2015-04-23 release
Minor release mostly focusing on the skeletal system and craniofacial improvements
Ontology Diff Report
- neuro
- NTs: sacci vasculosi {tract,nucleus}
- associating medial dorsal thalamic nucleus in EMAPA with MBA:636 Issue https://github.com/obophenotype/mouse-anatomy-ontology/issues/10
- NTs: lateral and central parts of ediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus
- Skeletal, oral and craniofacial
- implementing endochondral design pattern for basihyal. Issue 688
- NT: anterior nasal spine of maxilla. Fixes 679
- NT: longitudinal arch. Fixes 678
- fixed musculature typo. Issue 686
- NTs for palatine sutures
- NT: for generic incisor diastema. 687
- NTs for specific diastemas. Fixes 671
- narwhal tusk metadata
- Other
Original Ontology
- IRI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon.owl
- VersionIRI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/releases/2015-04-12/uberon.owl
New Ontology
- IRI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon.owl
- VersionIRI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/releases/2015-04-23/uberon.owl
Report for classes
Class objects lost from source: 0
Class objects new in target: 42
New Class : profundus foramen
- profundus foramen label profundus foramen
- profundus foramen created by WD
- profundus foramen definition Foramen for the profundus or ophthalmic nerve [PHENOSCAPE:AD]
- profundus foramen SubClassOf braincase and otic capsule opening
New Class : axochord
- axochord SubClassOf part of some embryo
- axochord id UBERON:0035147
- axochord label axochord
- axochord definition A medial muscle found in the ventral midline of annelid embryos { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25214631 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/574 , database cross reference=BGEE:AN }
- axochord has obo namespace uberon
- axochord SubClassOf intersects midsagittal plane of some embryo
- axochord SubClassOf transformation of some presumptive axochord
- axochord SubClassOf embryonic structure
- axochord SubClassOf muscle organ
- axochord SubClassOf mesoderm-derived structure
New Class : tractus sacci vasculosi
- tractus sacci vasculosi SubClassOf extends fibers into some nucleus sacci vasculosi
- tractus sacci vasculosi SubClassOf axon tract
- tractus sacci vasculosi has obo namespace uberon
- tractus sacci vasculosi id UBERON:0035146
- tractus sacci vasculosi SubClassOf extends fibers into some saccus vasculosus
- tractus sacci vasculosi label tractus sacci vasculosi
- tractus sacci vasculosi EquivalentTo axon tract and extends fibers into some saccus vasculosus and extends fibers into some nucleus sacci vasculosi
New Class : gingival epithelial attachment
- gingival epithelial attachment label gingival epithelial attachment
- gingival epithelial attachment SubClassOf part of some gingival epithelium
- gingival epithelial attachment has obo namespace uberon
- gingival epithelial attachment id UBERON:0035149
- gingival epithelial attachment database cross reference http://www.snomedbrowser.com/Codes/Details/85036004
- gingival epithelial attachment SubClassOf located in some gingival groove
- gingival epithelial attachment SubClassOf ectoderm-derived structure
- gingival epithelial attachment SubClassOf anatomical junction
New Class : presumptive axochord
- presumptive axochord has obo namespace uberon
- presumptive axochord SubClassOf part of some embryo
- presumptive axochord id UBERON:0035148
- presumptive axochord definition Contractile mesodermal midline cells in the ventral midline of annelid embryos that give rise to the axochord { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25214631 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/574 , database cross reference=BGEE:AN }
- presumptive axochord EquivalentTo pre-muscle condensation and has potential to develop into some axochord
- presumptive axochord SubClassOf pre-muscle condensation
- presumptive axochord SubClassOf presumptive structure
- presumptive axochord SubClassOf intersects midsagittal plane of some embryo
- presumptive axochord label presumptive axochord
- presumptive axochord SubClassOf has potential to develop into some axochord
- presumptive axochord has exact synonym axochord pre-muscle mass { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- presumptive axochord SubClassOf embryonic tissue
- presumptive axochord SubClassOf develops from some mesoderm
- presumptive axochord SubClassOf mesoderm-derived structure
New Class : preputial space of female
- preputial space of female has obo namespace uberon
- preputial space of female SubClassOf part of some clitoris
- preputial space of female SubClassOf part of some prepuce of clitoris
- preputial space of female EquivalentTo preputial space and part of some clitoris
- preputial space of female id UBERON:0035143
- preputial space of female SubClassOf preputial space
- preputial space of female label preputial space of female
New Class : preputial space of male
- preputial space of male SubClassOf preputial space
- preputial space of male id UBERON:0035142
- preputial space of male SubClassOf part of some prepuce of penis
- preputial space of male has obo namespace uberon
- preputial space of male label preputial space of male
- preputial space of male SubClassOf part of some penis
- preputial space of male database cross reference EMAPA:36342
- preputial space of male EquivalentTo preputial space and part of some penis
New Class : nucleus sacci vasculosi
- nucleus sacci vasculosi label nucleus sacci vasculosi
- nucleus sacci vasculosi has obo namespace uberon
- nucleus sacci vasculosi SubClassOf neural nucleus
- nucleus sacci vasculosi id UBERON:0035145
New Class : preputial space
- preputial space SubClassOf anatomical space
- preputial space label preputial space
- preputial space has obo namespace uberon
- preputial space database cross reference FMA:28606
- preputial space definition space between the prepuce and glans penis or clitoris
- preputial space has exact synonym preputial cavity { database cross reference=FMA:28606 }
- preputial space SubClassOf part of some prepuce
- preputial space id UBERON:0035144
New Class : dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 6
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 6 has related synonym dlPFC6 { has synonym type=abbreviation }
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 6 SubClassOf cortical layer VI
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 6 has related synonym dlPF6 { has synonym type=abbreviation }
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 6 label dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 6
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 6 id UBERON:0035158
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 6 SubClassOf part of some dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 6 EquivalentTo cortical layer VI and part of some dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 6 database cross reference PBA:12990
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 6 database cross reference http://uri.neuinfo.org/nif/nifstd/nlx_156736
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 6 has obo namespace uberon
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 6 definition Innermost layer of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex lying deep to the internal pyramidal cell layer 5. It is cytoarchitectonically defined in the DLPFC by cells of varying sizes. DLPFC layer 6a is characterized by more neurons and layer 6b has comparatively more glia. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_156736 }
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 6 has exact synonym layer VI of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex { database cross reference=PBA:12990 }
New Class : dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 5
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 5 label dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 5
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 5 database cross reference PBA:12989
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 5 has related synonym dlPF5 { has synonym type=abbreviation }
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 5 has obo namespace uberon
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 5 has exact synonym layer V of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex { database cross reference=PBA:12989 }
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 5 SubClassOf cortical layer V
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 5 id UBERON:0035157
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 5 definition Layer 5 of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex lying deep to the internal granule cell layer 4 and cytoarchitectonically divisible into layers 5a and 5b. Layer 5a is characterized by the predominance of large pyramidal cell bodies. Layer 5b is pale in comparison. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_156735 }
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 5 EquivalentTo cortical layer V and part of some dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 5 has related synonym dlPFC5 { has synonym type=abbreviation }
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 5 database cross reference http://uri.neuinfo.org/nif/nifstd/nlx_156735
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 5 SubClassOf part of some dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
New Class : dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 4
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 4 has related synonym dlPF4 { has synonym type=abbreviation }
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 4 label dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 4
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 4 SubClassOf part of some dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 4 has exact synonym granular layer IV of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex { database cross reference=PBA:12988 }
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 4 SubClassOf cortical layer IV
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 4 definition Layer 4 of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex lying deep to the external pyramidal layer and cytoarchitectonically defined by presence of small cells. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_156734 }
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 4 EquivalentTo cortical layer IV and part of some dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 4 id UBERON:0035156
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 4 has related synonym dlPFC4 { has synonym type=abbreviation }
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 4 has obo namespace uberon
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 4 database cross reference PBA:12988
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 4 database cross reference http://uri.neuinfo.org/nif/nifstd/nlx_156734
New Class : dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 3
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 3 has related synonym dlPF3 { has synonym type=abbreviation }
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 3 database cross reference PBA:12987
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 3 has obo namespace uberon
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 3 has related synonym dlPFC3 { has synonym type=abbreviation }
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 3 has exact synonym layer III of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex { database cross reference=PBA:12987 }
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 3 EquivalentTo cortical layer III and part of some dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 3 definition Layer 3 of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex lying deep to the layer 2 and cytoarchitectonically defined by numerous small pyramidal neurons. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_156733 }
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 3 SubClassOf cortical layer III
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 3 SubClassOf part of some dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 3 id UBERON:0035155
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 3 label dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 3
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 3 database cross reference http://uri.neuinfo.org/nif/nifstd/nlx_156733
New Class : dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2 database cross reference http://uri.neuinfo.org/nif/nifstd/nlx_156732
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2 has obo namespace uberon
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2 SubClassOf cortical layer II
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2 label dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2 SubClassOf part of some dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2 has related synonym dlPF2 { has synonym type=abbreviation }
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2 database cross reference PBA:12986
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2 has related synonym dlPFC2 { has synonym type=abbreviation }
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2 has exact synonym layer II of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex { database cross reference=PBA:12986 }
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2 definition Layer 2 of neocortex lying just deep to superficial layer 1 of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_156732 }
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2 id UBERON:0035154
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2 EquivalentTo cortical layer II and part of some dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
New Class : dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 1
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 1 database cross reference http://uri.neuinfo.org/nif/nifstd/nlx_156731
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 1 label dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 1
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 1 definition Most superficial layer of the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (DLPFC). { database cross reference=NIFSTD:nlx_156731 }
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 1 has related synonym dlPF1 { has synonym type=abbreviation }
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 1 EquivalentTo cortical layer I and part of some dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 1 has exact synonym layer I of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 1 has obo namespace uberon
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 1 SubClassOf part of some dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 1 id UBERON:0035153
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 1 has related synonym dlPFC1 { has synonym type=abbreviation }
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 1 SubClassOf cortical layer I
New Class : internal cerebral vein
- internal cerebral vein has related synonym internal cerebral vein { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internal_cerebral_veins }
- internal cerebral vein database cross reference http://www.snomedbrowser.com/Codes/Details/244397006
- internal cerebral vein SubClassOf cerebral vein
- internal cerebral vein database cross reference http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/Internal_Cerebral_Vein
- internal cerebral vein has obo namespace uberon
- internal cerebral vein database cross reference http://linkedlifedata.com/resource/umls/id/C0149579
- internal cerebral vein database cross reference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internal_cerebral_veins
- internal cerebral vein label internal cerebral vein
- internal cerebral vein database cross reference FMA:51003
- internal cerebral vein id UBERON:0035152
- internal cerebral vein definition The internal cerebral veins (veins of Galen; deep cerebral veins) drain the deep parts of the hemisphere and are two in number; each is formed near the interventricular foramen by the union of the terminal and choroid veins. They run backward parallel with one another, between the layers of the tela chorioidea of the third ventricle, and beneath the splenium of the corpus callosum, where they unite to form a short trunk, the great cerebral vein; just before their union each receives the corresponding basal vein. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internal_cerebral_veins }
New Class : dorsal cerebral vein
- dorsal cerebral vein SubClassOf cerebral vein
- dorsal cerebral vein id UBERON:0035151
- dorsal cerebral vein database cross reference MA:0002103
- dorsal cerebral vein has obo namespace uberon
- dorsal cerebral vein label dorsal cerebral vein
New Class : superior cerebral vein
- superior cerebral vein has obo namespace uberon
- superior cerebral vein database cross reference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superior_cerebral_veins
- superior cerebral vein has related synonym superior cerebral vein { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superior_cerebral_veins }
- superior cerebral vein SubClassOf superficial cerebral vein
- superior cerebral vein database cross reference FMA:50978
- superior cerebral vein definition The Superior Cerebral Veins, eight to twelve in number, drain the superior, lateral, and medial surfaces of the hemispheres, and are mainly lodged in the sulci between the gyri, but some run across the gyri. They open into the superior sagittal sinus; the anterior veins runs nearly at right angles to the sinus; the posterior and larger veins are directed obliquely forward and open into the sinus in a direction more or less opposed to the current of the blood contained within it. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superior_cerebral_veins }
- superior cerebral vein id UBERON:0035150
- superior cerebral vein database cross reference http://www.snomedbrowser.com/Codes/Details/244393005
- superior cerebral vein label superior cerebral vein
New Class : interincisive suture
- interincisive suture has obo namespace uberon
- interincisive suture definition median palatine suture of the palatine processes of the maxillary bones, and the median suture of the palatine bones { database cross reference=http://www.avdc.org/Nomenclature.pdf }
- interincisive suture label interincisive suture
- interincisive suture database cross reference FMA:75777
- interincisive suture has exact synonym incisive suture { database cross reference=FMA:75777 }
- interincisive suture database cross reference http://www.snomedbrowser.com/Codes/Details/245781007
- interincisive suture SubClassOf part of some hard palate
- interincisive suture SubClassOf neural crest-derived structure
- interincisive suture id UBERON:0035122
- interincisive suture SubClassOf endoderm-derived structure
- interincisive suture has related synonym midline of hard palate
- interincisive suture SubClassOf suture
- interincisive suture SubClassOf intersects midsagittal plane of some hard palate
New Class : palatomaxillary suture
- palatomaxillary suture external definition The palatomaxillary suture is a suture separating the maxilla from the palatine bone. { source=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palatomaxillary_suture }
- palatomaxillary suture database cross reference FMA:52964
- palatomaxillary suture has obo namespace uberon
- palatomaxillary suture SubClassOf suture
- palatomaxillary suture has exact synonym palatomaxillary suture of skull { database cross reference=FMA:52964 }
- palatomaxillary suture SubClassOf connects some maxilla
- palatomaxillary suture label palatomaxillary suture
- palatomaxillary suture EquivalentTo suture and part of some orbit of skull and connects some palatine bone and connects some maxilla
- palatomaxillary suture id UBERON:0035123
- palatomaxillary suture SubClassOf neural crest-derived structure
- palatomaxillary suture SubClassOf connects some palatine bone
- palatomaxillary suture definition line of union, in the floor of the orbit, between the orbital process of the palatine bone and the orbital surface of the maxilla. { database cross reference=http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/palatomaxillary+suture }
- palatomaxillary suture database cross reference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palatomaxillary_suture
- palatomaxillary suture SubClassOf part of some orbit of skull
New Class : fauces
- fauces SubClassOf endoderm-derived structure
- fauces label fauces
- fauces has obo namespace uberon
- fauces database cross reference http://www.snomedbrowser.com/Codes/Details/361362001
- fauces id UBERON:0035120
- fauces SubClassOf gut wall
- fauces definition lateral walls of the oropharynx that are located medial to the palatoglossal folds { database cross reference=http://www.avdc.org/Nomenclature.pdf }
- fauces SubClassOf part of some oropharynx
- fauces database cross reference FMA:55019
New Class : transverse palatine suture
- transverse palatine suture database cross reference FMA:52971
- transverse palatine suture label transverse palatine suture
- transverse palatine suture id UBERON:0035126
- transverse palatine suture has exact synonym transverse palatine suture of skull { database cross reference=FMA:52971 }
- transverse palatine suture EquivalentTo suture and connects some maxilla and connects some palatine bone horizontal plate
- transverse palatine suture has obo namespace uberon
- transverse palatine suture SubClassOf suture
- transverse palatine suture definition the line of junction between the processes of the maxilla and the horizontal parts of the palatine bones that form the hard palate. { database cross reference=http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/transverse+palatine+suture }
- transverse palatine suture SubClassOf suture of hard palate
- transverse palatine suture SubClassOf connects some palatine bone horizontal plate
- transverse palatine suture SubClassOf connects some maxilla
New Class : suture of hard palate
- suture of hard palate SubClassOf cranial suture
- suture of hard palate SubClassOf neural crest-derived structure
- suture of hard palate has exact synonym palatine suture { database cross reference=http://www.merriam-webster.com/medical/palatine%20suture }
- suture of hard palate label suture of hard palate
- suture of hard palate definition Any of the sutures of the hard palate { database cross reference=http://www.merriam-webster.com/medical/palatine%20suture }
- suture of hard palate EquivalentTo cranial suture and part of some hard palate
- suture of hard palate SubClassOf endoderm-derived structure
- suture of hard palate id UBERON:0035127
- suture of hard palate SubClassOf part of some hard palate
- suture of hard palate has obo namespace uberon
New Class : palatoethmoidal suture
- palatoethmoidal suture has obo namespace uberon
- palatoethmoidal suture database cross reference FMA:52965
- palatoethmoidal suture SubClassOf connects some palatine bone
- palatoethmoidal suture EquivalentTo suture and connects some ethmoid bone and connects some palatine bone
- palatoethmoidal suture SubClassOf suture
- palatoethmoidal suture has exact synonym palato-ethmoidal suture { database cross reference=FMA:52965 }
- palatoethmoidal suture SubClassOf connects some ethmoid bone
- palatoethmoidal suture id UBERON:0035124
- palatoethmoidal suture has exact synonym palatoethmoidal suture of skull { database cross reference=FMA:52965 }
- palatoethmoidal suture definition A line of junction of the orbital process of the palatine bone and the orbital plate of the ethmoid. { database cross reference=http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/palatoethmoidal+suture }
- palatoethmoidal suture label palatoethmoidal suture
New Class : pes cartilage element
- pes cartilage element has obo namespace uberon
- pes cartilage element EquivalentTo autopod endochondral element and part of some pes and composed primarily of some cartilage tissue
- pes cartilage element SubClassOf composed primarily of some cartilage tissue
- pes cartilage element SubClassOf develops from some mesenchyme of footplate
- pes cartilage element id UBERON:0035129
- pes cartilage element SubClassOf hindlimb cartilage element
- pes cartilage element SubClassOf part of some pes
- pes cartilage element has exact synonym foot cartilage condensation { database cross reference=EMAPA:32657 }
- pes cartilage element SubClassOf autopod cartilage
- pes cartilage element database cross reference EMAPA:32657
- pes cartilage element label pes cartilage element
New Class : manus cartilage element
- manus cartilage element has obo namespace uberon
- manus cartilage element SubClassOf forelimb cartilage element
- manus cartilage element SubClassOf composed primarily of some cartilage tissue
- manus cartilage element database cross reference EMAPA:32631
- manus cartilage element has exact synonym hand cartilage condensation { database cross reference=EMAPA:32631 }
- manus cartilage element SubClassOf develops from some mesenchyme of handplate
- manus cartilage element id UBERON:0035128
- manus cartilage element label manus cartilage element
- manus cartilage element EquivalentTo autopod endochondral element and part of some manus and composed primarily of some cartilage tissue
- manus cartilage element SubClassOf part of some manus
- manus cartilage element SubClassOf autopod cartilage
New Class : auditory ossicle endochondral element
- auditory ossicle endochondral element SubClassOf neural crest-derived structure
- auditory ossicle endochondral element label auditory ossicle endochondral element
- auditory ossicle endochondral element has related synonym ossicle element of inner ear
- auditory ossicle endochondral element SubClassOf endoderm-derived structure
- auditory ossicle endochondral element id UBERON:0035130
- auditory ossicle endochondral element has related synonym middle ear skeletal element
- auditory ossicle endochondral element has related synonym ear ossicles element { has synonym type=plural term }
- auditory ossicle endochondral element has related synonym ear ossicle element
- auditory ossicle endochondral element SubClassOf endochondral element
- auditory ossicle endochondral element has exact synonym middle ear ossicle element { database cross reference=MP:0005105 }
- auditory ossicle endochondral element has obo namespace uberon
- auditory ossicle endochondral element SubClassOf part of some middle ear
- auditory ossicle endochondral element has related synonym ossicle element of ear
- auditory ossicle endochondral element SubClassOf part of some splanchnocranium
- auditory ossicle endochondral element has broad synonym ossicle element { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auditory_ossicle , database cross reference=EMAPA:17824 }
- auditory ossicle endochondral element SubClassOf contributes to morphology of some middle ear
- auditory ossicle endochondral element has exact synonym auditory skeletal element
- auditory ossicle endochondral element SubClassOf develops from some cranial neural crest
- auditory ossicle endochondral element has related synonym ossicular chain element { has synonym type=plural term }
New Class : auditory ossicle cartilage element
- auditory ossicle cartilage element EquivalentTo auditory ossicle endochondral element and composed primarily of some cartilage tissue
- auditory ossicle cartilage element SubClassOf composed primarily of some cartilage tissue
- auditory ossicle cartilage element SubClassOf pharyngeal arch cartilage
- auditory ossicle cartilage element has obo namespace uberon
- auditory ossicle cartilage element label auditory ossicle cartilage element
- auditory ossicle cartilage element has exact synonym ossicle cartilage condensation { database cross reference=EMAPA:35979 }
- auditory ossicle cartilage element SubClassOf auditory ossicle endochondral element
- auditory ossicle cartilage element id UBERON:0035131
- auditory ossicle cartilage element database cross reference EMAPA:35979
New Class : auditory ossicle pre-cartilage element
- auditory ossicle pre-cartilage element has exact synonym ossicle pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=EMAPA:35982 }
- auditory ossicle pre-cartilage element label auditory ossicle pre-cartilage element
- auditory ossicle pre-cartilage element id UBERON:0035132
- auditory ossicle pre-cartilage element has obo namespace uberon
- auditory ossicle pre-cartilage element SubClassOf composed primarily of some pre-cartilage condensation
- auditory ossicle pre-cartilage element EquivalentTo auditory ossicle endochondral element and composed primarily of some pre-cartilage condensation
- auditory ossicle pre-cartilage element database cross reference EMAPA:35982
- auditory ossicle pre-cartilage element SubClassOf auditory ossicle endochondral element
New Class : longitudinal arch of pes
- longitudinal arch of pes external ontology notes in FMA this is modeled as an anatomical line, here we model as an actual subdivision of the skeletal system, containing a row of bones as parts, arranged in a particular configuration { external ontology=FMA }
- longitudinal arch of pes has obo namespace uberon
- longitudinal arch of pes id UBERON:0035133
- longitudinal arch of pes label longitudinal arch of pes
- longitudinal arch of pes present in taxon http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCBITaxon_9780 { source=PMC2048995 }
- longitudinal arch of pes database cross reference FMA:75030
- longitudinal arch of pes SubClassOf subdivision of skeletal system
- longitudinal arch of pes SubClassOf part of some pes
- longitudinal arch of pes SubClassOf has part some tarsal skeleton
- longitudinal arch of pes has exact synonym longitudinal arch of foot { database cross reference=FMA:75030 }
- longitudinal arch of pes SubClassOf has part some metatarsus skeleton
- longitudinal arch of pes definition A curved region of the skeleton of the pes (foot) formed by the tarsal and metatarsal bones. { database cross reference=Longitudinal arches }
- longitudinal arch of pes present in taxon http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCBITaxon_9606
New Class : anterior nasal spine of maxilla
- anterior nasal spine of maxilla database cross reference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anterior_nasal_spine
- anterior nasal spine of maxilla database cross reference FMA:75770
- anterior nasal spine of maxilla SubClassOf mixed ectoderm/mesoderm/endoderm-derived structure
- anterior nasal spine of maxilla has obo namespace uberon
- anterior nasal spine of maxilla definition A pointed projection at the front extremity of the intermaxillary suture. { database cross reference=http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/anterior+nasal+spine }
- anterior nasal spine of maxilla label anterior nasal spine of maxilla
- anterior nasal spine of maxilla SubClassOf part of some maxilla
- anterior nasal spine of maxilla SubClassOf neural crest-derived structure
- anterior nasal spine of maxilla has related synonym anterior nasal spine
- anterior nasal spine of maxilla id UBERON:0035139
- anterior nasal spine of maxilla SubClassOf skeletal element projection
New Class : plantar nerve
- plantar nerve SubClassOf branching part of some tibial nerve
- plantar nerve database cross reference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plantar_nerve
- plantar nerve database cross reference http://linkedlifedata.com/resource/umls/id/C0446824
- plantar nerve comment Divided into medial and plantar based on the location of the foot supplied
- plantar nerve id UBERON:0035109
- plantar nerve SubClassOf leg nerve
- plantar nerve has related synonym nerve, plantar
- plantar nerve definition A nerve that innervates the sole of the foot. Planar nerves arise from the posterior branch of the tibial nerve. { database cross reference=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plantar_nerve , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- plantar nerve SubClassOf part of some hindlimb
- plantar nerve SubClassOf innervates some plantar part of pes
- plantar nerve database cross reference https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/16/Gray834.svg/180px-Gray834.svg.png
- plantar nerve database cross reference http://www.snomedbrowser.com/Codes/Details/181074000
- plantar nerve EquivalentTo nerve and innervates some plantar part of pes
- plantar nerve has obo namespace uberon
- plantar nerve label plantar nerve
New Class : mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus, central part
- mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus, central part database cross reference MBA:617
- mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus, central part id UBERON:0035113
- mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus, central part has related synonym MDc { database cross reference=MBA:617 , has synonym type=abbreviation }
- mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus, central part SubClassOf gray matter of diencephalon
- mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus, central part SubClassOf part of some medial dorsal nucleus of thalamus
- mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus, central part has obo namespace uberon
- mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus, central part label mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus, central part
New Class : mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus, lateral part
- mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus, lateral part SubClassOf part of some medial dorsal nucleus of thalamus
- mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus, lateral part has related synonym MDl { database cross reference=MBA:626 , has synonym type=abbreviation }
- mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus, lateral part database cross reference MBA:626
- mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus, lateral part label mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus, lateral part
- mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus, lateral part id UBERON:0035114
- mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus, lateral part has obo namespace uberon
- mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus, lateral part SubClassOf gray matter of diencephalon
New Class : diastema between central incisors
- diastema between central incisors EquivalentTo diastema between incisors and ObjectMinCardinality( adjacent to central incisor tooth ) and ObjectMaxCardinality( adjacent to central incisor tooth )
- diastema between central incisors SubClassOf diastema
- diastema between central incisors has exact synonym interdental space, central incisors
- diastema between central incisors id UBERON:0035115
- diastema between central incisors has obo namespace uberon
- diastema between central incisors label diastema between central incisors
- diastema between central incisors SubClassOf intersects midsagittal plane of some jaw skeleton
- diastema between central incisors definition A space or gap between the left and right central incisors, on either the upper or lower jaw. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- diastema between central incisors has exact synonym midline diastema
New Class : diastema between upper central incisors
- diastema between upper central incisors has exact synonym interdental space between maxillary central incisors
- diastema between upper central incisors SubClassOf intersects midsagittal plane of some skeleton of upper jaw
- diastema between upper central incisors SubClassOf ObjectMinCardinality( adjacent to upper central incisor tooth ) and ObjectMaxCardinality( adjacent to upper central incisor tooth )
- diastema between upper central incisors has exact synonym interdental space, upper central incisors
- diastema between upper central incisors SubClassOf diastema between central incisors
- diastema between upper central incisors has obo namespace uberon
- diastema between upper central incisors definition A space or gap between the left and right central incisors on the upper jaw. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- diastema between upper central incisors SubClassOf part of some upper jaw region
- diastema between upper central incisors id UBERON:0035116
- diastema between upper central incisors EquivalentTo diastema between central incisors and part of some upper jaw region
- diastema between upper central incisors has exact synonym midline maxillary diastema
- diastema between upper central incisors label diastema between upper central incisors
New Class : lateral plantar nerve
- lateral plantar nerve has obo namespace uberon
- lateral plantar nerve database cross reference http://www.snomedbrowser.com/Codes/Details/181083005
- lateral plantar nerve SubClassOf innervates some pedal digit 5
- lateral plantar nerve definition A plantar nerve that supplies the lateral side of the plantar part of the foot, including pedal digit 5. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lateral_plantar_nerve , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- lateral plantar nerve database cross reference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lateral_plantar_nerve
- lateral plantar nerve has exact synonym external plantar nerve { database cross reference=FMA:44724 }
- lateral plantar nerve label lateral plantar nerve
- lateral plantar nerve database cross reference FMA:44724
- lateral plantar nerve SubClassOf plantar nerve
- lateral plantar nerve id UBERON:0035110
- lateral plantar nerve EquivalentTo plantar nerve and innervates some pedal digit 5
- lateral plantar nerve has exact synonym nervus plantaris lateralis { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lateral_plantar_nerve , has synonym type=latin term }
New Class : medial plantar nerve
- medial plantar nerve definition A plantar nerve that supplies the medial side of the plantar part of the foot, including pedal digit 1. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lateral_plantar_nerve , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- medial plantar nerve id UBERON:0035111
- medial plantar nerve database cross reference FMA:44716
- medial plantar nerve EquivalentTo plantar nerve and innervates some pedal digit 1
- medial plantar nerve SubClassOf innervates some pedal digit 1
- medial plantar nerve SubClassOf plantar nerve
- medial plantar nerve has exact synonym internal plantar nerve { database cross reference=FMA:44716 }
- medial plantar nerve label medial plantar nerve
- medial plantar nerve has obo namespace uberon
- medial plantar nerve database cross reference http://www.snomedbrowser.com/Codes/Details/181082000
- medial plantar nerve database cross reference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medial_plantar_nerve
- medial plantar nerve has exact synonym nervus plantaris medialis { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medial_plantar_nerve , has synonym type=latin term }
New Class : intrinsic muscle
- intrinsic muscle label intrinsic muscle
- intrinsic muscle id UBERON:0035112
- intrinsic muscle SubClassOf muscle organ
- intrinsic muscle definition Any of the muscles that are entirely within the body part or segment moved by them. { database cross reference=http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/intrinsic+muscles }
- intrinsic muscle in subset grouping class
- intrinsic muscle has obo namespace uberon
- intrinsic muscle editor note ideally we would like to classify under this class automatically but this is difficult to do without applying external rules. Note that logical definitions that use this class as a genus may not be strictly correct
New Class : material entity in digestive tract
- material entity in digestive tract label material entity in digestive tract
- material entity in digestive tract SubClassOf part of some lumen of digestive tract
- material entity in digestive tract id UBERON:0035118
- material entity in digestive tract has exact synonym digestive tract contents { has synonym type=plural term }
- material entity in digestive tract has related synonym ingested material entity
- material entity in digestive tract definition Any material entity that is located in the digestive tract. This includes undigested food and liquid as well as unexcreted waste products. It also includes other entities such as ingested stones used to aid digestion. Any microbial cells or cell populations are also included. { database cross reference=https://github.com/EnvironmentOntology/envo/issues/110 }
- material entity in digestive tract editor note Note that we treat any material entity that is ingested as an anatomical structure by defintion, although this may be expanding the CARO usage somewhat
- material entity in digestive tract SubClassOf anatomical structure
- material entity in digestive tract has obo namespace uberon
- material entity in digestive tract EquivalentTo anatomical structure and part of some lumen of digestive tract
New Class : diastema between lower central incisors
- diastema between lower central incisors has exact synonym interdental space, lower central incisors
- diastema between lower central incisors definition A space or gap between the left and right central incisors on the lower jaw. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- diastema between lower central incisors id UBERON:0035117
- diastema between lower central incisors has exact synonym midline mandibular diastema
- diastema between lower central incisors SubClassOf intersects midsagittal plane of some skeleton of lower jaw
- diastema between lower central incisors SubClassOf diastema between central incisors
- diastema between lower central incisors label diastema between lower central incisors
- diastema between lower central incisors has exact synonym interdental space between mandibular central incisors
- diastema between lower central incisors EquivalentTo diastema between central incisors and part of some lower jaw region
- diastema between lower central incisors SubClassOf ObjectMinCardinality( adjacent to lower central incisor tooth ) and ObjectMaxCardinality( adjacent to lower central incisor tooth )
- diastema between lower central incisors has obo namespace uberon
- diastema between lower central incisors SubClassOf part of some lower jaw region
New Class : diastema between incisors
- diastema between incisors has obo namespace uberon
- diastema between incisors has exact synonym interdental space, incisors
- diastema between incisors has exact synonym incisor diastema
- diastema between incisors definition A space or gap any two incisors. This may be a midline diastema between central incisors, or a diastema located entirely in a single jaw quadrant between lateral incisors. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- diastema between incisors id UBERON:0035119
- diastema between incisors SubClassOf diastema
- diastema between incisors SubClassOf intersects midsagittal plane of some jaw skeleton
- diastema between incisors label diastema between incisors
- diastema between incisors EquivalentTo diastema and ObjectMinCardinality( adjacent to incisor tooth ) and ObjectMaxCardinality( adjacent to incisor tooth )
Changed Class objects: 299
Changes for: supra-orbital ridge
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: cloacal bursa
- Deleted
- - cloacal bursa SubClassOf organ part
- Added
- + cloacal bursa SubClassOf organ subunit
Changes for: lenticular process of incus bone
- Deleted
- - lenticular process of incus definition The long ventral process of the incus which articulates with the stapes { database cross reference=http://palaeos.com/vertebrates/glossary/glossaryJL.html }
- - lenticular process of incus label lenticular process of incus
- Added
- + lenticular process of incus bone definition The long ventral process of the incus bone which articulates with the stapes { database cross reference=http://palaeos.com/vertebrates/glossary/glossaryJL.html }
- + lenticular process of incus bone has exact synonym lenticular process of incus { database cross reference=FMA:52775 }
- + lenticular process of incus bone label lenticular process of incus bone
Changes for: pre-dentine
- Added
- + pre-dentine database cross reference EMAPA:36439
Changes for: basihyal bone
- Added
- + basihyal bone EquivalentTo basihyal element and composed primarily of some bone tissue
- + basihyal bone SubClassOf composed primarily of some bone tissue
Changes for: basihyal element
- Deleted
- - basihyal element SubClassOf replacement element
- Added
- + basihyal element SubClassOf endochondral element
Changes for: basihyal cartilage
- Added
- + basihyal cartilage EquivalentTo basihyal element and composed primarily of some cartilage tissue
- + basihyal cartilage SubClassOf composed primarily of some cartilage tissue
Changes for: supragenual nucleus of pontine tegmentum
- Deleted
- - supragenual nucleus SubClassOf regional part of brain
- - supragenual nucleus SubClassOf structure with developmental contribution from neural crest
- - supragenual nucleus has related synonym supragenual nucleus { database cross reference=NeuroNames:1981 }
- - supragenual nucleus label supragenual nucleus
- Added
- + supragenual nucleus of pontine tegmentum SubClassOf brainstem nucleus
- + supragenual nucleus of pontine tegmentum SubClassOf hindbrain nucleus
- + supragenual nucleus of pontine tegmentum definition The term supragenual nucleus refers to a group of neurons embedded in the pontine central gray of the pontine tegmentum. Located dorsal to the internal genu of the facial nerve, it is found in the human ( Paxinos-2012 ), the macaque ( Paxinos-2009a ), the rat ( Swanson-2004 ), and the mouse ( Franklin-2008 ). Functionally it is part of the dorsal pontine gray of the subcortical motor system ( Swanson-2004 ) { database cross reference=NeuroNames:1981 }
- + supragenual nucleus of pontine tegmentum has exact synonym supragenual nucleus { database cross reference=NeuroNames:1981 }
- + supragenual nucleus of pontine tegmentum label supragenual nucleus of pontine tegmentum
Changes for: uterine lumen
- Added
- + uterine lumen database cross reference EMAPA:36273
Changes for: epicanthal fold
- Added
- + epicanthal fold database cross reference FMA:59370
- + epicanthal fold has exact synonym medial canthic fold { database cross reference=FMA:59370 }
- + epicanthal fold has exact synonym palpebronasal fold { database cross reference=FMA:59370 }
Changes for: line connecting laterally paired nipples
- Deleted
- - intermammary line definition Line connecting a pair of nipples. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- - intermammary line label intermammary line
- Added
- + line connecting laterally paired nipples definition Line across midline connecting a left and right nipples. { database cross reference=http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 }
- + line connecting laterally paired nipples has exact synonym intermammary line
- + line connecting laterally paired nipples label line connecting laterally paired nipples
- + line connecting laterally paired nipples taxon notes In mammals with multiple pairs of nipples, this line is only applicable for laterally homologous nipples
Changes for: medial subnucleus of solitary tract
- Deleted
- - medial subnucleus of solitary tract has exact synonym medial subnucleus of the solitary tract { database cross reference=NeuroNames:745 }
- Added
- + medial subnucleus of solitary tract has exact synonym medial subnucleus of the solitary tract { database cross reference=NeuroNames:745 }
Changes for: feather follicle placode
- Deleted
- - feather follicle placode EquivalentTo primordium and has potential to develop into some feather follicle
- Added
- + feather follicle placode EquivalentTo ectodermal placode and has potential to develop into some feather follicle
Changes for: non-neurogenic ectodermal placode
- Added
- + non-neurogenic ectodermal placode definition Ectodermal placode that does not develop into a component of the nervous system. { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11523831 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
Changes for: retractor lateralis posterior muscle
- Deleted
- - retractor lateralis posterior muscle has exact synonym M. retractor lateralis posterior { database cross reference=UBERONTEMP:000a0d60-aa06-477d-936c-ba14ac4f0c2d }
- Added
- + retractor lateralis posterior muscle has exact synonym M. retractor lateralis posterior
Changes for: retractor lateralis anterior muscle
- Deleted
- - retractor lateralis anterior muscle has alternative id UBERONTEMP:000a0d60-aa06-477d-936c-ba14ac4f0c2d
- - retractor lateralis anterior muscle has exact synonym M. retractor lateralis anterior { database cross reference=UBERONTEMP:000a0d60-aa06-477d-936c-ba14ac4f0c2d }
- Added
- + retractor lateralis anterior muscle has exact synonym M. retractor lateralis anterior
Changes for: postminimus
- Deleted
- - postminimus SubClassOf autopod cartilage
- - postminimus SubClassOf tarsus endochondral element
Changes for: endothelium of capillary
- Added
- + endothelium of capillary database cross reference EMAPA:36292
Changes for: endothelium of venule
- Added
- + endothelium of venule database cross reference EMAPA:36290
Changes for: endothelium of vein
- Added
- + endothelium of vein database cross reference EMAPA:36288
Changes for: endothelium of arteriole
- Added
- + endothelium of arteriole database cross reference EMAPA:36286
Changes for: terminal bronchiole epithelium
- Added
- + terminal bronchiole epithelium database cross reference EMAPA:36283
Changes for: flexor cruris lateralis muscle
- Deleted
- - flexor cruris lateralis muscle has exact synonym M. flexor cruris lateralis { database cross reference=UBERONTEMP:367dba08-73f2-4ae2-8b00-bd7087482a2d }
- Added
- + flexor cruris lateralis muscle has exact synonym M. flexor cruris lateralis
Changes for: serratus dorsalis muscle
- Added
- + serratus dorsalis muscle database cross reference EMAPA:36269
Changes for: flexor cruris lateralis pars accessoria muscle
- Deleted
- - flexor cruris lateralis pars accessoria muscle has exact synonym M. flexor cruris lateralis pars accessoria { database cross reference=UBERONTEMP:0238a879-c73c-4c7a-953b-9f5cda48db02 }
- - flexor cruris lateralis pars accessoria muscle has exact synonym pars accessoria of M. flexor cruris lateralis { database cross reference=UBERONTEMP:0238a879-c73c-4c7a-953b-9f5cda48db02 }
- Added
- + flexor cruris lateralis pars accessoria muscle has exact synonym M. flexor cruris lateralis pars accessoria
- + flexor cruris lateralis pars accessoria muscle has exact synonym pars accessoria of M. flexor cruris lateralis
Changes for: retractor lateralis muscle
- Deleted
- - retractor lateralis muscle has exact synonym m. retractor lateralis { database cross reference=UBERONTEMP:65267252-c554-4d25-acbb-e1d1a95d1367 }
- Added
- + retractor lateralis muscle has exact synonym m. retractor lateralis
Changes for: internal anal region
- Deleted
- - internal anal region SubClassOf anatomical cluster
- Added
- + internal anal region SubClassOf multi-tissue structure
Changes for: body of mandible
- Deleted
- - body of mandible definition The body of the mandible is curved somewhat like a horseshoe and has two surfaces and two borders. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_of_mandible }
- Added
- + body of mandible definition The zone of the mandible that carries the teeth. { database cross reference=http://www.avdc.org/Nomenclature.pdf }
- + body of mandible has exact synonym corpus mandibulae { database cross reference=http://www.avdc.org/Nomenclature.pdf , has synonym type=latin term }
Changes for: saccus vasculosus
- Deleted
- - saccus vasculosus definition a circumventricular organ of the hypothalamus of many jawed fishes, protruding from the caudal infundibular wall. It is a vascularized neuroepithelium that consists of coronet cells, cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons and supporting cells. { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23820554 , database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/4115676 , database cross reference=GOC:mr }
- Added
- + saccus vasculosus SubClassOf part of some hypothalamus
- + saccus vasculosus definition a circumventricular organ of the hypothalamus of many jawed fishes, protruding from the caudal infundibular wall. It is a vascularized neuroepithelium that consists of coronet cells, cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons and supporting cells. { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23820554 , database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/4115676 , database cross reference=https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/662 , database cross reference=GOC:mr }
- + saccus vasculosus function notes Although its function remains hypothetical, it may contain sensory receptors for depth chemical detection. Other probable functions are osmoregulation ionic transport skeletal growth and tooth regeneration, although other homeostatic functions are not excluded
- + saccus vasculosus function notes response to photoperiodic signals[PMID:23820554]
- + saccus vasculosus function notes seasonal receptor[PMID:23820554]
- + saccus vasculosus present in taxon http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCBITaxon_8022 { source=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/4115676 }
Changes for: pharyngeal bar
- Deleted
- - pharyngeal bar SubClassOf multi-tissue structure
- Added
- + pharyngeal bar SubClassOf digestive system element
- + pharyngeal bar SubClassOf skeletal element
Changes for: external anal region
- Deleted
- - external anal region SubClassOf anatomical cluster
- Added
- + external anal region SubClassOf multi-tissue structure
Changes for: blood vessel internal elastic membrane
- Added
Changes for: nail
- Deleted
- - nail editor note TODO - check claw vs nail. A primate’s nail consists of the unguis alone; the subunguis has disappeared.
- Added
- + nail comment The nails of humans and the claws are moth are highly similar. Both species have a proximal nail fold, cuticle, nail matrix, nail bed, nail plate, and hyponychium. Distinguishing features are the shape of the nail and the presence of an extended hyponychium in the mouse [PMC3579226]
- + nail curator notes Use this class for both the nails of primates and the homologous claws of mammals such as mouse.
- + nail has exact synonym nail/claw { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- + nail taxon notes A primate’s nail consists of the unguis alone; the subunguis has disappeared
Changes for: submandibular gland
- Added
- + submandibular gland has exact synonym mandibular gland { database cross reference=http://www.avdc.org/Nomenclature.pdf }
- + submandibular gland has exact synonym mandibular salivary gland { database cross reference=http://www.avdc.org/Nomenclature.pdf }
- + submandibular gland terminology notes The term submandibular as used in humans, is incorrect due the difference in topography of these structures[http://www.avdc.org]
Changes for: triceps surae
- Added
- + triceps surae database cross reference EMAPA:36267
Changes for: auditory ossicle bone
- Deleted
- - auditory ossicle SubClassOf contributes to morphology of some middle ear
- - auditory ossicle SubClassOf endoderm-derived structure
- - auditory ossicle SubClassOf irregular bone
- - auditory ossicle SubClassOf neural crest-derived structure
- - auditory ossicle label auditory ossicle
- Added
- + auditory ossicle bone EquivalentTo auditory ossicle endochondral element and composed primarily of some bone tissue
- + auditory ossicle bone SubClassOf auditory ossicle endochondral element
- + auditory ossicle bone SubClassOf composed primarily of some bone tissue
- + auditory ossicle bone label auditory ossicle bone
Changes for: ventral wall of dorsal aorta
- Deleted
- - ventral wall of dorsal aorta has exact synonym DA-PCV joint { database cross reference=ZFA:0005028 }
- Added
- + ventral wall of dorsal aorta has exact synonym DA-PCV joint { database cross reference=ZFA:0005028 }
Changes for: magnocellular part of medial dorsal nucleus
- Added
Changes for: bronchial vein
- Added
- + bronchial vein database cross reference EMAPA:36284
Changes for: venous plexus
- Added
- + venous plexus database cross reference EMAPA:36327
Changes for: thymic vein
- Added
- + thymic vein database cross reference EMAPA:36325
Changes for: intrinsic muscle of pes
- Deleted
- - intrinsic muscle of pes SubClassOf muscle of pes
- Added
- + intrinsic muscle of pes EquivalentTo intrinsic muscle and part of some pes
- + intrinsic muscle of pes SubClassOf intrinsic muscle
- + intrinsic muscle of pes SubClassOf part of some pes
- + intrinsic muscle of pes definition Any of the intrinsic muscles of the pes (foot) { database cross reference=http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/intrinsic+muscles }
Changes for: hypothenar muscle
- Deleted
- - hypothenar muscle definition Hypothenar refers to a group of three muscles of the palm that control the motion of the little finger. The three muscles are: Abductor digiti minimi Flexor digiti minimi Opponens digiti minimi { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothenar_eminence }
- Added
- + hypothenar muscle comment The three muscles are: Abductor digiti minimi Flexor digiti minimi Opponens digiti minimi
- + hypothenar muscle definition Any of three muscles of the palm that control the motion of the little finger. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothenar_eminence }
Changes for: thenar muscle
- Added
- + thenar muscle definition Any of the muscles of the thenar eminence, a raised fleshy area on the palm of the hand near the base of the thumb. { database cross reference=http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Thenar+muscle }
Changes for: intrinsic muscle of manus
- Deleted
- - intrinsic muscle of manus SubClassOf muscle of manus
- Added
- + intrinsic muscle of manus EquivalentTo intrinsic muscle and part of some manus
- + intrinsic muscle of manus SubClassOf intrinsic muscle
- + intrinsic muscle of manus SubClassOf part of some manus
- + intrinsic muscle of manus definition Any of the intrinsic muscles of the manus (hand) { database cross reference=http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/intrinsic+muscles }
Changes for: future telencephalon
- Deleted
- - future telencephalon EquivalentTo multi-tissue structure and has potential to develop into some telencephalon
- - future telencephalon SubClassOf ectoderm-derived structure
- - future telencephalon SubClassOf embryonic structure
- - future telencephalon SubClassOf multi-tissue structure
- - future telencephalon SubClassOf structure with developmental contribution from neural crest
- Added
- + future telencephalon EquivalentTo presumptive structure and has potential to develop into some telencephalon
Changes for: vertebral vein
- Added
- + vertebral vein database cross reference EMAPA:36271
Changes for: femur cartilage element
- Added
- + femur cartilage element SubClassOf limb cartilage element
Changes for: prostate bud
- Deleted
- - prostate bud SubClassOf developing epithelial placode
Changes for: future dorsal motor nucleus of vagus
- Deleted
- - future dorsal motor nucleus of vagus EquivalentTo gray matter and has potential to develop into some dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve
- - future dorsal motor nucleus of vagus SubClassOf gray matter
- - future dorsal motor nucleus of vagus SubClassOf neural nucleus
- Added
Changes for: lingual artery
- Added
- + lingual artery database cross reference EMAPA:36324
Changes for: stapes cartilage element
- Deleted
- - stapes cartilage element SubClassOf neural crest-derived structure
- Added
Changes for: malleus cartilage element
- Deleted
- - malleus cartilage element SubClassOf cartilaginous condensation
- - malleus cartilage element SubClassOf mesenchyme derived from neural crest
- - malleus cartilage element SubClassOf pharyngeal arch cartilage
- Added
Changes for: future common hepatic duct
- Deleted
- - future common hepatic duct SubClassOf developing epithelial placode
Changes for: future myelencephalon
- Deleted
- - future myelencephalon EquivalentTo developing anatomical structure and has potential to develop into some myelencephalon
- - future myelencephalon SubClassOf developing anatomical structure
- Added
- + future myelencephalon EquivalentTo presumptive structure and has potential to develop into some myelencephalon
- + future myelencephalon SubClassOf presumptive structure
Changes for: future hindbrain meninx
- Deleted
- - future hindbrain meninges EquivalentTo multi-tissue structure and has potential to develop into some meninx of hindbrain
- - future hindbrain meninges SubClassOf neural tissue
- - future hindbrain meninges SubClassOf regional part of brain
- - future hindbrain meninges label future hindbrain meninges
- Added
- + future hindbrain meninx EquivalentTo presumptive structure and has potential to develop into some meninx of hindbrain
- + future hindbrain meninx SubClassOf ectoderm-derived structure
- + future hindbrain meninx SubClassOf embryonic tissue
- + future hindbrain meninx SubClassOf future meninx
- + future hindbrain meninx has exact synonym future hindbrain meninges { database cross reference=EHDAA2:0000610 }
- + future hindbrain meninx label future hindbrain meninx
Changes for: future metencephalon
- Deleted
- - future metencephalon EquivalentTo developing anatomical structure and has potential to develop into some metencephalon
- - future metencephalon SubClassOf developing anatomical structure
- Added
- + future metencephalon EquivalentTo presumptive structure and has potential to develop into some metencephalon
- + future metencephalon SubClassOf presumptive structure
Changes for: future falx cerebri
- Deleted
- - future falx cerebri EquivalentTo developing anatomical structure and has potential to develop into some falx cerebri
- - future falx cerebri SubClassOf developing anatomical structure
- Added
- + future falx cerebri EquivalentTo presumptive structure and has potential to develop into some falx cerebri
- + future falx cerebri SubClassOf embryonic tissue
- + future falx cerebri SubClassOf presumptive structure
Changes for: medial dorsal nucleus of thalamus
- Deleted
- - medial dorsal nucleus of thalamus database cross reference EMAPA:35544
Changes for: bolus of food
- Added
- + bolus of food SubClassOf part of some lumen of digestive tract
Changes for: ingested food
- Added
- + ingested food SubClassOf part of some lumen of digestive tract
Changes for: diastema
- Deleted
- - diastema definition A space or gap between two teeth. Many species of mammals have diastemata as a normal feature, most commonly between the incisors and molars. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diastema_(dentistry) }
- Added
- + diastema database cross reference MESH:A14.254.333
- + diastema definition A space or gap between two teeth. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diastema_(dentistry) }
- + diastema taxon notes Many species of mammals have diastemata as a normal feature, most commonly between the incisors and molars
Changes for: intergluteal cleft
- Added
- + intergluteal cleft has exact synonym gluteal crease { database cross reference=HPO:pr }
- + intergluteal cleft has exact synonym sacral crease { database cross reference=HPO:pr }
Changes for: post-anal tail bud
- Deleted
- - post-anal tail bud has related synonym tail bud mesenchyme { database cross reference=ZFA:0000077 }
- Added
- + post-anal tail bud has related synonym tail bud mesenchyme { database cross reference=ZFA:0000077 }
Changes for: tunica intima
- Added
- + tunica intima database cross reference EMAPA:36297
Changes for: tunica media
- Added
- + tunica media database cross reference EMAPA:36298
Changes for: median palatine suture
- Deleted
- - median palatine suture SubClassOf cranial suture
- Added
- + median palatine suture EquivalentTo suture of hard palate and ObjectMinCardinality( connects palatine bone ) and ObjectMaxCardinality( connects palatine bone )
- + median palatine suture SubClassOf suture of hard palate
- + median palatine suture definition the line of junction between the horizontal parts of the palatine bones that extends from both sides of the skull to form the posterior part of the hard palate. { database cross reference=http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/median+palatine+suture }
Changes for: skeleton of manus
- Added
- + skeleton of manus database cross reference EMAPA:32643
Changes for: metaphysis
- Deleted
- - metaphysis definition Subdivision of diaphysis which forms the proximal or distal end of diaphysis next to the epiphysis; together with diaphysis proper, it constitutes the diaphysis. Examples: proximal metaphysis of humerus, distal metaphysis of femur.[FMA] { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaphysis , database cross reference=FMA:24014 }
- Added
- + metaphysis definition Zone of long bone that is between the epiphysis and diaphysis. Subdivision of diaphysis which forms the proximal or distal end of diaphysis next to the epiphysis; together with diaphysis proper, it constitutes the diaphysis. Examples: proximal metaphysis of humerus, distal metaphysis of femur.[FMA] { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaphysis , database cross reference=FMA:24014 }
- + metaphysis external definition Subdivision of diaphysis which forms the proximal or distal end of diaphysis next to the epiphysis; together with diaphysis proper, it constitutes the diaphysis. Examples: proximal metaphysis of humerus, distal metaphysis of femur.[FMA] { source=FMA:24014 }
Changes for: left common cardinal vein
- Deleted
- - left common cardinal vein has exact synonym common cardinal vein left { database cross reference=EHDAA2:0000304 }
- Added
- + left common cardinal vein has exact synonym common cardinal vein left { database cross reference=EHDAA2:0000304 }
Changes for: cardiac mesenchyme
- Added
- + cardiac mesenchyme database cross reference EMAPA:36438
- + cardiac mesenchyme has exact synonym heart mesenchyme { database cross reference=EMAPA:36438 }
Changes for: blood vessel elastic tissue
- Added
- + blood vessel elastic tissue database cross reference EMAPA:36300
Changes for: blood vessel layer
- Added
- + blood vessel layer database cross reference EMAPA:36296
Changes for: smegma
- Added
- + smegma SubClassOf located in some preputial space
Changes for: tooth root
- Added
- + tooth root definition The part of a tooth that is implanted in the gum; the root is normally located below the neck of the tooth, covered by cementum rather than enamel, and attached by the periodontal ligament to the alveolar bone { database cross reference=MP:0011165 }
Changes for: interosseous muscle of manus
- Deleted
- - interosseous muscle of manus definition An interosseous muscle that is part of a manus. { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- Added
- + interosseous muscle of manus SubClassOf has muscle insertion some proximal phalanx of manus
- + interosseous muscle of manus SubClassOf has muscle origin some metacarpal bone
- + interosseous muscle of manus definition Any of the interosseous muscles of the manus (hand). This includes the dorsal and plantar interossei { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
Changes for: dorsal interosseous of manus
- Added
- + dorsal interosseous of manus comment Action: abducts medial digits
Changes for: coracoid bone
- Deleted
- - coracoid bone has related synonym metacoracoid { database cross reference=VSAO:0000158 }
- Added
- + coracoid bone has related synonym metacoracoid { database cross reference=VSAO:0000158 }
Changes for: male urethral meatus
- Added
- + male urethral meatus database cross reference EMAPA:36434
- + male urethral meatus has exact synonym urethral meatus of penile urethra { database cross reference=EMAPA:36434 }
- + male urethral meatus has related synonym distal urethral opening of male { database cross reference=EMAPA:36434 }
- + male urethral meatus has related synonym urethral opening of penile urethra { database cross reference=EMAPA:36434 }
Changes for: urethral meatus
- Deleted
- - urethral meatus SubClassOf contributes to morphology of some urethra
Changes for: anal region
- Deleted
- - anal region SubClassOf anatomical cluster
- Added
- + anal region SubClassOf organism subdivision
- + anal region has related synonym posterior
- + anal region has related synonym posterior end of organism
Changes for: rectus femoris
- Added
- + rectus femoris database cross reference EMAPA:36266
Changes for: spongiose part of urethra
- Added
- + spongiose part of urethra database cross reference EMAPA:30944
Changes for: intertarsal sesamoid
- Deleted
- - intertarsal sesamoid SubClassOf mesoderm-derived structure
- Added
- + intertarsal sesamoid SubClassOf hindlimb endochondral element
Changes for: tibia endochondral element
- Added
- + tibia endochondral element SubClassOf limb endochondral element
Changes for: tibiotarsus endochondral element
- Added
Changes for: fibula endochondral element
- Added
- + fibula endochondral element SubClassOf limb endochondral element
Changes for: incus endochondral element
- Deleted
- - incus endochondral element SubClassOf endochondral element
- - incus endochondral element SubClassOf endoderm-derived structure
- - incus endochondral element SubClassOf part of some splanchnocranium
- - incus endochondral element SubClassOf structure with developmental contribution from neural crest
- Added
Changes for: stapes endochondral element
- Deleted
- - stapes endochondral element SubClassOf endochondral element
- - stapes endochondral element SubClassOf endoderm-derived structure
- - stapes endochondral element SubClassOf part of some splanchnocranium
- - stapes endochondral element SubClassOf structure with developmental contribution from neural crest
- Added
Changes for: malleus endochondral element
- Deleted
- - malleus endochondral element SubClassOf endochondral element
- - malleus endochondral element SubClassOf endoderm-derived structure
- - malleus endochondral element SubClassOf part of some splanchnocranium
- - malleus endochondral element SubClassOf structure with developmental contribution from neural crest
- Added
Changes for: hindlimb endochondral element
- Deleted
- - hindlimb endochondral element EquivalentTo endochondral element and part of some hindlimb
- - hindlimb endochondral element SubClassOf limb endochondral element
- Added
- + hindlimb endochondral element EquivalentTo skeletal element and part of some hindlimb
- + hindlimb endochondral element SubClassOf mesoderm-derived structure
- + hindlimb endochondral element SubClassOf skeletal element
Changes for: femur endochondral element
- Added
- + femur endochondral element SubClassOf limb endochondral element
Changes for: lower rhombic lip
- Added
- + lower rhombic lip SubClassOf embryonic structure
Changes for: prostate epithelial cord
- Deleted
- - prostate epithelial cord SubClassOf developing epithelial placode
Changes for: proximal carpal cartilage
- Deleted
- - proximal carpal cartilage SubClassOf forelimb cartilage element
- Added
- + proximal carpal cartilage SubClassOf manus cartilage element
Changes for: proximal carpal bone pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: distal carpal cartilage element
- Deleted
- Added
- + distal carpal cartilage element SubClassOf manus cartilage element
Changes for: distal carpal bone 5 pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: distal carpal bone 5 cartilage
- Deleted
- - distal carpal bone 5 cartilage SubClassOf autopod cartilage
- - distal carpal bone 5 cartilage SubClassOf forelimb cartilage element
- Added
- + distal carpal bone 5 cartilage SubClassOf manus cartilage element
Changes for: distal carpal bone 4 pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: distal carpal bone 4 cartilage
- Deleted
- - distal carpal bone 4 cartilage SubClassOf autopod cartilage
- - distal carpal bone 4 cartilage SubClassOf forelimb cartilage element
- Added
- + distal carpal bone 4 cartilage SubClassOf manus cartilage element
Changes for: distal carpal bone 3 pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: distal carpal bone 1 pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: distal carpal bone 1 cartilage
- Deleted
- - distal carpal bone 1 cartilage SubClassOf autopod cartilage
- - distal carpal bone 1 cartilage SubClassOf forelimb cartilage element
- Added
- + distal carpal bone 1 cartilage SubClassOf manus cartilage element
Changes for: distal carpal bone 2 cartilage
- Deleted
- - distal carpal bone 2 cartilage SubClassOf autopod cartilage
- - distal carpal bone 2 cartilage SubClassOf forelimb cartilage element
- Added
- + distal carpal bone 2 cartilage SubClassOf manus cartilage element
Changes for: proximal tarsal cartilage
- Deleted
- - proximal tarsal cartilage SubClassOf hindlimb cartilage element
- Added
- + proximal tarsal cartilage SubClassOf pes cartilage element
Changes for: proximal tarsal bone pre-cartilage condensation
- Added
Changes for: distal carpal bone 2 pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: distal carpal bone 3 cartilage
- Deleted
- - distal carpal bone 3 cartilage SubClassOf autopod cartilage
- - distal carpal bone 3 cartilage SubClassOf forelimb cartilage element
- Added
- + distal carpal bone 3 cartilage SubClassOf manus cartilage element
Changes for: capillary bed
- Added
- + capillary bed database cross reference EMAPA:36291
Changes for: glomerular capsule
- Deleted
- - glomerular capsule has related synonym bowman’s capsule { database cross reference=TAO:0005254 }
- Added
- + glomerular capsule has related synonym bowman’s capsule { database cross reference=TAO:0005254 }
Changes for: renal corpuscle
- Deleted
- - renal corpuscle SubClassOf multi-tissue structure
- Added
- + renal corpuscle SubClassOf organ subunit
Changes for: distal tarsal bone 3 cartilage
- Deleted
- - distal tarsal bone 3 cartilage SubClassOf autopod cartilage
- - distal tarsal bone 3 cartilage SubClassOf hindlimb cartilage element
- Added
- + distal tarsal bone 3 cartilage SubClassOf pes cartilage element
Changes for: distal tarsal bone 2 pre-cartilage condensation
- Added
Changes for: distal tarsal bone 2 cartilage
- Deleted
- - distal tarsal bone 2 cartilage SubClassOf autopod cartilage
- - distal tarsal bone 2 cartilage SubClassOf hindlimb cartilage element
- Added
- + distal tarsal bone 2 cartilage SubClassOf pes cartilage element
Changes for: distal tarsal bone 1 pre-cartilage condensation
- Added
Changes for: distal tarsal bone 1 cartilage
- Deleted
- - distal tarsal bone 1 cartilage SubClassOf autopod cartilage
- - distal tarsal bone 1 cartilage SubClassOf hindlimb cartilage element
- Added
- + distal tarsal bone 1 cartilage SubClassOf pes cartilage element
Changes for: distal tarsal bone pre-cartilage condensation
- Added
Changes for: distal tarsal cartilage
- Deleted
- - distal tarsal cartilage SubClassOf hindlimb cartilage element
- Added
- + distal tarsal cartilage SubClassOf pes cartilage element
Changes for: distal tarsal bone 5 pre-cartilage condensation
- Added
Changes for: distal tarsal bone 5 cartilage
- Deleted
- - distal tarsal bone 5 cartilage SubClassOf autopod cartilage
- - distal tarsal bone 5 cartilage SubClassOf hindlimb cartilage element
- Added
- + distal tarsal bone 5 cartilage SubClassOf pes cartilage element
Changes for: distal tarsal bone 4 cartilage
- Deleted
- - distal tarsal bone 4 cartilage SubClassOf autopod cartilage
- - distal tarsal bone 4 cartilage SubClassOf hindlimb cartilage element
- Added
- + distal tarsal bone 4 cartilage SubClassOf pes cartilage element
Changes for: distal tarsal bone 4 pre-cartilage condensation
- Added
Changes for: distal tarsal bone 3 pre-cartilage condensation
- Added
Changes for: primitive superior sagittal sinus
- Added
- + primitive superior sagittal sinus SubClassOf develops from some primary head vein
- + primitive superior sagittal sinus comment Editor note: consider merging into developed structure
Changes for: neurogenic placode
- Deleted
- - neurogenic placode definition Cranial placode with neurogenic potential[cjm]. Neurogenic placodes are transient ectodermal thickenings that form at the border of the neural plate and epidermis and give rise to sensory neurons of the cranial ganglia[ZFA]. The neurogenic placodes give rise to parts of various nerves and ganglia, the olfactory organ, parietal eye, parts of the inner ear, and the lateral line. There are 2 major series of neurogenic placodes, the dorsolateral and ventrolateral or epibranchial[PMID] { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neurogenic_placodes , database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11523831 , database cross reference=ZFA:0001309 }
- Added
- + neurogenic placode EquivalentTo ectodermal placode and has potential to develop into some regional part of nervous system
- + neurogenic placode SubClassOf has potential to develop into some regional part of nervous system
- + neurogenic placode SubClassOf presumptive structure
- + neurogenic placode definition Cranial ectodermal placode with potential to develop into a component of the nervous system, such as nerves or ganglia. { database cross reference=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11523831 , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
Changes for: patella pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: pelvic appendage bud mesenchyme
- Deleted
- - pelvic appendage bud mesenchyme database cross reference EMAPA:17255
- Added
- + pelvic appendage bud mesenchyme database cross reference EMAPA:16781
- + pelvic appendage bud mesenchyme has narrow synonym hindlimb bud mesenchyme { database cross reference=EMAPA:16781 , has synonym type=taxonomic disambiguation }
Changes for: pectoral appendage bud mesenchyme
- Deleted
- - pectoral appendage bud mesenchyme database cross reference EMAPA:17244
- Added
- + pectoral appendage bud mesenchyme database cross reference EMAPA:16408
- + pectoral appendage bud mesenchyme has narrow synonym forelimb bud mesenchyme { database cross reference=EMAPA:16408 , has synonym type=taxonomic disambiguation }
Changes for: tarsus pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: primitive nephron
- Deleted
- - primitive nephron SubClassOf developing epithelial placode
- Added
- + primitive nephron has exact synonym future nephron
- + primitive nephron has exact synonym presumptive nephron
Changes for: choroid plexus of third ventricle
- Deleted
- - choroid plexus of third ventricle has exact synonym diencephalic choroid plexus { database cross reference=ZFA:0001444 }
- Added
- + choroid plexus of third ventricle has exact synonym diencephalic choroid plexus { database cross reference=ZFA:0001444 }
Changes for: pedal digit phalanx pre-cartilage condensation
- Added
Changes for: manual digit phalanx pre-cartilage condensation
- Added
Changes for: septohypothalamic nucleus
- Deleted
- Added
- + septohypothalamic nucleus SubClassOf telencephalic nucleus
Changes for: sigmoid colon
- Added
- + sigmoid colon database cross reference EMAPA:36391
Changes for: terminal bronchiole
- Added
- + terminal bronchiole database cross reference EMAPA:36282
Changes for: rostral gyrus
- Deleted
- - rostral gyrus SubClassOf regional part of brain
- - rostral gyrus SubClassOf structure with developmental contribution from neural crest
- Added
- + rostral gyrus SubClassOf gyrus
Changes for: respiratory system
- Deleted
- - respiratory system has related synonym apparatus respiratorius { database cross reference=BTO:0000203 }
- Added
- + respiratory system has related synonym apparatus respiratorius { database cross reference=BTO:0000203 }
Changes for: artery smooth muscle tissue
- Added
- + artery smooth muscle tissue database cross reference EMAPA:36285
Changes for: neural tube
- Deleted
- - neural tube SubClassOf developing epithelial placode
Changes for: incurrent foramen of ectepicondylar foramen
- Deleted
- - incurrent foramen of ectepicondylar formen label incurrent foramen of ectepicondylar formen
- Added
- + incurrent foramen of ectepicondylar foramen label incurrent foramen of ectepicondylar foramen
Changes for: skin of back
- Added
- + skin of back database cross reference EMAPA:36392
Changes for: styliform cartilage
- Deleted
- - styliform cartilage SubClassOf forelimb cartilage element
- Added
- + styliform cartilage SubClassOf cartilage element
- + styliform cartilage SubClassOf mesoderm-derived structure
Changes for: hippocampal formation
- Deleted
- - hippocampal formation has narrow synonym hippocampus { database cross reference=BTO:0000601 , database cross reference=GO:0021766 }
- Added
- + hippocampal formation has narrow synonym hippocampus { database cross reference=BTO:0000601 , database cross reference=GO:0021766 , has synonym type=indicates that a synonym is used in an inconsistent or confusing way, typically between species }
Changes for: pyramidal layer of CA3
- Added
- + pyramidal layer of CA3 database cross reference EMAPA:36448
Changes for: lens fiber
- Deleted
- - lens fiber definition A region of the lens consisting of packed elongated enucleate packed with crystallin { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- Added
- + lens fiber definition A region of the lens consisting of packed elongated enucleate cells packed with crystallin { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
Changes for: otic ganglion
- Added
- + otic ganglion database cross reference EMAPA:36274
Changes for: pterygopalatine ganglion
- Added
- + pterygopalatine ganglion database cross reference EMAPA:36275
Changes for: styloid process of temporal bone
- Added
- + styloid process of temporal bone database cross reference EMAPA:36320
Changes for: cranial muscle
- Deleted
- - cranial muscle has related synonym cranial muscle { database cross reference=ZFA:0001652 }
- Added
- + cranial muscle has related synonym cranial muscle { database cross reference=ZFA:0001652 }
Changes for: Brodmann (1909) area 32
- Added
- + Brodmann (1909) area 32 database cross reference EMAPA:36447
Changes for: extracleithrum
- Deleted
- - extracleithrum definition Narrow bone that lies ventral to the level of insertion fo the pectoral fin and is sutured to the posterior edges of both the clavicle and cleithrum. Based on Forey 1998.
- - extracleithrum has obo namespace none
- Added
- + extracleithrum definition Narrow bone that lies ventral to the level of insertion of the pectoral fin and is sutured to the posterior edges of both the clavicle and cleithrum. Based on Forey 1998.
- + extracleithrum has obo namespace uberon/phenoscape-anatomy
Changes for: myocardium
- Deleted
- - myocardium has related synonym heart muscle { database cross reference=ZFA:0001319 }
- Added
- + myocardium has related synonym heart muscle { database cross reference=ZFA:0001319 }
Changes for: nail of pedal digit
- Added
- + nail of pedal digit database cross reference EMAPA:36457
- + nail of pedal digit has exact synonym nail of pes
- + nail of pedal digit has narrow synonym hindlimb claw { database cross reference=EMAPA:36457 , has synonym type=taxonomic disambiguation }
Changes for: raphe of scrotum
- Deleted
- - raphe of scrotum comment Development notes: The scrotal raphe is formed when the embryonic, urethral groove closes (week 12 in humans)
- Added
- + raphe of scrotum development notes The scrotal raphe is formed when the embryonic, urethral groove closes (week 12 in humans)
Changes for: extraembryonic coelom
- Deleted
- - extraembryonic coelom has related synonym exocoelomic cavity { database cross reference=VHOG:0001671 }
- Added
- + extraembryonic coelom has related synonym exocoelomic cavity { database cross reference=VHOG:0001671 }
Changes for: parvocellular layer of dorsal nucleus of lateral geniculate body
- Deleted
- - parvocellular layer of dorsal nucleus of lateral geniculate body has broad synonym strata parvocellularia
- Added
- + parvocellular layer of dorsal nucleus of lateral geniculate body has broad synonym strata parvocellularia
Changes for: magnocellular layer of dorsal nucleus of lateral geniculate body
- Deleted
- - magnocellular layer of dorsal nucleus of lateral geniculate body has broad synonym strata magnocellularia
- - magnocellular layer of dorsal nucleus of lateral geniculate body has exact synonym lateral geniculate nucleus magnocellular layer
- Added
- + magnocellular layer of dorsal nucleus of lateral geniculate body has broad synonym strata magnocellularia
- + magnocellular layer of dorsal nucleus of lateral geniculate body has exact synonym lateral geniculate nucleus magnocellular layer
Changes for: incus cartilage element
- Deleted
- - incus cartilage element SubClassOf cartilaginous condensation
- - incus cartilage element SubClassOf pharyngeal arch cartilage
- Added
Changes for: egg yolk
- Added
- + egg yolk function notes nutrient store
Changes for: obsolete dorsal cerebral vein
- Deleted
- - dorsal cerebral vein SubClassOf cerebral vein
- - dorsal cerebral vein database cross reference FMA:50978
- - dorsal cerebral vein database cross reference MA:0002103
- - dorsal cerebral vein database cross reference http://www.snomedbrowser.com/Codes/Details/244393005
- - dorsal cerebral vein has exact synonym superior cerebral vein { database cross reference=FMA:50978 }
- - dorsal cerebral vein label dorsal cerebral vein
- Added
- + obsolete dorsal cerebral vein deprecated true
- + obsolete dorsal cerebral vein label obsolete dorsal cerebral vein
Changes for: future diencephalon
- Deleted
- - future diencephalon EquivalentTo multi-tissue structure and has potential to develop into some diencephalon
- - future diencephalon SubClassOf ectoderm-derived structure
- - future diencephalon SubClassOf embryonic structure
- - future diencephalon SubClassOf multi-tissue structure
- Added
- + future diencephalon EquivalentTo presumptive structure and has potential to develop into some diencephalon
Changes for: rhombic lip
- Added
- + rhombic lip SubClassOf presumptive structure
Changes for: carpus pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: incus pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: humerus pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: renal medulla collecting duct
- Deleted
- - renal medulla collecting duct EquivalentTo collecting duct of renal tubule and part of some renal medulla
- - renal medulla collecting duct SubClassOf collecting duct of renal tubule
- - renal medulla collecting duct definition A collecting duct of renal tubule that is part of a renal medulla [Automatically generated definition]. { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- Added
- + renal medulla collecting duct EquivalentTo subdivision of tube and part of some renal medulla and part of some collecting duct of renal tubule
- + renal medulla collecting duct SubClassOf part of some collecting duct of renal tubule
- + renal medulla collecting duct SubClassOf subdivision of tube
- + renal medulla collecting duct definition The portion of the collecting duct that resides in the renal medulla { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
Changes for: femur pre-cartilage condensation
- Added
Changes for: malleus pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: radius-ulna pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: tooth enamel organ
- Deleted
- - tooth enamel organ editor note some sources treat the dental organ as epithelium - we treat it as the mereological sum of dentail epithelium plus dental papilla (consistent with treatment in many AOs), but this may be { source=WP }
- Added
- + tooth enamel organ SubClassOf has part some dental epithelium
- + tooth enamel organ SubClassOf has part some odontogenic papilla
- + tooth enamel organ editor note some sources treat the dental organ as epithelium - we treat it as the mereological sum of dental epithelium plus dental papilla (consistent with treatment in many AOs), but this may be { source=WP }
Changes for: stapes pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- - stapes pre-cartilage condensation SubClassOf developing mesenchymal structure
- - stapes pre-cartilage condensation SubClassOf mesenchyme derived from head neural crest
- - stapes pre-cartilage condensation SubClassOf mesenchyme of middle ear
- - stapes pre-cartilage condensation SubClassOf pre-cartilage condensation
- Added
Changes for: metanephric cortical collecting duct
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: tunica media of artery
- Added
- + tunica media of artery database cross reference EMAPA:36294
Changes for: presumptive paraxial mesoderm
- Added
- + presumptive paraxial mesoderm has exact synonym future paraxial mesoderm
Changes for: presumptive atrioventricular canal
- Added
- + presumptive atrioventricular canal has exact synonym future AV canal
- + presumptive atrioventricular canal has exact synonym future atrioventricular canal
Changes for: presumptive midbrain hindbrain boundary
- Added
- + presumptive midbrain hindbrain boundary EquivalentTo presumptive structure and has potential to develop into some midbrain-hindbrain boundary
- + presumptive midbrain hindbrain boundary SubClassOf has potential to develop into some midbrain-hindbrain boundary
- + presumptive midbrain hindbrain boundary SubClassOf presumptive structure
Changes for: tunica media of vein
- Added
- + tunica media of vein database cross reference EMAPA:36309
Changes for: tunica intima of vein
- Added
- + tunica intima of vein database cross reference EMAPA:36308
Changes for: tunica adventitia of vein
- Added
- + tunica adventitia of vein database cross reference EMAPA:36310
Changes for: tunica adventitia of artery
- Added
- + tunica adventitia of artery database cross reference EMAPA:36295
Changes for: embryonic cement gland
- Deleted
- - embryonic cement gland has broad synonym cement gland { database cross reference=XAO:0000033 }
- Added
- + embryonic cement gland has broad synonym cement gland { database cross reference=XAO:0000033 }
Changes for: tooth placode
- Added
- + tooth placode has exact synonym dental anlage
- + tooth placode has exact synonym tooth anlage { database cross reference=MP:0000117 }
- + tooth placode has exact synonym tooth primordium { database cross reference=MP:0000117 }
Changes for: metanephric ureteric bud
- Deleted
- - metanephric ureteric bud SubClassOf developing epithelial placode
Changes for: ureter ureteric bud
- Deleted
- - ureter ureteric bud SubClassOf developing epithelial placode
Changes for: hindbrain-spinal cord boundary
- Added
- + hindbrain-spinal cord boundary has exact synonym hindbrain-spinal cord boundary region
Changes for: forebrain-midbrain boundary
- Added
- + forebrain-midbrain boundary database cross reference EMAPA:36449
- + forebrain-midbrain boundary has exact synonym forebrain-midbrain boundary region { database cross reference=EMAPA:36449 }
Changes for: tailgut
- Added
- + tailgut database cross reference EMAPA:36331
Changes for: podocyte slit junction
- Deleted
- - podocyte slit junction SubClassOf mesoderm-derived structure
Changes for: podocyte slit diaphragm
- Deleted
- - podocyte slit diaphragm SubClassOf mesoderm-derived structure
Changes for: ganglionic eminence
- Deleted
- - ganglionic eminence definition The transient proliferative population of neurons that expands exponentially during late prenatal development; it is a continuous germinal zone distinct from the ventricular zone that surrounds the brain ventricles[MP]. The eminences are found in the ventral part of the telencephalon, where they form bulges in the ventricles. These bulges develop into the basal ganglia.[1] They also contribute significantly in building up the GABAergic cortical cell population[WP]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ganglionic_eminence , database cross reference=MP:0004274 }
- Added
- + ganglionic eminence comment Development notes: contributes significantly in building up the GABAergic cortical cell population[WP]
- + ganglionic eminence definition The transient proliferative population of neurons that expands exponentially during late prenatal development; it is a continuous germinal zone distinct from the ventricular zone that surrounds the brain ventricles[MP]. { database cross reference=MP:0004274 }
Changes for: alveolar ridge
- Added
- + alveolar ridge has exact synonym margo alveolaris { has synonym type=latin term }
Changes for: interosseous muscle of pes
- Deleted
- - interosseous muscle of pes definition An interosseous muscle that is part of a pes. { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- Added
- + interosseous muscle of pes SubClassOf has muscle insertion some proximal phalanx of pes
- + interosseous muscle of pes SubClassOf has muscle origin some metatarsal bone
- + interosseous muscle of pes definition Any of the interosseous muscles of the pes (foot). Includes the plantar and dorsal interossei. { database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
Changes for: dorsal pes interosseous muscle
- Deleted
- - dorsal pes interosseous muscle SubClassOf has muscle insertion some proximal phalanx
- - dorsal pes interosseous muscle SubClassOf has muscle origin some metatarsus region
- - dorsal pes interosseous muscle definition In human anatomy, the dorsal interossei of the foot are four muscles situated between the metatarsal bones. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorsal_interossei_of_the_foot }
- - dorsal pes interosseous muscle has exact synonym dorsal foot interosseus muscle { database cross reference=MA:0002303 }
- Added
- + dorsal pes interosseous muscle SubClassOf innervated by some plantar nerve
- + dorsal pes interosseous muscle comment Action: abducts toes
- + dorsal pes interosseous muscle definition the most superior muscles in the sole of the foot that abduct the second to fourth toes. These four muscles also act through the dorsal expansions to resist extension of the metatarsophalangeal joints and flexion of the interphalangeal joints. { database cross reference=http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Dorsal+interossei+of+the+foot }
- + dorsal pes interosseous muscle has exact synonym dorsal foot interosseus muscle { database cross reference=MA:0002303 , has synonym type=preferred term when talking about an instance of this class in Homo sapiens }
Changes for: arteriole smooth muscle
- Added
- + arteriole smooth muscle database cross reference EMAPA:36287
Changes for: lymphatic vessel smooth muscle
- Added
- + lymphatic vessel smooth muscle database cross reference EMAPA:36313
Changes for: skin of body
- Deleted
- - skin of body SubClassOf has part some zone of skin
- Added
- + skin of body SubClassOf composed primarily of some zone of skin
- + skin of body has exact synonym skin organ
- + skin of body has related synonym entire integument
- + skin of body has related synonym integumental organ
Changes for: outer medullary collecting duct
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: cortical collecting duct
- Deleted
- - cortical collecting duct EquivalentTo collecting duct of renal tubule and part of some cortex of kidney
- - cortical collecting duct SubClassOf collecting duct of renal tubule
- Added
- + cortical collecting duct EquivalentTo subdivision of tube and part of some cortex of kidney and part of some collecting duct of renal tubule
- + cortical collecting duct SubClassOf part of some collecting duct of renal tubule
- + cortical collecting duct SubClassOf subdivision of tube
Changes for: inner medullary collecting duct
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: renal vesicle
- Deleted
- - renal vesicle SubClassOf developing epithelial placode
Changes for: presumptive gut
- Deleted
- - primitive gut SubClassOf embryonic structure
- - primitive gut label primitive gut
- Added
- + presumptive gut EquivalentTo presumptive structure and has potential to develop into some digestive tract
- + presumptive gut has exact synonym primitive gut
- + presumptive gut label presumptive gut
Changes for: narwhal tusk
- Added
- + narwhal tusk comment Typically the left incisor with the right vestigial, but some males have two tusks
Changes for: distal early tubule
- Deleted
- - distal early tubule has exact synonym IT2 { database cross reference=XAO:0000287 , has synonym type=abbreviation }
- Added
- + distal early tubule has exact synonym IT2 { database cross reference=XAO:0000287 , has synonym type=abbreviation }
Changes for: submandibular ganglion
- Added
- + submandibular ganglion database cross reference EMAPA:36276
Changes for: striated muscle tissue
- Deleted
- - striated muscle tissue definition Tissue which consists of striated muscle fibers surrounded by endomysium. Examples: Skeletal muscle tissue, Cardiac muscle tissue[FMA]. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Striated_muscle , database cross reference=FMA:67905 }
- Added
- + striated muscle tissue database cross reference EMAPA:36390
- + striated muscle tissue definition Muscle tissue that contains fibers that are divided by transverse bands into striations. { database cross reference=CL:0000737 , database cross reference=GOC:dph , database cross reference=GOC:mtg_muscle }
Changes for: root of molar tooth
- Deleted
- - root of molar tooth has exact synonym molar root { database cross reference=FMA:85302 }
- Added
- + root of molar tooth has exact synonym molar root { database cross reference=MP:0011166 }
Changes for: Descemet’s membrane
- Deleted
- - Descemet’s membrane has exact synonym posterior limiting lamina { database cross reference=MA:0001246 }
- - Descemet’s membrane has exact synonym posterior limiting lamina of cornea { database cross reference=FMA:58309 }
Changes for: cauda epididymis
- Deleted
- - cauda epididymis has exact synonym tail of epididymis { database cross reference=FMA:18261 }
- - cauda epididymis has exact synonym tail of epidymis
- Added
- + cauda epididymis has exact synonym tail of epidymis
Changes for: pharyngeal arch artery
- Deleted
- - pharyngeal arch artery has exact synonym branchial aortic arches { database cross reference=ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080512-6 , has synonym type=plural term }
- Added
- + pharyngeal arch artery has exact synonym branchial aortic arches { database cross reference=ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080512-6 , has synonym type=plural term }
Changes for: corpus epididymis
- Deleted
- - corpus epididymis has exact synonym body of epididymis { database cross reference=FMA:18260 }
- - corpus epididymis has exact synonym body of epidymis
- Added
- + corpus epididymis has exact synonym body of epidymis
Changes for: caput epididymis
- Deleted
- - caput epididymis has exact synonym head of epidymis
- Added
- + caput epididymis has exact synonym head of epidymis
Changes for: podocyte foot process
- Deleted
- - podocyte foot process SubClassOf mesoderm-derived structure
Changes for: interphalangeal joint of manus
- Added
- + interphalangeal joint of manus database cross reference EMAPA:36336
Changes for: interphalangeal joint of pes
- Added
- + interphalangeal joint of pes database cross reference EMAPA:36337
- + interphalangeal joint of pes has exact synonym hindlimb digit inter-phalangeal joint { database cross reference=EMAPA:36337 }
Changes for: lobe of lung
- Added
- + lobe of lung database cross reference EMAPA:36281
Changes for: transverse foramen
- Added
- + transverse foramen database cross reference EMAPA:36272
Changes for: cloaca
- Deleted
- - cloaca SubClassOf multi-tissue structure
- Added
- + cloaca SubClassOf subdivision of tube
Changes for: orifice
- Deleted
- - orifice has exact synonym anatomical ostium { database cross reference=FMA:3724 }
- Added
- + orifice has broad synonym anatomical ostium { database cross reference=FMA:3724 }
- + orifice has broad synonym ostium
Changes for: gingival groove
- Deleted
- - gingival groove EquivalentTo anatomical line and adjacent to some calcareous tooth and adjacent to some gingiva
- - gingival groove SubClassOf anatomical line
- Added
- + gingival groove EquivalentTo sulcus and adjacent to some calcareous tooth and adjacent to some gingiva
- + gingival groove SubClassOf sulcus
- + gingival groove has exact synonym tooth-gingiva interface
Changes for: future nervous system
- Deleted
- - future nervous system EquivalentTo developing anatomical structure and has potential to develop into some nervous system
- Added
- + future nervous system EquivalentTo presumptive structure and has potential to develop into some nervous system
Changes for: future central nervous system
- Deleted
- Added
- + future central nervous system EquivalentTo presumptive structure and has potential to develop into some central nervous system
Changes for: pelvic appendage bud ectoderm
- Deleted
- - pelvic appendage bud ectoderm database cross reference EMAPA:17254
- Added
- + pelvic appendage bud ectoderm database cross reference EMAPA:16780
- + pelvic appendage bud ectoderm has narrow synonym hindlimb bud ectoderm { database cross reference=EMAPA:16780 , has synonym type=taxonomic disambiguation }
Changes for: pectoral appendage bud ectoderm
- Deleted
- - pectoral appendage bud ectoderm database cross reference EMAPA:17243
- Added
- + pectoral appendage bud ectoderm database cross reference EMAPA:16407
- + pectoral appendage bud ectoderm has narrow synonym forelimb bud ectoderm { database cross reference=EMAPA:16407 , has synonym type=taxonomic disambiguation }
Changes for: epaxial musculature
- Deleted
- - epaxial musclulature label epaxial musclulature
- Added
- + epaxial musculature label epaxial musculature
Changes for: hypaxial musculature
- Deleted
- - hypaxial musclulature label hypaxial musclulature
- Added
- + hypaxial musculature label hypaxial musculature
Changes for: mesoderm blood island
- Deleted
- - mesoderm blood island SubClassOf developing epithelial placode
Changes for: future meninx
- Added
- + future meninx EquivalentTo presumptive structure and has potential to develop into some meninx
Changes for: anterior lateral line system
- Deleted
- - anterior lateral line system has obo namespace uberon/phenoscape-anatomy
- Added
Changes for: presumptive mesencephalic artery
- Deleted
- - primitive mesencephalic artery label primitive mesencephalic artery
- Added
- + presumptive mesencephalic artery EquivalentTo artery and has potential to develop into some mesencephalic artery
- + presumptive mesencephalic artery SubClassOf has potential to develop into some mesencephalic artery
- + presumptive mesencephalic artery has exact synonym primitive mesencephalic artery { database cross reference=ZFA:0001062 }
- + presumptive mesencephalic artery label presumptive mesencephalic artery
Changes for: hypochord
- Deleted
- - hypochord SubClassOf endoderm-derived structure
Changes for: ear vesicle
- Deleted
- - ear vesicle SubClassOf developing epithelial placode
Changes for: olfactory placode
- Deleted
- - olfactory placode SubClassOf presumptive structure
Changes for: epibranchial placode
- Deleted
- - epibranchial placode SubClassOf presumptive structure
Changes for: eye primordium
- Deleted
- - eye primordium SubClassOf developing epithelial placode
- Added
- + eye primordium SubClassOf primordium
- + eye primordium SubClassOf unilaminar epithelium
Changes for: neural plate
- Deleted
- - neural plate SubClassOf developing epithelial placode
Changes for: developing epithelial placode
- Deleted
- - developing epithelial placode EquivalentTo epithelium and has potential to develop into some anatomical structure
- Added
- + developing epithelial placode EquivalentTo simple columnar epithelium and has potential to develop into some anatomical structure
Changes for: submocosal esophageal gland
- Deleted
- - submocosal esophageal gland has exact synonym esophageal gland { database cross reference=FMA:9404 }
- Added
- + submocosal esophageal gland has exact synonym esophageal gland { database cross reference=FMA:9404 }
Changes for: scrotum skin
- Added
- + scrotum skin database cross reference EMAPA:36411
Changes for: blood vessel external elastic membrane
- Added
Changes for: forelimb bone
- Deleted
- - forelimb bone EquivalentTo limb bone and part of some forelimb
- - forelimb bone SubClassOf part of some forelimb skeleton
- - forelimb bone SubClassOf part of some forelimb
- Added
- + forelimb bone EquivalentTo forelimb endochondral element and composed primarily of some bone tissue
- + forelimb bone SubClassOf composed primarily of some bone tissue
Changes for: ansiform lobule crus I
- Deleted
- - ansiform lobule crus I has exact synonym superior semilunar lobule { database cross reference=FMA:72524 }
Changes for: urinary bladder muscularis mucosa
- Deleted
- - urinary bladder muscularis mucosa has broad synonym muscularis mucosa of bladder { database cross reference=EMAPA:28619 }
- - urinary bladder muscularis mucosa has exact synonym muscularis mucosa of urinary bladder { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
- Added
- + urinary bladder muscularis mucosa has broad synonym muscularis mucosa of bladder { database cross reference=EMAPA:28619 }
- + urinary bladder muscularis mucosa has exact synonym muscularis mucosa of urinary bladder { database cross reference=OBOL:automatic }
Changes for: manus bone
- Deleted
- - manus bone database cross reference EMAPA:32643
Changes for: ejaculatory duct epithelium
- Added
- + ejaculatory duct epithelium database cross reference EMAPA:29786
Changes for: jejunal mucosa
- Deleted
- - jejunal mucosa has alternative id UBERON:0003349
Changes for: lens nucleus
- Deleted
- - lens nucleus editor note needs checked; cf nucleus in GO
Changes for: tunica intima of artery
- Added
- + tunica intima of artery database cross reference EMAPA:36293
Changes for: visual cortex
- Added
- + visual cortex database cross reference EMAPA:36446
Changes for: tunica adventitia of blood vessel
- Added
- + tunica adventitia of blood vessel database cross reference EMAPA:36299
Changes for: major vestibular gland
- Added
- + major vestibular gland database cross reference EMAPA:36429
Changes for: presumptive enteric nervous system
- Added
- + presumptive enteric nervous system EquivalentTo presumptive structure and has potential to develop into some enteric nervous system
- + presumptive enteric nervous system SubClassOf has potential to develop into some enteric nervous system
- + presumptive enteric nervous system has exact synonym future enteric nervous system
Changes for: manual digit phalanx cartilage element
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: pedal digit metatarsal pre-cartilage condensation
- Added
Changes for: pedal digit phalanx cartilage element
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: manual digit metacarpus cartilage element
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: manual digit metacarpus pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: pedal digit metatarsal cartilage element
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: vitelline vein
- Deleted
- - vitelline vein database cross reference EMAPA:16244
- - vitelline vein database cross reference EMAPA:16379
- - vitelline vein database cross reference EMAPA:26151
- Added
- + vitelline vein database cross reference EMAPA:36021
Changes for: female urethral meatus
- Added
- + female urethral meatus database cross reference EMAPA:36453
- + female urethral meatus has exact synonym urethral meatus of clitoral urethra { database cross reference=EMAPA:36453 }
- + female urethral meatus has related synonym distal urethral opening of female { database cross reference=EMAPA:36453 }
- + female urethral meatus has related synonym urethral opening of clitoral urethra { database cross reference=EMAPA:36453 }
Changes for: presumptive hypochord
- Deleted
- - presumptive hypochord SubClassOf part of some endoderm
- - presumptive hypochord comment Unlike in frogs and axolotl, the hypochord does not appear to be endodermally derived[ZFA]
- Added
- + presumptive hypochord EquivalentTo presumptive structure and has potential to develop into some hypochord
- + presumptive hypochord comment Taxon notes: Unlike in frogs and axolotl, the hypochord does not appear to be endodermally derived[ZFA]
- + presumptive hypochord has exact synonym future hypochord
Changes for: presumptive structure
- Added
- + presumptive structure has exact synonym future structure
Changes for: presumptive blood
- Deleted
- - presumptive blood has related synonym future blood
- Added
- + presumptive blood EquivalentTo presumptive structure and has potential to develop into some blood
- + presumptive blood has exact synonym future blood
Changes for: palmar interosseous muscle of manus
- Deleted
- - palmar hand interosseous muscle SubClassOf has muscle insertion some proximal phalanx
- - palmar hand interosseous muscle SubClassOf has muscle origin some metacarpus skeleton
- - palmar hand interosseous muscle definition The palmar interossei (interossei volares) are small muscles in the hand that lie on the anterior aspect of the metacarpals. They are smaller than the dorsal interossei of the hand, which lie between the metacarpals { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palmar_interossei_muscles }
- - palmar hand interosseous muscle label palmar hand interosseous muscle
- Added
- + palmar interosseous muscle of manus SubClassOf innervated by some ulnar nerve
- + palmar interosseous muscle of manus definition Any of three muscles, the first with its origin from the second metacarpal, and the second and the third with origin from the fourth and fifth metacarpals; the first with insertion into the index finger, and the second and the third with insertion into the ring and little fingers; with nerve supply from the ulnar nerve, and whose action adducts the fingers toward the axis of the middle finger. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palmar_interossei_muscles }
- + palmar interosseous muscle of manus has exact synonym palmar hand interosseus muscle { database cross reference=MA:0002315 , has synonym type=preferred term when talking about an instance of this class in Homo sapiens }
- + palmar interosseous muscle of manus label palmar interosseous muscle of manus
Changes for: plantar interosseous muscle of pes
- Deleted
- - plantar foot interosseous muscle SubClassOf has muscle insertion some proximal phalanx
- - plantar foot interosseous muscle SubClassOf has muscle origin some metatarsus region
- - plantar foot interosseous muscle definition The plantar interossei, three in number, lie beneath rather than between the metatarsal bones, and each is connected with but one metatarsal bone. They arise from the bases and medial sides of the bodies of the third, fourth, and fifth metatarsal bones, and are inserted into the medial sides of the bases of the first phalanges of the same toes, and into the aponeuroses of the tendons of the Extensor digitorum longus. { database cross reference=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plantar_interossei_muscles }
- - plantar foot interosseous muscle label plantar foot interosseous muscle
- Added
- + plantar interosseous muscle of pes SubClassOf innervated by some plantar nerve
- + plantar interosseous muscle of pes definition Any of three muscles with origin from the third, fourth, and fifth metatarsal bones, with insertion to the proximal phalanx of the same toes, with nerve supply from the lateral plantar nerve, and whose action adducts the three lateral toes. { database cross reference=http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/plantar+interosseous+muscle }
- + plantar interosseous muscle of pes has exact synonym plantar foot interosseus muscle { database cross reference=MA:0002304 , has synonym type=preferred term when talking about an instance of this class in Homo sapiens }
- + plantar interosseous muscle of pes label plantar interosseous muscle of pes
Changes for: interosseous muscle of autopod
- Deleted
- - interosseous muscle has exact synonym interosseus muscle { database cross reference=MA:0002302 }
- - interosseous muscle label interosseous muscle
- Added
- + interosseous muscle of autopod SubClassOf has muscle insertion some proximal phalanx
- + interosseous muscle of autopod SubClassOf has muscle origin some metapodium bone
- + interosseous muscle of autopod database cross reference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interossei
- + interosseous muscle of autopod definition Any of the muscles of the autopod region that lie between metacarpal or metatarsal bones. { database cross reference=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interossei , database cross reference=UBERON:cjm }
- + interosseous muscle of autopod has exact synonym interosseus muscle
- + interosseous muscle of autopod label interosseous muscle of autopod
Changes for: presumptive neural retina
- Added
- + presumptive neural retina EquivalentTo presumptive structure and has potential to develop into some retinal neural layer
- + presumptive neural retina SubClassOf has potential to develop into some retinal neural layer
- + presumptive neural retina has exact synonym future neural retina
- + presumptive neural retina has exact synonym future retinal neural layer
- + presumptive neural retina has related synonym future NR
Changes for: presumptive retinal pigmented epithelium
- Added
- + presumptive retinal pigmented epithelium EquivalentTo presumptive structure and has potential to develop into some pigmented layer of retina
- + presumptive retinal pigmented epithelium SubClassOf has potential to develop into some pigmented layer of retina
- + presumptive retinal pigmented epithelium has exact synonym future RPE
- + presumptive retinal pigmented epithelium has exact synonym future retinal pigmented epithelium
Changes for: raphe of perineum
- Deleted
- - raphe of perineum comment Development notes: It is the result of a fetal developmental phenomenon whereby the scrotum (the developmental equivalent of the labia in females) and penis close toward the midline and fuse. The resulting ridge of tissue is evident as the perineal raphe
- Added
- + raphe of perineum development notes It is the result of a fetal developmental phenomenon whereby the scrotum (the developmental equivalent of the labia in females) and penis close toward the midline and fuse. The resulting ridge of tissue is evident as the perineal raphe
Changes for: paraflocculus
- Deleted
- - paraflocculus has exact synonym parafloccular lobule of cerebellum { database cross reference=ISBN10:0123813611 }
- - paraflocculus has exact synonym paraflocculus of cerebellum { database cross reference=FMA:83885 }
- Added
- + paraflocculus has exact synonym parafloccular lobule of cerebellum { database cross reference=ISBN10:0123813611 }
Changes for: cortical layer VI
- Deleted
- - cortical layer VI has exact synonym cerebral cortex, layer 6 { database cross reference=ABA:CTX6 }
- Added
- + cortical layer VI has exact synonym cerebral cortex, layer 6 { database cross reference=ABA:CTX6 }
Changes for: tibiotarsus pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: tarsometatarsus cartilage element
- Deleted
- - tarsometatarsus cartilage element SubClassOf autopod cartilage
- - tarsometatarsus cartilage element SubClassOf hindlimb cartilage element
- Added
- + tarsometatarsus cartilage element SubClassOf pes cartilage element
Changes for: tibiotarsus cartilage element
- Added
- + tibiotarsus cartilage element SubClassOf limb cartilage element
Changes for: tarsometatarsus pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: interrenal primordium
- Deleted
- - interrenal primordium SubClassOf embryonic structure
- - interrenal primordium SubClassOf mesoderm-derived structure
- - interrenal primordium SubClassOf multi-tissue structure
Changes for: chorion-containing eggshell
- Added
- + chorion-containing eggshell EquivalentTo eggshell and has part some egg chorion
Changes for: transverse tarsal joint
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: fibula pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: fibula cartilage element
- Added
- + fibula cartilage element SubClassOf limb cartilage element
Changes for: tibia pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: hindlimb pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- - hindlimb bone pre-cartilage condensation EquivalentTo pre-cartilage condensation and part of some hindlimb
- - hindlimb bone pre-cartilage condensation SubClassOf hindlimb mesenchyme
- - hindlimb bone pre-cartilage condensation SubClassOf part of some hindlimb skeleton
- - hindlimb bone pre-cartilage condensation SubClassOf part of some hindlimb
- - hindlimb bone pre-cartilage condensation SubClassOf pre-cartilage condensation
- - hindlimb bone pre-cartilage condensation label hindlimb bone pre-cartilage condensation
- Added
- + hindlimb pre-cartilage condensation EquivalentTo hindlimb endochondral element and composed primarily of some pre-cartilage condensation
- + hindlimb pre-cartilage condensation SubClassOf composed primarily of some pre-cartilage condensation
- + hindlimb pre-cartilage condensation database cross reference EMAPA:32638
- + hindlimb pre-cartilage condensation has exact synonym hindlimb pre-cartilage condensation { database cross reference=EMAPA:32638 }
- + hindlimb pre-cartilage condensation label hindlimb pre-cartilage condensation
Changes for: hindlimb cartilage element
- Deleted
- - hindlimb cartilage element EquivalentTo cartilage element and part of some hindlimb
- - hindlimb cartilage element SubClassOf limb cartilage element
- - hindlimb cartilage element SubClassOf part of some hindlimb skeleton
- - hindlimb cartilage element SubClassOf part of some hindlimb
- Added
- + hindlimb cartilage element EquivalentTo hindlimb endochondral element and composed primarily of some cartilage tissue
- + hindlimb cartilage element SubClassOf cartilage element
- + hindlimb cartilage element SubClassOf composed primarily of some cartilage tissue
- + hindlimb cartilage element database cross reference EMAPA:32632
- + hindlimb cartilage element has exact synonym hindlimb cartilage condensation { database cross reference=EMAPA:32632 }
Changes for: forelimb bone pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- - forelimb bone pre-cartilage condensation EquivalentTo pre-cartilage condensation and part of some forelimb
- - forelimb bone pre-cartilage condensation SubClassOf forelimb mesenchyme
- - forelimb bone pre-cartilage condensation SubClassOf part of some forelimb skeleton
- - forelimb bone pre-cartilage condensation SubClassOf part of some forelimb
- - forelimb bone pre-cartilage condensation SubClassOf pre-cartilage condensation
- Added
- + forelimb bone pre-cartilage condensation EquivalentTo forelimb endochondral element and composed primarily of some pre-cartilage condensation
- + forelimb bone pre-cartilage condensation SubClassOf composed primarily of some pre-cartilage condensation
- + forelimb bone pre-cartilage condensation SubClassOf limb bone pre-cartilage condensation
- + forelimb bone pre-cartilage condensation database cross reference EMAPA:32625
Changes for: forelimb cartilage element
- Deleted
- - forelimb cartilage element EquivalentTo cartilage element and part of some forelimb
- - forelimb cartilage element SubClassOf part of some forelimb skeleton
- - forelimb cartilage element SubClassOf part of some forelimb
- Added
- + forelimb cartilage element EquivalentTo forelimb endochondral element and composed primarily of some cartilage tissue
- + forelimb cartilage element SubClassOf composed primarily of some cartilage tissue
- + forelimb cartilage element database cross reference EMAPA:32626
Changes for: tibia cartilage element
- Added
- + tibia cartilage element SubClassOf limb cartilage element
Changes for: calcaneum cartilage element
- Deleted
- - calcaneum cartilage element SubClassOf autopod cartilage
- - calcaneum cartilage element SubClassOf hindlimb cartilage element
- Added
- + calcaneum cartilage element SubClassOf pes cartilage element
Changes for: radius pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: ulna pre-cartilage condensation
- Deleted
- Added
Changes for: cardial valve
- Deleted
- - cardial valve has related synonym heart valve { database cross reference=XAO:0004126 }
- Added
- + cardial valve has related synonym heart valve { database cross reference=XAO:0004126 }
Changes for: ventral nerve cord
- Deleted
- - ventral nerve cord comment The ventral nerve cords make up the nervous system of some phyla of the invertebrates, particularly within the nematodes, annelids and the arthropods. It usually consists of cerebral ganglia anteriorly with the nerve cords running down the ventral (‘belly’, as opposed to back) plane of the organism. This characteristic is important in qualifying the difference compared to the chordates, which have a dorsal nerve cord. Ventral nerve cords from anterior to posterior (the thoracic and abdominal tagma in the arthropods) are made up of segmented ganglia that are connected by a tract of nerve fibers passing from one side to the other of the nerve cord called commissures. The complete system bears some likeness to a rope ladder. In some animals the bilateral ganglia are fused into a single large ganglion per segment. This characteristic is found mostly in the insects.
- Added
- + ventral nerve cord external definition A cluster of neurons that extends posteriorly from the embryonic and larval brain and is surrounded by a connective tissue sheath. { source=FBbt:00001102 }
- + ventral nerve cord taxon notes The ventral nerve cords make up the nervous system of some phyla of the invertebrates, particularly within the nematodes, annelids and the arthropods. It usually consists of cerebral ganglia anteriorly with the nerve cords running down the ventral (‘belly’, as opposed to back) plane of the organism. This characteristic is important in qualifying the difference compared to the chordates, which have a dorsal nerve cord. Ventral nerve cords from anterior to posterior (the thoracic and abdominal tagma in the arthropods) are made up of segmented ganglia that are connected by a tract of nerve fibers passing from one side to the other of the nerve cord called commissures. The complete system bears some likeness to a rope ladder. In some animals the bilateral ganglia are fused into a single large ganglion per segment. This characteristic is found mostly in the insects.
Changes for: stomodeum
- Deleted
- - stomodeum SubClassOf multi-tissue structure
- Added
- + stomodeum SubClassOf subdivision of tube
Changes for: calcaneum pre-cartilage condensation
- Added
Changes for: cerebral cortex
- Added
- + cerebral cortex curator notes We follow NIFSTD in defining cerebral cortex and including both neocortex and hippocampal formation (DG+hippocampus).
Changes for: pterygoid muscle
- Deleted
- - pterygoid muscle comment Taxon notes: We use this class to group the medial and lateral pterygoids of mammals as well as the pterygoideus of amphibians and reptiles. Note that FEED includes a distinct class for the reptilian pterygoideus. In future, this branch of the ontology may be refined to include a more complete classification of jaw adductors across gnathostomes. See for example http://dx.doi.org/10.1134/S1062359010090050
- Added
- + pterygoid muscle taxon notes We use this class to group the medial and lateral pterygoids of mammals as well as the pterygoideus of amphibians and reptiles. Note that FEED includes a distinct class for the reptilian pterygoideus. In future, this branch of the ontology may be refined to include a more complete classification of jaw adductors across gnathostomes. See for example http://dx.doi.org/10.1134/S1062359010090050
Changes for: lateral pterygoid muscle
- Deleted
- - lateral pterygoid muscle comment Action notes: only masticatory muscle that depresses mandible (opens jaw)
- Added
- + lateral pterygoid muscle actions notes only masticatory muscle that depresses mandible (opens jaw)
Changes for: chyme
- Added
- + chyme SubClassOf part of some lumen of digestive tract
Changes for: chyle
- Added
- + chyle SubClassOf part of some lumen of digestive tract
Report for properties
ObjectProperty objects lost from source: 0
ObjectProperty objects new in target: 0
Changed ObjectProperty objects: 0
April 23, 2015
Comments Section
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