspended and protected { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0005029 }
Changes for: esophageal sphincter
- Deleted
- - esophageal sphincter definition A sphincter that is part of an esophagus. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + esophageal sphincter definition A sphincter that is part of an esophagus. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: musculature of neck
- Deleted
- - musculature of neck database cross reference MESH:A02.633.567.650
- Added
- + musculature of neck database cross reference MESH:D009334
Changes for: set of muscles of vertebral column
- Deleted
- - set of muscles of vertebral column EquivalentTo musculature and part of some vertebral column
- - set of muscles of vertebral column SubClassOf mesoderm-derived structure
- - set of muscles of vertebral column SubClassOf part of some vertebral column
- - set of muscles of vertebral column definition Any collection of muscles that is part of a vertebral column [Automatically generated definition]. { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- Added
- + set of muscles of vertebral column EquivalentTo musculature and attaches to some vertebral column
- + set of muscles of vertebral column SubClassOf attaches to some vertebral column
Changes for: musculature of pharynx
- Deleted
- - musculature of pharynx definition the collection of muscles that acts on the pharynx. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + musculature of pharynx definition the collection of muscles that acts on the pharynx. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: hippocampus stratum lacunosum moleculare
- Deleted
- - hippocampus stratum lacunosum moleculare definition Layer of the hippocampus lying just superficial to the stratum radiatum and bounded by the pial surface of the hippocampus. The fibers of the perforant pathway fibers from entorhinal cortex and several other brain areas terminate in this layer. Adapted from Paxinos, G. The rat central nervous system, 2nd ed, Academic Press, San Diego, 1995, pg. 460) { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1359 }
- Added
- + hippocampus stratum lacunosum moleculare definition Layer of the hippocampus lying just superficial to the stratum radiatum and bounded by the pial surface of the hippocampus. The fibers of the perforant pathway fibers from entorhinal cortex and several other brain areas terminate in this layer. Adapted from Paxinos, G. The rat central nervous system, 2nd ed, Academic Press, San Diego, 1995, pg. 460) { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1359 }
Changes for: carpal region
- Deleted
- - carpal region database cross reference MESH:A01.378.800.667.715
- Added
- + carpal region database cross reference MESH:D014953
Changes for: body cavity or lining
- Added
- + body cavity or lining contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + body cavity or lining definition Either a cavity lining or the space it encloses. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/12 }
Changes for: entire sense organ system
- Deleted
- - entire sense organ system definition Sum of all sensory systems in an organism. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + entire sense organ system definition Sum of all sensory systems in an organism. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: pigment epithelium of eye
- Deleted
- - pigment epithelium of eye database cross reference MESH:A09.371.670
- Added
- + pigment epithelium of eye database cross reference MESH:D010857
Changes for: comb and wattle
- Deleted
- - comb and wattle database cross reference MESH:A13.242
- Added
- + comb and wattle database cross reference MESH:D003129
Changes for: septohippocampal nucleus
- Deleted
- - septohippocampal nucleus definition Part of septal nuclear complex. In the human, it refers to the most caudal of scattered clusters of neurons in the septum pellucidum that extend, on the underside of the corpus callosum, from the level of the medial septal nucleus to the CA fields ( Crosby-1962 ). In the rat it is associated with the lateral septal nucleus throughout its rostro-caudal course toward the CA fields ( Swanson-1998. Adapted from Brain Info. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_60880 }
- Added
- + septohippocampal nucleus definition Part of septal nuclear complex. In the human, it refers to the most caudal of scattered clusters of neurons in the septum pellucidum that extend, on the underside of the corpus callosum, from the level of the medial septal nucleus to the CA fields ( Crosby-1962 ). In the rat it is associated with the lateral septal nucleus throughout its rostro-caudal course toward the CA fields ( Swanson-1998. Adapted from Brain Info. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_60880 }
Changes for: hippocampus stratum lucidum
- Deleted
- - hippocampus stratum lucidum definition Layer of hippocampus area CA3 lying superficial to the pyramidal cell layer that contains mossy fiber axons projecting from the dentate gyrus. A slight thickening in this layer marks the border in some species between areas CA2 and CA3. dapted from Paxinos, G. The rat central nervous system, 2nd ed, Academic Press, San Diego, 1995, pg. 460) { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_4108 }
- Added
- + hippocampus stratum lucidum definition Layer of hippocampus area CA3 lying superficial to the pyramidal cell layer that contains mossy fiber axons projecting from the dentate gyrus. A slight thickening in this layer marks the border in some species between areas CA2 and CA3. dapted from Paxinos, G. The rat central nervous system, 2nd ed, Academic Press, San Diego, 1995, pg. 460) { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_4108 }
Changes for: nucleus of trapezoid body
- Deleted
- - nucleus of trapezoid body definition A nucleus embedded within the fibers of the trapezoid body. { database cross reference=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trapezoid_body , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + nucleus of trapezoid body definition A nucleus embedded within the fibers of the trapezoid body. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trapezoid_body }
Changes for: skeletal muscle tissue of iliacus
- Deleted
- - skeletal muscle tissue of iliacus SubClassOf skeletal muscle tissue
- Added
Changes for: skeletal muscle tissue of gluteus maximus
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: cardiac muscle tissue of cardiac septum
- Deleted
- - cardiac muscle tissue of cardiac septum has exact synonym cardiac septum cardiac muscle tissue { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - cardiac muscle tissue of cardiac septum has exact synonym cardiac septum heart muscle { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - cardiac muscle tissue of cardiac septum has exact synonym cardiac septum muscle { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - cardiac muscle tissue of cardiac septum has exact synonym cardiac septum myocardium { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + cardiac muscle tissue of cardiac septum has exact synonym cardiac septum cardiac muscle tissue { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + cardiac muscle tissue of cardiac septum has exact synonym cardiac septum heart muscle { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + cardiac muscle tissue of cardiac septum has exact synonym cardiac septum muscle { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + cardiac muscle tissue of cardiac septum has exact synonym cardiac septum myocardium { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: cardiac muscle tissue of interatrial septum
- Deleted
- - cardiac muscle tissue of interatrial septum has exact synonym interatrial septum cardiac muscle tissue { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - cardiac muscle tissue of interatrial septum has exact synonym interatrial septum heart muscle { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - cardiac muscle tissue of interatrial septum has exact synonym interatrial septum muscle { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - cardiac muscle tissue of interatrial septum has exact synonym interatrial septum myocardium { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + cardiac muscle tissue of interatrial septum has exact synonym interatrial septum cardiac muscle tissue { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + cardiac muscle tissue of interatrial septum has exact synonym interatrial septum heart muscle { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + cardiac muscle tissue of interatrial septum has exact synonym interatrial septum muscle { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + cardiac muscle tissue of interatrial septum has exact synonym interatrial septum myocardium { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: tetrapod parietal bone
- Deleted
- - tetrapod parietal bone database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.781.651
- Added
- + tetrapod parietal bone database cross reference MESH:D010294
Changes for: ligament
- Deleted
- - ligament database cross reference MESH:A02.513
- Added
- + ligament database cross reference MESH:D008022
Changes for: tibial artery
- Deleted
- - tibial artery database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.895
- Added
- + tibial artery database cross reference MESH:D016909
Changes for: limiting membrane of retina
- Deleted
- - limiting membrane of retina has exact synonym retina lamina { database cross reference=MA:0001318 }
- Added
- + limiting membrane of retina has exact synonym retina lamina { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/52 , database cross reference=MA:0001318 }
Changes for: stylohyoid muscle
- Deleted
- - stylohyoid muscle definition The stylohyoid muscle is a slender muscle, lying anterior, and superior of the posterior belly of the digastric muscle. It shares this muscle’s innervation by the facial nerve. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stylohyoid_muscle }
- Added
- + stylohyoid muscle database cross reference MFMO:0000061
- + stylohyoid muscle definition The stylohyoid is a pharyngeal arch II muscle that participates in oral/pharygeal behaviors and is innervated by the stylohoid branch of the facial nerve and attaches to the stylohyal and the non-stylohyal part of the hyoid apparatus. { database cross reference=MFMO:0000061 }
Changes for: alveolar ridge of mandible
- Deleted
- - alveolar ridge of mandible definition The thickened ridge of bone that contains the tooth sockets on the mandible. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + alveolar ridge of mandible definition The thickened ridge of bone that contains the tooth sockets on the mandible. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: anatomical projection
- Deleted
- - anatomical projection definition A projection or outgrowth of tissue from a larger body or organ. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Process_(anatomy) }
- Added
- + anatomical projection contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + anatomical projection contributor https://github.com/wdahdul
- + anatomical projection definition A projection or outgrowth of tissue from a larger body or organ. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Process_(anatomy) , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/39 }
- + anatomical projection has related synonym spine
Changes for: alveolar process of maxilla
- Deleted
- - alveolar process of maxilla definition The thickened ridge of bone that contains the tooth sockets on the maxilla. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + alveolar process of maxilla definition The thickened ridge of bone that contains the tooth sockets on the maxilla. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: facial motor nucleus
- Deleted
- - facial motor nucleus definition Nucleus located in the pontine tegmentum containing motor neurons that innervate the muscles of the face. Some neurons that project to the cerebellum have also been identified in some species. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_903 }
- Added
- + facial motor nucleus definition Nucleus located in the pontine tegmentum containing motor neurons that innervate the muscles of the face. Some neurons that project to the cerebellum have also been identified in some species. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_903 }
Changes for: medial lemniscus
- Deleted
- - medial lemniscus definition Fiber tract arising predominantly from neurons in the nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus in the medulla, projecting to thalamus. Fibers cross in the decussation of the medial lemniscus. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_887 }
- Added
- + medial lemniscus definition Fiber tract arising predominantly from neurons in the nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus in the medulla, projecting to thalamus. Fibers cross in the decussation of the medial lemniscus. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_887 }
Changes for: pontine tegmentum
- Deleted
- - pontine tegmentum definition Dorsal portion of the pons, containing cranial nervee nuclei, ascending and descending tracts and reticular nuclei. It is continuous with the reticular formation of the medulla (Carpenter, A Core Text of Neuroanatomy, 3rd ed, 1985, pg 133). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_923 }
- Added
- + pontine tegmentum definition Dorsal portion of the pons, containing cranial nervee nuclei, ascending and descending tracts and reticular nuclei. It is continuous with the reticular formation of the medulla (Carpenter, A Core Text of Neuroanatomy, 3rd ed, 1985, pg 133). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_923 }
Changes for: systemic artery
- Deleted
- - systemic artery definition An artery of the systemic circulation, which is the part of the cardiovascular system which carries oxygenated blood away from the heart, to the body, and returns deoxygenated blood back to the heart. { database cross reference=Systemic arteries , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + systemic artery definition An artery of the systemic circulation, which is the part of the cardiovascular system which carries oxygenated blood away from the heart, to the body, and returns deoxygenated blood back to the heart. { database cross reference=Systemic arteries , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: systemic arterial system
- Deleted
- - systemic arterial system definition The part of the arterial system which carries oxygenated blood away from the heart to the body, and returns deoxygenated blood back to the heart. { database cross reference=Arteries , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + systemic arterial system definition The part of the arterial system which carries oxygenated blood away from the heart to the body, and returns deoxygenated blood back to the heart. { database cross reference=Arteries , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: epididymis epithelium
- Deleted
- - epididymis epithelium definition the layer of secretory cells which lines the epididymis { database cross reference=MP:0004933,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + epididymis epithelium definition the layer of secretory cells which lines the epididymis { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0004933 }
Changes for: bony projection
- Deleted
- - bony projection EquivalentTo anatomical projection and composed primarily of some bone tissue
- - bony projection SubClassOf anatomical projection
- Added
- + bony projection EquivalentTo skeletal element projection and composed primarily of some bone tissue
- + bony projection SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: cardiovascular system
- Deleted
- - cardiovascular system database cross reference MESH:A07
- Added
- + cardiovascular system database cross reference MESH:D002319
Changes for: gastroesophageal sphincter
- Deleted
- - gastroesophageal sphincter definition the thick circular layer of smooth gastric musculature encircling the gastroesophageal junction that functions to reduce backflow into the esophagus from the stomach { database cross reference=MP:0010153,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + gastroesophageal sphincter definition the thick circular layer of smooth gastric musculature encircling the gastroesophageal junction that functions to reduce backflow into the esophagus from the stomach { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0010153 }
Changes for: internal arcuate fiber bundle
- Deleted
- - internal arcuate fiber bundle definition Internal arcuate fibers are the axons of second-order neurons contained within the gracile and cuneate nuclei of the medulla oblongata. These fibers cross from one side of the medulla to the other to form the medial lemniscus. Part of the dorsal column-medial lemniscus system (second neuron), the internal arcuate fibers are important for relaying the sensation of fine touch and proprioception to the thalamus and ultimately to the cerebral cortex. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internal_arcuate_fibers,Wikipedia:Internal_arcuate_fibers }
- Added
- + internal arcuate fiber bundle definition Internal arcuate fibers are the axons of second-order neurons contained within the gracile and cuneate nuclei of the medulla oblongata. These fibers cross from one side of the medulla to the other to form the medial lemniscus. Part of the dorsal column-medial lemniscus system (second neuron), the internal arcuate fibers are important for relaying the sensation of fine touch and proprioception to the thalamus and ultimately to the cerebral cortex. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internal_arcuate_fibers }
Changes for: posterior transverse temporal area 42
- Deleted
- - posterior transverse temporal area 42 definition A subdivision of the cytoarchitecturally defined temporal region of cerebral cortex. It is located in the bank of the lateral sulcus on the dorsal surface of the temporal lobe. Cytoarchitecturally it is bounded medially by the anterior transverse temporal area 41(H) and laterally by the superior temporal area 22 (Brodmann-1909). Adapted from Brain Info { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1589 }
- Added
- + posterior transverse temporal area 42 definition A subdivision of the cytoarchitecturally defined temporal region of cerebral cortex. It is located in the bank of the lateral sulcus on the dorsal surface of the temporal lobe. Cytoarchitecturally it is bounded medially by the anterior transverse temporal area 41(H) and laterally by the superior temporal area 22 (Brodmann-1909). Adapted from Brain Info { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1589 }
Changes for: anterior transverse temporal area 41
- Deleted
- - anterior transverse temporal area 41 definition A subdivision of the cytoarchitecturally defined temporal region of cerebral cortex. It occupies the anterior transverse temporal gyrus (H) in the bank of the lateral sulcus on the dorsal surface of the temporal lobe. Cytoarchitecturally it is bounded medially by the parainsular area 52 (H) and laterally by the posterior transverse temporal area 42 (H) (Brodmann-1909). Adapted from Brain Info { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1582 }
- Added
- + anterior transverse temporal area 41 definition A subdivision of the cytoarchitecturally defined temporal region of cerebral cortex. It occupies the anterior transverse temporal gyrus (H) in the bank of the lateral sulcus on the dorsal surface of the temporal lobe. Cytoarchitecturally it is bounded medially by the parainsular area 52 (H) and laterally by the posterior transverse temporal area 42 (H) (Brodmann-1909). Adapted from Brain Info { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1582 }
Changes for: interdigital region between pedal digits 1 and 2
- Deleted
- - interdigital region between pedal digits 1 and 2 has exact synonym interdigital region between pedal digits I and II { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + interdigital region between pedal digits 1 and 2 has exact synonym interdigital region between pedal digits I and II { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: interdigital region between manual digits 4 and 5
- Deleted
- - interdigital region between manual digits 4 and 5 has exact synonym interdigital region between manual digits IV and V { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + interdigital region between manual digits 4 and 5 has exact synonym interdigital region between manual digits IV and V { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: interdigital region between manual digits 3 and 4
- Deleted
- - interdigital region between manual digits 3 and 4 has exact synonym interdigital region between manual digits III and IV { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + interdigital region between manual digits 3 and 4 has exact synonym interdigital region between manual digits III and IV { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: interdigital region between pedal digits 4 and 5
- Deleted
- - interdigital region between pedal digits 4 and 5 has exact synonym interdigital region between pedal digits IV and V { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + interdigital region between pedal digits 4 and 5 has exact synonym interdigital region between pedal digits IV and V { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: digit 1
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: digit 2
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: interdigital region between pedal digits 3 and 4
- Deleted
- - interdigital region between pedal digits 3 and 4 has exact synonym interdigital region between pedal digits III and IV { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + interdigital region between pedal digits 3 and 4 has exact synonym interdigital region between pedal digits III and IV { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: interdigital region between pedal digits 2 and 3
- Deleted
- - interdigital region between pedal digits 2 and 3 has exact synonym interdigital region between pedal digits II and III { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + interdigital region between pedal digits 2 and 3 has exact synonym interdigital region between pedal digits II and III { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: multi-limb segment region
Changes for: digit 5
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: digit 3
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: digit 4
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: caudal region
- Deleted
- - caudal region definition Subdivision of an organism along anterior-posterior axis that is the posteriormost region, extending past the anus (or cloaca, if present), consisting of a tail in some fully formed chordates (or a tail bud in embryos). In animals that have a sacral region, this is the region immediately posterior to this. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - caudal region has related synonym post-anal caudal region { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - caudal region has related synonym post-anal tail region { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + caudal region SubClassOf has skeleton some caudal region of vertebral column
- + caudal region definition Subdivision of an organism along anterior-posterior axis that is the posteriormost region, extending past the anus (or cloaca, if present), consisting of a tail in some fully formed chordates (or a tail bud in embryos). In animals that have a sacral region, this is the region immediately posterior to this. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + caudal region has related synonym post-anal caudal region { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + caudal region has related synonym post-anal tail region { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: hemal arch
- Deleted
- - hemal arch definition A vertebral arch that is attached to the ventral surface or the vertebral centrum and encloses and protects the caudal artery and vein ventrally. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haemal_arch , database cross reference=AAO:0000726 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - hemal arch has related synonym chevron { database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:ad }
- Added
- + hemal arch definition A vertebral arch that is attached to the ventral surface or the vertebral centrum and encloses and protects the caudal artery and vein ventrally. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haemal_arch , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=AAO:0000726 }
- + hemal arch has related synonym chevron { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/95 , database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:ad }
Changes for: bone of tail
- Deleted
- - bone of tail has related synonym tail vertebra { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + bone of tail has related synonym tail vertebra { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: fibrous ring of heart
- Deleted
- - fibrous ring of heart definition A ring of ribrous tissue that surrounds the atrioventricular and arterial orifices { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibrous_rings_of_heart , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + fibrous ring of heart definition A ring of ribrous tissue that surrounds the atrioventricular and arterial orifices { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibrous_rings_of_heart , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: hair follicle isthmus
- Deleted
- - hair follicle isthmus definition The middle part of the hair follicle that extends from the sebaceous duct to the bulge { database cross reference=MP:0010694 }
- Added
- + hair follicle isthmus definition The middle part of the hair follicle that extends from the sebaceous duct to the bulge { database cross reference=http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2008.12.005 , database cross reference=MP:0010694 }
Changes for: interdigital region between digits 1 and 2
- Deleted
- - interdigital region between digits 1 and 2 has exact synonym interdigital region between digits I and II { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + interdigital region between digits 1 and 2 has exact synonym interdigital region between digits I and II { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: interdigital region between digits 2 and 3
- Deleted
- - interdigital region between digits 2 and 3 has exact synonym interdigital region between digits II and III { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + interdigital region between digits 2 and 3 has exact synonym interdigital region between digits II and III { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: intermediate mesoderm
- Deleted
- - intermediate mesoderm has related synonym intermediate mesenchyme { database cross reference=UBERONREF:0000002 }
- Added
- + intermediate mesoderm has related synonym intermediate mesenchyme { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/The-neural-crest }
Changes for: paraxial mesoderm
- Deleted
- - paraxial mesoderm has exact synonym paraxial mesenchyme { database cross reference=UBERONREF:0000002 , database cross reference=ZFA:0000255 }
- Added
Changes for: interdigital region between digits 3 and 4
- Deleted
- - interdigital region between digits 3 and 4 has exact synonym interdigital region between digits III and IV { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + interdigital region between digits 3 and 4 has exact synonym interdigital region between digits III and IV { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: interdigital region between manual digits 1 and 2
- Deleted
- - interdigital region between manual digits 1 and 2 has exact synonym interdigital region between manual digits I and II { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + interdigital region between manual digits 1 and 2 has exact synonym interdigital region between manual digits I and II { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: interdigital region between digits 4 and 5
- Deleted
- - interdigital region between digits 4 and 5 has exact synonym interdigital region between digits IV and V { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + interdigital region between digits 4 and 5 has exact synonym interdigital region between digits IV and V { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: trigeminal placode complex
- Deleted
- - trigeminal placode complex definition A neurogenic placode that arises at the level of the midbrain-hindbrain boundary and develops into a trigeminal ganglion. { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22512454 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/693 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + trigeminal placode complex contributor https://github.com/ANiknejad
- + trigeminal placode complex contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + trigeminal placode complex contributor https://github.com/mellybelly
- + trigeminal placode complex definition A neurogenic placode that arises at the level of the midbrain-hindbrain boundary and develops into a trigeminal ganglion. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22512454 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/693 }
Changes for: interdigital region between manual digits 2 and 3
- Deleted
- - interdigital region between manual digits 2 and 3 has exact synonym interdigital region between manual digits II and III { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + interdigital region between manual digits 2 and 3 has exact synonym interdigital region between manual digits II and III { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: mesonephric duct
- Deleted
- - mesonephric duct definition Paired organ that connects the primitive kidney Wolffian body (or mesonephros) to the cloaca and serves as the anlage for certain male reproductive organs. the Wolffian duct is what remains of the pronephric duct after the atrophy of the pronephros[WP]. In Zebrafish: Duct of the adult kidney (mesonephros), present bilaterally ventral to the somites and leading to the cloacal chamber[ZFA]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesonephric_duct , database cross reference=ZFIN:curator }
- Added
- + mesonephric duct contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + mesonephric duct contributor https://github.com/rfoulger
- + mesonephric duct definition Paired organ that connects the primitive kidney Wolffian body (or mesonephros) to the cloaca and serves as the anlage for certain male reproductive organs. the Wolffian duct is what remains of the pronephric duct after the atrophy of the pronephros[WP]. In Zebrafish: Duct of the adult kidney (mesonephros), present bilaterally ventral to the somites and leading to the cloacal chamber[ZFA]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesonephric_duct , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/28 , database cross reference=ZFIN:curator }
Changes for: ventral aorta
- Deleted
- - ventral aorta definition The artery in vertebrate embryos that carries blood from the ventricle of the heart to the aortic arches. In adult fish it branches into afferent branchial arteries supplying the gills. In adult tetrapods it is represented by the ascending part of the aorta[BTO]. The ventral aorta is a blood vessel in a single-pass circulatory system that carries de-oxygenated blood from the heart to the gills. In a single-pass circulatory system blood passes once through the heart to supply the body once[GO]. { database cross reference=BTO:0004674 , database cross reference=GO:0035908 }
- Added
- + ventral aorta definition The ventral aorta is a blood vessel in a single-pass circulatory system that carries de-oxygenated blood from the heart to the gills. In a single-pass circulatory system blood passes once through the heart to supply the body once[GO]. { database cross reference=GO:0035908 }
- + ventral aorta external definition The artery in vertebrate embryos that carries blood from the ventricle of the heart to the aortic arches. In adult fish it branches into afferent branchial arteries supplying the gills. In adult tetrapods it is represented by the ascending part of the aorta. { source=BTO:0004674 }
Changes for: optic stalk
- Deleted
- - optic stalk definition the narrow, proximal portion of the optic vesicle which connects the embryonic eye and forebrain { database cross reference=MP:0004268,ISBN:0-914294-08-3 }
- Added
- + optic stalk definition the narrow, proximal portion of the optic vesicle which connects the embryonic eye and forebrain { database cross reference=ISBN:0-914294-08-3 , database cross reference=MP:0004268 }
Changes for: dorsal lateral line
- Deleted
- - dorsal lateral line definition A lateral line that is located in the dorsal part of the organism. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + dorsal lateral line definition A lateral line that is located in the dorsal part of the organism. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: ultimobranchial body
- Deleted
- - ultimobranchial body database cross reference MESH:A13.939
- Added
- + ultimobranchial body database cross reference MESH:D014460
Changes for: sphenoid bone pterygoid process
- Deleted
- - sphenoid bone pterygoid process definition the process projecting downward from either side of the sphenoid bone, in vertebrates divided into two plates, an inner and an outer (sometimes called the lateral and medial); the posterior nares pass through the space, called the pterygoid fossa, between the processes { database cross reference=MP:0004452,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + sphenoid bone pterygoid process definition the process projecting downward from either side of the sphenoid bone, in vertebrates divided into two plates, an inner and an outer (sometimes called the lateral and medial); the posterior nares pass through the space, called the pterygoid fossa, between the processes { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0004452 }
Changes for: liver lobule
- Deleted
- - liver lobule definition the polygonal structure of the liver that consists of hepatocytes radiating outward from a hepatic vein { database cross reference=MP:0008987,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + liver lobule definition the polygonal structure of the liver that consists of hepatocytes radiating outward from a hepatic vein { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0008987 }
Changes for: spleen capsule
- Deleted
- - spleen capsule definition the connective tissue that surrounds the spleen { database cross reference=MP:0002227,MGI:cwg }
- Added
- + spleen capsule definition the connective tissue that surrounds the spleen { database cross reference=MGI:cwg , database cross reference=MP:0002227 }
Changes for: renal efferent arteriole
- Deleted
- - renal efferent arteriole definition the blood vessels that convey blood from the glomerulocapillary network to the capillary bed of the proximal convoluted tubule { database cross reference=MP:0011313,ISBN:0-683-40008-8,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + renal efferent arteriole definition the blood vessels that convey blood from the glomerulocapillary network to the capillary bed of the proximal convoluted tubule { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0011313 }
Changes for: thoracic vertebra 12
- Deleted
- - thoracic vertebra 12 definition The twelfth thoracic vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/T12_Vertebra , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + thoracic vertebra 12 definition The twelfth thoracic vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/T12_Vertebra , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: renal afferent arteriole
- Deleted
- - renal afferent arteriole definition the blood vessels that branch from the kidney interlobular artery, convey blood to the glomerular capillaries, and play an important role in the regulation of blood pressure as a part of the tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism { database cross reference=MP:0011312,ISBN:0-683-40008-8,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + renal afferent arteriole definition the blood vessels that branch from the kidney interlobular artery, convey blood to the glomerular capillaries, and play an important role in the regulation of blood pressure as a part of the tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0011312 }
Changes for: thoracic vertebra 9
- Deleted
- - thoracic vertebra 9 definition The ninth thoracic vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/T9_Vertebra , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + thoracic vertebra 9 definition The ninth thoracic vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/T9_Vertebra , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: thoracic vertebra 7
- Deleted
- - thoracic vertebra 7 definition The seventh thoracic vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/T7_Vertebra , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + thoracic vertebra 7 definition The seventh thoracic vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/T7_Vertebra , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: thoracic vertebra 11
- Deleted
- - thoracic vertebra 11 definition The eleventh thoracic vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/T11_Vertebra , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + thoracic vertebra 11 definition The eleventh thoracic vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/T11_Vertebra , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: thoracic vertebra 10
- Deleted
- - thoracic vertebra 10 definition The tenth thoracic vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/T10_Vertebra , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + thoracic vertebra 10 definition The tenth thoracic vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/T10_Vertebra , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: surface structure
- Deleted
- - surface structure definition Anatomical structure that overlaps the outer epithelial layer and is adjacent to the space surrounding the organism. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/24 }
- Added
- + surface structure contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + surface structure contributor https://github.com/wdahdul
- + surface structure definition Anatomical structure that overlaps the outer epithelial layer and is adjacent to the space surrounding the organism. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/24 }
Changes for: thoracic vertebra 6
- Deleted
- - thoracic vertebra 6 definition The sixth thoracic vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/T6_Vertebra , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + thoracic vertebra 6 definition The sixth thoracic vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/T6_Vertebra , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: thoracic vertebra 5
- Deleted
- - thoracic vertebra 5 definition The fifth thoracic vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/T5_Vertebra , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + thoracic vertebra 5 definition The fifth thoracic vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/T5_Vertebra , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: thoracic vertebra 2
- Deleted
- - thoracic vertebra 2 definition The second thoracic vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/T2_Vertebra , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + thoracic vertebra 2 definition The second thoracic vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/T2_Vertebra , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: thoracic vertebra 3
- Deleted
- - thoracic vertebra 3 definition The third thoracic vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/T3_Vertebra , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + thoracic vertebra 3 definition The third thoracic vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/T3_Vertebra , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: thoracic vertebra 1
- Deleted
- - thoracic vertebra 1 definition The first thoracic vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/T1_Vertebra , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + thoracic vertebra 1 definition The first thoracic vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/T1_Vertebra , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: thoracic vertebra 4
- Deleted
- - thoracic vertebra 4 definition The fourth thoracic vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/T4_Vertebra , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + thoracic vertebra 4 definition The fourth thoracic vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/T4_Vertebra , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: lumbar vertebra 4
- Deleted
- - lumbar vertebra 4 definition The fourth lumbar vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/L4_Vertebra , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + lumbar vertebra 4 definition The fourth lumbar vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/L4_Vertebra , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: lumbar vertebra 5
- Deleted
- - lumbar vertebra 5 definition The fifth lumbar vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/L5_Vertebra , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + lumbar vertebra 5 definition The fifth lumbar vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/L5_Vertebra , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: mammalian cervical vertebra 5
- Deleted
- - mammalian cervical vertebra 5 definition The fifth of the seven cervical vertebrae[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/C5_Vertebra , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + mammalian cervical vertebra 5 definition The fifth of the seven cervical vertebrae[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/C5_Vertebra , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: mammalian cervical vertebra 6
- Deleted
- - mammalian cervical vertebra 6 definition The sixth of the seven cervical vertebrae[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/C6_Vertebra , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + mammalian cervical vertebra 6 definition The sixth of the seven cervical vertebrae[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/C6_Vertebra , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: mammalian cervical vertebra 7
- Deleted
- - mammalian cervical vertebra 7 definition Vertebra prominens is the proper name for the seventh cervical vertebra. The most distinctive characteristic of this vertebra is the existence of a long and prominent spinous process which is palpable from the skin surface, hence the name. This spinous process is thick, nearly horizontal in direction, not bifurcated, but terminating in a tubercle to which the lower end of the ligamentum nuchae is attached. The seventh cervical vertebra (C7) has the most prominent spinous process only in about 70% of people; in the remainder, either C6 or T1 (the first thoracic vertebra) will be the most prominent. The transverse processes are of considerable size, their posterior roots are large and prominent, while the anterior are small and faintly marked; the upper surface of each has usually a shallow sulcus for the eighth spinal nerve, and its extremity seldom presents more than a trace of bifurcation. The foramen transversarium may be as large as that in the other cervical vertebrae, but is generally smaller on one or both sides; occasionally it is double, sometimes it is absent. On the left side it occasionally gives passage to the vertebral artery; more frequently the vertebral vein traverses it on both sides; but the usual arrangement is for both artery and vein to pass in front of the transverse process, and not through the foramen. Sometimes the anterior root of the transverse process attains a large size and exists as a separate bone, which is known as a cervical rib. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vertebra_prominens,Wikipedia:Vertebra_prominens }
- Added
- + mammalian cervical vertebra 7 definition Vertebra prominens is the proper name for the seventh cervical vertebra. The most distinctive characteristic of this vertebra is the existence of a long and prominent spinous process which is palpable from the skin surface, hence the name. This spinous process is thick, nearly horizontal in direction, not bifurcated, but terminating in a tubercle to which the lower end of the ligamentum nuchae is attached. The seventh cervical vertebra (C7) has the most prominent spinous process only in about 70% of people; in the remainder, either C6 or T1 (the first thoracic vertebra) will be the most prominent. The transverse processes are of considerable size, their posterior roots are large and prominent, while the anterior are small and faintly marked; the upper surface of each has usually a shallow sulcus for the eighth spinal nerve, and its extremity seldom presents more than a trace of bifurcation. The foramen transversarium may be as large as that in the other cervical vertebrae, but is generally smaller on one or both sides; occasionally it is double, sometimes it is absent. On the left side it occasionally gives passage to the vertebral artery; more frequently the vertebral vein traverses it on both sides; but the usual arrangement is for both artery and vein to pass in front of the transverse process, and not through the foramen. Sometimes the anterior root of the transverse process attains a large size and exists as a separate bone, which is known as a cervical rib. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vertebra_prominens }
Changes for: lumbar vertebra 1
- Deleted
- - lumbar vertebra 1 definition The first lumbar vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/L1_Vertebra , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + lumbar vertebra 1 definition The first lumbar vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/L1_Vertebra , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: lumbar vertebra 2
- Deleted
- - lumbar vertebra 2 definition The second lumbar vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/L2_Vertebra , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + lumbar vertebra 2 definition The second lumbar vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/L2_Vertebra , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: lumbar vertebra 3
- Deleted
- - lumbar vertebra 3 definition The third lumbar vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/L3_Vertebra , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + lumbar vertebra 3 definition The third lumbar vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/L3_Vertebra , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: mammalian cervical vertebra 4
- Deleted
- - mammalian cervical vertebra 4 definition The fourth of the seven cervical vertebrae[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/C4_Vertebra , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + mammalian cervical vertebra 4 definition The fourth of the seven cervical vertebrae[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/C4_Vertebra , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: mammalian cervical vertebra 3
- Deleted
- - mammalian cervical vertebra 3 definition The third of the seven cervical vertebrae[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/C3_Vertebra , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + mammalian cervical vertebra 3 definition The third of the seven cervical vertebrae[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/C3_Vertebra , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: rib 9
- Deleted
- - rib 9 definition The ninth rib counting from the top of the rib cage down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/Rib_9 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + rib 9 definition The ninth rib counting from the top of the rib cage down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/Rib_9 , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: rib 7
- Deleted
- - rib 7 definition The seventh rib counting from the top of the rib cage down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/Rib_7 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + rib 7 definition The seventh rib counting from the top of the rib cage down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/Rib_7 , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: rib 6
- Deleted
- - rib 6 definition The sixth rib counting from the top of the rib cage down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/Rib_6 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + rib 6 definition The sixth rib counting from the top of the rib cage down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/Rib_6 , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: rib 5
- Deleted
- - rib 5 definition The fifth rib counting from the top of the rib cage down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/Rib_5 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + rib 5 definition The fifth rib counting from the top of the rib cage down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/Rib_5 , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: rib 4
- Deleted
- - rib 4 definition The fourth rib counting from the top of the rib cage down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/Rib_4 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + rib 4 definition The fourth rib counting from the top of the rib cage down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/Rib_4 , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: rib 3
- Deleted
- - rib 3 definition The third rib counting from the top of the rib cage down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/Rib_3 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + rib 3 definition The third rib counting from the top of the rib cage down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/Rib_3 , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: rib 1
- Deleted
- - rib 1 definition The first rib of the rib cage { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + rib 1 definition The first rib of the rib cage { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: rib 2
- Deleted
- - rib 2 definition The second rib of the rib cage { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + rib 2 definition The second rib of the rib cage { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: habenular nucleus
- Deleted
- - habenular nucleus definition Either of the two neural nuclei within the habenula. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + habenular nucleus definition Either of the two neural nuclei within the habenula. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: pupa
- Added
Changes for: hoof lamina
- Added
- + hoof lamina SubClassOf connects some digit 3 digitopodial skeleton
Changes for: reproductive organ
- Deleted
- - reproductive organ database cross reference MESH:A05.360
- Added
- + reproductive organ database cross reference MESH:D005835
Changes for: fascia
- Deleted
- - fascia database cross reference MESH:A02.340
- Added
- + fascia database cross reference MESH:D005205
Changes for: skull
- Deleted
- - skull database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.781
- Added
- + skull database cross reference MESH:D012886
Changes for: chorion
- Deleted
- - chorion definition the outermost extraembryonic membrane { database cross reference=MP:0002836,MESH:A10.615.284.473 }
- Added
- + chorion definition the outermost extraembryonic membrane { database cross reference=MESH:A10.615.284.473 , database cross reference=MP:0002836 }
Changes for: cranium
- Deleted
- - cranium definition Upper portion of the skull that excludes the mandible (when present in the organism). { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cranium_(anatomy) , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + cranium definition Upper portion of the skull that excludes the mandible (when present in the organism). { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cranium_(anatomy) , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: open tracheal system trachea
- Deleted
- - open tracheal system trachea definition A respiratory airway that is part of an open tracheal system. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + open tracheal system trachea definition A respiratory airway that is part of an open tracheal system. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: trachea
- Deleted
- - trachea database cross reference MESH:A04.889
- Added
- + trachea database cross reference MESH:D014132
Changes for: anal sac
- Deleted
- - anal sac database cross reference MESH:A13.073
- Added
- + anal sac database cross reference MESH:D000695
Changes for: cerebellar peduncle
- Deleted
- - cerebellar peduncle definition any of the three large paired bundles of nerve fibers that connect the cerebellum to the brain stem { database cross reference=MP:0009976,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + cerebellar peduncle definition any of the three large paired bundles of nerve fibers that connect the cerebellum to the brain stem { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0009976 }
Changes for: Peyer’s patch epithelium
- Deleted
- - Peyer’s patch epithelium definition the specialized epithelium of the Peyer’s patch { database cross reference=MP:0002388,ISBN:0-8153-1691-7,MGI:cwg }
- Added
- + Peyer’s patch epithelium definition the specialized epithelium of the Peyer’s patch { database cross reference=ISBN:0-8153-1691-7 , database cross reference=MGI:cwg , database cross reference=MP:0002388 }
Changes for: bulbourethral gland secretion
- Deleted
- - bulbourethral gland secretion definition A bodily secretion that is produced by a bulbourethral gland. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + bulbourethral gland secretion definition A bodily secretion that is produced by a bulbourethral gland. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: naso-frontal vein
- Deleted
- - naso-frontal vein definition The nasofrontal vein is a vein in the eye which drains to the superior ophthalmic vein. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nasofrontal_vein,Wikipedia:Nasofrontal_vein }
- Added
- + naso-frontal vein definition The nasofrontal vein is a vein in the eye which drains to the superior ophthalmic vein. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nasofrontal_vein }
Changes for: middle temporal area
- Deleted
- - middle temporal area definition The term “middle temporal visual area” was first used by Allman and Kaas (1971) for a region of the owl monkey brain located on the “caudal third of the middle temporal gyrus.” Functionally, it contains “a complete representation of the contralateral half of the visual field… This representation of the visual field (MT) corresponds to a histologically distinct area adjacent and rostral to area 19… The horizontal meridian divides MT into a lateral portion representing the upper visual quadrant and a medial portion representing the lower quadrant. The center of gaze is represented in the caudal portion of MT bordering area 19.” { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_anat_20090308 }
- Added
- + middle temporal area definition The term “middle temporal visual area” was first used by Allman and Kaas (1971) for a region of the owl monkey brain located on the “caudal third of the middle temporal gyrus.” Functionally, it contains “a complete representation of the contralateral half of the visual field… This representation of the visual field (MT) corresponds to a histologically distinct area adjacent and rostral to area 19… The horizontal meridian divides MT into a lateral portion representing the upper visual quadrant and a medial portion representing the lower quadrant. The center of gaze is represented in the caudal portion of MT bordering area 19.” { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_anat_20090308 }
Changes for: corona radiata of neuraxis
- Deleted
- - corona radiata of neuraxis definition Fan shaped white matter mass comprised of afferent and efferent fibers from the cerebral cortex arranged in radially arrayed bundles, converging towards the internal capsule (Carpenter, Core Text of Neuroanatomy, 3rd ed, 1985, pg. 30; Heimer, The Human Brain and Spinal Cord, 2nd ed., 1995, pg 84). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_anat_090903 }
- Added
- + corona radiata of neuraxis definition Fan shaped white matter mass comprised of afferent and efferent fibers from the cerebral cortex arranged in radially arrayed bundles, converging towards the internal capsule (Carpenter, Core Text of Neuroanatomy, 3rd ed, 1985, pg. 30; Heimer, The Human Brain and Spinal Cord, 2nd ed., 1995, pg 84). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_anat_090903 }
Changes for: spinal cord gray commissure
- Deleted
- - spinal cord gray commissure definition the band of grey substance spanning the midline of the spinal cord that surrounds the central canal { database cross reference=MP:0009696,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + spinal cord gray commissure definition the band of grey substance spanning the midline of the spinal cord that surrounds the central canal { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0009696 }
Changes for: ependyma
- Deleted
- - ependyma database cross reference MESH:A08.
- - ependyma definition The thin epithelium-like membrane composed of ependymal cells that lines the ventricular system of the brain and the spinal cord. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ependyma , database cross reference=ISBN-10:0387949542 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + ependyma database cross reference MESH:D004805
- + ependyma definition The thin epithelium-like membrane composed of ependymal cells that lines the ventricular system of the brain and the spinal cord. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ependyma , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=ISBN-10:0387949542 }
Changes for: gyrus rectus
- Deleted
- - gyrus rectus definition The portion of the frontal lobe medial to the medial orbital gyrus is named the gyrus rectus (or straight gyrus), and is continuous with the superior frontal gyrus on the medial surface. A specific function for the gyrus rectus has not yet been elucidated. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straight_gyrus,Wikipedia:Straight_gyrus }
- Added
- + gyrus rectus definition The portion of the frontal lobe medial to the medial orbital gyrus is named the gyrus rectus (or straight gyrus), and is continuous with the superior frontal gyrus on the medial surface. A specific function for the gyrus rectus has not yet been elucidated. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straight_gyrus }
Changes for: vertebra lamina
- Deleted
- - vertebra lamina definition two broad plates directed dorsomedially from the pedicles; these fuse at the dorsal midline, and complete the dorsal wall of the vertebral foramen { database cross reference=MP:0004605,ISBN:0-683-40008-8,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + vertebra lamina definition two broad plates directed dorsomedially from the pedicles; these fuse at the dorsal midline, and complete the dorsal wall of the vertebral foramen { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0004605 }
Changes for: aorta wall
- Deleted
- - aorta wall definition An anatomical wall that is part of an aorta, enclosing the luminal space. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + aorta wall definition An anatomical wall that is part of an aorta, enclosing the luminal space. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: aorta tunica adventitia
- Deleted
- - aorta tunica adventitia definition the outermost layer of the aorta wall, containing connective tissue and collagen and elastic fibers { database cross reference=MP:0009871,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + aorta tunica adventitia definition the outermost layer of the aorta wall, containing connective tissue and collagen and elastic fibers { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0009871 }
Changes for: scapula spine
- Deleted
- - scapula spine definition the triangular ridge on the dorsal aspect of the scapula which separates the supra- from the infraspinatous fossa and where the trapezius and deltoid muscles are attached { database cross reference=MP:0004347,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + scapula spine definition the triangular ridge on the dorsal aspect of the scapula which separates the supra- from the infraspinatous fossa and where the trapezius and deltoid muscles are attached { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0004347 }
Changes for: mandible condylar process
- Deleted
- - mandible condylar process database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.781.324.502.632.600
- Added
- + mandible condylar process database cross reference MESH:D008335
Changes for: tertiary ovarian follicle
- Deleted
- - tertiary ovarian follicle definition A follicle that has reached the most mature stage of folliculogenesis, characterized by the presence of the antrum { database cross reference=http://www.repropedia.org/antral-follicle , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + tertiary ovarian follicle definition A follicle that has reached the most mature stage of folliculogenesis, characterized by the presence of the antrum { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=http://www.repropedia.org/antral-follicle }
Changes for: head
- Deleted
- - head database cross reference MESH:A01.456
- Added
- + head database cross reference MESH:D006257
Changes for: follicular fluid
- Deleted
- - follicular fluid database cross reference MESH:A05.360.319.114.630.535.150
- Added
- + follicular fluid database cross reference MESH:D015571
Changes for: ganglion
- Deleted
- - ganglion SubClassOf cell cluster
- - ganglion database cross reference MESH:A08.340
- - ganglion definition A biological tissue mass, most commonly a mass of nerve cell bodies. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ganglion , database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/300 }
- Added
- + ganglion SubClassOf cell cluster organ
- + ganglion contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + ganglion database cross reference MESH:D005724
- + ganglion definition A biological tissue mass, most commonly a mass of nerve cell bodies. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ganglion , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/300 }
Changes for: tendon
- Deleted
- - tendon database cross reference MESH:A02.880
- Added
- + tendon database cross reference MESH:D013710
Changes for: serous membrane
- Deleted
- - serous membrane database cross reference MESH:A10.615.789
- - serous membrane definition multi-tissue structure that is comprised of a secretory epithelial layer (mesothelium) and a connective tissue layer. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serous_membrane , database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/86 }
- Added
- + serous membrane contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + serous membrane database cross reference MESH:D012704
- + serous membrane definition multi-tissue structure that is comprised of a secretory epithelial layer (mesothelium) and a connective tissue layer. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serous_membrane , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/86 }
Changes for: preductal region of aortic arch
- Deleted
- - preductal region of aortic arch definition Area of aorta proximal to the ductus arteriosus. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + preductal region of aortic arch definition Area of aorta proximal to the ductus arteriosus. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: postductal region of aortic arch
- Deleted
- - postductal region of aortic arch definition Area of aorta distal to the ductus arteriosus. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + postductal region of aortic arch definition Area of aorta distal to the ductus arteriosus. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: juxtaductal region of aortic arch
- Deleted
- - juxtaductal region of aortic arch definition Area of aorta at the area of insertion to the ductus arteriosus. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + juxtaductal region of aortic arch definition Area of aorta at the area of insertion to the ductus arteriosus. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: mucus body coating
- Deleted
- - mucus body coating definition A coating of mucus that is produced by the skin and covers all or most of the body of an animal. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + mucus body coating definition A coating of mucus that is produced by the skin and covers all or most of the body of an animal. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: parasympathetic nervous system
- Deleted
- - parasympathetic nervous system database cross reference MESH:A08.800.050.600
- Added
- + parasympathetic nervous system database cross reference MESH:D010275
Changes for: peripheral nervous system
- Deleted
- - peripheral nervous system database cross reference MESH:A08.800
- Added
- + peripheral nervous system database cross reference MESH:D017933
Changes for: sympathetic nervous system
- Deleted
- - sympathetic nervous system database cross reference MESH:A08.800.050.800
- - sympathetic nervous system development notes has developmental contribution from NC in verteberates (UBERONREF:0000002)
- Added
- + sympathetic nervous system database cross reference MESH:D013564
- + sympathetic nervous system development notes has developmental contribution from NC in verteberates (https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/The-neural-crest)
Changes for: anatomical boundary
- Deleted
- - anatomical boundary comment Except in the case of abstracted fiat boundaries such as the midline plane of an organism, all 2D anatomical entities have a 3 dimensional projection. For example, the surface of the shell of a muscle has a distinct shape that projects into the third dimension. Note that boundaries are 2D structures. They have no thickness - and so can not be sites of gene expression or gene product localisation. For this, use boundary region terms.
- Added
- + anatomical boundary comment Except in the case of abstracted fiat boundaries such as the midline plane of an organism, all 2D anatomical entities have a 3 dimensional projection. For example, the surface of the shell of a muscle has a distinct shape that projects into the third dimension. Note that boundaries are 2D structures. They have no thickness - and so can not be sites of gene expression or gene product localisation. For this, use boundary region terms.
Changes for: zone of skin
- Deleted
- - zone of skin database cross reference MESH:A17.815
- Added
- + zone of skin database cross reference MESH:D012867
Changes for: endocrine pancreas
- Deleted
- - endocrine pancreas definition The part of the pancreas that is part of the endocrine system and is made up of islet cells, which produce insulin, glucagon and somatostatin. { database cross reference=GO:GO , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + endocrine pancreas definition The part of the pancreas that is part of the endocrine system and is made up of islet cells, which produce insulin, glucagon and somatostatin. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=GO:GO }
Changes for: exocrine pancreas
- Deleted
- - exocrine pancreas definition The part of the pancreas that is part of the exocrine system and which produces and store zymogens of digestive enzymes, such as chymotrypsinogen and trypsinogen in the acinar cells [GO]. { database cross reference=GOC:GO , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + exocrine pancreas definition The part of the pancreas that is part of the exocrine system and which produces and store zymogens of digestive enzymes, such as chymotrypsinogen and trypsinogen in the acinar cells [GO]. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=GOC:GO }
Changes for: compound eye
Changes for: vermilion
- Deleted
- - vermilion definition The zone of the skin that surrounds a lip and is colored red due to thin epithelium and presence of eleidin { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + vermilion definition The zone of the skin that surrounds a lip and is colored red due to thin epithelium and presence of eleidin { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: feather
- Deleted
- - feather database cross reference MESH:A13.370
- Added
- + feather database cross reference MESH:D005241
Changes for: sense organ
- Deleted
- - sense organ database cross reference MESH:A09
- Added
- + sense organ contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + sense organ database cross reference MESH:D012679
Changes for: appendage
- Deleted
- - appendage database cross reference MESH:A01.378
- Added
- + appendage database cross reference MESH:D005121
Changes for: forelimb wing
- Deleted
- - forelimb wing definition Forelimb that is used to produce lift for flight through the air. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + forelimb wing definition Forelimb that is used to produce lift for flight through the air. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: wing
- Deleted
- - wing database cross reference MESH:A13.395.823
- - wing definition Appendage that is shaped in order to produce lift for flight through the air. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - wing has exact synonym aliform appendage { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + wing database cross reference MESH:D014921
- + wing definition Appendage that is shaped in order to produce lift for flight through the air. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + wing has exact synonym aliform appendage { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: lymph node
- Deleted
- - lymph node database cross reference MESH:A15.382.520.604.412
- Added
- + lymph node EquivalentTo organ and continuous with some lymphatic vessel and composed primarily of some lymphoid tissue
- + lymph node SubClassOf composed primarily of some lymphoid tissue
- + lymph node database cross reference MESH:D008198
- + lymph node see also https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/650
Changes for: nose
- Deleted
- - olfactory apparatus SubClassOf part of some respiratory system
- - olfactory apparatus database cross reference MESH:A01.456.505.733
- - olfactory apparatus definition the organ that is specialized for smell and is part of the respiratory system { database cross reference=MP:0002233,MESH:A01.456.505.733,MGI:cwg }
- - olfactory apparatus editor note TODO - distinguish generic olfactory apparatus from nose; we have olfactory organ for the generic organ - add new class ‘olfactory structure’?
- - olfactory apparatus label olfactory apparatus
- Added
- + nose database cross reference MESH:D009666
- + nose definition The olfactory organ of vertebrates, consisting of nares, olfactory epithelia and the structures and skeletal framework of the nasal cavity. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- + nose external definition the organ that is specialized for smell and is part of the respiratory system { source=MP:0002233 }
- + nose has related synonym olfactory apparatus { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- + nose label nose
- + nose taxon notes the structure of the nose varies across vertebrates. In tetrapods the nose is part of the respiratory system.[PMID:25312359]
Changes for: uterine cervix
- Deleted
- - uterine cervix database cross reference MESH:A05.360.319.679.256
- Added
- + uterine cervix database cross reference MESH:D002584
Changes for: pituitary gland
- Deleted
- - pituitary gland database cross reference MESH:A06.407.747
- Added
- + pituitary gland database cross reference MESH:D010902
Changes for: islet of Langerhans
- Deleted
- - islet of Langerhans database cross reference MESH:A03.734.414
- - islet of Langerhans definition the clusters of hormone-producing cells that are scattered throughout the pancreas { database cross reference=MP:0005215,MA:0000127,MESH:A03.734.414 }
- Added
- + islet of Langerhans database cross reference MESH:D007515
- + islet of Langerhans definition the clusters of hormone-producing cells that are scattered throughout the pancreas { database cross reference=MA:0000127 , database cross reference=MESH:A03.734.414 , database cross reference=MP:0005215 }
Changes for: lingula of left lung
- Deleted
- - lingula of left lung taxon notes the lingula of the left lung in humans is not normally considered a true lobe
- Added
- + lingula of left lung taxon notes the lingula of the left lung in humans is not normally considered a true lobe { seeAlso=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/79 }
Changes for: forelimb bone
- Deleted
- - forelimb bone database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.087
- Added
- + forelimb bone database cross reference MESH:D001133
Changes for: egg chamber
Changes for: secondary somatosensory cortex
- Deleted
- - secondary somatosensory cortex definition the area of the upper bank of the lateral sulcus that is involved in somatic sensation { database cross reference=MP:0000863,ISBN:0838580343 }
- Added
- + secondary somatosensory cortex definition the area of the upper bank of the lateral sulcus that is involved in somatic sensation { database cross reference=ISBN:0838580343 , database cross reference=MP:0000863 }
Changes for: blastocele
Changes for: post-embryonic stage
Changes for: albumen
Changes for: chondral bone
- Deleted
- - chondral bone definition Replacement bone that forms within or surrounding a cartilaginous skeletal element. { database cross reference=zfin:curator }
- Added
- + chondral bone definition Replacement bone that forms within or surrounding a cartilaginous skeletal element. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/139 , database cross reference=zfin:curator }
Changes for: male reproductive system
- Deleted
- - male reproductive system database cross reference MESH:A05.360.444
- Added
- + male reproductive system database cross reference MESH:D005837
Changes for: renal glomerulus
- Deleted
- - renal glomerulus database cross reference MESH:A05.810.453.736.520
- Added
- + renal glomerulus database cross reference MESH:D007678
Changes for: proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tract
- Deleted
- - proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tract definition An section of a respiratory tract. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tract definition An section of a respiratory tract. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: regional part of nervous system
- Deleted
- - regional part of nervous system definition Any part or collection of parts of the central or peripheral nervous system. Parts may span both CNS and PNS. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1157 }
- Added
- + regional part of nervous system definition Any part or collection of parts of the central or peripheral nervous system. Parts may span both CNS and PNS. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1157 }
Changes for: pupal stage
- Added
- + pupal stage contributor https://github.com/ANiknejad
- + pupal stage contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + pupal stage contributor https://github.com/dosumis
- + pupal stage contributor https://github.com/fbastian
- + pupal stage contributor https://github.com/mmc46
- + pupal stage see also https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/562
Changes for: hypoblast (generic)
Changes for: sublaminar layers S1 or S2
- Deleted
- - sublaminar layers S1 or S2 definition One of sublaminar layers S1 or S2. { database cross reference=GOC:tfm }
- Added
- + sublaminar layers S1 or S2 contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + sublaminar layers S1 or S2 contributor https://github.com/tmeehan
- + sublaminar layers S1 or S2 definition One of sublaminar layers S1 or S2. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/31 , database cross reference=GOC:tfm }
Changes for: zona pellucida
- Deleted
- - zona pellucida database cross reference MESH:A05.360.490.690.950
- Added
- + zona pellucida database cross reference MESH:D015044
Changes for: sublaminar layers S4 or S5
- Deleted
- - sublaminar layers S4 or S5 definition One of sublaminar layers S4 or S5. { database cross reference=GOC:tfm }
- Added
- + sublaminar layers S4 or S5 contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + sublaminar layers S4 or S5 contributor https://github.com/tmeehan
- + sublaminar layers S4 or S5 definition One of sublaminar layers S4 or S5. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/31 , database cross reference=GOC:tfm }
Changes for: sublaminar layers S2 or S3
- Deleted
- - sublaminar layers S2 or S3 definition One of sublaminar layers S2 or S3. { database cross reference=GOC:tfm }
- Added
- + sublaminar layers S2 or S3 contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + sublaminar layers S2 or S3 contributor https://github.com/tmeehan
- + sublaminar layers S2 or S3 definition One of sublaminar layers S2 or S3. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/31 , database cross reference=GOC:tfm }
Changes for: ureteric bud
- Deleted
- - ureteric bud definition An epithelial swelling on the Wolffian duct that elongates to invade the adjacent metanephric mesenchyme[MP] { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19828308 , database cross reference=https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=36855&atid=440764 , database cross reference=MP:0010979 }
- Added
- + ureteric bud definition An epithelial swelling on the Wolffian duct that elongates to invade the adjacent metanephric mesenchyme[MP] { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19828308 , database cross reference=MP:0010979 }
Changes for: mesonephros
- Deleted
- - mesonephros database cross reference MESH:A16.254.500
- Added
- + mesonephros database cross reference MESH:D001755
Changes for: macula
- Deleted
- - macula database cross reference MESH:A09.246.631.909.625.125
- Added
- + macula database cross reference MESH:D008267
Changes for: macula lutea
- Deleted
- - macula lutea database cross reference MESH:A09.371.729.522
- Added
- + macula lutea database cross reference MESH:D008266
Changes for: ureter
- Deleted
- - ureter database cross reference MESH:A05.810.776
- Added
- + ureter database cross reference MESH:D014513
Changes for: urethra
- Deleted
- - urethra database cross reference MESH:A05.360.444.492.726
- - urethra definition the fibromuscular tubular canal through which urine is discharged from the bladder to the exterior via the external urinary meatus; in males, the urethra is joined by the ejaculatory ducts and serves as a passageway for semen during ejaculation, as well as a canal for urine during voiding; in females, the urethra is shorter and emerges above the vaginal opening { database cross reference=MP:0000537,MGI:anna }
- Added
- + urethra database cross reference MESH:D014521
- + urethra definition the fibromuscular tubular canal through which urine is discharged from the bladder to the exterior via the external urinary meatus; in males, the urethra is joined by the ejaculatory ducts and serves as a passageway for semen during ejaculation, as well as a canal for urine during voiding; in females, the urethra is shorter and emerges above the vaginal opening { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0000537 }
Changes for: organ subunit
- Deleted
- - organ subunit definition A part of an organ that constitutes a distinct modular sub-unit. In some cases, the organ may also contain other sub-units of identical or similar types, in other cases this may be a distinct entity. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + organ subunit definition A part of an organ that constitutes a distinct modular sub-unit. In some cases, the organ may also contain other sub-units of identical or similar types, in other cases this may be a distinct entity. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: organ part
- Deleted
- - organ part definition A multicellular structure that is a part of an organ. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + organ part definition A multicellular structure that is a part of an organ. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: fully formed stage
Changes for: embryo stage
- Deleted
- - embryo stage definition A life cycle stage that starts with fertilization and ends with the fully formed embryo. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + embryo stage definition A life cycle stage that starts with fertilization and ends with the fully formed embryo. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: anatomical structure
- Deleted
- - anatomical structure database cross reference MESH:A13
- Added
- + anatomical structure database cross reference MESH:D000825
Changes for: organ
- Deleted
- - organ has related synonym element { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
Changes for: manual digit 1 digitopodial skeleton
- Deleted
- - manual digit 1 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym manual digit I digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 1 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym manual digit I digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: posterior process of ilium
- Deleted
- - posterior process of ilium SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: post-glenoid process
- Deleted
- - post-glenoid process SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: postacetabular buttress
- Deleted
- - postacetabular buttress SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: ischial peduncle
- Deleted
- - ischial peduncle SubClassOf skeletal element projection
Changes for: manual digit 5 digitopodial skeleton
- Deleted
- - manual digit 5 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym manual digit V digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 5 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym manual digit V digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 4 digitopodial skeleton
- Deleted
- - manual digit 4 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym manual digit IV digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 4 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym manual digit IV digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 3 digitopodial skeleton
- Deleted
- - manual digit 3 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym manual digit III digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 3 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym manual digit III digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 2 digitopodial skeleton
- Deleted
- - manual digit 2 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym manual digit II digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 2 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym manual digit II digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: inferior hypophysial artery
- Deleted
- - inferior hypophysial artery definition The inferior hypophysial artery is an artery supplying the pituitary gland. It is a branch of the cavernous carotid artery (internal carotid artery). { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inferior_hypophysial_artery,Wikipedia:Inferior_hypophysial_artery }
- Added
- + inferior hypophysial artery definition The inferior hypophysial artery is an artery supplying the pituitary gland. It is a branch of the cavernous carotid artery (internal carotid artery). { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inferior_hypophysial_artery }
Changes for: pedal digit 4 digitopodial skeleton
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 4 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym pedal digit IV digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 4 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym pedal digit IV digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 3 digitopodial skeleton
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 3 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym pedal digit III digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 3 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym pedal digit III digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 2 digitopodial skeleton
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 2 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym pedal digit II digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 2 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym pedal digit II digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 1 digitopodial skeleton
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 1 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym pedal digit I digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 1 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym pedal digit I digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 5 digitopodial skeleton
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 5 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym pedal digit V digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 5 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym pedal digit V digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 7 plus metapodial segment
- Deleted
- - manual digit 7 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 }
- - manual digit 7 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym manual digit VII plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 7 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 }
- + manual digit 7 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym manual digit VII plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 6 plus metapodial segment
- Deleted
- - manual digit 6 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 }
- - manual digit 6 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym manual digit VI plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 6 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 }
- + manual digit 6 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym manual digit VI plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 6 plus metapodial segment
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 6 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 }
- - pedal digit 6 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym pedal digit VI plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 6 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 }
- + pedal digit 6 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym pedal digit VI plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 8 plus metapodial segment
- Deleted
- - manual digit 8 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 }
- - manual digit 8 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym manual digit VIII plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 8 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 }
- + manual digit 8 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym manual digit VIII plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: cervical part of esophagus
- Deleted
- - cervical part of esophagus definition Clinical esophageal segment composed of skeletal muscle. It corresponds to the superior part of the upper third topographic segment of the esophagus. { database cross reference=ncithesaurus:Cervical_Esophagus }
- Added
- + cervical part of esophagus definition Clinical esophageal segment composed of skeletal muscle. It corresponds to the superior part of the upper third topographic segment of the esophagus. { database cross reference=ncithesaurus:Cervical_Esophagus }
Changes for: coronary vessel
- Deleted
- - coronary vessel database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.269
- Added
- + coronary vessel database cross reference MESH:D003331
Changes for: chorda tendineae
- Deleted
- - chorda tendineae database cross reference MESH:A07.541.510.240
- Added
- + chorda tendineae database cross reference MESH:D002815
Changes for: eye trabecular meshwork
- Deleted
- - eye trabecular meshwork database cross reference MESH:A09.371.060.932
- Added
- + eye trabecular meshwork database cross reference MESH:D014129
Changes for: infundibulum of hair follicle
- Deleted
- - infundibulum of hair follicle definition The portion of the hair follicle from the entrance of the sebaceous gland duct to the surface opening. { database cross reference=http://sourceforge.net/p/obo/mouse-anatomy-requests/62 , database cross reference=ISBN10:0123813611 }
- Added
- + infundibulum of hair follicle definition The portion of the hair follicle from the entrance of the sebaceous gland duct to the epidermal surface opening. { database cross reference=http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2008.12.005 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/mouse-anatomy-ontology/issues/76 , database cross reference=ISBN10:0123813611 }
Changes for: posterior cerebellomedullary cistern
- Deleted
- - posterior cerebellomedullary cistern database cross reference MESH:A08.186.566.166.686.351
- Added
- + posterior cerebellomedullary cistern database cross reference MESH:D002946
Changes for: hair follicle bulge
- Added
- + hair follicle bulge editor note add cell type to CL
- + hair follicle bulge external definition Convex protrusion of the outer root sheath in the most distal permanent portion of the hair follicle, just below the sebaceous gland and at the insertion site of the muscle arrector pili. Contains the hair follicle stem cells. { source=http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2008.12.005 }
- + hair follicle bulge has narrow synonym bulge { database cross reference=http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2008.12.005 }
Changes for: brain commissure
- Deleted
- - brain commissure definition any of the nerve fiber tracts that span the longitudinal fissure between the cerebral and/or cerebellar hemispheres of the brain { database cross reference=MP:0002199,ISBN:0-683-40008-8,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + brain commissure definition any of the nerve fiber tracts that span the longitudinal fissure between the cerebral and/or cerebellar hemispheres of the brain { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0002199 }
Changes for: axial skeleton plus cranial skeleton
- Deleted
- - axial skeleton plus cranial skeleton SubClassOf connected to some appendicular skeleton
- - axial skeleton plus cranial skeleton definition Subdivision of skeleton which consists of cranial skeleton, set of all vertebrae, set of all ribs and sternum[FMA, modified]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axial_skeleton , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/The-axial-skeleton , database cross reference=FMA:71221 , database cross reference=VSAO:0000056 }
- Added
- + axial skeleton plus cranial skeleton contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + axial skeleton plus cranial skeleton definition Subdivision of skeleton which consists of cranial skeleton, set of all vertebrae, set of all ribs and sternum[FMA, modified]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axial_skeleton , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/44 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/The-axial-skeleton , database cross reference=FMA:71221 , database cross reference=VSAO:0000056 }
Changes for: hair inner root sheath
- Deleted
- - hair inner root sheath definition A multilayered tube composed of terminally differentiated hair follicle keratinocytes that is surrounded by the outer root sheath; the layers of the inner root sheath include the companion layer, Henle’s layer, Huxley’s layer and the inner root sheath cuticle[MP]. { database cross reference=https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3213510&group_id=76834&atid=1205376 , database cross reference=MP:0010685 }
- Added
- + hair inner root sheath definition A multilayered tube composed of terminally differentiated hair follicle keratinocytes that is surrounded by the outer root sheath; the layers of the inner root sheath include the companion layer, Henle’s layer, Huxley’s layer and the inner root sheath cuticle[MP]. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/mouse-anatomy-ontology/issues/56 , database cross reference=MP:0010685 }
Changes for: hair outer root sheath
- Deleted
- - hair outer root sheath definition It surrounds the hair follicle like a sleeve all the way to the bulb. The outer root sheath is essentially a stratified epithelium that is contiguous with the epidermis. { database cross reference=https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3213510&group_id=76834&atid=1205376 , database cross reference=Keratin.com:http://www.keratin.com/ }
- Added
- + hair outer root sheath SubClassOf continuous with some bulb of hair follicle
- + hair outer root sheath database cross reference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outer_root_sheath
- + hair outer root sheath definition A stratified epithelium that surrounds the hair follicle that merges proximally with the basal layer of the interfollicular epidermis and distally with the hair bulb. { database cross reference=http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2008.12.005 , database cross reference=http://www.keratin.com/aa/aa022.shtml , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/mouse-anatomy-ontology/issues/56 }
Changes for: inferior nasal concha
- Deleted
- - inferior nasal concha SubClassOf endochondral bone
- - inferior nasal concha SubClassOf neurocranium bone
- - inferior nasal concha definition The inferior nasal concha (Inferior Turbinated Bone) is one of the turbinates in the nose. It extends horizontally along the lateral wall of the nasal cavity [Fig. 1] and consists of a of spongy bone, curled upon itself like a scroll. Each inferior nasal concha is considered a facial pair of bones since they arise from the maxillae bones and projects horizontally into the nasal cavity. They are also termed ‘inferior nasal turbinates’ because they function similar to that of a turbine. As the air passes through the turbinates, the air is churned against these mucosa-lined bones in order to receive warmth, moisture and cleansing. Superior to inferior nasal concha are the middle nasal concha and superior nasal concha which arise from the cranial portion of the skull. Hence, these two are considered as a part of the cranial bones. It has two surfaces, two borders, and two extremities. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inferior_nasal_concha }
- Added
- + inferior nasal concha definition A turbinal located on the maxilla bone. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- + inferior nasal concha function notes While the maxilloturbinates of mammals are located in the path of airflow to collect moisture, sensory turbinates in both mammals and reptiles are positioned farther back and above the nasal passage, away from the flow of air
- + inferior nasal concha has related synonym maxilloturbinal { database cross reference=palaeos.com/vertebrates/bones/braincase/ethmoid.html }
- + inferior nasal concha taxon notes In many carnivores and ungulates, the maxilloturbinal is the most complex element immediately posterior to the vestibule[PMID:25312359]
Changes for: external naris
- Deleted
- - external naris definition A naris that provides one of the small external openings of the head that give passage to air for breathing. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nostril , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + external naris definition A naris that provides one of the small external openings of the head that give passage to air for breathing. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nostril , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: ethmoidal process of inferior nasal concha
- Deleted
- Added
- + ethmoidal process of inferior nasal concha has related synonym ethmoturbinal { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- + ethmoidal process of inferior nasal concha taxon notes In many carnivores and ungulates, the ethmoturbinals are most complex within a posterosuperior cul-de-sac, the olfactory recess[PMID:25312359]
Changes for: hair root sheath
- Deleted
- - hair root sheath external ontology notes see https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3213510&group_id=76834&atid=1205376
- Added
Changes for: bulb of hair follicle
- Deleted
- - bulb of hair follicle definition The lower segment of the hair that circles the dermal papilla and the hair matrix. { database cross reference=ncithesaurus:Hair_Bulb }
- - bulb of hair follicle see also https://sourceforge.net/p/obo/mouse-anatomy-requests/42/
- Added
- + bulb of hair follicle definition Thickening of the proximal end of the hair follicle. Contains rapidly proliferating, rather undifferentiated matrix cells (transient amplifying cells), melanocytes and outer root sheath cells. { database cross reference=http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2008.12.005 }
- + bulb of hair follicle see also https://github.com/obophenotype/mouse-anatomy-ontology/issues/56
Changes for: serous sac
- Deleted
- - serous sac definition Organ with organ cavity, which has as parts a serous membrane and a serous cavity . Examples: pleural sac, pericardial sac, tendon sheath, bursa.[FMA] { database cross reference=FMA:9689 }
- Added
- + serous sac contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + serous sac definition Organ with organ cavity, which has as parts a serous membrane and a serous cavity . Examples: pleural sac, pericardial sac, tendon sheath, bursa.[FMA] { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/86 , database cross reference=FMA:9689 }
Changes for: transitional epithelium
- Deleted
- - transitional epithelium database cross reference MESH:A10.272.850
- - transitional epithelium definition Multilaminar epithelium, which of consists of more than one layer of epithelial cells, in contact with a basement membrane, that can undergo distention and contraction without losing its integrity and consistency. Examples: urothelium.[FMA] { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transitional_epithelium , database cross reference=FMA:63914 , database cross reference=FMA:FMA }
- Added
- + transitional epithelium contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + transitional epithelium database cross reference MESH:D019459
- + transitional epithelium definition Multilaminar epithelium, which of consists of more than one layer of epithelial cells, in contact with a basement membrane, that can undergo distention and contraction without losing its integrity and consistency. Examples: urothelium.[FMA] { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transitional_epithelium , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/92 , database cross reference=FMA:63914 }
Changes for: enteropneust trunk
- Deleted
- - enteropneust trunk definition Posteriormost of the three body regions of an enteropneust. { database cross reference=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acorn_worm , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + enteropneust trunk definition Posteriormost of the three body regions of an enteropneust. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acorn_worm }
Changes for: accessory nerve cord of dorsal region
- Deleted
- - accessory nerve cord of dorsal region definition Any longitudinally extending condensed cluster of neurons and processes that runs along the dorsal mid-line of the animal that is not the most prominent nerve cord. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorsal_nerve_cord , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + accessory nerve cord of dorsal region definition Any longitudinally extending condensed cluster of neurons and processes that runs along the dorsal mid-line of the animal that is not the most prominent nerve cord. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorsal_nerve_cord , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: enteropneust collar
- Deleted
- - enteropneust collar definition Middle of the three body regions of an enteropneust. { database cross reference=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acorn_worm , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + enteropneust collar definition Middle of the three body regions of an enteropneust. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acorn_worm }
Changes for: enteropneust proboscis
- Deleted
- - enteropneust proboscis definition Anteriormost of the three body regions of an enteropneust. { database cross reference=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acorn_worm , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + enteropneust proboscis definition Anteriormost of the three body regions of an enteropneust. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acorn_worm }
Changes for: auricular blood vessel
- Deleted
- - auricular blood vessel definition A blood vessel that supplies or drains an ear. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + auricular blood vessel definition A blood vessel that supplies or drains an ear. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: profundal placode
- Deleted
- - profundal placode definition An embryonic structure positioned halfway between the prospective eye and ear, adjacent to the future midbrain-hindbrain boundary. The profundal and the trigeminal ganglia are separate distally but fused at their proximal end as they condense around NF stage 24. { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21452441 , database cross reference=XAO:0004093 }
- Added
- + profundal placode definition An embryonic structure positioned halfway between the prospective eye and ear, adjacent to the future midbrain-hindbrain boundary. The profundal and the trigeminal ganglia are separate distally but fused at their proximal end as they condense around NF stage 24. { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21452441 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/693 , database cross reference=XAO:0004093 }
Changes for: accessory optic system
- Deleted
- - accessory optic system definition Subdivision of visual system that processes movements of images across retina and regulates the movement of eyes to keep the image stable. { database cross reference=ISBN10:0471888893 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + accessory optic system definition Subdivision of visual system that processes movements of images across retina and regulates the movement of eyes to keep the image stable. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=ISBN10:0471888893 }
Changes for: head mesenchyme from mesoderm
- Deleted
- - head mesenchyme from mesoderm editor note merged in ‘head mesoderm’ from XAO/AAO and EFO here. Partially implements UBERONREF:0000002 NC meeting scheme
- Added
- + head mesenchyme from mesoderm editor note merged in ‘head mesoderm’ from XAO/AAO and EFO here. Partially implements https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/The-neural-crest NC meeting scheme
Changes for: maxillary prominence
- Deleted
- - maxillary prominence definition the paired dorsal prominences formed by bifurcation of the first pharyngeal arches in the embryo that unite with the ipsilateral medial nasal process to form the upper jaw { database cross reference=MP:0010940,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + maxillary prominence definition the paired dorsal prominences formed by bifurcation of the first pharyngeal arches in the embryo that unite with the ipsilateral medial nasal process to form the upper jaw { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0010940 }
Changes for: maxillary process of inferior nasal concha
- Deleted
- - maxillary process of inferior nasal concha SubClassOf skeletal element projection
- - maxillary process of inferior nasal concha has related synonym maxilloturbinal { database cross reference=palaeos.com/vertebrates/bones/braincase/ethmoid.html }
Changes for: mandibular prominence
- Deleted
- - mandibular prominence definition the paired ventral prominences formed by bifurcation of the first pharyngeal arches in the embryo; the two prominences unite ventrally and fuse to form the mandible and lower lip { database cross reference=MP:0010939,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + mandibular prominence definition the paired ventral prominences formed by bifurcation of the first pharyngeal arches in the embryo; the two prominences unite ventrally and fuse to form the mandible and lower lip { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0010939 }
Changes for: styliform element
- Added
Changes for: central pretectal nucleus
- Deleted
- - central pretectal nucleus definition Any nucleus found in the central pretectum. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + central pretectal nucleus definition Any nucleus found in the central pretectum. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: stomach glandular epithelium
- Deleted
- - stomach glandular epithelium SubClassOf glandular epithelium
Changes for: glandular columnar epithelium
- Added
- + glandular columnar epithelium SubClassOf glandular epithelium
Changes for: undifferentiated genital tubercle
- Deleted
- - undifferentiated genital tubercle definition the embryonic anlage of the external genitalia, which emerges as paired swellings ventral to the cloacal membrane, is proposed to be derived from all three germ layers, and gives rise to the penis, clitoris, scrotum, labia, and foreskin { database cross reference=MP:0011771,MGI:anna }
- Added
- + undifferentiated genital tubercle definition the embryonic anlage of the external genitalia, which emerges as paired swellings ventral to the cloacal membrane, is proposed to be derived from all three germ layers, and gives rise to the penis, clitoris, scrotum, labia, and foreskin { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0011771 }
Changes for: superficial pretectal nucleus
- Deleted
- - superficial pretectal nucleus definition Any nucleus found in the superficial pretectum. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + superficial pretectal nucleus definition Any nucleus found in the superficial pretectum. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: left cardiac chamber
- Deleted
- - left cardiac chamber definition Any chamber of the left side of the heart { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + left cardiac chamber definition Any chamber of the left side of the heart { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: right cardiac chamber
- Deleted
- - right cardiac chamber definition Any chamber of the right side of the heart { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + right cardiac chamber definition Any chamber of the right side of the heart { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: deep vasculature
- Deleted
- - deep vasculature definition The part of the circulatory system that lies deep beneath the subcutaneous tissue layers away from the surface of the skin. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + deep vasculature definition The part of the circulatory system that lies deep beneath the subcutaneous tissue layers away from the surface of the skin. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: inner ear epithelium
- Deleted
- - inner ear epithelium definition the epithelial cell layer containing the sensory hair cells and their associated sensory nerve terminals { database cross reference=MP:0003308,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + inner ear epithelium definition the epithelial cell layer containing the sensory hair cells and their associated sensory nerve terminals { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0003308 }
Changes for: thymus subcapsular epithelium
- Deleted
- - thymus subcapsular epithelium definition the epithelial cells lining the capsule and trabeculae of the thymus { database cross reference=MP:0002369,ISBN:0-8153-1691-7,MGI:cwg }
- Added
- + thymus subcapsular epithelium definition the epithelial cells lining the capsule and trabeculae of the thymus { database cross reference=ISBN:0-8153-1691-7 , database cross reference=MGI:cwg , database cross reference=MP:0002369 }
Changes for: post-hyoid pharyngeal arch skeleton
- Deleted
- - post-hyoid pharyngeal arch skeleton definition The part of the pharyngeal arch skeleton that excludes the skeleton of arches 1 and 2. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - post-hyoid pharyngeal arch skeleton has related synonym gill arch skeleton { database cross reference=XAO:0003180 }
- Added
- + post-hyoid pharyngeal arch skeleton definition The part of the pharyngeal arch skeleton that excludes the skeleton of arches 1 and 2. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + post-hyoid pharyngeal arch skeleton has related synonym gill arch skeleton { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/83 , database cross reference=XAO:0003180 }
Changes for: stomach glandular region mucosa
- Deleted
- - stomach glandular region mucosa definition stomach mucosa that is lined with glandular epithelium and part of a stomach glandular region. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + stomach glandular region mucosa definition stomach mucosa that is lined with glandular epithelium and part of a stomach glandular region. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: glandular cuboidal epithelium
- Added
- + glandular cuboidal epithelium SubClassOf glandular epithelium
Changes for: neural tube alar plate
Changes for: autopodial extension
- Deleted
- - autopodial extension definition A subdivision of the autopod that corresponds to one or more bones arranged in series branching from the main limb axis. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + autopodial extension definition A subdivision of the autopod that corresponds to one or more bones arranged in series branching from the main limb axis. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: superficial vasculature
- Deleted
- - superficial vasculature definition The part of the circulatory system that lies within the subcutaneous tissue layers close to the surface of the skin. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + superficial vasculature definition The part of the circulatory system that lies within the subcutaneous tissue layers close to the surface of the skin. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: mammary gland myoepithelium
- Deleted
- - mammary myoepithelium has exact synonym mammary gland myoepithelium
- - mammary myoepithelium label mammary myoepithelium
- Added
- + mammary gland myoepithelium has exact synonym mammary myoepithelium { database cross reference=BTO:0002310 }
- + mammary gland myoepithelium label mammary gland myoepithelium
Changes for: mandible angular process
- Deleted
- - mandible angular process SubClassOf skeletal element projection
- Added
- + mandible angular process database cross reference MFMO:0000055
- + mandible angular process editor note requires verification, coordinate with rd. Note in FEED the superficial messeter attaches to the angle of the mandible; in MD the mandicular angual process is attachment site for the digastric muscle
- + mandible angular process has related synonym angle of mandible { database cross reference=FMA:59459 }
- + mandible angular process see also http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/FMA_59459
Changes for: horn
- Deleted
- - horn database cross reference MESH:A13.507
- Added
- + horn database cross reference MESH:D006733
Changes for: coronary capillary
- Deleted
- - coronary capillary definition A capillary that is part of the coronary system. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + coronary capillary definition A capillary that is part of the coronary system. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: antler
- Deleted
- - antler database cross reference MESH:A13.507.288
- Added
- + antler database cross reference MESH:D000999
Changes for: anatomical surface
- Deleted
- - anatomical surface comment Old definition: ‘Non-material anatomical entity of two dimensions, that is demarcated by anatomical lines or points on the external or internal surfaces of anatomical structures.’ Note, in the new definition, the space referred to is not necessarily an anatomical space. It may be the outside of an organism.
- - anatomical surface definition A two dimensional anatomical structure that is the boundary between an anatomical structure and an anatomical substance, an anatomical space or the organism’s environment. Examples include the surface of your skin, the surface of the lining of your gut; the surface of the endothelium of you aorta that is in contact with blood.n { database cross reference=CARO:0001002 }
- Added
- + anatomical surface comment Old definition: ‘Non-material anatomical entity of two dimensions, that is demarcated by anatomical lines or points on the external or internal surfaces of anatomical structures.’ Note, in the new definition, the space referred to is not necessarily an anatomical space. It may be the outside of an organism.
- + anatomical surface definition A two dimensional anatomical structure that is the boundary between an anatomical structure and an anatomical substance, an anatomical space or the organism’s environment. Examples include the surface of your skin, the surface of the lining of your gut; the surface of the endothelium of you aorta that is in contact with blood.n { database cross reference=CARO:0001002 }
Changes for: portal system
- Deleted
- - portal system database cross reference MESH:A07.231.908.670
- Added
- + portal system database cross reference MESH:D011168
Changes for: dorsal aorta
- Deleted
- - dorsal aorta definition The artery in vertebrate embryos that transports blood from the aortic arches to the trunk and limbs. In adult fish it is a major artery that carries oxygenated blood from the efferent branchial arteries to branches that supply the body organ. In adult tetrapods it arises from the systemic arch[BTO]. The dorsal aorta is a blood vessel in a single-pass circulatory system that carries oxygenated blood from the gills to the rest of the body. In a single-pass circulatory system blood passes once through the heart to supply the body once[GO]. Each primitive aorta receives anteriorly a vein ‘the vitelline vein’ from the yolk-sac, and is prolonged backward on the lateral aspect of the notochord under the name of the dorsal aorta. The dorsal aortae give branches to the yolk-sac, and are continued backward through the body-stalk as the umbilical arteries to the villi of the chorion. The two dorsal aortae combine to become the descending aorta in later development[WP]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorsal_aorta , database cross reference=https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3316981&group_id=36855&atid=440764 , database cross reference=BTO:0004673 , database cross reference=GO:0035907 }
- - dorsal aorta has related synonym dorsal aortæ { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorsal_aorta }
- Added
- + dorsal aorta definition The dorsal aorta is a blood vessel in a single-pass circulatory system that carries oxygenated blood from the gills to the rest of the body. In a single-pass circulatory system blood passes once through the heart to supply the body once. { database cross reference=https://sourceforge.net/p/geneontology/ontology-requests/8525/ , database cross reference=GO:0035907 }
- + dorsal aorta external definition Each primitive aorta receives anteriorly a vein ‘the vitelline vein’ from the yolk-sac, and is prolonged backward on the lateral aspect of the notochord under the name of the dorsal aorta. The dorsal aortae give branches to the yolk-sac, and are continued backward through the body-stalk as the umbilical arteries to the villi of the chorion. The two dorsal aortae combine to become the descending aorta in later development[WP]. { source=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorsal_aorta }
- + dorsal aorta external definition The artery in vertebrate embryos that transports blood from the aortic arches to the trunk and limbs. In adult fish it is a major artery that carries oxygenated blood from the efferent branchial arteries to branches that supply the body organ. In adult tetrapods it arises from the systemic arch { source=BTO:0004673 }
- + dorsal aorta has related synonym dorsal aortae { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorsal_aorta , has synonym type=plural term }
- + dorsal aorta has related synonym dorsal aortæ { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorsal_aorta , has synonym type=plural term }
Changes for: anterior tubercle of transverse process of cervical vertebra
- Deleted
- - anterior tubercle of transverse process of cervical vertebra definition The anterior arch forms about one-fifth of the ring: its anterior surface is convex, and presents at its center the anterior tubercle for the attachment of the Longus colli muscles. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anterior_tubercle_of_cervical_vertebra,Wikipedia:Anterior_tubercle_of_cervical_vertebra }
- Added
- + anterior tubercle of transverse process of cervical vertebra definition The anterior arch forms about one-fifth of the ring: its anterior surface is convex, and presents at its center the anterior tubercle for the attachment of the Longus colli muscles. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anterior_tubercle_of_cervical_vertebra }
Changes for: posterior tubercle of transverse process of cervical vertebra
- Deleted
- - posterior tubercle of transverse process of cervical vertebra definition The posterior arch of a cervical vertebra forms about two-fifths of the circumference of the ring: it ends behind in the posterior tubercle, which is the rudiment of a spinous process and gives origin to the Recti capitis posteriores minores. The diminutive size of this process prevents any interference with the movements between the atlas and the skull. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posterior_tubercle_of_cervical_vertebra,Wikipedia:Posterior_tubercle_of_cervical_vertebra }
- Added
- + posterior tubercle of transverse process of cervical vertebra definition The posterior arch of a cervical vertebra forms about two-fifths of the circumference of the ring: it ends behind in the posterior tubercle, which is the rudiment of a spinous process and gives origin to the Recti capitis posteriores minores. The diminutive size of this process prevents any interference with the movements between the atlas and the skull. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posterior_tubercle_of_cervical_vertebra }
Changes for: cochlear ganglion
- Deleted
- - cochlear ganglion database cross reference MESH:A08.340.390.800
- Added
- + cochlear ganglion database cross reference MESH:D013136
Changes for: leptomeninx
- Deleted
- - leptomeninx definition pia mater or arachnoid mater. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leptomeninges , database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/300 }
- Added
Changes for: apocrine sweat gland
- Deleted
- - apocrine sweat gland database cross reference MESH:A10.336.899.206
- Added
- + apocrine sweat gland database cross reference MESH:D001050
Changes for: musculature of body
- Deleted
- - musculature of body SubClassOf anatomical system
- - musculature of body definition Anatomical system that consists of all the muscles of the body[VSAO, modified]. { database cross reference=VSAO:0000033 }
- Added
- + musculature of body EquivalentTo organ system subdivision and composed primarily of some musculature
- + musculature of body SubClassOf organ system subdivision
- + musculature of body definition The subdivision of the musculoskeletal system that consists of all the muscles of the body[VSAO, modified]. { database cross reference=VSAO:0000033 }
- + musculature of body editor note consider whether this should be restricted to skeletal musculature. See https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/77
Changes for: epiglottis
- Deleted
- - epiglottis definition A part of the pharynx that consists of a flap of elastic cartilage tissue plus a mucous membrane covering, attached to the entrance of the larynx. The epiglottis is found at the root of the tongue and folds back over the entrance to the larynx during swallowing, preventing inhalation of food or drink[MP,modified] { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epiglottis , database cross reference=MP:0010371,MGI:llw2,UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + epiglottis definition A part of the pharynx that consists of a flap of elastic cartilage tissue plus a mucous membrane covering, attached to the entrance of the larynx. The epiglottis is found at the root of the tongue and folds back over the entrance to the larynx during swallowing, preventing inhalation of food or drink[MP,modified] { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epiglottis , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=MGI:llw2 , database cross reference=MP:0010371 }
Changes for: maxillary nerve
- Deleted
- - maxillary nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.120.760.550
- Added
- + maxillary nerve database cross reference MESH:D008442
Changes for: mandibular nerve
- Deleted
- - mandibular nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.120.760.500
- Added
- + mandibular nerve database cross reference MESH:D008340
Changes for: hindlimb stylopod
- Deleted
- - hindlimb stylopod database cross reference MESH:A01.378.610.750
- - hindlimb stylopod definition The part of the hindlimb between pelvis and the knee, corresponding to the femur. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - hindlimb stylopod terminology notes Naming conventions for pod terms under discussion within phenoscape group.
- Added
- + hindlimb stylopod database cross reference MESH:D013848
- + hindlimb stylopod definition The part of the hindlimb between pelvis and the knee, corresponding to the femur. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + hindlimb stylopod terminology notes Naming conventions for pod terms under discussion within phenoscape group. { seeAlso=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/61 }
Changes for: urothelium
- Deleted
- - urothelium database cross reference MESH:A10.272.850
- - urothelium editor note consider merging with transitional epithelium. MA uses the label ‘urothelium’ exclusively. FMA uses ‘transitional epithelium’ and has ‘urothelium’ as a sibling. FMA also lists ‘urothelium’ as the only example of ‘transitional epithelium’. MP treats them differently
- Added
- + urothelium database cross reference MESH:D019459
- + urothelium editor note consider merging with transitional epithelium. MA uses the label ‘urothelium’ exclusively. FMA uses ‘transitional epithelium’ and has ‘urothelium’ as a sibling. FMA also lists ‘urothelium’ as the only example of ‘transitional epithelium’. MP treats them differently { seeAlso=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/92 }
Changes for: flexor muscle
- Deleted
- - flexor muscle definition A muscle that when contracted acts to bend a joint or limb in the body. { database cross reference=BTO:0001257 }
- Added
- + flexor muscle contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + flexor muscle definition A muscle that when contracted acts to bend a joint or limb in the body. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/57 , database cross reference=BTO:0001257 }
Changes for: red bone marrow
- Deleted
- - red bone marrow has exact synonym parenchymal red marrow { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - red bone marrow has related synonym parenchyma of none marrow marrow { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + red bone marrow has exact synonym parenchymal red marrow { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + red bone marrow has related synonym parenchyma of none marrow marrow { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: reticuloendothelial system
- Deleted
- - reticuloendothelial system database cross reference MESH:A15.382.812
- Added
- + reticuloendothelial system database cross reference MESH:D012157
Changes for: renal medulla
- Deleted
- - renal medulla database cross reference MESH:A05.810.453.466
- - renal medulla definition the inner portion of the kidney consisting of the renal pyramids { database cross reference=MP:0003014,ISBN:0-683-40008-8,MGI:smb }
- Added
- + renal medulla database cross reference MESH:D007679
- + renal medulla definition the inner portion of the kidney consisting of the renal pyramids { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MGI:smb , database cross reference=MP:0003014 }
Changes for: nuchal ligament
- Deleted
- Added
- + nuchal ligament has narrow synonym paddywhack { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paddywhack , database cross reference=NCBITaxon:9895 }
- + nuchal ligament present in taxon http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCBITaxon_9606
- + nuchal ligament present in taxon http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCBITaxon_9608
- + nuchal ligament present in taxon http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCBITaxon_9788
- + nuchal ligament present in taxon http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCBITaxon_9895
- + nuchal ligament taxon notes In humans it is a tendon-like structure that has developed independently in humans and other animals well adapted for running. In some four legged animals, particularly ungulates, the nuchal ligament serves to sustain the weight of the head
Changes for: mucosa
- Deleted
- - mucosa database cross reference MESH:A10.615.550
- Added
- + mucosa database cross reference MESH:D009092
Changes for: myelin sheath
- Deleted
- - myelin sheath database cross reference MESH:A08.637.600.500
- Added
- + myelin sheath database cross reference MESH:D009186
Changes for: ophthalmic nerve
- Deleted
- - ophthalmic nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.120.760.650
- - ophthalmic nerve has exact synonym cranial nerve V, branch V1 { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - ophthalmic nerve has exact synonym first branch of fifth cranial nerve { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - ophthalmic nerve has exact synonym rostral branch of trigeminal nerve { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - ophthalmic nerve has related synonym profundal nerve { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + ophthalmic nerve database cross reference MESH:D009882
- + ophthalmic nerve has exact synonym cranial nerve V, branch V1 { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + ophthalmic nerve has exact synonym first branch of fifth cranial nerve { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + ophthalmic nerve has exact synonym rostral branch of trigeminal nerve { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + ophthalmic nerve has related synonym profundal nerve { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: pedal digit 6 digitopodial skeleton
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 6 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym pedal digit VI digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 6 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym pedal digit VI digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 6 digitopodial skeleton
- Deleted
- - manual digit 6 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym manual digit VI digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 6 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym manual digit VI digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 8 digitopodial skeleton
- Deleted
- - manual digit 8 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym manual digit VIII digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 8 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym manual digit VIII digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 7 digitopodial skeleton
- Deleted
- - manual digit 7 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym manual digit VII digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 7 digitopodial skeleton has exact synonym manual digit VII digitopodial skeleton { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: glomerular basement membrane
- Deleted
- - glomerular basement membrane definition the layer of extracellular matrix that lies between the endothelium of the glomerular capillaries and the podocytes of the inner or visceral layer of the Bowman capsule; it is a fusion of the endothelial cell and podocyte basal laminas and acts as a physical barrier and an ion-selective filter { database cross reference=MP:0011348,MGI:anna }
- Added
- + glomerular basement membrane definition the layer of extracellular matrix that lies between the endothelium of the glomerular capillaries and the podocytes of the inner or visceral layer of the Bowman capsule; it is a fusion of the endothelial cell and podocyte basal laminas and acts as a physical barrier and an ion-selective filter { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0011348 }
Changes for: lymphoid follicle
- Deleted
- Added
- + lymphoid follicle contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + lymphoid follicle contributor https://github.com/tmeehan
- + lymphoid follicle definition . { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/6 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/7 }
Changes for: subdural space
- Deleted
- - subdural space database cross reference MESH:A08.186.566.395.687
- Added
- + subdural space database cross reference MESH:D013355
Changes for: dermal papilla
- Deleted
- - dermal papilla definition A small, nipple-like interdigitation of the dermis into the epidermis. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dermal_papillae }
- - dermal papilla has related synonym DPC { database cross reference=BTO:0001858 }
- Added
- + dermal papilla definition A mesodermal signaling center of the hair follicle consisting of closely packed specialized mesenchymal fibroblasts. Framed by the enlarged bulb matrix in anagen. { database cross reference=http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2008.12.005 }
Changes for: eccrine sweat gland
- Deleted
- - eccrine sweat gland database cross reference MESH:A10.336.899.480
- - eccrine sweat gland definition A merocrine, unbranched, unbranched, coiled, tubular gland sweat gland. In humans, distributed over almost all of the body surface, and promote cooling by evaporation of their secretion. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eccrine_sweat_gland , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + eccrine sweat gland database cross reference MESH:D004439
- + eccrine sweat gland definition A merocrine, unbranched, unbranched, coiled, tubular gland sweat gland. In humans, distributed over almost all of the body surface, and promote cooling by evaporation of their secretion. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eccrine_sweat_gland , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: scalp
- Deleted
- - scalp database cross reference MESH:A01.456.810
- Added
- + scalp database cross reference MESH:D012535
Changes for: mandibular ramus
- Deleted
- - mandibular ramus definition the upturned perpendicular extremity of the mandible { database cross reference=MP:0010150,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + mandibular ramus definition the upturned perpendicular extremity of the mandible { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0010150 }
Changes for: sympathetic trunk
- Deleted
- - sympathetic trunk definition One of a a paired bundle of nerve fibers plus ganglia that run from the base of the skull to the coccyx. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sympathetic_trunk , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + sympathetic trunk definition One of a a paired bundle of nerve fibers plus ganglia that run from the base of the skull to the coccyx. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sympathetic_trunk , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: synsacrum
- Deleted
- - synsacrum definition A region of the lower vertebral column formed from the fusion of vertebrae. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + synsacrum definition A region of the lower vertebral column formed from the fusion of vertebrae. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: adipose tissue of abdominal region
- Deleted
- - adipose tissue of abdominal region definition Adipose tissue that is located in the abdominal region. This includes any subcutaneous fat, visceral fat or encapsulated adipose tissue depots. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/259 , database cross reference=CALOHA:paula , database cross reference=MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + adipose tissue of abdominal region contributor https://github.com/cindyJax
- + adipose tissue of abdominal region contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + adipose tissue of abdominal region contributor https://github.com/paulacalipho
- + adipose tissue of abdominal region definition Adipose tissue that is located in the abdominal region. This includes any subcutaneous fat, visceral fat or encapsulated adipose tissue depots. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/259 , database cross reference=CALOHA:paula , database cross reference=MGI:csmith }
Changes for: osseus semicircular canal
- Deleted
- - osseus semicircular canal definition the organ of balance composed of three long bony tubes of the labyrinth { database cross reference=MP:0002428,MESH:A09.246.631.663,MGI:cwg }
- Added
- + osseus semicircular canal definition the organ of balance composed of three long bony tubes of the labyrinth { database cross reference=MESH:A09.246.631.663 , database cross reference=MGI:cwg , database cross reference=MP:0002428 }
Changes for: pelvic girdle bone/zone
- Added
- + pelvic girdle bone/zone SubClassOf abdominal segment bone
- + pelvic girdle bone/zone SubClassOf pelvic region element
Changes for: external nose
- Deleted
- - external nose SubClassOf surface structure
- - external nose definition External part of the olfactory apparatus. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- Added
- + external nose EquivalentTo external soft tissue zone and part of some nose and has part some external naris
- + external nose SubClassOf external soft tissue zone
- + external nose SubClassOf has part some external naris
- + external nose definition External part of the nose containing the external nares. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: major vestibular gland
- Deleted
- - major vestibular gland database cross reference MESH:A05.360.319.887.220
- - major vestibular gland definition the paired glands located slightly posterior and to the left and right of the opening of the vagina in the superficial perineal pouch in females; they secrete mucus to lubricate the vagina and are homologous to bulbourethral (Cowper’s) glands in males { database cross reference=MP:0011787,MGI:anna }
- Added
- + major vestibular gland database cross reference MESH:D001472
- + major vestibular gland definition the paired glands located slightly posterior and to the left and right of the opening of the vagina in the superficial perineal pouch in females; they secrete mucus to lubricate the vagina and are homologous to bulbourethral (Cowper’s) glands in males { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0011787 }
Changes for: bodily secretion
- Deleted
- - bodily secretion database cross reference MESH:A12.200
- - bodily secretion definition A portion of organism substance that is produced by exocrine glands. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + bodily secretion database cross reference MESH:D012634
- + bodily secretion definition A portion of organism substance that is produced by exocrine glands. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: uncinate process of ribs
- Deleted
- - uncinate process of ribs definition A posterior projection from proximal rib segments. Offers attachment sites for respiratory and shoulder muscles as well as adding structural support to the trunk skeleton[Kardong 2012]. { database cross reference=ISBN10:0073040584 , database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:ad }
- Added
- + uncinate process of ribs contributor https://github.com/alex-dececchi
- + uncinate process of ribs contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + uncinate process of ribs definition A posterior projection from proximal rib segments. Offers attachment sites for respiratory and shoulder muscles as well as adding structural support to the trunk skeleton[Kardong 2012]. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/96 , database cross reference=ISBN10:0073040584 , database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:ad }
Changes for: basal lamina of epithelium
- Deleted
- - basal lamina of epithelium database cross reference MESH:A10.272.220
- Added
- + basal lamina of epithelium database cross reference MESH:D001485
Changes for: epithelium
- Deleted
- - epithelium database cross reference MESH:A10.272
- Added
- + epithelium database cross reference MESH:D004848
Changes for: organism subdivision
- Deleted
- - organism subdivision database cross reference MESH:A01
- Added
- + organism subdivision database cross reference MESH:D001829
Changes for: female reproductive system
- Deleted
- - female reproductive system database cross reference MESH:A05.360.319
- - female reproductive system definition The organs and associated structures associated with bearing offspring in a female animal. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female_genitalia , database cross reference=MP:0001119 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + female reproductive system database cross reference MESH:D005836
- + female reproductive system definition The organs and associated structures associated with bearing offspring in a female animal. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female_genitalia , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=MP:0001119 }
Changes for: testis
- Deleted
- - testis database cross reference MESH:A05.360.444.849
- - testis definition A gonad of a male animal. A gonad produces and releases sperm. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + testis database cross reference MESH:D013737
- + testis definition A gonad of a male animal. A gonad produces and releases sperm. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: cell part
Changes for: tissue
- Deleted
- - tissue database cross reference MESH:A10
- Added
- + tissue database cross reference MESH:D014024
Changes for: semi-lunar valve
- Deleted
- - semi-lunar valve definition the valves that gate the flow of blood from the ventricles into the aorta and pulmonary trunk { database cross reference=MP:0002746,MGI:pvb }
- Added
- + semi-lunar valve definition the valves that gate the flow of blood from the ventricles into the aorta and pulmonary trunk { database cross reference=MGI:pvb , database cross reference=MP:0002746 }
Changes for: right dorsal aorta
- Deleted
- - right dorsal aorta function notes Normally regresses in humans { source=http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/899609-overview }
- Added
- + right dorsal aorta taxon notes Normally regresses in humans { source=http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/899609-overview }
Changes for: manual digit 2 epithelium
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: manual digit 4 epithelium
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: manual digit 3 epithelium
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: manual digit 5 epithelium
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: pedal digit 2 epithelium
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: pedal digit 5 epithelium
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: pedal digit 4 epithelium
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: pedal digit 3 epithelium
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: reticulospinal tract
- Deleted
- - reticulospinal tract definition The reticulospinal tract (or anterior reticulospinal tract) is an extrapyramidal motor tract which travels from the reticular formation. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reticulospinal_tract,Wikipedia:Reticulospinal_tract }
- Added
- + reticulospinal tract definition The reticulospinal tract (or anterior reticulospinal tract) is an extrapyramidal motor tract which travels from the reticular formation. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reticulospinal_tract }
Changes for: manual digit 3 mesenchyme
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: manual digit 4 mesenchyme
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: manual digit 2 mesenchyme
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: pedal digit 5 mesenchyme
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: pedal digit 3 mesenchyme
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: pedal digit 4 mesenchyme
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: manual digit 5 mesenchyme
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: pedal digit 2 mesenchyme
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: iliac artery
- Deleted
- - iliac artery database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.444
- Added
- + iliac artery database cross reference MESH:D007083
Changes for: mesenteric artery
- Deleted
- - mesenteric artery database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.565
- Added
- + mesenteric artery database cross reference MESH:D008638
Changes for: mesenteric vein
- Deleted
- - mesenteric vein database cross reference MESH:A07.231.908.670.385
- - mesenteric vein has related synonym intestinal vein { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + mesenteric vein database cross reference MESH:D008642
- + mesenteric vein has related synonym intestinal vein { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: lens anterior epithelium
- Deleted
- - lens anterior epithelium definition A layer of cuboidal epithelial cells bounded anteriorly by the capsule of the lens and posteriorly by the lens cortex. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + lens anterior epithelium definition A layer of cuboidal epithelial cells bounded anteriorly by the capsule of the lens and posteriorly by the lens cortex. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: iliac vein
- Deleted
- - iliac vein database cross reference MESH:A07.231.908.427
- Added
- + iliac vein database cross reference MESH:D007084
Changes for: hindlimb zeugopod skeleton
- Deleted
- - hindlimb zeugopod skeleton has exact synonym crural skeleton { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
Changes for: deep dorsal vein of clitoris
- Deleted
- - deep dorsal vein of clitoris definition The deep dorsal vein of clitoris is a vein which drains to the vesical plexus. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_dorsal_vein_of_clitoris,Wikipedia:Deep_dorsal_vein_of_clitoris }
- Added
- + deep dorsal vein of clitoris definition The deep dorsal vein of clitoris is a vein which drains to the vesical plexus. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_dorsal_vein_of_clitoris }
Changes for: vertebral canal
- Deleted
- - vertebral canal definition A conduit enclosed within the vertebral foramen of the vertebrae through which the spinal cord passes. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinal_canal , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + vertebral canal definition A conduit enclosed within the vertebral foramen of the vertebrae through which the spinal cord passes. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinal_canal , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: alular digit plus metapodial segment
- Deleted
- - alular digit plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 }
- Added
- + alular digit plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 }
Changes for: manual minor digit (Aves) plus metapodial segment
- Deleted
- - manual minor digit (Aves) plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 }
- Added
- + manual minor digit (Aves) plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 }
Changes for: manual major digit (Aves) plus metapodial segment
- Deleted
- - manual major digit (Aves) plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 }
- Added
- + manual major digit (Aves) plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 }
Changes for: incisive canal
- Deleted
- - incisive canal latin term canalis incisivus { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm , has synonym type=EXACT }
- Added
- + incisive canal latin term canalis incisivus { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , has synonym type=EXACT }
Changes for: central tendon of diaphragm
- Deleted
- - central tendon of diaphragm definition the three-lobed cloverleaf-shaped aponeurosis situated at the center of the diaphragm; the central tendon is fused with the fibrous pericardium that provides attachment for the muscle fibers { database cross reference=MP:0012061,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + central tendon of diaphragm definition the three-lobed cloverleaf-shaped aponeurosis situated at the center of the diaphragm; the central tendon is fused with the fibrous pericardium that provides attachment for the muscle fibers { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0012061 }
Changes for: appendage girdle complex
- Deleted
- - appendage girdle complex comment It is still called a complex when one of the two parts is missing (?) There are fossil fishes with only an outgrowth (no record of a girdle), including thelodonts (which have a suprabranchial fin) as well as some anaspids which have a distinctive ‘paired fin’ (with differing published assertions on whether it’s homologous to a pec fin or pelvic fin or both or neither). There are many fishes and other vertebrates with only a girdle and no outgrowth.[VSAO] AO notes: note that the FMA uses the term ‘limb’ to refer to the entire appendage complex (free limb plus girdle region)
- Added
- + appendage girdle complex editor note It is still called a complex when one of the two parts is missing (?) There are fossil fishes with only an outgrowth (no record of a girdle), including thelodonts (which have a suprabranchial fin) as well as some anaspids which have a distinctive ‘paired fin’ (with differing published assertions on whether it’s homologous to a pec fin or pelvic fin or both or neither). There are many fishes and other vertebrates with only a girdle and no outgrowth.[VSAO]
- + appendage girdle complex external ontology notes note that the FMA uses the term ‘limb’ to refer to the entire appendage complex (free limb plus girdle region) { external ontology=FMA }
Changes for: pharyngeal tubercle
- Deleted
- - pharyngeal tubercle definition On the lower surface of the basilar part of occipital bone, about 1 cm. in front of the foramen magnum, is the pharyngeal tubercle which gives attachment to the fibrous raphC) of the pharynx, also known as the pharyngeal raphe. This is the point of attachment for the superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pharyngeal_tubercle,Wikipedia:Pharyngeal_tubercle }
- Added
- + pharyngeal tubercle definition On the lower surface of the basilar part of occipital bone, about 1 cm. in front of the foramen magnum, is the pharyngeal tubercle which gives attachment to the fibrous raphC) of the pharynx, also known as the pharyngeal raphe. This is the point of attachment for the superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pharyngeal_tubercle }
Changes for: median sacral vein
- Deleted
- - median sacral vein definition The median sacral vein (or middle sacral veins) accompany the corresponding artery along the front of the sacrum, and join to form a single vein, which ends in the left common iliac vein; sometimes in the angle of junction of the two iliac veins. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_sacral_vein,Wikipedia:Median_sacral_vein }
- Added
- + median sacral vein definition The median sacral vein (or middle sacral veins) accompany the corresponding artery along the front of the sacrum, and join to form a single vein, which ends in the left common iliac vein; sometimes in the angle of junction of the two iliac veins. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_sacral_vein }
Changes for: interthalamic adhesion
- Deleted
- - interthalamic adhesion definition The medial surface of the thalamus constitutes the upper part of the lateral wall of the third ventricle, and is connected to the corresponding surface of the opposite thalamus by a flattened gray band, the Interthalamic adhesion (massa intermedia, middle commissure, gray commissure). In non-human mammals it is a large structure. In humans this mass averages about 1 cm in length in its antero-posterior diameter. It sometimes consists of two parts and occasionally is absent. The interthalamic adhesion is found in 70-80% of humans. It is present more often in females and larger than in males by an average of 53 percent. . When absent in development, no noticeable deficit has been observed. It contains nerve cells and nerve fibers; a few of the latter may cross the middle line, but most of them pass toward the middle line and then curve lateralward on the same side. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interthalamic_adhesion,Wikipedia:Interthalamic_adhesion }
- Added
- + interthalamic adhesion definition The medial surface of the thalamus constitutes the upper part of the lateral wall of the third ventricle, and is connected to the corresponding surface of the opposite thalamus by a flattened gray band, the Interthalamic adhesion (massa intermedia, middle commissure, gray commissure). In non-human mammals it is a large structure. In humans this mass averages about 1 cm in length in its antero-posterior diameter. It sometimes consists of two parts and occasionally is absent. The interthalamic adhesion is found in 70-80% of humans. It is present more often in females and larger than in males by an average of 53 percent. . When absent in development, no noticeable deficit has been observed. It contains nerve cells and nerve fibers; a few of the latter may cross the middle line, but most of them pass toward the middle line and then curve lateralward on the same side. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interthalamic_adhesion }
Changes for: secondary follicle corona
- Deleted
- - secondary follicle corona editor note consider making terminology consistent amongst subclasses - see http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/7
- Added
- + secondary follicle corona editor note consider making terminology consistent amongst subclasses - see https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/7
Changes for: germinal center
- Deleted
- - germinal center database cross reference MESH:A10.549.250
- Added
- + germinal center database cross reference MESH:D018858
Changes for: rib 8
- Deleted
- - rib 8 definition The eighth rib counting from the top of the rib cage down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/Rib_8 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + rib 8 definition The eighth rib counting from the top of the rib cage down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/Rib_8 , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: iliac blade
- Deleted
- - iliac blade definition The extension of the ilium above the level of the acetabulum. Attachment site for both hindlimb and caudal musculature. Medially is the site of attachment of the sacral ribs, where these exist[PHENOSCAPE:ad]. { database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:ad }
- Added
- + iliac blade contributor https://github.com/alex-dececchi
- + iliac blade contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + iliac blade definition The extension of the ilium above the level of the acetabulum. Attachment site for both hindlimb and caudal musculature. Medially is the site of attachment of the sacral ribs, where these exist[PHENOSCAPE:ad]. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/69 , database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:ad }
Changes for: fracture plane
- Deleted
- - fracture plane definition A plane of autotomy that divides an appendage through a bone. { database cross reference=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autotomy , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - fracture plane has exact synonym plane of autotomy bisecting bone { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + fracture plane definition A plane of autotomy that divides an appendage through a bone. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autotomy }
- + fracture plane has exact synonym plane of autotomy bisecting bone { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: vertebral fracture plane
- Deleted
- - vertebral fracture plane definition A plane of autotomy that divides an appendage through a vertebral bone. { database cross reference=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autotomy , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - vertebral fracture plane has exact synonym plane of autotomy bisecting vertebral bone { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + vertebral fracture plane definition A plane of autotomy that divides an appendage through a vertebral bone. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autotomy }
- + vertebral fracture plane has exact synonym plane of autotomy bisecting vertebral bone { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: plane of autotomy bisecting joint
- Deleted
- - plane of autotomy bisecting joint definition A plane of autotomy that divides an appendage in the space between appendage bones. { database cross reference=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autotomy , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + plane of autotomy bisecting joint definition A plane of autotomy that divides an appendage in the space between appendage bones. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autotomy }
Changes for: transverse process-bearing vertebra
- Deleted
- - transverse process-bearing vertebra definition A vertebra that has a transverse process. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + transverse process-bearing vertebra definition A vertebra that has a transverse process. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: non-transverse process-bearing vertebra
- Deleted
- - non-transverse process-bearing vertebra definition A vertebra that does not have a transverse process. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + non-transverse process-bearing vertebra definition A vertebra that does not have a transverse process. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: anatomical plane
- Deleted
- - anatomical plane definition A flat anatomical 2D surface that bisects an anatomical structure or an anatomical space. { database cross reference=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plane_%28geometry%29 , database cross reference=CARO:0001013 , database cross reference=FMA:242982 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + anatomical plane definition A flat anatomical 2D surface that bisects an anatomical structure or an anatomical space. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plane_%28geometry%29 , database cross reference=CARO:0001013 , database cross reference=FMA:242982 }
Changes for: plane of autotomy
- Deleted
- - plane of autotomy definition An anatomical plane that bisects a zone of weakness in an appendage. When autotamy occurs, the appendage divides along this plane. { database cross reference=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autotomy , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + plane of autotomy definition An anatomical plane that bisects a zone of weakness in an appendage. When autotamy occurs, the appendage divides along this plane. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autotomy }
Changes for: hemipenis transversus muscle
- Deleted
- - hemipenis transversus muscle definition A muscle that overlies the hemipenis. { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22753107 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + hemipenis transversus muscle definition A muscle that overlies the hemipenis. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22753107 }
Changes for: transversus perinei muscle
- Deleted
- - transversus perinei muscle definition A muscle in females that overlies the soft tissue related to the cloaca, where the hemipenes are located in males. { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22753107 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + transversus perinei muscle definition A muscle in females that overlies the soft tissue related to the cloaca, where the hemipenes are located in males. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22753107 }
Changes for: spinalis caudalis muscle
- Deleted
- - spinalis caudalis muscle SubClassOf muscle of back
- - spinalis caudalis muscle SubClassOf part of some caudal region of vertebral column
- Added
- + spinalis caudalis muscle SubClassOf part of some caudal region
Changes for: plane of autotomy bisecting intervertebral joint
- Deleted
- - plane of autotomy bisecting intervertebral joint definition A plane of autotomy that divides an appendage in the space between vertebrae. { database cross reference=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autotomy , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + plane of autotomy bisecting intervertebral joint definition A plane of autotomy that divides an appendage in the space between vertebrae. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autotomy }
Changes for: extrinsic post-anal tail muscle
- Deleted
- - extrinsic post-anal tail muscle definition A post-anal tail that attaches outside the tail. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + extrinsic post-anal tail muscle definition A post-anal tail that attaches outside the tail. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: iliocaudalis muscle
- Deleted
- - iliocaudalis muscle EquivalentTo muscle organ and part of some caudal region of vertebral column and attaches to some caudal vertebra and attaches to some iliac crest
- - iliocaudalis muscle SubClassOf muscle of back
- - iliocaudalis muscle SubClassOf part of some caudal region of vertebral column
- - iliocaudalis muscle definition A muscle that attaches to the iliac crest and to a caudal vertebra. { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22753107 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + iliocaudalis muscle EquivalentTo muscle organ and part of some caudal region and attaches to some caudal vertebra and attaches to some iliac crest
- + iliocaudalis muscle SubClassOf part of some caudal region
- + iliocaudalis muscle definition A muscle that attaches to the iliac crest and to a caudal vertebra. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22753107 }
Changes for: extensor caudae lateralis muscle
- Deleted
- - extensor caudae lateralis muscle definition A muscle that originates via a robust tendon from a tuberosity on the cranial aspect of the iliac crest and via fleshy fibers from the caudoventral aspect of the pelvis, the lateral aspects of the transverse processes of Ca2-8 or 9, and the horizontal intramuscular septum. { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22753107 }
- Added
- + extensor caudae lateralis muscle definition A muscle that originates via a robust tendon from a tuberosity on the cranial aspect of the iliac crest and via fleshy fibers from the caudoventral aspect of the pelvis, the lateral aspects of the transverse processes of Ca2-8 or 9, and the horizontal intramuscular septum. { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22753107 }
Changes for: deep dorsal vein of penis
- Deleted
- - deep dorsal vein of penis definition The deep dorsal vein of the penis lies beneath the deep fascia of the penis; it receives the blood from the glans penis and corpora cavernosa penis and courses backward in the middle line between the dorsal arteries; near the root of the penis it passes between the two parts of the suspensory ligament and then through an aperture between the arcuate pubic ligament and the transverse ligament of the pelvis, and divides into two branches, which enter the pudendal plexus. The deep vein also communicates below the symphysis pubis with the internal pudendal vein. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_dorsal_vein_of_the_penis,Wikipedia:Deep_dorsal_vein_of_the_penis }
- Added
- + deep dorsal vein of penis definition The deep dorsal vein of the penis lies beneath the deep fascia of the penis; it receives the blood from the glans penis and corpora cavernosa penis and courses backward in the middle line between the dorsal arteries; near the root of the penis it passes between the two parts of the suspensory ligament and then through an aperture between the arcuate pubic ligament and the transverse ligament of the pelvis, and divides into two branches, which enter the pudendal plexus. The deep vein also communicates below the symphysis pubis with the internal pudendal vein. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_dorsal_vein_of_the_penis }
Changes for: anterior abdominal wall
- Deleted
- - anterior abdominal wall definition The abdominal wall represents the boundaries of the abdominal cavity. The abdominal wall is split into the posterior (back), lateral (sides) and anterior (front) walls. There is a common set of layers covering and forming all the walls: the deepest being the extraperitoneal fat, the parietal peritoneum, and a layer of fascia which has different names over where it covers (eg transversalis, psoas fascia). Superficial to these, but not present in the posterior wall are the three layers of muscle, the transversus abdominis (transverse abdominal muscle), the internal (obliquus internus) and the external oblique (obliquus externus). { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdominal_wall,Wikipedia:Abdominal_wall }
- Added
- + anterior abdominal wall definition The abdominal wall represents the boundaries of the abdominal cavity. The abdominal wall is split into the posterior (back), lateral (sides) and anterior (front) walls. There is a common set of layers covering and forming all the walls: the deepest being the extraperitoneal fat, the parietal peritoneum, and a layer of fascia which has different names over where it covers (eg transversalis, psoas fascia). Superficial to these, but not present in the posterior wall are the three layers of muscle, the transversus abdominis (transverse abdominal muscle), the internal (obliquus internus) and the external oblique (obliquus externus). { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdominal_wall }
Changes for: rhombomere 2
- Deleted
- - rhombomere 2 definition the second transiently divided segment of the developing rhombencephalon; rhombomeres are lineage restricted, express different genes from one another, and adopt different developmental fates; rhombomeres are numbered in caudal to rostral order { database cross reference=MP:0012788,MGI:anna,MGI:csmith,UBERON:0005569 }
- Added
- + rhombomere 2 definition the second transiently divided segment of the developing rhombencephalon; rhombomeres are lineage restricted, express different genes from one another, and adopt different developmental fates; rhombomeres are numbered in caudal to rostral order { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0012788 , database cross reference=UBERON:0005569 }
Changes for: gonad primordium
- Deleted
- - gonad primordium has exact synonym future gonad { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - gonad primordium has exact synonym primitive gonad { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - gonad primordium has related synonym immature gonad { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + gonad primordium has exact synonym future gonad { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + gonad primordium has exact synonym primitive gonad { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + gonad primordium has related synonym immature gonad { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: nasal concha cartilage
- Deleted
- - nasal concha primordium EquivalentTo primordium and has potential to develop into some nasal concha
- - nasal concha primordium SubClassOf primordium
- - nasal concha primordium label nasal concha primordium
- Added
- + nasal concha cartilage EquivalentTo nasal turbinal and composed primarily of some cartilage tissue
- + nasal concha cartilage SubClassOf cartilage element of chondrocranium
- + nasal concha cartilage SubClassOf composed primarily of some cartilage tissue
- + nasal concha cartilage SubClassOf nasal turbinal
- + nasal concha cartilage external ontology notes represented as a primordium in EMAPA - should be cartilage condensation { external ontology=EMAPA }
- + nasal concha cartilage has exact synonym turbinal cartilage
- + nasal concha cartilage has exact synonym turbinate cartilage condensation
- + nasal concha cartilage has exact synonym unossified nasal turbinal
- + nasal concha cartilage has exact synonym unossified nasal turbinate
- + nasal concha cartilage has exact synonym unossified turbinate
- + nasal concha cartilage label nasal concha cartilage
Changes for: banks of superior temporal sulcus
- Deleted
- - banks of superior temporal sulcus definition Component of the temporal lobe, lateral aspect. The rostral boundary is the superior temporal gyrus and the caudal boundary the middle temporal gyrus. Within the FreeSurfer definition, this reflects primarily the posterior aspect of the superior temporal sulcus (Christine Fennema-Notestine). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_862 }
- Added
- + banks of superior temporal sulcus definition Component of the temporal lobe, lateral aspect. The rostral boundary is the superior temporal gyrus and the caudal boundary the middle temporal gyrus. Within the FreeSurfer definition, this reflects primarily the posterior aspect of the superior temporal sulcus (Christine Fennema-Notestine). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_862 }
Changes for: rhombomere 8
- Deleted
- - rhombomere 8 definition the eighth transiently divided segment of the developing rhombencephalon; rhombomeres are lineage restricted, express different genes from one another, and adopt different developmental fates; rhombomeres are numbered in caudal to rostral order { database cross reference=MP:0012812,MGI:anna,MGI:csmith,UBERON:0005527 }
- Added
- + rhombomere 8 definition the eighth transiently divided segment of the developing rhombencephalon; rhombomeres are lineage restricted, express different genes from one another, and adopt different developmental fates; rhombomeres are numbered in caudal to rostral order { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0012812 , database cross reference=UBERON:0005527 }
Changes for: rhombomere 7
- Deleted
- - rhombomere 7 definition the seventh transiently divided segment of the developing rhombencephalon; rhombomeres are lineage restricted, express different genes from one another, and adopt different developmental fates; rhombomeres are numbered in caudal to rostral order { database cross reference=MP:0012808,MGI:anna,MGI:csmith,UBERON:0005523 }
- Added
- + rhombomere 7 definition the seventh transiently divided segment of the developing rhombencephalon; rhombomeres are lineage restricted, express different genes from one another, and adopt different developmental fates; rhombomeres are numbered in caudal to rostral order { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0012808 , database cross reference=UBERON:0005523 }
Changes for: rhombomere 6
- Deleted
- - rhombomere 6 definition the sixth transiently divided segment of the developing rhombencephalon; rhombomeres are lineage restricted, express different genes from one another, and adopt different developmental fates; rhombomeres are numbered in caudal to rostral order { database cross reference=MP:0012804,MGI:anna,MGI:csmith,UBERON:0005519 }
- Added
- + rhombomere 6 definition the sixth transiently divided segment of the developing rhombencephalon; rhombomeres are lineage restricted, express different genes from one another, and adopt different developmental fates; rhombomeres are numbered in caudal to rostral order { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0012804 , database cross reference=UBERON:0005519 }
Changes for: rhombomere 4
- Deleted
- - rhombomere 4 definition the fourth transiently divided segment of the developing rhombencephalon; rhombomeres are lineage restricted, express different genes from one another, and adopt different developmental fates; rhombomeres are numbered in caudal to rostral order { database cross reference=MP:0012796,MGI:anna,MGI:csmith,UBERON:0005511 }
- Added
- + rhombomere 4 definition the fourth transiently divided segment of the developing rhombencephalon; rhombomeres are lineage restricted, express different genes from one another, and adopt different developmental fates; rhombomeres are numbered in caudal to rostral order { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0012796 , database cross reference=UBERON:0005511 }
Changes for: digit plus metapodial segment
- Deleted
- - digit plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 }
- Added
- + digit plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 }
Changes for: rhombomere 5
- Deleted
- - rhombomere 5 definition the fifth transiently divided segment of the developing rhombencephalon; rhombomeres are lineage restricted, express different genes from one another, and adopt different developmental fates; rhombomeres are numbered in caudal to rostral order { database cross reference=MP:0012800,MGI:anna,MGI:csmith,UBERON:0005515 }
- Added
- + rhombomere 5 definition the fifth transiently divided segment of the developing rhombencephalon; rhombomeres are lineage restricted, express different genes from one another, and adopt different developmental fates; rhombomeres are numbered in caudal to rostral order { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0012800 , database cross reference=UBERON:0005515 }
Changes for: rhombomere 3
- Deleted
- - rhombomere 3 definition the third transiently divided segment of the developing rhombencephalon; rhombomeres are lineage restricted, express different genes from one another, and adopt different developmental fates; rhombomeres are numbered in caudal to rostral order { database cross reference=MP:0012792,MGI:anna,MGI:csmith,UBERON:0005507 }
- Added
- + rhombomere 3 definition the third transiently divided segment of the developing rhombencephalon; rhombomeres are lineage restricted, express different genes from one another, and adopt different developmental fates; rhombomeres are numbered in caudal to rostral order { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0012792 , database cross reference=UBERON:0005507 }
Changes for: pedal digit 2 phalanx cartilage element
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 2 phalanx cartilage element has exact synonym pedal digit II phalanx cartilage element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 2 phalanx cartilage element has exact synonym pedal digit II phalanx cartilage element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 1 phalanx cartilage element
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 1 phalanx cartilage element has exact synonym pedal digit I phalanx cartilage element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 1 phalanx cartilage element has exact synonym pedal digit I phalanx cartilage element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 4 phalanx cartilage element
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 4 phalanx cartilage element has exact synonym pedal digit IV phalanx cartilage element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 4 phalanx cartilage element has exact synonym pedal digit IV phalanx cartilage element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 3 phalanx cartilage element
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 3 phalanx cartilage element has exact synonym pedal digit III phalanx cartilage element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 3 phalanx cartilage element has exact synonym pedal digit III phalanx cartilage element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: pedal digit 5 phalanx cartilage element
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 5 phalanx cartilage element has exact synonym pedal digit V phalanx cartilage element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 5 phalanx cartilage element has exact synonym pedal digit V phalanx cartilage element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 3 phalanx cartilage element
- Deleted
- - manual digit 3 phalanx cartilage element has exact synonym manual digit III phalanx cartilage element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 3 phalanx cartilage element has exact synonym manual digit III phalanx cartilage element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 4 phalanx cartilage element
- Deleted
- - manual digit 4 phalanx cartilage element has exact synonym manual digit IV phalanx cartilage element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 4 phalanx cartilage element has exact synonym manual digit IV phalanx cartilage element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 1 phalanx cartilage element
- Deleted
- - manual digit 1 phalanx cartilage element has exact synonym manual digit I phalanx cartilage element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 1 phalanx cartilage element has exact synonym manual digit I phalanx cartilage element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 2 phalanx cartilage element
- Deleted
- - manual digit 2 phalanx cartilage element has exact synonym manual digit II phalanx cartilage element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 2 phalanx cartilage element has exact synonym manual digit II phalanx cartilage element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: manual digit 5 phalanx cartilage element
- Deleted
- - manual digit 5 phalanx cartilage element has exact synonym manual digit V phalanx cartilage element { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + manual digit 5 phalanx cartilage element has exact synonym manual digit V phalanx cartilage element { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: platysma
- Deleted
- - platysma definition The platysma is a pharyngeal arch 2 muscle and a superficial facial muscle that participates in oral/pharyngeal behaviors and is innervated by the cervical branch of the facial nerve. It attaches to the mandible and it attaches to the skin of the head, neck, and thoracic region where it is found superficial to the clavicle. Burrows et al. (2011) argue that in hylobatids (and, presumably, other primates) the platysma in the region of the modiolus represents both the cervicale and myoides muscles. { database cross reference=MFMO:0000059 }
- Added
- + platysma definition The platysma is a pharyngeal arch 2 muscle and a superficial facial muscle that participates in oral/pharyngeal behaviors and is innervated by the cervical branch of the facial nerve. It attaches to the mandible and it attaches to the skin of the head, neck, and thoracic region where it is found superficial to the clavicle. Burrows et al. (2011) argue that in hylobatids (and, presumably, other primates) the platysma in the region of the modiolus represents both the cervicale and myoides muscles. { database cross reference=MFMO:0000059 }
- + platysma see also https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/472
Changes for: obturator nerve
- Deleted
- - obturator nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.720.450.600
- Added
- + obturator nerve database cross reference MESH:D009776
Changes for: spinal nerve trunk
- Deleted
- - spinal nerve trunk definition trunk part of spinal nerve, where dorsal and ventral roots meet to form the spinal nerve, before branching off to dorsal and ventral rami. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + spinal nerve trunk definition trunk part of spinal nerve, where dorsal and ventral roots meet to form the spinal nerve, before branching off to dorsal and ventral rami. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: sacral region
- Deleted
- - sacral region definition A subdivision of an organism along the anterior-posterior axis in the pelvic region immediately posterior to the lumbar region and anterior to the caudal region. Sometimes an intermediate region is defined between the sacral and caudal. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + sacral region SubClassOf has skeleton some sacral region of vertebral column
- + sacral region definition A subdivision of an organism along the anterior-posterior axis in the pelvic region immediately posterior to the lumbar region and anterior to the caudal region. Sometimes an intermediate region is defined between the sacral and caudal. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: pedal digit 1 epithelium
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: manual digit 1 epithelium
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: vitelline vein
- Deleted
- - vitelline vein definition the paired veins that carry blood from the yolk sac back to the embryo { database cross reference=MP:0010666,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + vitelline vein definition the paired veins that carry blood from the yolk sac back to the embryo { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0010666 }
Changes for: tricuspid valve leaflet
- Deleted
- - tricuspid valve leaflet definition A valve leaflet that is part of a tricuspid valve. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + tricuspid valve leaflet definition A valve leaflet that is part of a tricuspid valve. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: valve of inferior vena cava
- Deleted
- - valve of inferior vena cava definition the semicircular fold of endocardium located on the right atrium at the point of attachment of the inferior vena cava; during development this valve helps direct the flow of oxygen-rich blood through the right atrium into the left cardiac atrium via the foramen ovale (preventing blood flowing into the right ventricle) { database cross reference=MP:0010490,ISBN:0-683-40008-8,Wikipedia:Valve_of_inferior_vena_cava }
- Added
- + valve of inferior vena cava definition the semicircular fold of endocardium located on the right atrium at the point of attachment of the inferior vena cava; during development this valve helps direct the flow of oxygen-rich blood through the right atrium into the left cardiac atrium via the foramen ovale (preventing blood flowing into the right ventricle) { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valve_of_inferior_vena_cava , database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0010490 }
Changes for: thymus lobe
- Deleted
- - thymus lobe definition Either of the two lateral lobes that constitute the thymus. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - thymus lobe has exact synonym lateral lobe of thymus { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + thymus lobe definition Either of the two lateral lobes that constitute the thymus. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + thymus lobe has exact synonym lateral lobe of thymus { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: non-neural ectoderm
- Deleted
- - non-neural ectoderm has narrow synonym epidermal ectoderm { database cross reference=UBERONREF:0000002 }
- - non-neural ectoderm has narrow synonym epithelial ectoderm { database cross reference=UBERONREF:0000002 }
- - non-neural ectoderm has related synonym surface ectoderm { database cross reference=UBERONREF:0000002 }
- Added
- + non-neural ectoderm has narrow synonym epidermal ectoderm { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/The-neural-crest }
- + non-neural ectoderm has narrow synonym epithelial ectoderm { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/The-neural-crest }
- + non-neural ectoderm has related synonym surface ectoderm { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/The-neural-crest }
Changes for: lymphatic part of lymphoid system
- Deleted
- - lymphatic part of lymphoid system database cross reference MESH:A15.382.520
- - lymphatic part of lymphoid system definition An organ system subdivision that is a network of vessels capable of removing accumulating protein and fluid from the interstitial space and returning it to the vascular space. In some species, this network is connected to the immune system via lymph nodes and lymphocyte-producing organs, with the whole being the lymphoid system. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + lymphatic part of lymphoid system database cross reference MESH:D008208
- + lymphatic part of lymphoid system definition An organ system subdivision that is a network of vessels capable of removing accumulating protein and fluid from the interstitial space and returning it to the vascular space. In some species, this network is connected to the immune system via lymph nodes and lymphocyte-producing organs, with the whole being the lymphoid system. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: non-lymphatic part of lymphoid system
- Deleted
- - non-lymphatic part of lymphoid system definition An organ system subdivision that is the part of the lymphoid system that excludes the lymphatic vessels.. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + non-lymphatic part of lymphoid system definition An organ system subdivision that is the part of the lymphoid system that excludes the lymphatic vessels.. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: pedal digit 7 plus metapodial segment
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 7 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 }
- - pedal digit 7 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym pedal digit VII plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 7 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 }
- + pedal digit 7 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym pedal digit VII plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: superficial palmar arch
- Deleted
- - superficial palmar arch definition The superficial palmar arch is formed predominantly by the ulnar artery, with a contribution from the superficial palmar branch of the radial artery. However, in some individuals the contribution from the radial artery might be absent, and instead anastomoses with either the princeps pollicis artery, the radialis indicis artery, or the median artery, the former two of which are branches from the radial artery. Alternative names for this arterial arch are: superficial volar arch, superficial ulnar arch, arcus palmaris superficialis, or arcus volaris superficialis. The arch passes across the palm in a curve with its convexity downward. If one were to fully extend the thumb, the superficial palmar arch would lie approximately at the level of a line drawn from the distal border of the thumb across the palm. The superficial palmar arch is more distal than the deep palmar arch. Three common palmar digital arteries arise from the arch, proceeding down on the second, third, and fourth lumbrical muscles, respectively. They each receive a contribution from a palmar metacarpal artery. Near the level of the metacarpophalangeal joints, each common palmar digital artery divides into two proper palmar digital arteries. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superficial_palmar_arch,Wikipedia:Superficial_palmar_arch }
- Added
- + superficial palmar arch definition The superficial palmar arch is formed predominantly by the ulnar artery, with a contribution from the superficial palmar branch of the radial artery. However, in some individuals the contribution from the radial artery might be absent, and instead anastomoses with either the princeps pollicis artery, the radialis indicis artery, or the median artery, the former two of which are branches from the radial artery. Alternative names for this arterial arch are: superficial volar arch, superficial ulnar arch, arcus palmaris superficialis, or arcus volaris superficialis. The arch passes across the palm in a curve with its convexity downward. If one were to fully extend the thumb, the superficial palmar arch would lie approximately at the level of a line drawn from the distal border of the thumb across the palm. The superficial palmar arch is more distal than the deep palmar arch. Three common palmar digital arteries arise from the arch, proceeding down on the second, third, and fourth lumbrical muscles, respectively. They each receive a contribution from a palmar metacarpal artery. Near the level of the metacarpophalangeal joints, each common palmar digital artery divides into two proper palmar digital arteries. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superficial_palmar_arch }
Changes for: pedal digit 8 plus metapodial segment
- Deleted
- - pedal digit 8 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 }
- - pedal digit 8 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym pedal digit VIII plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
- Added
- + pedal digit 8 plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 }
- + pedal digit 8 plus metapodial segment has exact synonym pedal digit VIII plus metapodial segment { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 , has synonym type=preferred term in the context of comparative anatomy }
Changes for: left ventricle myocardium
- Deleted
- - left ventricle myocardium definition A myocardium that is part of a left ventricle of a heart. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + left ventricle myocardium definition A myocardium that is part of a left ventricle of a heart. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: right ventricle myocardium
- Deleted
- - right ventricle myocardium definition A myocardium that is part of a right ventricle of a heart. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + right ventricle myocardium definition A myocardium that is part of a right ventricle of a heart. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: gubernacular cord
- Deleted
- - gubernacular cord definition The cranial, thin portion of the gubernaculum. { database cross reference=ISBN-10:0123971756 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + gubernacular cord definition The cranial, thin portion of the gubernaculum. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=ISBN-10:0123971756 }
Changes for: remnant of embryonic structure
- Deleted
- - remnant of embryonic structure definition A vestigial structure that is a remnant of an embryonic structure that remains in the adult organism. { database cross reference=FMA:16558 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + remnant of embryonic structure definition A vestigial structure that is a remnant of an embryonic structure that remains in the adult organism. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=FMA:16558 }
Changes for: interosseous muscle of autopod
- Deleted
- - interosseous muscle of autopod definition Any of the muscles of the autopod region that lie between metacarpal or metatarsal bones. { database cross reference=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interossei , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + interosseous muscle of autopod definition Any of the muscles of the autopod region that lie between metacarpal or metatarsal bones. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interossei }
Changes for: sigmoid artery
- Deleted
- - sigmoid artery definition The sigmoid arteries, two or three in number, run obliquely downward and to the left behind the peritoneum and in front of the Psoas major, ureter, and internal spermatic vessels. Their branches supply the lower part of the descending colon, the iliac colon, and the sigmoid or pelvic colon; anastomosing above with the left colic, and below with the superior hemorrhoidal artery. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigmoid_arteries,Wikipedia:Sigmoid_arteries }
- Added
- + sigmoid artery definition The sigmoid arteries, two or three in number, run obliquely downward and to the left behind the peritoneum and in front of the Psoas major, ureter, and internal spermatic vessels. Their branches supply the lower part of the descending colon, the iliac colon, and the sigmoid or pelvic colon; anastomosing above with the left colic, and below with the superior hemorrhoidal artery. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigmoid_arteries }
Changes for: plantar metatarsal artery
- Deleted
- - plantar metatarsal artery definition The plantar metatarsal arteries (digital branches) are four in number, and run forward between the metatarsal bones and in contact with the Interossei. Each divides into a pair of plantar digital arteries which supply the adjacent sides of the toes. Near their points of division each sends upward an anterior perforating branch to join the corresponding dorsal metatarsal artery. The first plantar metatarsal artery (arteria princeps hallucis) springs from the junction between the lateral plantar and deep plantar arteries and sends a digital branch to the medial side of the first toe. The digital branch for the lateral side of the fifth toe arise from the lateral plantar artery near the base of the fifth metatarsal bone. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plantar_metatarsal_arteries,Wikipedia:Plantar_metatarsal_arteries }
- Added
- + plantar metatarsal artery definition The plantar metatarsal arteries (digital branches) are four in number, and run forward between the metatarsal bones and in contact with the Interossei. Each divides into a pair of plantar digital arteries which supply the adjacent sides of the toes. Near their points of division each sends upward an anterior perforating branch to join the corresponding dorsal metatarsal artery. The first plantar metatarsal artery (arteria princeps hallucis) springs from the junction between the lateral plantar and deep plantar arteries and sends a digital branch to the medial side of the first toe. The digital branch for the lateral side of the fifth toe arise from the lateral plantar artery near the base of the fifth metatarsal bone. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plantar_metatarsal_arteries }
Changes for: dorsal pallidum
- Deleted
- - dorsal pallidum has exact synonym globus pallidus dorsal part { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + dorsal pallidum has exact synonym globus pallidus dorsal part { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: kidney calyx
- Deleted
- - kidney calyx database cross reference MESH:A05.810.453.537.503
- Added
- + kidney calyx database cross reference MESH:D007670
Changes for: axochord
- Added
Changes for: presumptive axochord
- Deleted
- - presumptive axochord has exact synonym axochord pre-muscle mass { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
Changes for: preputial space
- Deleted
- - preputial space definition space between the prepuce and glans penis or clitoris { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + preputial space definition space between the prepuce and glans penis or clitoris { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: oculomotor muscle
- Deleted
- - oculomotor muscle database cross reference MESH:A02.633.567.700
- Added
- + oculomotor muscle database cross reference MESH:D009801
Changes for: renal convoluted tubule
- Deleted
- - renal convoluted tubule definition Any region of a nephron tubule that is convoluted. Examples: distal convoluted tubule, proximal convoluted tuble. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + renal convoluted tubule definition Any region of a nephron tubule that is convoluted. Examples: distal convoluted tubule, proximal convoluted tuble. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: seminal fluid
- Deleted
- - seminal fluid definition A substance formed from the secretion of one or more glands of the male genital tract in which sperm cells are suspended. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + seminal fluid definition A substance formed from the secretion of one or more glands of the male genital tract in which sperm cells are suspended. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: entire surface of organism
- Deleted
- - entire surface of organism definition Anatomical surface, which is the external surface of the whole body. Examples: There is only one body surface. { database cross reference=FMA:61695 }
- Added
- + entire surface of organism definition Anatomical surface, which is the external surface of the whole body. Examples: There is only one body surface. { database cross reference=FMA:61695 }
Changes for: mammary gland fluid/secretion
- Deleted
- - mammary gland fluid/secretion definition A substance that is secreted by a mammary gland. The substance may differ depending on phase, with colostrum produced during pregancy/early lactation, and milk produced afterwards. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + mammary gland fluid/secretion definition A substance that is secreted by a mammary gland. The substance may differ depending on phase, with colostrum produced during pregancy/early lactation, and milk produced afterwards. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: coronary sinus
- Deleted
- - coronary sinus definition the short trunk that recieves most of the cardiac veins carrying the blood from the myocardium and delivers it to the right atrium, with the sinoatrial connection occurring between the inferior vena cava and the atrioventricular orifice { database cross reference=MP:0010436,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + coronary sinus definition the short trunk that recieves most of the cardiac veins carrying the blood from the myocardium and delivers it to the right atrium, with the sinoatrial connection occurring between the inferior vena cava and the atrioventricular orifice { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0010436 }
Changes for: sac of scrotum
- Deleted
- - sac of scrotum definition Any of the two testis-carrying compartments of the scrotum. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + sac of scrotum definition Any of the two testis-carrying compartments of the scrotum. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: transverse process of caudal vertebra
- Deleted
- - transverse process of caudal vertebra definition A transverse process that is part of a caudal vertebra { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + transverse process of caudal vertebra definition A transverse process that is part of a caudal vertebra { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: retractor penis magnus muscle
- Deleted
- - retractor penis magnus muscle definition A tube-like muscle attaches to the distal tip of the hemipenis and inserts onto the transverse processes of a caudal vertebra. { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22753107 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + retractor penis magnus muscle definition A tube-like muscle attaches to the distal tip of the hemipenis and inserts onto the transverse processes of a caudal vertebra. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22753107 }
Changes for: plantar nerve
- Deleted
- - plantar nerve definition A nerve that innervates the sole of the foot. Planar nerves arise from the posterior branch of the tibial nerve. { database cross reference=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plantar_nerve , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + plantar nerve definition A nerve that innervates the sole of the foot. Planar nerves arise from the posterior branch of the tibial nerve. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plantar_nerve }
Changes for: temporalis fascia
- Deleted
- - temporalis fascia definition The temporal fascia covers the Temporalis muscle. It is a strong, fibrous investment, covered, laterally, by the Auricularis anterior and superior, by the galea aponeurotica, and by part of the Orbicularis oculi. The superficial temporal vessels and the auriculotemporal nerve cross it from below upward. Above, it is a single layer, attached to the entire extent of the superior temporal line; but below, where it is fixed to the zygomatic arch, it consists of two layers, one of which is inserted into the lateral, and the other into the medial border of the arch. A small quantity of fat, the orbital branch of the superficial temporal artery, and a filament from the zygomatic branch of the maxillary nerve, are contained between these two layers. It affords attachment by its deep surface to the superficial fibers of the Temporalis. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temporal_fascia,Wikipedia:Temporal_fascia }
- Added
- + temporalis fascia definition The temporal fascia covers the Temporalis muscle. It is a strong, fibrous investment, covered, laterally, by the Auricularis anterior and superior, by the galea aponeurotica, and by part of the Orbicularis oculi. The superficial temporal vessels and the auriculotemporal nerve cross it from below upward. Above, it is a single layer, attached to the entire extent of the superior temporal line; but below, where it is fixed to the zygomatic arch, it consists of two layers, one of which is inserted into the lateral, and the other into the medial border of the arch. A small quantity of fat, the orbital branch of the superficial temporal artery, and a filament from the zygomatic branch of the maxillary nerve, are contained between these two layers. It affords attachment by its deep surface to the superficial fibers of the Temporalis. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temporal_fascia }
Changes for: diastema between central incisors
- Deleted
- - diastema between central incisors definition A space or gap between the left and right central incisors, on either the upper or lower jaw. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + diastema between central incisors definition A space or gap between the left and right central incisors, on either the upper or lower jaw. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: diastema between upper central incisors
- Deleted
- - diastema between upper central incisors definition A space or gap between the left and right central incisors on the upper jaw. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + diastema between upper central incisors definition A space or gap between the left and right central incisors on the upper jaw. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: lateral plantar nerve
- Deleted
- - lateral plantar nerve definition A plantar nerve that supplies the lateral side of the plantar part of the foot, including pedal digit 5. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lateral_plantar_nerve , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + lateral plantar nerve definition A plantar nerve that supplies the lateral side of the plantar part of the foot, including pedal digit 5. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lateral_plantar_nerve , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: medial plantar nerve
- Deleted
- - medial plantar nerve definition A plantar nerve that supplies the medial side of the plantar part of the foot, including pedal digit 1. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lateral_plantar_nerve , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + medial plantar nerve definition A plantar nerve that supplies the medial side of the plantar part of the foot, including pedal digit 1. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lateral_plantar_nerve , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: external intercostal muscle
- Deleted
- - external intercostal muscle definition An intercostal muscle that aids in quiet and forced inhalation via elevation of the ribs, and expanding the transverse dimensions of the thoracic cavity. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/External_intercostal_muscles , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + external intercostal muscle definition An intercostal muscle that aids in quiet and forced inhalation via elevation of the ribs, and expanding the transverse dimensions of the thoracic cavity. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/External_intercostal_muscles , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: ductus arteriosus
- Deleted
- - ductus arteriosus database cross reference MESH:A07.541.278.395
- Added
- + ductus arteriosus database cross reference MESH:D004373
Changes for: diastema between lower central incisors
- Deleted
- - diastema between lower central incisors definition A space or gap between the left and right central incisors on the lower jaw. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + diastema between lower central incisors definition A space or gap between the left and right central incisors on the lower jaw. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: diastema between incisors
- Deleted
- - diastema between incisors definition A space or gap any two incisors. This may be a midline diastema between central incisors, or a diastema located entirely in a single jaw quadrant between lateral incisors. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + diastema between incisors definition A space or gap any two incisors. This may be a midline diastema between central incisors, or a diastema located entirely in a single jaw quadrant between lateral incisors. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: hindlimb bud
- Deleted
- - hindlimb bud definition A limb bud that develops into a hindlimb. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + hindlimb bud definition A limb bud that develops into a hindlimb. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: forelimb bud
- Deleted
- - forelimb bud definition A limb bud that develops into a forelimb. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + forelimb bud definition A limb bud that develops into a forelimb. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: spinocerebellar tract
- Deleted
- - spinocerebellar tract database cross reference MESH:A08.612.220.725
- Added
- + spinocerebellar tract database cross reference MESH:D020824
Changes for: zone of polarizing activity
- Deleted
- - zone of polarizing activity definition An area of mesenchymal cells that contains signals which instruct the developing limb or fin bud to form along the anterior/posterior axis. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zone_of_polarizing_activity , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + zone of polarizing activity definition An area of mesenchymal cells that contains signals which instruct the developing limb or fin bud to form along the anterior/posterior axis. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zone_of_polarizing_activity , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: bony otic capsule
- Deleted
- - bony otic capsule definition the cartilage or bony capsule surrounding the inner ear mechanism { database cross reference=MP:0000039,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + bony otic capsule definition the cartilage or bony capsule surrounding the inner ear mechanism { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0000039 }
Changes for: sublingual ganglion
- Deleted
- - sublingual ganglion definition the small parasympathetic ganglion found anterior to the submandibular gland that provides postsynaptic fibers to the sublingual gland { database cross reference=MP:0010105,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + sublingual ganglion definition the small parasympathetic ganglion found anterior to the submandibular gland that provides postsynaptic fibers to the sublingual gland { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0010105 }
Changes for: alimentary part of gastrointestinal system
- Deleted
- - alimentary part of gastrointestinal system definition The part of the digestive system that excludes the hepatobiliary system. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + alimentary part of gastrointestinal system definition The part of the digestive system that excludes the hepatobiliary system. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: philtrum
- Deleted
- - philtrum definition the vertical groove found on the median line of the upper lip, extending to the nose { database cross reference=MP:0012256,MGI:anna,Wikipedia:Philtrum }
- Added
- + philtrum definition the vertical groove found on the median line of the upper lip, extending to the nose { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philtrum , database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0012256 }
Changes for: ventral striatum
- Deleted
- - ventral striatum definition A composite structure of the telencephalon that is defined in the striatopallidal system by connectivity and neurochemical staining. It includes the nucleus accumbens, the most ventral portions of the caudate nucleus and the putamen, the rostrolateral portion of the anterior perforated substance, the islands of Calleja and a rostral subcommissural portion of substantia innominata. The boundary between the ventral striatum and dorsal striatum is indistinct in sections stained for Nissl substance (Heimer-1995; adapted from Brain Info). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_57107 }
- Added
- + ventral striatum definition A composite structure of the telencephalon that is defined in the striatopallidal system by connectivity and neurochemical staining. It includes the nucleus accumbens, the most ventral portions of the caudate nucleus and the putamen, the rostrolateral portion of the anterior perforated substance, the islands of Calleja and a rostral subcommissural portion of substantia innominata. The boundary between the ventral striatum and dorsal striatum is indistinct in sections stained for Nissl substance (Heimer-1995; adapted from Brain Info). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_57107 }
Changes for: inferior vagus X ganglion
- Deleted
- - inferior vagus X ganglion database cross reference MESH:A08.340.390.550
- - inferior vagus X ganglion definition the large group of sensory neuron cell bodies, anterior to the jugular vein, associated with the vagus nerve (tenth cranial nerve) { database cross reference=MP:0001087,ISBN:0-683-40008-8,PMID:9362461 }
- Added
- + inferior vagus X ganglion database cross reference MESH:D009620
- + inferior vagus X ganglion definition the large group of sensory neuron cell bodies, anterior to the jugular vein, associated with the vagus nerve (tenth cranial nerve) { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9362461 , database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0001087 }
Changes for: superior vagus X ganglion
- Deleted
- - superior vagus X ganglion definition the upper ganglion of the vagus nerve located at the jugular foramen { database cross reference=MP:0001101,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + superior vagus X ganglion definition the upper ganglion of the vagus nerve located at the jugular foramen { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0001101 }
Changes for: vagus X ganglion
- Deleted
- - vagus X ganglion definition the group of sensory neuron cell bodies associated with the vagus nerve { database cross reference=MP:0001100,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + vagus X ganglion definition the group of sensory neuron cell bodies associated with the vagus nerve { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0001100 }
Changes for: hippocampus molecular layer
- Deleted
- - hippocampus molecular layer definition A cytoarchitectural region of the hippocampus consisting of a composite of the two outermost layers of the hippocampus, the Stratum lacunosum-moleculare and the Stratum radiatum (Carpenter-83). In CA3, there is an additional layer lying above the pyramidal cell layer, the stratum lucidum, which is also included here. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1211 }
- Added
- + hippocampus molecular layer definition A cytoarchitectural region of the hippocampus consisting of a composite of the two outermost layers of the hippocampus, the Stratum lacunosum-moleculare and the Stratum radiatum (Carpenter-83). In CA3, there is an additional layer lying above the pyramidal cell layer, the stratum lucidum, which is also included here. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:birnlex_1211 }
Changes for: olfactory lobe
- Deleted
- - olfactory lobe definition Olfactory apparatus on the lower surface of the frontal lobe of the brain. It consists of the olfactory bulb, tract, and trigone[BTO]. { database cross reference=BTO:0001362 }
- Added
- + olfactory lobe definition The lobe at the anterior part of each cerebral hemisphere, responsible for olfactory functions. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
Changes for: spinal cord dorsal column
- Deleted
- - spinal cord dorsal column definition the wedge-shaped fiber bundle of white matter in the dorsomedial side of the spinal cord that is made up of the fasciculus gracilis and fasciculus cuneatus; it is part of the ascending posterior column-medial lemniscus pathway that is important for well-localized fine touch and conscious proprioception { database cross reference=MP:0009677,ISBN-10:0940780577,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + spinal cord dorsal column definition the wedge-shaped fiber bundle of white matter in the dorsomedial side of the spinal cord that is made up of the fasciculus gracilis and fasciculus cuneatus; it is part of the ascending posterior column-medial lemniscus pathway that is important for well-localized fine touch and conscious proprioception { database cross reference=ISBN-10:0940780577 , database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0009677 }
Changes for: spinal cord lateral column
- Deleted
- - spinal cord lateral column definition the region of white matter of the spinal cord that is located between the dorsal and ventral spinal roots { database cross reference=MP:0009678,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + spinal cord lateral column definition the region of white matter of the spinal cord that is located between the dorsal and ventral spinal roots { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0009678 }
Changes for: spinal cord ventral column
- Deleted
- - spinal cord ventral column definition the area of white matter of the spinal cord located on either side of the ventral (anterior) medial fissure { database cross reference=MP:0009679,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + spinal cord ventral column definition the area of white matter of the spinal cord located on either side of the ventral (anterior) medial fissure { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0009679 }
Changes for: cortical plate
- Deleted
- - cortical plate has exact synonym future cortical layers II-VI { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - cortical plate has related synonym future neocortex { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + cortical plate has exact synonym future cortical layers II-VI { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + cortical plate has related synonym future neocortex { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: spermatic cord
- Deleted
- - spermatic cord database cross reference MESH:A05.360.444.777
- Added
- + spermatic cord database cross reference MESH:D013085
Changes for: ventricle of nervous system
- Deleted
- - ventricle of nervous system definition A layer in the central nervous system that lines system of communicating cavities in the brain and spinal cord. { database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/300 }
- Added
- + ventricle of nervous system contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + ventricle of nervous system definition A layer in the central nervous system that lines system of communicating cavities in the brain and spinal cord. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/300 }
Changes for: spinal cord ependyma
- Deleted
- - spinal cord ependyma definition the ependymal cell layer that lines the spinal cord { database cross reference=ISBN-10:0387949542 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + spinal cord ependyma definition the ependymal cell layer that lines the spinal cord { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=ISBN-10:0387949542 }
Changes for: brain ependyma
- Deleted
- - brain ependyma database cross reference MESH:A08.
- - brain ependyma definition the ependymal cell layer that lines the brain ventricles { database cross reference=ISBN-10:0387949542 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + brain ependyma database cross reference MESH:D004805
- + brain ependyma definition the ependymal cell layer that lines the brain ventricles { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=ISBN-10:0387949542 }
Changes for: transparent eye structure
- Deleted
- - transparent eye structure definition A transparent structure that is part of a visual sense organ, the function of which is to direct or focus light onto a photoreceptor array. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + transparent eye structure definition A transparent structure that is part of a visual sense organ, the function of which is to direct or focus light onto a photoreceptor array. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: olfactory segment of nasal mucosa
- Deleted
- - olfactory segment of nasal mucosa database cross reference MESH:A04.531.520.573
- Added
- + olfactory segment of nasal mucosa database cross reference MESH:D009831
Changes for: nasal cavity respiratory epithelium
- Deleted
- - nasal cavity respiratory epithelium SubClassOf pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
- - nasal cavity respiratory epithelium definition An epithelium that is part of the respiratory segment of the nasal mucosa [Automatically generated definition]. { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- Added
- + nasal cavity respiratory epithelium contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + nasal cavity respiratory epithelium definition An epithelium that is part of the respiratory segment of the nasal mucosa [Automatically generated definition]. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/50 , database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
Changes for: nasal cavity epithelium
- Deleted
- - nasal cavity epithelium definition An epithelium that lines the nasal cavity. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + nasal cavity epithelium definition An epithelium that lines the nasal cavity. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: olfactory bulb subependymal zone
- Deleted
- - olfactory bulb subependymal zone definition the region of mitotically active layer of cells surrounding the lateral brain ventricles that consists of migrating neuroblasts, astrocytes and transitory amplifying progenitor cells, that produce neurons that migrate to the olfactory bulb { database cross reference=MP:0009952,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + olfactory bulb subependymal zone definition the region of mitotically active layer of cells surrounding the lateral brain ventricles that consists of migrating neuroblasts, astrocytes and transitory amplifying progenitor cells, that produce neurons that migrate to the olfactory bulb { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0009952 }
Changes for: carotid artery segment
- Deleted
- - carotid artery segment database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.186
- Added
- + carotid artery segment database cross reference MESH:D002339
Changes for: transverospinalis pre-muscle mass
- Deleted
- - transverospinalis pre-muscle mass definition A pre-muscle condensation that will develop into a transverospinalis muscle. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + transverospinalis pre-muscle mass definition A pre-muscle condensation that will develop into a transverospinalis muscle. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: ceratohyoideus muscle
- Added
- + ceratohyoideus muscle database cross reference MFMO:0000006
Changes for: craniocervical muscle
- Deleted
- - craniocervical muscle definition Any muscle organ that is part of either the head or the neck. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + craniocervical muscle definition Any muscle organ that is part of either the head or the neck. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: anterior digastric muscle
Changes for: posterior digastric muscle
- Added
- + posterior digastric muscle database cross reference MFMO:0000060
- + posterior digastric muscle definition The posterior digastric is a pharyngeal arch II muscle that participates in oral pharyngeal behavior, is innervated by the digastric branch of facial nerve and attaches to the posterior cranial base and the hyoid apparatus. It is found superficial to the mylohyoid muscle. { database cross reference=MFMO:0000060 }
Changes for: muscle of digastric group
- Deleted
- - muscle of digastric group definition Either of the two muscles that comprise the digastric group (anterior or posterior). { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + muscle of digastric group definition Either of the two muscles that comprise the digastric group (anterior or posterior). { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: crico-arytenoid muscle
Changes for: orbicularis oris muscle
Changes for: superior thoracic artery
- Deleted
- - superior thoracic artery definition The superior thoracic artery (highest thoracic artery) is a small vessel normally arising from the first division of the axillary artery, but may arise from the thoracoacromial artery, itself a branch of the second division of the axillary artery. Running forward and medialward along the upper border of the pectoralis minor, the superior thoracic artery passes between it and the pectoralis major to the side of the chest. It supplies branches to the first and second intercostal spaces as well as to the superior portion of serratus anterior. It anastomoses with the internal mammary and intercostal arteries. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superior_thoracic_artery,Wikipedia:Superior_thoracic_artery }
- Added
- + superior thoracic artery definition The superior thoracic artery (highest thoracic artery) is a small vessel normally arising from the first division of the axillary artery, but may arise from the thoracoacromial artery, itself a branch of the second division of the axillary artery. Running forward and medialward along the upper border of the pectoralis minor, the superior thoracic artery passes between it and the pectoralis major to the side of the chest. It supplies branches to the first and second intercostal spaces as well as to the superior portion of serratus anterior. It anastomoses with the internal mammary and intercostal arteries. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superior_thoracic_artery }
Changes for: cricopharyngeus muscle
- Deleted
- - cricopharyngeus muscle database cross reference Origin and insertion
- - cricopharyngeus muscle definition The part of the Inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle that arises from cricoid cartilage { database cross reference=Origin and insertion }
- Added
- + cricopharyngeus muscle database cross reference MFMO:0000009
- + cricopharyngeus muscle definition The cricopharyngeus is a pharyngeal arch 4/6 muscle that participates in oral/pharyngeal behaviors and is innervated by the pharyngeal plexus and the recurrent laryngeal n. (from Vagus, CN X), and is an integral part of the pharyngeal tube, and attaches to the cricoid cartilage and the midline raphe. It acts as a sphincter between the pharynx and esophagus. { database cross reference=MFMO:0000009 }
Changes for: axillary tail of breast
- Deleted
- - axillary tail of breast definition An extension of the tissue of the breast which extends into the axilla. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tail_of_Spence,Wikipedia:Tail_of_Spence }
- Added
- + axillary tail of breast definition An extension of the tissue of the breast which extends into the axilla. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tail_of_Spence }
Changes for: manual digit plus metapodial segment
- Deleted
- - manual digit plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/458 }
- Added
- + manual digit plus metapodial segment curator notes this class represents a series of phalanges plus a metapodial element plus associated soft tissues. Instances of this class typically do not form a distinct unit. { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/458 }
Changes for: left ear
- Deleted
- - left ear definition The organ of hearing located on the left side of the head[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/Left_Ear , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + left ear definition The organ of hearing located on the left side of the head[ncit,modified]. { database cross reference=http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/Left_Ear , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: footplate
- Deleted
- - footplate definition the distal elements of the developing limb of vertebrates that will give rise to the pedal appendages (e.g. hand, foot, paw) { database cross reference=MP:0004576,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + footplate definition the distal elements of the developing limb of vertebrates that will give rise to the pedal appendages (e.g. hand, foot, paw) { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0004576 }
Changes for: electric organ
- Deleted
- - electric organ database cross reference MESH:A13.332
- Added
- + electric organ database cross reference MESH:D004557
Changes for: terminal part of digestive tract
- Deleted
- - terminal part of digestive tract definition The distalmost portion of the digestive tract, derived from the hindgut, and terminating with the anus. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + terminal part of digestive tract definition The distalmost portion of the digestive tract, derived from the hindgut, and terminating with the anus. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: interrenal gland
- Deleted
- - interrenal gland database cross reference MESH:A13.530
- Added
- + interrenal gland database cross reference MESH:D007401
Changes for: scapula
- Deleted
- - scapula database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.087.783
- - scapula external definition Endochondral bone that is located medial to the cleithrum, and articulates ventrally with the coracoid, medially with the mesocoracoid when the later is present and posteriorly with the upper one to three proximal radials. The scapula develops from the scapulocoracoid cartilage and belongs to the primary pectoral girdle. It may be perforated by the scapular foramen or it may be notched ventrproperty_value external_definitionand forms together with a similar notch of the coracoid the scapulocoracoid foramen[TAO:0000583]. { source=TAO:0000583 }
- Added
- + scapula database cross reference MESH:D012540
- + scapula external definition Endochondral bone that is located medial to the cleithrum, and articulates ventrally with the coracoid, medially with the mesocoracoid when the later is present and posteriorly with the upper one to three proximal radials. The scapula develops from the scapulocoracoid cartilage and belongs to the primary pectoral girdle. It may be perforated by the scapular foramen or it may be notched ventr and forms together with a similar notch of the coracoid the scapulocoracoid foramen[TAO:0000583]. { source=TAO:0000583 }
Changes for: nucleus of lateral lemniscus
- Deleted
- - nucleus of lateral lemniscus definition Groups of cells situated largely within the fiber bundles of the lateral lemniscus. Two nuclei are usually distinguished: a ventral group and a dorsal group (Brodal, Neurological Anatomy, 3rd ed., 1981, pg. 619). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_69745 }
- Added
- + nucleus of lateral lemniscus definition Groups of cells situated largely within the fiber bundles of the lateral lemniscus. Two nuclei are usually distinguished: a ventral group and a dorsal group (Brodal, Neurological Anatomy, 3rd ed., 1981, pg. 619). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_69745 }
Changes for: root of cranial nerve
- Deleted
- - root of cranial nerve definition The initial segment of a cranial nerve, leaving the central nervous system. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + root of cranial nerve definition The initial segment of a cranial nerve, leaving the central nervous system. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: dorsal ramus of spinal nerve
- Deleted
- - dorsal ramus of spinal nerve definition Branch of spinal nerve that innervates the epaxial muscles { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinal_nerve , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + dorsal ramus of spinal nerve definition Branch of spinal nerve that innervates the epaxial muscles { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinal_nerve , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: ventral ramus of spinal nerve
- Deleted
- - ventral ramus of spinal nerve definition Branch of spinal nerve that innervates the hypaxial muscles { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinal_nerve , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + ventral ramus of spinal nerve definition Branch of spinal nerve that innervates the hypaxial muscles { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinal_nerve , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: uterus or analog
- Deleted
- - uterus or analog definition A subdivision of a the reproductive tract in a female organism that is the site of embryo development. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + uterus or analog definition A subdivision of a the reproductive tract in a female organism that is the site of embryo development. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: areolar connective tissue
- Added
- + areolar connective tissue SubClassOf protects some organ
Changes for: ectepicondyle of humerus
- Deleted
- - ectepicondyle of humerus definition A bony projection on the distal epiphysis of the humerus that is the attachment site for the extensor muscles of the distal parts of the forelimb. In humans, this is known as the lateral epicondyle, but the position varies across tetrapods. { database cross reference=http://palaeos.com/vertebrates/glossary/glossaryE.html , database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15064415 , database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:ad }
- Added
- + ectepicondyle of humerus contributor https://github.com/alex-dececchi
- + ectepicondyle of humerus contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + ectepicondyle of humerus definition A bony projection on the distal epiphysis of the humerus that is the attachment site for the extensor muscles of the distal parts of the forelimb. In humans, this is known as the lateral epicondyle, but the position varies across tetrapods. { database cross reference=http://palaeos.com/vertebrates/glossary/glossaryE.html , database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15064415 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/40 , database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:ad }
Changes for: paracolic gutter
- Deleted
- - paracolic gutter definition The paracolic gutters (paracolic sulci, paracolic recesses) are spaces between the colon and the abdominal wall. There are two paracolic gutters: The right lateral paracolic gutter. The left lateral paracolic gutter. These gutters are clinically important because they allow a passage for infectious fluids from different compartments of the abdomen. For example; fluid from an infected appendix can track up the right paracolic gutter to the hepatorenal recess. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paracolic_gutters,Wikipedia:Paracolic_gutters }
- Added
- + paracolic gutter definition The paracolic gutters (paracolic sulci, paracolic recesses) are spaces between the colon and the abdominal wall. There are two paracolic gutters: The right lateral paracolic gutter. The left lateral paracolic gutter. These gutters are clinically important because they allow a passage for infectious fluids from different compartments of the abdomen. For example; fluid from an infected appendix can track up the right paracolic gutter to the hepatorenal recess. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paracolic_gutters }
Changes for: epioccipital posterior process
- Deleted
Changes for: mammary bud
- Deleted
- - mammary bud definition A bulb of epithelial cells that forms from the mammary placode that develops into the mammary gland. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + mammary bud definition A bulb of epithelial cells that forms from the mammary placode that develops into the mammary gland. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: tonsillar fossa
- Deleted
- - tonsillar fossa definition Between the plica triangularis and the surface of the palatine tonsils is a space known as the tonsillar fossa (or tonsillar sinus); in many cases, however, this sinus is obliterated by its walls becoming adherent. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonsillar_fossa,Wikipedia:Tonsillar_fossa }
- Added
- + tonsillar fossa definition Between the plica triangularis and the surface of the palatine tonsils is a space known as the tonsillar fossa (or tonsillar sinus); in many cases, however, this sinus is obliterated by its walls becoming adherent. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonsillar_fossa }
Changes for: medial circumflex femoral vein
- Deleted
- - medial circumflex femoral vein definition A circumflex femoral vein that accompanies the medial circumflex femoral artery. { database cross reference=ncithesaurus:Medial_Femoral_Vein }
- Added
- + medial circumflex femoral vein definition A circumflex femoral vein that accompanies the medial circumflex femoral artery. { database cross reference=ncithesaurus:Medial_Femoral_Vein }
Changes for: female preputial gland
- Deleted
- - female preputial gland definition The paired, lobulated, modified sebaceous glands located on the side of the clitoris in female rodents; in contrast to the preputial glands in male rodents, clitoral glands are a minor source of olfactory stimuli contributing to sexual attractivity; unlike other sebaceous glands, they undergo progressive atrophy of the glandular portion with marked ductal ectasia as rodents age. { database cross reference=https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=3588536&group_id=76834&atid=1109502 , database cross reference=MP:0011834 }
- Added
- + female preputial gland definition The paired, lobulated, modified sebaceous glands located on the side of the clitoris in female rodents; in contrast to the preputial glands in male rodents, clitoral glands are a minor source of olfactory stimuli contributing to sexual attractivity; unlike other sebaceous glands, they undergo progressive atrophy of the glandular portion with marked ductal ectasia as rodents age. { database cross reference=https://sourceforge.net/p/obo/mammalian-phenotype-requests/1261/ , database cross reference=MP:0011834 }
Changes for: male preputial gland
- Deleted
- - male preputial gland definition One of the sebaceous glands of the corona and neck of the glans penis. { database cross reference=MP:0002717 }
- - male preputial gland external ontology notes FMA:19653 was previously placed here, but ISBN10:0123813611 states that no true equivalent in humans. See also https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=3588536&group_id=76834&atid=1109502 { external ontology=FMA }
- Added
- + male preputial gland definition One of the sebaceous glands of the corona and neck of the glans penis. { database cross reference=https://sourceforge.net/p/obo/mammalian-phenotype-requests/1261/ , database cross reference=MP:0002717 }
- + male preputial gland external ontology notes FMA:19653 was previously placed here, but ISBN10:0123813611 states that no true equivalent in humans. See also https://sourceforge.net/p/obo/mammalian-phenotype-requests/1261/ { external ontology=FMA }
Changes for: submucous nerve plexus
- Deleted
- - submucous nerve plexus database cross reference MESH:A08.800.050.050.850
- - submucous nerve plexus definition the gangliated plexus of unmyelinated nerve fibers that ramify the stomach and intestinal submucosa { database cross reference=MP:0010800,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + submucous nerve plexus database cross reference MESH:D013368
- + submucous nerve plexus definition the gangliated plexus of unmyelinated nerve fibers that ramify the stomach and intestinal submucosa { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0010800 }
Changes for: hypogastric nerve
- Deleted
- - hypogastric nerve database cross reference MESH:A08.800.050.050.400
- Added
- + hypogastric nerve database cross reference MESH:D007001
Changes for: mons pubis
- Deleted
- - mons pubis definition In human anatomy or in mammals in general, the mons pubis (Latin for ‘pubic mound’), also known as the mons veneris (Latin, mound of Venus) or simply the mons, is the adipose tissue lying above the pubic bone of adult women, anterior to the symphysis pubis. The mons pubis forms the anterior portion of the vulva, and limits the perineal region proximally and anteriorly. The size of the mons pubis varies with the general level of hormone and body fat. After puberty it is covered with pubic hair and enlarges. In human females this mound is made of fat and is supposed to be larger. It provides protection of the pubic bone during intercourse. In humans, the mons pubis divides into the labia majora (literally ‘larger lips’) on either side of the furrow, known as the cleft of venus, that surrounds the labia minora, clitoris, vaginal opening, and other structures of the vulval vestibule. The fatty tissue of the mons veneris is sensitive to estrogen, causing a distinct mound to form with the onset of puberty. This pushes the forward portion of the labia majora out and away from the pubic bone. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mons_pubis,Wikipedia:Mons_pubis }
- Added
- + mons pubis definition In human anatomy or in mammals in general, the mons pubis (Latin for ‘pubic mound’), also known as the mons veneris (Latin, mound of Venus) or simply the mons, is the adipose tissue lying above the pubic bone of adult women, anterior to the symphysis pubis. The mons pubis forms the anterior portion of the vulva, and limits the perineal region proximally and anteriorly. The size of the mons pubis varies with the general level of hormone and body fat. After puberty it is covered with pubic hair and enlarges. In human females this mound is made of fat and is supposed to be larger. It provides protection of the pubic bone during intercourse. In humans, the mons pubis divides into the labia majora (literally ‘larger lips’) on either side of the furrow, known as the cleft of venus, that surrounds the labia minora, clitoris, vaginal opening, and other structures of the vulval vestibule. The fatty tissue of the mons veneris is sensitive to estrogen, causing a distinct mound to form with the onset of puberty. This pushes the forward portion of the labia majora out and away from the pubic bone. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mons_pubis }
Changes for: osseus labyrinth vestibule
- Deleted
- - osseus labyrinth vestibule database cross reference MESH:A09.246.631.909
- Added
- + osseus labyrinth vestibule database cross reference MESH:D014722
Changes for: pilosebaceous unit
- Deleted
- - pilosebaceous unit SubClassOf anatomical cluster
- Added
- + pilosebaceous unit SubClassOf organ subunit
- + pilosebaceous unit SubClassOf structure with developmental contribution from neural crest
Changes for: vibrissa hair bulb
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: vibrissa unit
- Deleted
- - vibrissa unit definition A pilosebaceuous init that contains a strand of virbissa hair (a specialized tactile hair) with the follicle incorporating a blood sinus, heavily innervated by sensory nerves. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + vibrissa unit definition A pilosebaceuous init that contains a strand of virbissa hair (a specialized tactile hair) with the follicle incorporating a blood sinus, heavily innervated by sensory nerves. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: diaphragma sellae
- Deleted
- - diaphragma sellae definition The diaphragma sellae or sellar diaphragm is the circular fold of dura mater that almost completely roofs the fossa hypophyseos in the sphenoid bone of the skull. It retains the pituitary gland in the fossa hypophyseos, with only the infundibulum of the pituitary gland passing through it. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diaphragma_sellae,Wikipedia:Diaphragma_sellae }
- Added
- + diaphragma sellae definition The diaphragma sellae or sellar diaphragm is the circular fold of dura mater that almost completely roofs the fossa hypophyseos in the sphenoid bone of the skull. It retains the pituitary gland in the fossa hypophyseos, with only the infundibulum of the pituitary gland passing through it. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diaphragma_sellae }
Changes for: acetabular labrum
- Added
- + acetabular labrum SubClassOf pelvic region element
Changes for: stomach non-glandular region
- Deleted
- - stomach non-glandular region definition A region of the stomach is lined with non-glandular epithelium. Examples of a stomach non-glandular region are found in rodents. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + stomach non-glandular region definition A region of the stomach is lined with non-glandular epithelium. Examples of a stomach non-glandular region are found in rodents. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: renal cortex artery
- Deleted
- - renal cortex artery definition An artery that supplies the renal cortex. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + renal cortex artery definition An artery that supplies the renal cortex. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: stomach glandular region
- Deleted
- - stomach glandular region definition A region of the stomach that is lined with glandular epithelium. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + stomach glandular region definition A region of the stomach that is lined with glandular epithelium. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: superior hypophysial artery
- Deleted
- - superior hypophysial artery definition The superior hypophysial artery is an artery supplying the pars tuberalis,the infundibulum of the pituitary gland and the median eminence. It is a branch of the posterior communicating artery which branches from the internal carotid artery in the circle of Willis.. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superior_hypophysial_artery,Wikipedia:Superior_hypophysial_artery }
- Added
- + superior hypophysial artery definition The superior hypophysial artery is an artery supplying the pars tuberalis,the infundibulum of the pituitary gland and the median eminence. It is a branch of the posterior communicating artery which branches from the internal carotid artery in the circle of Willis.. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superior_hypophysial_artery }
Changes for: hypophysial artery
- Deleted
- - hypophysial artery definition An artery that supplies the pituitary gland. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + hypophysial artery definition An artery that supplies the pituitary gland. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: peritubular capillary
- Deleted
- - peritubular capillary definition the tiny blood vessels that receive blood from the efferent arterioles of the glomerulus, and interact with superficial cortical nephrons allowing reabsorption and secretion between blood and the inner lumen of the nephron; peritubular capillaries are situated around the tubule and are at low pressure { database cross reference=MP:0011321,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + peritubular capillary definition the tiny blood vessels that receive blood from the efferent arterioles of the glomerulus, and interact with superficial cortical nephrons allowing reabsorption and secretion between blood and the inner lumen of the nephron; peritubular capillaries are situated around the tubule and are at low pressure { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0011321 }
Changes for: arrector pili muscle of vibrissa
- Deleted
- - arrector pili muscle of vibrissa has exact synonym arrector pilorum muscle of vibrissa { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + arrector pili muscle of vibrissa has exact synonym arrector pilorum muscle of vibrissa { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: articular capsule of glenohumeral joint
- Deleted
- - articular capsule of glenohumeral joint definition An articular capsule that is part of the glenohumeral joint. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + articular capsule of glenohumeral joint definition An articular capsule that is part of the glenohumeral joint. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: articular capsule of hip joint
- Deleted
- - articular capsule of hip joint definition An articular capsule that is part of the hip joint. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + articular capsule of hip joint SubClassOf pelvic region element
- + articular capsule of hip joint definition An articular capsule that is part of the hip joint. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: gonadal ridge
- Deleted
- - gonadal ridge definition the elevation of thickened mesothelium and underlying mesenchyme found on the ventromedial border of the embryonic mesonephros in which the primordial germ cells become embedded, establishing it as the primordium of the testis or ovary { database cross reference=MP:0011411,MGI:anna }
- - gonadal ridge has exact synonym indifferent gonadal ridge { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + gonadal ridge definition the elevation of thickened mesothelium and underlying mesenchyme found on the ventromedial border of the embryonic mesonephros in which the primordial germ cells become embedded, establishing it as the primordium of the testis or ovary { database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0011411 }
- + gonadal ridge has exact synonym indifferent gonadal ridge { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: prepuce of clitoris
- Deleted
- - prepuce of clitoris definition A retractable double-layered fold of skin and mucous membrane that covers the clitoral glans. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clitoral_hood , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + prepuce of clitoris definition A retractable double-layered fold of skin and mucous membrane that covers the clitoral glans. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clitoral_hood , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: uropropatagium
- Added
- + uropropatagium has exact synonym interfemoral wing membrane
Changes for: pedal digit 6
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: manual digit 8
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: manual digit 7
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: manual digit 6
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: limb bone pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- - limb bone pre-cartilage condensation definition A skeletal element that is part of a limb and composed of pre-cartilage tissue. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + limb bone pre-cartilage condensation definition A skeletal element that is part of a limb and composed of pre-cartilage tissue. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: limb cartilage element
- Deleted
- - limb cartilage element definition A skeletal element that is part of a limb and composed of cartilage tissue. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + limb cartilage element definition A skeletal element that is part of a limb and composed of cartilage tissue. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: accessory XI nerve nucleus
- Deleted
- - accessory XI nerve nucleus has related synonym spinal accessory nucleus { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + accessory XI nerve nucleus has related synonym spinal accessory nucleus { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: glandular epithelium
- Deleted
- - glandular epithelium definition An epithelium that is composed primarily of secretory cells. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + glandular epithelium definition An epithelium that is composed primarily of secretory cells. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: epithelium of conjunctiva
- Deleted
- - epithelium of conjunctiva definition Layer of nonkeratinized squamous epithelium lining the conjunctiva, overlying scleral tissue { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + epithelium of conjunctiva definition Layer of nonkeratinized squamous epithelium lining the conjunctiva, overlying scleral tissue { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: cardial valve
- Deleted
- - cardial valve database cross reference MESH:A07.541.510
- - cardial valve definition A membranous fold of the heart that prevents reflux of fluid { database cross reference=MP:0000285,MESH:A07.541.510,PMID:7926784 }
- Added
- + cardial valve database cross reference MESH:D006351
- + cardial valve definition A membranous fold of the heart that prevents reflux of fluid { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7926784 , database cross reference=MESH:A07.541.510 , database cross reference=MP:0000285 }
Changes for: aorta
- Deleted
- - aorta database cross reference MESH:A07.231.114.056
- - aorta definition The main trunk of the systemic arterial system that carries blood from the heart to all the organs and other structures of the body, bringing oxygenated blood to all parts of the body in the systemic circulation { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aorta , database cross reference=MP:0000272,ISBN:0-683-40008-8,MESH:A07.231.114.056 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + aorta database cross reference MESH:D001011
- + aorta definition The main trunk of the systemic arterial system that carries blood from the heart to all the organs and other structures of the body, bringing oxygenated blood to all parts of the body in the systemic circulation { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aorta , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MESH:A07.231.114.056 , database cross reference=MP:0000272 }
Changes for: cranial nerve II
- Deleted
- - cranial nerve II database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.120.680
- Added
- + cranial nerve II database cross reference MESH:D009900
Changes for: corneo-scleral junction
- Deleted
- - corneo-scleral junction database cross reference MESH:A09.371.060.217.659
- Added
- + corneo-scleral junction database cross reference MESH:D016850
Changes for: heart
- Deleted
- - heart database cross reference MESH:A07.541
- - heart definition A myogenic muscular circulatory organ found in the vertebrate cardiovascular system composed of chambers of cardiac muscle. It is the primary circulatory organ. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + heart database cross reference MESH:D006321
- + heart definition A myogenic muscular circulatory organ found in the vertebrate cardiovascular system composed of chambers of cardiac muscle. It is the primary circulatory organ. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: endocrine system
- Deleted
- - endocrine system database cross reference MESH:A06
- Added
- + endocrine system database cross reference MESH:D004703
Changes for: pharyngeal muscle
- Deleted
- - pharyngeal muscle database cross reference MESH:A02.633.567.800
- Added
- + pharyngeal muscle database cross reference MESH:D010609
Changes for: proctodeum
- Deleted
- - proctodeum database cross reference FBbt:00000440
- - proctodeum definition Inward fold on the surface of the embryonic ectoderm that develops into part of the anal passage[ZFA]. A proctodeum is the back ectodermal part of an alimentary canal. It is created during embryogenesis by a folding of the outer body wall[WP]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proctodeum }
- Added
- + proctodeum contributor https://github.com/ANiknejad
- + proctodeum contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + proctodeum contributor https://github.com/dosumis
- + proctodeum contributor https://github.com/mmc46
- + proctodeum database cross reference FBbt:00000123
- + proctodeum definition Inward fold on the surface of the embryonic ectoderm that develops into an ectodermal terminal part of the digestive tract. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/685 , database cross reference=https://sourceforge.net/p/fbbtdv/tickets/52 , database cross reference=ZFA:0000066 }
- + proctodeum has narrow synonym amnioproctodeal invagination { database cross reference=FBbt:00000123 }
- + proctodeum see also https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/685
Changes for: stomodeum
- Deleted
- - stomodeum definition Anterior part of the embryonic digestive tract that develops into a mouth. The stomodeum includes as parts an invagination of the ectoderm and the stomodeal cavity. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stomodeum , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + stomodeum definition Anterior part of the embryonic digestive tract that develops into a mouth. The stomodeum includes as parts an invagination of the ectoderm and the stomodeal cavity. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stomodeum , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: thoracic ganglion
- Added
- + thoracic ganglion SubClassOf thoracic segment organ
Changes for: cornea
- Deleted
- - cornea database cross reference MESH:A09.371.060.217
- - cornea definition the transparent anterior portion of the fibrous coat of the eye that serves as the chief refractory structure { database cross reference=MP:0001312,ISBN:0-683-40008-8,MESH:A09.371.060.217 }
- Added
- + cornea database cross reference MESH:D003315
- + cornea definition the transparent anterior portion of the fibrous coat of the eye that serves as the chief refractory structure { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MESH:A09.371.060.217 , database cross reference=MP:0001312 }
Changes for: lens of camera-type eye
- Deleted
- - lens of camera-type eye definition Transparent part of camera-type eye that helps to refract light to be focused on the retina. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lens_(anatomy) , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + lens of camera-type eye definition Transparent part of camera-type eye that helps to refract light to be focused on the retina. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lens_(anatomy) , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: retina
- Deleted
- - retina database cross reference MESH:A09.371.729
- Added
- + retina database cross reference MESH:D012160
Changes for: medulla of organ
- Deleted
- - medulla of organ definition Middle part of an organ, surrounded by the cortex. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + medulla of organ definition Middle part of an organ, surrounded by the cortex. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: brain
- Deleted
- - brain database cross reference MESH:A08.186.211
- - brain definition The brain is the center of the nervous system in all vertebrate, and most invertebrate, animals. Some primitive animals such as jellyfish and starfish have a decentralized nervous system without a brain, while sponges lack any nervous system at all. In vertebrates, the brain is located in the head, protected by the skull and close to the primary sensory apparatus of vision, hearing, balance, taste, and smell[WP]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain , database cross reference=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/300 }
- Added
- + brain contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + brain database cross reference MESH:D001921
- + brain definition The brain is the center of the nervous system in all vertebrate, and most invertebrate, animals. Some primitive animals such as jellyfish and starfish have a decentralized nervous system without a brain, while sponges lack any nervous system at all. In vertebrates, the brain is located in the head, protected by the skull and close to the primary sensory apparatus of vision, hearing, balance, taste, and smell[WP]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/300 }
Changes for: basipterygium element
- Added
- + basipterygium element SubClassOf pelvic region element
Changes for: optic chiasma
- Deleted
- - optic chiasma database cross reference MESH:A08.800.800.120.680.600
- - optic chiasma definition A decussation of the diencephalon where the fibers of the optic nerve cross { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optic_chiasm , database cross reference=MGI:llw2 , database cross reference=MP:0009770 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + optic chiasma database cross reference MESH:D009897
- + optic chiasma definition A decussation of the diencephalon where the fibers of the optic nerve cross { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optic_chiasm , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=MGI:llw2 , database cross reference=MP:0009770 }
Changes for: liver perisinusoidal space
- Deleted
- - liver perisinusoidal space definition the extravascular space in the liver between the parenchymal cells and a sinusoid that contains the blood plasma { database cross reference=MP:0008988,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + liver perisinusoidal space definition the extravascular space in the liver between the parenchymal cells and a sinusoid that contains the blood plasma { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0008988 }
Changes for: hippocampal commissure
- Deleted
- - hippocampal commissure definition the triangular subcallosal plate of commissural fibers resulting from the converging of the right and left fornix bundles which exchange numerous fibers and which curve back in the contralateral fornix to end in the hippocampus of the opposite side { database cross reference=MP:0008221,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + hippocampal commissure definition the triangular subcallosal plate of commissural fibers resulting from the converging of the right and left fornix bundles which exchange numerous fibers and which curve back in the contralateral fornix to end in the hippocampus of the opposite side { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0008221 }
Changes for: pterygoid muscle
- Deleted
- - pterygoid muscle database cross reference MESH:A02.633.567.600.700
- Added
- + pterygoid muscle database cross reference MESH:D011626
Changes for: alisphenoid bone
- Deleted
- - alisphenoid bone definition either of the broad curved wing like expanses on each side of the sphenoid bone in adults; may exist independently in the young { database cross reference=MP:0003235,ISBN:0-683-40008-8,MGI:smb }
- Added
- + alisphenoid bone definition either of the broad curved wing like expanses on each side of the sphenoid bone in adults; may exist independently in the young { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MGI:smb , database cross reference=MP:0003235 }
Changes for: osseus spiral lamina
- Deleted
- - osseus spiral lamina database cross reference MESH:A09.246.631.246.930
- Added
- + osseus spiral lamina database cross reference MESH:D013137
Changes for: spiral ligament
- Deleted
- - spiral ligament database cross reference MESH:A09.246.631.246.965
- - spiral ligament definition A spiral thickening of the fibrous lining of the cochlear wall. Spiral ligament secures the membranous cochlear duct to the bony spiral canal of the cochlea. Its spiral ligament fibrocytes function in conjunction with the stria vascularis to mediate cochlear ion homeostasis. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiral_ligament , database cross reference=https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=1205376&aid=3557974&group_id=76834 , database cross reference=MESH:MESH }
- Added
- + spiral ligament database cross reference MESH:D055493
- + spiral ligament definition A spiral thickening of the fibrous lining of the cochlear wall. Spiral ligament secures the membranous cochlear duct to the bony spiral canal of the cochlea. Its spiral ligament fibrocytes function in conjunction with the stria vascularis to mediate cochlear ion homeostasis. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiral_ligament , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/mouse-anatomy-ontology/issues/71 }
Changes for: cochlear modiolus
- Deleted
- - cochlear modiolus definition the central cone shaped core of spongy bone about which turns the spiral canal { database cross reference=MP:0003309,ISBN:0-683-40008-8,MGI:anna }
- Added
- + cochlear modiolus definition the central cone shaped core of spongy bone about which turns the spiral canal { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MGI:anna , database cross reference=MP:0003309 }
Changes for: lateral pterygoid muscle
Changes for: mesoderm
- Deleted
- - mesoderm taxon notes sponges do not seem to have a mesoderm and accordingly Amphimedon lacks transcription factors involved in mesoderm development (Fkh, Gsc, Twist, Snail)[http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v466/n7307/full/nature09201.html]. Mesoderm may not be homologous across verteberates { source=UBERONREF:0000002 }
- Added
- + mesoderm taxon notes sponges do not seem to have a mesoderm and accordingly Amphimedon lacks transcription factors involved in mesoderm development (Fkh, Gsc, Twist, Snail)[http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v466/n7307/full/nature09201.html]. Mesoderm may not be homologous across verteberates { source=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/The-neural-crest }
Changes for: germ layer
- Deleted
- - germ layer comment Classically the germ layers are ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. Alternatively: primary = ectoderm, endoderm; secondary=mesoderm; tertiary=dorsal mesoderm, NC[UBERONREF:0000002]
- Added
- + germ layer comment Classically the germ layers are ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. Alternatively: primary = ectoderm, endoderm; secondary=mesoderm; tertiary=dorsal mesoderm, NC[https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/The-neural-crest]
Changes for: embryo
- Deleted
- - embryo database cross reference MESH:A16.254
- Added
Changes for: abdomen
- Deleted
- - abdomen definition The subdivision of the vertebrate body between the thorax and pelvis. The ventral part of the abdomen contains the abdominal cavity and visceral organs. The dorsal part includes the abdominal section of the vertebral column. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + abdomen definition The subdivision of the vertebrate body between the thorax and pelvis. The ventral part of the abdomen contains the abdominal cavity and visceral organs. The dorsal part includes the abdominal section of the vertebral column. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: thoracic segment of trunk
- Deleted
- - thoracic segment of trunk definition Subdivision of trunk that lies between the head and the abdomen. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + thoracic segment of trunk definition Subdivision of trunk that lies between the head and the abdomen. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: mucus
- Deleted
- - mucus database cross reference MESH:A12.200.503
- Added
- + mucus database cross reference MESH:D009093
Changes for: sphenoparietal sinus
- Deleted
- - sphenoparietal sinus definition The cavernous sinus receives the superior ophthalmic vein through the superior orbital fissure, some of the cerebral veins, and also the small sphenoparietal sinus, which courses along the under surface of the small wing of the sphenoid. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sphenoparietal_sinus,Wikipedia:Sphenoparietal_sinus }
- Added
- + sphenoparietal sinus definition The cavernous sinus receives the superior ophthalmic vein through the superior orbital fissure, some of the cerebral veins, and also the small sphenoparietal sinus, which courses along the under surface of the small wing of the sphenoid. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sphenoparietal_sinus }
Changes for: penis
- Deleted
- - penis database cross reference MESH:A05.360.444.492
- - penis definition A intromittent organ in certain biologically male organisms. In placental mammals, this also serves as the organ of urination { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penis , database cross reference=MP:0005187,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + penis database cross reference MESH:D010413
- + penis definition A intromittent organ in certain biologically male organisms. In placental mammals, this also serves as the organ of urination { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penis , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0005187 }
Changes for: pons
- Deleted
- - pons database cross reference MESH:A08.
- Added
- + pons database cross reference MESH:D011149
Changes for: axillary vein
- Deleted
- - axillary vein database cross reference MESH:A07.231.908.077
- - axillary vein definition Vein that drains the axilla { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + axillary vein database cross reference MESH:D001367
- + axillary vein definition Vein that drains the axilla { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: skeletal joint
- Deleted
- - skeletal joint database cross reference MESH:A02.835.583
- Added
- + skeletal joint database cross reference MESH:D007596
Changes for: leg
- Deleted
- - leg database cross reference MESH:A01.378.610
- Added
- + leg database cross reference MESH:D035002
Changes for: pleura
- Deleted
- - pleura database cross reference MESH:A04.716
- - pleura definition the serous membrane surrounding the lungs and lining the walls of the pleural cavity { database cross reference=MP:0010820,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- - pleura external ontology notes In MA, is_a cavity lining. In FMA, is_a (viscous) serous membrane (which includes mesothelium plus connective tissue). Note the MA structure should probably be associated with the mesothelium of pleura in FMA. JB/EHDAA2 argues the term ‘pleura’ is best used for the mesothelial lining (thus excluding connective tissue). See http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/tracker/86
- Added
- + pleura database cross reference MESH:D010994
- + pleura definition the serous membrane surrounding the lungs and lining the walls of the pleural cavity { database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0010820 }
- + pleura external ontology notes In MA, is_a cavity lining. In FMA, is_a (viscous) serous membrane (which includes mesothelium plus connective tissue). Note the MA structure should probably be associated with the mesothelium of pleura in FMA. JB/EHDAA2 argues the term ‘pleura’ is best used for the mesothelial lining (thus excluding connective tissue). See https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/86
Changes for: neck
- Deleted
- - neck database cross reference MESH:A01.598
- - neck definition An organism subdivision that extends from the head to the pectoral girdle, encompassing the cervical vertebral column. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + neck database cross reference MESH:D009333
- + neck definition An organism subdivision that extends from the head to the pectoral girdle, encompassing the cervical vertebral column. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: humerus
- Deleted
- - humerus definition Paired endochondral long bone that extends between the pectoral girdle and the skeletal parts of the forelimb. [PHENOSCAPE:mah] { database cross reference=AAO:0000679 , database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:mah }
- Added
- + humerus contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + humerus contributor https://github.com/mellybelly
- + humerus definition Paired endochondral long bone that extends between the pectoral girdle and the skeletal parts of the forelimb. [PHENOSCAPE:mah] { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/106 , database cross reference=AAO:0000679 , database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:mah }
Changes for: sternum
- Deleted
- - sternum database cross reference MESH:A02.835.232.904.766
- - sternum definition A midventral endochondral skeletal element which represents the origin site of the pectoral muscles[PHENOSCAPE:ad]. { database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:ad }
- Added
- + sternum contributor https://github.com/alex-dececchi
- + sternum contributor https://github.com/cmungall
- + sternum database cross reference MESH:D013249
- + sternum definition A midventral endochondral skeletal element which represents the origin site of the pectoral muscles[PHENOSCAPE:ad]. { database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/67 , database cross reference=PHENOSCAPE:ad }
Changes for: eye
- Deleted
- - eye database cross reference MESH:A01.456.505.420
- Added
- + eye database cross reference MESH:D005123
Changes for: kidney interstitium
- Deleted
- - kidney interstitium definition The interstitial compartment of the kidney, comprising the extravascular intertubular spaces of the renal parenchyma, with their attendant cellular elements and extracellular substances, bounded on all sides by epithelial and vascular basement membranes. { database cross reference=http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ki.1991.49 , database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18575881 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + kidney interstitium definition The interstitial compartment of the kidney, comprising the extravascular intertubular spaces of the renal parenchyma, with their attendant cellular elements and extracellular substances, bounded on all sides by epithelial and vascular basement membranes. { database cross reference=http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ki.1991.49 , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 , database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18575881 }
Changes for: vagina
- Deleted
- - vagina database cross reference MESH:A05.360.319.779
- - vagina definition A fibromuscular tubular tract leading from the uterus to the exterior of the body in female placental mammals and marsupials, or to the cloaca in female birds, monotremes, and some reptiles[WP]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vagina , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + vagina database cross reference MESH:D014621
- + vagina definition A fibromuscular tubular tract leading from the uterus to the exterior of the body in female placental mammals and marsupials, or to the cloaca in female birds, monotremes, and some reptiles[WP]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vagina , database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Changes for: uterus
- Deleted
- - uterus database cross reference MESH:A05.360.319.679
- - uterus definition the female muscular organ of gestation in which the developing embryo or fetus is nourished until birth { database cross reference=MP:0001120,MGI:csmith }
- Added
- + uterus database cross reference MESH:D014599
- + uterus definition the female muscular organ of gestation in which the developing embryo or fetus is nourished until birth { database cross reference=MGI:csmith , database cross reference=MP:0001120 }
Changes for: seminal vesicle
- Deleted
- - seminal vesicle database cross reference MESH:A05.360.444.713
- Added
- + seminal vesicle database cross reference MESH:D012669
Changes for: mammalian vulva
- Deleted
- - mammalian vulva database cross reference MESH:A05.360.319.887
- Added
- + mammalian vulva database cross reference MESH:D014844
Changes for: ejaculatory duct
- Deleted
- - ejaculatory duct database cross reference MESH:A05.360.444.251
- Added
- + ejaculatory duct database cross reference MESH:D004543
Changes for: gonad
- Deleted
- - gonad database cross reference MESH:A05.360.576
- Added
- + gonad database cross reference MESH:D006066
Changes for: female gonad
- Deleted
- - female gonad database cross reference MESH:A05.360.319.114.630
- - female gonad definition the gonad of a female organism which contains germ cells { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ovary , database cross reference=MP:0001126,ISBN:0-683-40008-8 }
- Added
- + female gonad database cross reference MESH:D010053
- + female gonad definition the gonad of a female organism which contains germ cells { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ovary , database cross reference=ISBN:0-683-40008-8 , database cross reference=MP:0001126 }
Changes for: oviduct
- Deleted
- - oviduct database cross reference MESH:A13.706
- - oviduct definition A tube or collection of tubes in an animal from the ovaries to the outside of the body. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - oviduct has exact synonym ovarian duct { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - oviduct has exact synonym ovarian tube { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - oviduct has related synonym female reproductive tracts { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- - oviduct has related synonym tubular parts of female reproductive system { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + oviduct database cross reference MESH:D010057
- + oviduct definition A tube or collection of tubes in an animal from the ovaries to the outside of the body. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + oviduct has exact synonym ovarian duct { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + oviduct has exact synonym ovarian tube { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + oviduct has related synonym female reproductive tracts { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + oviduct has related synonym tubular parts of female reproductive system { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
Report for properties
ObjectProperty objects lost from source: 0
ObjectProperty objects new in target: 1
New ObjectProperty : protects
Changed ObjectProperty objects: 0
June 22, 2015
Comments Section
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